xt7nvx05z899 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx05z899/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1940-07-30  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 30, 1940 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 30, 1940 1940 1940-07-30 2013 true xt7nvx05z899 section xt7nvx05z899 ucoi



The ECentucecy Kernel

100 Pet. Student
Owned & Operated






Carmen Outdoor Opera,
Scheduled For Thursday

Here and There
Br Patricia Hamilton

If Weather Cools,
Dance Will Come

Saturday Night

Out Every Tuesday





Night Softball League Billed;
At Least 6 Teams To 1 akePart;
Games Start Thursdaj Evening



Because of the intense heat,
no definite plans have been
made as yet for a dance Saturday night in the Union
building, according to Dean
Sarah Holmes, chairman of
the social committee.
Outdoor summer opera is being
Weather permitting, a dance
brought for the first time to Lexingwill be held, announcements
being made on the Union bulton by the Women's Division of the
The minute England goes down.
letin board and by posters on our present first-claLexington Board of Commerce in
Navy autocampus. Dean Holmes
conjunction with the National Opera
becomes a third-clas- s
Company of New York which is prenavy," was the warning given last
senting Carmen at 8:30 o'clock Thurs
week to a Memorial hall audience
day night, August 1, at the Trotting
1.000 by Herbert
of approximately
Track on South Broadway.
Agar, lecturer, author, and editor
,: "
f- All seats are being sold at popular
of the Louisville Courier-Journa- l.
prices in order to introduce sum,
Dr. Jesse E. Adams will be princi
"And we cannot," Agar added,
mer opera to the students of the
proposed pal speaker at the annual banquet
possibly complete our
University and the people of this
Navy before 1946 or '47. August 12 of Kiwanians,
community. If the event is well atThese are bold, hard facts, and yet wives and friends and 129 undertended the Board of Commerce and
the cafeteria.
A twilight softball league
we in this country are still going
the opera company will be encour-opera- s
privileged boys whom the service
Miss Richmond Is an undergradis being organized for Sumon the premise that we may 'do
in Lexington next summer.
uate who will take a degree from the
everything short of war to help the club will treat to a
mer Session students. Bill
College of Education. She has lived
The opera will be directed by
except anything' and still ex- at Camp Daniel Boone on the KenAllies
in many parts of the United States, A. F. Thavju, who for fifteen years
Neu, baseball coach at Male
pect to remain secure."
tucky river.
bue her home is in Jackson.
was in charge of summer operas at
high school and an advanced
youngsters, ranging in age
The speaker, who is the author of
Miss Sanders, a Louisvillian who the Cincinnati Zoo. Mr. Thavju has
Second in a series of motion pic- "The Pursuit of Happiness," "The from eight to 15 years, will as
student in the physical educaIn the winter goes to Hollins in gathered some of the outstanding
tures will e shown at 7:30 o'clock in People's Choice," and other books semble at 8 o'clock Saturday morn
Virginia, is in summer school "to summer opera stars of the nation;
tion department, announced
the Union building, it was announc- on America's system of government, ing, August 3. to depart for camp.
find out what it is like to be a a number of the cast being from
was brought to the campus' by the They will return home after break
Betty Coed." But not all her time the Chicago Opera Company.
ed today. To be presented is a feaUniversity and Lexington chapters fast Tuesday, August 13.
At least six teams will take
is spent in frivolity. One of her
Lexington will be particularly forture length technicolor picture, "The of the Committee to Defend America
Wolfgang Rebner, intercourses is in sociology, a first hour tunate in having an opportunity of
part and it is hoped that the
Last year the Kiwanians enter
Middleton Family at the New York by Aiding the Allies.
class, and she was sincerely con- seeing Ruth Pryor and her ballet
nationally known concert first games will be played
tained 101 boys who otherwise
World's Fair."
cerned that we not make her late which is famous from coast to coast.
could not have enjoyed a summer
pianist who is teaching
A "World Revolution"
Pryor will appear
Thursday afternoon.
to class while querying her. Eating Ballet numbers will be used fre
motion picture to
here this term, likes Blue-graAgar expressed the opinion that camp. Arrangements for this year's
