xt7nvx05xw84 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx05xw84/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1935 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 07, 1935 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 01, no. 07, 1935 1935 1935 2012 true xt7nvx05xw84 section xt7nvx05xw84 c t    
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‘     ‘     HAPPY NEW YEAR!
 ·   ri Q   p The officers and members of the
    i   I 4 = Executive Committee of the Uni- A
I   .   P A     y   versity of Kentucky Alumni Asso-
_   Q _   ciation wish to take this opportun- ·——·
    »   Official organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky published gtY»kth1§;lghnt1;€   tag? §gn·
  j   quarterly on the campus of the University, at Lexington. Subscription to non- e3;k§ &1L?§niuiJO1_0th€h_ cooperatiglg
  il   members, $i_oo, to members of the Association so cents, membership in the Asso- during the past yea,-_ It has been
 L i   ciation includes subscripion to the Alumnus. 8. difficult y€211‘, 9.1“Id, except fO1‘ the
 lll 1 expressions of loyalty and the en-
T, ‘ gi Entered as Second oiess Matter at the Postoffice at Lexington. Ky., couragement of friends, the Asso.
Ei j _   May 22, 1929, under me Act of March 2, me ciation would have found it neces-
·   ‘   sary to abandon its work early in
  A    ;;?:; :-·.   yealx Many alumni have been
 #1   Vol. VII. FEBRUARY, l935 N0. l generous in their contributions of
— `,j ·. ti . -L...1·..:,.;.ée _;:L-.L_,_:._:._.1 money, time, and aid of all kind;
`a Z .   OFFICERS all of which has been appreciated
,     Chas.I.Dawson, ’9S ....... President glgitlzhis time we wane to wish
FZ     Mrs. j. M. Herndon ...... \'icc—l’residcnL you Wen, and egpress Om. hope that
El Q 3 Betty Hulett, '30 ....... Secretary the New Year will bring you untold
V   T james Shropshire, ’29 ...... Treasurer h9·DPi¤€$$» SUCQCSS; 3Qd CO¤tC¤tmC¤i-
l , ·-i;—r— i — .  T‘;" it "    .;-(-*.L—-‘*";$’1'I-T
. . , . . , ——- h {
. 4, , w. c. Wilson, 13 Marguerite McLaughlin, 03 While attending the Southern tfgku
» l Wayland Rh°ads’ ,15 Maury (""t°h°r' In Association of Colleges and Secon- y
Z A — E·   Em°"‘· _'°2 DL G· Davis B_“°kf°"‘ log dary Schools, over which President Egeihg
J2? 33522;.,    Flggggk gy ggggigr Wg; ¤;‘€;§,¤¤?g» gr er e
» li G°°· H· Wus°“· ,04 M*“°“s R€d“`l“°* ,19 hlonoriil by alumnivbf tl$eVUniiwItirsili if VE
L i ‘ Mm T' R· U“d°"’°°d· ,19 _ 4_Wmy Iiiliigl _ of Kentucky residing in Atlanta. Oni,.
I I ‘,   l"·—"’“é‘_’—’ Those present were: » leaim
.  ~ _ Blanche Kellett, Decatur; E. T. does
‘ ALUMNI CLLBS Gorbandt, Atlanta; vv. B. Thom- ,,,,,,t_
j ° “ , ton, Atlanta; Ruth D. Clare, At- neces,
° Ashland Alumni Club ..................... j. Snead Yager, Presidenl Qing; 1gl;};]nA1:€ia?1{3¥$1ér I}jl7$§Il§·l;1ig1- very
Atlanta Alumni Club .................. . ...... E. T. Cross,Prcs1`dt·n/ Aelemgae Ji A_ Wei;,ga.1.t1ie,.Y Deeel ggrgg
Bell County Club ................... Mrs. George W, McKee, President UM`? Emd Rvbegt   FOYYCIZ Atlanta in ig;
r _ Birmingham Alumni Club ................... ]. M. Sprague, President PHILPOT TRANSFERRED gi;]
