xt7nzs2k9j44 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9j44/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-04-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1982 1982 1982-04-26 2020 true xt7nzs2k9j44 section xt7nzs2k9j44 W
Ker 21 com. "In" dun. - Mormon” "Yin“ Ohm” " "
Bloc 't‘tlt'i Qi)()"fl'{}()’ ' '. ,4 Mm'i «it .
Today Will tulriing cooler With a chance J?" o iiwi i. i“. ,. i,” cm“ W, 1H,;
of light rain. The high Will be in the ii, '3'",an 3.4 i ' 72.; ,5' 1k 3...... 74 v‘; .
upper 505 to low 605 Tonight will be .i.. . ,VV.“ I , ”L”, .._-,i. “it,“ . .
Cloudy With a 40 percent chance of light . . MM ,, I. H V” .A,“ ‘ #qu .
rain ihe low Will get in the low 405. 4 . .
Vol Lxxxw No ISI Monday Amine i992 “WWW oil-noun ia-mqton trauma, Al "depciideiiixiudwi"t‘v~\piipoi .i t. w ’
‘ nu ' ...-CI ~~ , ,V : V 5 ‘ , .
at" i ' any“ a .t, ~ . . . . .
.. ' 9 ‘, ‘ .
«s . - s. ~ N ~ Brown fulfills bill prOVISIons :
fig ‘ g’ i, ' ' J . " 4 I
~21. its a": s.
b, a '\ I - 1
.. V . ,, .. revamps education councul v
, II.“ ‘ — H ‘ ...».
' 31‘ .a ' “r , ' '11;
a - I t’ = , . h . ,, 1 '~ It ________- lawyer and an alumnus of ('umbcrland (‘ollcgt- and the
'. a» 2’ ' 1 inc" 9" l ’ . By JAMES EnwiN HARRIS at College of 1m.- f;
V ' l , '- ,. N ' ‘ t \ AssistantManaging Editor *7 J. David Grissom. 43. chairman and chicf exec s ?
“fig ." "‘ " ""' " , ' utive officer of Citizens Fidelity (‘orp. Louisvnlc. and
d‘ ' I ,. , — _, .. . .. - .. . . an alumnus of Centre ('ollege and the lfniversny of ' .'
5‘ V . " V N - y , . . . . Louisville Law School
» 1*va .1 ' Q5 Gov. John Y. Brown iuiiiiied the provnsnons of a bin Council Chairman William H Mt-(‘ann :13. in iii-m. 1, .
~ ' l #7:"; ' .. ~J« 4' that passed the 1982 General Assembly earlier this year chester. an alumnus of L'K and its law school. and a V‘f. _
, ~ t} :‘W ~ ' . and reorganized the state‘s Council on Higher Educa- partner in the Lexmgton law firm of Brow n. Sledd and
1»- w. . . A - , . "i . tion for the second time in two years Saturday. naming McCann.
m ”A at . if A nine new members to the panel. 7 Gordon H. Hood. :34 of Fort Mitchell. a (‘mcinnati "‘ :3
3i , i ‘J t . Among the new members are former UK Board 0i lawyer and a graduate of Dartmouth ('ollege and the
L , ' _ .‘ , ~' Trustees member WT Young and southeastern Ken- ['njyersityof(‘incjnna[1La“‘ School
. " I f5 f it. “Why newspaper publisherAlSmith, .,. (‘arolyn (‘. Wosoba. 37. of Louisville, superinten- -,’-'v
. ~ kg. ,3 ‘5' ' ’" . @2377 The nine new appomtments became necessary when dent of the Anchorage Independent School District and .' ‘
~ “"3 ., , . ,_ Senate Bill 168, sponsored by Democrat Sen, Joe Wright 3 Murray State University graduate, A,. . ‘
. . . ‘ ._ 1‘ (f of Harned. easily passed both houses of the General As- Young, 64. was nominated by Speaker of the House ,' _
.. 5’ . ' , , 'x _., .43? I semblyin March. A . _ Bobby Richardson to serve on the (‘Hl-Z He was vice- "V-
‘ " ' ,‘~ i. ,, , The reorganization. a part of a bill altering several chairman of Brown‘s cabinet and a member of the UK 4: 1:
W, I t , N ' ' t" a. . commissions and departments in Kentucky‘s govern- Boardof’I‘rustees untilhis resignation last summer
" . i?" W" i , w. is ' ' Li” 1’ . ment. changes considerably the membership Of the The resignations were Young's response to newspaper '.3 ,
> . N d. i i fix W3 1% states higher education regulating h0d."- reports that questioned his involvcment in lobbying the
1" V’ ' V. ’ , a The CHE now grows from 15 to 17 members. Each 0i state for a certificate of licensurc tor the new lexmgton , j .