breakfast with her was Robinson quently in the opera which has been Thursday night with "CarGames will be played on
be made at the New York Fair, 'The Hitler's war is a "world revolution,' camp, to be directed by W. Ken
men", Lexington's
Brown, a University of Virginia man. shorn of much of its heavy dialogue
acting director of
Middleton Family" describes the ad and that "if we do not take democ neth Bowman, Community Y. M.
three diamonds and the yon-tes- ts
up from a camp near
who had driven
summer opera.
the Lexington
and which will be sung in English.
ventures of a typical American racy's part in the Revolution, Hitler C. A., have been made by a commit
are scheduled for each
Clifton for the purpose.
Among the well known stars in
will have conquered the world."
tee composed of E. L. Sandusky.
Oolf is Miss Sanders' hobby. Her the cast are Josephine Swinney,
J Tuesday and Thursday after
He said that the democratic na chairman; Louis M. Wings, rrank
From the time the Middletons ar
current problem, she says, is when Harriet Bruere singing Carmen;
noons. They will last from
tions, including the United States, L. McVey. Jr., Lee Land Hanks,
to speak to people on the campus
rive from their Indiana home to see
Milo Luka, great Czech baritone as
are faced with disaster because of William Rains, and James Proctor.
6 to 7:15.
class aquaintances or just Escamilla giving the Toreador song;
tne Fair s wonders, they are in a "moral failure," and because they
Mr. Sandusky said yesterday deThe practice fields west of Stoll
someone with whom she would like Dimitri Onofrei, Henry Thompson in
swirl of breath-takin- g
action, most "repudiated, even as early as the
tails had been completed for several
to be friendly or who looks lonesome. the wonderful role of Don Jose;
of it caused by the pranks and
field will be used for one diamond.
1920's, everything they had fought extra features during the night and
escapades of
She asked us if it would be
Bud, played
Helen Margoylne; and Don Roberto
and the, playground space north of
for in the first world war."
day sessions in addition to the regall right to chat without an as Zuniga. A
by James Lydon.
orchestra is
the Education building will be conAs an "example" of the democraular camp attractions of boating,
wnen nis big sisters romance
verted into two playing fields.
cies' failure to live up to their ideals, swimming, tennis, hiking, games,
Marning, Stranger
seems to be going the wrong way,
Vitally interested in many fields
Tickets may be purchased at the
Already under way is the forma100
WPA ' Ken- Bud prepares a deep plot which Agar pointed out the "cynicism and and eating.
This is a question that has been University at the offices of the Dean
to music. Wolfgang RebSpecial night events arranged for in addition
tucky recreation leaders are ex- causes plenty of trouble and keeps admitted corruption" of the recent
raised before. We are no Emily of Women at
tion of six teams that will take part.
Petterson Hall.
Democratic and Republican national their entertainment by Mr. San- ner is teaching for the first time in
pected to
specially designPoet or Dorothy Dix but we thorPrices including tax are 60c for ed course attend awill be held Aug. the audience on the edge of its conventions. "The alibi offered by dusky and his committee include the United States during the current The three men's dorms will be repoughly favor a spirit of friendliness open
resented by teams, with Carl Staker
seats for an hour of exciting fun.
semester of the Summer Sssion.
seats; $1.:20 for grandProf. M. E. Potter, head of the
on the campus and see no reason stand terraceand $1.77
leading the Bradley bunch. Lewis
The story is laid at the Westing- - every " politician present was", he the following: Saturday, August 3.
for box seats. physical education department, said
He came to the University due Shields piloting a Breckinridge crew
you realize democracy hike; Sunday, August 4, campflre
to wait for the formality of being
house Building at the World's Fair, said, 'don't "
professional conto personal and
service with Dr. Raymond F.
introduced by a third party.
said to be one of the most facinating is like this?'
and Ed Barkman in charge of a
president of Transylvania geniality with Dr. Alexander
Two athletic coaches have come
Kinkead aggregation.
Teaching the course will be J: R. industrlcal exhibits, with its meSimilarity to French
executive head of the music
College, as speaker; Monday, August
