xt7nvx06178p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx06178p/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1942 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1942 Vol.13 No.8 text The Kentucky Press, June 1942 Vol.13 No.8 1942 1942 2019 true xt7nvx06178p section xt7nvx06178p , 1111-13 1 1
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1 ii Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1942 ii June,
. i } ’
i . . aid and information to the enemy, flnf and, {0110
. . 73rd Mld-Summer Meetlng asked the cooperation of all Kentuch' duced the
, : . editors in keeping within the provisiof bott, bisho
. . D 1 d B t I M Y of the regulations. He added, as fart Lexington,
' i ec are es n any ears he knew, “No Kentucky newspaper 113E Children.”
. 5 violated witting‘Jy these regulations'. “There
' Over 130 delegates registered for the extending the freedom of the city to The newspaper awards in the Produu‘ the whole,
I 1 seventy-third annual mid-summer meet- the delegates, presented President Harry tion Contests were presented by Mi' said, “the
1 ing at Lafayette hotel, Lexington, June Lee XVaterfield with an oflicial key to Lee Spalding. 1, never was
. 5 11-13, and all agreed that it was the best the city. Vice-President Vance Armen- University Host, Al Luncheon 1 child that
' meeting in years, both from the stand- trout responded for the Association and The delegates adjourned to the Sui “it iS [C
. I point of the two business programs and pointed out that Lexington was a fav- dent Union on the University cainpi we owe n
. the entertainment. orilte convention city of the Association. where they were guests of the Unll’fl hands he
. The program was augmented by a President Waterfield announced the sity at luncheon. Dean Henry H. Hif world."
i * meeting of the circulation managers of establishment of a permanent Necro- presiding, introduced President He Gov. Ke
the daily newspapers on the Thursday logy Committee that would report. at man Lee Donovan, who gave an int; at the ha]
3 afternoon preceding the regular sche— every convention. He named. Vice— esting and forceful address on Ullil‘fli master To
1, duled program. The managers received Pres1dent Armentrout as chairman, sity financial problems, the duties in: as Govern
} first-hand information on federal regu- Lawrence W. Hager, and John L. Craw- scope of the educational functions, at limited hi
. i lations governing use of trucks and ford as members of the committee. J. the service Of the Agricultural extensio, remark:
then formed their own organization as LaMarr Bradley, chairman, J. Earle service to the farmers of the state. ”We’re
a part of the Kentucky Press Asso— Bell, and T. T. Wilson were named as He described the University as. the govern
. ‘ ciation. members 0f the RESOhltiOhS Committee. ”service institution” and pointed 0:, Of You 0th
' j ‘ F. S. Crawford of the Louisville Office Gene Alleman, president of the Na— that the institution was sending of want to NJ
. i 1 of Defense Transportation told the tional Managers Association and {iéld “engineers of social service”, as well: the first C(
, 3 group that all trucks used to distribute Secretary of the Michigan Press ASSO- engineers in other branches, to em: was electe:
3 newspapers must reduce their mileage elation, followmg his introduction, (3111- into community service and citizenship way.”
' f 25 per cent. phaSIZed that: . As one example of the service to agt A social
:1 In addition, Crawford said, trucks ”Only the newspaper that puts its culture, Doctor Donovan explain" program.
3 . exceeding a fifty-mile roundtrip daily, house in 011161“ 110W Will SUI‘ViVC this that the amount of money madetf Saturday i
5 must, in order l0 continue operation, greatest Of all fights.” past year by the farmers who follottt Followir
