xt7nvx061773 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx061773/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1989 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, June 1989 Vol.60 No.6 text The Kentucky Press, June 1989 Vol.60 No.6 1989 1989 2019 true xt7nvx061773 section xt7nvx061773 7t .
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Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Service - Volume 60, Number 6 - June, 1989


The Kentucky Press Service's adver- about using KPS," said KPA/KPS executive .
tising placement division placed a one- director David T. Thompson. "They've con
month record of nearly $189,000 in May tacted us twice, wanting help in placing ad
with Kentucky newspapers. orders less than 48 hours before publication

The 1989 mark bettered a May, 1987, date. In those cases, we've told them to go
mark of $188,700 when KPS placed a large direct."
amount of political advertising for MOS’C lottery advertising to date has
Kentucky's primary election. been placed in broadcast. "But newspapers

The $188,747 in 1989 was aided by a have had their voices heard."
$104,000 placement of inserts for the Ken-
tucky Department of Insurance Consumer's Business Session scheduled

‘ Guide. Another $85,000 was placed for dis- Notice is hereby given to members
play advertising. of the Kentucky Press Association that the

KPS established a one-year record in 1989 Summer Convention Business Session
advertising placed in 1987 with $1.2 million will be called for Saturday, June 24, at 9 am.
placed. That figure included a Department at the Bardstown Holiday Inn.
of Insurance tab and heavy amounts of pri- 3115111353 to be discussed iIICIUdes
mary election advertising. the realignment of KPA board distncts.

Gloria Davis, KPS advertising direc- 'The Membership and By'Laws

. . . . . Committee recommended, and the Board
tor, said th1s May bllling covered 57 differ- has a d th f 1, . Ii .3 t f

_ , , pprove e o owmg rea gnmcn o
ent advertising orders placed With the news— the KP A District structure:
papers. * KPA create Districts 1 5A and 15B to

”We had only tWO advertising orders divide the present District 15 into two equal
for more than $7,000," said Davis. "That districts;
means we placed a lot, a whole lot, of ad *merge the present Districts 8 and9

‘ orders for under $5,000 per billing." into one district;

The figure is especially good since no . ’6 merge the present DiStfiCts 10 and

lottery advertising has been placed through 11 mto pne dlsmcb ,
. that no present board member 1n
the Kentucky Press Serv1ce to date. an ff t d d' t . t1 t fh' /h
n . ya ec e 15 me ose any par 0 IS er
We ve talked to the lottery agency term because of realignment.
about using all Kentucky newspapers and

