xt7nzs2k9c99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k9c99/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1911-03-09 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 25, March 9, 1911 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 3, No. 25, March 9, 1911 1911 1911-03-09 2015 true xt7nzs2k9c99 section xt7nzs2k9c99 'l` H E I D E A  
fl ‘ .
  Vol. lll LEXINGTON, KY., MARCH 9, 1%*11 Ne, 36  
 ,,,—-—-———-—-————.—··-—- °
5 TIE CENTRAL FOR FIRST HONORS. 9 fouls. Francis' playing was de- lucky awarded 2 fouls. most unique and inn-rt-s'ti11;.>; political
_ —-- cidedly poor in comparison to what .;..,.......... career of any public man in the ua-
R WILSSQLZ   OF he has done against other teams. Rgggpn- |__ TAYLOR IN ARMORY tion,
. Herbert Tinsley played a good guard, ·|·ON|GH·;-_ ln 1886 he ran against his brother
S'DE SCHOGL- but in leaving his man he showed All'r<~-· or 2$i¥‘“.g.3gZ£§`§ttE2§ ;‘§$¥3.‘§"....";’.}’d-
posing Schools as   encouraged hifn ()]()SQly* guarded t,hfQ\]gh()ut the more   appr€clat€d’ than Mr. ience 8. H]USiC&l treat   his  
*1 their toasn to bettle and Vict°ry· enum g8_m6_ H9 Should bg consid. Taylors His name is a household and bow of which he is quite the
Both teams had been trained up to Grad as one of the best centers in the word within the bounds of our sister master. Robert was victorious in the
the minute and with the exception of State. Gamer played a Very aggmb itgteogtndmit cagid be easily} szgid that mcg, being elected Governor by one
Francis' Transylvamas captain' both give game and in this respect; excelled T p 0 CGYat regs B t 6 tate of of the l8.I'g€St m3.jOI‘iti€S €V€l' rolled
were in prime condition everyone. "Jake" has the proper spir- ennessefs 6 We do not mean to up in the State. He has ever since
The Crimson assumed the offensive it for playing basketball and We be_ Say that his fame is confined within been prominent in politics, and has
in tho mst halt and after °'b°ut two lieve that there is not a more deter-   n€¤¥`€d in Sovoral prosioontial oloo'
mmut°S`°f play the Score was 7 to mined player in the South. Although tions. He is a musician, writer,
1 in fam? °t Tr°'nSylv8'um' Things not figuring in the scoring materially, scholar, orator and statesman, an
‘°°k°d d“b*°“s for K°‘““°k" but °“' he msuiieu the winning spirit inte ms p "ldol of the S<>uth."
any Barnett °ag°d a new goal follow. team—mates that enabled them to win. A,. It is 6 Y3!`6 t¤`€8·t to h8·V6 the 0D-
ed by Harrison and the Outlook ba Preston played a consistent game and   portunity of hearing him right at
came m°m pleasant Maidens ability no fault can be found with his work. we Imme-
to throw fouls, kept his team in the The work of the Omcials was ex- .
mdszzfewgigdthlj n;t1ga:1v;$O(;_v$ ceedingly difficult at time as both HARRISON ELECTED BASKET-
the Crimson. teams were very muchl wrfnight up wv BALL CAPTAIN.
ln the second half the Wildcats E(;§;u?haV!€Ii1€a(;h2;§;t iii; ycgggi   MAN OF MUCH EXPERIENCE.
come back and it was evident that would have made the game Slow and ~ i _ p GOOD PLAYER.
they meant to win. Captain "Jake" _ t tm ,
proceeded to demonstrate to the “““‘ ems g· Lineup { 8,,, Cem, ,,, th, S,a,,,_
crowd that he is the best guard in ‘ · _____
Kentucky by the manner in which he Kontnoky T¤‘¤¤S>’1v¤¤i¤ On Tuesday afternoon the   of
swept the opposing players out of his Marx ······················ Maiden this year’s basketball team together
wa)-_ The gcgrg alternated as each Forwards with the manager, met in the Y. M. C.