_ “A ,. (I ' 3’ g m . N I, , A, the state's eight public universities will be represented Community Hospital. schedujed [oupen next year >_
“a . - _. .. m. ’ . , h" u N . “Ii ' ~ . ' ' . by an undergraduate degree holder. Each state congres- The hospital is owned by the anisvillc-based ilumana _ 1
...... .9224. «a 7 ' ‘3‘ x , ' “ -m~”~ " ‘ . ' "W“- W ““N ...) sional district will also be represented by a member. Inc Vof which Young is the largest stockholder A a
. . 323"" g X. ’ W5“ ; - “i it . my“ W’Wfifl’re . ”my” and the House Of Representatives and the Senate Will He is also chairman of Royal (‘rown (‘ompanies lric . "
.i 4., § ‘1 ,' fiat ma“ it {3 « 7;: ' "3%” each haveare rcsentative 'T Y ‘ ' I ~ ' l h i T ' "l " l‘ 'i .
rial/11.4,”? ”V; ~ ‘, g" , “ . . ~ s W t ,A more! . g' .. . ‘p . _ - ‘ w _ W oung Storage nt ant t t ransy yariia niur . .‘
(3"? ”1?;«2/ f ,W’N ’1’ .-,_” ‘ rx' ;‘i,"' I AW ,, . am "r 25,-, For the first time in the (HE s history. the governor sity board of curators . .
V" .. gs ’1 " i, ' i i‘ . N ’;’;§}%v "" 4,, ” . Will be required t0 nominate to it a Kentucky Citizen at- The (‘HE‘s other new appointees included David
r, x . “7-- , ’7’" :‘V/ i . .. , N. " 3‘ ‘ "ah “I ”h . . %§I”»NC M’gfwwk‘fifl tending one Of the state-supported universities HS 3 itill‘ Jones. Humana's board chairman and chief cxccutive 7
WK” ,1 -v7 ,. of”; .. ,g . 7" . V: y‘ I -» “ 2‘1’5’ , . ”QJWQQNNNX time student toaone-year term each July l. officer '
4 -, 1' . _; ‘9‘” ‘1 . "9 g’rr «2,, £4.” .» N That appomtnient is yet to be made. as the eight stU- Jones, 50. of Lomsylllc. is a graduate ot 1'1. and Yalc .V’
H'NN‘W/égm’ tfl'v I; “..f’” 31' My... N, A . k 53'" .V 1/ ~ it!” ” dent [30(1) presidents have not all been elected Once Law School He regigned in January 35 a [L [rmteoA : .i
_ 1% N «.2.- " fl” . 5.“ 3;? V‘ .A . . \i . ., 1, ”' ' not“ elected. they will submit t0 Brown their nominations for saying he had achieved his main purpose by bringing in AL ; ,.
'1? it” Ni; ,3": ’ 4 . . . i?” L. Vat} . .... . 3W aw ‘ .V the Council pos1tion. and he willchoose from those. the university's new president. Donald (‘ swam ‘ _‘ ‘
' Mu, ti": . i&_ ’1 , “kw? ' . v. 1* W "’ a N A,“ v, Seven members of the former Council. including its ()ther new appointees were 5
V ' ,. . , . z ... , ~ N”; r 1, N at ' "..., ' chairman and two other former chairmen. were reap» ,.. Smith. 55. owner of Al Smith Communications. a , ~. .
. with “3“” , '1 Y’ “N POihtt’d Saturday. They include: newspaper group. and federal cochairman of the Appa- “
"°“"""°°“ "°"‘°‘5'°“ — William M (0* 40~ 0i Madisonville. a UK graduate lachian Regional (‘ommission Smith also owns lht‘ Lon if» ..
