xt7nvx061570 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx061570/data/mets.xml Mississippi Mississippi Historical Records Survey 1942 Prepared by the Mississippi Historical Records Survey, Service Division, Work Projects Administration; Other contributors include: United States. Work Projects Administration, Service Division; vi 268 leaves: 269-323 pages, 28 cm; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:M 69i/3/prelim books English Jackson, Mississippi: Mississippi Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Mississippi Works Progress Administration Publications Mississippi Newspapers, 1805-1940: A Preliminary Checklist of Mississippi Newspaper Files Available in County Archives, Offices of Publishers, Libraries, and Private Collection in Mississppi text Mississippi Newspapers, 1805-1940: A Preliminary Checklist of Mississippi Newspaper Files Available in County Archives, Offices of Publishers, Libraries, and Private Collection in Mississppi 1942 1942 2015 true xt7nvx061570 section xt7nvx061570   W; 7;/ 1@u¤¤¤wHg1]\@@ `i@H@nw
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‘ Prepared by
The Mississippi Hislzorical Records Survey
Service Division
Work Projocts Ldmimis*crai:ion
The Mississippi Historical Records Survey
Jackson, Mississippi
July 194:2

 il j'
- ’ i
A i
, S
F. H. Dryden, Acting; Commissioner C
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner 8
Q. Edward Gatlin, Stato Administrator I i
Jerome Sage, Director, Service Division E
~ ` ‘|
spomson 1
Mississippi Department of Archives and History · {

The Nation-wide Historical Records Survey program was organized to
, inventory State, county, and municipal archives, early American imprints,
church records, and manuscripts in collections. ln Mississippi the Histor-
ical Records Survey has operated as a unit of the Statewide Records Project
in the Service Division of the Work Projects Administration, and has been
sponsored by the Mississippi Department of·Archives and History and some
seventy county boards of supervisors. The Survey is being discontinued in
order that its personnel may be diverted to activities which.have a direct
and unqualified relation to the war effort. However, this volume is being
published in a preliminary edition, since practically all data had been com-
piled for publication before the order for the discontinuance of the Survey V
became effective. l ‘ ·
The inventorying of newspapers in archival and manuscript depositories
by the Historical Records Survey was provided for by the use of`WPA Form
14HR. On this form newspapers were listed by series; that is principally
by title and by inclusive dates covered by the holdings. The inventory of
the county archives revealed that a tremendous number of local newspaper
files existed in county courthouses. Because of the great interest shown
in the locating and listing of these newspaper holdings, procedures were
authorized and adopted which enabled the Survey to inventory newspapers in
publishing offices, libraries, and private collections. ,The American Im-
prints Inventory Instructions for Examination of Newspaper~Riles for Mater-
ials Relating to the History ef—the Press, released in Chicago in—Kpril
1959 included 5H`E§Eb11e¤t supplembntary form or worksheet on which news-
paper holdings could be listed issue by issue and by year of publication.
This form was adapted to the use of the Survey and throughout 1941 an in-
tense recheck was made of all holdings and depesitories in Mississippi.
A form of entry, developed by the Louisiana Historical Records Survey
and approved by the`Washington office, has been used to present the collect-
ed data. The entry form was designed to give the maximun information in
minimum space. The first item or title line of every entry is the most re-
cent complete title, and is followed by the frequency of publication and
the beginning and ending dates of publication. The beginning date was often
arrived at by approximation, that is by counting back according to the fre-
quency, from the earliest known volume and issue number to the date for
volume one, issue one, if the frequency was regular. Two dashes following
the latest date of publication indicate that the newspaper is still being
published, and a question mark indicates that the date was believed to be
questionable or doubtful. ·
The first item in the body of the entry gives the date of establish-
ment and shows thewrolume and issue number from which the date was approx-
imated, if such was the case. Then follows a listing of the editors, pro-
prietors, and publishers, beginning with.the earliest. Also given are the
predecessors, successors, mergers, and absorptiens, if any, and the changes
in 'l31.'*G].G• 4

, A
{ ‘  
if  J
Preface iv Y
T Then appears the listing of hqldings inventoried in Mississippi by
Historical Records Survey field workers. The depository of the holdings is ‘
usually indicated by a location symbol from the American Imprints Inventory g, I
Location Symbols for Libraries in the United dtates. In listing the hold- §
ings, short form abbreviations withbut periods are used for the months of T
. the year, a dash is used to indicate inclusive dates, and brackets to shew y 1
that the holdings listed are almost, but not quite, complete.
The arrangement of the list is alphabetical by place-of publication
I first, with the newspaper titles arranged alphabetically thereunder, dis-
regarding only initial articles (such as the word "the“) in alphabetizing.
