xt7nzs2k7g9x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k7g9x/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1934-04-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April  6, 1934 text The Kentucky Kernel, April  6, 1934 1934 1934-04-06 2013 true xt7nzs2k7g9x section xt7nzs2k7g9x Best Copy Available












Coronation of Margaret Walker Will He Part of Colorful Ceremony






UK Glee Clubs
Invited to Sing





















President McVey Approves
List of Recommendations
of Committee



- 'J




18-2- 1,

Festivities of the Junior prom,
which will be held from 9 until 1
o'clock tonight in the Alumni gymm"""zT
nasium, will feature the ceremony
of the crowning of Margaret Walker as queen of the Junior class.
According to plans, the Junior court
of honor will assemble after a brief
Intermission and the queen and her
two attendants, Marlon Conner
Dawson and Mildred Nunn Perry,
will ascend the throne which will
be banked with flowers and palms.
Margaret Walker, Junior Prom Queen-elec- t,
Conner Dawson, and Mildred Nunn Perry, her two
Margaret Walker, Junior In the
.Accompanied by
College of Arts and Sciences, is a attendants, were chosen by vote of the men of the junior class In an election March 26.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. her two attendants, the queen officially will be crowned In a ceremony during the annual spring danre
Walker, Lexington. She is a mem- which will be held tonight In the Alumni gymnasium.
ber of Delta Delta Delta social sorority, a member of Strollers, and
received honorable mention in the
Kentuckian beauty contest.
Marian Conner Dawson, Owlngs-vlll- e,
is an Arts and Sciences
John F. "Sunny" Day,
CO-HEsororitylno cmfwyp shrdlu
of The Kentucky
lor, and a member of Kappa KapKernel, announced that there
pa Gamma sorority. She entered
will be a meeting of the enthis year as a transfer student
tire news and editorial staffs
Ernie Shovea Named Bus!
and received Date of Meeting Is Set for
at 2 p.m. today in the office
ness Manager; Girl Editor
Friday, April 20; Pres.
honorable mention in the Kentucof The Kentuckian.
Will Be Chosen at
kian beauty contest. Mildred Nunn
McVey Grants Council
departmental editors,
Perry, Marion, Is a Junior in the
Later Date
Convocation Hour
assistant and associate ediCollege of Arts and Sciences, and
tors, and those who wish to
is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha
become reporters are urged to
attend this meeting.
A description of the proceduie
James L. Bersot, Shelbyville, was
Dr. Francis W. Shepardson, naPolicies for the forthcomand' an explanation of the cereing year, assignments,
mony will be announced through tional president of Beta Theta Pi
Book at a Joint meeting of the
methods of handling news
a public address system by Harry and former president of Acacia, will
senior and freshman Y.M.C.A. cabstories will be discussed. DeWalker, chairman of the Prom com- be the speaker at a convocation
inets in the Y offices Tuesday night.
partmental editors are asked
mittee. The queen will be crowned granted to the Inter fraternity
Ernie Shovea, Schenectady, N. Y.,
to be prepared to submit to
by James Miller, president of the council by Doctor McVey to be held
was appointed business manager of
This will
the editor their plans of proJunior class. Immediately after April 20. meetings be the first of a
the "K" Book by Bersot.
series of
held under the
the coronation, a special
Bersot, a junior in the College of
will be held In honor of the queen supervision of the council that day
Commerce, is a member of Alpha
on the program of the second annual
and members of the Junior class.
Gamma Rho fraternity, member of
Greek conclave.
Mills' Blue Rhythm Band, a
the Pitkin club, circulation manager
Afternoon sessions will be held at
colored orchestra from the
of the 1934 .Kentuckian, business
Cotton Club in New York, will fur- the various fraternity houses where
manager of the 1935 Kentuckian,
nish music for the dnnce. Music such will be held for a certain group
and associate editor on the new
as the
from the dance will be broadcast pledges, etc. presidents, treasurers,
Kernel staff.
from 10 until 10:30 through the
Shovea is a member of Alpha SigDean W. S. Sanders, dean of men
University extension studios of
ma Phi fraternity and a member of
WHAS. The orchestra has been at Ohio Wesleyan and principal
