xt7nzs2k723s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k723s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1912-08-aug5. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-08-aug5. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1912-08-aug5. 1912 1912-08-aug5. 2011 true xt7nzs2k723s section xt7nzs2k723s 




     The Board Trustees of the State University met, in adjourned session, in the

trustees' Room, in the Gymnasium building, Monday, August 5, 1912, at eleven o'clock.


     There were present Governor IMcCreary, Chairman, President Barker, Supt. 11amilett,

(Hamlett), Messrs. Clay, Davies, Breathett (Breathitt), Edlen (Edelen), Nichols,

Patterson, Turner, Carpenter, Cox & Terrell.

     Absent: Messrs. Stoll, b.7alkers W7althen (71athen), Brown & Smith.

     The meeting was called to order by Governor McCreary, and the minuets (minutes)

of the Tune meeting were read by the Secretary and upon motion approved as read.

     Governor Mecreary reported that he and President Barker as a committee appointed

at the last meeting of the Board, had comtaunicated with the various railroada.coipanies

in regard to giving to the University students a half fare rate, and that they had

already heard from the Chesapeake and Ohio, which was in favor of this reductionand

they hoped soon to hear favorabley (favorably) from other roads.

     Tudge Lafferty presented to the Board the following order of business:

     The following shall be the rules regulating the order of business of the Board

of Trustees of State University:

1-- Reading the minutes of the previous meeting.

2-- Report of Executive Committee.

3-- Report of Board of control.

4-- Report of Faculty.

5-- Report of President.

6-- Report of Director of Experiment Station.

7-- Report of special committees.

August 5, 1912



8--  Unfinished Business.

9--  New Business.

10-- Call of Standing Committees:

            On President's Report.
            On Finance.
            On Appropriations.
            On Experiment Station.
            On Salaries
            On Internal Expansion
            On Military Instruction and College Discipline.
            On MIinutes of the Faculty
            On Nominating Executive Committee
            On Nominating Board of Control.

      On motion this program for all meetings of the Board was unanimously adopted.

      Mr. Davies, as Secretary of the special committee stated that they were now ready

to make a report and thereupon read the report in full.

     Ir. Clay suggested as an amendment to section 20, that the words "upon their own

motion or" be inserted before the words "upon the representation of the President",

which upon motion unanimously adopted.

     Gov. Cox proposed the following amendment in section 6, that the words "does not

exceed" be substituted for "covers" in the sixth line, which amendment was unanimously


     President Patterson moved that the further consideration of this report be post-

poned to the next meeting of the Board.

     Mr. Clay offered as an amendment a motion that the report be read by sections and

each section be acted upon when read, which was accepted and unanimously adopted.

    M1r. Davies moved the adoption of the first section of the report, which motion was

unanimously carried.

    Motion was made that section 2 be adopted.

August 5, 1912



     President Patterson suggested that the word "clerical" be inserted before the

words "business forces" in Section 2, but this motion was lost on the vote being taken.

     Section 2 was then adopted as read.

     On motion section 3 was adopted unanimously as read.

     On motion section 4 was adopted unanimously as read.

     Motion was made that section 5 be adopted as read, which was unanimously carried.

     Motion made that section 6 be adopted as amended, which was unanimously carried.

     On motion section 7 was unanimously adopted as read.

     On motion section 8 was unanimously adopted as read.

     On motion section 9 was unanimously adopted as read.

     On motion section 10 was unanimously adopted as read*

     Motion was made by Amr. Clay that section 11 be referred to the December

meeting of the Board.

     Motion made by Mr. Hamlett that this section be adopted.

     President Barker moved that hereafter, in the proceedings of this Board, no

motion shall require a second, and this motion was unanimously adopted.

     The Vote was then taken on Mr. Clays (Clay's) motion, Which was lost.

     Mt. Hamlett's motion was next voted upon, and carried.

     On motion section 12 was adopted as read.

     President Patterson moved that the consideration of section 13 be postponed to

the December meeting of the Board.  Said motion, on vote being taken, was lost.

     Motion was made and carried that section 13 be adopted as read.

     On motion section 14 was adopted as read.

     On motion section 15 was adopted unanimously as read.

     On motion section 16 was adopted unanimously as read.

     On motion section 17 was adopted unanimously as read.

     On motion section 18 was adopted with the followving amendment:

     That the words "in such manner and in such part as may be directed by the execu-

tivR committee", be inserted after the words "Patterson Hall."

August 5, 1912



     On motion section 19 was unanimously adopted as read.

     On motion section 20 was unanimously adopted as read.

