xt7nzs2k7s9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k7s9w/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1974-10-04 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, October 4, 1974 text The Green Bean, October 4, 1974 1974 1974-10-04 2014 true xt7nzs2k7s9w section xt7nzs2k7s9w .  CGW//I-!
zq A PR;-g;gm=gs=z_5,;g;_5 T H E
Today is the deadline for regis- I G R E E M
tration for the KLA Pre-conference' .
on management sponsored by the B E A H
Special Libraries Section. ;
· NEWSLETTER Oct. 4, 1974
University of Kentucky Libraries “ ”““'””""""‘“‘*"””“”‘”‘”"’“”’"““
will sponsor an Open House in Margaret I. King Library-North, the new
addition to the main library, during the week of October 14-18. On
October 17 there will be a reception from 2:45 to 5:00 p.m. in the
Special Collections and Archives Department, on the ground floor of
Margaret I. King—North. The guest speaker will be Dr. Stuart Forth, .
immediate past Director of UK Libraries; Dr. Forth, who was at UK
during the planning stages of the new building, is currently Dean of
Libraries at Pennsylvania State University. Refreshments will be
served following his remarks. The entire staff is urged to attend.
I would like to make some brief comments concerning the Associationof
Research Libraries‘ Library Management Review and Analysis Program
(MRAP) now that the study is underway. Many staff members will be
given the opportunity to participate in MRAP as the various task _
forces are created during the year.
A great expenditure of staff time will be required for MRAP. This is
especially true for those members of the study team and will be true
also for the task forces for the shorter period of time that they
function. I am convinced that the effort expended on MRAP will be
worth it. A comprehensive and objective review of the Library’s oper-
ations and management with recommendations for improvements will ben-
efit the Library and therefore every staff member.
Extra duties have been assumed by the study team and this will be · ·
called for by the task force members shortly. I realize that some
rescheduling will be necessary in some departments to allow staff
members to attend MRAP meetings. I consider the MRAP study an impor-
tant activity and ask that you let me know if assistance from the
Director's Office is needed at any point with scheduling. Completion
of the MRAP study this year is a major objective of the Libraries for
1974-75. I have committed the Library administration to full cooper-
ation and assistance to MRAP. I would like to ask that each of you
do the same.
I recognize that some staff members think that we have more important
tasks at hand than to "study management." I also realize that some
of you may yet wonder just what MRAP is. I think that some of the
communications to come soon from the study team will clarify the sec-
ond point. I hope that once the study is further along the importance
of the study will he clear to all of you.
I would like to conclude by listing some of my specific reasons for
being interested in the MRAP review. They include:
1. Desire to guide change in an effective way (instead of resisting
it) at a time when we must change in order to remain an effective

 , I ·2·
2. Lack of overall statistical data and other information about the
Library’s operation. II_ I __
3. Concern that staff attitude is affected negatively by the Li-
brary's organization and management.
4. Desire for·librarians and department heads to assume greater re-
sponsibility and control for assigned areas. `I‘
5. Desire to increase staff appreciation of overall library problems,
needs and responsibilities. ' ‘
6.. Belief that we must know_what we want for the Library in order to
achieve it.. - . I_ . ,
7. Desire to work for excellence soften. University of Kentucky Li-
braries. M _ -;_ , · _ . ` Q
_ . ,. . cY ' P.W.
PERSONNEL 5015;:. t — · I l Mh. I I
Staff Transfersr V I ; 1 A ii
Marie Copeland - from Math Library to Archives. _ I . I
Evelyn Elder — from Acquisitions to Special Collections.
Alice Hughes - from Acquisitions to Circulation. `
New Staff Members:_ " ”f I V “_
James Shaeffer — Acquisifions - Spetember 30.
Terminations: I ”u C ‘ . L
Barbara Harville - Special Collections - October 4.