xt7nvx05z90k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx05z90k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1952-07-11  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1952 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 11, 1952 1952 1952-07-11 2013 true xt7nvx05z90k section xt7nvx05z90k .HE







Plans Being Made
For New Dormitory
To House 336 Men

Maintenance Report
Shows $1 Million Spent
In Past Fiscal Year
57 Typewritten Pages
Are Used To Decribe
Operation Of Division
The total cost of
for the 1951-5- 2
Figures listed in
Peterson, University

First plans for the men's dorms
were made four years ago and it;
construction has already been anticipated by Maintenance and Operation's Chief Engineer. E. B. Farris.
In the 1951-5- 2 Annual Report of
M. and O.. Farris stated that the
maintenance division should be given permission to begin making furArchitects are now retlesitin-in- i niture Tor the new building as soon
as the contracts are let.
the plans for UK's new four-stor- y The new dorm will differ from the
old men's dorms in the respect that
The cost for the new tlonn it will include a cafeteria and house
more students than the old ones

Are Trying
To Cut Cost

'Family Life'
Is Discussed
By Henderson

Prof. James R. Henderson, chair
the UK Division of Maintenance anil
man of the Division of Social Scifiscal year was approximately S1,(XX),0(X).
ences at Union College, Barbourville,
the Annual Report, submitted to Frank D. spoke on "The Church's Part in
froo Hnn Rnttor IToinilv T.ivina" at a
Comptroller, show that of the million-dolla- r
sectional session of the UK Institute

