xt7ns17sr45z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17sr45z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-04-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 19, 1985 1985 1985-04-19 2020 true xt7ns17sr45z section xt7ns17sr45z _——__________________________________—__________—_———————
w‘ m,“ ,‘I _. s». ...' .1 “.‘fi’glg I 1'“ , II ’V"?’ ’ - ' " A W‘W' WI WV Wfim Fm‘ w n’ "
By DARRELLCLEM contribution in areas of research. teaching and service. have to pay more" to attract qualified faculty members The average salaries paid by UK for full professors , ‘
Senior Staff Writer departmental deans and chairmen attempt to reach “a in a highly competitive marketplace, Govindarajulu and assistant professors. at $40,041 and $24,688. respec-
magic figure"forevaluatingfaculty performance. said. but such salary gaps could cause long-time UK tively, increased in one year by Just over 2 percent . '
University faculty members next year are expected to But Meijer said “it is unfair" that one faculty mem- faculty members toseekemployment elsewhere. each. Associate professors were paid an average of $29.7 ' . ,
earn an average of $3.000 less than their counterparts at her might receive a 1 percent increase in pay while an- Pival said she had received a number of requests 820. less thana 1 percent increase.
benchmark imtitntions, as the salary levels between other receives much more. “If you give some people 3 from faculty members to investigate such salary gaps. lnstructors‘ salaries. at $23.372. averaged a 10 percent 3'
. UK and comparable universitiescontimetowiden. percent (salary increases). you should give it across the “That has really been a demoralizing factor. It’s true increase. according to the report, But instructor sala- . ;
“Things are not good,” said 2. Govindarajulu. chair- board,“ he said. that people who have been at the University for 20 to 25 ries are traditionally lower than these of other faculty » " . ‘. . ' -.
man of an AAUP committee that has released an in- Jean Pival, president of the UK chapter of AAUP. years areatadisadvantage as faras salaries go." ranks,soany increaseseems large,Pival said I' " - ’-
depth faculty salary report. said last night that the current merit pay system often With a 3 percent ceiling placed on state salaries by When all faculty ranks are combined. L'K faculty : ‘ . ',
The UK chapter of the American Association of Uni- results in full professors “getting the lion‘s share of the the legislature for 1085-86. many faculty members have members‘ 3.2 pay increase was lower than the 5.4 ”1‘ = ' . '-
versity Professors yesterday held a meeting in the merit. The point he (Meijer) was making is that they said moves to make UK salaries more competitive with crease at benchmark institutions. ' - .- ‘ .
Classroom Building to disctss the annually released re are taking it out of the pockets of some and giving it to other universities could beundermined. Overall, the 142 women faculty members on nine- ' ' . . '
port, compiled this year by Govindarajulu. a statistics others." Govindarajulu said the state legislature should place month contracts received $6.268 less than their 651 male - .- -- - '
professor,and Donald Soule, an economics professor. “Raises that we are given at the University are not more value on higher education so that the best faculty counterparts. With all faculty ranks combined. men ' .- ' I ' _
~ - Some of the 22 faculty members in attendance said acrosstheboard."she said. ul members eIcIould be retained. Soanne UK fathulty membegfs earned $33,013, while women were paid $26,745. - = ‘ - . 1
the were not impressed with salary trends duri the The average increase in fac ty salaries nationwide. are offer salary increases 0 y a ter ey receive - , _ ,. _ . . » ‘. '
pas); year, ng at 6.6 percent from 1983-84 to 1984—85, was “surprisingly fers from other institutions, G0vindarajulu said, but wifhhewsflferg 535%:anLdfggignofzmflgwsgflgfi: . ' , .,. ’
Willem Meijer. a professor of botany, said the system large." Govindarajulu said. UK faculty members re- University departments “should not depend upon other were paid $41 722 ' ~ . II
‘ of awarding salary increases was inequitable, and has ceived only a 3.2 percent raise. and salary levels are universities to evaluate the worth of faculty members." ' ‘ , .1 I
been unfair to some UK faculty members. While each expected to drop further with the legislature‘s 2 percent The 55~page AAUP report gives the number of faculty Pival said: ”Look at that trepof‘ll and see how many , - .
