xt7nvx05xv3n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nvx05xv3n/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1980-09-dec9. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-09-dec9. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1980-09-dec9. 1980 1980-09-dec9. 2011 true xt7nvx05xv3n section xt7nvx05xv3n 

     Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky, Tuesday, December 9, 1980

     The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in regular
statutory session at 2:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Lime) on Tuesday, December
9, 1980 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office Tower
on the LexingTon campus.

     A. Meeting Opened and Oath of Office Administered

     Mr. Sturg-ll, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 2 p.m. and
the invocation was pronounced by Mr. McBrayer. Mr. Sturgill welcomed
Professor Onal Conley, the newly elected Community College faculty member
who will serve on the Board of Trustees for a term ending June 30, 1983.
Mr. Darsie administered the oath of office to Professor Conley.

     B. Roll Call

     The following members answered the call of the roll:  Mr. William B.
Sturgill, Chairman, Mr. William R. Black, Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler,
Mrs. Betty Pace Clark, Professor Opal Conley, Mr. Tracy Farmer, Mrs. Edythe J.
Hayes, Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer, Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger, Mr. W. Terry
McBrayer, Mr. A. Stevens Miles, Mr. Frank Ramsey, Mr. Homer W. Ramsey,
Mr. Brad Sturgeon and Professor Constance Wilson. Absent from the meeting
were Professor Michael E. Adelstein, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Dr. David A. Hull,
Mr. W. B. Terry and Mr. William T. Young.  The University administration was
represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents Jack C. Blanton,
Peter P. Bosomworth, Donald B. Clapp, Lewis W. Cochran, Raymond R. Hornback,
John T. Smith, M. Stanley Wall and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Art Gallaher,
Vice President-Designate; Dr. Wimber'y C. Royster, Dean of the Graduate School
and Coordinator of Research; Mr. John C. Darsie, General Counsel; and Dr.
Charles T. Wethington, Assistant Vice President for the Community College System.
Members of the various news media were also in attendance.   The Secretarv, Mrs.
Clark, reported a quorum present and the Chairman declared the meeting officially
ooen for the conduct of business at 2:04 p.m.

     C.  Minutes ADoroved

     The Minutes of the October 14, 1980 meeting of the Board of Trustees were
approved without objection.

     D.  President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

     President Singletary reviewed briefly the items in his monthly report
to the Trustees, calling particular attention to (1) the election of Professor
Opal Conley as the Community College representative on the Board of Trustees
who is Chairman as the Division of Biological Sciences and Related Technologies
at Ashland Communitv College and a recipient of the Great Teacher Award, (2)
Governor Brown's announcement that the State freeze on three capital construction
projects (Primary-Ambulatory Care Center, Sanders-Brown Research Center, and the
Student Center addition) has been lifted, (3) the reaccreditation of the bachelor
of arts and master of social work degree programs in the College of Social Work,
and (4) the first place finish of the Debate Team in the Kentucky Thoroughbred
Round Robin tournament.



     Also, President Singletary said he wished to call attention to some items
which were no- included in his monthly report. The University recently received
a grant from the International Business Machines Corporation, $170,000 which
was earmarked for the College of Engineering and $30,000 for the College of
Business and Economics. President Singletarv praised IBM for its expression
of confidence in this institution and its sense of responsibility as one of
the nation's preeminent corporate-citizens.

     President Singletary informed the members of the Board that the
University's goal for the 1980 United Way of the Bluegrass campaign was
$136,602 and said he was pleased to report that the University had actually
turned in pledges amounting to $146,467.  He praised the campus chairman,
David Stockham who is Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, for a
superb job, along with Bernie Vonderheide, Director of the University's
Information Services, who chaired the Advertising and Promotion Committee,
and Vice President Raymond Hornback who served as overall Campaign Chairman
of the United Way of the Bluegrass. The total collected this year of $2,188,000
surnassed the 1980 overall goal of $2,181,981.

     The chair then recognized Mr. McBrayer who said he thought note should be
taken of some of the accomplishments of President Singletary since the last
Board meeting in October. He pointed out that President Singletary, with the
help of the Chairman and others, has had three major projects released from
the State freeze on capital construction, and that the University has received
a gift of a million dollars from Ashland Oil and a $200,000 grant from IBM.
Mr. Sturgill, who stated his pleasure of these achievements of President Singletary,
requested that Mr. McBrayer's comments be recorded and made a part of the Minutes.