Wf carry a 75 per cent total load on return Mr. Alleman, who said hopes of an the Experimént Station’s suggesti: executiVe.
. . V ‘ trips. early "“1017 m the war seemed abso- that they grow hybrid corn would mt iness was
t f The circulation men decided in a lutely unfounded urged the newspaper- than four times pay [Or the UniVCl'Sif 0n the Ho
iii round-table which followed Crawford’s men to make preparations for a long building program. He gave the edilfl‘ to order b
i ‘ i talk that, while they would do their period in WhiCh advertising revenues a deeper and more thorough insigf Francis
utmost to see that no one was deprived would be I‘CdUCCd- into the functions of the Universityii agent, Le)
‘ . ~ of his newspaper, customers would have . AS a possible SUhSiiiUiC for this 1055 how it could serve them and their ct.‘ that orgar
‘ to cooperate by making arrangements 1“ i‘CVCTIUC, he suggested that many munities. A tour of many import" culties. H
. to collect their papers from main routes nCWSPaPHS had increased Cli’ChiaUOh buildings on the campus followed uni amples of
‘ without making long, costly side trips rates, and 'declared that 1‘“ paper Still the direction of Elmer Sulzer, Dirett the search
. necessary. is a bargain compared With the value of Public Relations. and the p
' Dawson Manley of the Ashland Inde— the Phhhc finds in 1L” _ A few delegates made a tour of“. production
‘ pendent was elected president of the BY 31d 0f a_C0mP1‘Ch€hSiV€ Chart, ihC Bluegrass stock farms under the Iii} press for 1
‘ circulation managers section of the K. speaker CXPIBUUCd that the community lage of Dan M. Bowniar, promoti B. I. in CV
P.A. Fred Varga of The Courier- PllhliShGi‘ could augment hiS advertis- manager of: the Lexington Herfs publicity.
. . Journal and The Louisville Times, was ing cons1derably b)’ promotionand de- Leader. Eleven enthusiasts played in. Major y
' named vice-president, and Victor R. velopment 0f CifiSSthd thCYliiSllig- H0 golf tourney at the Ashland cluhi liason sect
' Portmann, K-P-A- field manager, was gave many pertinent pomts Of interest the evening banquet, John H. H0“ Relations,
elected secretary. and counsel 9f procedure in this worth male, Irvine, was awarded three it interesting
Alvis Temple of the Park City Daily WhliC diSChSSth- balls for low net, George S. Tali functions c
“ News, Bowling Green, said he may have Underwood Discusses Censorship VVihChCStCI‘, three balls for low 3T“ Various sec
to give up his j.0b as chairman of the Thomas R. Underwood, editor of the Russell Scofield, Lexington, red“: each was :
newspaper carriers' war stamp sales Lexington Herald, and state represen— one ball for most strokes on one hi; Interesting
‘ if committee because he may be called tative at the Washington Council on as _dld Thomas Underwood for]. t-he'lmpori
’ ifs. into military serv1ce shortly. If he 1,5’ Censorship, urged the delegates to use highest gross score, and Governor “it Lakmg. 1n
Varga was selected. to take over his good judgment and discretion as to Johnson for the best newsman-0fli Aims-T.
duties. Charles S. Gibbons of the Padu- war news publication “to forestall gov— golfer. 21:1 inspirii
i: . cah_ Sun—Democrat was named _V1ce' ernmental control of news”. He told of Banquet At Ashland Chib namps as
' ; chairman Of the stamp sales committee. his attendance at Washington and em— The day’s sessions were clirrlélxefi rieWSpaperg
; . Friday Morning Session phasized the problems that were there the banquet at the Ashland club “i 01: boys:
1 I The Friday morning session opened discussed. He explained that the cen- the Lexington Herald—Leader 215.11“ durinmllllu
' .t with an address of welcome by Mayor sorship regulations were designed to Thomas R. Underwood presided 1“} will ft“?
V ft T. Ward Havely, Lexington, who, after prohibit only that news that would give usual gracious and capable mm“: 0m“
. ii a
. it ‘i
. _~ s i.
-. i '. x .