V ` Bowling Green Club ........................ Charles Taylor, President t t ·L·Ch E in 18;
, e . , ._   _ Af er en years in icago as H- cent ,
. 5 Builalo Alllfllflllcllll) ............ . .......... Claude Dan1tls,P»rsldcnl genegring Sales Managel, in that newrl
 —   Chicago Alumm Club ....................... H. M. Nzchols, Prgsulcnz district, N. E Philpot was recentl§ of ee;
_. " . . . . . } appointed manager of sales all been
. e Cincinnati Alumni Club .................... john R. Bullock, President Engmgermg for The Durimu COI, mmm
Cleveland Alumni Club .......... . .......... C. R. McClure, Presidcnl Inc., of Dayton, Ohio, in the N€\l` mm
` Lexington Alumni Club ............ Marguerite McLaughlin, Prciidenl ;g;E£§t§§b S22!] ggliliezig, 22 East aria
‘ . . . . ‘· ‘ C
g in Louisville Alumni Club ..................... Ben Garr Ktng, Prerulcnl Mr, Philpgt is a, graduate of lbf? I; gg
  Kansas Alumni Club ...................... C. G. Blakely, Presidenl gggiie gf g;%m;B1;?§mgéEpO?‘B££i ad an
’ L _ Middletown Alumni Club ......... . ...... Wm. Danncckcr, Prcsicl¢¢nl Beta, pi, and vljhilg in Chcago was egspee,
I New York Alumni Club ................... Samuel A. Smith, President ?:I;ig;f1g€;li;El;i§}a;;1g°°;1&ntggugegie the f
: ·» u ‘ ·,
Q i Owensboro Alumni Club ..,................... Carol Byron, Prcsielcnl tuckyggcciety Of Chjcg,g0_ I  
` , Paducah Alumni Club ................... . ....... Bon Lrtroy, l’rr·.ri¤· of P¤·¤S· aim ais Wheeibamws ash hoist; and = .
heat its first two buildings. And an alumnus °f the Uuiversityr ash cans. "The ljean of Heat " as i
D thittthe md b“udi“Fd`”af ad€§d Z?thiiv£ei.lt°Zgp`ii¤`F€t’ZZs T$ii1{°€Z Kid M°Ca*“i my mus the di¤im“· E
in , it was connec e 0 is ' - t" M_ D` k · i I
L20 as Eu' central boiler house. After that, as 0** Sale at the C°mm°“S· but eh/;rge,rcert;i§i;0has t§€*bi?sl;nda;3 1 ·
in th? new buildings were erected the idea *'°S°“’a*i°¤$ $**0****1 b°_ muh by from one August to the next, year ‘
-5 Yecema of central heating appears to have ¤0°¤» January 25- T'°k°t$_*“`° in and year out. t `
Saffgu Zig been laid aside for various reasons, fifty b€€¤t;d°¤§h· ]:_°$°l"'”~u°SS The matter of keeping these 1
n· ‘ -; y principally because the Old boiler may e m e y WT! 1118 01‘ ct} · plants supplied with coal all win-
i tu; gg; TOOITI and equipment was limited in ing the U¤iV€¤`$itY Alumni Office- ter is a. separate problem in itself I
Fi area and capacity and could not be   and is in some ways a, bigger job ,
IW me t Called on to carry the extra load.   than the actual heating. Most of · {
if $3fME Ig othler words, the college expand- ways; senior Heaven; Senior Court thet old buildings are S0 ¤1‘m¤e€d · L
· ‘ ‘ 8 an grew far beyond the fondest and sc on, ha coal must be shovelled from · 
BY of   h0l>€ and expectation of the found- From this time on no provision the truck into the boiler room, y 
ucago The **5 Without adequate provision in was made to enlarge the old heat- while the newer buildings have y
ntggtligeii- ge mst tplece f°*` b°u°`1` Hmm €X· ing plant or increase capacity so EHR-REOIG coxéers arrange? so that 3 , .