 Page 2
" 3.5.9:: 335:... , Vi-E; 'L,I»:»i;'.zi»£1:1;» ' ; . :fi'f: -:-::- I 35'21255§§i§53‘55:35:5???- V ‘
NNA II 0 {its its] s [RE iii M] @ [my
NNA Convention Oct. 25-28
. 1989 Executive Committee Dislrlcl 12
Make plans now to attend the National Louise ”make,
. . . Larry Craig Jackson Times
Newspaper Assoc1ation s 104th annual conven— preside,“
tion and trade show, October 25-28 in Atlanta. 6'99" Riverfiepub'ica" Districtta
"Focus on the Bottom Line" is the theme, David Haw,” affidmfigdgg‘gl
covering all aspects of newspaper management mid“ 3°“ .
_ , _ _ _ _ CourierJounial&Times District 14 ,
including retailing, staff training, pressroom Swan Simpson
management, controlling waste, circulation fifpflmd Pulaski Week
building, preventing libel, selling your newspa- LaRue couniy Herald News District 15 .
per, fighting ad taxes, management trends, the Mary 5mm Giiv Hatfield
AIDS problem and technology. And that's Treasurer °"'z°"v°'°° ””93
quite a mouthful. Dan""'° Mm“ ”9359"” 31m At-Largo
For more information, you can contact :1“?ng 51m We”
NNA at 202/466-7200. “$1,023,, Gig“, Kemwiysmndard
Joel Rawson
- 1989 Board of Directors Lexington Herald-Leader
Rockwell Prints
_ . . District 1 John Lucas
You still have time to order a reprint of Jerry Lyles Crittenden Press
Norman Rockwell's "Hometown News," dis- BenmnT'bumcwner Dan Lacy
tributed exclusively through NNA. You can Dim? “Mal“. ”Wish" Chairman
. . Jed Dillingham Ashland Oil, Inc.
order your full color, 18 by 24 inch format print Dawson springs pregress
for just $40 by contacting NNA. . . “mum "”35 ”Wm”
. _ , . District 3 Kentucky Press Serwce Stall
This was the fourth cover in the Willie Lam, Hager’in
Gillis series and it marked an important mile- “9'3”” M°S“”9°"'”q”"°' Mumps"
. . _ Executive Director
stone in the history of the Saturday Evemn g Post. mm 4
v - - Mary Jane Smith Lice McCain
Wh at S In It fo r you ? Logan Leader/News Democrat Members Services Director
If you're a non-member of the National District 5 Bonnie Howard
. . o la Bookk
Newspaper Assoc1ation and have asked that gagginttffimws Ememfise “per
question before, now is the perfect time to find D. me 33,312“;- D.
. . is venismg ireclor
out. Through the end. of June, NN AI1s offering a 0mm, Abemathy .
half-price membership for the last SlX months of Wham E" Reba W's . , .
the year 0‘ men Secretary/Receptionist
' IS
' ‘ Kelley Wainick
It s not a discount program, but a chance Ganafin County News 0W0“ office"
for non-members to give it a try.
If you need to know what NNA has done 0‘5"“ 5. Amming W55” ‘
' Gary Quinn Larry Brooks
for you lately, check May 5 Kentucky Press for Maysville Ledgerlndependent Lexington Herald-Leader
Adam Kelly's column on NNA activities in the Dismal 9 Circulation Division
past few months. Kelly is the regional director Ken Metz Ralph Henshaw ‘
for Region 3 that includes Kentucky. Ba‘“°°“"‘YN°WS °“"°°" D“""'"° Adm“ ”MW
Repeal Section 89? District in NewsEdion'ai
John Del Santo Richard Halicks
There's still a chance, however slim, that Ashland Daily lndependem °”°"Sb°’° Mm°"9°"'"q""°'
Congress Will repeal Section 89, the controver- The Kentucky Press (lSSN-0023-0324)ispub1ishedmonth1y
Slal requlrements on employee beneflts- and second class postage paid at Frankfort, Ky., 40601, and
Enforcement of the rules has been de— at addpifional maih'sneggffioeS- Subscription mice is $4 Per
. - year. ostmaster: n change of address to The Kentucky
laysd until October 1' In the meantime, C811 01' Press, 332 Capitol Avenue, Frankfort, Ky.,40601, (502)223-
write your Congressman and indicate your 8821.
unhappiness with the absurd regulations. Offidal PUb‘icafim‘ 0f the 1‘9“ka Press Semce

 Page 3
KWNA | t 1989 9" We
Q o e rs
WWW WWW J U LBgrgé. ' fie, editor Of
g m; . ” . it ngthefiiéggpalashlfihlwggqpres-S
a ., V _ , , if??? 1n 1 fig??? eec presn
‘. i . , ,Vf dent of t e entucky Weekly
. ; %; Newspaper Association during
«3 59% we .13. , j /. ' that group's spring conference in
»§‘ ‘ .W i}; .,'_;.. g} ' jfi ’- ate editor of the Clay City Times,
' 3:3 .. "f‘f , - , c was named vice president and
‘ 1 ’ e‘gfagggm "(”1“ elected secretary and treasurer,
:3“ Elected to the Board of
x " 3’? Directors were Ken Metz. editor
\. ”grafitfi f
. ~ teat; 0 the Bath C°““*Y News 0“”
fiw’ty,ae‘te%€giggitf’irfiwe ' look; Marty Backus publisher of
A, “amass m N .43 H was . the Floyd County Tlmes; and
Front row: Hank Bond, Marilyn Bond, Barbara Justice, James Mul- Terry Spears, publisher of the
cahy. Back row: Terry Spears, Marty Backus, Ken Metz. Martin Countian and Mercury.
Herchenroeder elected to UK Hall of Fame
John Herchenroeder, sonality at WHAS-Radio and lishers of Ebony, Jet and EM
the nation's first news om— WHAS-TV in Louisville; and magazines, won the Pulitzer
budsman who spent 53 years Moneta J. Sleet, Jr., a native of for a photograph of Coretta
with the Louisville Courier- Owensboro who was the first Scott King at her husband's
Journal and Times, was one of black American to win a Pulit- funeral.
three journalists inducted into zer Prize for photography. The three inducted this
the Kentucky Journalism Hall Sleet, a photographer for year bring to 63 the number of
of Fame at the University of Johnson Publishing Co., pub— journalists in the Hall of Fame.
Kenmdfya t_ 7_ , Ads by WKU students
11 uc 1on ceremonies .
were held April 28 during UK , . wm three top awards
‘ Honors Day. 2; Public service ads cre-
The Hall of Fame was ated by three Western Ken-
established in 1981 by the UK it!“ . . tucky University students won
4 Journalism Alumni Associa- . WW c! all three top awards in judging
tion to honor persons who "ififi by the American Academy Of
have madeasignificant contri- . (,ij , V? ' Advertising and the Intema-
. bution to the journalism pro- v . . tional Newspaper Advertising
fession. , M and Marketing Executives.
Herchenroeder was J a Student winners were
named ombudsman of the Tim Hurt and Stanley Whit-
Courier—Journal and Times in ney, first place; Beth Blanford
1967, the first to serve in such a ‘: and Carol Gann, second place;
capacity at a newspaper. f '- and Steve Broderson, third
Also inducted into the £13? 1-. place. The students are taught
1989 Hall of Fame were Milton ' ‘ ’ by Carolyn Stringer, associate
Metz, a veteran broadcast per- John Herchenroeder professor of advertising.