The title index provides a complete list of titles, including keyword en- I
tries and the general index furnishes a complete list of names of publish—
ers, editors, and proprietors. The chronological index shows for each de- » J
cade the newspapers published, those which began publication, and those for §
which holdings are listed. All references are to entry numbers rather than ,§ j
to page numbers. i ·
This checklist is based on personal examination of the newspaper files y E
by Historical Records Survey field workers in the counties, by district sup- y
ervisors, and by State office personnel. A consistent effort was made by °
all workers and editors to prepare accurate entries. However, it is real- l
ized that errors of omission and commission have occurred. For example, be- ‘
caude of conditions beyond the control of the Survey, the listing of the
newspapers in Natchez and Vicksburg are incomplete. It is sincerely hoped r
that such errors will be noted_ in order that a revised and corrected final
edition may be issued in the future. · *
When WPA Forms 14HR and the supplementary worksheets were received from `
the field, they were checked for completeness and accuracy and assembled ac-
cording to the place of publication and the title of the newspaper. The
information given on the 14HR and the worksheets was then written up as a
preliminary entry which afterwards underwent several re-editings as new
holdings were reported, as additional information was found in secondary
sources, or when errors were discovered by more skilled workers. The source
·of each item of information is given in a footnote. 4
For verifying and supplementing the data received from the field on
WPA Forms l4HR and the worksheets, the editors in the State office of the
y project made use of a number of works including those of Rowell, Alden,»,
{ Ayers, Henry, and Carter. (See Bibliography, p. 322.) i
E Preliminary lists such as this are being published for the purpose of I
f furnishing librarians, newspaper custodians, and scholars with information
' concerning hitherto virtually unknown materials, and for providing a source g
-of data important in the war effort. Because proof of birth is a prerequi- _
~ site for entrance into the armed services, for employment in war production E
industries and in other occupations, newspapers are being utilized to assist Z
· in establishing such proof through local news items announcing births. This Q
, list, in showing the location and inclusive dates of newspaper holdings in g
Mississippi, can aid individuals born in the State and in need of proofs of g
birth, to determine if newspapers are on file in which notices of their birth g
r 3
e 2

Vit Preface V
may be found. It is intended that this preliminary list serve in a progres-
sive bibliography open to change, and that comments, corrections, and addi-
S tions will make it possible at some future date to compile a single, compre-
Y hensivc, and near definitive list.
The inventory of Mississippi newspapers was prepared under the tech-
nical supervision of Nash K. Burger, Project Technician. Mrs. Josephine
Jones, as unit foreman, supervised the group of project workers in the State
office responsible for editing and collating the basic data. *i
The-Survey·acknowlcdges with sincere appreciation the assistance given
it in this undertaking by editors and publishers of newspapers, librarians, V
owners and custodians of private collections, and the clerks of the chancery
courts in whose offices newspapers are filed as county archives. Dr. William
D. McCain, Director of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History,-
‘ gave project workers complete access to the valuable collections of news-
1 papers in the Department and through the Department sponsored the publica-
tion of Mississippi Newspapers 1805-1940, A Preliminary Checklist of ldssis-
sippi Newspaper Files Available in_the Mississippi Department pf Archives ,
= apd History, published by the Survey in February 1942. `
The general regulations and procedures of the Service Division of the
Work Projects Administration, which are·applicable to all project units in
- the 48 States, have been followed in Mississippi. The administrative of-
fices have always given the Survey cordial support and assistance.
The publications of the Survey are distributed without cost to State
and local public officials and libraries in Mississippi, and to a limited
number of libraries and government agencies outside the State. A list of
m these publications will be found on page $25of this volume.
- ' I ' - · .» ` ‘ r·
` V "‘ State Supervisor ~ awp
2 `; Statewide Records Project )
9 Bridges Building ` ‘ S `
Jackson, Mississippi· · > " V Q V - A 2
July lQ42 - _ D

 vi   L
. b  i
Je January Col, coiieeti On, p 
F February Ibid, ·lbidem (in the ij
Mr March _ J ` ` same place) ?
Ap April _ _ U 7 information in- §
My May ’ ` complete, or gy
Je June questionable t
Jl July —- to date g
Ag August — from the former i
S September - ` and including g
O October · the latter i
N November [i`7' incomplete dates; li
D December " files almost if ,’
complete iff
CH Courthouse - - -, __ g
MDAH Mississippi Department of j
Archives and History, ’
Jackson J
NO Newspaper Office .
