xt7nzs2k9j8g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9j8g/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-12-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 03, 1985 1985 1985-12-03 2020 true xt7nzs2k9j8g section xt7nzs2k9j8g l y i
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Vol. XC. No. 40 Establish-d1.” . ' Umvorsity at Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent ulna I971 Tuesday, December 3' 1985 , _ '
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,. .. . sraeli remier sa 5
t »’ a 1“,.“ I u vi“ . . -. . “Q . '. ' __ ‘,iv 7“?! {$12. M’.§(;s‘ h\‘. ‘l, i I.
.- 833‘ '1? ””3- ‘“- z. 53:5??33 5'." "3 .— ' 7v. . ' . '-
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. . Q :2" .2--;_ , V 1 “71". “3‘6 #9 alias; apology lifts threat ‘ ’ "if
. (ét ’ - 3.5;; - ,_- . q “ l 7 i é\ ., . ,l‘lv.‘ .
- . '7)“. "‘-~ f z-.‘- i " '.
.j \ '~'. ,7 . '1..:_‘. v I. a“ . "."“;!':‘I1“~fi'" _ ‘ \fi . ,- y ,‘ $33!; from S l . ., ‘_ 1:; .1:
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' _ 5"" ill {I/ . 3, a s 1i *1" “1-3:: . o ._ :.,; 1359i"?
4 ' ,‘ fl- _ ' ' e ' .3; 13% ‘9’ ‘ By .ii.i.vx r‘isiirzit —-—-————‘_ “f it
. \ ,, ._ _ _. .. . ) y» t . t', 5 .4.
7 w i '1“ T. ' ,' I; 7‘ t . ' ’ W 3"; ””0””th “l think that it you ., l- “.5
7 c . I l . , it,” Ivy-5,. JERL'SALEM Prime Minister make a mistake the fill;
.4 - “37‘n-‘él‘. p. -. «~—-—'-—.'_.~ . . -~ - . . Shimon Peres said yesterday that x . . . . . . ; .‘ ft???
.._.. i 'r " 3 T . " ' ’ ' _ . “Mn his government‘s apology to Wash bUI “ d) 10 handle H l‘ " f‘ 33.3,.
. ‘ ‘ ,2": .‘i.’ . " ‘ ' . 1 7?? '""~:’!‘$‘{’:‘T“‘ 1m.) . ington ended the threat torelatlions [0 llLi\C lllC C(llll‘ttflt‘ itl .: 3_ l f;
. .' ‘ 5.)? 5- m . ;.;;.- _ . : w .3 33,4; caused by the arrest of a l S \avy . l _ _ , . ‘ i, ‘, f. 95.3}?
. ‘ -- ' a" ;. . * - '3- “lngfigzj‘ »._ ‘..» . y. ' . analystaccusedofspying for Israel «it ”ill ll dlltl 3 i i'i
;, 7"» -- ~ ’ ‘.; . . _ . ‘ _‘ ' . t “t”. “a“: M s... . Peres told a closed meeting with , ~ ‘ w '.'. .1 ' “3' ,;
4" ’” I" n} ‘5'! p . - ~ . , "fl; ». 3 f ' a.“ . hill 3 vismng American Jt'VHS’h leaders delOngh‘ ,‘ i'. ' -;
. "‘ . x . ‘9- ” . -‘ ' ' I; I l ‘ g ti? .55 l . ’ . that he coordinated the apology in Shimon Peres. l 5:. ' _. 5‘
. . 3“ i; __ ' - - ~ . . i ’ _ advance \iith Secretary of State Israeli prime minister " .- .- .' ‘f ' ‘
v A t, * 4:; .l .. , ~ ._,.> ~‘, " . . -... ' 7'“'*'-""~*'"~ ' _ ‘ (ieorge l’ Shultz during a length}. I]. -, : .~
' 77;: '. if” ' ' ' ’ . ' .' ' l '3 telephone conversation Sunday # 1‘1 ; i; - ‘ .' .- '1'
“2.; .51 ‘ ' . . 5 ~ :1 i.‘ ‘ - morning. lsraeliotficials said ‘ . - , f"
f > 2 A . ' “f“ S _ - ‘ ‘ ‘2 -~_- They said the prime minister re tat-l l‘.}ltfl‘i who has Irr‘l: :»ie'it:!‘i-': Us g: _=. ..
. i 7"?" " ' .. _,. ‘ , Ft‘ ported that he and Shultz 'reached ”3 l ‘ ”"“‘ “WW" 4‘ "”51 '3 >1 4: I." j " all _~‘.
. ' ~-'..’ . ‘2‘: li complete agreement and under "WWW-“3‘" fhi‘lluit‘w" ' = iv“. .. ., .
1.1:" ' i ‘ standing” about the case of .lona en‘Pl“.‘"”l"‘“di'i .' - -_".*..j
'. "- _ ' " 1‘ ' ' than J Pollard. Ill. a Civilian l' .\ Paw-4’” " i‘ ""71"" J" "'i' ' "i ; ‘
-_"~ " - - , , Navy counter‘intelltgence expert or adviser In "it“ will” 'T ’- “"‘ “'-" l . . ; 7f
~‘ ‘1'. ’ '2“ $5.5. _ rested NOV 21 and charged “llh st'l'\t"l .i,‘ litr‘t‘lili'llr 'ift‘tJ-‘l ,' 'tit‘ .- f . ’- J‘ 2“.
' “““mmmwu K _ SW selling secret documents tolsrael ll:"“'“‘ l‘r'“ ‘ ‘ """h-Q'Y- " "‘3'? , .5. i. .' . f ,
9 ° 9' " Pollard's wife. Anne Henderson " ‘.'- . r'
CICIC CI'aCkel'S Pollard. :15. was arrested the day N’H’V‘f i . . . .
eiate professor of soctology “Were praiseas well. mentfor ltiyears. collegiate debate. student billings " ' “1me ”w to hm“. ll“ ”my“ 1 ' ',
not going to solve individual probr “The other Side of the coin is if “The first thing to keep in mind is and studentpuhlicatlons Israel radio said the government language Jr insult I‘mt sa.dstirh . . .
lems at these forums but discuss the something good has happened to a that this is a normal review that is The group recently appointed Jody may let l' S Justice Department of- information should have been made ' ., ,’ ,.
kmd‘ ”f problems students have had student. we want to hear about that. done every four years.” Gallaher Hanks as the new student member ficials question three Israelis sus- available to lsrtiei tnroiitih regular _ “ ' .
and what causedthem ” too." Brooks said. said “We review service units such of the committee peeled of involvement. including Ra- channels 1 , : '