Monkey'ng around and owner of a Madisonville trucking firm. He is a for don Sentinel Echo and several publications in \li'cstcrn 5 :V f,
mer legislator. federal highway administrator and was Kentucky .,
Hanging upside down ffor“ 0 tree is a typical activity for many children. Genny Von Over, along aDemocratcandidateforlieutenantgovernorin1979, ~ Billy Joe Hall. .34. chairman and prcsitlcnt of Mount
with her brother and sister, Plays in a tree in the south parking lot of the UK Medical Center. They ‘ Morton Holbrook. 67~ an ()wensboro lawyer and a Sterling Natiimfll Bank and ii Rriiiiiikitt‘ "i \liti’t‘ht‘iiti ’
are passing the time as they wait for their grandmother to be released from the hospital. UK and Harvard Law SChOUl graduate. State l'nivcrsity i
. Former Gov Bcrt T Combs. 70. of Louisville. a who.“ thi 14;. A,
I ' l .'. . ..
South Georgia “”Vw'mm'm
' I d Beverl Sills talks abo t the he by impaired
recaptured _——___ Otherwise weare violating the rights of a t'ellowcitizen.” . She later appeared on the “m“, >0in opera Om Um 5.1m , 'i.
By JOHN GRIFFIN “My daughter can do anything except hear.” she said. day as a Kentucky mountain girl w ho was lxatcii by her if! ‘-
Arts Editor “And that's what you must keep in mind - they can do any- ther ; .
' I thing except hear." The theatrical impressario .l J Shubcrt lll\ll(‘15"; .2":- x l 't r»:- :;.,
the agenci- prondtng financial support must actual finanCialaSSistance awarded. :3 31 fi» .3» ’Ws; ) g: 3
. make the payment A random Kernel survey found 8 of 10 stu- “ 5} "$3 Rt ‘00 u ', 'f' 35173,. :52?
' ' - . ~ ‘ ' . ‘ -12.“! ta 2" ' L 1.3 31:"
.1_ These are obviously unfavorable aspects. dents interViewed favored the new system i x 32:. Td‘ \UOO'“'T'I' :35 ,t“ 3.3::
5 yet the overall benefits derived from the ““9099059d the plan and the other was un- ttr‘. Z 3 .4; . '- ‘31,;
j STAR system should tip the scales toward decided. Hopefully. the entire student P0P" :7;ng "‘ ‘ 7:"; t
an overall favorable change, ulatlon hQIdS thls same Vlew- because the ad' 4’ 2 ‘ I, 3'3, ,neq
.. . .. V . . . ~ \ - .5343»? {3-1 saga-t int-2i}, . - . . _. - 332235.
”\S ”0“ salmon “AM. computer was ministrations ultimate .goal‘is prov1de a W} $1M. 6'34
‘ -' purchased during the 19mm fiscal year. but faster. more accurate registration PTOCQSS- _ - ‘ - 7 -. ., ,2
‘ 1 installation and programming problems . III-Ilk‘m '--‘.‘-‘ . ..--. I‘“‘ 7".
Z..- '1 caused a one-year delay before implementa— Parklng also fl/‘V III-‘3‘ ‘fi‘ '---.‘-'\ '----|““
‘ ' ‘ ' Ill ’ " t' "t f" I] h ' 'l I..- I bi“ .l" A '-----I“"
, tion tout tcgin, Star ing not a . owevcr. - ' . :.
an improved method of fee collection will be --: g '---V \- 'l...-‘“‘
-. 3;: a reality The new business administration computer If ‘1‘ b‘ --' ‘ I”... .‘H“
Administrative officials hope the STAR svstem allowed the UK parking department " a
. .' system will giye students a better guarantee to add computers to its operation last year. ‘iil _
j of classes. by identifying about 1.500 stu- As a result. work has been streamlined and _ - 77 .- A .F ‘
:I' > .. . . . ,W ‘ V I’ I
dents who pre-register but do not show up effiCiency has been increased many times gm. lfi'fit’t‘i‘ my," pm ‘ ‘ ‘
4/)"; for classes. and ease payment of semester above expectations. Now parking data can 7/7. K%// ’/? 7/ .__.AIMIIIIL_ ”M
fees. by sending the student a form listing be recorded within minutes instead of days. % . , , //’ tV/t”
'. all transactions made. The net result is a more efficient parking % // 7/
1_ 't.t " t . . '_ . r 2' . , 'V a . .2 *7 ‘. ' /‘ ‘ - ,. -
, .2 3 lhis on m. which could easily be mistaken system although there is admittedly room /2 @mlltxmfl. /%// 4'16 % % QWW/ / /A
.. tor a monthly credit card purchase forimprovement.