MsAb Public library, Abor- MsHa Public Library, Hattiesburg
deen MsHou - Public Library, Houston :
MsCld Carnegie Library, MsH State Board of Health, Jacks S
Clarksdale son 1
MsCleD Delta State Teacher's MsJPED Diocese of Mississippi, *
College Library, Protestant Episcopal 2
Cleveland Church {
MsCliM Mississippi College MsJMC Millsaps College Library, Q
Library, Clinton Jackson Q
MsCo1S Mississippi State Col- MsSC State College Library, F
lege for Women, Starkville _ T
Columbus MsU University of Mississippi i
MsEJ Jones County Junior Library, Oxford ,§
College, Ellisville MSV Public Library, Vicksburg ,§
E MsG Public library, Greenville MsWJ Jefferson College Library, Q
Q MsGw Public library, Greenwood Washington §
¤ ;

{1 ` MISSISSIPPI (1-2)
ABFBDEEN ·· ·· ·
1. Aberdeen Clippings. Week1y?·Ap 1883}-T2
Established Ap 1883 (Ap T, 1883, vol. 1, no. 1) with Charles Buckner as
; pub1isher.$ Day of publication undetermined (day of month torn off).4
Mrs. Julian Evans Col.: Ap 1883. (Unbound).
1. According to issues on file. `2. Rowell's, American Newspaper Directory
1885, does not list this paper. 3. Aberdeen Clippings, Ap 1883. 4. Ibid.
2. Aberdeen Examiner. Weekly, semi—week1y and tri—weekly. Ap 28, 18661--. I ,
Established Ap 28, 1866 (J1 8, 1869, vol. 1, no. 6). The issue of Jl 8.
1869 gave S. A. Jonas as editor and proprietor.? By Ja 31, 1878, S. A.
A Dalton had joined Jonas as owner and publisher.3 Dalton sold his inter-
. est in the paper to Jonas My 21, 1897 and the paper began to be published
‘ `»:.. by Jonas and his son, S. A. Jonas Jr.4 W. H. Kidd became co-owner.Ja 7, _
1898.5 By Ag 28, 1914, W. H. Kidd was no longer connected with the paperf
H. B. Sanders became editor and business manager 0 15, 1915.7 R. W. San-
ders became associated with H. B. Sanders in publishing this paper Ja 2, _
1920.8 N 15, 1933, this paper absorbed the Aberdeen Weekly (entry 3) and
also the Weekly Commercialg (no issues on file). Appeared on Thursday;1O
N 18, 1870, was appearing on Friday.ll By 1873, day of weekly publica-
tion was still on Friday, but a tri-weekly edition, the Tri—Weekly Exam-
iner was also being published on Monday, Wednesday, and F?iday.I2 Both·
7 editions continued-to appear at least through D 23, 1885.13 The weekly
continued to appear on Friday until My 7, 1898, when publication was on _
’ Saturday through S 3, of the same year when publication returned to Fri-
d8N•14 Semi-weekly publication was tried Ap 3, 1929, through Ja 7, 1931,`
at which time weekly publication on Thursday was resumed.15
CH: /Ja 31, l878·D 26, 19467. (Weekly and semi-weekly). (Bound).
no: 'Ja 5, 1933; zo 28, ieee? (Weekly). (sound). Ja 4-D 26, 1940. .
(Weekly). (Bound). »
N0, Macon Beacon, Macon, Noxubee County: Ja 25, 1934; F 20, Je 8, 1936.·
(Weekly). (Bound). _
MDAH: /Ap 8, 1881-N 28, 19467. (Weekly and tri-weekly). (Bound). H
MsAb: my 30, 1883 /Kg 23, 1889-Je 24, 1892; F 11, 1910-D 26, 19467.
(Weekly). (Unbound]. ,~
Mrs. Julian Evans Col.: /J1 8, 1869-Ja 30, 19257. (Weekly and tri- Q
week1y).‘ (Unbound). ’—
. 1. Aberdeen Examiner, F 4, 1937. This agrees with Rowe11's, American
Newspaper Directory, 1873. 2. Aberdeen Examiner, J1 8, 1869. 3. Ibid.,
J6 31. l878:_—4T”1bid., My 21, 1897. 5. Ibid., Ja 7, 1898. 6. Ibid., _
Ag 28. 1914. 7. Ibid., O 15, 1915. 8. Ibid., Ja 2, 1920. 9. Ibid., N_
15. 1933. 10. Ibid., J1 8, 1869, 11. Ibid., N 18, 1870. 12. Rowel1's,
American Newspaper Directory, 1873. 13. Tpi-Weekly Examiner, D 23, 1885.
