xt7nzs2k7226 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nzs2k7226/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1870-02-jun08. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1870-02-jun08. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1870-02-jun08. 1870 1870-02-jun08. 2011 true xt7nzs2k7226 section xt7nzs2k7226 


Kentucky University, Lexington June 8, 1870

Com. on
Regent' s

oft establish-
ing Standing

# on page
17A for
Certi ficte
of Exec. Com.

Treasurer' s
report adopted
& thanks given
to the Treasur-
er .


e        e Je 8th.   Board met at 8 o'clock A. M. present in
addition to those named on yesterdly Z. F. Smith & A. E. Bowman.
Prayer by Curetor Ricketts names of Standing Committees presented
by the Secretary, on call of the president.
     Report of Committee to whom was referred the motion offered
on yesterday afternoon by Curator J. A. Williams, a Committee of
three was appointed to consider the propriety of enacting a by-
law establishing standing Committees of the Board, with instruc-
tions to report to the Board at 10 o'clock. Committee was
Curator Williams, Wilkes & Caldwell.
     A communication of Prof. Eyranl asking for use of Morrison
Chapel to-morrow at 111 o'clock was laid before the Board by Cura-
tor Smith, on Motion, was refused & Curator Smith requested to
inform Prof. Eyrand of its action and that he could at any suit-
able time have use of the hall.
     Report of Treasurer was then read and adopted.
     On motion of Curator White, the thanks of the Board was re-
turned to the Treasurer for the ef' edient & successful sanner in
which he has discharged his duty.
     The following gentlemen were recognized as Graduates, and
admitted to Degrees as follols.
     To Degree of A. B. College of  rts - David Wm. Adams, Lex-
ington, Ky.
                                    Richard Wiiior Allen,
                                            Faye t te Co., Ky.
                          Jesse Miller Bonner, Nashville, Ky.
                          Geo. Washington Dunlap, Lancaster, Ky.
                          Daniel Boone Holmes, Lexington, Ky.
                          William Benj. Smith, St. Joseph, Mo.
                          Haydon W. Young, New Orleans, La.

     To Degree of Bible College
                          William Kendrick Azbill, Madison Co., Ky.
                          Thomas Warren Cottingham, Midway, Ky.
                          Jamtes Irvin West, Ha-vresville, 0.

Commercial College
                     Welson B. Lutes
                     Henry D. Davis
                     Lacjrennco A. Bryne
                     7dwin K. Stone
Degree of B.S. A. & M. College
                     T. V. Munson.

Chas. W. Foushee
Jno. P. Cannan



to be ap-
annually by
the Chair

to various
Comm ittees.

   Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. June B, 1870

     Committee to rhom was referred the matter of Standing
Committee reported as follows:
                           There shall be seven Standing Corm-
mittees appointed annually by the President of the Board , to wit:
     l.,On Military & Industrial Lepartment of A. & M. College.
     2. On Literary & Scientific ( Whose duty it shell be to
     3. Law College              ( prepare a report of the condi-
     4. College of Arts.         ( tion & wants of the various
     5. College of Bible         ( departments named in a form
     b. Commerciel College       ( suitable for the consideration
     7. Academy                  ( of the Board & to present the
                                  ( same on the day after the read-
                                  ( ing of the report of the Regent
                                  C &c.
By order of the Board a Standing Committee o n Nominations to fill
all vacancies be added as the 8th to the foregoing list.
     Report of Committee on Regents Report appointed yesterday
reported according to instructions.
     Smiths' Report on Sanitary Regulations were referred to a
Special Committee of three Viz; Curators Campbell, given & Goodloe.
     Curriculum & Uniformity of Text-Books referred to the Senate
in a called session.
     Apparatus etc. referred to Executive Committee.
     Military matters referred to Standing Committee on Military &
Industrial D. cp. viz: Woolfolk, 1.'1hite & A. H. Bowman.
     Exhibition. &Ekaminations referred to Special Committee vize
Williams, Tarbitt, Herndon.
     Wants of the Mechanicsl Department referred to Standing Com-
mittee on Mil. & Industrial affair of A. & M. Collegze viz, Wool-
folk, !hite & A. H. Bowman.
     Museum & Prof. Clark Report referred to Special Committee
viz; Miller, Z. F. Smith, & W7hite.
     Pres. Milligan Report, except thet part concerning changes
in Curriculum referred to Com. on College of Bible vizg Ricketts,
Z. F. Smith & Elley.
     College of Law matters referred to Com. on same viz; Hunt,
Caldwell, & Beck.
     Report of Prof. of Commercial Branches referred to Standing
Com. on same viz; Goodloe, Groom & Tarbitt.
     Report of Dr. Peter referred to Standing Committee on Scien-
tific Dep. of A. & M. College vizz
     College of Arts to Standing Com. On same Wilkes, Caldwell &