University department must keep within limits set by caponstate salary increases during 198485. members in each department. and lists salary statistics women were hired in at the full-professor level , ‘ ' .
the state legislature, salary increases to individuals Newly hired full professors —with an average income by department and faculty rank. Overall. average UK none.“ She said the AAL'P might look into such pat- , , . . .
withineach departmentcan vary. of $50.31! — have higher salaries than continuing pro faculty salaries. at $32,372. fell nearly $1,400 below the terns. because many women "are assistant professors ' I, ' I -
Govindarajulu said that, based on a faculty member's fessors, whose average income totaled $39,926. “You benchmark median of $33,735. ‘66 PAY, page S . . I
Careers day to give '
high school students "
‘ look at health fields ‘
. as” R-m a, gas. __ By lI-‘RAN STEWART at'lltmb Initially.” she said. They * . *
5t: ”8% ' ”v Semor Stafanter also sent letters to seniors who had . -.
has” expressed on the American College ‘
‘ “it: a. 1 Kentucky high school students wrll Test an interest in the health profcs ‘
t. “ii“ , be given a “taste of what the health sions. - ‘
fl ‘7' ' . w’s} . . sciences are all about"tomorrow. The program will include opening '
wit 2:”? EpImhm Delta. IaIpre-health remarks by the chancellor's office I
gr Hillfhmcarggorsmrgéyw‘gofnpmggg and the admissions office. with ' ‘
' am. to 3:30 pm. tomorrow at the groupdiscussionstotollow ‘
new Health Selence Building. Prater said the students will be dl- ‘ ~
The career day will allow high {mad lmo ”.0 groups and M” d‘ ‘
school students to become familiar en ”045‘!“me 5953mm
with career opportunities in the . . .. . . .
. .. health field. said Stephanie Prater, erBéfgeafinglfiggéh.jffi“ffie TE; .
.9 who co—chalrs the event w‘th Marcta exposed to the five health scrences
$1 I ~ Cave. colleges: nursing. dentistry medi '
5;" I i’. ?“3. II Health Careers Day. which is pat- cine.pharmacy and allied health
if x - . - . -:'.- terned after a similar program at All” lunCh- a SlIUdem panel WI” ' .
s j? , ‘ . Ohio State University, is designed to answer questions Students and pars -
'4' 3’" I . :‘flrl “expose them (students; to the (hf. ents then may tour facilities such as .
. ~ . «$3351? .. ferent career opportunities avail- nursing laboratories. the emergency
3‘ . . ~I; {L3 I able," said Prater. a human studies room. the neonatal lnlel’lSth‘ care I
. ' - 5" .I senior. "So when they come to col- unit. a pharmacy SuPPl.‘~ center. 0“?
' II lege. they‘ll have a little back- of the libraries and dental laborato
7 ‘ ground.“ “95- , . ,
' “is” “ ’ J .. 4%)?” h; _ Prater said students from the pro , _ I
* ' ——~——— " ' ’ ‘ " -' Cave, a mathematics senior who spective colleges will be in the labo ' .
Rebel grin “EGSMMER/K‘mf'm" will entereeliIK‘IsamttiIdical sclIlIgol next ratorics to talk with students and to I ' .
year, agr t t e main J'ectlve d0t cmonstrations , ‘ . "
Reggie Leon, one of the Bus Boys, waves a Confederate flag concert was held in the parking lot between the “six-pack" was to "Pike students aware 0‘ the - .
yesterday at the concert sponsored by the Student Activities fraternities. opportunities ava'hblf .to them. Bl" ' ' '
Bo rd rt of th L'ttl K t k De b f t' ‘t' Th she said it also Wlll give them the . . - ..
a as pa e l c en uc y r y es lvt res. c opportunity to meet students who . I
are also interested in health profes- g
Slons. ‘ . .
. . . . , But. “It's not just a plug for . “ ' . '
en uc ran 1 s top posrtlons for 85-86 W... c... wwmmw ' - = *— -
also a plug for UK.“ because the byzs track mundane-refini- . .' ‘
_ _ . . . program will help bring quality stu» “dual' athletes tomorrow for the
New editor arms to wm awards, broaden market With more graphics and photos deg??? Vg‘jf'i‘wéhml studem m'mwmhm" W F“ . ' . ‘
Byt‘AROLYN EDWARDS year as the campus editor and was est in increasing public awareness ‘——“‘—‘—'—i oftena ceomzalm cgfieg: with a course ory.:oc ”1 . . .