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1942 ( June, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three NEE E39
» ,jE El “
tllly,ané and, following the floor show, intro~ work, hoping that the total sales fort be given the program committee for “tit. E 't
Lentuclt duced the Rt. RCV- H- P- Almon Ab— 1942 will reach over the two million their efforts and wisdom in preparing 13,} If,
rovisior‘ bott, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of mark. such an interesting and instructive pro- EEEEs EEE '
as fart, Lexington, who spoke on “The Four During the meeting, the lady guests gram. We also commend President E EE‘ w E E' ‘
,iperhtf Children." ' present were taken on a tour of the Harry Lee Waterfield and other officers‘ E EEE,’ E 'E
lations'. “There are but four children in all U. S. Signal Depot at Avon. of the association for their fine leader- E ‘EtaIEIEE‘ EE
Pl‘Olet; the whole, wide world,” the clergyman The Necrology and Resolutions Com- ship and Victor R. Portmann for the E EtE
by Mt said, “the child that was, the child that mittees made their formal reports, splendid service he is rendering as secre- EEE,1;:EEEEEEE" H
l never was, the child that is and the which were adopted by unanimous vote. tary—manager, E‘ E It;
child that is to be." These reports are published in another The program of the Legislative Com— WE ‘EEE EEEE ,
the Sui “It is to the child that is to be that column. Secretary Portmann read pro- mittee and the Executive Committee, as E‘Et'EEEEtE .
campt we owe most,” he said, “since in his posed amendments to the constitution announced at this session, is hereby ap- E IIETME E,E
Univt hands he the destiny of the whole for the first reading. These amend- proved by the Association. EtEEEtEEE
H_ HEEE world." ments must lay over for final adoption Members of the Kentucky Press As« E 'EEEEEEEIEEt
nt Ht Gov. Keen Johnson was among guests at the mid-winter meeting. sociation, thoroughly realizing their ob— IEEEEJ EEEE
an int; at the banquet. Introduced by Toast- New Members Elected ligation in the present emergency, are EthEEjE {tit ‘
Ullli‘fll master Tom Underwood, Herald editor, Following recommendation by the cooperating to their utmost ability with ',EIEE EEE
Iticsan' as GovethOY‘Edttm‘ Keen JOhhSOh: he Executive Committee, the following the g0vernment in matters of censor- EEE‘EE
i0ns,an' limited his comment practically to the newspapers were elected to KPA mem— Ship, the constructive use of publicity EE’E
:xtensio remark: bership by unanimous vote: The Green- for morale bUttdthg and to keep the EEIE EE 1
mate. “We’re trying to leave the records of Up News, William H. Ward, editor; public as well informed as is possible, E EEEEEEE .
.ty as. the governor in such a state that if any The Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, in the sale of war stamps and bonds, E EEE EEEE‘J;
med 0:, of you other country newspaper fellows John W. Maston, editor; The Jackson civilian defense, and other matters of {hf-Eli EJ'E .
ling or want to run for governor the records of County Sun, McKee, Iames Tompkins, public interest. We respectfully urge EEEEEEI EEE t
s WClEi the first country newspaper fellow who editor; The Gallatin County News, the continuance of this splendid work. ‘EtEt EE LE EEEEE .
to em: was elected governor won’t be in your “lat-saw, Charles E. Adams, editor; The We heartily approve the organization ‘ [EJEEE EE ti E
tizensluE “NW-h _ Earlington News, Emil Calman, editor; 0t the CttCUEattOh managers section 0t EEEEEE E‘EE
3 to at A soc1al dance followed the speaking The Iessamine Journal, Nicholasville, the KPA With Dawson Manley 0t the "EE'EtE EE ~
:xplaiii: program. Delmar E. Adams, editor; and the Car— Ashland Independent as president, Fred [EE’E Eitritt‘ E
ladellE Saturday Morning Session ter County Herald, Olive Hill, W. F. Varga Of the Louisville Courier—Journal EEtEEiEEEurE'E E , '
[0110‘er Following a breakfast meeting of the Fultz, editor. and Times as vice-president, and Victor E! I if?“ .
uggestt executive committee where routine bus— At the close of the morning session, R' Portmann as secretary. We express E t, it E‘” w E,