our attention during the past
Batchelor of Chicago, field repre- chanical man. Time Capsule, Tower
Prof. M. E. Potter, head of the
The speaker noted that there was 5. scavenger hunt and talk by the department. He likes to teach, and
Sorensen, Fer
week. They are Sid
sentative of the National Recreation of Light and Playground of Science.
definite similarity between this Rev. Father George CBryan. chap- hopes to do more in the future al- physical education department, plant,
gus Falls. Minn., and Lewie Shields
Bud takes a mom- attitude and that held by the French
association. He has just completed Even
a faculty team, and Neu will organJoseph's hospital; Tues- though until the present most of
was here last year. Both are workWASHINGTON, July 29 A delay a similiar course at St Cloud Tea- ent to be serious when he begins to concerning their politics during the lain of St. 6. campflre
Kiwanis his time has been devoted to con-se- rt ize a team of physical education
day, August
ing toward an M. A. degree in physi- in congressional debate on peacetime cher's college, Minneapolis, and now understand something of the new
years immediately preceding France's annual meeting to be attended by
work. He appeared on the students. The department of buildcal education.
ings and grounds, always ready to
conscription appeared likely today, is conducting a short term institute world which science and engineering late debacle.
members of the Lexington Kiwanis piano concert stage in more than
Mr. Sorensen Is coach for the in view of "compromise" talk de- at Lenoir, N. c.
are creating for Americans.
to the honor of the old departHe pointed out that Hitler said club, their wives and friends; and 300 American cities besides doing add
high school at Staples, Minn. His signed to avert a still floor fight.
ment, will form a team with
""This will" be the first time mat
eight years ago that "the U. S. is at which Gov. Keen Johnson and extensive touring abroad.
teams won district and regional
as leading light.
While John L. Lewis, C. I. O. the University has offered such a
Likes Farming
rotten inside, and will not have to Francis K. Jahn, F. B.
meets last year in football, basketcourse.
president, and Senator Taft
Neu said that any other group,
be conquered by soldiers; America have been invited to speak; Weditweather joined
ball and track. This hot
A deep love of nature made
It will be primarily concerned with
the opposition to compulsory
will be dragged down by its own nesday, August 7. motion pictures self evident as Mr. Rebner talked department or college workers who
dosen't appeal to him but he does military training. Senator Barkley the conduct of community recre-tionto be presented by Wally Allen, of the beauty of rural Kentucky. wish to form a team are invited to
corruption by 1944."
like Kentucky horse farms and the
programs, studying such topics
the majority leader, said
do so. They should report to him or
traditions of the state.
Agar then attacked the "somewhat manager of the Kentucky theater The stack farms and rolling country- to Prof.
that he favored giving members time as facilities, type and size of comPotter at the Gym annex
Mr. Shields is basketball coach
widespread notion" that Hitler has and talk by Circuit Judge Chester side are refreshing to him after a before Wednesday night.
munity, equipment, night programs.
8, in winter in New York. He and Mrs.
at the Walton Ky high school. to study the issue.
no designs against the United States. D. Adams; Thursday, August
Barkley made it clear he person seasonal programs and other such
Any student not connected with
door track meet; Friday, August 9. Rebner. a native of Tennessee, hope
He hopes to send material to the
If there ever was plutodemocracy,'
game night; Saturday, August 10, someday to have a farm of their an organized group will be placed
University in the next few years to ally approved of some sort of a
he said, "we are it; and we know
camp fire; Sunday, August 11. own but in the meantime enjoy on a team if he will contact Neu
A bacteriology society picnic will what Hitler thinks about
play on conference winning Wildcat conscription program, but his comcandlelight service.
teams. When asked what he does ment raised the possibility that the
be held at 3 o'clock Friday afterdriving through the country viewing or Prof. Potter. Students living in
Special day events during the other people's estates. While here the dorm should see the above namin his leisure hours, he simply said: Senate might not take up on Wed