team made a held goal, first Kentucky Barnett ............. . .... B. Tinsley A, room and prcccded to elect a Cap-
am; then Transylvania, and finally the Forwards tain for the basketball team for next
score became a tie, 25 to 25. At this Hart V ··········· · ··········· ROBERT L. TAYLOR. year. After the balloting it was found
point the game turned in favor of Forwards ___ that Harrison, center on the team this
the Wildcats by their superior playing Hamsoll ··-·--···---· F*`a¤ois» (C) those meager bounds, but far from year, was the choice.
and guarding. Hart converted a foul Canto" that; it reaches to all parts of the ln making this selection the team
into a, point and they caged a goal Gaison (C) ··············· H- Tinsloy nation and to other nations. showed much thought and they have
from near the center of the field, Guards Senator Taylor is descended from succeeded in getting a player of ster-
this being the longest shot seen this Preston ····-··· · ······ · ···· Foster some of the most distinguished fam- ling qualities. Always quiet and un-
year, Harrison, in guarding a Tran- Guards ilies in the entire Southland, his an- assuming, but nevertheless, very ag-
eylvenle player, succeeded in getting R°fo"oo—C*`niso· cestors, both immediate and remote, gresslve during a game; he possesses
the ball on the throw out and con- UmPn`o"RaYno"· on both sides, being leaders of great the qualities that go to make up 8
verted his effort into a fleld goal and Tnno*`s"‘D*`· Emom Thomas- distinction both in peaceful and mar- good leader. Harrison played on the
the game was won by the best team Soo"o*`_Booko"· tial pursuits. In addition to this he Georgetown team two years ago and
Kentucky ever had, Final Soo*'°‘KontnokY· go? Tran' has himself climbed very high upon played with State during the past
For Transylvania, Maiden dld by far sY"’ania· 25- the ladder of fame, He has been year. He still has another year of
the best, his foot work was good and Goals—Malden, 4; H. Tinsley, 3; twice Governor of his native State, basketball and will prove to be the
his passing accurate. In addition to Francis, 1; Marx, 4; Harison, 3; Hart, member of Congress, presidential best center in the South after another
this was his ability to throw foul which 2; Barnett, 1; Gaiser, 1; Preston, 1. elector and is at present United States seasons work. The following men did
feat has not been equalled this year. l·`ouls—Maiden, 9, missed 4; Barnett Senator. He has served his State and the voting: Babb, manager; Captain
Out of the 25 points made by his 1, missed 5; Hart 3, missed 1; Marx country in numerous other political Gaiser, llart, Marx, Harrison, Preston
` team, he scored 17, 4 field goals and missed 1; Preston missed 1. Ken capacities, and has had probably the and Barnett.

 2 T II E I D E A 1
Ask Your Grocer for- NO MORE CADET HOPS THI8 YEAR At this time, however, Armour men
. do not seem to be able to support a
dance for Armourltes only, and con-
Denvt Forget Hoe cege Me.] An announcement to this effect was ’°q“°¤uY• WG 811*]] here to 0090110
Made BV made   Commandant   to the more or less, u'p0n outside attendance, ·
' _ in order to run successful dances.
. I R uq ntl] • battalion at the beginning of his reg N
Len on n S O0 ular military lecture last week. Ac- But V0 cm U ]0"t ¢¤¤tr¤l U10 0f* \ °
`”"‘ ‘   cordlngly. the dance which was to ’°"”00¤¢ >'0¤¢h" who comes to an \
have been held next Saturday after- Arm°u*' d*·¤0° DY promptly ¤ubdul¤8 CLIFT N
M A R C I" oooo, will not roko place ooo will too all •¤¤•¤¤¤¢¤¢ ¤¢¤¤¤¤¤ rr · r¤¤¤¤· s9sl¤.¤9¤ °?H2.l.l.D  
GOOD FURNITURE, given. S°“*°’ d'·¤°°·
Although the announcement was I NMC]!   .,
Oarpets, Wall Paper and SIQOVOI. not greeted with cheers, the explana- u•.,sror¤•. Cluett, 1>esl>odyaco..1naers ‘ x
tion given by the mllltary head of VESPER SERVICE.
the school convinced the cadets that   ·
    his action was the only proper one. n ‘_,
_ _ n The cadet hops were instituted by g·|·UpEN·rg AFFORDED A Moey
"The T“1°’ That s*t*‘¤” the leaders of t.he battalion last Oc- ENJQYABLE AND |N8·|·Ruc_
STEAM and DRY cLEA_N·ING_ tober to provide a form of social en- Tw; HOUR.    