     On motion section 21 was unanimously adopted as read.

     Motion was then made and carried that the report of the committee as a whole be~

adopted as amended, which is as follows:


1-  Make the Business Agent the sole Purchasing Agent.

     (a) Enforce the above by giving the Deans and Heads of Departments

         only the right to furnish a memorandum of requirements.

     (b) All requisitions to be filled out from such memoranda by the Business

         Agent, subject to the approval of the President, provided the Budget

         allowances are not exceeded.

            The Executive Committee will hold the Business Agent jointly

         responsible with the President for the enforcement of this rule.

            All expenditures not provided for in the Budgets must first re-

         ceive the approval of the Executive Committee.

            Ay purchase made except by the Business Purchasing Agent, with

         the approval of the President, shall be charged to and deducted from

         the salary of the party making such purchase; a second violation to be

         reported by the Business Agent to the President for action of the

         Executive Committee.

   tc)     Provide a supply room for staple supplies so that purchase of same

         can be made on a wholesale competive (competitive) basis. Distribution of

         such supplies shall ue made only by the Business Agent on the 11emoranda re-

         quired of the Deans or Heads of the Departments after proper charge has

         been made for same as per Budget allowance. The Supply room is also to

         be the receiving warehouse for all purchases, and the Business Agent will

         superintend the distribution of same.

August 5, 1912



          id)  All advertised Bids for contracts and supplies shall be

             opened publicly and awarded to the lowest and best bidder, but

             all bids may be rejected and new Bids advertised.

2--    Concentration of the Business forces of the University should receive

       immediate consideration.

3--      Rearrange the system of accounting to conform to the New general summary of

       business, etc. in line with the detailed annual report herewith submitted in

       Blue Prints.

       This report to be made monthly hereafter and copies of same to be furnished

       to the Deans or Heads of Departments in so far as their Department is concerned

       so that there will be no reason why proper check shall not be kept that will

       regulate the expenditures in conformity with the Budget allowances.

          Blue Print Copies of the General M4Ionthly Report to be forwarded to members

       of the Executive Committee by the 10th of each month.

4--       Don't pass students bank or damage deposits through the general books of

        the University.

5--       Fund all debts of whatsoever nature owing by the University March 1, 1912,

       to conform with the recent act of the Legislature since it is a criminal offense

       on the part of the Trustees to create any further debts beyond the actual in-

       come of the University.

           This rigid law calls for the closest scrutiny of the business affairs

       of the University.

           The Business Purchasing Agent to be held responsible that this law is not


          He shall enforce all laws governing the Business Purchasibg Agent 's office

        with power to report all matters pertaining to same to the Executive Committee

        through the President.

          He shall also be in full charge of all of the material Assets of the Univer-

        sity such as buildings, grounds and supplies not distributed to the various




6--       -ire suggest the advisability of giving each Dean or Head of Department a

         fixed sum to rim their respective departments, clothe them with full power to

         rearrange, merge, eliminate or add to their staffs in any way that their

         experience and judgment dictates along lines of maximum efficiency that the

         allotted Budgets will warrant, provided such allotment does not exceed all

         salaries, supplies, equipment and incidentals for their respective departments.

            It is to be understood, however, that any change in the staff shall first

        receive the approval of the President and under no circumstances shall any

        purchase of supplies, etc. be made except by the Business Purchasing Agent as

        provided under Rule 1.

7--       Meters for gas, water and electricity should be installed in each building

        and the Dean of each building should be held responsible for the maintenance

        of normal conditions.

8--       A complete revised set of by-laws, and regulations to govern the Adminis-

        tration Officers, Deans, Heads of the various Department and student body

        should be formulated under the supervision of the President by the opening of

        the Fall Term.  Also codify all the Laws, Federal and State, having any re-

        lation to the University, Experiment Station, Agricultural College, etc.

9--       As there is not a complete record of the tangible Assets of the University

        in the shape of valuation of buildings, equipment, grounds, etc., we recommend

        that an Inventory with valuation of all the property of the University be

        made under the supervision of the Business Agent and submitted at the semi-

        annual meeting of the Board of Trustees in December.

10-.       $2000.00 to $4000.00 can be saved annually in interest on loans, etc. by

        the consolidation of all University and Experiment Station funds, as any

        surplus in one fund can then be used to cover the wants of the other. Sur-

        plus funds yield only 2~,--fo while loans cost 5%. The State University in-

        eludes and controls the Experiment Station, and a consolidation of funds and

August 5, 1912



        cooperation in business affairs should contribute to greater efficiency. Now

        that the Director of the Experiment Station has been made Dean of Agriculture,

        the integral relation of the Experiment Station to the University should be


 U1--       Lectures in English by Mliss Kinkead should be discontinued as the $1000.00

        per annum paid for a weekly lecture can be better used for the improvement of

        the English Department.