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th, 1870

Matte rs
referred to
various Comi.



Certifi cate
of Exec. Comi.
Treasurer' s

     Transfer of Transylvania property referred to Special
Committee viz: Elley, Wasson &cMolfolk.
     Prof. Patterson Report referred to Standing Committee
on Scientific Dept. of A. & M. College viz:
     Morrison Professorship referred to Special Committee viz;
Curators Hunt, frptz & Elley.
     Committees on Nominations as follows: Steele, Dr. Smith
& Jno. Aug. Williams.
     On motion Curator Worthington was excused for absence
from meeting of the Board.
     Curator Bowman off red the following resolution, in re-
ference to Academy which was refered to Standing Committee on
Academy, viz;
     Resolved that the Academy at present connected with the
University be suspended, and that the classes be instructed by
the tutors in the College of the Arts be t(ia9ht in the Academy
building on the lawn. That the classes, by tutors at Woodland
be taught in the Stamon building and that all pupils from the
City over fourteen years of age properly prepared may be admit-
ted to either department as the Parents may prefer/
     On motion of Jro. Aug. Williams it was resolved that *hen
the Board adjourned to-day at noon, it adjourned to meet at
Commercial College this evening at 8 P. PHI. & that all Committees
be requested to have their reports ready at that time.
     The undersigned members of Ex. Com. having carefully examined
item by item the vouchers and reoord of the Treasurer of Kentucky
University for the year past ending June 1st 1870 and find them
                        Signed Joseph Smith
                               Joseph Wasson
                               Benj. Gratz.
                               Joseph Woolfolk.

       Kentucky University, Lexington, June 8, 1870

     Commercial College 8 o'clock P. M. Board met present
Curators Bishop, Gratz, Steele, Wasson, Goodloe, Hunt, Elley,
Woolfolk, A. H.,- Bowman, Joseph Smith, Herndon, White, Ricketts,
Z. F. Smith, Sloan, Campbell, Caldwell, Wilkes, Williams & Miller.
prayer by Curator Sloan.
     The Standing Committee on Mechanical Industrial & Military
department presented their report after discussion and amendment
was adopted as follow&



