xt7nzs2k8b0z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k8b0z/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1918 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 6, April 1, 1918 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. I No. 6, April 1, 1918 1918 1918 2015 true xt7nzs2k8b0z section xt7nzs2k8b0z 4 (   VV' ll I V *~ 0 _' o ______rP   r o __ lv _    .__ .__,,_.r_,__ ,,..,._..,,:__,,\,...I-. V »·_ `·_.r · ; · -· i ···. —_»~—· urrr*ejyT" V-  ·*’;?     ;:.?{;'¤'— jgi . ~;' .>—:*?:f*,.fstj>;`;.z-   · ,'  L;}  
- T I   J//’ Y , ·   ~',.  
. To Edrtor: The _
news in this Bulletin . THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY E¤f¢r¤¤ as S¢<=¤¤d
is prepared f¤r the .   r class matter at the ‘
press and is released {--.-sc J I post office at Lex- ,_
for publication on I ` ·. ‘ M *
_, gton Ky. .1
receipt.   · ’
April 1, 1918 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. I. N0. 6 _
__ . _ · - . ,_f · . · - Twenty-four seniors in the engineer- " ‘
Thomas P. Cooper, Dean of the The Senate 0f the University of The Strollers, diainatrc organization _ · _ _   _ _ 3   _
Come of Agriculture asa nueemr r Miss Anno Molloy and Gus Gay gf I tl (° _é_ ull   `_ y I '
wm._ anesthetic, antipyrin, antitoxin, ap0· Lexington   b;°t_i;“5;;;;_;it) €O€1V'§;I§‘UI°5;; "I1I _view of the great interest in
, _ · _ _ ·· . ·· . . . _ . ’ 1 ’ ' _ .
Dggrn (,ooper told ot a1 LQl1I€I`f¥U£0 t1h<-ME. `¤PDI1ZG:t_?Ub0i» HITCUBOIOSY. ar Loo Moglom og Bol-dstowo is di. Ammmolubyat which President Fiank MBOIT C01‘11 it may be worth while to
he had I‘<¢<1€¤@lY ¤U€“d?(* at Wjléhj   mlizifli a]Ss;;ZG·_a¥· H t rooting the rehearsals as stage 1112111- L_ Novo), Wm be guest of hooolo The 09.11 attention to facts concerning
ington to c0IIS1d€I' \‘-'uyi and mwjlb Z ;’·r ’°'r_‘· _ ’f‘ mV1°*· _° ES * ager and putting finishing touches on Htodoots wm he ju Cihargg of prof ·iGStS made in the Department of En.
ny which food production UIHY D6 bh1¤h@»b1M€‘¤I» b1¤Z1€1. bull, hui. the orfornlom _ · mmolo _' d Bt
as-tay tmsasstt At this s¤¤i·smm <:—<¤¤itier. onipsr. mast, carest, D M l·-1’¤I·lA¤<1¤1‘$¤1¤·<1<>¤¤1 Of the ¢<>¤¢g€ {S im ° a“y.°* the Kentuc-
ie ‘S lm jlmm}_ut`iO_1 devempcd Sl_Ow_ catalog Catwhiyci como,. chart The Strollers have presented plays 0f1]]gc]rg1]jCala;];l glgctyjcg] engineer. {Wt Ehpéflvléiit Station durmg [hg
·`¥ · * - *’’' ", ’.._’ o s   s_ · ·.· . — ast· tl; _·
  um the ¤ <»<» E ¤~¤¤¤¤ is   m*<·       Q§32l§;1‘i,.i§i..i€`.€‘l.?,Ef?5?‘$5Z‘sgiEEL     ‘?°° YE ”‘S“i“?“"t . M JL? $3 FsaT}}?s.iSSE?sIL“‘L“§’§.’