Staff writer an editor d ml: high SIchml yea!” of the m. “A lot of people dont ‘ ' ' < ‘ t of Study in mind, but then many re, "hm“ “Mdm , .
book. Because thls year 5 book had know there is a yearbook. Vie want alize that they don’t want to make Little “a“, Baby activities ht 'I - .
Graphics and some heavy market- to be put together in one semester. them to know about the book and . I the time commitment necessary for Niel". For an we of the event I
ing will make next year‘s Kentuchi- Arnold said she is looking forward to convince them tobuy it.“ he said. » 3. thatprofession. ' ”PM"! ' . - .
an yearbook a campus bestseller having two semesters to work on I ”a 9 ' v‘ “This way they'll know what their ' . I '
anId award-Winner. the newly chosen next years book. KentuckianI staff members chosen * - . other options are.“ she said. “They The «W «or has be. some- . . .
editorssay. She said she plans to make the for 1935-06 include: photo editor. 1‘ -. r \ i can opt for another path.“ MW 5"! “bow ‘. '
I llaurice Chappell. a psychology book more graphic and less like a Bryan IBaylor. advertising senior; fig, w . Although this is the first year for a m W by .9 W ho- . ' ,’ _,
Junior from Wheatley, was chosen traditional book. She sald more we academics editor.I Sacha DIeVroo ' - Health Careers Day at UK. Prater form Mutton. firem- ‘
as next year‘s editor. Susie ArInold. titres Will be in the bookI so I‘I‘more men. I . Journalism I Junior; 'I . \ said the sponsors hope it will not be «my. 3 “WI . .
a journalism and community dietet- people WI“ berepreseInted in it. organizations/portraits editor, Caro- _ h :57. the last. Next year they hope to pre- "g. I ‘
ics junior from New Liberty, was A greek section Will be added for lyn Edwards, Journalism Iand . -* ' ‘ ‘ .- sent the program in conjunction . _ 7 .. . .
picked for the position of managing next year's book Chappell said. French sophomore; sports editor. -‘;‘ . j with the Medical Center open house .
editor. Campus sororities and fratemltles Andy Dumstorf. Journalism junior: pg} intheSpl-ingI .
Chappell has worked on the book have always been covered in the or- assistant sports editor. Cindy Palor- _,§*"Z_"‘I', Prater said only about 60 students
for the past two years. first as staff ganizations' section. but they now mo. political science and journalism (hyfi? have registered to attend the career . .
writer and then as academics editor. will have a special section to them- sephomore; assistant campus edi- {I 3%..“ day. but she attributed the Jew fig. . '
He said he wants to concentrate on selves. I tor.I.\larcia Hunt. business adminis- _ "’ ” ure to the newness of the program Today fl handyman! very
layout, design and photography “to Chappell said another change ls tratlon sophomore; chief photogra- and to problems caused by this win~ m with the “I to tag I"! u. I ‘ . '
produce a combination of a market- the ”Placenta,” 0‘ .the busrness pher. Rod Ford. journalism ‘ ter‘s inclement weather. Schools T“ will " m M 'h '
able book and an award-winning manager‘s position with a market- freshman; copy editor. Allison Rog— h; using Saturdays to make up for days 6! In ll II: was a. My;
book. We‘re going to try to improve ing manager. who has not yet been ers. Journalism junior; greek section missed during the winter are unable all be partly doom and m
the lookofthebook .. chaen. He said he is looklng for editors. Laurie Spalding. psychology tobringstudentstoUK.shesaid. V001.- with the “hit“ , I
' pomeone with a marketing or adver- and sociologt sophomore. and An- MAURICE C HAPPELL “We sent out letters to all the high h. ‘ . 2 I
Arnold worked on the m last tfsing background who has an inter- ncttt-l’oolc. Journalism sophomore.