ion Family Life Education, held
July 2.
pluses of maintenance work as running the carpentry and metal The session was devoted to "Fam- - j.
work shops, whereas the rest of the money went into salaries, pay- Ily Life Education in the Churches
and Communities."
rolls, and purchase of equipment.
Prof. Henderson cited research
studies which indicate that church
-- Viirfn hi) B.71 Hauiili
During the last year, Farris says, ing, heating, and caring for the iavmen feel the need for "sex ed- M and O has done a tremendous grounds are not the only ones with j ucation, planned parenthood advice.
In the masquerade ball scene of "Der Fleder-maus- ,"
amount oi wors. tvery monm ai which m mm O has to contend, QnH rnimcplinp tn nrpvenr. divorce "
-Eisenslein, a French marquis, played by Aimo Kiviniemi, penetrates the disguise of Adele, a servant
least 200 job orders come in. In spite Farris added. M and O. over a
can reach Daren ts
pretending to be a noblewoman, played by Jo Anne Thomas. Looking on are Ida, the prima ballerina playof the great amount of work that period of years, has built a large where schools cannot," he told his
ed by Bettye Deen Stull; an effeminate court attendant, played by Max Smith; and Prince Orlofsky. the
has to be done by the Maintenance amount of special laboratory equip- audience. The speaker added that
host, played by Lucille Haney. "Der Fledermaus," directed by Aimo Kiviniemi, Mildred Lewis, and Wallace
Division, Farris added, last year's ment that could not be obtained churches of today must "command
Briggs, will play July 30 and 31 and August 2.
work was satisfactory.
respect for Individuality in families"
To point out the amount of work
"M any times," he continued, if they are to serve their members,
entailed in maintaining the grounds, "someone will come in with an Idea
Following Prof. Henderson's ad- buildings, and equipment of the for some equipment, leaving us with dress, a panel discussion on "How
University, the Annual Report con- the problem of building it."
Can the Churches of Our Com- sisted of some 57 pages of single-spacemunity Help Young People Prepare
The most recent bit of equipment
categorized items.
built by Maintenance was the steril- - for Successful Marriage and Family
"Problems Almost Overwhelming" izing unit for a new greenhouse to Living?" was conducted in the sec-b- e
used for research on Black Shank tional meeting. The panel was led
"The problems facing the Mainteby Dr. Dwight Stevenson, professor
nance Division," Farris said," are al- virus
of New Testament at the College of
Ten years ago the United States houser, then dean of the Graduate and
failure of the
most overwhelming." For example,
Dorms May Be Project
the Bible.
had just entered one of the biggest. School, spoke on "Foreign Travel In Germans to understand the Amer- in the Report, Farris stated that
The Annual Report shows that
Speaking at another sectional ses- most devastating wars in its history. War Time." Dr. Funkhouser had ican mentality. Dr. Gallup has been
6244 work
during the week of July
of almost everv kind, building
at the Institute was Dr. James
Ulephone calls were handled -- at a and repairing was done ln the last sion Gladden, associate professor of UK. like all other universities and just returned from a trip through trying for years, and we still predict
colleges in this country, was stricken Central America and Mexico, where that he will end up as a newspaper
were year and
time when almost no students
that new operati0ns are sociology at UK and chairman of
gag man.
on the campus.
no, ln DropPSS 0n- - of the new the Institute. His topic was "Proj- - with the "everybody do his part" he collected specimen and bugs for the editorial writer, radio some other
fever, although a modicum of nor- - University
temperance lecturer, or
The big problems, such as plumb- - operations
considered Is the ects of Family Life Education in the malcy was maintained.
In the meantime, with the shock equally horrible fate."
S building of new dormitories for men
Schools of the Country and the
The following paragraphs picture of war just beginning to settle into
Not forgotten was the inevitable
and women sometime next year.
State of Kentucky."
UK as it was then, seven months reality, 236 men on campus registercampus wit, who remarked that
One of the smaller problems Mainafter Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. ed for the draft. This was the fifth
President Donovan's inaugural
tenance has to deal with, said Farris,
registration of the war.
With American troops being
speech, "What I See From My Winis the checking and recharging of Civil
on all fronts, air power
dow"' could also be called "The AdActivities Continued
some 1300 fire extinguishers each
chopped up, ships sunk, and men beTo
year. Also, the 400 refrigeration
Still, there were the usual campus ventures of a Peeping Tom."
ing killed, University students were
UK's 28th annual poultry short units on the UK campus are checked
People were griping about not getcontemplating the best methods to activities. President Herman L.
course opened July 7 at the Experi- - anj repaired each year by M and O:
be employed when peace was signed-- . Donovan's inaugural address, "What ting enough scrap metal for the war
ment Station. Principal speakers These unite range from the small
I See From My Window," was be- drive. One student even suggested
The United States Civil Service
. . with Germany.
were economists G. P. Summers and ones used in water coolers to the Commission has announced an' exWrote Mary Jane Gallaher, "As- ing sold on records for $3. Fraterni- that President Patterson's statue be