BERN, Switzerland,
July 20 noon at Lemon's Mill in Fayette
Instead of paying mere 'lip ser camp period will include boat races,
nesday the
bill. The Swiss army general staff an- county, it was announced today.
delve into the practical side ed dorm-tea- m
vice' to democracy and thinking of August 9; a swimming meet, Aug he will
as originally planned.
Under present arrangements each
The group will start from the BioFire Put Out
of husbnadry by visiting the Uninounced today it had banned disIn the House, influential Demo- tribution and sale of "Napoleon, logical Sciences building. Trans- it in terms of measly, stinking poli ust 10, and track meet, August 11. versity experiment farm.
team will play six games with the
At carelessly
tics," the speaker asserted, "we
The 129 boys who will attend the
nearly brought serious damage to crats said that they wanted to Adolf Hitler and Switzerland." a portation will be furnished for those should have been living consistently
His other interests range from league winner being determined by
this season
the Art Center yesterday afternoon make haste slowly" with the man. book by the Swiss author, Rene Son- - desiring it All Summer Session stu- by our system during the past two camp now being as Kiwanis by Mr. mathematics to sports. In the tea- percentage standings.
Schedules for the teams, with
dents are Invited and the price will decades."
ching of music he points out a
but Dawes Thompson, Lexington power phases of the defense pro- dregger.
Bowman at the Community Y. M.
junior, who was taking a piano les- - gram. The House Military ComIt said the book contained "cer- be 25 cents a person.
between natural sciences and diamond assignments, wil be comheadquarters.
Still A Second Chance
Those desiring to attend should
son from Wolgang Rebner. had the mittee will resume hearings Tues- tain passages violating orders on
music. His interest in natural science pleted by 8 o'clock Thursday night.
presence of mind to employ a fire day on the conscription legislation, the maintenance of neutrality" and notify Ed Kass at the Biological
will lead him to visit the science de- Neu reported. Further information
"However," he added, "there is no
with Secretary of War Stimson as "displeasing statements concerning Sciences building befor noon Thurs- time now to reform our society to
partments on the campus and his concerning the twilight league will
a witness some time this week.
foreign governments."
Tear he In Woodbine
interest in sports will take him to be posted on the bulletin boards of
fit the American ideal, but there is
some of the demonstrations to be the campus.
Martha Brittain teaches high
still the second chance of seeing to
school English In Woodbine, her
given during the annual coaching
it that the enemies of democracy
home town, in the winter, but in the
are checked."
Summer she comes to summer school.
Busy Man
"We need the vision to see the
Miss Jeanette Scudder will leave
She is working on her master's dedanger and the daring to take that August 1 for a month's vacation in
But all of these are outside inIs enrolled
gree in education and
second chance."
New York and New England before terest to his duties as visiting proOLNEY. 111.. July 29 Wesley
this summer In two courses in that
"Before it is too late, we must taking up her new duties as dean fessor in the music department. Scranton. 37. today was held for
college. Studying keeps her pretty
wake up to these things, and admit of women at the University of Ar- There he teaches three courses daily safety in a Newton. 111., jail as
busy but these hot days she likes
ticing offerings of that day the lic school work.
besides giving several hours of pri- feeling here ran
' to go swimming.
that there are certain things to be kansas, Fayettesville.
hish in the slaying
As far back as 1903, when the first summer session, netted an enTwelve students
vate instruction.
As evidence that the enlarged learned from the enemy:
Another student in the College of
Several of Miss Scudder's friends are enrolled for credit in the reg- of Police Chief William H. Armsey.
first summer session was held at rollment of 77 students taught by program is on a sound basis, stu
"(1) The value
whom Scranton fatally shot despite
to her
Education is Wayne Bailey. He will
15 members of the faculty.
dents today come form nearly every discarding what of ruthlessness in have entertained for her prior being ular courses and four others are the fact that the latter was handreceive his A3, degree in August. the University of Kentucky, it was