o o ' . . ; ‘ .-
S Baker to dlSCllSS llnk “.3: ”\hho . . ,., g
rho“ ihosg CW S u en gro u p ’ ' ' . - .
*1 a . . , .
>o I 3.,» . . ”
Bo Hm ”KIN-s "no on years or cartoons. not two g 4; if??? ’ ‘ 3,.
Staff Writer hours of hardcore rno.” Hill said. 5'2‘* V xi“ 3 ("on ""1::::::::‘:""' ' ,' t , V ' I i . . '
who on the preselrtohoh this sum- ‘\ MaJOTIeSS SIUdehIS ‘0 get career ad‘ lseo t

Traditionally considered a humor mer at a National Coalition Against Zoo \ V” I . . . . . . .I ,' w
0i» form of “We“ WWW m- Sexual Assault seminar} “It‘s very to v/ protessmnal experience in organization , 7 '.= “
won-h m“ be analyzed for their role tastefully done “ \_ / i” ' ‘ r ‘ z
m ohho pornography during a not The presentation based on a fa \/ \ hy “hxm'srshs with tit-ii in up in iii . ..
“55‘0“ 595510" Thur-“day lWO-y't‘ar 5734-000 research PFOJ'eCl my W Rs< SWlWFIIFF ill the t-omniunit; ‘ sun: lieierl}. ’, " . 5. , 'iz

JUdlth Reisman W‘“ present "P0P Reisman recently completed for the tail-1‘1”” \ “to“: tea-«3 Davenport M'pher a t‘lllllltlulllt'tf .' ‘3 . . . ’ 'i ,J- 7 '
nography and Violence in the tTS Department of Justice. She has “3% . l “25"”: Students who are interested in the no“) duels-um} pmlitwir ”m faculty ‘ 7. , r. ' ‘
Media" at 8 pm in Seay Auditori- just received permission to release at , i Nihifs‘zwf‘hi 3%} field of public relations but are dis aritisertol’ltss-i ' 3 . “ ,j . i
um. Agricultural Science (‘enter some of her findings. ‘ . ‘fifivwfisvfiu§§% A couraged because L’K does not offer “So mam people at Mt aim inter ‘ r - ‘
North The project. titled “The ROIE 0f $3. ll ateéza‘ficgtfic o; itasamajor Shmlldhl(19593lr ested in niiiioring .l‘ piithlic rein ‘ i , "f . " “

The Student Activities Board. Pornography and Media Violence in \ \_.————« / “with“, "3' A chapter of the Public Relations him. but w. mm, m“. tum .. 1' _‘ . . . 1“
l-‘eminist Alliance and the (‘ollege of Family Violence, Sexual Abuse and l . _, (OH: Wméfim ’ Student Somety of America has re maior. ' said Tan (Notwi- price ,' . ‘ ‘_" 'l'.
Library and information Science Exploitation and Juvenile Delin- ‘ 3<§f~t~x“3g “=22 cently been organized by students dent ofthe nevi Chaplet : . . I. .‘ * '
Graduate School are sponsoring the quency." focuses on the most popu- > g““{';“\“” interested in pursuing a career in ~11 mi start int. Limp}. roiling 1 h; i "
presenmtion lar literature of a growing $7 billion lwmfigf PR then it may iust help tis toward Eel l' I . -' . i I 'i " I’ .i'