.   ,. . ·. .... ,.,— »   U 5; 1_ clamor, clangor, cla t cla- t, l' t, ‘ _ ’ °‘ ‘ ’· _ _ ` H D V°“S* urs IG mp ms WGH ` °` d . . `
°"€‘mu” uhm _lS Dulu my l?L0”.m gf (due _0€v,U 1 . ,1p ’ i.t SI? clpt iirst, 1Ssl1€ and plans to invest 111 thi? taken only by members of the senior meg Sent to the Statmll f1`O11l d1l’fBl‘€I1t .
who poop}.; ot l>o1and and Serbia are ~ IL = ·€0 0% (0mm >· t COHIDIGS » _ _.   ., _ _ . _ _ _ . . . t· f . , , t
_ _ . (. ,   . f ., , t H . t same patiiotic may any tunds accru- class ot the colleges of mechamcal bec mus 0 K<»>¤tu¢ky by fdI`D`1€lS and .·
gtarving, lt rs estimated that SIIICQ ·O “im”“> Um ‘*¤*· Um F0 @1- COQUCW . f_ U 1918 1_ , _. _ _ goooqmon Tho,/,c,u tl b I ·
I _' _ A IV _t wwe and EL han, m.m(.iZC’ woot, most, crusho coo, mg 10111 10 l>¤I>· and electrical engineering, but stu- · ~ · . < I NIS- 9355111116d
tltthkxzili if 0;;% . hive qmrvcd- Curso mths cwlopgdm Miss Eliza Spumdel. of Louisville, doom io all the oogioooldog doomst. t0 I`@Dl'€S€1lt the coudmon of seed
3 .* . · » · · ’ · ‘ _ _ _ _ _ . . · v . . wr- . ,_ »
Kl;€C`._€ id [acm,. dowvoooo Groot; l>»Dolor, domitgil, draft, drain, president ot Strollers this year, rs tho ments will go this year. €Om_f0T gw St<1l€·1 Ihe avenge germ-
orit,_:-l iomncg fm;] How ado living drest_ rlript, tlroqipt, dmpd dulngssl first woman to hold that office. The students who went on this trip JHQUOII OI UISSG 4b—1 samples rs 51 pgp
{:-01; lnyandl to nlouth, both with 1`t>· GQCYYL duslm dCCa1°g‘ d°f€nS@’ de` . Thé.-f# hmm 1°dg` i 0 O ``’``'‘`‘` low ly A {G ’ m V “ until the close ofthe University year. “h02 Selected for Seed and Sigored
at the Same time made A Slight iu_ ` , m , op, us ei. t U “——TT—f—· The gms make Szmdwichos and Sou caresu y samp es often germmate
crease in tho beet cattle supply." 7__E;M‘uu`¥’r“lgilfleubgru m?E(?mah??· UNIyE§_§I?¥     ______,r_‘ them during the lunch hour every day 100 Der CGHL °1`~·Y$£$Z·9*.°S€ »t9r¥·hi§P9&·;·¤> ·
Domi (Too]n·r urge-tl the irnportanpo   ··=~h;`i·`{t~··(¤···~i·{l.   lulst.,1 rnlt. _¤—£_L;,oLu LABOR lyiuvlolvigi-Nl iu Urder to increase the funds Of the (.oumgo· o
of the htrpgegt pogsihlo acreage in food T ’l‘ _ ‘ ‘_tmO ({1 ml ((*1* ]uO*dmg·   organization, Several other money- HTIIG tests llltllL‘HtG that there is ._
and [ged Crops this yQ;ll‘. PIG lll‘{§(°(l 1u_iI(`)'¥I'u;O1'_’1gnu Q1? _ · ` IE accordance VIUI the C:‘{Dr9S$Cd ggttjug p]g_nS hgvg bgg]1 dggjdgd 0]] €1l0llgh gOO(l s€(§d (201*]] in the litgtg
HIM i`H1‘¤I€1‘S mlm il chance OH UW i)—g°llum1€€’HelghbonmDt’mt€1‘ dcslm Ot P1`°s’d°“'* Wllsm that all and will be worked out later. to Glwble farmers to sow their ag-
. ——· ‘ 7 ` so P · . s y _ _
lwcgssmy mom and declared that It weqt   oftense,on1elet, op· men more than. lo years old \\0uld Tho “·o,·k€1·S wm mako gm-moms customed acreages, or a little more,
is the (luty of the hllslllétss titllilliilllll- 1   l(;p;’   I l_ _ Voluilmcr te aéslst m Solvmg the farm obtained already cut from the city or- if OIUY it CHI] DG kept Out ofthe hands .
