xt7nzs2k9k0b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9k0b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-09-29 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 29, 1987 1987 1987-09-29 2020 true xt7nzs2k9k0b section xt7nzs2k9k0b  





Pictures of war depicted in modern art.
For the story, SEE PAGE 3.





UK team plays without fans.
For the story, SEE PAGE 2.



Today: 50% chance of rain
Tomorrow: Sunny



Kentucky Kerne

Vol, XCl. No. 32

Established 1894

University oi Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky


Hung up

i . fl
‘v (iv-Io- "3 x
P’ . V ‘


g», » .


Michael Garrison, a computer science junior,
hangs up the net for the UK soccer team be-

fore practice yesterday afternoon. The team
practices near the Maxwell H. Gluck building,

“ARK ZEIOF’ Kernel Staff



Man dies in fall from stadium

Staff Writer

A M-yearcld man fell to his death
yesterday morning off the top walk-
way at UK Commonwealth Stadium,
according to UK police.

UK Police Chief W.H. McComas
said that Michael Richie of Paris,
died of massive head injuries in the
fall, which McComas said was a sui-

Richie, an employee of Gainesway

Farm of Lexington, was not affil-
iated with UK.

Details were sketchy, but McCo-
mas said that Richie apparently
dropped somewhere between 51 and
75 feet off a walkway on the west
side of the stadium.

The scene was witnessed by two
UK Physical Plant workers, both of
whom were unidentified, he said.

Workers said they saw Richie
climb a fence to get into the stadi-
um, but thought he was an employee

taking a shortcut since the stadi-
um’s gates had opened at 7:30 that
morning, McCornassaid.

The workers called the police
shortly after 8:15 am, which was
ruled the time of death. Both UK
and Lexington police arrived on the
scene about 10 minutes later. McCo-
mas said.

The Fayette County Coroner's of-
fice. which is handling the investiga-
tion, will release further details

Cable television will carry debates

Associated Press

FRANKFORT _, After weeks of
negotiations, the first of two debates
between the gubernatorial candi-
dates had but one hurdle remaining
on Monday — whether the partici-
pants would sit or stand.

“If it has to be half sit and half
stand, we’re not going to cancel be-
cause of that,“ said Danny Briscoe,
Democratic Party chairman and
campaign chairman for Wallace

Wilkinson and Republican John
Harper will square off Sunday night
in Owensboro for a one-hour debate.
The second meeting will be in Rich-
mond on Oct. 19.

Despite earlier fears that. the
Owensboro event would go virtually
unnoticed because of problems ar-
ranging television coverage, the
Kentucky Cable Television Associa-
tion rode to the rescue and will tele-
vise the event live beginning at 7

Patsy Judd, executive director of
the association, said she expects


Due to a reporter‘s error, the
article about the SAB satellite
program about AIDS in the Sept.
24 Kernel contained some incor-
rect information.

The 25-minute film, “The AIDS
Movie," will not be shown during
the satellite program. The movie
will be shown during a residence



hall presentation on sex educa-


Due to a editor's error. the arti-
cle about campus bars in yester-
day's Kernel contained some in-
correct information. The
Kentucky Supreme Court ruling
was established because of a 1983
civil lawsuit in the city of Gray-



cable systems that reach 85 percent
of Kentucky households to carry the
debate. She added that anyone who
has a satellite dish will also be able
to watch.

Barbara Cambron of the League
of Women Voters. which is sponsor-
ing the debates, said she believes it
is the first time such an arrange-
ment has been made with cable tele-
vision operators.

The subject of television was one
of the major hangups in the negotia-

“Harper did not want to have it in
an area in which TV was not avail-

See SENATE, Page 6

independent since 1 971

Tuesday. September 29. 1987

Council holds hearing

to gather student input

Executive Editor

ASHLAND, Ky. — After hearings
at UK and Western Kentucky Uni-
versity last week, members of the
Council on Higher Education proba-
bly had a good idea about how a pro-
posed mid—year tuition increase
would affect students at the state‘s
larger universities.

Yesterday, though, council mem-
bers got a somewhat smaller per-

More than 100 students and rep-
resentatives of eastern Kentucky
community colleges and from More—
head State University gathered at
Ashland Community College to ex-
press their opposition to a proposed
tuition hike next semester.

The tuition-increase proposal is in
response to a projected $9.4 million

shortfall in funding for higher idu
cation. The council is onsidering
raising tuition next semester to off
set projected budget cuts

The council is also considering a
change in the way tuition is set. Cur—
rently, tuition is set by the council
biennally and determined after ex-
amining the state‘s per capita in-
come and tuition at benchmark in-

Yesterday‘s hearing in Ashland
was the last of three hearings de-
signed to gather input about the

Charles Wethington, chancellor for
the community college system, said
there was a direct correlation be-
tween tuition rates and enrollment

Wethington said a recently com-
pleted study in Virginia showed an
actual tuition decrease was directly

related to an enrollment increase in

To suddenly raise tuition in Ken—
tucky. Wethington said, would be
“detrimental" to student access to

Students participating in the hear-
ing agreed.