does not work in departure, among the parties
taking private instruction.
The University of Kentucky sum- state in the union to attend our
our society.
He has done almost all of his college quite evident from a perusal of the mer session, as was
a luncheon which Mrs. Sarah Holmes
Five weeks, he says, is all too cuffed.
the case :n summer session. Of the total enSheriff Harvey Moore was criticwork in Summer Sessions having contents of the bulletin that those
"(2) Realism about knowing where gave Saturday night at the Lafayette short
to cover the ground
universities, however, had a rollment of nearly 2,500 students,
come for the first time in 1935. His persons responsible for the sum- other
very slow growth.
In our own approximately fifty per cent are we are going and how we are going hotel for Miss Scudder and 15 of he would like to cover but with Armj-ey'- wounded when They went arhome is in Butler and he teaches mer session had a progressive out- University as
hard work he feels that much can rested
late as 1916 the en- graduate. The faculty has increased to get there, and the unwillingness her friends.
in the junior high school, Pendleton look. For example, they advocatScranton for beating Ezra
Miss Scudder came to the Univer- be done. He expects much from his
15 in 1903 to more than two to accept a substitute for it
county. Tennis and social dancing ed
George, hired by the prisoner's esa term that rollment continued below two hun- from
"(3) Selfishness in serving our sity in 7938 and since that time has students to whom he gives much.
dred. In 1917, due principally to hundred fifty, including not only a
are his
sometimes today we think quite
served as director of residence halls
war, the enrollment dropped to large percentage of the resident fac- cause."
In the course of conversation Mr. tranged wife. Mrs. Erma Scranton.
modern and
In the the
to prevent her husband from moBaseball Man
(Continued on Page Four
for women.
ulty, deans and heads of depart
1903 bulletin one of the paragraphs
Plan for Aid Offered
lesting her.
Bill Neu. baseball coach and asIn September, 1917. Dr. McVey ments, but likewise a visiting in
The two officers were leading
Agar th?n outlined the following
sistant in coaching football and reads: "Men can securefrom board came to the University as its new structional staff of the highest type
Scranton from his mother's home
plan for "taking the second chance
basketball at Male high school Louis- erative
With . war clouds still that can be secured.
per week, or less if they president.
when, despite his handcuffs, he
ville, is bu.sy on the campus this for $1.75
facing our nation, the next year's
President McVey's early recogni to save the American ideal while
broke loose and seized a shotaun.
summer. He is working toward a desire."
summer enrollment more than dou- tion that the summer school should that chance still exists":
Later, he surrendered
Another suggestion offered that bled that of the preceding year. perform a special function of ren
quietly to
"(1) Send to England immediately
master's degree in physical eduState Policeman Jesse Shipley
cation and is in charge of the follow- year stated: "It will be found a de From there on the enrollment be- dering service to the people who the 100 World War destroyers reScranton was recently released
ing recreational courses: swimming, lightful plan to secure board in gan to expand and the program was were on the job during the regular cently reconditioned by our Navy,
Harlowe Dean, Jr., baritone, will"
recreational games, gymnastics and the country, and wheel to school broadened to appeal to more groups year resulted in one of the most and the 20 to 30 'mosquito' torpedo-boat- s be guest artist for the first in a End" Fay Foster, and "Upstream'. from a state hospital for insane.
is organizing a Softball league for and back over the roads for which of people. President McVey looked rapid growths of any summer ses
ordered by but denied to the series of weekly concerts to be pre- Malotte.
Fayette is famous."
Summer Sessionists.
upon the summer session as an in- sion in our nation.
British. These ships could be with sented by the University symphony
The program for the concert fol- Extra-Curricul- ar
In an attempt to make the sum- stitution to serve the state, and unHe is assistant in organizing a
The summer session is an inte- the English fleet in six days.
orchestra under the direction of Dr. lows:
mer school attractive, the bulletin der his guidance and direction the grated part of the organization of
city wide baseball school in Louis"(2) Fly over the 1100 bombing Capurso, executive head of the music
ville and is director of the school's further stated: "A nominal fee of University not only began to build the University and its program is and fighting planes we have avail- department
Orpheus Overture Offenbach
ball schools which he worked out in twentyfive cents per week $125 a broader program that would ap- built with this in mind. Conse- able. They could be in England in
The concert will be held at 7:30 Ballet Suite from Cluck's Opera II
clinic. A plan for city wide base- for the term of six weeks, payable peal to various groups of students, quently, several hundred students, 36 hours.
p. m, Wednesday, in the amphiOrpheus Gluck-MotFollowing is a list of extraball schools which he worekd out in in advance, will be charged each but it particularly emphasized the who now carry work in the regular
"(3) Begin sending immediately theater behind Memorial halL Other
curricular activities pla.ined
1936 is now in use in several cities student who desires to use the need for graduate work. Conse-qentl- year, continue their studies through
food on U. S. ships, and use them concerts during the semester will Baritone solos Harlowe Dean. .Ir
for the coming week:
baths in the gymnasium," and "a
throughout the country.
while the first summer ses- the summer.
on the return trip to bring back be held on Thursday nights, the
matriculation fee of five dollars, sion was made up largely of perAnother evidence of the rapid English
change this week being made to Intermezzo scene from In A Persian
Motion pictures m Union
payable in advance, will be charged, sons who needed to repeat work growth of the summer session since
avoid conflict with "Carmen", acMarket Ketlebey
building. 7:30 o'clock.
payment of which will entitle the and a few teachers who wished to President McVey came to the Uni-o- f
"All of these things," Agar pointed cording to
an announcement from
students receiving degrees at out, "can be done immediately, and Dr. Capurso.
LONDON, July 29 Oil tanks matriculate to all advantages for add to their training, today's proComunity singing: Sweetheart
Little Symphony concert in
The are capable of being the difference
Cherbourg, France, now filled one year from date of payment. Thus gram is so broadened that the sum- the August commencement.
Mr. Dean was graduated from the
Sigma Chi. Quilting Party. Old
Memorial hall, 7:30 o'clock.
with German oil, were hit repeat- a student who desires to take the mer session enrolls public health first summer session commence- between victory and defeat for Eng University in 1938. He is now conGray Mare led by Arlele Gense-me- r
work of the Summer Term and also officers, nurses, librarians, athletic ment was held in 1930 and at that land."
edly by bombs dropped by British
nected with the N. B. S. Civic Con1903-0- 4
Summer Opera at Tro'finj
directors and coaches, students in time 131 degrees were conferred.
"If we refuse or put off aid even cert series in New York.
planes during the night, and a Ger- that of the regular term of
track. 8 o'clock.
man air base on The Neatherlands will pay but the one matriculation commerce, engineering, law and ag- In 1939, there were 231 students for a few weeks, we may join the
For his program Wednesday night Dance Orientate G. Lubomirsky
Tuesday, Aug. 6
riculture, governmental
employees who recevied degrees in the sum- rest of the European democracies in he has chosen "I
re- - fee."
coast also was attacked, it
Heard A Forest Selections from the Mikad-Oilbe"
in Memorial
a')d students in 'ery u!usw of pub mer coKv:ie!!c:senf..
the lament, 'too late"
Prarlng", Peter de P.ose. -- Journey's
Somebody once started a theory
of study that prescribes early morning hours as the best time to concentrate. We are not sure m'hether
or not Billie Raymond agrees
mith that view but at
least she doesnt shun it for at 6:14
Saturday morning she and her geography books were on the parade
ground taking advantage of what
cool breezes the day would offer.
Our own business at that hour
was to find out about the early
morning activity around and about.
lot of people seem to get up
early. Besides Miss Raymond, who
Is from Louisville, will receive her
A.B. degree next June, and is attending her first Summer Session
this year, we saw Connie Richmond
and Bunch Sanders breakfasting in