E l‘ i C tiOll
xe C so an . , , , ,
Amateurs, pros subject to injuries during workouts, though precautionary measures help
By JOHN mccanv ard Madison. a wildcat basketball ways realize you‘re hurt until the three times a week. and then she
Reporter player. injured his back lifting next day. Especially with beginners, holds an organizing session to help a t |
weights in high school. and Ken Pe- it‘s hard to tell the difference be person determine what weight he or I
Exercise can be bad for your trowiak of the UK football team also tween muscle fatigue and injury." she can lift about to times to failure. I} 1
health. I injured his back in a rather dirty Other room for injury include a In other words. the 10th lift should ‘ ~\ \ «
Although pumpiru um and work- "demand-jerk." lack of knowlothe of correct form beallthepenoncando. ‘ ‘ . a ' '
would“ out 2";th W 0' Rachel Dubois a physical thera '°' "'e “mi “Ck 0' 8W in \ I }‘ § I, 3}
W years. many _ - ' the supporting muscles, and the lack "Al . . . --\ ’
_ t at the Med Cutter, men- . . thoughintenaityls thekey toa \ . I
Win. suffer injta'lea while exercla P‘fw Militia. MI ankle and oflnstructionorsupervialm. workout, . Mm about d take it \\ r \\ /
knee strains as possible injuries. Mfactsahouldnotocaresome- my f“ ' We 0‘ weeks. This
Domitoover.abmlneooaqbo- "Poqiloeaneu-ala.piill.orcvorl.in onefromheginnlngaworkoutpro helpstreventImanynoodloeeinju-
m'muhhflytoa aocvorecaae.toaramuclebe gram, however. Pat Etcheberry' nes.ltletnaaid. ’/ \
stroaofractu'edtheldtvrrlatlnfb cal-e d overeat-um," Duboia UK‘s struth and conditioning I ‘ }
frealirrianyoarat UK. Dave Selena said. coach. llata supervision, proper Nymtmofwetghtnm ' I /
graphlcdealgnjiuorJaotlllm- for1n,aworkoutpartnerorspotter, alldothu'stnlmnactlvltlaoffer
trig 'MM"IMWIIR- M Infill. don't hit have! proper warm-up, and common some I intone my to ten-immanent. {I .
celvodhwanmdmhffl'mm.m."i‘wlbe uooeentlalguioellneetoavoiding “Howl-willingtoputuie , l
laatfall. ”.mtollttoelmchtoo anaectdmt. timeanthltheWtytore- ‘ /
f‘hIM"nltllnlte WNW."M“. I
Mamet-amtlmmuMawmwm- mmwmm "AIYW all m0 M
from mm.m. Rich- tor at Seoul Carlton “You don't al- [emanate-yum commuting."
o 3 ,

Lumimammwn 1‘ in ' l
_— .
MW — — ’ ’
Widltor .
— UP 10 — l
\\smh\ \ssts'sas s t 1.: ’ =~;=... -- __ ’ -
' 0 0 I pea MONTH '
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Clark looks to beat 4-mm . mile 111 Ky . Relays ......................
. . . . tor now donors
By (‘HRlSWHl-ZLAN one is gang to beat me they Will have to run sub-fair or CHM. who was the school record in the javelin ‘5 W hat”. H D j
5'8“ Writer “U": “mm"“w- ho Wm be "I with tat-to. saidshewould lihetobeat that. W ' “7"." - -
~ _ . ’8 y .Redm . . w running mile M x
Nengfrve track teams and a host of indmdual ath- with Clark said that if the race does go under four min- "Every year, for four years, I‘ve thrown my best at am ’
letes will converge on Shively Sports Center today and uteshe diliketobeunderfour also. the Kentucky ll l ya so I'd like to the re
tomorrow for the 16th annual Kentucky Relays. . The mile field Will also include Ashley Jolmson from ' .. Cra said ’ break school 2043 oxford Clrclg 254.0041 I
According to Kentucky coach Don Weber. there Will Team Etomc 'who ins already run under four minutes In ' . “590:!” II ' tl w I said several of the 1
be good competition this year. One of the features will and Ed LaBatr. also from Team Etonic. whose fastest nth “r tum bets have .been . perfor— i
be the 100 and zoometer dashes in which Olympian timeisttm. mancos “‘9'“ aiming 800d
Thomas Jefferson is entered. Jefferson. who won a For his team overall. Weber said he has been pleased ' ’

. bronze medal at the summer games in the 200. ran the with its results. “Almost every week the team has been Weber said that he'd be “tickled pink" if the weather a
fourth fastest 200 in the world last year with a time of making improvements."hesaid. would cooperate for the events, which are scheduled to '
20,26~ Currently. three UK team members have qualified for begin at 2:30pm. today and man. tomorrow. ;

Another key race will be the mile. in which UK’s Mar- the NCAA Nationals in Austin, Texas. Mike Buncic has
tin Clark hasachance to runasulrfour-minute mile. qualified in the discus with a toss of 209 feet, 3 inches. GENERAL uNEMA THEATRES TN
, “He legitimately has a chance of subfour-minute Cindy Crapper qualified in the javelin with a throw of Cg '«v 'Y't‘”"’7 v7 fwm
milet“ Weber said; ”He had a workout (Monday» that 167-4. and Bernadette Madigan has qualified in the sow ,, HEM .. he- .