. joyment for the student body. They
159 South I•lm€8t0D0 were given once a month, on the sec- 'i c& C
_ ._._.._._._....... vnd Swrrdem from 3 to 6 v- m-b'1`h¢ It nos been sold that the student; °‘ 4
Arory was used, the music elng of Kentucky St t U T it e
umvslzsrrr LUNCH STAND f\!l'hl$h€d by the cadet sooo, ooo do c.,,,,,,,,.,,, Q ';,,,,'Q,,"°,[,f,,’,,`§,‘Z,’°c,f’f THE LEADING
· Flrst (Ii£&SSl`§lllI{Cl1 Hlild gffgirg were eagerly- looked forward tom.: but thin ntntnmnnt num. to     ,
or rr S to 000 NKWY €¤10Y0d· have been dlsproved on last Sunday •
A']. ALL HOURS Intended for the students of the egterneen when hundred. of nn.], md   { .
A. B. BARRETT university, the hops soon attracted heye, end, we are glad to nan, mnny .’
Cor. S. Llmo and Colfax Sts. many outsiders. Many of the cadets emeene ee L°xi¤gt°¤_’ enameled nn.   li
  gave invitations with a liberal hand the nnee veenee Sereicel The con. 1 I
A gvggm-mug ro; rg; is thx; cf th;] r¤;¤.t¤·i¤;¤r¤L¢¤· ¤f room ot ootoloo woo toot voooooo IN HIGH Gus! ‘
• xopgxl 0W ¤ W0¤ G sc ° *00***- at State would be a tenure, but ls ¤ ourgg Aguggqrg nu) · f
; D el , 6 P, ti These outsiders had not the regard reehty it eee ·¤cc°·'ful beyond even G Y  
" wm! m M ul our own students possess, for the the meet enunneeie exneeenuen ef eee ° l f'
Lexington Phew Suppl, g°_ reputation of the university nor for promctcrt -
; O"! Knew. Ton cant Ste,. observing proprletybat the hop. The The nyeenem eeneieeed ot {neun, FOR  
» afrect of this has ecome so not ce- menu] n,neie_ eengeenenenel Magnus. '
it Bbls. as to Gauss ¢0¤1¤1€¤t- Thi-> Dl'€¤· and addresses by Miss Helm and Dr.      
, Aman   ence of the large number of outsiders perten The ineernmeneel mneie 'ee
hss resulted in the decision of the pondered by pm; o;·eue·e ercheegn Fulll Line Now on Display .
ICE CREAM PARLOR cadet hop committee to discontinue end wa of luch e enereeeel. ne ee 1
· AND LUNCH STAND the <;¤¤¤¤¤bf<; rh: rest 0; the tween make the hour s sooooso or its eel:.     l
. { B Dl`0 ¤ 0 t at 00 8 temp W Miss Helm gave a short talk in • {
South Lim d W l St t
° ““ ""°" ”°°° be mrde to resume the mlliterv which she omphsstzoo the not toot nnnn num nm
  dances next year, if a way can ze one of the greeeeee eendemneuene of · l
J. J. FITZGERALD f¤¤¤<1 by which the ¤vir¤¤¤¤¤ cer r our modem life ls ate aooooolotoooy. •
<><>¤tr<>llsd- or. 1- rter ll ltod hi lr to nr- _______ ,
·   The atlltudé of other schools to' toon tginutxl? tjkhlgs   ·lubjQCt  
Sham and Water Heating ward the same problems is shown by ·•The Good Student" He new ennt   &   l
zoo w. soon, . . Lexington, xy. the f<>¤<>wi¤s editorial frem the Fri- the good student moot be o studloua
crum, the publication of the Armour etndent; e wen behaved ntndenn md
Instiwle ef T°0h¤0l0gY· of Chi°ag°» a Christian student Hls concluding S rin Line in Fnmi h"
. · s ln
KINKEID COAL COMPANY ml¤0lS¥ remarks were concerning our unlver- Gp dg H 9
enncn nd YARn_ At the Armour class dances in the sity and nn future, saying that ne 00 8. als and Oxfords
` lest rear er two. it has beer noticed hoped and prayed that lt should ol. are now being shown at
RnILR§;;)1;’;RN° Br°;'d;"'y'ht D lhat H10 I’0*'00“tag0 of 0;t$ld°"?d at ways remain lnterdenominational and
. . relg 0- the dances has increase GODS Bl'- Should never establish n chair of the, e .