· men 0 S0 &l0I1g with 01`di1'13I`Y that new buildings could be con- ruc can ump directy into the
· . 1919 $"°‘Vth· St¤t€ College of two build- nected to it. Instead, as new build- bin. In practically all cases ashes ·
ice lp b€_ “}E§ in 1882, has grown into the ings went up at separate heating must be lifted or hoisted a consid- i
1§`·5$h_0n gig;/egity of Kentucky of today plant had to be incorporated intg gablet dislgancée fligoni) boiler mon; ~
_ 1 buildings on the main cam- each one. This system was carrie oor o e ruc ed. A grea ,
” Saks   PHS and at score or more on Exper- on until 1925 when the University many bins will hold less than a, Q 
Ben m uses lment Station Farm, The plan of started out on a comprehensive new month‘s supply while others are · g
g the uA1_ cmtltil heating has been lost in the building p1‘0g1‘am. large enough to Store _a §B9·SOu'S ,
_D‘u;;tmg Shuffle from that day to this, and From that time to the present supply. The net result is this: only  
leditions Serious thought is now being given writing considerable improvement 000 tons can be stored 1n bins dur- _
?°“ mes Y° the eeneral problem or construct- has been made in heating. The old mg the summer months, leaving i
mduicemi mg 8- m0dern plant sufficient to individual hand fired plant, has 2,700 tons to be hauled during the i
bs cm but the present University, with given way to a, system of Stoker- Wmtef. _ _  
`mS' ith PI`°V0Si0I’l for expansion over a, per- iired group heating Plants. where Fortunately the Umvgrsuiy has · f
I &1£1(;{€u_ md Of 25 years. buildings are so located that two or its own railroad siding running into {
· C ars Those of you who still retain a more can be heated from one boil- the Service Building. All coal comes
`m€’ 5 yisi. clear Pictllfe of the campus will re- er room, A change in thought of di1‘€Ct from the mine to this siding
new toil; can the little low, squatty brick this kind has tended all along to and is loaded from gondola to truck ‘ 
New building 8.11d tall brick smoke stack ent down the number of plants and (COHtiH11€d OD Page Ten)

 ·_ I   tht ·,~ »: ‘:j_·U ;,;§ 4
  {   A _ir Q 1
’  i · .
,   i s .2; ALUMNI DONORS T0 THE ·
 i» t   U. K. LIBRARY MOHY StUd€I’\tS WOI'I€SS¤1‘v f¤¤¤S fm ¤¤¤€g€ Et Med
{ f   _ · t`t1‘ ·k0·d0 Kt
i Qi-2pséi·‘€;n$g1$}I‘;,°s“’Swiigi-Qaimii Mcvey www Sem me ago- I €vi?§§§J?$Ei Viiuifiis Xitms lvmch 05*2,;
`  Y J, s_ Quicksaly flfeplace pct hooks? remember the asslstance I received they can receive in the modern COI- aidec
g = 125-year-on némd shovel; s 75—year §“$ ufjd Sgf,“§;‘f“ fg°a?i§1lFL;“§ita¤d Eggs and ¤¤iVe‘Sm€S Of i°d“y· li E
  _ Old Spring house gourd; cotton warp g _ p _ _ g ' These students are allowed T20 my]
? E f01’dWe3.V1Hg; jean-cutting shears, puls laggtagéggfélgg V1$11§_§0¥1h€ cam" work during their vacant pe1‘i0d$» $11*
2; ' 211 all embroidered linen cloth BY W *6 OmB_O¤ each being assigned a certain DIM? l ‘
 _ {Hag! fg`OI°t1{ flax grown and woven ifriitilgggtswggegéad   SSS uz; lg; to work, just as would be dmle in goat`;
I m €¤ UC Y- r 1 B 2. private business. re
- · _ . ___  difficulties you have had. » was
= _ Before a student can get a 10b  
t   V · INTEREST IN ALUMNI My thoughts were _c0nstant1y_ Of on the FERA hg mus; make his ap- EMF
· S --- the University durmg the time pucatitm to the dean of msn Ol- me n‘;`“’;
t 1 ome of the things that me Um- when I heard of dear Dean Ander- . t ned ?¤
p t · vgrsity gg Kentucky wants to know sou passing aww I had the pleas-  fwxigymgg ésgcouiiéesiggél sig; B D3?