CJ. Murray. a student govern-
ment representative from Ashland
(‘ommunity College. said that stu-
dents in the community college sys—
tem would be hit hard by a tuition
increase because many students

Murray said most ol these stu-
dents "don't have any extra dol»
lars.“ The CHE. he said. is trying to
get all the projected shortfall back
in one shot. but is doing so at stu-
dents‘ expense. “It‘s not the stu»
dents' fault.” he said.

sec III.-\Rl\(.. lam.- <

Pharmacy student elected to post

Contributing Writer

When Carol Giltner, a UK phar-
macy student, left for Chicago last
March to attend her first national
meeting of the Academy of Students
of Pharmacy, she had not held a
leadership position beyond the local
UK chapter.

She came back to Lexington as the
chairman-elect of the only national
student pharmacy organization, with
14,000 members from 74 colleges in
the United States.

Giltner said she went to the na-
tional meeting intending to run for
an at-large position. However. after
talking to Joseph Fink, Giltner's ad-
viser and a past president of the or-
ganization, she decided to run.

She had just finished her term as
president of Kappa Kappa Gamma
sorority she wanted to keep busy.

"After I got there, I decided to
switch and run off the floor,“ she
said. “It's very unusual to be elect-
ed without having held a national
position before."

Using a pamphlet with a racing
program format and a lot of long
hours introducing herself to people,
the fourth-year pharmacy student
from Shelbyville was able to do the
unusual and capture the post.

As chairmanelect, Giltner is in-
volved with the academy"s policy.
publications. awards and education
functions. In October. she will host
mid-year meetings in Laramie.
Wyo., and St. Louis. She will also
prepare summaries of chapter re-
ports to help decide who will receive
the Chapter Achievement Award.
The award was won by the UK chap
ter last year.

Giltner will also be chairman at

next March‘s national meeting in At»
lanta. As chairman. she will run
quarterly executive committee
meetings in Washington I).(‘ and
will be responSible for keeping phar<
macy students interested in the
American Pharmeceutical Associa-

Surveys show that pharmacists
rank second to ministers in public
trim. Giltner said 'l‘hcrctorc. she
said public relations as an important
part of her job

The academy's purpose is to edu-
cate not only its members. but the
public as well. Giltner said

After finishing her duties as chair-
man of the academy. Giltner hopes
to get her doctorate and then go on
to work for a major pharmeceutical
company's marketing division, like
Parke-Davis where she interned at
two years ago.

Sexual awareness line formed

Staff Writer

UK students can ask everything
they always wanted to know about
sex. but were afraid to ask, thanks
to a sexual awareness hotline pro-
vided by the Lexington Planned Par-
enthood Center.

Implemented in May. the "be
S.U.R.E" hotline is a 24-hour service
that provides information about sex-
ual issues. Volunteers provide infor-
mation and referral services for
people having questions ranging
from fears about acquired immune
deficiency syndrome and social dis-
eases, to birth control, personal and
interpersonal sexual problems and

Started with the help of a grant
provided by the Lexington-Fayette
Urban County Government, Flamed
Parenthood officials hope the confi~
dentiality of the be SURE hotline
will appeal to people wishing to find
help but afraid to seek it because of

“A lot of things people ask are
things they would be too embarrass-
ed to look at their physician and
ask," said Peggy Morris, Planned
Parenthood director of education
and coordinator of the hotline.

Although the service handles
many questions, Morris said the ma-
jority have been relating to sexual
disfunctions, personal problems, so
cial diseases and AIDS, an affliction
in which a virus attacks the body‘s
immune system. leaving victims
susceptible to a wide variety of in-
fections and cancers.

Volunteers question callers only


Pat Davis, assistant director for Planned Parenthood. and Jan Har-

man take calls for the “be S U RE."
about their problems and sex.
Names and ages are not asked.

“It's totally anonymous and c0nfi~
dential,“ Morris said. “Nobody is
ever identified and no one ever has
to identify themselves.“

The hotline is operated by an an-
swering service which forwards the
call a volunteer. Callers may re-
quest a specific listener they have
talked with previously, but are not
allowed to call them at home.