Will Mark Debut



Ballet Dancer

Of Summer Opera
In Lexington

Agar Says World's
Democracies Have
Failed Their Ideal



Pianist Rebner





Kiwanians To Treat
Needy Boys






Three Diamonds To
Be Used; Tilts



Begin At


Technicolor Film



Will Be Presented

In Union



full-leng- th








Pianist Reveals
Range Of Interests

WPA Leaders
Expected To Attend



19-2- 4,

Mc-La- in,


See Delay In Debate
On Conscription Bill







All Summer

Students Invited

Swiss Ban Book



Burke-Wadswor- th



Adams Traces Growth Of Summer Session,
Finds Progressive Outlook Outstanding

Scudder To Vacation
Before Assuming
Duties As Dean

Handcuffed Man
Kills Police Chief


extra-curricul- ar


Baritone To Be Guest Artist
At First Concert Wednesday



Activities For Week
Are Listed



Tank Bombed




� Text Of Compulsory Military Service Bill

Kentucky's Beauties

(Editor's Note: The Summer Ker
nel present herewith the text ol the
compulsory military training bill
as linnally drafted by the Senate
Military Affairs Committee. The
bill Is now peading before Congress.)














A bill to protect the integrity and
institutions of the United States
through a system of selective compulsory military training and service.
Be it enacted by the Senate and
of the
House of Representatives
United States of America in Congress assembled.
That the Congress hereby declares
that the integrity and institution?
of the United States are gravely
threatened and that to insure the independency and freedom of the people of the United States, it is imperative that immediate measures be
taken to mobilize national strength.
The Congress further declares that
national strength depends not only
upon the possession of modern arms
but equally upon adequate forces
men; and that in a
free society it is Just and right that
the obligations and risks of military
training and service be shared by
all. so that every
shall fit into his proper place under a fair system of selective compulsory military training and service.
National Guard Stressed
further declares,
in accordance with our traditional
military police as expressed in the
national defense act of 1916, as
that it is essential that the
strength and organization of the
National Guard as an integral part
of the first-lin- e
defenses of this Nation be at all times maintained and
assured. To this end it is the intent
of the Congress that whenever the
Congress shall determine that troops
are needed for the national security
in excess of those of the Regular
Army and of men in training and
.service under thie act the National
Guard of the United States, or such
part thereof as may be necessary,
shall be ordered to active Federal
service and continued therein so long
as such necessity exists.
Registration Rules Given.
A All
male citizens
and all male aliens residing in
the United States or its possessions,
who are between the ages of 18
and 64. on the day or days fixed
for registration, shall present them
selves for registration and shall re
gister at such times and places and
in such manner and by age groups
as shall be determined by regulations prescribed hereunder.
B Men registered shall be divided
into two main categories:






















Tuesday julv


Paw Two












Mr. And Mrs. Coffer Port
And Mrs. Pepys At Convo

I Men between the ages of 21 that any man completing twelve centum or less than 78 percentum of
' King
and 45. who shall be liable for months' training and service in the men selected shall be between
Jess Coffer and his wife. Martha ' jamin Franklin."
21 and 31, not more than
training and service in the land and the land forces in time of peace, the ages of
returned to the Ur.i-- i -- So To Eed". and "Women in
naval forces of the United States: as provided herein, who there- 15 per centum nor less than 10 per versity Friday morning to present Arms '.
after completes not less than two be between the ages of 31 and 38. " So To Bed", a farce in three acts,
on the current tour, the player3
satisfactory service in the centum of the men selected shall at the first csnvocation of the second came to Lexington from Colorado
2 Men between the ages of 18 years'
the aees of 45 Regular Army or the National and not more than 7 per centum nor summer term.
and 21 and between
and their next stand was to be the
and 64. who shall be liable for Guard, shall, upon completion of less than