 · s 3 Ou i alumni are; What are ure of not only knowing him while · b t . 1· k E 1 tu- g B
E   gay gcgng? what Experiences have I was a Student but mer f°1‘ two ixznmonwnge geecgieyoghé   itc Th
{ i l _Y e , and how have they ay- years while I was an instructor on h It . · t mens tuck;
{Q   1`Wed Where they now are? This his staff and I can never forget his Ogshgg cg;§mE1v;Et$1Ot%1¤€;;1.i§;y his bered
a   ought to be of great interest to an smile, his optimism, his faith in statement that he nggds the work mst
{ t 3l¤mm._ ami should tbe of value to Kentucky, his_b1·oadminc1edness and in Order that he may attend the ball,
¤ t the Ulllversity. Hoping to get such his philosophical 3,dV1C€, I know University Every precaution is ty oi
{ E information, Dean 0, R, Memm that he meant and means a great taken in ·hg_¤d]ing the applicanit °°m€
  2 t has b€€¤ asked to give his know]- deal to me, perhaps more than I the issuance Of jobs and in Seeing Were
z E fidge and experience to the sgcuy- realize, and I know this is true of that the Student réauy needs the mst
    me of such information, and the all who set at his feet. aidv Au gf this is handled by tm . °"‘”'»
  it hop; is that any request which he My very best wishes for the fu- dean of men, T_ T_ Jones,.aI1d we WGH
  me GS Wllvge PEOTDUIY ¤»I1SWered. ture suecess of Dr. Mevey and the dean Of Wgmgny Sarah G, B1and1¤H· :]*D?I`
., , ry my y°u"S· UmV€‘rS1tY· · who care for the men and women talk
  A FRANK L. McVEY, Pres. W. G. HILLEN, ’23 students respectively. wwe
V 1 I
. i ·
,.   ·

 T- ig
’ Novmeber 4 saw many old grads   To . J P Glenn Knttown. N   °
I   and former students of the Univer- Kgl l e ’ y ' _ ‘
_ _ y, Hazard; J. S. Harmon, Whit- l
my ef Kentucky returning to their Qhangse m°¤1hu¤¤¤ my team had ley City; Jack Hirsch, Handel-son; i ‘
Alma Mater to take part in the an- gre ken em all s€&S0n· Tn€ W_ C_ Wilson, Loxjngton; Bonny 5
Heal Homecoming Day exercises. en uc en? were preud OIT their Martin Olive Hill- E D Arm- i
Luotmem Several hundred were registered team and Jusuy S°· Ceptem Jee sbygnc I lgeokloy   Va·· ·R M I
u . _ their Outstandm ames f th Guthrie, Lexington, J. F. Adams, I ._
idents are who were not registered attended 8 g g 0 9 Hnstonvillo; E_ L_ Rogers, L€Xmg_ .
ii expense the game- y me ton; Harry Nisbet, Madisonville;  
noos and The celebration was opened Fri- f Mgr the game .a1“‘?mi and R. C. B€6m0¤. Louisville; C- R- ; .
. it day nighu before the game. when Hen; S t°§h the U““’e’S“Y were Smith.Lou1svi11e; Jim Salyers, Lex- .
fs y' a mammoth pep rally was held on gm; SS e Homecemmg tee gu" ingtnni James Pafki O. H. Lam- Q
>RA my- sion maid. The entire student body, emu YP1 "· and Mrs- MCVEY at Mex- bert, Carlisle; E. T. Proctor. Nash- i
mth, and the University band, and several We ace _ _ _ ville. T€¤¤·2 Mary L- Michot P1`0¤·  
I, for the hundred other Kentucky rogtgys Tho day’s BCCIVIEIBS were conclud- tor, Nashville, Tenn.; C. M. Ball, ~
. it os i_ paraded through the Streets Of LeX_ ed with the annual _H0m&coming Elkhart, Ind.; J. G. Heber, Lexing- i
> P S ingtony Stopping at the Lafayette dance at tho Alumni gym. The ton; J. H. Tice, Blackey; P. H. Neb- Q
1 $15.00 3 Hotel to Welcome the members of dance was given under the auspices lott, Jackson; W. E. Blake, Jack- l i
its of Of- me Alabama football team, E; Ying L€X_Ui§bOH_l°2¥UmHi Club and son; J. W. Glow, Lexington, L »
wk in the Saturday morning, registration e . umm eeeeie mn MISS Mar' MTS- T. R- U¤d€YW00d. L€Xin€· i
g eolloge was held in two of the down-town $ll;€H§€bM°La’l¥ghhn* presldent ef WH; Jean Dawsvn, Lvuisville; L. O. i
' mais. A11 alumni who were regis- e ° “ · Wes m eheree °f arrange Celeman. Beaver Dam: H. R. Bun- .
igreunde mod were given the Blue and ments- Tnnidnnce was Prunnunced neil, Munfofdsville; M. M. Hughes, ; H
Lments el White ribbons of Kentucky, Mrs. gilteexlgggendlng Success by an who Louis;ille;·1l\/Larlijl   }E)owoingP_Ev-   · _
Th . R. Underwood and Miss An- V ' ans. 1¤€V1 6; . . VRHS, me- {
receiving neg; Kelley were in charge of reg- Among those Wh0 W€l‘€ registered V_il1B; N. F. Green, L0uisvi11e;Chl·is-
ys iii Lex. istration at the Lafayette Hotel, “’€*`€¥ tmo Harmon, Camphellovilio; R,_ L,
t d while Robert K. Salyers and the Paul M. Runyon, Ewing; Eleanor MnY$» ¤1eve1e¤d. 0}*103 S- P- ,
Fn°s’ an alumni secretary were in charge at M. Stone; C. T. Hughes, Richmond; Stroehen _LeX1ngt°n¥ N- E- Stone. ‘
nzfggmgfl me phoenix. J. w. Land, Nicnoiasviiia; Mis, lxfienelleegylihe:   Wn 3- Weigel?. 1 _
on me various ii—aia—¤mas and soi—¤i·iiias Charles Russell: Charles Russell: S ee i re · “‘*e e§f'id.S ‘ .