The hotline is open to anyone. Be-
cause of Kentucky's high teen-age

sexual awareness hotline

pregnancy rate. many of the callers
are in their early teens. Morris said.
Most callers are between ages 13 to

“If there is anything I would like
to stress . is that we are here for
education and referral.” Morris
said. “If there is something that you
have heard and want to know if it is
true then you can find out lfrom

One of the problems that troubles
the be SURE. hotline is lack of

Senate to debate arms control and gulf policy

Associated Press

WASHINGTON -— The Senate will
try this week to resolve major fights
over nuclear arms control and Pres-
ident Reagan‘s Persian Gulf policy
as it works toward completion of a
Pentagon spending plan for the fis-
cal year that begins Thursday.

“We‘ve still got a couple of big

hurdles to get over," said Sen. Sam
Nunn, D-Ga., chairman of the
Armed Services Committee, after a
rare Saturday session called to deal
with some of the minor amendments
on the $302 billion bill.

The Senate‘s effort to write a de-
fense bill will dominate a congres-
sional agenda that also includes the
Senate Judiciary Committee's con-
tinued hearings into Robert Bork's

nomination to the Supreme Court.
The Home will consider legislation
extending the law that authorizes
special prosecutors.

The Democratic-controlled Senate
spent the past two weeks plowing
through the Pentagon budget bill,
which serves annually as a vehicle
to debate and decide a wide variety
of national security and foreign poli-

As it returns this week. the cham-
ber still has 33 amendments to de-
cide. including 36 relatively minor
measures that are scheduled to be
handled Monday and Tuesday.

That will leave the two big fights
over Demcratic-backed amend-
ments strongly opposed by Reagan.

One proposal would require con-
tinued U.S. adherence to the 1979

See DEBATE. Page 6


 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday, September 29. 1 987


Soccer club plays for kicks, not fame

Staff Writer

It can be tough on the home team
if nobody knows who they are or
where they play.

lmagine if only a handful of peo-
ple showed up to this week‘s UK-
0hio University football game. It
just wouldn‘t be the same game
without the fans supporting the

But for the UK soccer team. that‘s
not the case. They're happy if any-
one shows up. You can usually count
the number of fans on the sidelines
with two hands.

“And those are the parents." ju-
nior transfer student Mike Garrison

UK will play four home soccer
dates this season. compared to 12 on
the road. The team's record is 5-1
and those five wins came in succes-

But there are still no fans in the

“It just seems like nobody cares."
L'K coach (‘hris Millard said. “It's
hard to gain pride knowing the Uni
versity doesn‘t care.‘

Kentucky‘s varsity soccer team
was demoted to a club sport about
nine years ago.

"It really hasn‘t been the same
since." said Millard. who is in his
first year as coach.

There are very important differ-
ences betueen club sports and varsi»
I\ sports \Iillard said \ou just
lose so many priveleges as a club

Because club sports receive so
little money. the members must pay
for everything themselves.

To play their first game at ()hio
State. the soccer players had to
travel four hours in their own cars
up to Columbus. Ohio. They suffered
their first and only loss of the year
to the Buckeyes by a margin of 34).

After the game the team had to







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UK freshman soccer player Danny Crump takes a
shot on goal at a practice session yesterday. The
UK soccer team will play Asbury College on Oct.

turn around and drive back to Lex-
ington because it didn’t have the
funds for lodging.

“That wouldn‘t have been so
bad.“ Garrison said. “but a lot of
the players had to get up and go to
class the next day."

Despite the adversity surrounding
the team. the players have respond-
ed well. Their biggest problems are
not with the team. Millard said.

”There is so much interest around
the state iin socceri it just doesn‘t
make sense not to have a varsity
team." player Steve Campbell said.

-.x .4") la?“ «wk

“I‘m used to playing in front of

The lack of fans and University
funding has not deterred people
from joining the team however.
Anyone is allowed to try out to for
the team. but due to lack of uni-
forms the team is cut to 25.

"We don‘t give scholarships." Mil-
lard said. "The players are here be«
cause they want to play. We don't
want a whole lot. It only takes about
$5.000 to run a successful program. “

The Athletic Department allocates






I : Roya 'y voting Will occur at var ous campus locations

4K "munsnag. OCTOBER 1

PARADE AND WILDCAT ROAR BLUE/WHITE DAY! The parade erI begin at 7:30
o '11 across from Memoria Col seurn and go through campus and arrive at hie s ‘adiuni
where the pep rally wrli occur, The Roar will feature the "YELL LIKE HELL" contest as
well as a (351W Coach Claiborne and the CATS and the cheerleaders Will be


' f
.f Wednesday, September 30
‘ Appearing ot Breeding’s

[3 in Lexington

:gBe there. or mlsso great time


H ill] I\' SHURE


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“What I’m doing here is
talking about (Vietnam)
because I don't speak
well. Sol have put my

thoughts up on a wall."
Carleton Wing,

prevalence of Vietnam in movies.
music and literature.