The Kernel business staff.
year's conclave,
playing on the Keith-Rlal- to
circuit speaker at last at the session will Signed Statements Indicating John St. John was the other canbe the
this winter and has broadcast fre- held speaker m. In Memorial to be
the editorial post. The
4:30 p.
Students' and Faculty's Fa- didate forrepresentative, who will be
quently over the NBC hook-uIt Dean atSanders' topic will be "FraY.W.C.A.
vor Toward Union Building the
will return to the Cotton Club this
will be elected later.
ternity Criteria," and Dr. J. Holmes
Are Drawn
Ralph Frost, secretary of the Uniprom have been Martin will speak on "The Growing
Invitations to the
versity of Tennessee Y.M.C.A., and
Menace of Honoraries."
issued through the University
Petitions which are expected to
The annual banquet will be held serve as evidence to the Board of J. Herbert, Lowell Griffin, and W.
to members of the Junior and
at 6:30 p. m. in the University Com- Trustees that the student body and Hornbach of the Tennessee "Y"
senior classes, and may be procurcame here to see the Kentucky Y.M.
ed at any time until 5 p.m. today.. mons and the various visitors will the faculty want a Student Union C.A. group in action. The visitors
Each Junior is entitled to two date give short talksJones, will President building will be circulated about the were guests of the Pitkin club at
and Coacb campus in the near future by mem
bids and one stag bid, while each McVey, Dean
noon Wednesday.
senior may receive one date bid Wynne.conclave will be brought to a bers of the Student council and oy
The Kentucky cabinet plans to
and one stag bid.
other students.
return Tennessee's visit April 24,
Decorations for the prom will close with the dance which will be
petitions will read as follows: when there will be an Intercollegiate
consist of palms, garden flowers, held 1. the Alumni gymnasium from
"We, the undersigned members of meeting of college Y.M.CA cabinets
The orchestra has not been
and colored lights, with a colored 9 to
engaged but an effort is being made the faculty of the University of Ken- at the Knoxvllle school.
spotlight which will be played over
to secure either Ted Weems, Harry tucky, signify our willingness to
the crowd during the
or Husk O'Hare. subscribe two dollars ($2.00) per
Members of the Junior class who Sosnik, Red Nichols
semester to the Union building fund
will form the court of honor are
for membership in the Kentucky
Virginia Bosworth, Mary Chick,
Union association., and
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Melinda
"We, the undersigned members of Next University General AsRobey, Dorothy Barger, Delta DelCollege of the
ta Delta; Elizabeth Jones. Mary
sembly to Be Held
University of Kentucky, do hereby
Carolyn Terrell, Kappa Delta; Jean
April 13
subscribe two dollars ($2.00) to the
Anderson, Kitty Cooke, Zeta Tau
Union Building Fund for memberAlpha; Tennye Rhea Inman, Edna
The Rev. Angus N. Gordon of
ship in the Kentucky Union associaEvans, Alpha Gamma Delta; Joan Customary
First Night Re- tion; said fee to be added to each Shelbyville will be the principal
(Continued on Page Four)
at the
ception Will Be Held After regular semester's tuition and de- speakerheld Aprilgeneral convocation
13 when the 25th
Guignol's Produ c t i o n on posited in the Union Building P.W.A. to be
anniversary of the report of the
Legislation regarding the
April 9
loan Is still pending but action which Theodore Roosevelt country life con
recently been taken by the state ference will be celebrated, Dr. W. D.
Philip Barry's New York stage has
legislature at Frankfort allows the Nlcholls of the farm economics de
success, "The Animal Kingdom," will University, as a unit, to borrow partment of the College of Agriculbe presented to local theater patrons money from the P.W.A.
ture announced yesterday. Reverend
at 8:30 Monday night in the Gulgnol
graduate of the Univer
The formal .application for the Gordon Is a now
theater. This play enjoyed a long loan Is now in the hands of the sity, and is
a rural pastor.
run and was made into a successful architect pending the passage of
The celebration will be continued
from Monmovie. The play will run
that evening at the annual banquet
legislation in Washington.
day through Saturday, with one
of students and faculty of the Colperformance each night.
lege of Agriculture and Experiment
All CWA workers on the