     E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

     On motion by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Sturgeon and passed, PR 2, Recom-
mendations of the President, was approved and ordered made an official part of
the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

     F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3A and PR 3B)

     At the Chairman's suggestion, PR 3A and PR 3B were considered together.
With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Governor Chandler seconded
by Mrs. Hayes and passed, Professor James A. Knoblett was named Acting Dean of the
College of Business and Economics for the period January 1, 1981 through June 30,
1981, and authorization was given to submit to the Council on Higher Education
an associate degree program in Vocational Teaching for Jefferson Community College.
(See PRM 3kand 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

     G. Appointment of Vice President for the Community College System (PR 3C)

     Noting that Dr. Stanley Wall had announced his intention to retire, effective
January 31, 1981, President Singletary said it was his pleasure to recommend to
the Board of Trustees the appointment of Dr. Charles T. Wethington as Vice
President for the Community College System, effective February 1, 1981. Dr.
Wethington has been at the University since 1965 and has served as Assistant
Vice President for the Community College System since July 1, 1971. He has
also served as Director of the Maysville Community College and Acting Director
of the Lexington Technical institute. Dr. Wethington holds a Ph.D. degree
in educational Psychology from the University of Kentucky and he also holds
appointment as Associate Professor (with tenure) in the Community College System.
President Singletary said he was pleased to report that Dr. Wethington was
the overwhelming choice of an advisory committee which he had appointed consisting



of a member of an Advisory Board, a Community College director, a student,
and several faculty members. Dr. Wethington was also the unanimous choice
of the Directors of the Community Colleges. Knowing of Dr. Wethington's
knowledge of and deep commitment to the System, President Singletary said it
was his very real pleasure to recommend Dr. Wethington's appointment as Vice
President for the Community College System. On motion by Mr. Homer Ramsey,
seconded by Professor Conley and passed, Dr. Charles T. Wethington was named
Vice President for the Community College System, effective February 1, 1981.

     H. 1980-81 Budget Revisions (PR 4)

     At the suggestion of President Singletary, Mr. Kessinger moved that the
revisions in the 1980-81 budget as recommended in PR 4 be approved. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Frank Ramsey and passed without dissent. (See PR 4 at the
end of the Minutes.)

     I. Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 5)

     There was no action on PR 5 since the Board approved a recommendation to
substitute PR 5A for PR 5; thus PR 5 is not attached at the end of the Minutes.

     J. Proposed Amendment to the Governing Regulations (PR 5A)

     President Singletary recommended that PR 5A, a restatement of the proposed
amendment to the Governing Regulations in PR 5 which was placed on the table
at the September 16, 1980 meeting of the Board of Trustees, be substituted
for PR 5 and considered for approval at this time. He explained that the
change is a result of a number of suggestions and discussions inside the
institution. He added that there is considerable concern on the part of
some faculty members about this and what it implies and what it means, and
he said he would like to try and clarify it at this time. President Singletary
indicated he had met with the two faculty Trustees and one other faculty member,
a former Trustee of the University, and they had discussed some proposee. changes
which he was happy to incorporate in the document. Also, he received some
notifications from the local chapter of the American Association of University
Professors, and he has met with and discussed the document with the Senate
Council from which he has received some suggestions. President Singletazv
then said that PR 5A represents his incorporation into the document those
suggestions which he felt were helpful but did not alter the fundamental
point and purpose of the regulation. He reviewed briefly four conditions
that must be met in apDroving a consulting and overload assignment for a
faculty member: (1) the faculty member's first obligation is to the Uni-
versity, (2) the faculty member must obtain prior approval, (3) the activities
shall be governed by time limitations, and (4) the faculty member must avoid a
conflict of interest. President Singletary pointed out that the fourth require-
ment was, admittedly, the most difficult portion of the document because no one
can explain fully the meaning of conflict of interest. However, he said the
University has a built in appeal mechanism and if there is any question on a
conflict of interest, the faculty member has a right to appeal to this Board.

     President Singletarv then recommended that the Board approve the
document (PR 5A) as amended.  He added that he thought it appropriate,
however, to have the faculty Trustee speak to the matter.