“It‘s a let‘s look at what's gomg industry. said Tina Payne, SAB con- to New‘g‘g PRSSA. a student chapter of the ,mg a Wm“. Mam“. mm... d, , _. .A . :
0n in a research way." said Lucinda temporary affairs chairwoman. s), 1 gig}? A national Public Relations Society of ['Kf‘ thesaid . . . i. .f ,
313;. iii?§'32°£ni’lr$f$3;2‘i 3‘32; Woman who moved her doc- ‘ “ii” 33‘;;,'§:~,,;:e::‘::;%“‘§2.1“p'i;“2‘:’,‘::f; Ph” 7““) “”9“" ““"i “ - .. , . ‘
the vears"" [crate ln communlcatlons fmm Case I:;::»::::§:itf:3:?:;:-:~_3.§:§:_‘:f:;:§::'_.; ‘ “ , E-"iii‘liizi'tv l0 what N avalslable 1n the 0b mar. l R sequtnct lOY LUHllllilllltadnn.‘ '. l . I

. ,‘ . ‘ _ Western Reserve University in “mm“, new J ,9,“ ~ _ . J . majors. ll’tSSA \\lll give these stu ‘ . -.

Reisman. a professor at American Cleveland will discuss how cartoons ket The organization also attempts dents more Helium} . »

University in Washington. DC. Will have an immediate and lasting ef— censorship." Hill said. “It‘s a mat- “Our purpose is one of creating a to give students an opportunity to "it it mow like (i inanimdii. dim . , », _ i _
showa presentation on how children fectonthereader terofpeoplebecomingaware. situation where people can learn gain workexperiencein [hefleld d recognized group that mm H” .‘ . . _' i'.
are represented in Playboy. Pent. ' “People need to be informed about more about the issue5 and make bet- "Students will be able to share 10m" Shit said ' ' . . ‘ '
hiiuseand Hustlerfrom 1953 to 1985 “But she's not suggesting it. be talking about it." she said. terdecisions." ideas and interact with each other ' m I)“ :.m; 1 - . , J i

o o o — . . ‘ , 3

Agency places film drop pomt in Student Center msmi , .
:an\1n5ts"x SMITH _——— open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.." said cies. “Not everyone owns a car. and switched film developing companies ’ ' . '
. ' ri er u - , Jane Tracey. manager of photo mailin canbeex nstve from ThomasOHuston Inc to Color 1 . .‘

_ We jUS-I “anted to processing for Student Agencies. "Theg convenieliie of the drop-off t‘raft.Tracey said 7" W "i" “'5‘ 0" 'h‘ Gh' ' . t '
Photo processmg now '5 as 90""9‘ make things more 'h' ce said the station also will box will most likelv increase our "Now we can offer our customers dnnun Barents ‘0'“1'“ " Rh” ‘ ‘ i
nient as a drop in a box at the Stu- . a y . business "she said. 7 better prices." she said “Also. the Arena. The tam is confident but

dent Center. convenient . . . be convenient for people who are ‘ _ _ more busmess we do the better not overconfidem. Coach EddieSuf- “

Stud nt A n - in has ro- eating at the Student Center or who Tracey said busmess has been . _ . '. ‘ .. ton m. For . W of the _
e 8e cues c 9 Jane Tracey. d l l. d . - t , . . . . . pricesweuillbeabletooffer W
vided a film developing service . 0 not requenty 3° ”mm.” ,0 picking up rapidly "T the {“0 weeks Customerg are char ed a devel‘ ”£90313.ch-
since lggg But a couple 70f weeks photo processmg manager where the Student AgenCIes office is Sincethe dropoff box 5 installment , l 8 . ‘h , .
, y . located. “We are even trying for next se oping fee pus a cost for eat pic »
ago. it decided to make things more — , ture that turns out. They pay when

convenient by placing a dropoff box “i think it is a big advantage to "55$" 0" he’s! tear ‘0 local? drOP- they pick uptheir photos - - ”

l“ the UPS“?lrs malh lobby of the “We just wanted to make things have somewhere on campus to be 0 . d xes hmll f ‘gomrnjons and the A‘ one day photo processmg serv» “Nd-u my the Nat Brood“!

Student Center. across from the in- more convenient for people to (hop abletodrop off your film." said Lori "5' ence a 5‘ 3 953' ’ ice also 15' available lf the film is W“ ‘W n ‘h‘ 09‘"

formation desk off their film since our office is only Mashaw. treasurer of Student Agen- A month ago Student Agent'ies dropped Off before noon. m'mm‘216‘: .7:

o o o o I m of 1b in. sec m

Home Ec students stage ‘Festive Affair’ of holiday fashions not...