T. C. Morrison, and J. E. Humphrey massive units used in air condi- - amination for filling radio engineer suming that the Allies will be vic- ties were given a lecture about their melted down. Another hinted that
of the UK poultry section.
positions paying (3,410 and $4,205 a torious, students were asked to finances, the radio studios were the cannon in front of the AdminisSummers discussed the present
cost of year in the Federal Communications formulate their ideas on realistic opened for summer students, Dr. J. tration Building could be put to use
Part of the million-doll"mixed" price level but thought maintaining the University last year Commission, located in Washington, plans for the reconstruction and S. Chambers was scheduled to give for defeating "The Infamous Three."
farmers could still make money, even went into new equipment. Trucks, D. C. and throughout the United government of Germany after the a lecture on syphilis, and a visitor
All in all. UK was the same as it
poultry raisers. However, farm prof- - sprayers, power motors, and ma- States and its territories.
from Brazil gave a speech on Pan
is today: parties, campus foolishness,
its are not going to be overwhelming, chines used in the various shops are
American relationships.
No written test is required. To
"Many students," she continued,
draft problems, and a multitude of
he noted.
qualify, applicants must have had "advocated the complete destruction
constantly being added.
The Kernel's editorial page came
of UK comEconomist Morrison
appropriate college study or progres- - of armament and other wartime out with an unusually lively table of professors who predicted, lectured.
Temporary Buildings Need Care
mented that Kentucky farmers are
s,ve experience or both. The age equipment, and the supervision for contents. The editor wrote a rustic and theorized on the conditions of
not meeting the demand for eggs
projects. Farris, in the limits for positions paying $3,410 are a period of years of whatever form letter. "Dere Maw." in which he the
For future
much of the year. "Kentucky farm- - report to Peterson, stated, "I am 18 to 35; for positions paying $4,205, of government is set up by Germany made fun of country boys, made a
Ten ears have changed only the
crs are passing up an opportunity to personally very much concerned over 18 to 62.
the sentiments and
by a commission from Allied na- - few trite cracks about Hitler, and names
produce more eggs, especially in me the negiect of our temporary build- lems are much the same. Even then
Age limits are waived for persons tions.'
out at campus elections.
fall of the year," he declared.
ings. I am very much in favor of entitled to veteran preference. Ap- Interested In Peace
The society column, a stupendous university prolessors were lecturing
Humphrey noted that Kentucky abandoning such structures as the plications will be accepted from
Thus with no
ln the pieCe of female nonsense, was rem- - f n the possibility of i the destruction
i j w..
was one of the first states to enroll temporary barracks. Scott Street senior and graduate students who immediate future,
i moaern wariare.
UK students were iniscent of a gossip page. Such
in the National Poultry Improve- Barracks, and the Quonset Huts, but ' expect to complete all required already wondering about the ques- phrases as "Sigma Nu Marian Berry
And so it was that every student,
ment Plan launched on a nation- I do feel that we should preserve courses within six months,
tion which has presented itself to is being a real good boy, since his no matter how normal his or her
wide basis. Now 80 to 85 per cent such valuable structures as the En- and applica-gineeri- so many generations of men: "How gal Alpha Xi Mary Hume is away" every day schedule, was constantly
Further information
of the chicks hatched in the state
Annex, Social Science tion forms may be obtained at most can we make a lasting peace."
kept creeping up, usually ending aware of the greatest war me have
pullorum-fre- e
flocks, he building, Euclid Avenue Classroom first and second-claare from
post offices,
In spite of the national emergency with ' It's been charmin", don't think ever fought. The men. as well as
regional offices, or and the role students were called it ain't."
building. Temporary Chemistry from
the women, did everything possible
Notes From The Famous
The KPI association held its an- building and the Psychology Annex." direct from the U.S. Civil Service upon to play in the war, cultural
to aid the war effort, and through- 25, D.C.
nual meeting July 8.
M and O is currently engaged in Commission, Washington
activities continued to flourish on
Of interest to those students who out the year, and the years that fol-aApplications will be accepted by the campus. Dr. Thomas D. Clark,
Prof. W. M. Insko. Jr.. head of the repairing the men's dorms, building
just discovering that some well lowed, the UK campus was
persons of today were alive stantly overshadowed by the death
Poultry Section, presided over the and repairing furniture, constructing the executive Secretary, Board of now head of the History Depart-UJCivil Service Examiners, Fed- - ment, was collecting material for his 10 years ago, is the selected passage of the score of men who had at one
course j'esterday. About 75 men and a new greenhouse, painting, checkwomen are registered for the short ing electronic equipment, and builderal Communications, Washington book, The Southern Country Store. below, written by Bob Warth:
time been students, just like the ones
25, D.C, until further notice.
At the same time, Dr. W. D. Funk- ing special laboratory equipment.
course which ends today.
"We don't wonder at the miserable that are here now.