The regular reception for
plan must sign the March night patrons will be held after first
a month
The Theodore Roosevelt Country
payroll not later than 5 p.m. to- final act of Philip Barry' "The
Life commission, appointed to study
day In the office of the dean of Animal Kingdom" at the Gulgnol
rural conditions, was headed by
theater Monday night. At these
Dean L. H. Bailey of Cornell unireceptions the audience is Invited to
versity, with Henry Wallace, and
There will be an important meet- the stage to meet the cast and to
Election of pledge and plans for founder
of "Wallace's
ing of Phi Mu Alpha Monday night inspect the set.
the second semester Initiation feajournal, as
In the Art Center at the regular
tured a meeting of Kappa Delta Pi, noted farm
Most of the players will be familiar
to the audience as all of the cast, honorary undergraduate educational
except one member, have appeared fraternity, held last week In Room INFORMATION BLANKS READY
Faculty and student members of previously in at least one production 207 of the Training school.
Kappa are urged to at
Omicron Delta
Those pledges decided upon were
Mr. Fowler has
the little
Permanent confidential Informa
attend a meeting of the group appeared intheater. productions mailed letters informing them of the tion blanks for Dersons wishing to
1:30 p. m. Tuesday, April 10, In among
which "Journey's End" and selection and requiring acceptance obtain positions through the Unl- White hall.
"Death Takes a Holiday" are the by April 5. By yesterday afternoon verstiy Placement bureau nave arthe following had accepted: Bailie
most recent; Dunster Foster
all applicants
The student committee of 240 has played in four Including Pettlt Adams Robinson, Lexington; James rived, and to come to the for
will meet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
E. are asked
Moonlight," Mar-Jor- E. Brittain, Clarence; James
on the first floor of the
April 10, In the auditorium of the title role In "Mrs.
Pyles, Maysville; Alice Hardin, offices
posbuilding as soon
Powell In two,
Teachers' Training school. It is Night's Dream," in "A Midsummer Hardinsburg; iTargaret R. Ratlift, Education order to get the as
which she was
important that every member be starred and Mrs. Moonlight," and Winchester; Maurn Cirder, Paints-vlll- sible In
out before sending them to
Mary Alice Salyers, Lexington; filledKEA convention to be held In
Prof. L. L. Dantzler In "Circle."
Clara A. Patterson, Greenup; Anna the
Strollers will meet at 5 o'clock Shannon, in the cast are Robert Williams, Mt. Sterling; and Evelyn a few weeks.
Friday afternoon In White hall. All Rex"; Evawho appeared In "Oedipus Howard, Benton.
May Nunnelley, who Is
members must be present, a this making
Initiation will be held at 6 p. m.
her debut at the Gulgnol;
meeting is important
Howard Bmathers, star of "Oedipus Friday, April 13, at the Lafayette
hotel. Following the Initiation, a
Phi Upsllon Omicron will hold a Rex"; Virginia Boyd, director of joint meeting of Kappa Delta PI and
of last year's
Final day for the securing
meeting Monday at 7:30 p. m.
prize winning play, "Alas, Poor Phi Delta Kappa, honorary graduate
of ring sus will be Wedneswho has been cast in educational fraternity for men, will
day, April 11, when Mr. Roe
The Book group of the YWCA Yorlck," and
be held In the Red room of the
of L. O. Balfour Co. will be
will meet at J pm. Monday In the four productions; and Ollle Williamson, who will long be remembered hotel Prof. L. E. Meece, president
In the Administration buildWomen's building.
for his portrayal of Willie Ragg In of Phi Delta Kappa, will reside at
ing from 9 until 4 p.m. All
the meeting and Dean W 8. Taylor
seniors who have not yet orThe Sophomore commission of "Mrs. Moonlight."
being will Introduce Dr. J. J. Oppenhelmer
dered their rings should be tn
the YWCA wlU meet at 7:15 p.m. directed Animal Kingdom" iswho is of the University of Louisville who
by Lolo Robinson
the hall of the AdministraMonday In Patterson hall.
will make the principal address of
being assisted by Frances Decker.
tion building on the fcbove
The Oulgnol orchestra, under the the evening. Dr. J. T. C. Noe, poet
Th following students are re
laureate of Kentucky, will read some
queued to report today to the pub- - , direction of Ralph Oay Winfrey, will poems.
ofier selections between acts.
(Continued on rage ruui