By KIMBERLY SISK masters. said Karen Ketch, asso- tive theme. the show will feature publicity and provides students with although exceptions are made for

Staff Writer ciate professor of business in the day and evening wear for men. experience.Willingersaid. parentsandfriends.Ketchsaid WEATHER

Collegeof Home Economics. women and children. she said. “The class has a lot to do with ad- Lafayette Club members are in-
How to be stylish during the holi- Ketch‘s human environment and Students in the fashion merchan- vertising and special events and a vited for lunch at 11:45 am The

day season will be the focus for a textile class is involved in the pro dising class coordinated the fashion fashion show is a special event," she fashion show follows at 12 30 both ‘ . '. .

fashion show coordinated by UK ject, which began as a one-day event show as a major part of their sema- said. "It lets you see if you want to days and lasts about an hour ‘ “h-* “5

fashion merchandisingstudents. butexpandedtotwodays. ter grade, said Patty Willinger. a dothistypeofthi'ng." Retailers supplying merchandise ‘3 ”Cu: . Lfi‘i

"A Fame Affair" will be pre- The fashion show features local homeeconomics senior and publica— ”the fashion shOWlS not just all include: Panache. Especially For ’- flOW‘fih‘?
”Med at the Lafayette Club today retailers merchandise. Ketch said. tiom chairman forthefashion show. exercise with profosSional models. You. Cotton Patch, Stewart‘s. Em— . _- mwfi‘.
and tomorrow Selections of busmesses and apparel Students are responsible for most Ketch said. “The students have to bry'§_ Behind Closed Doors. Play. a”. ”d .m

' are made on the bOSiS 0‘ the theme of the modeling and the common put it together. They usually end up mates. George's Shoes Gingiss For- T im

'l‘hetafayette Club has sponsored studentschoooe. hrtheuid. sellingalotofstuff“ mal wear. Henri‘s and Hook ‘n' FM“"‘*'*"‘17 .1.

the fashion show for the last nine se- Keepiru with this semester‘s fea- The show provides retailers with The show is not open to the public Eye. ‘1‘" "*“"“" ‘ ‘ ‘77" A

