xt7ns17sr86r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17sr86r/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1969-12-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 8, 1969 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 8, 1969 1969 1969-12-08 2020 true xt7ns17sr86r section xt7ns17sr86r  














Minutes of the University Senate, December 1, 1969

The Senate then adopted the Report, directed that it be forwarded to

the Rules Committee with the charge that appropriate sections be codified
and return to the Senate for inclusion in the Rules of the University
Senate, and directed the Senate Council to take appropriate steps with
the Office of the President and/or Senate to implement the Report

as early as possible. The Report has been made a part of these Senate
minutes in the Registrar's Office.

On behalf of the University Senate, the Chairman thanked Dr. Langlois
and his Committee for the Report.

The Senate adjourned at 5:20 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Recording Secretary


The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday,
December 8, 1969, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Ogletree
presided. Members absent: Clifford Amyx, Robert Aug*, Wendell E. Berry*,
Harmon C. Bickley, Jr., Richard C. Birkebak*, H. Martin Blacker, Jacqueline
Bull*, Marion A. Carnes*, Clyde R. Carpenter*, Maurice A. Clay, Carl B.
Cone*, Robert L. Cosgriff*, Eugene C. Crawford, Jr.*, George F. Crewe,

T. Z. Csaky*, Robert J. DeAngelis, David E. Denton*, D. F. Diedrich, Henry
F. Dobyns, R. Lewis Donohew*, W. G. Duncan, Frank J. Essene, Frederic J.
Fleron, Roy F. Gabbard, Jess L. Gardner*, Peter P. Gillis, Ben R. Gossick,
Joseph J. Gruber*, George W. Gunther, Denny 0. Harris*, Virgil W. Hays,
James W. Herron*, Dorothy Hollingsworth*, J. W. Hollingsworth*, Alfred

S. L. Hu*, Eugene Huff*, John W. Hutchinson*, Don R. Jacobson, Vernon L.
James*, Donald E. Knapp, Albert S. Levy*, John H. Lienhard*, John L.
Madden, Gene L. Mason, L. Randolph McGee, Michael P. McQuillen, Vernon

A. Musselman*, Leonard V. Packett*, Harold F. Parks, Do le E. Peaslee,
Ronald E. Phillips, Curtis Phipps*, Nicholas J. Pisacano*, Muriel A.
Poulin*, Donald E. Sands*, Rudolph Schrils, George W. Schwert*, Ian

Shine, D. Milton Shuffett*, Gerard E. Silberstein*, Robert H. Stroup*,
William G. Survant*, Duane N. Tweeddale, H. Fred Vetter, John N. Walker,
William S. Ward*, Paul M. Weeks, David R. Wekstein*, David C. White,
Donald J. Wood*, Lawrence A. Allen, Charles E. Barnhart, Harry M.
Bohannan*, Glenwood L. Creech, Marcia A. Dake*, Robert M. Drake, Jr.,
Charles P. Graves, Jack E. Hall, Joseph Hamburg, Ellis F. Hartford,

Raymon D. Johnson*, William S. Jordan, Jr.*, Taft McKinstry, GeOrge

J. Ruschell, Otis A. Singletary, Eugene J. Small, Sheryl G. Snyder,
and Ernest F. Witte.

The Senate granted permission to Jeannie Leedom of the Kernel to attend
and report.

The minutes of November 24, 1969 were approved as circulated.

*Absence explained


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Minutes of the University Senate, December 8, 1969

On behalf of the University Senate Council, Dr. William K. Plucknett,
Secretary, presented the following recommendation which had been circulated
to the faculty under date of November 20, 1969:

(1) that persons graduating from the College of Law prior
to December, 1965, be permitted, upon payment of a fee,
to receive the J.D. degree to replace the LL.B. degree.

(2) that this recommendation be forwarded to the President
for submission to the Board of Trustees for appropriate

The Senate approved this recommendation as presented.

On behalf of the University Senate Council, Dr. Plucknett presented
a recommendation that the proposed changes in admission requirements
to the College of Law (which had been recommended by the Rules Committee
and circulated to the entire faculty under date of December 1, 1969)
be approved and appropriately incorporated into the Rules of the
University Senate.

Following discussion, the Senate approved the recommended changes in the
Law School admission requirements for incorporation in the Rules of
the University Senate. These changes are as follows:

Change (a) under (3) arabic 1. College gf_Law. on page 4
of the Rules 9f_the University Senate (An Interim Publication

Revised and Updated JULY 1969) to read:

Professional Colleges
1. College gf_Law.


(a) Those applicants having at least a 2.75
average and at least a 550 LSAT score
will be admitted.

The last sentence of the second literary paragraph of these
requirements, change to read:

Ordinarily the Admissions Committee will not admit an
applicant who has less than a 2.5 average and a 500

LSAT score. However, the Committee will examine with
particular care the grade average for the last three
semesters of prelaw study, recommendations of faculty,

and the nature and difficulty of the course work attempted

in prelaw study.