V... j _.,..——
.’ 3 I I
,2 Graduation causes thoughts of the past 3mm
' and pro vides advice for ’new’students D
is?" Stuneone mentioned a different different person. both inside and out. vital parts that makes this machine W ' is " '7 -..____,,___*,V. W’"“““‘ 'k’__ 7’"? *T’WW'W’" "'" ' """U’T’ TWT‘WT “
1-, way ot looking at the college years {mm the 0m. that came into this fine run. Get involved, be it in academ- imi'ar name . . . ' '
m“ 0m” dd) “HM“ WU 0"” “0* institution of higher learning five lcs.clubs or athletics. s ignzgsfizz :2 ifsilthettitgifii 1:32:ng Frltz Vlew
- : ticed how people refer to college as years ago And more than likely. in This University has so much to The Kernel has been asked th' h uld h l f. d h .. y y .
i i_. ., » , 3r ; I _ . , ff kid f'di‘d l bt . . . .. mg. eco to epus in te Since you gave John Fritz so
l pllstm tIIII \ou know lm i anothtr me 36d“. [11 haye gone 0 er every n o in v1 ua. u to dlstlngUISh Wllllam J_ u] , Y ,
, J . i3 . . . i . 3 . , . . . _ c prit of our newly deSigned body much space on your newspaper. per-
_« most out of hert. w ht it do you gtt through numerous other changes. the benefits won t come to you. You Hess busmess administra- refinishing ha s vou would We me a little I
-. '3 i? "U!” 'ht’“ ”mm ”W” 5‘71” d” YOU This graduation process is {right have to seek them out. cultivate . ' . . . ‘ 2 .. . p . g . . '
t -'t a him” ening but at the same time exhila- them and make them work for you tion senior. from thltam H' Over the. past few days hts help am. “ntthg concerning‘his column.
_»: - That s an interesting thought rating Make it a point to meet people Hess. accounting freshman. hits 3358;132:3319 gzthe'lrrgng us :hichfgrprgeiregOTe12:31:32}.(getting;
.. Since the end «it no term of mean that are different from what you're whose commentaries have 3. , , . . .g .‘t . com‘ ‘ gav '3 a ‘9 . 955:
(W, m”. N t q .3) W, W” M. ‘ed Th t l h 2 ed h mitted this injustice. Id like to not want to deride him for Simply
.., a . t- d- ttP d‘ . E us to 8 0ng- air . S aggy appeared recently. The Ker- h . _ . . ~ . . .
next week. giye or take an incom k tvpe or that ultra-prep blond could I re rets an confusion t ank officer Thomas. the depart stdt'hg the tdCtS‘ httt rather to pomt
.t'{ 3.3] ~ plete or two . I wonder if I have g. end Up being your best friend. The {I}? t g I] y lted ":1th and thtt? students for the” help OUt some that he missed.
3'; bt‘t‘“ PWD‘TI.‘ l‘t‘hdbllltaWd Am 1 Anne staff at the Kernel runs the gamut a may ave res“ ' a coopera ion. Why is it that he feels no explaina-
." prepared t” “k" my place h.‘ m" Charles V and by working With and getting .. - - . tion can be given for human behav-
”43.3 sides of many million normal 9~to~ to know and love these folks. I‘ve Cheatfls WllliamH.313)§Elels.lJr ior (like how one answers the ques-
"if”. tiers. can I hold my head up in pub become much more tolerant of the Junior tions on an IQ [estl except in terms
.f lie or will the stigma of just getting I find myself thinking. “This is my human race in general. Although I have been aware of the of heredity or envirnoment? Why
. it"; out shatter shadow the wherever last football game. drop-add. Sigma Saying goodbye to friends and cheating at school. I have never vote yes the insistance on viewing man as a
I tin" .\'u Beer Blast.“ and on and on. That family will probably be the most dif- been so blatantly awakened to reali~ machine which functions according
Adjusting to the real world is makes me sad. because I'm not sure ficult part of the process. But hey. ty than this past week in a Statistic As a shareholder in Standard Oil to laws more fundamental than it-
nth/K- going to take a lot of effort Not only I‘m ready to finish this chapter of I‘m a supposed journalist. so letter- 291 class. The monjter‘ who was not of California. 1 would like to urge all self'.’