iuldmt mess was transacted and reported later the delegates were guests of the Ken— apprec1at10n t0 AtVtS Temple Of the , tit} E' ,‘EE3 t
niversit 0n the floor, the convention was called tucky Utilities Company at a luncheon Park .Ctty Daily News, Bowling Green, E EttiEaEt EE EEEEE E
1e edit] to order by President XVaterfield. at the hotel. President Robert Watts, for hts untiring efforts to Pmmt’te the Etitt‘ EEE Ei E
h insE Francis X. Jahn, special F. B. I. of the Company, in a short address, em— sale 0t newspaper carrierS’ war stamps, El Em“
:rsityt agent, Lexington, told of the work of PhaStZed that the personnel and the re- The Lttttthgttth Htttttttt’ the Ltttthgt EEEEEEtEEi
heir 60E that Organization under wartime difli- lationships between the administration ttttt Ltttdtttt and the Louisville Courier- EEEEI EEE; ‘E
mporl't culties. He gave many interesting ex— and its 1,200 employees scattered Journal have been delivered to the EEEE EEE‘E EE '
Jed unt amples of their activities, especially in throughout the state, was the biggest members 0t the ttthA during thtt ttttttth EEEEE EEtEE E t
‘ Diret the search for enemy espionage agents and best asset that the company pos- through the courtesy of the publishers EEEEE it t.
and the Prevention of sabotage in our sessed. Of these papers, and we appreciate this EtEaEE EEE EE
ur all Production plants. He thanked the Following the luncheon, a number 0t thttVtCtt' . EE‘iEE EEE E
the EEEE press for the cooperation given the F. editors gathered with Major Elbert The Lextngton Herald and Leader EEE’E E"
)romolt B. I. in every request for assistance and Nelson, Publicity Officer for the Fifth Sttttt have been grac10us hOStS and have Etttf’ tEtEE ‘
Heft publicity. t Corps Area, Fort Hays, Columbus, attempted to do everything Within EtttE .EEE t
ayetlin‘ Major William Slater, Chief of the Ohio, and discussed various phases of thett power to make thtS 5e55t0h one Of EtrEEEE it “E
club“E liason section of the Bureau of Public wartime news and censorship, including the best in the.hi5tory Of the associa- ‘ EEEE, t ELE'EEEth
1. H0\( RelationS, War Department, gave an the news possibilities and how news ttOh- Our Sheelat appreciation is eX- .EEQEEE E'E '
;hree E: interesting address on the duties and should be handled following an enemy tended to Ethtor UhdetWOOd’ Manager = :Ett‘EEEEEEE E E
i. Tali functions of that Bureau, explaining the air raid. Ihtorthattt’h and regulations “thChS’ Jewell Mann, and Promotion EEEEEEE 'tEEtEEt'tE
[ow ttt various sections and the work for which from his office will be published later Manager Dan M- Bowmar. The dinner- t E} E E‘ EE- 'EE
race“: each was responsible. His address was in the Kentucky Bulletin. dance at the AShtahd Country Chlb Will 1E. :EE t
onehtt Interesting and timely, and emphasized _______ be long remembered. The management xltt 'E, A .
. forE the Important part that the press was Resolutions Unanimously Passed 0t the. Lafayette Hotel has been gra- ‘Ett E {tELtEEEE‘
mor EEEE taking in wartime effort. With a theme of the KPA’s place in Cious indeed to the members and the EEI 'E E
lan'OEtt AEEEES.TemP1€, Bowling Green, gave wartime effort, the seventy-third annual Lexmgton Board Of Commerce has fur- 'EEEEEEE E E t‘ E
jgnilnsplring account of the saleof war mid-summer meeting was held at the “‘fhid everylaSSIStalnce.po551ble. t Eitgt ESE, E ‘_
P5 as undertaken by the daily Lafayette Hotel in Lex1ngton,]une 12 C pr1v1ege 0 Vi51t1ng the Blue j- Shit-E 5E;
maxedE newspapers of the state through the car— and 13, 1942 and E Grass StOCh farms and the courtesy 0t t‘ 't.E. E9 EE'EE
club ti ttet boys, These boys have sold over WHEREAS, the program for this the owners .111 keeping the farms open EE :tEiEn ttE EE? it
. as he ttttttt. million dollars worth of stamps meeting had been geared to the emer- and the V15" to the Lexmgton Signal Eiqt EEV‘E lit EEE‘EE E
ded inE (Ellrlhg the first few months of 1942 and gency and of such unusual merit, we DCPOt at Avon prov1ded real treats and If; gt? 1E , -
: mall“ Wll continue to carry on that good recommend that a vote of appreciation Please Turn to Page Six E 1h Eli E fElEEt l t.
= E
;. ,1. Hill
t E’v