l I '7 l
)- KENTUCKY KERNEL raunchy, m3, 1“
o O 0
Corporate .2 .. .. .. . . 7 Selection of Jury begins
0 0 ~ ' .. t ‘ I o
x 7 iv , '
. offic1als ~ 3: , -»~~~-—--—~-~—w for state treasurer trial
"lk ‘ I \ .> » I
, ~73 ' ‘ . \ '- By MARK “-(‘HELLGREN cause an elected official was in
c a rge 7 v ‘ Assomated Press volved.
' 7 fl _ Graham said any juror who was
. . . 7 _». 57“.,7'3. 7 FRANKFORT 7— Jury selection embarrassed by a question could an-
IndICtment Claims . ‘ _ began yesterday m the trial-of state swer in private. The situation arose
' \ ' Treasurer F‘rapces Jones Mills, am: with the first juror to be questioned
7 ‘ . \ questioning 0 prospective i331“e when he was asked if he felt any
. DCtense overruns - ' femfhrse by tile attorneys gave a undue pressure because Mills was
' . ,. . 7 7 7 . intot irtria strategies. involved.
- ' ‘ ' Be:liflitllithgdimnisifiator $1135? » 5 I " ' . The process 0‘ selecting the 14' Mills is charged with 10 felony
‘ “'a‘blllltlk'led \Fslt’rdm' With "It“; " .0 ~ i A ‘0’ I!" ‘ member panel ‘5 likely ‘07 be ‘a counts of theft by deception anti 15
‘ other current or former executives 7 ‘ ‘ i A/‘Au lengthy one b90395? Franklin Clr‘ misdemeanors for allegedly or-
- of General Dynamics Corp on ‘ ‘ ' I T" ’ cult Judge William Graham 'has dering employees to perform cani-
' " ‘ charges iiivoixing attempts to hide " \ 1‘ '—' . I agreed to ”‘9 unusual Step 0.5 "‘71" Paign or personal tasks while on
’ ' ' ‘ overrun litsx‘es‘ on the \rmv's ill- ‘ ‘ . 7_ 7 . . 7 ' vidual questioning 0‘ prospective Ju‘ state time. The incidents allegedly
- ‘ fated sgt h'ork anti‘aircrafht gun. . ‘ J " 7 '5 .1" rors. Such a [”0935 ‘5 “593“." F9“ took place in 19% while Mills was
- - - theJiisticelit‘partinentsaid. 7- ~ g " is??? ffier‘giitfi’gefl‘g? ”‘ “595 ‘"V°""‘g 393:3? of state and running for
. ' ’ H 7 I (it‘iiet‘dl Dynamics and the four . '1 753;, ‘ L. N“ T. . ' 7 The employees are charged With
_‘ ‘ men were charged with conspiring ..,,‘7 7 “W The selection also was delayed when performing the work and charging
.- _ 7 t 77 it _ tl“l’l\ “Neg on their M“. Graham indicated that he wanted to th tateo o d r' th 7 i i 7
.. . . . . :rttittitt' Alt'l Iiiy . ldthe mum ) conduct the questioning in private. Alihs . lr'dredeing o ters otoso
‘ ' 3 ' m" ”“7“ U ”m p 7 7- p‘ or put restraints on reporters cover- WP“ innocen
-. . . gun ~\\'.t'lii.\ t1} illegally mlehdI‘g’; . . 7 Julius Rather. who represents
~ " ' " ' . in cuiiir-ict e\ ienses to other g0\- ‘ ing the trial. That plan was dropped Mills and another defendant (‘on~~
. 7 .. . . g , if ink “prime after an argument by an attorney ta . t 11 t dl' 7 kid
~ . ' ‘ emmm um“ ‘m ‘ representing The Associated Press . ":9 Q93) ivaMel‘lIePe: Elm-‘7 ‘15”: _
, ‘ 1 ' - The \t‘H‘l. count indictment was i. 7 and the Louisville Courier-Journal. {5" rs duuh‘ 1.5 {m *th ( Didi-l,
i. I x ; . ‘ retur .ed in lt'tlt‘l'iil court in Los An- - ~,.7.......::.‘:..;: (1.7-: __ Six of the original 30 members in foimtoctleaoifi“ 0 ran ogi ei in . ..
~ 5. gele> the jury pool were excused by Gra. 5 a ces‘
' - . . _ 77 7 7 7 7 ham before individual questioning 7 ._ .7 7. 7 7
.‘ _. . - _ , ‘ 1th iiitiii‘piialsiandtghtontorcpgrgt- IANOALWILLIAMSON KernelSloH began because of various conflicts ihStartihgf gag]; Selig—“2x: willmlltt
I; I l r «fir-h \lil 11:01::551; \t‘d defrgud Ltlhe card Sthfle or their relationships With partici— Mills are common iractli: in
.‘ '.- IX’pat'Itlt‘nl oi Detense between pants-orvi'itnesses. Frankfort political (‘erleS anti that
' .I - . . Janu‘ii} i ism-7 and Aug 31. 1981. in Kathryn Scale, a sociology junior, searches research in the M.|. King Library yesterday Assistant Attorney General Thom- she was singled out for prosvctilliln
7 ~ its tum-hon of administering and through multiple card catalog drawers to do after class. astNine asked potential jurors about by Attorney General David Arm
. t_ paying m wmmcmrs They also their own political activities and strong because of his own politcal
‘. 7 1 '_ were charged with six counts of whether they felt any pressure be- ambitions
' -' _‘ 7 l . makingtalse statements -------------
' ' A government source said $7 :3 . .
' 7 . million was iiiist'harged. resulting in ' U K
. . 7, 7 ‘. . . a $3 2 million net loss to the govern- ('oniinued [mm pagwnc ' CWT FILM o o
. ‘ I I men! ' DEVELO’EC AND ww'rt‘mwv "FH'NA. “ X."
'5 v ' ‘ Beggs became head of the \‘ation- Students, along with members of public relations involved in this or‘ give students insight into the skills . EXP 55° 369 SaiM49 STUDENT
, ‘ .. , ‘ - al :\t'l‘itiidllllt‘> and Space Adminis Lexington's professwnal Thorough- ganization."Syphersaid. necessary tobeaPR practitioner. ' gEXP' ‘3’59 53-69
‘ .' , .' ‘ tration on July to. 1981. after leaving bred chapter of PRSA. approached Barbara Jane Ownby. vice presi~ “i feel that since the organization ' 24 EXP. $4. 19 $4.29
' .' a post as corporate (‘\8(‘utl\'e rice Sypher and Jan Quarles. an assis— dent of the chapter. said. “One of has members from several different . 36EXP' ‘ 35'99 SERVICES
‘ ' ’ - president of General Dynamics tant professor of Journalism. who our primary goals is to be approved majors. they can exchange ideas ' 9.1.7“; .c, V. '