, 32.. will I haye to undergo mayor littl' my lifejust yet writing shouldn't be too much of a the instructor. sat passively in front other shuch stockholders in this
‘ tude Ft‘iid_lu>illtt'tll and outer over But I'm looking forward to the chore. of the class while my fellow students community to vote on their proxy 1 point out that persons of espe~
334-.- ‘ haul to prepare myself for the pro- challenge of making it on my, own. I hate to move far away from looked through notes and off each cards for stockholder proposal num- cially high intelligence are reputed
t1.."‘~.'§¥. l‘essional ranks. but I’ll lime to without parents and friends Just a Mom and Dad since I‘m their one others papers. berl. to have uncommon feelings and
[=3 learn how to face stlt'ltity' and be call away, ready to run to my aid. and only rif you don‘t count the It upsets and frustrates me to see This im rtant ro sa] reads emotions. In Aldous Huxley's Brave
(3.3.312. coherent before noon l‘ni ready to try my hand at Journa- dog: But as Mom said. “I didn‘t my hardearned grades lose signifi- “Recommethtded‘ thztitt 3]: Com anv New World one AJfa was made to
3.933“; Fllllshlllfl my tern. will entail mi. lism. and start up the ladder to the raise you to come back and take cance because students are cheaters earl consider Iettin out and Sta :_ say to another, “We do not have to .
:13. ” ing an t-ntn‘e new wardrobe Good edltorshlp Of The New York Times. care of me " Thanks Mom, I‘ll keep and paidinstructors arecareless. 3y“ of“ of the ugran'ugn business y” be infantile." He was referring to
. ‘l..<"- bye trusty Lttj.t‘.'i."4tltf buttondowns. There have been numerous lessons thatin mind. If teachers do not prevent the 0g r that ur nlium li‘e d'has sexual behaviorattitudes.
"t battered tennil-s that I live in. and he learned here. and I plan to take I'm going to miss my other fami- cheating and enforce punishments y u :5 fe ha a death nd
. i'i‘fli thost- lowly bails} blue yeans that that knowledge with me and put it to ly. the staff at this newspaper and against those caught. then it is use- (:2; 0:) mucsucanlcteghd varoteafor Sigmund Freud and others have
u ittf"! are so womtortahie I dont know I use my roommates past and present. less for the good students to go to tht' y. peased tgpo” noticed this connection between cer.
éflfl :1. hitU‘ then. on It I could take each freshman by terribly. They've been there in a cri- class and study. ‘5 recommen a t h‘ tain emotions and highintelligence.
.53, Hello ht‘f‘I.\_ hose and skirts that s thi- hand and try to impart some of sis. have put up with all my com- It appears the Statistics depart— I think that this is an excellent , . . .
‘.",_‘/Mtv‘ t‘ntmtih t’imakt‘ ”It‘d lttt'r my revelations to him/her. I would plaining. have cleaned up after my ment was receptive to my complaint proposal. even though the board of 3‘9“! does hlgh intelligencedcaititsle
t'itL’. 3.! I'll hate :o dust off my curlers. it havea lot tosay dog -— and they stillloveme. and the Universtiy‘s ombudsman directors recommends a vote these higher emOt‘O"; or .03 “e
lit-133's}. I can find them and get rid of m} Ilon‘t let yourself get lost in the Thanks for everything folks. and was comforting. but I feel this letter against it. This uranium that is emOttgm cause t“? igher 1th 9‘"
i‘h braid Tt‘u’tt W t‘tttt‘lt'n'l} keeps m} shuffle When I first got here. I felt I good luck You'll be hearing from to be my only recourse to draw at- mined can be used in nuclear bonbs. gence. 0r. “7 put ‘t more C ear-y.
1.7.}; ‘ hati not of my face I ll have to go to (m, month- a 10 cent cog in a mulit~ me. tention to this problem. and I do not feel that such use is in are the emotions (experiences) in-
”’.. ".3 Nerle .\Iorman and find out how to lltlHltiIt dollar machine. and if I fell Ready or not world. I‘m busting In conclusion. I hope this letter the best interest of the nation or the telligence. D065 ““9381“? Oneh'?'