    The chair recognized Professor Wilson. Professor Wilson said she had
received correspondence from the local chapter of the American Association of
University Professors and said she would like to have on the record three
major concerns of the AAUP and the faculty. Professor Wilson read the following

     1. Prior Approval (see 3a-2).  We hope that the provision
         of "Prior approval" will not impose undue restraints on
         faculty who heretofore have been able to respond quicklv
         to urgent requests.

     2. Written Resoonse (see 3a-2).  Since the faculty must
         present their specific requests in writing, it seems
         appropriate that any reasons for disapproval be promptly
         presented in writing by the appropriate administrator and
         that it be made clear that faculty have the right to appeal
         this decision.

     3.  Conflict of Interest (see 3a-4).  We are concerned lest
         Section 4 be interpreted as foreclosing representation by a
         faculty member of a student or of other faculty or staff
         members in connection with internal problems. Representa-
         tion by one's colleagues or one's teachers in such matters
         is a long honored tradition on this and other campuses.

     Professor Wilson asked that these three matters be incorporated in the
record as concerns of the AAUP and the faculty.  The Chairman requested
that Professor Wilson's comments be recorded in the Minutes of the meeting.

     With President Singletary so recommending, on motion by Mr. Homer
Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Black and passed, the proposed amendment of
Part X.C.3.a of the Goverhing Regulations as recommended in PR SA was
approved. (See PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

     K. Report on Results of Alumni Member Election (PR 6)

     President Singletary reported that the three persons receiving the
highest number of votes in the election 'or an alumni member of the Board
of Trustees were Mrs. Betty Jo Palmer, Mr. William R. Black, and Mrs. Betty
W. Nelson.

     Governor Chandler moved that the report of the Secretary of the Board
of Trustees as given by President Singletary be received and put to record,
and that the Secretary be authorized to certify to the Governor the names
of the three persons receiving the largest number of votes from which list
a successor to Mr. Black will be appointed. Governor Chandler so moved.
His motion was seconded by Mr. Homer Ramsey and passed.   (See PR 6 at the
end of the Minutes.)



- 5-

     L.  Interim Financial Renort (FCR 1)

     Mr. Miles, in the absence of Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee,
reported that the Committee had met on the morning of December 9, 1980 and
reviewed the items to be presented for action.  He then moved that the Financial
Report for the period ending October 31, 1980 be accepted. His motion, seconded
by Mr. Farmer, passed and the report was accepted.  (See FCR 1 at the end of the

     M.  Investment Committee (FCR 2)

     Mr. MIles explained that FCR 2 relates to the restructuring of the
Investment Committee which has been in existence since 1970, and said the
change would merely broaden the authority of the Chairman in appointing
members to the committee. The Finance Committee recommending, Mr. Miles
moved that an Investment Committee be appointed annually by the Chairman
of the Board of Trustees as recommended in FCR 2.  His motion was seconded
by Mr. Kessinger and passed withoutdissent.  (See FCR 2 at the end of the

     N.  Authorization Approving Issuance of Series G, Consolidated
Educational Revenue Bonds and Issuance of Series L, Housing and Dining
System Revenue Bonds

     Thereupon, a motion was made by Mr. Homer Ramsey and seconded by
Mr. William R. Black that the following Resolutions, which were read in full to
the Board of Trustees, be passed and adopted; said Resolutions were entitled as


         SAID BONDS.

     Upon a vote being taken on the motion, the result was as follows:

         Yeas                                              Yeas

         Mr. William B. Sturgill, Chairman                 Mrs. Sally Hermansdorfer
         Mr. William R. Black                              Mr. Thomas B. Kessinger
         Governor Albert Benjamin Chandler                 Mr. v. Terry MoBraver
         firs. Betty Pace Clark                            Mr. A. Stevens Miles
         Professor Opal Conley                             Lir. Frank Ramsey
         Mr. Tracy Farmer                                  Mr. Homer W; Ramsey
         Mrs. Edythe J. Hayes                              Mr. Brad Sturgeon
                                Nays:  None                Professor Constance Wilson



     ThereuDon, the Chairman of the Board declared that the motion had
carried and that the Resolutions had been passed and adopted and the same
recorded in the Minutes of the Board. (See FCR's 3 and 4 at the end of the Minutes.)