14. According to issues on file. 15. Ibid.

gx J 2
3. Aberdeen Weekly,. weekly. My 18, 18771.N 15, 1935,2
* Established My 18, 1877 (N 2, 1877, vol. 1, no. 25) as the Peop1e's
Weekly with Thompson and Quiller pub1ishers.3 By J1 12, 1878, the title
had changed to Aberdeen Week1y,with.same publishers,—E. P. Thompson
A editor.4 Thompson became sole proprietor,Ja 7, 1881.5 J, A, Haire bought
half interest in the paper Ja 26, 1883, and became co-editor and co-pub-
1 11$h9T·6 E, A. Bradford and E. P, Thompson were editors and publishers
by F 5o 1226•7 Hamilton became co—editor and co-publisher Ja 6, 1887.8
F. A. Bradford alone was editor and publisher by 1888.9 E. P. Thompson ·
again was editor and proprietor Ja 3, 1890.10 By Ja 5, 1892, F, I,
, Th9mPS9¤ W9S m9¤9£GY·ll T. J. Graves appeared as editor 0 15, 1895.12
¥Q The title was changed to the weekly Ledger My 6, 1897,13 but resumed
° original title Je 24, of the same year.IZ Watkins became associated
4 with T. J. Graves Ja 6, 1898.15 T. J. Graves alone was editor and prop-
rietcr Ja 20. 1999.16 T. cn. Dcavenport, 1., B. Harris are m. o. Jones
were proprietors, with T. T. Deavenport editor Ja 11, 1901.17 By F 6,
1903, T. 0. Jones was no longer connected with the paper.l8 N 6, 1906,
S. A. Dalton was editor.19 On Ja 31, 1908, T. T. Deavenport again was
€dit0Y·2O Donald V. Davis was made publisher in 1929.21 By My 16, 1930,
Lucile Watkins was editor.22 w, B, Gravel was editor in 1931.23 H. E.
Digby and J. H. Tucker became editors and managers Mr 4, 1932.24 Ag 5,
1932. L. P.Scarberough and Mrs. T. T. Deavcnport became editors and prop-
» rietors.25 This paper was consolidated with the Aberdeen Examiner (entry 2 )
N 15. 1933-26 Appeared on Friday N 2, 1877.27 By Ja 5, 1892, day of
. publication had changed to Thursday.22 In 1896, publication appeared on
T1l9SC1€1y.29_ Thursday again was day of publication in 1897.30 By 1899,
day of publication was on Friday.51
CH: /J1 12, 1878-0 12, 1886; F 5, 1886-Mr 4, 1890; Ja 5-D 13, 1892;
Ja 14, 1896-D 26, 1902; Ja 1-D 2, 1904; F 2, 1906-D 27, 19127 Ja 3, 1913-
D 29, 1932. (Bound). —
MDAH: /Ny 30, 1902-N ll, 19107 [Mr 10, 1916-0 13, 19327. (Bound).
MsAb: 7.Tp ze, 1890-—J1 so, 19337:- (Unbound). "
Mrs. Jblian Evans'Co1.: /N'2,—1877-Mr 19, 1880; Ap 16, 1886-F 4, 1887;
Ap 8, 1890; N 7, 19027. `(Unbound).
1. Approximated from issues on file; this agrees with Alden's,American
Newspaper Catalogue, 1882. 2. Aberdeen Examiner, N 15, 1933. 3. People's
Weekly N 2, 1877. 4. According to vol, and issue no. Also publishers
were the same. 5. Aberdeen Weekly, Ja 7, 1881. 6. Ibid., Ja 26, 1883.
v. xbm., r 5, 1seeTT§T‘i'61HTITii e, iesv. 9. Ibid".,"1-888. 10. xbm.,
Ja 3. 1890. 11. Ibid., Ja 5, 1892. 12. Ibid., O 15. 1895. 13. Ibid..
My 6, 1897. 14. Ibid., Je 24, 1897. 15. Ibid., Ja 6, 1898. 16. Ibid., _
Ja 20, 1899. 17. Ibid., Ja 11, 1901. 18.—1bid., F 6, 1903. 19. IBid..
, N 6, 1906. 20. Ibid., Ja 31, 1908. 21. Ibid., 1929. 22. Ibid., My 16,
1930. 23. Ibid., 1931. 24. Ibid., Mr 4, 1932. (Continued}

 [ 1 3 -
4 _ 3. Aberdeen_Week1y. (Continued)
A 25. Ibid., Ag 5, 1932; 26. Aberdeen Examiner, N 15, 1933. 27. People*s
. Weck1y2N 2, 1877. 28. Aberdeen Weekly, Ja 5, 1892. 29. Ibid., 1896.
30. Ibid., 1897. 31. Ibid., 1899.
4. Aberdeen Whig. Weekly. Ag 18381-1846.2
Established Ag 1838 (Ja_l9, 1839, vol. 1, no. 24) as the Aberdeen Whig
and North Mississippi Advocate.$ Ja 19, 1839. H. L. Bryan was editor,
H. W. Pas1ey,proprietor.4 w, P, Rogers became editor and E. M. Vance. '
_ publisher,J1 27, 1839.5 This paper was changed to Aberdeen Whig5Ag 17,
1839, with same editor.6 Publication was weekly; however, day of publi-
1 cation was irregular.7
MDAH: [ja 19, 1839-O 23, 18397. (Bound).