.AtW-fi' become instantly ht’autllllt God. my out the heart of this monster outathisjoint triggers action because right now I world. 5'3” ‘hto the workings 0t the whoe
own mother won t know me when wouldn‘t missabeat. truely fee] that if I continue to go to 3 _ universe ortfrnake one see or t Ink
' 3.3:,“ thetransformation isfinished Ilon't let yourself be a little nut. Anne Charles is a graduating senior UKlellbewastlng mv time. Bu‘ldlngdUp our arsena‘l‘ or nuclear more clearly '
i ..r»~ i; ...-, > ~ ' weans omnotmaeusan' . . .
"'.‘t'.3.',': Bu why should .ht lni (mitt t bolt oi strtw become one of the and managingeditoroftheKernel. '-k~ safe?) Also extensive militarz' If so. then intelligence is not a
. 8&tg:o;}3%::~: spending is hot verv good for our matter of either heredity or environ—
‘, 1' ' merit. as they are commonly under~
.. . m economv. - .
'1, ’2 ' 31‘ M COUNTY by Berke Breathe“ G d . b UKPD ' stood; but. of encountering some ex~
, 00 0 The Wall Street Journal has re ternal reality which has key
I. '_~ . £322?th $315M“ ggmwamw ““5 '5 I peatedly pointed out the deep finan- significance to one. All experiences
,’ v: “r ' ' txsnmru EXAMM mostormmwg . cial difficulties the nuclear industry involve two key elements: subject
. . . 50F Wm war . . . . .
;,. " »' 3“ ”HE WWW These 80205 UNABASHWLY Ari-r5 5" many times you hear bad is havmg at this time. More and andobyect.
. ‘ ~ eat" “9 P575350” ”5‘47 nesnmmoraicommon. ua./55w things about the campus police and more utilities are electing not to
' ‘. ‘ Cc“ ‘\‘\ GUIDE‘IOPENGUM. now WEN ISUBMH' I 566 their relationship with students, but b 'ld n 1 w l d be
, , . gw a Q mm I m uc earpo erpants an some DougFor s
i, . @* ‘X«’ N .3 . 3“ _ mm' "9"” do YOU hear about the 800d have even halted production on cur- Computer Science senior
f, 1 ' . VA“ ‘0 ~ {7* It“ «a (-751 "r f“" \ things the force (105; 1 V9 had seve. rent projects because of the escalat-
, t g ,. 9 3 /' . « I ’. ' = ral parking tickets in the past. but - 2 t f h l
, , \ 20 on f Ag _ \ g a 1 __ . ingcos osuc pants.
' (5:3)“ 09'6“: ”x”. . l] N- -\ y" )t ‘1} H . ~ only because I parked illegally. And. As it seems likel that the rice of
' I . . ' “1.» ,\ ~~r. ' ' \ ' ‘
.23; \ “wwo‘t’gfi‘ /' A 1 3 -\ 4‘“ Q3, 3t“\’ \ :\\\,h:ti6 ‘(gj'v aftiejrmcgfil‘gg Ott‘ t begrudgingly such plants will 0le continue: to go
.1." «W '5 , \ " ht \ y? _ g‘ - / p880 ythi ' h ed th th up. and since they only have a life LETTERS
" ‘ \ itt ‘ ’7’ - / T1" ‘ — \.) me ng appen e 0 er s n of 30 ears (the ct too hot
3".— up» . 1 r , * ~ 1 t A? —- Ass? day. however. that changed my pa h y y 3
’ _, ’ J ‘ 9 X} ’ "-' » /' €353. . mind and attitude about the campus after t at, to operate). I feel that nu- Persons submitting letters and Opt»
" " . , . police. or at least one officer - Jack clearlpowtlerwul play a spifller and "tons to the Kernel should submit .
(““7 (Ii/X01 MON”: 318% omxiwmm Thomas. sma erroemourenergy uure' their comments typed and triple-
' .' . it t t ' m “t i t y '~ ~ \~ Tuesda morning I awoke to find [think that the com it would be spaced to the ed-tortol editor ”4
. ante/tamer, Rtwno Hf Kt Alana MILO SAID ”/5 Wm,“ y . . . ' P8 y
.4 a momma mum POAS‘ A Flock W? .45 WW“; UH OH my” 7/ my car had been involved in a hit better off financially in the future if Journalism Butldlng UK 40506-0042
.' . In rue 504001 maxim {HMO mop 5y ‘ 5 /””£”. and run at Greg Page Apartments. it would pursue a different method Wr