'Everybody Do His Part Fever
Struck Campus 10 Years Ago





Annual Short Course
For Poultry Raisers

Service Jobs
In Communications

End Here Today

estimated at (366. UK's four dormitories can
of now care for 450 male students.
which was granted from a beThe site for the new dormitory will
off Rose Street, between the
fund the govern- Aeronautical Research and Dairy
ment has made availahle to col-- : Products buildings.
leges and universities for hous- of In conjunction with the building
is a proposed plan
the new

hail originally







civil-servi- ce




In-e- n



for the establishment of sorority and
fraternity rows. In the last meeting
of the Board of Trustees. President
Donovan made a statement relative
to establishing the rows. He stated
that the University has already financed two new sorority houses and
added that there is considerable interest in constructing houses to accommodate student members of sororities and fraternities.
It was the consensus of the Board
that the fraternity row should be
established south of Coopertown and
east of the new men's dorms,
University Comptroller. Frank D.
Peterson, "was directed to request
authority from the State Building
and Property Commission to arrange
for the construction of fraternity
houses on fraternity row and. if
feasible, to make application to the
Federal Government for a loan of
necessary funds."

The architects expect to cut the
costs by doing away with some of
the outside features originally intended to be included in the dorms.
From four to six months will be re- -:
quired to complete the changes in
the original plans.
Changes in the plans should be
complete by January 1, at which
time final bids will be made on construction of the new dorms.

UK Grad Wins
'Yale Award
Miss Margaret Clayton, who was
graduated from UK in 1934. has been
awarded a fellowship for 1952-5- 3 to
Yale University by the John Hay
Whitney Foundation of New York
Miss Clayton is chairman of the
Department of Social Studies at
Valley High School, Valley Station,
and is president of the Department
of Classroom Teachers of Kentucky
Education Association.
Miss Clayton holds the AB degree
from UK and is at present com- -;
pleting graduate work for the MA
in Education at the University of
She attended Lindsey
Wilson Junior College at Columbia.
and has been a staff member ol

workshops for teachers held there
during recent summers.
She is one of 20 high school
teachers from, eight different states
who will take a year's leave of
absence beginning September 1 to
attend Columbia or Yale universities
under fellowship awards.
Winners of the awards will be
known as John Hay Fellows. They
will receive stipends averaging $5500
each to cover tuition, transportation,
and reimbursement for teaching
salary not received while on leave



Improved teaching in the humanities is a central aim of the program.
This group of winners will share in
the $600,000 earmarked by the
proFoundation for a three-yegram announced by its new Division
of Humanities five months ago.
Each award recipient was nominated by an official of his local
school system, who will help arrange
the year's leave from teaching
Under her fellowship to Yale, Miss
Clayton plans to include courses in
cultural anthropology, social sci- ences and the arts.

Schedule Announced
For language Exams

The "summer schedule of foreisn
language examinations for gnid- uate students has been announced
by Dr. Bigge. head of the department of Modern Foreign Languages.



given July 15




2 p.m.



tall times

listed here are CST in Room 302.
Miller Hall. Spanish is scheduled
for July 16 at 2 p.m. in Room 301.
Miller Hall, and French on July 17
at 2 p.m.. Room 301. Miller Hall.

Look Lawyers
Win A Point
In Rnpp Suit
Judge H. Church Ford, in the U.S.
District Court in Lexington, sustained a motion Wednesday by
Cowles Magazines, Inc.. objecting to
certain interrogatories by UK basketball coach Adolph Rupp, who has
sued Look Magazine for $250,000
Rupp's interrogatories called for
answers directed at the activities of
Cowles in Kentucky and other states
as a phase of determining the court s
jurisdiction over the coach's libel
suit which was filed last February,
resulting from an article in Look
Magazine, "How Basketball Players
Are Bought."
Rupp's attorneys were granted 15
days to reframe the question.

Certain Faculty Members Are 'Thieves' (And Admit It)
I vilSiSrllf
"?rV! k

In 1931 two well known Blue Crass Historians, J. Winston Coleman and Charles 1.
Staples, came up with the idea of meeting
occasionally at each other's home to drink
home brew (this was in 1931, rememlx-rand discuss lxxks.
They enjoyed these refreshing
so much that they ditided it would
be nice to let others enjoy the l)cncht of
their company, and so a novel ami rather
select club was inaugurated and christened
the "15ook Thieves."