 1 ,'
i .
l Page Foul THE KENTUCKY PRESS June, 1942 l June,
.1 ‘ - I
' ' ‘ 6 make the Association stronger and bet- opinion of Assistant Attorney Genera] for the su
( ‘ e ter. The papers were: Guy Herman that a financial statement this desire
, A Greenup News, William H. Ward, must be published and that a mandi; praise ha
' ‘ en ’33 editor; Hancock Clarion, Hawesville, tory injunction could be obtained mi3 every edit
. ~ John W. Maston, editor; Jackson require its publication. : campaign
‘ 0111ch Publication of the Kentucky County Sun, McKee, James Tompkins, In recent years, the court and indii terminatio
' . Press Association editor; Gallatin County News, Warsaw, vidual €011th OffiCiaIS, IHCIUding the The SCI
. ‘ _t Editor Puth Charles E. Adams, editor; Earlington sheriff, county clerk and Jailer, have not Monday,
- er . . . . _
‘ Victor R“ P" mann, News, Emil Calman, editor; Jessamine 1>llbllsh€d annual statements, althOugh until Tues
~ ' ' th ou ' ~ ‘ " ‘ ‘
. ; 1 Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexington Jouinal, Nicholasvflle, Delmar Adams, 0 c nt} boaid of education has done will be cc
- ‘ _______ editor; and Carter County Herald, 50. Last year Cole adVised the coun/ my under
. Kentucky Press Association Officers Olive Hill, W. F. Fultz, editor. that publication of a financial state, county or
. Harry Lee Waterfleld "1‘5 Héicgmgn 00- Gazettev Clint” We congratulate and welcome them ment was not required so long as thei committee
re en - - u , '
‘ Vance Armentrout _..___. Courier—Journal, Louisville to the KPA—the only assoc1at10n that county posted budget figUI‘CS at [ht is called [2
‘ Vice President - ‘ _ , , , i . .-
, Victor R. Portmann #WE U. oi’ Ky., Lexington g1V€b a hang about the Kentucky news- Court House door ex ei y three month: this (hive
. Secretary-Treasurer papers”, ______________ , who parti
District Executive Committee ______________ / . I . .y . , ,
, J. Curtis Alcock, Advocate—Messenger, Danville, (State- —- _ Vi atrh Censorship Regulations 1 and garag
tat-large), chairman; First, Joe LaGore, Sun—Demo- 37nd] Town Manual Available , , f and 63Ch
, 2 crat, Paducah; Second, Tyler Munfcrd, Union Co. A serious lack of understanding Ol'
. Advocate, Morganfleid; Third, John H. Hoagland, , , _ . . _ by the pet
‘ , Courier-Journal, Louisville; Fourth, Joe Richardson, Those editors at the convention, and wartime news censorship CXlStS among: that durin
. . _ ’ bl D _ . p,
: Eggfshglgifiwvsflfihpfifi‘g $633; £231,353; all others who could not attend, that some weekly newspaper publishers in; will purch
Lexington; Seventh, W. W Robinson. Herald: Pam‘s‘ did not receive a copy of the “Small many parts of the country. We ire;
ville; Eighth, T. T. Wilson, Log Cabin, Cynthiana; ” . ' pound, T
. Ninth ILA. Browning, Whitley Republican, Williams- Town Manual can have a copy by asked to reiterate some of the cardinal: .
bur "State-at-large Chauncey Forgey Independent, - , , . , . f trucks to l
“hind. , , dropping a post card to the Central pOintS of censorship to be appliedby bulk statii
. ‘ ‘ Legislative Committee Office. This manual, an excellent piece neWSpapers in the news .of the armed, points whi
. Tyler Muntord, Union Co. Advocate, Morganfleld, . - . .
chairman; George A. Joplin, Commonwealth, Somerset; of Work’ WI“ assuredly 11611) you In your forces' . . .l [he Rubbt
Egbert 0. Taylor. Record Herald. Greensburg; d'l‘horlrlms busmess as editor and help to promote Do not identify home town boys ml sidiary of
. ,H 1d,Lito;H.A.Wai-,Aen . , . . .
, S,”§S§,Z‘f’°°s§mt§iixu £225 vrirard, summon“, community growth and enterprise. You the armed serVices in the followmgl Corporatio
Paducah; Cecil Williams. 30:21:“? 50121::59“ should have a copy of this for every- cases: l
. . Newspaper Emmi 0mm ee ) . . . . . I, ‘—
. Mrs. free spaldmg’ Kentucky standard, Bardstown, day study. Also ask for a copy,of the Soldiers or sa1101s With the names (it Proposed I