Report of
the Comr.
on the Mech.
Industiial &
Military De-

                      June 8th, 1870.
                                  To the Hon. Prest. and board of
Curators K. Y.   Your Comt. respectfully submit as their weport
that they have examined carefully the operating of the Mechanical
department and find that the building has been supplied with in
the last year with a large amount of superior machinery and have
turned out Mowing machines, wagons, carts, plows and other agri-
cultural implements at an agregate profit of Four Thousand &
Four hundred dollars. It is with pleasure that we report the
work on all the machinery done at the works and principaly by
students between the hours of their regular recitations.
     For a -- statement of the machinery in the house we refer
to the inventory accompanying this report.
     Thirty eight students have been employed in this department
during the year. In accordance with the suggestion of the
efficient superintendent Mr. Calder we recommend that a Bath
room be erected at the works out of the first funds that the
treasurer may be able to apply to that purpose.
     Your Comt. recommend that an order be passed by the board
forbidding anyone occupying the room of the building unless by
permission of the Regent and superintendent for the protection
of the building and tools.
     We recommend that in order to induce students to remain there
three or more years that after a student has been in the depart-
ment one year and shall in the judgement of the superintendent
be worthy of the Executive Committee then he may receive for his
services increased wages but not to exceed twenty cents per hour.
     We in leaving the subject now take plea-sure in Commending
the skill and efficiency of the superintendent who while Educa-
ting young men to take care of their furute in making money for
the University. /176/
     Your Committee found the crops of corn and vegetables on the
farm in a good and promising condition.
     The Regent has erected a large and handsome barn and cow
house stables at Ashland during the past year which is of great
importance to the property.  He has also procured a lot of cors,
and embarked in the dairy business which in our judgement will
be more profitable than cultivating the land and selling the crops.
     WVe find the building all in good repari as are the fences.
     The superintendant of the farm W. Dean deserves credit for
the manner in which he has managed it, we deem it important that
the superintendant should reside on it and give it his undivided
attention. We suggest that you pass an order to that effect.



      Kentucky University, June 8th, 1870

      Your Com~y. have examined hastily the Military department
and report that they believe that the efficient Maj. Lu(ton has
done the best the could under the disadvantages which he labored
also that all students that enter the School of tactics of the
A. & M. College shall ware the uniform already adopted. We
recommend that every encouragement be extended to the cultivation
of musical tasts and that the band be exempt from work on condi-
tion that they need that time to practice-on their instruments, we
recommend that if possible the commandant should reside upon the
grounds at Woodland and it be so ordered by your Board. We re-
commend that details about drilling &c. be left to be arranged by
the Executive Committee Military Commander when he arrives. The
Horticultural & Floral Departments are still under the superinten-
dance of Mr. Walter who might show a little more care fro the
grounds at Woodland respectfully submitted.
                    Signed, J. S. Woolfolk
                             R. ,' Whi te
                             A. H. Bowman

of Tactics

Report of
the Comr. on
Com;'. Col.

     The following resolution offered by Curator J. A. Williams
after being discussed was rejected.
     Resolved that the school of Tactics be made co-ordinate
with other Schools of the A. & M. College and thsit every matri-
culate be left at liberty to elect or decline a Military educa-
tion as he may see proper. /177/
     Committee on the Commercial College reported as follows which
was adopted.  The undersigned com.i to whom was refered the tepobt
of Beg. Bowman and Prof. Perrin touches the Commercial College of
Ky. University report as follows, That in view of the success of
Co. College the last session and the growing demend for a thorough
Commercial or business Education recommended that that department
be placed upon the same basis as the other department of the
University and to that end recommend the organization of the de-
partment as one of the regular colleges of K. University and this
College be made equal in all its appointments to the best Commer-
cial College in the U. States and that the usual tuition fees be
charged respectfully.  J. S. Goodloe, J. P. Tarbitt.   The Committee
on the Academy presented their report which was adopted as follows
after being discussed and amended.



Kentucky Unive~rsity, Lexington, Ky., June 8th 1870

Commni ttee
on the Acad.
pre sent
repo rt .

Term s of
admi ssion
to College
of Art also
to Acaiemy.

classes at

Report of
the Comr.
on the
Morri son
Profe ssor

     The Committee on the Academy to whom was referred the
Resolution of Regt. Bowman being as follows "Eesolved that
the Academy connected with the University be suspended and that
the classes instructed by tutors in the College of Arts be
taught in the Academy Building on the lawn That the classes
taught by tutors at Woodland be taught in the Stenmans Building
and that all pupils from the city over fourteen years of age
properly prepared. may be admitted to either department Ps their
parents may prefer."
     Your Committee is not prepared to recommend the adoption of
the above resolution therefore respectfully submit it for the
action of the Curators.
                     Signed(Bnej. Gratz.
                           (L. B. Wilkes
                           (J. Wasson