I pot.   Broadway and     ably, lll f8Cl, tll€S€ OlIl.Sld€1`S have b€‘ 0]0gy_         S Miller and
come so numerous that the Armour The program as n whole 0,. in part. OTS Um   . S1€lSOI1
dances can llardly be called "Ar· wee educating. elevntgng and edny, Sl'l0€S Hals
SARRIS & CO. meur D¤¤¤:S"] arr: linger; d t log and must have been pleasing to 140 W. Main Street
0 0 B0 00 0 8 Sim an 0 ‘ the orlglnator. You members of the
· H0ME'M·ADE CANDY tendance the class dance should be fnenlty who were ent, and student.
      bll • Y G Oppomun DITl~U|’1l|’1Q thO Ey¢b|‘¢)wg_
_ _· rlous classes to successfully CODd\1¢t {ty to attend Vggpgyg at Sage in the The hair of the eyebrows regains the
107 E8$t NW10 bt- their dances without monetary as- no dgeeent yntn,·e_ Au ethere are eyee color long after the halr or [hg heed
sisrance ef P0°Pl° who d° fret gg t° invited to attend the next services. :::“:"§§gaii&¥n0[;;ig£‘; and Km? sys~
' ' Armour. As a matter of act t GSS ......._.,.•.,.......__, 0 appearance -
Grlfflth Q Crcwc Same Outsiders are beginning to make Mr, John Flowers. 1912. mush to rcgmuchuinll lg htnjzllggaggczo darken A
. ’ themselves very obnoxious. All who his friends' regret, has quit school. can be done with pomede Bgesgnfs
Everytlnng Thats Good ln attended the recent Senior dnnce will and accepted n nosmnn as drnngntn which come for the purpose- It is th;
!'0m0mb°" the "°'“$h‘h°“'° ir tm man tor the Frank Fehr Brewing Co., ¤¤lY ¤Dvli¢¤¤0¤ of color that lg in en,
P R | N T | N G cloak-room after the dance. Very of n0nievme_ way an improvement to the face Soma
careful observation brought out the __.,__,_,_,____ D€¤Ci1 Under the lower lld_ thgnhlne
  S()Ulll Llll]€StO[\(* fact that the entire trouble `Nas ful" Report for base   reraotice now! th&th"'dir?l;r0v8S the looks-   Q|'Q
F tt Pl W K nlshed by the "High School Willies" _____,•_,_____ 3*:5181 ‘;°;p;;*:;u:°" ll Klxs A very gr.
a T: -. ss no
ye E mm) ’ Wh0 al'0 BUN et m0 ¤K0 WMD a C0? Report for base ball practice now! same as painting the cheells lncghggz
n tain quiet dignity is considered r- _____,_•__t___ wg me color of the nn"`
LBXIUKYOU. - - Kclltuckrl diculous- Report for base ball practice now! -—-——---—.._ ee

 1'11 E 111 1·, A
   ~-·--%~=*‘~~‘;7+*`¥*?**;*=;?;>*<¥{,` vision of the Iowa State College. He age, the corn costing only 18 cents
A Pgymy Saved I 'I related his early experience as a per bushel to raise, including labor,
[ P     II school teacher in extreme rural dis- but not counting rent on the land.
, I cl cnny Mad!   I tricts where he first conceived the This ls only a sample of the work
"""'W"WW'* idca ol` teaching the children by hav- done by this and several other such
We can .m·wyou many pnmie: I Ellen M°°r°‘ I lng them really do things. Draper clubs now existing in the State. Oth-
_ _ by ,,y;,,g you   said of Illinois: "Thc wealth of Il- ers are being formed continually.