1. Approximated from issues on file. However, the Aberdeen Examiner,
F 4, 1937 gives 1837 as date of establishment. 2. Ibid. 3. Aberdeen
Whig and North Mississippi Advocate, Ja 19, 1839. 4. Ibid. 5. Ibid.,
J1 27, 1839. 6. Aberdeen Whig, Kg 17, 1839. 7. According to issues on
5. Mississippi Advertiser. Weekly. Hr 5, 18421-E Ap 14, 1847.2
Established Mr 5, 1842 (Mr 5, 1842, vol. 1, no. 1) with William E. Smith
95 ¤d1t¤r·B By My 4, 1844, Smith and Stewart were publishers.4 Chapman
. replaced Stewart as co-publisher D 21, 1844.5 On Mr 4, 1846, Chapman,
Parke and Spratt appeared as publishers, W. D. Chapman editor.6
, MDAH: LF 4, 1843-Ap 14, 18427. (Bound).
1. According to issues on file. 2. Ap 14, 1847, last issue on file,
Rowell's,American Newspaper Directory, 1873, does not list this paper.
3. Mississippi Advertiser, Mr 5, 1842. 4. Ibid., My 4, 1844. 5. Ibid..
D 21, 1844. 8. Ibid., Mr 4, 1846. »
6. Monroe Democrat. Weekly. 18451-T2
Established 1845 (Ja 31, 1849, vol. 5, no. 37). Ja 31, 1849, the paper
was published by Chapman and Smith.5 J. F. M. Caldwell became publisher
N 13, 1850.4 M, Deavenport became editor and publisher F 5, 1851.5 Pub-
lished on Wednesday.6
— MDAH: MX 8, 1850-D 21, 1852. (Bound).
MsAb: ida 31, 1849-Ja 7, 18527. (Bound).
I 1. Appreximated from issues on file. 2. Ja 7, 1852, is last issue in
file. R0wc1l's,Amorican Newspaper Directory, 1873, does not (Continued)

 S 1 4 -
· 6. Monroe Democrat, (Continued)
list this paper. 3. Monroe Democrat, Ja 31, 1849. 4. Ibid., N 13, 1850.
4 5. Ibid., F 5, 1851. 6._Accord1ng to issues on file.
7. People‘s Weekly. Weekly. 4
See Aberdeen, Aberdeen Week1y,·entry 3_. I
8, Sunny South. ·Week1y. 1856lTb 1863,2 - _ .
Established 1856 (Ap 15, 1858, vol. 3, no. 14). By the issue of Ap 15, 1858,
L. T. Galloway had become editor.3 The issue of F 6, 1862, names P. A. Mann
as editor and J. H. Boyd as assistant.4 Day of publication was Thursday.5
Mem.: pip is, 1858-·J1 ze, ieee; r e, 18627. (Unbound).
Mrs. Julian Evans Col.: N 1, 1859; 0 25, 1860. (Unbound).
Mrs. Edmonia Higgason Michal Col.: My 21, 1863. (Unbound).
1. Approximated from issues on file, 2. Aberdeen Examiner, F 4, 1937.
3. Sunny South, Ap 15, 1858. 4. Ibid., F 6, 1862. 5. According to
issues on file.
9. True Republican. Weekly. 18741—p_1877.2
Established 1874 (0 29, 1875, vol. 2, no. 26). By the issue of 0 29, 1875,
M. R. Scullin had become editor.3 Publication was weekly on Friday.4
MsAb: O 29, 1875. (Unbound),
V 1. Approximated from issues on file. 2. Aberdeen Examiner, F 4, 1937.
3. True Republican, 0 29, 1875. 4. According to issues on file,
10. Weekly Conservative. Weekly. Hy 4, 1843l-E 1860.2
Established My 4, 1843 (D 21, 1850, vol. 6, no. 35) as the Weekly Indepen-
dent.3 By D 21, 1850, Dewitt C. Greenwood had become editor and proprietor.4
V Ja 8, 1853. J. W. Versey had become editor and P. B. Peebles publisher.5 h
This paper merged with the Weekly Conservative in 1854 (no prior issues by if
this titL9 ¤¤ fil0)•6 The title of the paper was then Weekly Conservative.
Ja 21, 1854, gave Wm. H. Vasser and J, W, Versey editors.; Appeared on Sature
Mins: L5 21, 1eso—Je 9, 18557. (semi).
MsAb: Mr.6, 1858. (Unbound).
1. Aberdeen Examiner F 4, 1937. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. 4. Weekly Independent,
` D 21. 1850. 5. Ibid., Ja 8, 1853, 6. Aberdeen Examiner, F 4, 193?.
_ 7. Weekly Conservative, Ja 21, 1854. 8. Weekly Independent, D 21, 1850.

 3 ,
j ;, 5 id
.· . 11. Weekly Independent. Weekly. _
A See Aberdeen,_Weekly Conservative, entry,10.
i 12. Weekly Ledger. Weekly. “ ,
I See Aberdeen, Aberdeen Weekly, entry 3 .