12--       Athletics and Physical Culture should be placed under a General Director

        who shall properly organize and direct all Physical Instruction both In and


            Athletics should be self-sustaining, but if the University is expected to

        help finance, then the income and disbursements must be placed under the con-

        trol of the Business Agent. The University paid over $3000.00 for athletics

        last year in addition to about $5000.00 of gate receipts, or a total of over

        ,800O.OO for athletics and physical education.

13--      The Directors of Physical Education, for both men and W;Jomen, are relatively

        overpaid in comparison with similar departments in other Universities and it

        is the opinion of the Committee that a material reduction should be made

        in the salaries of both Professor Mlustaine and Mers. Stout.  Provided the time

        devoted by them to the University work will compare with the average time of

        professors in general, their salaries should be fixed at $1200.00 per annum.

14--       In addition to the usual preparation of necessary lectures and research

        work, we believe that fifteen hours should be the minimum teaching hours for

        each member of the teaching force during any week, except by the direction

        of the President, who shall give written reasons to the Executive Committee.

15--       Each department should make a schedule of teaching hours devoted to each

        subject with the neme of the professor or instructor handling same so that it

        may be shown at a glance the actual number of hours taught by all Deans, Pro-

        fessors, Instructors, etc. each week.

August 5, 1912


MINUTES OF TIM BOARD OF TRUSTEES    -        August 5, 1912

1&--       The purchase of nearly @6000.00 of coal per annua naturally calls for a

        check on weights and distribution to the various buildings as well as the

        grade of coal furnished.  Therefore a wagon scale should be installed and

        weights, etc. checked under the Business Ygent's direction.

            Special attention should be given to Fuel Economy and only such grades of

        coal should be furnished that the Boiler Equipment and service required


17--       The provision for the protection of the records of the University are very

        inadequate, and in case of fire would cause irreparable loss, since the safe

        is not big enough-, to hold the books of the Business Agent, and there is no

        provision for the protection of the records of the Registrar.   A fire-proof

        vault should be provided for the Business Agent's and the Registrar's records.

18-        On account of the lack of room at the Gymnasium for the groving ntumber of

        students and the impossibility for both Physical Instructors to use same

        sufficiently for their respective needs, lee recommend that the girls' Gym-

        nasium shall be moved to Patterson Hall in such manner and in such part as

        may be directed by the Executive Committee.   The removal of the Swirming Pool

        should be considered at an early date.

19--       Fees for tuition should be shown to the Credit of the Department furnishing

        same; also all damages assessed and collected should be shovn what Department

        sustained same.

20--       The Executive Committee may upon the representation of the President sus-

       pend or amend any of these rules whenever conditions or experience justify

       such action.

21--       Special attention should be given to Fire Escapes and protection from

       Fire.   All necessary Fire Esnapes should be installed before the next Term.


MTES OF THE BOARD OF 'RUSTES                            A

      It was reported that the University authorities have received and now hold

 the $40,000.00 gift from the trustees of the Peabody i3\nd, and the Administrative

 officers asked instruction from the Board as to the disposal of this fund.

      Motion was made and carried unanimously that Cov. Cox, S1r. Edelen, Mr. Turner

 and Judge Breathitt be appointed a committee to look into this whole matter of the

 endowment from the Peabody Lund and report their judgment at the next meeting of

 the Board, which appointment was duly made.

      The Board then adjourned to met (meet) at the Phoenix Hotel at 3. P.M.

      The Board of Trustees met at the Phoenix Hotel at 3:15 P.M.  Mr. Stoll who

was not in attendance at the morning session, was present during the afternoon.

     The special Committee submitted for the approval of the Board the budget for

the coming year.

     Motion was made that the budget be adopted as recommended and spread at large

upon the minuets (minutes).  On vote being taken the vote stood:

     Yeas:  Messrs. Terrell, Clay, Barker, Nichols, Brethitt, Stoll, Patterson,

             McCreary, Carpenter, Hamlett, Edelen.

     Noes:  None.

     Here follows a copy of the Recommendations of the Special Committee on Budgets,

Etc. which is filed in blue print.

     A statement was then read by President Patterson, in which he refused to comply

'with the terms of the agreement made by him with the Board in April, 1912, and stating

his reasons for so refusing.