     0. Report of Investments (ICR 1)

     Mr. Sturgill pointed out that the quarterly report of the Investment
Committee for the period ending September 30, 1980 was in the material
circulated to the Board. The report was accepted without objection. (See
ICR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)

     P. Meeting Adjourned

     There being no further business to come before the meeting, Mr.
Sturgill declared the meeting officially adjourned at 2:28 p.m.

                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                    Betty Pace Clark
                                    Secretary, Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3A, 3B, 3C, 4, 5A and 6; FCR's 1, 2, 3 and 4; and ICR 1 which follow
are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting.)


                                             Office of the President
                                             December 9, 1980

                                             PR m

   Members, Board of Trustees:


I.      Report on Gifts and/or Grants (See Attached)

   Recommendation:   that the report on gifts and/or grants covering
   the period from July 1, 1980 to September 30, 1980 be accepted and
   made a matter of record.

   Background:   The attached   report  represents  the gifts and/or
   grants accepted by the President on behalf of the Board of
   Trustees for the three months ending September 30, 1980 in
   accordance with the policy adopted by the Board of Trustees on
   November 19, 1965. Acknowledgment of gifts and/or grants has been
   made to all donors by the President on behalf of the Board.

II.     Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

   Recommendations:   (1)  that approval be given to the appointments
   and/or other staff changes which require Board action; and (2)
   that the report relative to appointments and/or changes already
   approved by the administration be accepted.

   Background:   The  following recommended appointments and/or other
   staff changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in
   accordance with Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the
   University. These recommendations are transmitted to the Board by
   the appropriate vice president through the President and have his

   Under the Governing Regulations the authority to make certain
   appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the
   President or other administrators who are required to report their
   actions to the Board. This report follows the recommendations
   requiring Board approval.



                         BOARD ACTION

A.   Academic Appointments


           College of Engineering

           Roco,   Mihail   C.,   Visiting   Associate  Professor,
                 Mechanical Engineering, 1/1/81 through 5/15/81.


           College of Medicine

           Kung, Marcus, Assistant Professor, Medicine, 10/1/80
                 through 6/30/81.
           McDearman,   Sara,   Clinical   Professor  (voluntary),
                 Pathology, 1/1/81 through 6/30/82.
           Spencer, Herbert H., Professor (with tenure), Medicine,
                 effective 10/1/80.

B.   Administrative Appointments


           College of Agriculture

           Peaslee, Doyle, Professor (with tenure), Agronomy,
                  named Director, Division of Regulatory Services,
                  College of Agriculture, effective 11/15/80.


           College of Dentistry

           Lillich, Thomas, Associate Professor (with tenure),
                  Oral  Biology,  named  Chairman,  Oral   Biology,
                  11/15/80 through 11/14/86.

            College of Medicine

            Lester,    Robert    L.,   Professor    (with   tenure),
                  Biochemistry, reappointed Chairman, Biochemistry,
                  7/1/80 through 6/30/86.

* Special Title Series



C.   Non-Academic Appointments


           University Hospital

           Harwell,   Kathleen,  Associate  Director  of Nursing,
                 Nursing   Administration,   reclassification   of
                 position  from  level  14 to level 17, effective
           Mueller,   Jennifer,  Associate  Director  of Nursing,
                 Nursing   Administration,   reclassification   of
                 position from level 14 to level 17, effective
           Olson,  Curtis  E.,  Director  of  Planning,  effective


           Vice President for Student Affairs

           Botts,  John  T.,  from  Counselor,  Educational Talent
                 Search, to Director, Educational Talent Search,
                 11/1/80 through 6/30/81.

D.   Joint Appointments


           College of Agriculture

           Anderson, Richard L., Professor (with tenure), Animal
                 Sciences, joint appointment as Professor (with
                 tenure),    Animal   Sciences,   and,   Professor
                 Department of Statistics, College of Arts and
                 Sciences, 8/16/80 through 5/15/81.


           College of Medicine

           Huber, Gary L., Professor (with tenure), Medicine, and
                 Director, Tobacco and Health Research Institute,
                 joint appointment as Professor, Medicine and
                 Professor, Anatomy, and Director, Tobacco and
                 Health Research Institute, effective 10/1/80.

* Special Title Series



           Papka, Raymond E., Associate Professor (with tenure),
                 Anatomy, joint appointment as Professor, Anatomy
                 and Professor, Neurology, effective 10/1/80.