1 tb dwp on the campus decorated then- Mrs. Lawrence Curry; Lawrence land. J- Sneed YFEEIU As. an · J- _
. · S the houses as a gesture of welcome to Curry? Pat Rankin, Stanford? E·D· W' I-¥OWerd’ Pres $mSburg’ M13 A 1 `
V mls ·. · V b Mgntggmeryy Louisvlile;     Wal-   HlH€§, Ashland, JOhI`1 Wh1t2.k€f, ‘
mon nood. then alumni and the mem ers of _ R n n _ S C L b t Ho do
education the Alabama Squad, Many Original k€I‘, ITr€XlHgt0I1Q Mary   Rellglkgr, S0\§·:$€CV1L€.Cljopimralléfiihgtogo 1; A V
Eos college and unique ideas were carried, 5)\;;`}U§"t(g1§Sg€·?';»;tYVI;`;;§ii€gO\§D%- C- kidé1B’·MadiS0I{`;i11€; E. C. (B16; l
before in For the first time in many years. oolnoro Loxington. J `W ’Gnyn' ments, Morganneld; Roberta Elam. ;
l; all large the business houses of Lexington Lgxmggmy Jouett ivméowen Louis; Lexington; _l_ A_ Sug, Jl-_, Morgan- ; V
g to me cooperated almost 100 peg cent with vine. Lynn Easley Lexington. Shop held; C, E. Westerman, Anchorage; l
d tha?   eeleqéloand deiomtgd meg; Wilndows rill Smith, Steaiins; Elizgéebh T_ B. F. La.Mast&r, Louisville; Ruth D. . ·
my. 123..   ...II.“§.?,‘“M'§.. Siiea   £§.¥` Hewm Mew; mee Ri·=hey· Wen L""“‘g“’“* M "· "““°""“ .
Emgoshave stgres on other streets were decorsj Glasgow; James Heamdom L€Xueg— Lexington.
~01leg€ ai- and with me Blue and while or ”°“; e· W· Headley; Peter He“““· W- K· Guinerue L°¤iSV“*€¢ G· E- ·
ii ai- do Kentucky and me Red and White Haéardi _M"S· BnbW°°d’1@)“">t0Pa>o‘ Zeriees. Le>¤¤gt¤¤: A¤¤e11e Kelley; ;
ling whiCh Of Alabama. Efforts of SuKy were gggélggggn W%,Ot   113,; O' §'e)&_mgg?gI;1 ll?/ia;I駧e11iJP1$$a§Z·;;· l  
*%*5;; °°1' Qld? ;{e§v1;‘;_ °§g§§"2Q1°31€°Qn§{§gQf Bama, Clevoland, 0. ; Elizabeth M. Iigxiijgbgn; ’Wmen F},ie,`HeegensL i
nowed io H sity military dopai-tmam; and alum- G°“» S°’ne*`S"’t- _ _ ville: IIjg¤¤ttRuVn[s;§n. liéigzdgsncil En- L
It periods, mis ef tho University, and Mr. Ed Bob Salyers, Lexington, C. D. gene ve , _H am g, J. W. n
_ . 1,,8 Wildgy, Secretary of tho Lexington Hunter, Ashland; C. N. Wooton, Dewey, Knoxvi e, Tenn., . . E
;;¤Lnnn8‘*L] Board of Commerco The cup Of_ Hazard; _l_ F_ Morris, Eminence; Gniyni Lexlllngtiiyg T. Rllesgolzllsj Q V
fgrgd fol. ono boot doooroood Storo Tom Dewhurst, Jr., Lexmgton, sel V1 G, aro revue;. r m, . ;
. . · ~ Elizabeth Smith C01·b1n· T. D.
_ lliglo Won by K€l1e1._O1.€m Flomst J0h11 Epps, DHYEOII, O., MIS. J. E- l _ ` i · _ _ » _
get e Job L While Mgy€1· on Hinkle lodios roody; Johnson, Jr., Hazard; J. E. John- W1111&mS,_ Par1s;· Virgima Conroy, .