 Page 4 . _
Jessamine JournaI bought the interests from two the Courier Journal and presi-
. businessmen and James R. dent-elect 0f the Kentucky
30” to RePUbllc Whittaker purchased the re— Press Association, was fea-
maining stock. tured on the front cover of the
The Jessamine Journal May 15 Editor 8: Publisher
has been sold to Republic Caldwell Co. Times along with G} managing edi-
Newspapers, Inc.,aTennessee honored by state 4-H tor Irene Nolan. The front
corporation owned by cover recognized the C-J's ef-
Douglas A. Home of Kn— The Caldwell County forts in winning its ninth Pulit-
oxville. Times in Princeton was hon— zer Prize, this one for the cov-
Ed Easterly III, pub- ored recently by the Kentucky erage of_ the 1988 church bus
lisher of the Journal, made the Association of Extension 4-H tragedy in Carroll County.
announcement May 2.l agents. That E&P lssue come
Full legal transfer of the The Times received the one year and a day after the
Journal land, buildings and "Communicator Award, crash that killed 27 Hardin
equipment will not occur until Weekly or Bi—weekly Newspa— County church members.
April 1' 1990/ and Easterly Will per," during the association’s
continue to operate the Jessam— annual conference.
ine Journal in the meantime. was that I
The Journal has been ' (i counci
published since 1873 and is the pompgny Intefes‘ted ty .
second oldest business in In Busmess FlrSt Closed mQQtlng
Nicholasville. Shaw Publishing Co. of |ng|?
Charlotte, N.C., has an—
nounced intentions to buy a
central Record majority interest in the parent GCt the
celebrates 100 years company of Business First, a
Louisville tabloid that is an SCOOP
The Central Record in Associate member of the Ken— . 5'
Lancaster celebrated its 100th tucky Press Association. '
birthday in early May. Shaw said it had of— by calllng the
In a commemorative fered to buy a stake in Ameri- KPH FOI
issue, the Central Record in- can City Business Journals Inc. -
cludeda history of newspapers for $2.25 a share or $22.25 mil— "0"an
serving Garrard County. In the lion. (502)
process, the issue recognized, Business First was
"although not definitely deter- founded about five yars ago 589-5235
mined," that in May, 1889, The and has faced uncertainty for
Central Record was first put on the past two years as the parent
the masthead, replacing The company underwent rapid '
Central Kentucky News. expansion in 1986 to include 36 Jon FIQISChqur
Henry C. Cox, a four- publications. or
met county attorney, pur- .
chased The Record in January, HaWpe featU red Klm G Ileana
1942 at public auction, along
with three other local business- on E8‘P front *
men. In the early ‘SOs, Cox David Hawpe, editor of