ACKERMJLN _ _ ` ` _
A ` 13. Ackerman Record. Weekly. 18991-1905.2 V I ‘
__ Established 1899 (F 15, 1901, vol. 2, no. 47). By F 15, 1901, Frank Town-
_ s   '3€¤d W9·S1Gdi1i01`•3 The paper was absorbed by Choctaw Plaindealer (011*012* 14)
T in 1905.* Appeared on Friday until Mr 3, 1904, when changed to Thursday.5
U; NO, Choctaw Plaindealerg [F 15, 1901-N 8, 19047. (Unbound).
1. Approximated from issues on file. 2. Choctaw Plaindealer, Ja 7, 1915.
.‘ 3. Ackerman Record, F 15, 1901. 4. Choctaw P1aindea1er, Ja 7, 1915.
5. According to issues on file.
(114. Choctaw Plaindealer. weekly. N 26, 18851--.
7 I Established N 26, 1885 (Ap 2, 1888, vol. 1, no. 19) as the French Camp
·` Reveille, French Camp, with Townsend and Seawright,proprietors, Frank Town-
send,editor, Rev. W. F. McKenny,associate editor,and Lemmcl Seawright.pub—
» liSh€Y•2 Name was changed to Choctaw Plaindealor Ag 26, 1887.3 By Ja 13,
- 1888, Townsend and Fancher were editors.4 In 1890. Frank Townsend alone
W8S ¤@it0Y.5 continued until 1893, when John Lem Seawright was made editor.6
, OD Je 20, 1905, Frank Townsend became lessee and editor, J. Lem Seawright»
PT0p?i©t0Y.7 The Ackerman Record (entry 13) was absorbed by this paper in
U _ 1905.8 Ap 13, 1906, H. C. Seawright was made associate editor.9 In 1907
` " this paper absorbed the Ackerman Sunlo (no issues on file) Townsend.and H.
, G. Seawright became editors in 1908.11 Ja 8, 1909, H. C. Seawright alone
was editor and publisher,l2 Friday was day of pub1ication.13
. CH: Ja 1-D 11, 1908; Ja 7, 1910—D 27, 1929; Ja 3. 1936-D 27. 1940 (Bound)•
Ja 2, 1931-D 27, 1935,(Unbound).
A NO: Ap 2, 1886; Ap 8, 1887; Ag 26, 1887-D 25, 1931,(Unbound). Ja 6-D 29.
1933; Ja 4, 1935-D 27, 1940. (Bound). _
MUAH: Je 21, 1901; Ja 3, 1938-N 29, l940.(Unbound). ide 13-0 24. 19027} Je
7, 1915-D 20, 1918 [ja 14, 1921-D 20, 19357. (Bound).
1. Approximated from issues on file; Rowe11’s, American Newspaper Directory,
1885, does not list this paper. 2. French Camp Reveille, Ap 2, 1885.
_ 3. Choctaw Plaindealer, Ag 26, 1887. 4. Ibid., Ja 13, 1888. 5. Ibid..
¥ Ja 3. 1890. 6. Ibid., Ja 20, 1893. 7. Ibid., Je 20. 1905. 8• Ib{d•» J9 7r
l9l5. 9. Ibid., Ap 1;;, ieee, io, n>1d,“""‘, Je' *2, 1915, 11, Ibid., F 6, 1908.
12. Ibid., Ja 8, 1909. 13, According to issues on file.

   .. 6 ;.
‘ 15, Amory Advertiser. Weekly. I) ‘19;33...];929;]- 1932-My 2. 1940.2
‘ Established 1928 (Ja 5, 1933, vol. 5, no. 6). This paper was combined with
V Amory News N 25, 1929, to form the Amory_News—Advertiser3 (entgy 17), but
My 5, l932,pub1ication under original title was resumed.4 Ey Ja 5, 1933,
Theron D. Harden was owner and publisher.5 My 2, 1940, the Amoyy News and
Amory Advertiser again merged as the Amory News—Advertiser,6 (€¤t;y· 17 ).
Day of publication was Thursday.?
, . CH: Ja 5, 1933-Hy 27, 1937; Jl 1, 1937-D 26, 1940. (Bound). ~
` N0, Amory News: Ja 4, 1934-My 6, 1937; Je 3, 1937-D 26, 1940. (Bound). _
MDAH: D 3, l936—N 28, 1940. (Unbound).
Amory City Hall; Ja 5, 1933-Ap 29, 1937; Je 3, 1937-D 26, 1940. (Bound).
1. Approximated from issues on file. 2. Amory NewsjAdvertiser, My 2, 1940.
3. Amory News—Advertiser, My 5, 1932; Ampry_§gwj, N 25, 1929. 4- Am¤TY
News—Advertiser, My 5, 1932. 5. Amory Adgirtiser, Ja 5, 1933. 6.·Ibid..
. My 2, 1940. 7. According to issues on file.