     Curator 7illiams offered the followvingl resolutions after
being discussed was adopted.
     Resolved that no student in future be admitted in the
University  unless he have at least one study in the College
     2nd. Resolved that admission to the Academy connected with
the University be confined to boys who are persuing classical
studies and that they be instructed in the Academy building by
the tutors in the College of Arts along with preparitory classes
of that College.
     That classes taught at Woodland be taught in the Stemmons
     building by tutors and that all pupils from the city over
fourteen years of age properly prepared may be admitted to either
department as their parents may prefer. /178/
     Morrison Professorship Conty. presented their report accepted
and read as follows as adopted. The Committee to whom was refered.
the recommendation of the 4egent concerning the Morrison profes-
sorships, respectfully report.
     That by the will of Col. James Morrison who died in the year
1823 a bequest was made to the trustees of Transylvania University
20000 dols in trust to "invest the capital in some permanent
productive fund and out of the annual interest or dividends thereon
to pay the salaries of a Professorship to be instituted by them
and to be denominated the Morrison Profes:sorships or to apply the
said 20,000 dols to the purchase of a Library to be dehominated
the Morrison Library" as the sail Trustees may think will best
promote the interest of learning and science.



Kentucky University. Lexington, Ky., June 8th 1870

     The legacy was paid to the trustees of Transylvarnia Univ-
ersity who deteririines to apply it to the endowment of a profes-
sorship and Whilst the University was in operation a professor-
ship called the Morrison professorships was maintained and the
income of the fund applyed to the payment of the salary, The fund
itself was loand to the Hon. Henry Clay and Gen'1 James Shelby
ten thousand to each on bond rnd, mortgage.
     On the 1st day of Dec. 1844 Mr. Clay paid his 10000 Dols.
by conveying at that price to the University, the storehouse
and lot on main street in Lexington then occupied by Messrs Craig
& Elliott.
     On the 1st day of April 1854 the University sola that store-
house and lot to Craig & Elliott for 12,ooo Dols; on the 8th of
June 1854 the University bought 25 mortgage bonds of the Lex-
ington & Frankfort railroad Company at 900 amounting to 22,500
and gave in payment for them the said bond and mortgage of
Shelby for 10,000 the sale notes of Craig & Elliott for 12000
& 500 in Cash. Those bonds are the same which -W-ere transferred
by Transylvania University to Kentucky University and are now
hell by this institution so that the Morrison Professorship" fund
of 20000 is invested in those bonds at 90 cents to the dollar
thus counting twenty two of them.
The foregoing facts have been obtained from the records in the
Fayette County Court Clerks office and from the Treasurer's book
of Transylvania University.
     The Committee report that it is the plain duty of the insti-
tution unless it uses the fund in purchasing a library to be
called the Morrison Library to maintain the investment of said
20,000 dols in s distinct "permanent productive fund" and out of
the annual profits interest /179/ or dividends accuring thereon
to pay the salary of a professorship to be maintained byr them
under the name of the Morrison professorship we recommend the
adoption of the following resolution.
     Resolved that 22 of the mortgage bonds of the Lexington and
Frankdort Railroad Company No. 26 to 47 inclusive now held by this
institution be set apart as the endovrment of the Morrison Profes-
sorship fund be always kept in some permanent productive investment,
     2nd. Resolved that the professorship of Civil history be de-
nominated the Morrison professorship, and the incumbent thereof
the Morrison Professor of Civil History and the annual interest or
dividends accuring on said Morrison fund be applied to the payment
of his salary respectfully submitted F. K. Hunt, Benj. Gratz, Geo.
W. Elley.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th 1870

Report of
the Con.
on the
Bible Col.