‘‘‘`‘ ‘** linois is in her soil and her success Their work is copied by friends and
Miss L0¤l86 Head Sllont from F`l'l· lies in its intelligent. development" neighbors and hence the productive-
Tht Parnell Drug d8·Y nntll Monday Rt not home ln Prof. Holden realized that this was ness and prosperity of Kentucky, an
‘ `· C 9 Lagrange- equally true of lows. and he determin- essentially agricultural State, is in-
l Oo 5 ed to do his part One of his first creased. Does agricultural education
. Mio! Bottle Loo Hinton spent tho ventures was to hold a com show pay?
, Suck of Weekend with Miss Ruby Osborn, of among his pupils, telling each one _
I I G€0l'8¢l·°W¤· to bring the best ear that he could  
    flnd in his father’s corn crib. Prof.
Mill Mattie Morgan visited hor Holden acted as judge, also being the R
SOAPS parents in Corinth the past week. donor ot small premiums for the best. P I A N O S F E E
PERF UMES { The next day he had two visitors, FROM
4  M  D  Miss Theodosla Peak visited friends one the father of the boy who won A N Y D E F E  
Aer COST in Georgetown. nrst prize, the other the father of the
boy who had been told that his ear ’
·"*·• Miss Naomi Ballew spent several was the poorest in the lot. Ot course That S what Y"“ g"t when Y°“
I , days at her home ln Richmond. it required all the teacher’s tact to bu, f"’m
I The Put Hot Chocolate an qufgt tho ang-ry mono.- who and Montcnc ,,0 mmm Music C0
{lu Cf; Mrs. J. W. Porter entertained Mlss- brought up the ear and who had in- g •
y es Ida and Ellen Moore and Miss slsted that a school teacher knew
I "“"' Nannie Grlmth at dinner Friday eve- nothing about corn,  
! mug At t th hcl {fair served
• D C I any ra e e w e a
~     to create interest, giving the teacher   I  
I g n   0° thu"- }:*·$°l:I¤• (Ig g’§g$°;;m;v°‘° an opportunity to show what really t ict I I it
¤ I Ph I5, y N {D S ° mu ° r°‘ ' ‘ ‘ was a good kind cf com and which Win I Yon? D UFO Ince you e
» on our ur"' mg an Mi M ru t th week types would give the best yield and homo-80 doo! Your
l ss Lorine a n spen e ·
. withal how to plant and cultivate. An
· . end in Georgetown with Mrs. John ·  
grlcultural club was formed and un-
L°wi’ Th°m°°‘ I der Mr. Ilolden’s instruction did such CALL AT
0 I t 8 t d mug Pm! an  remarkable things that the neighbors , .
¤*° *“""°'° · asu an ,tn ok H h  
L     & C0• Mrs, B. C. Hagerman entertained the :;;:83u G an ence 8 W r     S u  
I Incwrponted gslzibrttsognicftilssvnleingggagzo 3:-;:8 only °¤° Person out of twenty, gud ml hl? ll1°l¤ yu mgke m°¤l°l`
· · · ' appy an as elp you to win
out, gave sown, ven ,mm_“,,¤g gets to go to a college or university, 0
Will do your Society and Com. rudmgl hence to strengthen the rank and nle Y0\ll‘
I I ' of our people, to help them to help    
l m•¤¢¢¤l¢¤t I¤Vltltl0¤8 and PTO- themselves, we must teach them to yi", mm, of thm.,
RULES OF A PRQMINENT CCL. do better the seemingly common- `
* mmm- bntu umu MIN"' LEGE EDITOR To HIS lace thin s We cannot prosper sin-    
I BTAFF. D, , it,1 rt 8 nd us We Special rates to students.
g y or w pove y rou
Noa         I   write on scm a er-— are not   to bg rich, for D0 matter         Flyt Phhlli  
‘ °'°°”· K’· "°‘“ ‘ _ Y ‘ our nolgnoor is stricken with poverty evan so yuan-
n.”° .?‘1“"§‘l'$‘§§’.fn`;'I§$}i‘Z.I.‘i‘1‘.Z"§.‘ ··· <=·¤·=¤¢ but- ¤·¤¤¤   M *···=· """'"'”°"
  ° D n en K lness wanes and poverty soon stares
ur; m;:·;h;; ::;;;?:'t° ·p°,,,¤g_ us in the face. We must consider
' nothing too trivial to demand our
L¢01131‘d Hotel 2; "°°"'°"'°"' °°°" °'°°“°° ‘° “"‘ time and neonuon. We must encour-
' age ourselves and others to make each
    Inge D:¤d¤O;0\?:t:)I;G?:ync:1:;;___:;:; day a record breaker In the amount T°g°:·z‘,::°°.