18-2- 1

Various entertainment features,
including a concert by the University
uiee ciuos ana programs by other
outstanding music organizations of
the state, for the annual convention
of the Kpntnrkv FHiiratlnn acmrvla- tion, to be held In Louisville, April
have been announced by W. P.
King, secretary of the association.
Other features of the convention
will be a SDectacular nacennt ti ho
presented by the Department of Fine
Arts or the Louisville Public High
School, and A rpppntinn tnr thA npv.
ly elected officers. The Musical fea
ture at the general session Wednesday evening will be a program presented bV the Kentuckv Federation
of Music clubs directed by Dr. Har- oia Dyer, choral chairman of the
National Federation of Music clubs.
Thursday morning, music will be
presented by the Eastern Kentucky
State Teachers Glee club and moun
tain ballads will be given by the
Ballad Singers from Hendprsnn Rpt.
tlement school. Thursday evening
me university uiee clubs will be
the featured organization.
The Program for Frlrtnv mnrnlni
will be provided by the Cappella
choir of the Holmes High school at
Covington. Friday evening, several
unlaue features will h nrsntAr
the first of which will be a pageant
oi music, poetry, and interpretative
dancing, presented by the Louisville
Public HIeh School Donori
Fine Arts. In conjunction with the
pageant mere will be brief talks by
Dr. Karl S. Bolander and Dr. Osborne McConathv. wirlplv V nftojn in
music circles. Following the pageant
will be adresses by Dr. Edgar Knight,
dean of the College of Education at
University of North Carolina, and
Dr. G. Beverly Oxnam, president of
DePauw university.
A new feature of the program this
yeaj-- will be a reception in honor of
the newlv elected nfflwri tn h hoin
in the ballroom of the Brown hotel
following the Friday evening session.
Invitations to attend this reception
have been extended to all members
of the association.


A. N. Gordon Will Be

Convocation Speaker




Election Plans
Feature Meet Of
Kappa Delta Pi







fraternity Purchasing

Corporation Will Pav Earn
ings April 15; Stock Shares
Must Be Presented




Barre Hill, of Chicago Civic
Opera Company, Renders

Interesting Program In
Memorial Hall

Barre Hill, baritone of the Chicago
Civic Opera company, presented a
charming program of numbers to a
very appreciative audience at 7:30
p. m. Thursday in Memorial hall.
The concert was presented under
the sponsorship of the University
Extension department in connection
with Its high school week program
and was arranged especially for the
state high school boys and girls who
are contestants in the musical events
being held this week.
Mr. Hill presented each number
with the incomparable style which
won him many supporters when he
sang as guest soloist in the oratorio
"Elijah" given by the combined Uni
versity Glee clubs, and the UniverHis
sity Philharmonic orchestra.
prologue to "I Pagliacci," by Leoncawas
vallo, was especially good and
rendered in the superior manner
required for such a difficult selection. His last number, "Winds,"
which was dedicated to him by Marguerite Test, alao wa "well dona.
Tickets to the concert were sold
by Phi Beta, honorary professional
music and dramatic fraternity.
Mr. Hill's program follows: "The
City of Joy," by Deems Taylor, including "Spring in Town." "Poor
but Happy," "The Roof Garden,"
and "Home,"; prologue to "I Pagliacci," by Leoncavallo; "Bigarrure,"
by Arensky; "Oriental," by Amani;
"Capricco," by Vernor; "Fires," by
"To the Children,"
by Rachmaninoff;
and "Winds," by
Marguerite Test.





stock for new certificates

Freshmen Must Live in
Dormitories or Fraternity Houses

The report of the Committee on
Fraternity Finance was approved bv
President McVey and adopted bv the
Board of Trustees of the University.
meeting in regular session in the
omce or tne President at 11 a. m.
Every social fraternity
on the campus approved the recom-

will distribute April 15
proportionate earnings to the extent
of approximately $475 to those fraternities holding membership In the
corporation during the year 1932-3Checks will be in the office of
the corporation in the Service building on or after April 15.
Presidents or treasurers of fra
ternities, with the representative of
the alumni holding the stock for the
respective fraternities, are required
to call together to receive the checks. COFFMAN NAMED
This is the first dividend paid since
the organizations of the group in the
fall or 1932.
The corporation was organized to
saw money through cooperative
buying. Those groups participating New Year Book Head Ap
this year will receive dividends durpoints James Bersot to Act
ing the next school year.
as Business Manager on
All groups which have not turned
1935 Annual
in certificates of three shares of
Inter-fraternl- ty