 Page 5
| Ewell Balltrip, pub— Richmond Register, succeed- shon as managing editor of
pr e si- lisher of the Harlan Daily En- ing Randall Shew. Hall is a 27— The Enterprise and sister pub-
[tucky terprise, delivered the com- year veteran of newspapers lication, Headline News. Gray
5 fea- mencement address to the and related busmesses includ- has been with The Enterprise
of the Southeast Community College ing five years as owner. and since 1983, serving as news
alish er graduating class. ' operator of. an advert1s1ng editor and then general man-
1g e di- Earl Burchfield, pub— agency and five years as pub— ager. Mershon previously was

front lisher of the Middlesboro Daily hsher of a series of trade publi- managing editor and assistant
_].S ef- News has been named senior cations. . _ . general manager of the Lon-
[Pulit- publisher of the Daily News Alllson Tutt, a junior— don Sentinel Echo, prior to
1 e co v- and publisher of the Claiborne to-be at Western Kentucky leaving that newspaper last
:h bus Progress in Tazewell, Tenn. Univer31ty, has been h1red as year. Nolan, who had been
t Burchfield has served in vari- an editorial summer intern publisher of the Enterprise,
mee ous capacities for nearly 40 with four Landmark Commu- announced that he was now
'er the years with the Middlesboro nity Newspapers, Inc., opera- president of the board of direc-
lardin daily. Both publications are tions —- Campbellsv1lle, tors of the company.
s owned by The New York Springfield, Lebanon and Lib— Lori]. Taylor has been
' Times Regional Newspaper erty. Tutt is a journalism and named editor of the News- _
Group. Ron Sawyer, former psychology major at WKU and Herald in Owenton. She suc-
general manager of the is a reporter for the award- ceeds Lee Cochran. Taylor isa
. Lakeland (Fla.) Ledger has winning College Heights Her— 1985 graduate of Northern
ll been named publisher of The ald. Kentucky University with a
ing Daily News. Barry Minton has bachelor's degree in journal-
. Two reporters from the joined the LaRue County Her— ism and advertising. Prior to
Kentucky Post were honored ald News as sportswriter and the recent promotion, she was
for service to the community at proofreader. A graduate of advertising manager of the
the Mental Health Association Cumberland College, Minton News-Herald. The announce-
‘ of Northern Kentucky annual is also the language arts teach— ment was made by publisher
dinner recently. Peggy Kre- ers at LaRue County Junior Ed Ashcraft.
imer and Michele Day re- High during the school year. Mark Provano, a 14-
ceived the Baron Award for Jim Nolan, president year veteran of the Courier-
he Community Service. of The Manchester Enterprise, Journal, has been named re—
Mike Phillips, who Inc., has named Glenn Gray gional editor. Provano, who
spent five years as managing publisher of the Enterprise has been daytime assistant re—
editor of The Kentucky Post, publications and Brent Mer- Continued on Page 6 '
has been named editor of the
Bremerton (Wash) Sun. Most -
recentl , Philli s was editor of '
the HollywoodaGla.) Sun Tat— Is It safe to Prlnt?
tler. ‘
Wanda Cottrell, ciI'CP- When you have a news story or
er lEatlon diam 9f the Harlan Dally ad that might be questionable,
nterpnse for the past two and ' . ' . .
a half years has been named find out if it s safe to print 1t.
9 33:33:22: “perms“ °f the (all the KPH FOI Hotlan
Fred Hall, previously n' 3&2) sggmgfigs
the advertising director of the .‘ _
Valdosta, Ga., Daily Times, has 10“ FIQISCthQI‘ OI‘ Klm GI'QQnQ
been named publisher of the ,