*ke me ap` to-wear Store recgivéd honorable son, Jr., Hazard; Lydia. Claeljz, Lex- Mt. Sterling; Em11y I-L. Pribblo, Lex- Z
mn ml the mention Mogwai- & Hinkle Weil §_l·5{; ington; Sallie Johnston, Lexington; ington; B. L. Bribhle, Lexington; U
em ?l_€°0*; piize lon dooomnons for ono Tunmo 1_ Browning, Ashland; Bon LeRoy, G. H. Creech,_Pmev11le; H. L. Ba- Q
Ng gnegu game, Paducah; E. 0. May, Lexmgtgnn D. lcwr, Lle/i<11¤gE;>n. EBBQZ Weg1;n§»§>;nv¤g— ;
ci · . · · · _ , on; rs. are e m, ; -
wgrk we tune feetibell game between Ke¤- §Ig§§i{n-P§§$§;§’ wiT1soi§Bai·1;)oi?- c. P. noun, Versailles: A. F. Baker. s
i i oiiizem ic Y and Alabama will be i·emem— . _ ’ . L . .t ; M_ E_ Loxington; J_ E_ Hill, Ca;-yglltgn; i
lg-zrify his med by Kentucky alumni as an   Cl}·l·gn;ffcgg’· Jgxgeggoneosey, J. S. Johnson, Lexington; Mrs. T. €
; the weik Outstending example nf gund f°°e‘ MaySg;j]]€· Woodson Knight, Cal`- H. Oliver. Luke. Md·§ Clydn B1nnd» l  
attend tile l;;!16fgooddsg>oi£§manship, and lobil- nslo. W_ ’E_ Sherwoody Louisville; Lexington, T
eeuuml *5 ei e ee d mm “° me e a G. 15. Buckner, Laxioeuoo; .1. H. D d 1 t Lt U S A_ »
seem §1?‘§“;e°k· The Kemueky Winnie Adams. Mmm. eaemme e. Ad- L..f.?§%.§Y· L.§i.‘l.§“.s.& ...0 i. , miami ;
1 in Seem n. Opelessly defeated when the ams Lexington; L. J. Wells, Yose- Beach Fla, Margaret Enioto Lan_ l
needs me   hw °f the gene ended H°W“ mito; c. R. Maloney, Laxingmn; R. Castel.: Hannd Parks nvmgtgm. B_ i
Had bil]   Secundweeilzelfthieho bgglgneggweg SEE; K· Kinnine Cam`°ut°n· P. Swlnford, Cynthiana; A. B. Phis- -
esiglgndinzi S“¤€1‘i¤l· playing- ego Sueli a ye- Charles Hayden. Lexington: HJ}- ter, Fort Thomas; F. T. Miles: Fort “ 
` d women mnkable ability to fight; that they Sbéely, Will18mSbl11`S§ Gvmetv Mun Th0mas;_ Charles Straus, Cmcm- oi
m Scored 14 points on ono Red E1o_ tin, Harlan; K. W. Ordway, MuY· nati, Ohio; Louise Smathers, Mt.  
, \

 r     ‘•· ; ;- r- 
` ‘? ii ‘ i ·
` Q3 1 ·
1 h e Z  
 `     Sterling; Elizabeth Coleman, Mt. COLLEGE PUBLICITY station WHAS, Louisville? was the
ii ·g ~ {Q Sterling; R, H_ Baker, Pineville; R., ASSOCIATION HOLDS MEET banquet speaker, discussing ‘*Th€
r e   Y , jj L. Jones, Evanston, Ill.; A. G. Hil- U. OF K., DEC. 7, 8 Commercial Radio Station and the
` ri; ’ ?§; len, Chicago, Ill.; W. D. Hamilton, ——— C0l1ege," and Ifollowmg the dinner Fr
’ gi Q, f· Versailles; J. N. Hawkins, Louis- Those men and women who ob- the group adlourned   the radio throl
  ~ · ville; Elizabeth Erschell, Newport; tain more newspaper space and less studios of the University, in the ber
- ' · J. W. Penne], Louisville; W. H. personal mention than any other Art Center on Euclid Ave., where 3 dem
L l . Grady, Louisville; Mr. Montgomery, one group, directors of college pub- special three-pomt_broadcast from lly 1
‘, · 4 Louisville; C. Jefferson, Louisville; licity bureaus, came in for a bit of the ·U1}lV€l`S1liy studios, over WHAS_ most
 ii ‘ ' Mrs. Raymond Connell, Paris; Ray