. ' 7 -. According to the indictment. the agreed to co-sponsor the organiza- by the national organization as the and learn more about each specific . is Exp DISC .5189 INC.
' . company officials fraudulently tion L'K PRSSA organization. then we field."she said. ' Coupon Vaiid Thru December ii, i985
. ' '. charged several million dollars “For the past several years. l plan to work with the local PRSA
- ' .‘ . 1 worth oi (‘Xpenses on the contract as have been director of the internship chapter." Sypher said membership in : Valuable Coupon Rm. 107
. - 7 “bid and proposal" and independent programs in the communications de< . , PRSSA has increased continuously ---- nu-
~ . » "sewed“developmentexpenses partment and I have seen many Stu. P1355!“ f'50 “in?” “1‘9““? Sp since its Stan and several people $;——_
7 ' . . . They did this. the indictment said. dents interested in the field of public f9” 7 glues s‘pea ersf "é’isasemgs 6; have expressed interest in joining _________———————————————————
' . to reduce multimillion-dollar losses relations.”Syphersaid as we “7th on: ew proiec the group.
' - on the iirm's $40 million Army con— 7 7 oncampus,s 953' ' 7 _ B T 7 2
_ . tract Mr the production of the Sgt. "50 based on the student interest Ownby said because the club is a The group Will meet at a pm. eS' ype 25 -65 5
5 ' ‘ .~ York prototvpe svstems and the fact that several other uni~ joint effort of the journalism and today in 228 Student Center Addi-
» ' '- 7 ’ ,. Contractors are reimbursed by the “"51““ l” "‘9 SW9 “a"? PRSSA communications departments. it will “on ___——————————-——-———-—————-
l ' Department of Defense for those two chapters. we deemed to start a
. ‘_ ’- .' types of expenses. but they are not chapter here. *‘he 531d-
' : - permitted to use the funds for work So far PRSSA has held several ore ATTENTION DENTAL STUDENTS
: 7 ' . 7. regwrefl h} {int-riding contract ted ganized meetings and has set its . . . _ . . _ . I
. .7 , on 89;le an: “7::bdjsi‘fldmgugm goals for this year Kennedy Book Store Stocks All
- ‘7 . 7 tect tanks and infantry against “Our immediate goal is to get all REQUIRED TEXTS
‘7 ' enem} zilt‘t't‘afi and helicomerb' the smdems on campus mteresmd m Ullu'r Pluses: I is" N "axlr'rt UNI ‘l'l‘l‘lllt‘ll
. . (hack (0inng .‘vrrirv
. ' ' \u lrlrlilimml I'luirgv fur .‘Ill'l'itll UnIr-rw ¢we
' * 1 5 % OFF on \F Allsulcu SIMINAI
. ‘ Nice Place to do Business $0 "
' ~ ‘- 50°“ *°' 00' answered...
_ L ' “ rOfeSSional services ;~;;:'.':_-::.;:*' ”'7” "5"“ "
. ,_ v P
f ' ' ' ‘ ‘ and/or Nexus products. THURSDAY
' 7 . . . - . Can be used as YOU'LL LEARN THINGS IN O.C.S. sogfmggrggusa
,- v - - one good one w any kind "C“"""'°‘9"' THEY NEVER HEARDOF IN am pm
- ' . . __ oi college ID thru12-25-85. or for yourself. ENG'NEERING m
l ‘ ' . Army Officer Candidate School lOCS llt'sa 14-week (:E'EFSST'WWW "m”
7 7 7' ' challenge to your mental and phvsical toughness 3:53:27. 3:35.73; :37” 4.21;.
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7 V ' . x1 - lead. and in great shape. You'll be a commissioned officer in the
~ , 7 7' . ' ' Du e ° Armv. readv to exercise leadership skills civilian companies put
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If 7' " glve YOUr hard work the finishing touch challenge could hejust what you‘re seeking. at“
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- (Bar Brands, Wino. Draft)
. .A‘. ,r ' . ..' v.1 7‘ WI .‘y‘w ‘. __:..‘ :55.)
.a 7, i dcat Fans! , was, .. 0 so. Man an: [tuft
- . . xfifiN41f“ "~ «x -
. 7. . Jain us for delimous {,?_3 <2 . ”,2 ; O
', .' _ . - ' JP" . o‘ ‘H .7 l > ' , - rfi ‘ k 7 \
¥ . . . , ,. . as is»; _ go . H 'I' LEGS CONTEST
:. ~ ,' dining before tonight 5 AT”- ’IM ’ .. E s. “x t
I . ' I i - ‘. 4 5,— « 1 2 7 7-: . » 7 ‘ - .
7v , . 7 . - . o o .: 9 . a ' A h . / 59h week of Eight Week Series
_ i , . . 1 ‘ ' -' r ‘ a "
1 , ,, UK-Cincmnati game M9 a for ~ 0.. _ a.
,7 i . . . ' e. ,o
,. . 7 x, K 7 .3 ’I’" . 'c e.- ”a"? 2’.
. . , 1/ \.._ .. 4-. ,. 7 ~ 'x ‘ ‘ '
. _' - ' . \/.\ Sumptuous selection 0/ delicious entrees. 5' I 14.5; ,i» a bus“ .3» It
" . . ' KIN ‘\ vegetables. salads and dose": at i“? _ _ . 'o ‘ . ‘V ' , 13,17» ‘5.
. .» N’IK’N reasonable prices. Takeout: available. too. 5‘3“! 9 3‘ l‘ ’9 7‘ ' ~ J 3‘1” . ‘V‘\’
. 7 - « - K” k’\ Join yourlrlends (orapnegametrulltthc -. 7‘17, ,,7 r j . r. I“- )
. - ' K15; N beauulul Kincaid Towels 0/2de second I” “ 2‘th 77 X ‘51-‘15.“ ’1 ‘ / l} ..
:' ‘ - K” N).\ level, Kincaid Towers. across Broadway _ ' " ‘
. saw-s. . . .g Colle e
, ' ~ - . ..._ - o - I ' e
r Wm Pizza Hammers.- -
. , K/\ 57:30 DJ!!- ---- - - - - $ N I ht
' “a?“ '-... Ki 'd s on W
. “MN man | _ 1 — I
:kjk“! fl I (no cover wloh valid student ID)
I ‘hdkfi Towels ' ”.00 off any {age pizza. A I
7 ‘h‘h‘ f ' nmofimy ium pizza 253-2 1 1 1
14"“ - - Cafeteria . """ —H t l ° W 9“
I l'. Pious. M'V‘Itfl" coupon whoa ordain. u . Elplr." V
' v '1’. 0": “WOO" 90' Dotty W dohvon o' pom:- ' 1/‘3/u ' 5 o ‘
“"jgt amu- ”7°;- omnuwmmr I3:..';i.:.‘:;:.".:'mattrzzixzatzt' FREE | 7 5 ‘ 5‘ I ' ’ ' app .8
"'H. hnz— IIL‘§é 55th I “on withonyotb'rPiuoNutoNu my
- "o ’ \.
' ' ' (”tr , "0., , w or $ | 2”, mm Id. Movhw Mm 260-14"