ty to (zo-operate with ]j2ll'lll€l`$ t.0 pl`O· 1 1 W ' A Gfjrdlg :·'¤ 1’f'°f1*h¤€‘; pa1€O“' $CYVI(*€ (IUGSUOIL fi m0.V@m€Ut ha'? gdujzdtjon Of the Red (jI·OSS_ A room of proxlt€org_"
Cum th'? U€UC$*5?\!`b' 1?1b01` Supply. TUB  ’l_EFft('O;O;€’ D?"’“*";1p¤‘1°F» pix" hasn Set On fom lll Lcxmgmn $0] {°;‘;" iu the department of home economies "‘—·‘*"‘*"‘ .
way must be found, he said, to use ’ _’ "b‘ _a H’mZ€' PQ ag°g* D€(°` Umm m€“· PmfQ$S““m1 mm] am ugl hrs be=1 ftted up for tl ·o·l· ·s 1;.* ··
every u\,o~i]‘ahlo mon, to provont any halufity DIYDIUX, Dll€I10lll€llQll, plgllly, School ldgyg to wgrlag in [hg (gountry IS I °Lq1 le “ I xm  
" mists or- teams on ure streets in urs i`l°“· '2°‘*l’· 1’°’SS0$*» I”`aC¤S€· l’· ml this Sprme and S¤¤¤¤¤<¤r- GOVERNIVIENT CALLS ON
towns and cities, On account of the uf m'€_hXt‘ D{€H01PGm· _DYCSt¤ Dr€t€HS€» Thi? m0`~’€*U1€11lL IHS b€€¤ '5lZilI`U‘¥l DY UNIVER,SI"_['Y STUDENTS ""
Uoosom-muon System, it is highly I"GtG*`1t- Pi`€L@i`m*t» DFUUGVHI. lII‘0f€S£. the Get—ln—and-Get-Out Club menibers --tw- The University of Kentucky has
important that the greatest possible l"`Og"““‘· D""1"g· 1”`°I’*· PW`- of which will work with Chairman Il. Owing to vgcangigg in thc Umm 0; been advised that the United states
amount of mm_pQI.i,Shumo C1,OD;;boDI,o_ (¤?—‘QliUl`U>l. KIUQSVJUI', fl\l111tGt.· \V_ Hines of the Council 0f Natiolltil the Qu;r]~t_g]·mg5tegr (}gngr3]_ \Vgr De- DCDaI`Ull€Ht of AgI`iCU1U1I'€ is €15ki1`lg
duCcd· U l`»—ltancor, rapt, raze,·recogmze, re- Dgfgngg of Lgujgvillg, John R. Hum- oortmoot, tho United grams (jjvi] for one or more women to assist in
~— -V~-- ——·——-— ~—~—— (`)i;uOU.O" mgort mmgt mptvv NUNOIY DllI`€*Y, Blll`€%2l11 of i\[E\1`kCtS, EXI€€llSiOll Service CO]]ll)ll$$lO]] has {[]']I]()u]](_"Q(l to l?U)9I`?’»tt0]`Y c00l¤<=I‘y Studiesw at Salaries
    Q `;i"§¤¥h(?§`.iS?i1LlJ€lGI`,· S£IV1d>1',· S-£lVO·l‘, ])i\'iS·iOl'\(`()1l$}g(-E of Agriculture 2l11(l\V. (hg authorities Of the Ijuivgrsjtvy Of Tllllgillg fl`0Ill $1,000 to $1.200 :1 yétll'.