’ of work done by brain and hand. Co••vn•c••rs le.
The only first one oltop in Lexington °“° "° ““"°'“‘°°“· “‘° '““°’ °°°°°° K I, I I, I, d I an oo. ...3.!‘..l‘}“.t.%?.‘33!llf :.t."$.l$lt.tll°o‘3:.t°€ll¥t.l‘lR.:":.l
Y., P - ially. when no punctuation is made °““‘° Y ’ °" W"` “ ”‘ Y lnvonnoni•nn»nno»y,».n..n.o¤ con.n.nn•.-.,
C °mP*d°“’a$P°°‘*ltY· { spects but still she ls getting into ¤l<•n•··¤rl¤¢l{(go··¤let::L°5’y•
5. Above all, never re-read your ar- :;;"° i" th · H mom above om-uu non", wnnoot o¤•¤·¤•,lu•.¤•
ticle after writing lt—lt is unwise to m" “ ° ”m° "° °° S H ·
.   I
G",. make any c°,,,.°c,,°us m you,. we will clte the case of a boys agri- Ah    
I M", n n,,,,,ed andsomslylllnstrstod weekly. Iynrnost ela-
m_ amt impressions Clll’l"°l’ll °l"h nm" ll"` l` rs cnlatlouof any scvleeatlugoynnnrrial, 1orm•,|3g
‘ " ' _ your: four numth•,|1. d byall newsdealers
THE WRANGLER and instructed bv the dlvlslon ot ex
— ` to-sion wnlr so our own agricultural   § c0.“w'°“°"‘   
I ——··•·*·—·· oonogo rms t-noo is not ln n Blue """°" '”°*""°‘··"""‘"“‘°"·"·
' n * ·  
    grass bounty or oven   cnn of  
—""' more fertile countles or our State and
TM agricultural students w°"° gil" still the llgures below will show what  
A, th I Sh °¤ an °l’l’°"*“““Y during the put can be done and ls helm- done under
I uw`,. th. 8‘m° Pri". Mosler of the University of Illinois .,,,,,2,, 0,,,.,, ,,I,,I,, I,, KB,,,,,cky last  
U cl Al and Prof. Holden of Iowa State Col yn,. was Zo; h,,,,I,,,I,, ,,9,. 8,.,.,, and
ways ·“n' w‘,· G`°°d• lege two of the most prominent agri- » fo,. the I", ,,,,, ,,,,8,., y,,,,, I,,,,,,, 0,,],,   .·e _
{mm   CUIYUPISYS of AIIl9I`l(!8.. Prof. Mosler Oc'? huqhnle 'V‘k.» nlnh rnfprrgd to         G
N td ls prominent ln the soil survey of ll- b d f 41 b vs P h  
V over Ou Ono' ,, , I, P , H ld , t · °v°' compo"` O 0 ' tac All work tll'Sl (`luss and (luuranteed
’         Y\() 9 RH ro . (l GH B a V8 Bran •- ’·*-·~ nwn nnvn vvnran nn av@]'ag(3 of (iive nu, H ,.,,II·
’ In corn breeding in l0W8, and l8 HOW mu hughplq onncldornhlv more than 2‘3 1.2 EAST MAIN STREET
      lN• $I'[""`°Yllf‘"d(°nt of thG Extension DI'       inoreaga Over the ap]-p- Nvnr 0 tbfficc

4 T H E I D E A _
I HE IDEA Spring Showino  .