 KENTUCKYKERNEL 700811.» 00000)“! 3, 19“ - 3
5;. t 1 .
John Juvy
"’ "I’1"")t.' I'-, Fd’l'n

A" '.-.-:-'1:-..‘-: I.:'* " ' ’"Hl‘. f'I:I"-1’=::=» 1:3 : -.-,.~:.~- -,. . :..-:->--.-.:;..; - .. . , , . .., ,... _, _ ,

.- .- we”;-,;.-,;.-.;.>,_I.-;;;._._..,.,..we .4 ,. .I , . f...:._. --: - . ‘ ,Jll-LI;:_'C: 5.52%: . .;.;;:.,.,..;,,;.I:L;.,- , “We.....,:_:L,_.:-.;x;§g-.:g:w- *- .- - . ,~ . -* . <, ' - ,

Ea ] 'n] t Sutton not overlooking ’

g . o o 0 V I." I , . '. 1'
~ 21 eep mcmnatl team .
Stall \l'rtter “mm“ Lt. ‘ __ - , .- _ .4”, "I '
Phnrr t1 tn: II III In I pl Ip ' , I . ‘1 .v '

The Lady Kat basketball team I L' J 3 ‘ 3 3 ‘“ .~ /” B) .ll\l \Hll'll. .- frfi; "I '
surrned a major scare last mght In luf‘fw ” 'f f l. L ‘f j “I - L . - 1 ‘ Stall Wrtter . .1 .' -j .: ,- .. ‘-
Memortal ('oltseum. holding ott 3...... . . J . . ,1 E I‘. .' v- : . . ' i ' ' 1' I f5 "
Morehettd State 7368 In the proc- HW'I .. -. . I 4 t I, . . ,l V The l'l‘\ ltd\l((‘llutli 't'qltt lint» i ‘* ‘ x. '7 ,Lj I '

. . . - ‘ 4 ' I. .
955. the hats learned they eunt rely “I" : ” " ‘ ‘ 1 .. r ' . ; CK _, haw begun 1t? regular \l‘.t\t’l'. .I. 'r I, ‘ ,v ; '-' 'yfl .. .1
on reputationulonetowm :L" ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ( , J r - I, ‘ , ' 5 three tntprevne .\:n\ out-r \w 'r. l X l‘ .' {.5 " .

"\\e \\€l‘(’ u httle llt‘(‘(l " \illtl l'K \l.‘ - . I. w \ .' ‘ “ t x t . western ('hdntlndttr .W: H...” I ,i . ’3 .r .I

.. . , . , ,. . . _ ‘ t‘ 3 h, .. . .' I I, .,
coach lerr) Hall. who plt‘kt‘tl up her 1...... :I. v I» a w u r w _ , . ‘ a g :3 but that Itomnt mean the \k l‘lt .xI» l ‘ f ,4 I"? m." '3] ,3
200th career um and her tourth tht.~ . 9 . . 4x thl haw ..:. mu tun.»- I..r..;I-,' i \ ' ' "gift. 1. ~ g"; V."
seu>on \thttlll a loss "Thl: nus our “L.” n n _ .z/ A ' ' ’ " agmmt l'm(-:1m.,!; l \\\L\ ‘ 1312.34": . ,LJL
lltlt‘tl game llt tour duh ;\tl(l 31011:. leu ht l“ n “I rh u D. 'P I» L L ‘ 'l‘llt‘ \\tl.le;1t> .t‘tt the “to ;.o«.' I, \\ ' _ of} ;:."".‘r ’1 g .