0-PPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH ~'( >Q='~}"· fill Qt. >0l>IIl€h<>1`, `SGMCL, -31]- D.N1cl10ls ot the Department ot Farm Kgntugky that gm axmninatjolt On Examinations under the Civil Service —
‘ _______‘ VIII, SIHIIUII`. SIM. Slthe, skilful, skxpt, Nlanagtmrent, College oi Agriculture. Amit 3, for Statjgtjggl dmytsmau, Open Commission for these positions are
Thc I_(5al)DOr:i01unCut‘   giving H   $ccm’ wx' gwmg LO the General Him`. WO. W01'0, th0r0fa1‘e, tllO1`O]V, before or after their re¤ular office ->4 n T] SCA; I mcg ·U Pr} This examination will beheld A ril 3-
Fund 15 cents, the School Fund 18 thm mmout Um to t tow t ' __ ‘ D · · *9 Iolemmcut l“`m_t~mg Office ‘ P ·
coms tho Smkio, Food 1 ooo tho _ _'     * V D ¤ ”· mus' mime- _ announces that women ehgibles are An applicant for this position must
· 5 t- giest, tiapt tiipt tumor F *'ll l ·kel ‘h t tl · ·
Smto Road Fond 3 coms h yu; , , _’ _ ’ ‘ _ _ miners “l )€ a$ ~( “ A WW preferred for tllling vacancies there, not have reached her f0rty·iit`th birth-
¤ t 9 L l \V—\al0i vapor vest V1g()l' vizor l l el · d —d ·‘l lg t s · ·
vorsuy No (mus, and (muh of thc ,—   t · `· _ ·_ It _ v · 6 WY ¤€~(S ¤l€ all Cal S ml G SGH- but tor Hlling vacancies in the Hydr0· day, must have had two years’ train-
W “ dg0U· “'d5hi Whllif Whl%lxV t ll men whose ·ddresses (**111 be · · · · ·
Slam Normal Schools oo of a Cem. wilful Wmkt wisht Cm Y {1 V »l .. 0 H. I \·1 ·· · graphic and the Weather Bureau o[— 1ng in home economics, two )’Cl1I`S’ ex- .
This change will make it possible for “.1.oot' y I ` “O u ' “OO Bu' Obmmgdd ¤=*l¤¤g hmm {O Volunmgr lice m€1I€ GUKUJIGS HFC D1'€f€rr€d. perience in practical housekeeping and ·
educational institutions to plan in a I _ ___ t¤¤¤¤<>r¤¤¤>r 35 fam` 1ab°1"S‘ McFARL EE·§,E§ WO at least six m0nths‘ experience in . .
definite way yo,. {ho fld,m.o_ UNIVERSITY Ic, ANIONG _. N °‘" _ RK teaching home economics. She must;
It is Cstimumd that tho University FIRS; TO R FEA'I}TiRE¤ ADPDAED TO T T Pmf0“OI_ Fran? T NCFUI d [ submit to the examiner on April 3,
will got about $2oo_ooo increase mb A ESPGND SUIWMER QLSSION W ORA me I)Q15‘r;rtm€m Og BC;tLm;v {vuglérsifv the day of the Examination, her photo-
'I v ` I , ` . ' t"‘  -.4.,..--·-— ’ ' .1 -' · », ` 1. N t' t » V, • { y'
Qfjfgli\};__‘if;,"Q;‘ {3*  §;"‘i‘j;‘lq;jO§ rim tr»n»·¤rsny of Kentucky wss Wm has ,,,.9,, ,,,.0,,ded ,1, ,,,,.,,m,_ of z—:ts¤tua.s-, has assis assigned for  d_ ° "‘ ’p°° °‘ *”°° S “‘“ bg
M =··»¤··¤ri=·¤<»¤~ =~¥¤ the   *1·=¤ I fl`?£..?§£EEt?.‘L,i£ E§?..ii.‘i?€{i2‘E§‘;J£;§..”"i°‘l ‘” “" f*°“Fi“   "“’“.“%"i"”."* E.'£"tzTI?éE?‘°,iL..lZ‘.E‘2.§Li Q? HIE ?§$21°.Il r#~—··· I
S°’*°<”S *·><*··*t*·~  lwhthe salsa to all od 1- 1- ` — *`“’ ""’ U"""““." “"Z “‘° “?‘“"’°1¥""” twss otP1ant Inddustrv ls! - ‘ JUNIOR ENGINEERS G0
Sw], fm.“,m,d in the hismry Of umso .   -—U€UiUI1?ll IIISEIUIEIOIIS summer sessltm. (fourgtgg 11] Agrrgul- ’v   ·= ·· ··<.» I SUIVBY      
immmiom HN) (m wok buy ul lll Ainciica, attended by young Wo. (oro ood ywoootioool Education Homo noih on white pine blister rust. The Jin
·. ., %"1 (";‘t . ’ E I ‘ ___  . . . .