Published ove,·3· 'l`liurs¢¤¤¤bl¤ t° uuozn wAv, For full information regarding   l
the llsqulrements of a university ·tl:¤· appointees, courses of study, cost  
dep merit ahouldxlze aillyancid att ll; -—-- of board, etc., apply to ;
, ou se - · _ · -
°“’° ‘° ° ° W °° S _ H. S. BARKER, Call for the Genulne ·
ven ment is in itself a motive to be Play Meets Approval. PRES l
right to expect from its students the ____ cxmo °¤> y' v »
proper use of the time allotted to lt,       y _
but lt·has not the rlght to overlook At Int the much talked of may is l A
the demands of others, that must be A mam,. and rehearsal. dm Mw in H You “,unt U¤d¤r F`¤v¤¤¤¤ Nwousl Bank
heeded as well ¤¤ it- <>w¤- ran swing. Judging from uw sn. _ d COGSWELL 8 BYRON
There must always be perfect har- usinsm shown at rehearsals the Prlllte Matter pmest Hm, Cumng and Shavlng ,
mony existing between the depart- DIR? will be 8. Success. The parts ag y . , Parlor in the Ck
ments to gain the desired results, but were posted last Friday and are only ll Inch C°'“P°lS Altemlon y
unfortunately one is sometimes lm- tentative and lt is possible that the ty k , . . ·
pressed‘by a feeling of antagonism understudy may become the lead, 0 mm “hcm you can get It  
that seems to pervade an institution. Business Manager Sanders promises ° I
One department seems sometimes to • capacity house for the tlrst per- THE       r
be working in opposition to another. formance and that several of tho   l
Yet this does not mean that there boxes have already been engaged,   8   rd C T ,
should not be vast differences in the Mr. G. B. Merchant has been secured a Son 0° Everything first·class to eat. Y
work carried on. Each department as stage carpenter and the work ln CINCINNATI French Drip Coffee; gysrers any l
has its gw;] sphelre is Cvhicll; to lrgrcg this department will be well taken Style Ht H mommitls m,m,€_ The
coed an ey s ou e vers e care of. Rehearsals of different acts only first-class Lunch Counter in
or there would be need for only one and characters appearing in each will _ tho gpm}, cud of the city Open ~
department instead of many. And it be posted on the bulletin board ln D0 Ullly Tllill Klllil day »,n | -n.»ht i l
does not seem in keeping with the the hallway of the gymnasium build- l I o {
spirit of progress that two depart- ing. All performers and members or W- S- BRADLEY ‘
ments should be under the (lll`€0ll0H the "Strollers" take notice.     (`¢>¥‘¥l¢’l‘ Mill and B0llV8»1‘ l
2 l

I A I REVIEW OF BASKETBALL. for practice at once. Come out and  -—-
  . ——-——— get in the game.  
~ .  
, ~ ", " "T—r ADMITTED TO BAR.  
r ‘--A- • ‘ it 5 Won Five and Lost Five. ______ _
5   -’ ,%l* ·····—· ALPHA HUBBARD TAKES EXAM-
_ I . K The season began very discourag- |NAT|0N_
I tire     ingly but after weeks of good coach- .._...
J " et; {ng the team developed and there is Makes High Average. I
I . \,;,.   no comparison between the work of _ -
" t,l'   [   , the flrst and last game. All the men On iaet Thursday Alpha Hubbard, · ·
. .%jf`·~·. `·\ . / I on the team will he hack next year ’10, and e student m the College or
    V \\ { / ( and   fact should boost OUT pI`OB• Law, passed the bar examination,
 _ ,i»» °   r ll   pects for the Southern championship. which was held at vm·mmeg_ a   -
.     _ Credit must he slven Coach lddlnss . Mr. Hubbard was the winner er
(til for the way he handled the team- the 1908 Crum Medal and 1910 Pat.
` C0¤lill8 MPC 8 ¤fl'9·¤8¢l‘ to ¤V¢l"Y0¤€ terson Oratorlcal Contest, also a mem-
he succeeded in nlclnns ont the heat ber of the Varsity Debating Team. 0
material and developing a wlnnlns For the present, he will be aesoeiet- •
ccmhlnatlcn. a task which ie by no ed with the premxueut Erm er steu (successors
means an easy one to a person who ls B hr g tm it _
not acquainted with the students who & us u B c y t° T- B- Dewhurst)
participated. ‘
A. •. z. z. Mzsrme. UARTER8-
During the season Marx made 23 HTADQ
field goals and 6 fouls malnlng a total '”'_' FOR ALL
of 52 nctnte_ Hert caged 22 ece], The student branch of the Ameri-
and 39 gcnm getting 83 points. Her, can Institute of Electrical Engineers I
, rison secured 27 tleld for a total of held tbcir rcgclcr mccttcg Tnerdar  
want the newest 54 points. ••_ye_ke·· encceeded in get, nightat Mechanical Hall. The meet-
txug 16 goals to hte ereutt whue Pres- lns Wee nreelded over hw President J- .
ustuntsn in ton takes 7_ Barnett cntetned 5 Held B. Sanders and the following lnstruc·    
goals and 5 fouls for 15 points. Beatty tivc Prcgmm rwdcrcdi
threw 2 tleld goals and Campbell got Mr- J- J- Fitzpatrick Prcccctcd c
L Kentucky wee nwerded three nctnte resume of an article in the February | For College MDD.