The report is the result of a survey
made by the office of the dean of
men in November, 1933. The survey
revealed an unsatisfactory financial
condition in most of the social fraternities on the campus. The committee decided that it would be
helpful to these groups if a closer
cooperative supervision was exercised.
At a Joint meeting of the President's council, the Interfraternity
council, and the alumni and faculty
advisors, a committee was appointed
to work out a plan. On this committee the Interfraternity council
was represented by Henry McCown.
Robert Hess, and" Bazil Baker. The
President's council representatives
were H. W. Flnley, W. C. Gaines, and
Jack Faunce. The faculty and
alumni advisors' group was represented by Howard Matthews, Robert
Haun, and Roy Moreland. Assistant
Dean of Men Lysle W. Croft acted
for the administration.
The findings and recommenda
tions of the committee were reported
to a Joint meeting of the three
groups, passed unanimously,
referred to the President and the
Board of Trustees.
The report follows:
Recommendations of the Committee
on Fraternity Finance.
The Committee on Fraternity Finance has had two meetings. The
Committee makes the following report in which Its members concur
1. A financial statement showing
the condition of each fraternity at
the end of the current year will be
submitted to the office of the Dean
of Men by June 15 of each year.
The report will be signed by the
alumnus or faculty advisor, tne
president and tne treasurer of the
fraternity. The reports are to be
confidential. The forms for the reports are to be supplied by the office
of the Dean of Men.
2. A financial report will be made
to the office of the Dean of Men by
each fraternity by the fifteenth of
each school month. The report will
be signed by the alumnus or faculty
advisor, the president and the trea-urof the fraternity. The reports
are to be confidential. The forms
for the reports will be supplied by
the office of the Dean of Men. The
financial report will Include expense
for all departments, schedule of
accounts receivable!, schedule of
notes receivable, schedule of accounts payable, schedule of notes
A temporary budget will be submitted with the first report of the
school year.
3. Every member of a fraternity
will be required to pay his financial
obligations to the fraternity before
he will be allowed to register the
(Continued on Page Four)

of two

Cameron V. Coffman, Junior in Pershing: Rifles
shares will be required to do so beSciences,
fore receiving their checks. This the College of Arts and 1935
was elected editor
To Compete May
can be done by calling at The Kernel tuckian, University ofyearbook, Kena
business office.
meeting of the University Board of Improved Electrical
Student Publications, Tuesday af
Counts "Beats" for
ternoon In McVey hall. He suc

Announce Rules
For Annual Sing

inter-fraternl- ty

sing, sponsored Jointly by Omicnun Delta
Kappa and Cwnes, were released
yesterday by the committee composed of representatives from both
The rules are as follows:
The chorus of each group participating shall consist of not less than
12 members.
Each group shall sing two of its
fraternity, or sorority songs, and one
verse of "Alma Mater."
The entire group shall sing in
unison one verbe of "Alma Mater"
as the concluding number of the
The sing will be held Thursday
night May 12 In the amphitheater
of Memorial hall.
O roups entering a chorus In the
Inter-sorori- ty

contest shall report entry to the
Rules committee at least one week
before the date of the sing.
Each Individual participating shall
be a bona-fld- e
active member, or
pledge, of the fraternity, or sorority,
with which he slugs.
The winning chorus of the sing
will be chosen by a committee of
three judges selected by the sponsors.
The order of appearance In the
contest will be decided by a drawing
of lots the day of the contest.
Last year's contest was won by
Delta Tau Delta and Kappa Kappa