August 5, 1912



      The following resolutions was offered by President Barker:

      MM-E0S a Special Committee was appointed by the Board of Trustees of the State

 University of Kentucky to take up weith James K. Patterson as President of this Univer-

 sity the question of his retirement; that Committee on December 14, 1909, at a regu-

 lar meeting of this Board, made its report, which was adopted and which was as



              Your Conmittee which was appointed to look into and recommend to the

Board, the terms of the retirement of Tames K. Patterson as President of this Univer-

sity, beg leave to make the following report to-vit:

     Upon the resignation and retirement of President Patterson, that the University


     First:    To pay to President Patterson for and during the remainder of his

natural life, sixty (60) per cent of the present salary which he now received, which

(60) per cent amounts to Three Thousand ($3000.00) Dollars per year; that this sum be

payable in equal monthly installments.

     Second:  That President Patterson be disignated (designated) as President Eme-

ritus of the University and shall continue as a member of its faculty.

     Third:  That he be permitted and allowed to sit with the Board of Trustees in

its annual and semi-annual sessions and that he be permitted to participate in the

deliverations of the Board, but without a vote.

     Fourth: That he be recognized as an adviser and auxilliary (auxiliary) to the

Vice-President of the University until a new President is selected.

     Fifth:  That he be given the privilege of representing the University at meet-

ings of the National Associations, Kentucky Teachers' Associations, District Associa-

tions, County Associations and High Schools of the Commonwealth and that when he does

so represent the University, all of his expenses be paid, but this privilege of

representing the University shall not be exclusive and he shall not take precedence

August 5, 1912


MNUSS OF MME BOARD OF TUSTES        -      August 5, 1912

in such representation over the new President wmhen he is elected, should he be

present at such Association.

      Sixth:  That the University rent to President Patterson the house and premiseks)

which he nows occupies for and during the remainder of his life for an annual rental

of Two Hundred and Forty (.240.00) Dollars per year.

                                          R. C. Stoll, Secretary.

     NOW, MHREFOPRE, be it resolved that the whole of said Report or Resolution be

set aside and held for naught, as of this date.

    M'r. Edelen moved that the words "1as of this date" be added at the end of the

resolution, which amendment was adopted.

    After discussion and an extended statement from President Patterson, a vote was

taken which was as follows:

so cast because

of this trouble

Mr. Edelen,               Yes.
MIr. Terrell,             Yes.
Mr. Breathett(Breathitt)  No.
President Parker,(Barker)  Yes.
lIr. Turner,              Yes.-
1r. Davies,               Yes, with the statement that his vote was

he thought it the best control to take to bring about a settlement

Which would injure the University if allowed to continue.

1er. Hamlett              Yes, for the same reason as Mvr. Davies.
Mr. Stoll                 No.
Mr. Nichols,              Yes, for the same reason as Mur. Davies.
Mr. Carpenter,            Yes, for the same reason as M1r. Davies.
Pres. Patterson,           not voting.
Gov. hIcCreary,           yes, for the same reason as Mvqr. Davies.

Yeas ---

Noes ---



     Mlr. Stoll moved that the Business Agent be directed to pay to President Patterson

the amount due on his retireing (retiring) allowance to this date.

    Motion made by Mr. Terrell that LMr. Stoll's motion be post poned until some action

is taken in this matter by the courts, which motion was carried.


             MINUTES OF TRE BOARD OF TIUSTEES      -    August 5, 1912

    Motion was made by M!. Davies that IMrs. Blackburn's annuity should be stopped

and considered annualled.

    On this vote stood as follows:

            Yeas:  Messrs. Breathett (Breathitt), Edelen, Terrell, Barker,

                    Turner, Davies, iMcCreary, Carpenter, Nichols, Hamlett.

            Noes:  Messrs. Patterson & Stoll.

                               Yeas:    9.

                               Noes:    2.

    Motion was then made and carried to adjourn..




Sunday, May 31,

Monday, Tune 1,

Tuesday, June 2,

1Ifed'day. June 3,

Thursday, Tune 4,

Baccalaureate Sermon

Forenoon, Flag Raising, Lex. Sons of Revolution.
fNight, General Reception

Morning, Class Breakfasts
Afternoon, Circus
Night, Senior Ball

Morning, Class Day
Afternoon, Alumni Business Meeting
Night, Alumni Banquet

Morning, Commencement
2 p.m., Baseball Game;
4 p.m., Cadet Hop.


     3.F. Battaile, Mgr.

233 W. Short St.

LEum-m-TON', ra.


Missing report(s)