16. Amory News. Weekly.
_ See Amory, Amory News—Advertiser. entry l7~
17. Amory News—Advcrtiser. Weekly. 1926}-- p I
Established 1926 (Ap 35, 1928, vol. 2, nc. 50), as the Amory_News.2 By Ap
25, 1928, Theron D. Hardin was editor and pub1isher.* Mrs. 8essie Damon
appeared as associate editor in 1929.4 This paper was combined with Amory
Advertiser, (entry 15 ) to form Amory Newe·Advortise? N ?E· 1920,5
(entry 1*7 ). At .tnis time `Fred c5*w5.ZH i6YEniTETET§;*E>1i`s.h·n~ and Mrs. wiiiie
williS» &SSiS@&H@ ®dit0Tk6 Ny 5, 1932, the Amory News and Amory Advertiser
resumed publication under their original tit1Es.( ~§§—hy 3,—1§Z5, they
again consolidated and formed the Amory News—Advertiser.8 Publication, ,
Thursday.9 '
CH, Aberdeen: N 28, 1929—D 15, 1932. (Bound).
_MsAb: PQ? 2~D 26, 1940. (Unbound).
l. Approximated from issues on file. 2. Amory News, Ap 25. 1928.
3. Ibid. 4. Ibid., Ja 5, 1929. 5, Ibid., N 25, 1929. 6. Amory News-
Advertiser, N 25, 1929. 7. Ibid., My 5, 1932, 8. Amory News—Advcrtiscr.,
My 2, 1940. 9. According to issues on file.
18. Ashland Chronicle. Weekly.
e See Ashland Register, entry 20 .

 bv - 7 ¤
‘ ASHLAND _ _ · ‘ ¤
  .19. Ashland Monitor. Weekly, Apiz,-1e99l..,ya lg, 1900,2
A ES’¤s`¤1iShs6— -A-pV1i’>» 1899 (Ap"1€’>..1899. rol. 1, no. 1) with Lee w. Brown
' ¤¤‘¤<1itor-and ‘1¤r¤pri.st¤r.& Appeared on mhuysoay.4
CH: Ag 3, 1899-Ja 18, 1900. (Bound). ( (
N0. Southern Advocate: Ap 13-Jl 13, 1899. (Unbound).
1. According to issues on_fi1e. 2. According to G. P. Harrison editor
of Southern Advocate, Ashland, 3. Ashland Monitor, Ap 13, 1899. 4. Ac~
cording to issues on file. A .
20. Ashland Register. Weekly. 1879l-c Je 13, 1907.2
M Established 1879 (Ja 8, 1880, vol. 1, no. 30). By Ja 8, 1880, W. H. Kink
{ brough, J. N. McDonald and Everett Aycock were proprietors.3 Aycock sold
his interest to his partners, N 18, 1880.4 Kimbrough sold to W. A. Mc-
Donald, N 30, 1882,5 but bought back this interest D 25, 1884.6 McDonald
and Kimbrough sold the paper to the Williamson brothers, N 26, 1885.7 By
F 10, 1887, B. P. Reese had bought the paper and changed the name to the
. Ashland Chronic1e,8 but sold it to G. P. Harrison, Ag 1, 1887.9 Harrison
changed the name back to Ashland Register with the issue of Ja 3, 1889.10
Originally appeared on Thursday,lI until Saturday publication began on N
15, 1890.12 Thursday was again day of publication, beginning Ja 26,
· * 1899.13
cs: Ja s, 1sso-Je 13, iso?. (Bound).
NO, Southern Advocate: LD 13, 1900} Ja 19-0 5, 19057. (Unbound). »
1. Approximated from issues on file; this agreesvith Rowe11's, American
Newspaper Directory, 1885. 2. Last issue on file; not mentioned in Ayer's,
American Newspaper Annual, 1910. 3. Ashland Register, Ja 8, 1880. 4.
Ibid.. N 18, 1880. 5. Ibid., N 30, 1882. 6._Ibid., D 25, 1884. 7. Ibid.,
N 25, 1885. 8. Ashland Chronicle, F 10, 1887. 9. Ibid., Ag 1, 1887. 0
10. Ashland Register, Ja 3, 1888. 11. According to issues on file. 12.
Ashland Register, N 15, 1890. 13. Ibid., Ja 25, 1899. _
21. Benton County Argus. Weekly. Ag 8, 1872ljg D 20, 1879.2
Established Ag 8, 1872 (F 27, 1873, vol. 1, no. 30) with Henry S. Falcons?.
. editor and publisher.$ By J1 1, 1874, Benjamin J. Bright had become edi-
tor and publisher.4 Publication originally on Thursday,5 on Wednesday by
J1 1, 1874,6 and in 1879 on Saturday.7
CH: Ja 25-D 20, 1879. (Unbound). (
_ NO, Southern Advocate: Mr 27, 1873; J1 1, 1874. (Unbound).