Rules for the annual





Annual Convention of Association to Be Held in Louisville, April

FROM 10 UNTIL 10:30
Mills Rlue Rhythm Hand to
Play for Annual U. K.
Social Event




At KEA Meet






ceeds George Vogel, Schenectady,
N. Y.
The new editor Is the son of Mrs.
Martha Coffman, 626 Central avenue, and is a member of Delta Tau
Delta, social fraternity; Omicron
Delta Kappa, honorary leadership
fraternity; Scabbard and Blade,
honorary military society; Alpha
Delta Sigma, honorary advertising
fraternity, and of Pershing Kllies.
He is circulation manager of The
Kernel and was associate editor of
The Kentuckian until his promo
tion. He is also a member of the
Umversity track team.
after his election.
Coffman appointed James Bersot,
Shelbyville, Junior In the College of
Commerce, as business manager.
Bersot is a member of Alpha Gamma Rho, social fraternity; Pitkin
club; circulation manager of the
1934 Kentuckian; associate
on the new Kernel staff, and edi
of the "K" book.
The board heard reports from
various companies giving bids on
but no
publishing and engraving,
action was taken on the matter.
tor-ele- ct




Phi Alpha Delta, law fraternity at
the University, held Us annual election of officers Monday, March 26.
New officers are: Robert Hat ton,
Catletfeburg. justice; James Wlggln-toCharles
Wylie, Nlcholasvllle, clerk; Armand
Chiapporl, Chicago, secretary; and
William 8. Jelt Jr., Richmond,

vice-justic- e;

Drill Work

members of the Pershing Rifles unit at the University and
a detachment of the band will go to
Bloomlngton, Indiana, May 12 for
the annual corps area competition.
Other schools to participate will be
Indiana university. University of Illinois, Ohio State university, and
the University of Dayton.
Four years ago, when the unit was
first organized, a device was needed
which would count off a given number of beats per minute at regular
intervals with a volume audible to a
large group of men when drilling.
Phonograph records and other devices proving unsatisfactory. Warrant Officer Knight went into a
"huddle" with campus electrician
L. D. Kitchen.
Utilizing an electrical turn-tabmaking two contacts per revolution,
a speed control, and an automobile
horn, the drilling Is now coordinated
by honks of the horns which may
be set for any given number per



Mrs. Casey F. Jones will deliver
a series of Illustrated Bible lectures
every Thursday from 7:30 to pm.
In room 313 of the University li-

brary for several weeks.
Mrs. Jones has traveled extensively In the Holy Land and
made from picture
had slide
which she took while there. These
being sponsored by the
lectures are
Baptist Student union.


� Best Cop

Pajse Two


Annual Hi School Ensemble Will Go
To Laurel Festival
Week at U.K. Is
Being Conducted


urn i AMtnicA







Whirlpool of Excitement!

March 22 (via Mackay
TUdto) Some excitement! Radio
repaired so we can send our accu- I
vulnted stories and messages.
ilMped dig the Fokker plane out of
lllie snow of our blizzard last week,
watched It start out on a test flight
with Lieutenant Commander Isaac
' Schlossbach
at the controls, and
crash on the Ice BOO yarda south of
line admlnlstratloD building. It was
completely destroyed except some
of the instruments and the motor.
The four men In It were bruised but
sot Injured.
LeKny Clark, our commissary
officer, got lost In
a blizzard half a
mile out of camp
and wat rescued
Duke Dane,
one of our dog
drivers. Our new
medico, Dr. Louts
II. Potaka, from
New Zealand, perl
Sf t s formed a marvelit.
ous appendicitis
J. Demaa, operation on J. A.
Pelter, the aerial
mapper, under terrible conditions In
the Columbia radio shack, with Admiral Byrd holding the Instruments.
These precious Instruments were almost lost In a sudden gasoline fire,
that almost wiped out our administration building. Dr. Potaka accidentally started It while preparing
tor the operation. It was only put
out by the heroic work of Paul
Pete Demas, Stevenson Corey,
and several others. Then Pilot Will-laC. Bowlln and Clay Bailey,
operator, got lost in a blizzard
tm the Pilgrim plane, 15 miles from
ramp and were found by Admiral
Byrd In the Kellett autogyro. At 20
below zero they were sleeping
peacefully In their tents and bad
burled their plane In the snow
so the bowling wind would not
blow it away. They were returning from
trip to one of our southern baaes, 100 miles away, so you
can mark that flight on your club
'map with
black pencil from the
star at Little America to 79.49
south along the west meridian
153.12 and back. Then with the dog
team symbol mark a course from
'the star along the same meridian to
(1.03 south. That's where the main
jdog team party la now. Then make
a wavy line right alongside to