The membership has never exceeded nine and
includes only eight book fanciers at present. It
is not impossible for others to join, but it is
highly improbable that any will be invited. The
"Thieves" are quite satisfied as they are.
The "Book Thieves" is an association of book
collectors, most of whom have been prominently
connected with UK during their
club was actualy formed to give members an
to brag about their latest acquisitions
and listen to thrilling accounts of how other
books have been acquired.
Of necessity the "Thieves" Is made up largely
of men along in years who have had an opportunity to assemble impressive collections. Their
libraries emphasize historical Kentuckiana.
Sketch of Members
The nature of the "Book Thieves" is best
tOiown by taking a glimpse at their membership:
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president emeritus of
UK collects general Americana, and especially
enjoys subjects pertaining to economics. He has
iiulhort'd "Modern Industrialism," mid "Tin'
Populist Movement."


Mr. Coleman, Kentucky historian, farms by
telephone and exercises by reading and writing
Kentucky history. His hobby is photography and
his camera has captured most of the Commonwealth's historical landmarks, many of which
have been used in his Sunday Herald-Leadphoto-featur- e,
"Historical Kentucky." He has
recently written "Bibliography of Kentucky History," and "Famous Kentucky Duels."'
Dr. J. S. Chambers, head of UK's Hygiene
and Public Health department collects works on
the early medical history of Kentucky. He has
written "The Conquest of Cholera."

tnanii mam





"si-- 1.








Dr. T. D. Clark
Dr. Thomas D. Clark, head of the Department
of History at UK has a large collection of Kentucky historical works. He is the author of
"American Frontiers," "History of Kentucky,"
and others.
Mr. Staples, retired safety supervisor for the
I1 I'.v
Southern Railway, and active Kentucky historian
is particularly interested in studying pioneer
TS' ft
preachers, and has written "A History of Pioneer
(.AI.I.AKl OK THE THIEVES" in the only picture ever taken of the whole group:
William Townsend, Lexington lawyer and ROl
Katk row, li ft to righi: Judge Samuel Wilson. Ir. II. L. Donovan. Dr. J. S. 1 liamliers. Dr. Thomas
president of the UK alumni association is recoglark, and J. Winston ( oh man. Front row. left to right : ( harles K. Staples, Dr. Claude
nized as a foremost authority on Lincoln. He
Tra)). William ToHnsend, and Dr. Frank L. McVcy. Judge Wilson and Dr. Trapp have died
owns one of the largest collections on Lincoln
since the picture was taken in 1941. A. B. Guthc-riJr. was initiated int o the club after that
in the country. He has contributed to "Atlantic
Monthly" and other magazines, and has authored
"Lincoln and His Wife's Home Town."
A. B. Gutherie, Jr., former city editor of The
Leader, and UK instructor in creative writing
Two prominent members have died during
The "Book Thieves." six of whom are in
has achieved national recognition for his "The the la.st decade, Jiulfie Samuel M. Wilson, and Who's Who," meet once a mouth except during
Big Sky." and the Pulitzer Prize winning "The Dr. Claude Trapp. Judye Wilson, acknowledged
the summer at a member's home for lunch.
Way West."
to have possessed the largest private collection
"After lunch," Townsend explains, "the
"I liieves' sit around and each fellow speaks his
Dr. H. L. Donovan is the !:ist member of the oi books in Kent'.ieky. Iu'imih-- ).,) njs entire library to UK.
mind fully and freely about all things under the




sun. Conversations are frequently along biographical lines, catalogues, and the scarcity of
books on the market in the specific field of some
f the members. Various historical questions and
subjects are discussed and frequently argued
with fully as much heat as light."
Guests of any member, if they are amateur
historians or authors, are welcome to attend
meetings. Only one woman has ever crashed the
"Thieves." She was Constance Rourke, one of
the foremost authorities on Audubon.
"Women crimp our style," exclaimed Mr.
Coleman, which would seem to indicate that the
spirit of scholarship does uot always pervade in
their private meetings.
Only One Restraint
conThe "Book Thieves ' have no
stitution, officers, set programs, or dues. But
there Is one restraint, no papers may be read
during the meeting. This leaves the members
time to indulge in extemporaneous pronouncements on books, with no time limit except the
good manners of their listeners.
There Is only one rigid rule that must be
obeyed, no member must ask how or where a
brother got his latest find.
This regulation was put to a severe test many
years ago when several "Thieves" called on Lexington's famed Belle Breazing prior to her death
and before a scheduled auction sale which was
to dispose of many of the objects in her remarkable, free and easy establishment. They were
shown a valuable volume of reminiscences, and
each member made a mental note that he must
certainly make a bid on that priceless document
on the day of the sale.
But one enterprising member lagged behind
while the others continued their personally conducted tour. Back on the street he proudly un

buttoned his coat, showed the familiar volume to
his cohorts, smiled, and sauntered on down the
street. No questions were ever a.sked.
Donovan. Biggest