 Page 6
Continued from Page 5 page editor of the Owensboro Herald while attending WKU,
_ Messenger Inquirer. Crouch interned the past two
gional editor for eight years, Morris Grubbs is re— summers at the Crittenden
‘ will supervise the newspaper's turning to the Cumberland Press as reporter and photog—
11 bureaus in Kentucky, Indi- County News, this time as edi- rapher.
ana and Washington. Provano tor of the Burkesville weekly. Terry O'Connor, fOT- '
succeeds Pam Luecke who is Grubbs began working with mer copy editor of the Omaha
leaving to work for the Hart- the News whileajunior in high (Neb.) World-Herald, has been
ford (Conn) Courant. school, and learned the busi— named executive editor of the "
Wickliffe R- Powell, ness from four previous News‘ Recorder Newspapers in ,
managing editor of the Ash- editors. Boone, Kentucky and
land Daily Independent, has Donna Crouch, a re- Campbell counties, according
been honored for the third time cent graduate of Western Ken- to Recorder publisher Bryan
in four years for volunteer tucky University, has been Dear. O'Connor most recently
service to public television. added to the Oldham Era news was news editor of the Harlan
Powell was named Kentucky staff. A general assignment re— Tribune, a weekly newspaper
Educational Television Volun- porter for the College Heights in western Iowa.
teer of the Year for 1988. The ———-——-—-——-——-——-—-—-—
announcement came at the I I I
Friends ofKET annualmeeting KyI POSt 10' ns cam palg n
that marked the end of
Powell's two- ear term as ' ' '
~ pest... .. .t: e........e m prostltutlon crackdown
ganization of people who pro—
vide financial support for KET With the assistance of months ago, asking that the
‘ programming, development the Kentucky Post in Coving- names 0f the men and women
and awareness activities. ton, police in northern Ken- involved in prostitution—re-
Tony Cumutte, who tucky are turning the spotlight lated offenses be published in a
3 recently was a fr ee—lance sports on customers of prostitutes as prominent SPOt in the newspa-
1 reporter for the Kentucky Post part of a campaign to crack- per.
in Covington, has joined the down on prostitution. ,
Ashland Daily Independent The Kentucky Post has
staff as sports writer. Cumutte agreed to publish the names of _ . ‘
worked in the Independent's men and women charged with ‘ p.
. sports department from 1979 prostitution-related offenses. ' J f‘
1 to 1982 as a news clerk and 4 ‘
‘ writer. Customers have been i ,
Cathie Shaffer, editor able to hide the arrests from LINDA CASTALDI
of Today's Living fOr the Ash- family and friends, since there 129383 343232660
land Daily Independent, was was no publication of the REPRESENTWG
named the 1989-90 Communi— names, but as Newport city :Xstrotngwsgaperssrgce
j cator of the Year by the Ohio manager Dennis Phelan said, -Clt:;:lfil:tlin5yné:§;f
Press Women. Shaffer was "We want the world to know -Holiday Advertising Service
chosen for the award because these people." 'Mem’ Laser/m
of her contributions to her Officials in Covington “ a 7g 0
profession and community. and Newport contacted Ken- m
Shaffer formerly was editorial tucky Post representatives two your creative advantage.

 Page 7
Journalism/Public Relations Internship Survey
Please take a moment to complete the following internship survey and return it to
Lica McCain, KPA, at your earliest convenience.

Our newspaper is willing to accept interns in the following areas: '
; Reporter/Copy Editor Advertising Sales Public Relations
, Photographer Ad Production Other (please describe)

Sports Writer Circulation


Name m

NWSPaPerm—W_ - __

Thank You! KPA and Kentucky's universities appreclate your support.
I - The Kentucky Dress Association
' Historic Bardstown
June 2224. 1989, bardstown Holiday Inn
Tour Makers Mark Distillery
Visit My Old Kentucky Home State Dark
and see
The (Stephen Foster (Story i
Three days of meetings and activities that will make this a éummer Convention to remember

 Page 8
' I
It you ve stopped quarterfoldlng...

The National Newspaper Association is For this reason, Brinkmann is seeking to
seeking to identify newspapers who are ceasing identify newspapers who are ceasing to quar-
to quarter—fold their editions because of the new ter-fold because of this rule.

Postal Supplement rule that went into effect "If we can develop verified numbers of
March 19. One provision of this rule states that newspapers who have changed the fashion in
inserts cannot stick out of its host second class which they enter this newspaper due to the
publication. mandate of this rule not allowing inserts to

"This has caused some problems with show, we may be able to impress upon the
newspapers that quarter—fold," said Bob Brink— Postal Service what a silly result this is."
mann, general counsel of NNA, "and we Newspapers that have changed their l
strongly encourage all newspapers experienc— policies as a result of the new insert rules are L
ing this problem to stop quarter—folding and asked to return the cut—out coupon below and
enter their newspaper half-folded. We do send to KPA. We in turn will forward these on to
understand that this may cause handling prob— the National Newspaper Association.
lems with local postal personnel, and we en-
courage them to complain up the line."

...then complete th IS survey and send to KPA
| l
. Postal Supplement Survey ,
| I
I As a result of the new Postal Supplement rule that went into effect March 19, we have I
| stopped quarter-folding our newspaper to insure that inserts do not stick out. |
| Name _—____________—_________ l
| |
| Newspaper _—___.___—_______________ l
I Address ——___—____ l
l .

I Clty State Zip :
| I
| Return this form to KPA. We'll send the completed surveys to NNA I
l Kentucky Press Service ~ 332 Capitol Avenue ~ Frankfort, Kentucky 40601