. chairman: J- LaMarr Bradley. Entgpglisevfifovlgfife; Office of Defense Transportations rules Ships, l
3 .‘ M . J h S. Lawrence, Recor , a. z; ss an . _ ' . ~ .
9 Rircsliargs,nRussell 00. Banner, Russell Springs;»Miss in regard to transportation problems Soldiers on their way to embarkanour .111 accor:
=‘ June mm“ Hemld’ mmdsmrg' of the newspaper. These are yours for points. “011 1, 0f
‘ . Kentucky Press Women’s Club _ ' . _ ‘ tuck , P
“ ' Miss Mary E. Hutton, Herald, Harrodsburg, President; the asking. Soldiers and sailors in combat areas; ”A ) d 1‘6
‘ Mis~ Mildred Babbage, Breckenridge News, Cloverport. _______________ 1 men me
1 First Vice President; Mrs. J. 0. Young, Journal, Dixon, . 01” coastal defenses: . . .
W Second Vice President; Mrs. Mary genderson Pgweg. N. E, A_ Conventzon Location of SOldlCi‘S 1n coastal 01- ant, ments are _
‘ ' Record, Btearns, Third Vice Presi ent; Mrs. . . , . me .
Wallace, Advertiser, Walton], tRecordinguSeCéetary; Your secretary is leaving this WCCk t0 aerI‘aft £01 CCS. theenng‘dto
‘ Mi Urith L as, Indepen en , Maysvi e, orres- ' f . ‘ . ) . , 1111 -W
' pogiilng Secre‘tlgry: Mrs. J. L. Bradley. Enterprise. attend the National Editorial Assoc1a- To ”(“1th a home town boy .15 [if 1943.
la vamence’ Treasure“ tion convention in Eastern Canada, Prmt [116 name 0f 1115 mllltaiy unit. To add
and will return for your service on June combat aica 15 any pomt overseas ”I, 1 _
- ~ a strate ic area in the United Stalt “6 f0110W1
, NATIONAL EDITORIAI 28. PreSident Harry Lee Waterfield Will ‘ g _ _ after be kr
’ x. a ASSOCIATlON be the official KPA representative at controlled by) ““3 “Ilium?“ ' h'l' Section '
’ “"w . . . - ' l ‘
I94. “31%;“? . I / the convention, and Will be accom- hBoys maYl e 1 entitied by “mtstf: There sha'
panied by Mrs. Waterfield. Other state [fey are 51:11 11:; tlfllnlng camp}.l d mfiai membershi-
publishers who have made reservations Oh 11113116 5] ou not-be publis ed aw! duals or 1i
include Miss Mildred Babbage, Clover- t e oys eave training C‘lmP an en .
/"=-’1‘-'~v a combat area 1 nected Wltl
MEMBER “Elli“ port, Mr. and Mrs. Herndon Evans, R b 'h _ . , all allied busi
. $5,! Pineville, J. G. Denhardt, Bowling emem erhf e. main Pifitldmvitfll method to
S Green, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Fefws “PM”: ‘1) 18h to W“ 0 the Associa
. K ‘TUCKY PRES XVachs, Lexington. 1n ormation rom t e enemy. ‘, motio
. , n of
g ASSOCIATION _ ——————————~———— , , » a... .0 ,h,
. “Hm” “NA” ”u Suit Filed To Show If Fayette Scrap Rubber Campaign. Started that may b‘
. —-——.—__‘ county MUSt PubZZSh Statements The SCI‘ZII) rubber Carnpaign hail if the SEC:
‘ Volume Thzrteen, Number Eight The Fayette County Fiscal Court started in Kentucky. We urge Ill", e CleCted
* ________————— filed suit last week’to determine whether every 1gp». editor, representative out]; manner as
» ,~ Fayette County is required to publish county or city salvage committee, WI; paper melt
lco es Seven New Members . , ; . .
KPA we in an annual financ1al statement. cooperate to his fullest extent, both P“ to all Per1
. ; Seven Kentucky progressive news- The court also instructed County sonally and thru the columns of 1“ tel)t the V(
i. papers were admitted to membership Attorney Samuel Cole to ask the Court newspaper. The state newspapers 11‘1“}, T
. in the Kentucky Press Association at of Appeals to say, should it be found given splendid support to the salV'fll‘J sh lhat the
i l the convention Saturday. The editors publication of a statement is manda— campaign during the last few mom“: r :11 be 5111
i 1I desired to receive the services that the tory, what data the document should and, we know, will not make an exceli» e: arY‘Treai
‘ 1! Association could render them, and to contain. tion now. The State Salvage Commlfifi Ckfllthese <
l l: , participate in cooperative effort to The court action resulted from an has highly commended the newspallenl H-
. t
. l: ‘ - ,
i 1 € {ti