E.   Reappointments


           College of Medicine

           Brown,   David   L.,   Associate   Clinical    Professor
                 (voluntary),   Anesthesiology,   7/1/79   through
                 6/3 0/8 2.

F.   Changes


           College of Medicine

           Goodman, Norman L., from Professor (with tenure),
                 Pathology, and Professor, Community Medicine, and
                 Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology,
                 to  Professor  (with  tenure),   Pathology,   and
                 Professor, Medical Microbiology and Immunology,
                 effective 11/1/80.
           Lemon,   Frank   R.,   from  Professor   (with  tenure),
                 Community Medicine, and Professor, Medicine, and
                 Professor, Family Practice, to Professor (with
                 tenure),   Family   Practice,   and     Professor,
                 Medicine,   and  Professor,  Community  Medicine,
                 effective 10/1/80.

           College of Nursing

           Luther, Dorothy C., Associate Professor* (with tenure),
                 Sabbatical leave with half-salary, 8/1/81 through
                 7/31/82.    (Note:    Incorrectly    reported   as
                 beginning date of 8/1/80 in the 10/14/80 Minutes
                 (Page 14))

* Special Title Series



G.   Retirements


           College of Agriculture

           Sparrow,  Walda   J.,  County   Extension  Clerk,  Area
                 Extension Programs, after 25 consecutive years of
                 service, effective 4/1/81.


           University Hospital

           Abner,   Kathryne  S.,  Clinical  Nurse  A,  University
                 Hospital,  after  15.5   consecutive   years   of
                 service, effective 1/9/81.


           Vice President for Business Affairs

           Spencer, Evelyn L., Clerical Assistant III, University
                 Bookstore,   Auxiliary   Services,    after    15
                 consecutive years of service, effective 1/5/81.
           Spotts, Ezra C., Disabled, Business Affairs Disability
                 Account, after 27.5 consecutive years of service,
                 effective 1/30/81.
           Taylor, Jennie V., Custodial Worker IV, Physical Plant
                 Division, Medical Center - Services, after 19.3
                 consecutive years of service, effective 1/1/81.

H.   Early Retirements


           Vice President for Business Affairs

           Bolin, Ralph B., Chief Buyer, Purchasing, after 20.5
                 consecutive years of service, effective 12/31/80.
           Gordon,   Winston,  Custodial  Worker,  Physical   Plant
                  Division,  after  15.5   consecutive   years    of
                  service, effective 1/1/81.

* Special Title Series



I.  Post-Retirement Appointment


          College of Agriculture

          Greenlee, Barney, Instructional Specialist II (part-
                time) , Quicksand, 8/1/80 through 6/30/81.

                   ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION

J.  Academic Appointments


           College of Agriculture

           Carl,   Ella   Kay,   Assistant  Extension  Professor*,
                Agricultural Economics, 11/17/80 through 6/30/81.

           College of Arts and Sciences

           Blackburn,    Donald    D.,   Instructor   (part-time),
                 Mathematics, 10/1/80 through 12/31/80.
           Blevins, Twilah K., Visiting Instructor (part-time),
                 Spanish and Italian Languages and Literatures,
                 8/16/80 through 12/31/80.
           Murphy,  Patricia  Eades, Instructor, Computer Science,
                 1/1/81 through 12/31/82.

           College of Business and Economics

           Bates,  Clyde  T., Instructor   (part-time), Economics,
                 1/1/81 through 5/15/81.
           Buechel, Charles D., Instructor (part-time), Economics,
                 1/1/81 through 5/15/81.
           Martien,   Leonard   G.,   Jr.   Instructor,   Business
                 Administration, 1/1/81 through 5/15/81.
           Sharpe,  James  K.,  Instructor (part-time), Economics,
                 1/1/81 through 5/15/81.

           College of Education

           Noland,  Melody,  Assistant Professor, Health, Physical
                 Education and Recreation, 1/1/81 through 5/15/82.

* Special Title Series



     College of Engineering

     Reynolds, James D., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Civil
            Engineering, 8/16/80 through 5/15/81.
      Tong,   Timothy  W.,  Assistant  Professor,  Mechanical
            Engineering, 9/15/80 through 5/15/82.