SP R I N G lll A   during the season bringing the total number of thc "Pre¤eedl¤a¤-" thc cub'
polnts scored up to 259, against their Ecti ctr which gras AThc Etcenemle —--
  ()ppQu9nt3' 262. Staté WOD UVB 8811168 m ta Ons to 8 zsrega on 0
and lest nve_ Power Systems," by Mr. Phillips of FOOT BALL GQODB,
v ’ Ccnstdertng the bad etnrt end the the society, in which therultlmate uni-
They re here now rea- ,.3m,,,k,,br.,. finish, it gag bg mny sate vereal adoption of Elelctrlggtv frcir com- GYMNASIUM SUITS,
. . . _ ' I power is pre ict ; t s pre-
d for 0 I. that the season was a success. Man mcrcla
y   u vIi1w:1ng’hln ager Babb deserves credit for the ;icti0{ldb€i¤gfbt;·;€d Cl;). 3t lh<;l’0l18g SHOES,
all S 3 COP S 3 B t 8t businesslike manner In which he has now c gc c c Bu icc g cauc
y . In f conducted the erretre of the team. from Wide experience- The advent- BASKET BALL . 
’ Scrubs. Had it not been for the sec- rcct errrerti Wcirc rhrrr ard mdr SUPPLIES,
i ond team, our Wildcats could not cated that ll tllw 9·€€l'l’l8€ 118 Clll‘·
r Ask to SCC U18 DEW have developed the way they dtd_ rentuwould practicnlly take the plies; BASE BALL GOODS, .
1 une     The following men will receive their c rect currcut er °· ccmmcrcr
t · "K" for the season's work: Captain P“rccScc· and
1 oeteer, mu-t, Mm, serum, Pres- lgri W- W-hstegrnren dl·;<=¤¤;¢d ar common
i 8, new bfoad brim I ton, and Barnett, BY C 0 OD t B ropresse ropu ·
· th h ’h ow sion or shlpe by m1etr1e1ty,·· by Mr. PENN/&NT8·
l Cl'0Wl'l, C at I C .,...._..,....._. R. L. Emmet discussing the advise- `
¥ r bility of installing turbo·generators on FLAGS,
t young fellows are ASE BA C ships and then driving the propeller _
. gl] wearing, I r I of the ship by an A. C. motor, supplied PILLOW c0vEB8» .
. B“° "“‘ °"‘°“°° t' °°“' *’° “g "' with current from the generator sets.
.      d $4 00 gggif :e“'lfI?:§v:;ld Tnierxhitftvx Curves were shown by which the ef- POSTERS, BTU.
° °° ‘ 8 8 flclency of such an arrangement was
I condition and practice will be held apparent, there being an economy or A
I HQ r there when the weather permits. At 4 pounds or Steam per, brake none r
show usa head cnr Halman cant cthcr ttmcc rcpcrt te thc ·*r¤¤¤rr· power per hour. The objectioual Will always be Qld-d to N0
t {il. 2:18s::’u:;;8°°$J§;;°;l:%s::; zlglds features were overwhelmingly out- YOU.
‘ • weighed by the desirable features of _
.........._. b°;xtr°m°ly camful ¤°t te trrer the the electrical method of propulsion l
t :1°uScT;`d °°°ugh t° °°u°° °°r°’ °tm and lt was shown that on a battleship
'i ‘ this method would be almost ideal, Y
.   torzlie 2;:::9 :;l;h;zql:;';1° 2:; $,2:; due to the efllcient and accurate con- ' '
[ ‘ trol obtainable. & COMPANY
r ’ tz h°v;y°:h°r:t;;°dy wrgkinghitg