Changes in
the Hour of
Me~eting of
the Board

Report of
the Comn. on

     Bible College report adopted as follows after being dis-
cussed as That they would recommend action on the following
based on Prest. Milligans Report.
     1st. Resolved that the board of Curators provide a third
instructor for the Bible College, and that the classes may be
divided in said College as the faculty may recommend to the
Executive Committee Provided that means sufficient can be spared
after our usual appropriation for sush purposes.
     2nd. Resolved that the suggestion of Prest. Milligan that
students in the Bible College who desire to graduate in said
College be allowed to study Hebrew instead of the prescribe d
coarse in Latin and Geometry & Calcalus be refered to the senate
of the University.
     3rd. Resolved that the 3zExet. Comt. provide for instruction
in vocal music as a heart of the course in the Bible College,
Provided that the cost of the same shall not exceed 200 dols
and that the means can be spared for such purposes.
     4th. Resolved. that the Ext. Committee provide for a course
of instruction in the several Colleges of the University in the
History of the Bible with the special design to correct the
infidel tendencies of modern Philosophy if the means in the
treasury will permit.
     The Committee are not prepared fully to endorse or to re-
commend all these resolutions but submit them for the considera-
tion and action Board, and they would especially invite the full
criticism of the  oard on the 2d resolution in the light of such
information and explanation aLs any of the faculty present may be
able to give respectfully submitted.
                        R. C. Ricketts
/180/ Curator Sloan offered the following resolution which was
adopted. Resolved that the By Law which recuires the Board of
Curators to meet at 12 N the first day of their annual session
be so changed that they may convene at 2 P. M. instead of 12.
     Curator Wilkes of the Committee on grounds offered the
following resolution as the report of said Committee and after
being discussed The words Picket and seven feet being taken out
was adopted as follows. Resolved that the Executive Cont. and
they are hereby directed to cause to be constructed as soon as
possible a substantial Picket fence seven feet high around the
grounds of Morrison College with suitable gates, provided that
said works is not required to be done until this Board shall
settle & determine the question of the sale of the part or whole
of the said grounds.



Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky., June 8th, 1870

Report of
the Com. on
the Academy

     The Coat. on the Academy for 1869 report is follows and on
motion accepted.   The Committee have occasionally visited the
department under the charge of Prof. Heron principal and assis-
tant Smith have grate satisfaction in expressing their conversa-
tion that their duty have been faithfully and efficiently per-
formed the scholars under tYeir charge give evidence of their
advancement in their studies and th-eir correct moral deportment.
The Building for this department are not as extensive and con-
venient as desirable. When means of the University will justify
improvements should be made . Respectfully submitted. B. Gratz,
J. Wasson & T. B. Wilkes.
     Though a hospital building is an absolute necessity and un-
til the means can be found to erect such a building rooms for the
sick should be set apart, Common humanity demands this.   It is
the opinion of your Committee that club houses is isolated from
female influence are oversight are not in accordance with the
best interest of the students and that as soon as possible the
whole swstem should be abandoned. We think that all the sug-
gestiorns of Curator Smith's paper are very important and that
the Exct. Womt. should be required to remedy this evil as soon
as possible respectfully submitted.
                             E. Campbell
                             D. S. Goodloe
                             Geo. W. Givens.

of June 9,

Report of
the Com.
on Sani tary
Ctondi tions

                       June 9th, 1870.

     Board met at 8 o'clock present Curators Bishop, Gratz, Steele,
Wasson, Goodloe, Elley, Woolfolk, A. H. Bowman, Joseph Smith,
Given, Herndon, White, Ricketts, Z. F. Smith, Tarbitt, Sloan,
Caldwell, Wilkes, Williams & Miller.
Prayer by Bro. Novell
     Report of Committee to whom was refered the consideration
of the report of Curator Joseph Smith on the sanitary condition
of the Boarding and keeping departments of the students of the
University and other subjects contained in said paper respectfully',
report as follows: That a human being must have air to breathe
in order to live healthfully and happily is not understood by
many . Therefore but very few even the most costly and splen3lid
buildings have been constructed with any reference to a constant
supply of fresh warm air in appartments occupied by humanity nor
are there any conveniences found to remove the posinous air co
continually expelled from human beings. A vigorous intellectual
arowth is impossible under these circumstances. The interest of