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:1: :5 :55: :

t '5 5:1“: ".; l
42 5 June, 1942 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five 5.5 5 ‘55; 5 i _

l _ "i5 ‘5 5‘ ‘:‘ 5 .
'reiieial for the support and publicity given on That Article IV, Officers, shall be the Association’s records. He shall make '5 5 I‘55 '
temeiit this desirable wartime campaign. This amended as follows: reports of his acts, showing the amount 5" 55 :‘5 5‘: -

a . l 5 e ; i5 :
nandv raise had indeed been merited as , . _ of m n ' 5 ; .‘t‘fil‘l i

“ P . 5 .5 . , Section 1. The officers of the Assoeia- ,0 ey and from whom received and ‘ ‘5 W 5 5';

ied it‘. every editor has enlisted in the all-out 555555 5155511 be 55 President Vice President the amount and to whom disbursed, :' 54‘. :5'5-5 55
. . c c . - . 5 15’, ,i.
5 campaign for a “5mm“6 and Speak" Secretai‘y-iVIaii't ‘er Treasurer and an With vouchers therefor attached, at the 5 5:"}; 55 5‘ ‘
i iiitli.i termination of the war. -5 5 5. 5 g .’5 ’ annual meeting of the Association suc- 55"" 55?". 55 .
5 5 5 5 . 5 Executive Committee. No person shall . . . . :‘ ‘. i.l--' 5
1g the The scrap iub )er campaign began hold office who is not 55 dul ualified ceeding his election, which report shall 3 5 5,5,5 55 .55
we not Monday, June 15, and Will continue representative in this Associzi'tibln be in writing and read to the Associa- 5 5555' 55 -
thoughl until Tuesday, June 30, 11115 campaign 96655055 2 The President Vice'PreSi tion and Published in the report of the 55 : 5 555:5 5 2555 .
.s (1015‘. will be conducted in each county and dent 960565;” Mana 5055 Treasurer anl annual proceedings of the Association. 5 5 5‘ 5 '
court} city under the general direction of the Chairman of ythe Exgecdtive Co 5551’,“ c The salary of the Secretary-Manager ..:_ 5555 .3 :55
Siflit- county or city salvage director and his 5 i l 1' 66 shall be fixed by the Executive Com- 3.53.55”: 5". 5'

.‘ . . , . . _ shall be elected by ballot at the regular - .2 5‘ 51:55» = .;

as the; committee. The nations Oil industry 55555555251 winter meetin anl h 11 t mittee. 55.515555 . ‘t.
- - - « ' t s a n ~ .
at the5 is called upon to play a ina50r role in 5 . g5 , 5e Cl Section 4. The Treasurer shall re— 5 "5:5;51555'55

. _ , . . . - upon the discharge of their duties at - . . nz'.‘ i=5“. i
months: this (lrive in cooperation Wllll all others 5 . . . celve and secure all monies received : 5‘ 5; 55.251

. . . . the close of that meeting. VVlth the ex- . ’ .i g." . '5

; who participate. Each filling station 5 . . _ . from the Secretary-Manager, and shall 5‘555 .‘5‘5

; . . . ception of the Secretary-Manager their . . "ii

: and garage handling gasoline and 011 5 . 5 5, pay out, upon proper voucher from said " 5' ' 5551'

5 . . . . tei in of office shall be for one year only. . . g. 5 5555. 5 ' ‘5'

5 . and each bulk station Will be notified Secretary-Manager, all expenditures so ' 5 552559 5'5

. 5 , 5 . . . -5 5': : 5
mg ‘5 by the petroleum industry of Kentucky Section 4. The Executive Committee ordered. He shall keep a record of all 5 .55“..5 3‘5 5
”50555 that during this two weeks period they Shall COHSISE 0f €1€V611 members, the monies received and paid, and shall 5‘ 5"55‘ '5‘ '
$55,“ will purchase rubber at one cent per Chairman of the Committee to be make a written report of his acts, show- 55- "555‘ .55 2

. . . . - . . '; ‘:‘ .5 '. .
5e are. pound. The 011 industry Wlll provule elected by ballot in the same manner mg the amount of money received and 5 5555555515 :'
ardina5.5 trucks to haul the scrap rubber to the as the Pres1dent, Vice—PreSident, Secre- the amount and to whom disbursed at 55.555555: 5.5:! 1

- - .. 5 - . . . 553-.“ "..‘5'
led by: bulk stations or other concentration taiy-Manager, and Treasurer, and eight the annual meeting of the Assoc1ation 53:55:55 5" 3:352.
. . . . , 5 : -, - . . . 'I".* 5:5:5 ..
armed, pomts which w111 then turn 1t over to other members of the Committee to be succeeding his election. This report 55525255 :55 55 2 55.5 3