. . ~‘..‘ - " t . , " . ' , . '1 ' |

hem:ptuyetlgreut \ ~ : < .. I. I. . I A p3,?w >5 2 x, . ' betw-eg. the Iw, “In“? no. ., .I. '.I.. 5 6 . I a 'L'Lg'i~._.’._ ’-.

So great that the} led 2-H: \nth "\ - . “ ‘ “ J ‘ 3 3* '1 - l'K lm‘ttnttonn.‘ 'lournut Lt'rt' t 6’ ’I '_ .‘V' ,‘«_~";;,»";,~‘ _ . '.
sewn Itnt‘utw lett m the first hull ll l’ . 4; ‘ i : ‘ f -; -‘ ' - )'eat' out [ 1... my”... ”4.“... , .. _...--.__.,.,,.._,_.:—-—~_ .‘ .‘J- t‘i.‘ ;'-

. H . t 't ‘ - ‘ ' .1, '1‘." rm. 21 <' . _'. ‘
MOI‘t'htuttl 5 .lttnlee lo\\le.~ untl kelly . . .L : . . . H . .H I {It-(Iodrtmt tytuy mm .m- “ $3,.th _ “1’7.
Stamper Were t'tlhng 1t up from the M ., -. I, : . It .. .. t. ; I "They .ne .. \erx gum: thtme'm, , L.- _ w. 5.3" ,"»;‘»". I’LL“
out>nle ulnle mplnn ltentro and T1- ““4" 4 " .. I ‘ 3 ~ fl, 3 . team I k k"I.tI‘lt tome New. . ., L . - -. , . 3 I; t: .‘l- l

. \ \ . ~ ‘ \ .. ~ . » , _. . , I. '. . ,
phante Bates passed the ball tnto V‘ ‘ ; ‘. ' ‘ ‘ J . "Thex l1.t'.t‘ gtm' chew-x , . .. . . -, . . 4-25.: - f
«In. I. . 2 .. o I ' . - f '. ‘ s . .
eentet \leltsm lreton mtheme “L. . . . law-It l l\ n u-t’\ tough balm“... ... .L . - .. .. t ". - -» ‘.

(tn the other end I l\ was otten v .v . . last .H‘M . ’- , . ,1 . a; l . .' i:~ ". -' 5.3-7
Ullultlt' to net oll .t \ltol agatnst the “ > 3 .‘ .. The Heat» .x'~ ,UtII .I'I'ey 'I. . . . L. a Y ‘ :. .--: .‘,«
1,4“le l-.o,'.e.~ lllllhual /one """‘ "' w " "‘ “ “ ” ‘ . .. 7 \3 p n dttttn' .t' 1 “tn-1w: ‘3. ' _ . . . .. . . . 5.". 17.11".

‘lt \ .t /one I\ )e ot Iletense “here " '~“”- U seuxon .I Ith .1 .14. an: ,.._.. ‘Im‘t .. * . ' . .mv .- " ."I. -' If; ‘.

. l . > .I . "I A . Y‘- 1
our No ttt\ltlt‘ people plu} man to tluttnmr \lovehrud In kentmkx :v \hool- . . ' Httl'tttd out I'I~‘ ‘ln :3 \I‘ -! I _u .- ' ., , :4 ‘ ~. '_.'....-'--'.
man and the three up tront play mu anllur‘ \Imnuu 45a. mom «I . ltt\\e>let‘tt ht'tt'ttt'k‘t . .- . -. - I. ~ .' . 7.: ‘3',

. . - .' t‘ .
more or lL'sx a {one \thtl Mort-head HTML“ “mm“ W """"‘“‘ " . .e . 1,1ke \uttoh t I Hunt. 'l mu: '1 .w. ~ . , . . _. L . . _ 'f t ‘., .. '. ._ L_ ‘ '-.‘,IL.’
eoueh loretln _\lnrlo\\ whose teztm : ; . 'L' ' ' 1.x lookntu tor .tnotne-r Hugh New . L . . . _ .- . ‘ ' _ L. ‘ . '5‘...
1.\ t.‘. llll\ M-tnon '\\e uo mth It. ‘ W ,; ugmmt 'l.¢' ‘.\.‘t 1' .'- .11. '. ~ ;-- . 3... L,- I. , ., .‘ “k f .5": I"!
and \Itlttt‘ltttit*\ 1t .‘.Itt'l\\ \omettmes " . 5 -” . mu tot .. «Hen-3' 't w w '-.‘ .‘ '13.. u

. llarthng. “ho was benehed 1n t.nor - 4c. ‘ , t . . . . ; 'I
ll «town t It \\ttl‘l\'t‘tl pt ettx good . .. - - ('UdkHM‘hdg’tttll‘ .m .. ..: . . . , . , n

. - ot .lodte \\ httaker. to tgmte the ,. 1 - . _ t, » -‘ 2 ‘- Z-I ' 7