with wal umodcmce to mtm_G growth. Il;_0II·r'ZtSli11ig`1`0i‘ data on the amount Edooomios_ Rod Cmoo_ Food Como], \\·01lx \\i1Ht1Il(?]lld'G ’1nslpect1on ot whrte ——--
_________ __V__ __V__ Q ITJI <.I1iG1£;011t‘,v' Cookmg and sew— vatron, Experrmcntal Psychology, and Fmc lp an Mums Am mu`S€‘Yy Stock The J\U`1i0I` (*1855 0f.E¤gin0erS. Uni`
V me icing done. liducation, including Mental Tests and Or is IC presence Of the mms' His "9r$itY Of K€“L“ckV· left Mmcll 26 for 5
UNIVE§§I%   DAT`? ·Spccia1instruction explains the food Measurements, Administration and t will }’€_m_K"{m’u°kY· T°Im€S' im inspection will to Cincmnatt D¤Y·
‘ MMM--v— - -u situation ot the world; need for food - Supervision, l’rin<:iples and Histtiry imlanll M1SSlSS1m°l""‘th hgadclumtgrs t011 and HEmilL01l.
Dr. Munk In MC\,0y’ Pmsidcut Of  bgiggllgf   oililtlxctrtmn, EtluiatignadpPsloagyorogyi m #*>M¤§t0¤· Those who wok the trip am: F.
UIC U¤1iV<*l`#ii.y of K€1Ii1\<‘kY ill 11 10* 1l`1l1llSl`l'2ltl()1l`S lll€tllO(lS`8ll(l Dually. 1 xtngeriqltrr     STUDENTS HELP TO GET BOOKS` Paw Anderson JI", R. S. Arnold, J. H.
tm, to the Mads of dcpmmwnts Of the thorough lmmmtory Cours? goin in- C] »   7 Pi if l T tl   N¢EJC$· V U éé ` · Barley, C. N. Batsel, L. H. Bauer, W.
Uniwrsiw Simca that the Uuivmwty to li { t_ U I I »] I » ' tx neints ry, iysics. .{1st.ory and Lccn— The Library Committee, lgnglish S. Baugh, T. M. Bell, NV. R. David, R. »
Wm continue mlm (lugtmmwv Closing {ne 0   ant· tome econouucs. orny, Ancient and·Modern Languages (`lub, Woman‘s Club and several stu- K. Diamond, D. R. Dudley, J. M. Eyl,
time in June instead -0f cloéing Maxi Wm fg H`;0 atiristlcuiie lschool they will be oftered with many attractive dent organizations of the University G. Frankel, A. D. Hall, C. F. J0hHS011.
1 _' _ _ _ ‘ ` I X     71 p ( .0 go tome as 1n· features added to the regular work ot Kentucky were interested and ac- A. I. Kohn, J. J. Lenian, E. A. Lillard,
as was reported probable stvmnl structors and crusaders rn the iield in th Smm Sl l h ' ' · ` ·
weeks mw in Smm ]mwSDupm_S· Amr Of imclliypnt I i   e nl TCT · C1.C0. suc as popu· tive in procuring books for the sol- J. H. Markmg, D. F. de Mey, H. M.
Smmmmlt ml mp Smliwt Of-an camo ggrvatiolis. Tltiilt riolgistent food con- lar lectures, educational round tables, diers and sailors at home and abroad, Milton, J. S. Misrach, J. E. MCCIGUMI, l
closing unless mmw1'ii€d·by Pmsmcntl ézm Drméh mi1d0ilz;5";Cti;<‘é summer tgiey Shakespearean plays and community in the Icampaign for contributions to R. S. Park, H. G. Proctor, N. T. PuCk~ `
Mcvey is not to he mmsidcmd by Uni- ug thm; can d D { I liiolasefva 10n singing. The bulletin of the summer camp l1bra.r1eg conducted March 18-23, ett, J. F. Shouse, M. Smith, C. L. TGID- _ ·
versity, immwmm or utmlems V-1 . . 1. 0 W10 iea   {non the sessmn may be obtained by address- under the auspices of the American plin, C. A. Timmer, J. S. Wallingford.
~ I a · - tn ue an: need of conseivation. mg the registrar of the University. Library Association. and A. M_ WO0d_