5; the Rubber Reserve Company, a sub— appomted by the PreSIdent immediately shall be published in the annual pro- 51.55555; 5: 555555
)OyS5lfl! Sidiary of the Reconstruction Finance after his election, one from each of the ceedings of the Assocmtion. All dis— 55 :55: ,55555‘.‘ 5
WWW Corporation, Congresstonal Districts of Kentucky, bursing checks shall bear the signatures 5" 5 555'. “:5 ,

' . . . . ..5535 :52§:"-

555 ~_____________ except the district from which the of both the Secretary-Manager and the f. 5 5555; 5.55:5 ,5: 5
mm: Proposed Amendments Read Chairman of the committee has been Treasurer. "55 5555-5 :

t It d - . 1 A . 1 V II S elected, and two from the state at large, Section 4. Executive Committee, :5 5555' 555‘

. ‘.s 7 - . _ . . 5 i "y: '
tkatttm 55 153C“? lance “1551 5511‘ e .I ’ .ec to hold office until their successors are shall hereafter be known as Section 5, :35‘i5i5555' .5"'.‘I‘." '2
1011 : 0 t e Constitution 05 551? K61“ chosen. The President, Immediate Past Executive Committee, :‘555 :55 .55 ‘5
t artii' 'uCky Press Assoc1ation C n t 1 “ e d President Vice-President Secretary _—___ 5‘} 5:" '55 5:75 '1
” .. ,- ‘ - ’ ’ . .511": i i “:2: ..
5‘ Amtendments , the lollowmg amend Manager, and Treasurer shall be ex— To change Section 3 of the By-Laws 5‘55: 9,:‘555'5';
)r ant, mens are proposed at this mid-summer officio members of this committee. which reads, “The membership fee shall 5 5555 55 55:5 5
Illieetingdto lay over for final action at ______ be 55,00 and annual dues $7.50”, to 55‘}. :5“ 5;:5 {1 5.
' tie m1 -wint:er meet'n i an -: ; ‘ 5 f
1555, 1 5 n uaiy 5 _ . . . i 5.; .5.
555555 5: 1943: q J i That Article V, Duties, shall be ‘efi‘fr‘rf‘s ‘E’HOWS; 5 5 55 5 :5 5:"" 555 5 ‘
,, 1e xecntive committee sia iavc 5 , ‘51: *5 ,, . ‘
To (1 u ; - n amended as follows. _ : 5:: 1.: 5 .
5635 5‘5 the f 5‘5 d _t0 A‘L‘C5‘e H: 5M‘315nb‘3155‘1135 : 5 _ 5 55 5 5 5 5 power to set and establish the member- "5555 55.55 55‘ 5" :
Staltt 0 0w1ng section which shall heie- Section 3. The Secietaiy-Managei ship fees and the annual dues Said 55 5.5.5555 55. 55: 5
after be known as Section 5. shall keep a record of the proceedings action to be presented to the member- 55; 55 55 5’5 '.
s whil: SCCtion 5,—Sustaining Memberships. of the Association and collect all money ship at anv regular meeting and shall .35 :25::57555 ‘5 3.55/2 .
Ther ' ' . .~ - 5 -. , 5 . . . ~ . . _ . , . ‘f'w‘fr5‘: 351‘54.‘ .
Namt.) e shall be eligible 5to5sustaini5ng due from the members, iecmding pay be concurred m by a vote of three- _ 55555 55 55555555 5
d alts; mfimbership in the Assoc1ation indiv1- ments as made. He shall keep an ac- fourths of the voting members present” 55'5555 '.-5 5
. . . . ' it ' .‘15‘. 5 .5 ‘ ,
d 555555 duals or busmess firms who are con- count With each member of the Asso- ___ __ _ 52 :55 5 5551555 5: .

5: nected With the newspaper business or ciation showing at all times said meni— ‘5," 5? 5513 _,' 5
. 5 alli d b - - - - : - - - - Rule Book Under Way 'tl'i‘". : “5 : 55 ‘
m all. 6 usmesses who destre in this bers standing With the Assoc1ation. 5555.355; 5;, 5"5 55:25

.‘ - . . 51‘.';;'l : :5 : ,
d Vliii- m