ra-S'- o


where our four tractors, under
ommand of Harold Jane, have successfully ploughed their way to another of our southern bases.
An of these events took place
after we were routed out of our
bass In the middle of the night a
Couple of weeks ago and had to
jspend 34 hours carrying tons of
supplies to a new location and prepare to spend the winter In tents
three Quarters of a mile south of
little America because a mean
crack had opened up an around us
and wo were In serious danger of
being swept out to sea. That hazard
seems over, or at least postponed,
bow because everything Is frozen

up tight, with continuous temperature of around SO below zero. It Is
amazing to me that events which
would have been tremendously
thrilling and Important only six
months ago are now Just part of the
day's work and receive only momentary notice and discussion.
I spent all last week making up
trail rations for the southern trek
of the dog teams, tractors and
planes. This Is a very exacting pro- -'
cess. Each ration is prepared according to a formula and contains'
sufficient food for one man for thirty days. It consists of that standby
of all polar explorers, pemmlcan,
which Is a greasy concentrated
meat cake, butter, tea, sugar, malt
ed milk, bacon, cocoa, concentrated
soups, powdered milk, peanut butter, salt and pepper. How would
you like to live on that diet for
thirty days?
The rations are
weighed out to a fraction of an
ounce to eliminate unnecessary
weight on the trail. Each party carries a complete medical kit prepared by the doctor.
Here Is some great news for
teachers In schools and colleges
who are Interested In following our
adventures and scientific accom1'
plishments, with their classes.
have had a talk with Admiral Byrd
about our club, which, as you know,
was organized at his suggestion to
the development
American aviation and to promote
Interest In exploration. 1 have told
him of the 15,000 people of high
school age or over who bave already Joined It, without any cost
whatever, and of the large number
of teachers of geography, science,
aviation and history, who have enHe Is
rolled their entire classes.
greatly pleased over our success
and be has asked me to tell you
that, through the courtesy of the
Mackay Radio and Telegraph Com
pany, he will send a personal radio
of welcome to every
teacher who enrolls a class.
This Is very easy to accomplish.
It is only necessary to send to the
club headquarters the names and
addresses of the teacher and pupils.
with a self addressed stamped en
velope for each. If the teacher de
sires to give out the membership
cards and the beautiful and prac27H inch working map
tical 20V&
wbicn tne ciuo provides each mem
ber without charge, a list of the pu
pils and their addresses should be
stamp for each,
sent with a
with a request that cards and maps,
be sent direct to the teacher, who,'
will receive also a personal radio-- ;
gram from Admiral Byrd.
All other people desiring to Join
this unique organization and receive cards and the free map for
marking out the Expedition's vari
ous flights and exploration Jour
neys, should follow the same pro
ceduresimply send
stamped envelope, plainly written,
to Arthur Abele, Jr., Little America
Aviation and Exploration Club, Hotel Lexington, 48th Street and Lex
ington Avenue, New York, N. T.



Mrs. Charles B. Duerson, Mt
Coach Downing's
tennis squad
the Uni
has begun outdoor practice on the Sterling, has presented
courts behind Kastle hall. They versity library with the medical lihave been using the Gym annex brary of her husband, Dr. Charles
The collection con
during the winter months and are B. Duerson.
100 books
rounding off in fine shape before sLsU of approximately
which are in perfect condition ana
the season opens.
The schedule has not been com- are quite valuable.
pleted but it will be published in are now in the care of Mr. Thomas
D. Clark, instructor in the history
the near future.
The play for ranking will be department, and later will be trans
started at once and the first round ferred to the library.
Mrs. Duerson is an alumnae of
must be played before Sunday.
Several men from last year's fresh the University and was formerly
man team are looking good and pro- Nell Whitfield of Mt. Sterling. Her
bably will be In the lineup for the daughter, Nell Duerson, Is attend
ing the University of Kentucky and
first match.
There are 15 men on the varsity is in the college of Arts and Sci
squad and
on the freshman

Musical and Oratorical Fetes
Compose Major Event

"We Deliver Your Car and Send Y'ou Home"