( 1. Approximated from issues on file. 2. Last issue on file. Not mention-
ed in A1den*s, American Newspaper Catalogue. 1882, (Continued) 1

 V?) A 3 -
i 21, Benton County Argus. (Continued)
(1 3. Benton Cornty Argus, F 27, 1873. 4. Ibid., Jl 1, I?74. 5. Ibid., F 27,
` 1873. 6. Ibid., J1 1, 1874. 7. Ibid., Je 25-D 20, 1879.
22. Industrial Tettler. Weekly. 1584l-c 1884.2
Estfblished F 19, 1884 (Kr 18, 1884, vo1.n1, no. 5). By Hr 18, 1884,
Themes J. end Ueddic Eudson were editors.° J1 15, 1884. Weddie Hudson
QIOHC W95 Odi@0T•4 Appeared on Tuesddy.5
._ _ CH: J1 15-D 9, 1854. (Uhbouhd).
I E0: Er 18, 1584. (Unbound).
1. Approximeted from issues on file; this e§rees~rith statement of G.
P. Harrison editor of Southern Advocete, Ashland. 2. Rowell's,
American Newspaper Directory, 1885, does not list this eeper.
3. Industrial Tettler, Ir 18, 1884. 4. Ibid., J1 15, 1884. 5. Accord-
ing to issues on iile.
28. Southern Advoente. Weehlv. J1 26, 19051--.
Esteblished J1 26, 1905 (Ag 16,r1905, vol. 1, no. 4) with Robert J.
Gresham, editor ind proirietor.& On S 5, 1907, Ssmuel L. Simpson be-
C9m¢ 99Tt ¤W¤¢T•$ Greshnn sold thx remainder of his interest to J. A.
39?¤¤tt¤ N 26. l9OB·4 G. P. Harrison replaced Barnett es part owner
with the issue of 0 31, 1912,5 and by J1 27, 1916, beceme sole owner
of the piper, conti;uirg QS such to dete.6 wednesday wes dey of pub-
lication, until Ap 5, 1906,7 when publiewtion wes chnnged to Thursdsy.8
CH: Ag 16, 1905-D 36, 1940. (Bound). '
HO: [Je 7, 1906-D 36, 19127 Jn 9, 1913-U 14, 1940. (Unbound),
Hrs. L. T. McKcnzie_ Col.: S 10, 1925; 0 15, 1931; Ag 8, 1935; Jl 8-0
14, 1937. (Uhbound).
KDAH: Hr 18, 1915-0 18, 1918; N 11, 1920-Je 9, 1921. (Bound).
1. Approximeted from issues on iile; this agrees with Ayer's, 1910.
2. Southern Advocate, Ag 16, 1905, 3. Ibid., S 5, 1907. 4. Ibid.,
H 26, 1908. 5. Ibid., 0 31, 1912. 6. Ibid., J1 27, 1916-D 26, 1940.
7. Ibid., Ag 16, 1905-Ap 5, 1906. 8. According to issues on file.
24. Beldwyn Home Journal. Weekly. Ap 12, 18841--. (
V, Estdblishod (Ap 19, 1884, vol. 1, no. 3) QS Bdldwyn Signet, with Chas.
, F. Newm&n,editor ind publisher.? JO 94, 18973,the title was changed to
, Beldwyn Indicator, with seme edit0r.4 This piper became the Beldwyn
Home Journnl in 1904,9 Chas, F, Yewme; continued GS editor until 1919.
when he wes succeeded by his son,Penyson Uewmmn.6 (Continued)

 U MISSISSIPPI (24-28) .
· V 24. Baldwyn Home Journal. (Continued)
A Je 11, 1936, S. F. Smith appeared as editor.? N 26, 1936, F. P. Newman
joined paper as editor, A. L. Coggins, pub1isher.8 A. L, Coggins became '
editor and publisher by Ja 5, 1939.9 Appeared originally on Saturday.lO
‘ ‘ By 1897,day of publication was irregu1ar.ll Friday was day of publication
by Ja 18, 1901; 2 this was changed to Thursday in 1918.13
MDAH: [Ap 16, 1915-Ag 16, 19187] (Bound). N 19, 1936-N 28, 1940. (Unbound).
~ N0: Je 11, l936—D 26, 1940. (Bound). _ _
Pearson Newman Col.: Ap 19, 1884; Mr 28, 1929, (Unbound). go 7, 1897-
My 5, 1899; Ja 10, 19027] (Bound).
U ` Mrs. Allie P. Smith_ Col.: Ja 18-0 27, 1901. (Unbound).
. 1. Approximated from issues on file; this agrees with Rowe1l's, American News-
paper Directory, 1885. 2. Baldwyn Signet, Ap 19, 1884. 3. Approximated
. from issues on file. 4. According to Pearson Newman, son of Chas. F. Newman.
· 5. Ibid. 6. Ibid. 7. Baldwyn Home Journal, Je ll, 1936. 8. Ibid., N 26,
1936. 9. Ibid., Ja 5, 1939. 10. B