Perhaps the biggest "Book Thief" of them all
is one of the newer initiates. Dr. Donovan. Ke
earned this title in a most enterprl-ini- ;
He was informed one day that the "Thieves'"
were calling one Saturday for supper, and if the
meal was satisfactory he might be taken into
their exclusive club.
Losing no time, he called on each of the member's wives and had them smuggle out two of
their husband's prized books. These he plated
conspicuously in his library. When the "Thieves"
entered to inspect his collection thev noticed
these valuable volumes. Some commented on his
excellent taste, and others were frankly perplexed.

"Where did vou get this book." one exclaimed.
"I thought 1 had the only edition of this in existence." another gasped. Finally the joke was
discovered, and it was unanimously agreed thai
Dr. Donovan was a "Book Thief extraordinary.
Even knife play has enlivened their meetings.
One afternoon Mr. Townsend brought a new acquisition to show off. a Bowie knife which had
belonged to Cassias M. Clay. After it had been
passed around, its owner returned it to his inside coat pocket, point up. Later he passed Dr.
Clark in close quarters and the knife sl;pied
from his pocket, cutting Clark's coat from
shoulder to shoulder.
Dr Clark refused to have the coat replaced,
however, despite Townsend s generou.s oiler. The
"Book Thieves'" suspect he kept the coat as it
was so he could display it and say. "Tills is my
coat. It was cut open by Cassius Clay's own,
Bowie knife."


r.icre 2


little learning is a clangorous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not of the Fierian spring.
Tope, Essay on Criticism, II
Although we don't evpect to ever get over to
Pieria, the
Greece to taste the spring in
is one that modern edusue rest ion offered by Tope
cators might well take to heart.
One of the greatest failings of colleges and universities today is the tremendous importance attached to specialization. Of course a man should
know his field and know it well, but to neglect
whole areas of human knowledge in order to
learned in one small field is hardly our idea
of education.
An example of specialization is the engineering
cu'Ticuhim here at UK. A future civil engineer, in
addition to his technical work, is required to take
on'y nine hours of English, including a course in
English. He is not required to take any
work at all in literature or speech. One readily sees
the Wind spot. The young builder learns nothing
of the rich store of written treasurers that are the
heritage of the Western world. Of course, in this
day when it is elemental that every man be a communicator, especially vocally, the lack of speech
training leaves another vacant spot.
In other fields, the young engineer is required to
take one course each in Commerce, Political Science, and Economics. Two more courses are left
elect ives."
open for
Nothing at all is required in the fields of psychology, history, sociology, the humanities, and the






Summer Informality
Might Have Value
During Other Terms
The informality that accompanies summer classes
seems to us a strong argument in favor of
education. After a long, stuffy winter of
classes in which professors and students maintain
an almost inhuman level of dignity, it is highly refreshing to see professors coming to class in sport
shirts thrown rakishly open at the neck.
Being strong believers in naturalness in all things,
it seems to us that the casual air of summer classes
is actually conducive to learning. How much easie
it is to sit and listen to a fellow human being talk
than it is to suffer through the intricacies called
"lectures" which seem mandatory in the colder
months of the academic year.
Another factor that makes summer classes more
simulating is the presence of older students, usually
back in school to get their Master's degrees. The
vital interest these people bring into the classroom
provides some of that "intellectual curiosity" that
the campus seems to lack at other times.
It's a sliame the pleasant aspects of summer terms
rrcn't carried over into regular semesters. We understand the University has lately evinced an interest in student and faculty morale. Might we suggest that a furtherance of informality would do
much to raise morale.
Of course we don't advocate
shirts for winter professorial garb, but frank and
friendly relationships between teacher and student
could do much to eliminate the impersonalness that
almost always is a part of a large university.
hot-weath- er