      College of Allied Health Professions

      Apts,  David, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical
            Therapy, 10/2/80 through 6/30/81.
      Frank, David, Clinical Instructor (voluntary), Physical
            Therapy, 11/7/80 through 6/30/81.
      Hatchett,   Susan,   Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
            Physical Therapy, 10/2/80 through 6/30/81.
      Kelly,   Margaret,   Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
            Allied  Health  Education  and  Research,  6/1/80
            through 6/30/81.
      Riteris,   Jeanne,   Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
            Physical Therapy, 10/2/80 through 6/30/81.
      Ruhl,   Mary  Ruth,  Clinical  Instructor  (voluntary),
            Physical Therapy, 9/18/80 through 6/30/81.

College of Dentistry

      Galbreath, William D., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
            Community Dentistry, 10/20/80 through 6/30/83.

      College of Medicine

      Allen,   David   T.,   Assistant   Clinical    Professor
            (voluntary), Family   Practice,  10/1/80 through
      Baker, Robert S., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
             (part-time),   Ophthalmology,   10/1/80   through
      Cash, James, Instructor (temporary), Pathology, 7/1/80
            through 6/30/81.
      DeSimone, Kenneth S., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
            Community Medicine, 4/1/80 through 6/30/81.
      Gillespie, Harold R., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
            Community Medicine, 4/1/80 through 6/30/81.
      Hays, Talmadge, V., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
            Community Medicine, 11/1/80 through 6/30/81.
      Johnstone, John M., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
            Community Medicine, 4/1/80 through 6/30/81.

* Special Title Series



     Marsh,  John   C.,  Clinical   Instructor  (voluntary),
           Community Medicine, 11/1/80 through 6/30/81.
     Marwil,    David,    Assistant    Clinical    Professor
           (voluntary), Family Practice, 10/1/80 through
     Poundstone,   John  W.,  Assistant  Clinical  Professor
           (voluntary), Family Practice, 11/1/80 through
           6/3 0/8 2.
     Sanderlin, Billy E., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
           Community Medicine, 4/1/80 through 6/30/81.
     Sechaud,   Philippe,   Visiting   Assistant  Professor,
           Anatomy, 11/15/80 through 2/15/81.
     Young, Thomas L., Assistant Clinical Professor (part-
           time), Pediatrics, 1/2/81 through 6/30/81.

     College of Nursing

     Culler, Arvilla A., Clinical Instructor (voluntary),
            11/1/80 through 6/30/81.

     College of Pharmacy

     Plascik,  Mary M,   Assistant   Professor  (part-time),
            11/1/80 through 6/30/81.
      Slusher,  Danny  L.,  Clinical  Instructor (voluntary),
            10/1/80 through 6/30/81.
      Terry, Herbert Nelson, Assistant Professor (part-time),
            10/1/80 through 5/31/81.


      Ashland Community College

      Santell, Beth, Instructor in the Community College
            System, 10/1/80 through 6/30/81.

      Elizabethtown Community College

      Sisk, Delmar Wayne, Instructor in the Community College
            System, 11/1/80 through 6/30/81.

      Henderson Community College

      Austin, Dennis W., Instructor in the Community College
            System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.
      Broussard, Rebecca C., Instructor in the Community
            College  System   (voluntary),   9/1/80    through

* Special Title Series



          Butler, James R., Instructor in the Community College
                System, 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.
          Clausius, Nancy A., Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.
          Law,  William J.,   Instructor in the Community College
                System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.
          Madden, William L., Instructor in the Community College
                 System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.
          Otey,  Martha  Ann, Instructor in the Community College
                 System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.
           Riley, Rayanna, Instructor    in  the Community College
                 System (voluntary), 9/1/80 through 5/31/81.

          Jefferson Community College

          Gray, Denise   A., Instructor in the Community College
                 System, 10/30/80 through 6/30/81.

           Lexington Technical Institute

           Birchfield,  Martha  J., Librarian III in the Community
                 College System, 10/1/80 through 6/30/81.

           Maysville Community College

           Horner, Lori J., Instructor in the Community College
                 System, 10/27/80 through 6/30/81.
           Mills,  JoAnne,  Instructor  in  the  Community College
                 Sytem, 10/27/80 through 6/30/81.

           Somerset Community College

           Harvey,  Hubert,  Instructor  in  the Community College