“If people get together. especially
in the arts, and can reach another
group of people. perhaps those num-
bers will grow." Wing said. “And
maybe people will have second
thoughts about war."

Although he has sold his art in the
past, Wing doesn't plan to sell any
pieces from this exhibit anytime
soon because he wants to continue
adding toit.

“I‘m not motivated by money." he
said. “I think rather than sell them
right away. I‘d like to figure out
where I‘m going with it.

“And. for the most part. these

things aren‘t something people
would put on their living room
wall. "

The Singletary Center for the Arts opens its
1987-88 Univeristy Artist Series tonight with the

Staff Writer

The Singletary Center for the Arts
will open its 198788 University Art-
ist Series tonight with a sold-out per-
formance by the Royal Philharmon-
ic of London conducted by world-
acclaimed composer and pianist
Andre Previn.

Previn. who is also music director
of the Los Angeles Philharmonic.
also appears regularly with the
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and
the Berlin Philharmonic orchestra,
as well as performing as a pianist
with the Los Angeles Philharmonic
Chamber Music Society.

Previn has also established hint-
self as a composer. recording artist.
television personality and author.


General and others.

When‘ Wed. New! 31?. 8 p m
thcm ()[il Him/nu Student t ‘i ”It"
l-‘liimisyion: Lu!


Toyota presents "Sat on Campus."


College Satellite Network takes a look under the covers to find out how .
changing attitudes and contern over AIDS have affected the student body s
sex life. Voice your views in an interactive. livc-via-satellitc panel discussron
with celebrities and experts including actress Alexandra Paul
(Dragnet, American Flyers). Dr. (I. Everett lioop. l' S Surgeon








The Soa box

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on the Viewpoint Page.

.  ' a








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kick off ’87-’88 Artist Series



Andre Previn.



TTThe Royal Philharmonic of
London. conducted by Andre
Previn. will be in concert to-
night at 8 in the Concert Hall
of the Singletary Center for
the Arts. The concert is sold




The orchestra is currently in
volved in its eighth tour of the Unit-
ed States, and first one under the
conduction of Previn.

Philharmonic of

London conducted by

The program consists pl‘illlill'll) ot
Lu Mer. Three Symphonic Sketches
by ('laudc Debussy and "Symphony
No It) in E Minor. Hp err ' bf. linii
tri Shostakovtch

"This will be an outstanding l'ttll
cert and a great on) to stun lilt' si-
rtes." said Nanci l'ngei'. itii‘i-i‘toi' ot
the Public Arts Program

“We couldn‘t do much better than
Andre Pre\'in and thi- Royal l’liil
harmonic." she said "We're just
sorry we couldn't tit-cornixtuti- m
eryonc "

There have been about 1.4.34: llt‘k
ets sold, with seats added wherever
possible within fire regulations



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 6 — Kentucky Kernel. Tuesday. September 29. 1087



Burden of accidents
lies with drinkers,
not the bartenders

The Kentucky Supreme Court ruled Thursday that bar-
tenders and bar owners are liable for the actions of people
who leave their establishment intoxicated.

This ruling leaves them wide open for people to sue if
an intoxicated customer left their bar after drinking and
killed someone.

To hold bartenders and owners liable for their custom-
ers‘ actions outside the bar is as unfair as it is impractical.

When people reach their zlst birthday, state law
accords them the legal right to drink. This means that at
this point in their lives. the law deems them responsible
enough to drink sensibly. It doesn‘t say they can now drink
with supervision.

But holding those who sell the drink liable would re-
quire just that —— supervision.

To defend themselves, bartenders would have to give
customers a sobriety test every time they bought a drink.
They would have to find out every person who would be
drinking out of a pitcher, and then determine if those peo-
ple are drunk also.

They would have to patrol the bars to ensure that no-
body was getting drunk. And then they would have to stand

by the door to make sure nobody left drunk.

That is impossible. And very subjective.

No bartender is physically capable of making hundreds
of snap decisions on any given night.

And that‘s what each decision would be. It's impossible
to determine if someone is drunk without giving them a

breathalyzer or a blood test.

To single out bartenders for this job is merely shifting
the burden of responsible drinking away from the people

who drink.

The blame — and the payment — for accidents should

lie with those who commit them.

Homecoming activities
planned for students;
participation required

Homecoming activities planned for this week are for the

entire student body.

The Wildcat Roar. scheduled for Thursday night, is an
important part of those activities.
UK students are often criticized for their lack of support

at football games.

The Roar is an excellent opportunities for UK students
to prove their critics wrong and show they have some “Big
Blue" spirit. There is no game; there is no elaborate enter-
tainment. jus