Friday. Julv 11. 19"2

The Toolbox by Ronnie Butler

Specialization Shouldn 'tLead
To Neglect Of Other Areas



Student Critics
Of Local Movies


Given Criticism

fine arts. The tragedy here is evident. Fresh from
degree comes the plancollege with his newly-inkener of our world without any formal background
in the more or less humanistic fields. The result is
who has no conlikely to be a
ception of the potential uses, in the large sense, of
his plans. He has no understanding of his position
in society because he has no knowledge of society.




Perhaps we're being a little hard on engineers
because the same basic fault is common to other
fields of study too. So many of our doctors, lawyers, teachers, and business men go forth with only
a smattering of learning about the world they are
to live in.
At the risk of being declared heretical, or perhaps
a campfollower of some of the more radical educational theorists, we wonder why our schools couldn't
require all students to take a basic two-yesubjec ts. Then each person could
specialize in the field of his choice, after having obtained a full educational background to draw upon.
If something of this sort were a general practice,
we might find that science and the social sciences
and the arts all have a concrete kinship.

UK has unknowingly produced a large number of
movie critics, most of whom de their criticizing in
the movies in loud voices. We admit that Hollywood produces some stinkers, but what the heck,
boys? At least let us enjoy the
The guy sporting a big UK sweater while seeing
"Wait Til The Sun Shines, Nellie" should be shot.
At intervals of three minutes (every time someone
was killed, died, or otherwise loused up) this offspring of chaos honked his nose in his handkerchief
with (we hope) chaotic results. No appreciation
for tragedy.


Tom Skinner, that Big Man of Radio Arts, always
looks tired after an S a.m. class he and the Toolbox
share (anel suffer) together. After moaning and
groaning about everything in general, especially a future field trip
in Geology (probably to be held
on the hottest day yet), Skinner
goes up to the radio studios. It's
nice and cool up there, which
leads one to believe that Mr. Skinner does some of his best sleeping
there. He always has such a happy look on his face
as he walks into McVey Hall.


socio-cultur- al

Current Exhibition
In Fine Arts Gallery
Is By Able Artist

Head, Department of Art

University students and staff members should
respond most favorably to the current exhibition in
the Fine Arts Gallery of the University. It comprises
fifty pictures in oils and pastels by the English-borartist, Leslie Cope, who lives in Roseville, Ohio.
Mr. Cope, still under 10 years of age, has been
painting for more than 20 years. His work has been
shown in the galleries of the Smithsonian Institution, the Brooklyn Museum of Art, the National
Academy, the Carnegie Institute of Art, and the
Columbus Caller)"-o- f Fine Arts. He is represented
in the permanent collections of the Library of Congress and the Carnegie Institute, and has been
awarded prizes by the Society of American Etchers.
It is apparent, after seeing this sampling of Mr.
Cope's work, that he is entirely able in his craft.
His style is free and lxld within the limits he has
set for himself. His subjects, animals and people in
landscape, are treated in a manner that evidences
first hand know ledge of them.
Mr. Cope finds a lyric quality in the rustic life he
chooses to pa'nt, and he paints it in a thoughtful
manner. lie has no affinity with such modem intuitive painters as Mondrian, Matisse, or Motherwell. He is content to document the farm and country under the vaning influences of time of day and
time of year.
A sampling of titles of Mr. Cope's pictures may
give some suggestion of the character of this artist's
interests. Among those on exhibition are "Feeding
the Calves," '"Sundown." "Winter in Ohio," "Old
Bridge, Warwick, England," "Return to the Farm,"
and "The White Barn."
In sueti pictures as his "The Junk Dealer" (number 30), and "The Hilltop" (number 1), Mr. Cope
concentrates somewhat more on the structure of his
painting and the result is a more solid and commanding unity.
The exhibition will continue through July 13.

Abe Lincol