On behalf of the Senate Council, Dr. Plucknett presented a recommendation

that the Senate approve the recommended changes in admission requirements
to the University, which had been circulated to the entire faculty under
date of December 1, 1969, and forward the changes to the Rules Committee
for appropriate wording and inclusion in the Rules 9f_the University


























Minutes of the University Senate, December 8, 1969 1 $59

Following discussion, the Senate approved a recommendation to amend the re—
quirement of attendance at an Advising Conference according to a schedule
established by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar, to include the following

provision: g
A I fléx

"unless excused by permission in special circumstances and emergencies.”

The Senate then approved the recommended changes in admission requirements I
to the University, as amended, for forwarding to the Rules Committee for (
appropriate wording and inclusion in the Rules 9f_the University Senate.

Following is a summarization of the changes in admission requirements

to the University, as amended. (

Insert April 1 as the application deadline for beginning freshmen
who are not residents of Kentucky seeking admission to a summer
session or fall semester;

Establish June 15 as the application deadline for Kentucky resident C
beginning freshmen, and for all undergraduate transfer students ”
seeking admission to a fall semester;

Establish a date fifteen days prior to the beginning of advance
registration for a spring semester as the application deadline for

all beginning freshmen and undergraduate transfer students seeking
admission to a spring semester;

(The present thirty-day deadline for applying for admission for all
other categories of students, excepting professional colleges which
may have set earlier dates, will continue to be in effect.)

Drop the requirement of recommendation of the applicant by his high
school principal;

Require attendance at an Advising Conference according to a schedule
established by the Dean of Admissions and Registrar unless excused
by permission in special circumstances and emergencies;

Drop the recommended high school program for resident students
(since it is not regulatory in nature);

Amend the Rule governing applicants who are non—resident of Kentucky
so that the procedural changes effected by the dropping of the
recommended high school program for resident students shall also
apply to non—resident freshmen.

The Chairman recognized student Senator, Tim Futrell, President of
Student Government, who reported that numerous complaints from students
had been received of instructors who were giving the final examination
before final examination week, thus violating the Rules 2f_the University
Senate governing administration of finals; that he had written to the
Senate Council of these violations and that the senate Council had advised
him that the Senate could not take action and had advised him to notify
the appropriate dean and/or administrative officer of the violations.



 Minutes of the University Senate, December 8, 1969

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He stated further that the executive branch of Student Government

had charged the Academic Affairs Office of Student Government with

the responsibility of preparing a list of those instructors who had
violated the Senate Rules governing administration of finals, such list
to be presented to the appropriate deans and/or administrative officers
of the University in January 1970; and that he was asking those Senators
interested in preserving their Rules to assist Student Government in
this charge by notifying_the Student Government Office of any violators
they might have knowledge of.

Dr. Ogletree reminded the Senators that this was his last meeting
as their Chariman, reviewed the work of the Senate for the past calendar
year, and projected the Senate agenda for the remainder of the academic
year. He stated that the procedure employed last year for the establish-
ment of ad hoc committees to work on the pressing issues facing the
University would again be employed; that the faculty would be contacted
in early January for their recommendations of additional pressing issues,
the committees on which they would wish to serve, suggested suitable
colleagues for committee service, followed by the establishment of
and charge to the committees, for reporting to the Senate beginning
in September, 1970. Further, he told the Senators of the approximately
10 proposals which the Senate Council had forwarded to the Rules
Committee for its consideration and presentation to the University

Dr. Ogletree expressed to the Senate his pleasure in having
served them; expressed appreciation to his department and college for their
tolerance during his tenure as Senate Council Chairman; thanked the Senate
Council members for their year of outstanding work and asked that they
stand for recognition by the Senate; expressed appreciation of Mrs.
Jan Partin, office secretary to the Senate Council, the secretary
and recording secretary of the Senate, and Dr. Gifford Blyton, the
Senate Parliamentarian.

Dr. Plucknett, Secretary of the Senate Council, presented the following
Resolution honoring Dr. Ogletree:

Be it Resolved: The Senate expresses its appreciation for the excellent
leadership it has received the past year from Bob Ogletree. While

we may feel he has been somewhat of a slave driver, it is true that

he, himself, has worked far beyond the call of duty at considerable
professional sacrifice.

The Senate endorsed this Resolution with a standing ovation to Dr.
Ogletree. -

The Senate adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Elbert W. Ockerman

















To: University Senate

From: Elbert W. Ockerman, Secretary

The regular meeting of the University Senate will be held
at 4:00 p.m., Monday, December 8, 1969, in the Court Room of the

Law Building.

Items on the agenda will include any old business which

might not have been completed, a report from the Rules Committee
of the Senate plus any additional new business which may develop.