was awesome." During his last outing, Clark ran a 4:01. meter run witha timeof 16.23. ‘ H, _
and Weber said if the weather cooperates he could TUKFLLNQMAlL .1“ mEE
break four minutes. -
Clark is cautiously optimistic about tomorrow's race. FIJI The CARE §
1 ‘ “I think I can do it, but whether 1 do it this weekend Th. lemry" Infgng m BEARS run-unn-Inununfi :
' depends on the weather.“ he said. He added that since M Fm MOVIE I i
this is a home meet, he would like to break it this week- ; a W Com. ' i .
“I wouldn't mind if I came in 10th, as long as I go FRIDAY 9 = $12 .m '
‘ under four. but I‘m in the kind of condition that if any- HAPPY HOUR sis-unman- halo-Iv : : ‘ I
I ' szoo on" to” ptua‘ .
. ‘ Hemmm GIRLS JUST WANT : 000M.” i g
("1th room ,. , 3"“- .50¢ Drlnh 5-0 Pm- = TO HAVE FUN mm...“ . 6-m- was i
.. ..h.......t..o. . . . m.
- . ”‘" °°°° . - “-25 ”"nk'um’ "' THE MOVIE I m m. com" I
‘ .- at}; M: "ll-“Y MUNIMI ‘ ' Good at any Lexington . i
' \§ 32:3!” “0'0"“! murmur ma: ‘ I '°°'“°"- . i
' .#__ Tonight and Saturday Mn *» q a m -
.ii ' WV T 6 o ‘ 0 I
. s-t-mI-v mam-Mt Blue Max I . l g «1
‘ *3 "VISION ours!" 505:: Cg'MpANy ' | .0 l 5?: a
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‘ ' REVERE; s arm RUGBY BENEFIT w°w€5t3 m J . g
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06 Members 0 MOVING mums...
Frankfort or bust . ._-
Money is a must '
‘°°'°"°”°'"‘°“ Budweiser
f‘ ‘.-- W' 1: ' ‘ -.' ' ' ' "374.1%" m~..-".’~1"£-:-’ m' " c‘ “" ' ‘ ' {5.x} ' .ax
Love. The Seniors .‘-1;; '. apathy: -.;’._,;;;.'.;:r ‘3 ..', .;;.3
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. very Old I Johnnie water. ..‘ 35:}; BACK The people at o . 3...“; "-.'-"-"-' ,f- ._ ..’...
' Red “be. 3 , ..';._',.-.,‘"..'-'..'.'._., -'.ll,'.."_-.-.'.,,I~.'g'1", l’ 9;)" .f..',..'_....‘__>'»..0"..- h...
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. _ . 488 g 899 Q -. -. .- >""-1'T'--'..'.-.' “33%- /..Yr._~ : would like to thank you for making Bud Break . 1/}; J ,M; 3r: ,3.
" - - 750 ML . , 750 ML [1] .--.' I:1'é.'-:‘.’-i-.'.':;3::-32-1.:z . -’-'i.'-‘-;=.‘-‘,.' ’85 come alive from here all the way down to 39-1: .-.':'.-'.-;::..-.:».;tv--:{..'-i.~;.'
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. ‘ 'l t a? : ; T. .51.. . .; the beach! Welcome back from a sunny, relax- b.3154? . 13,,- ,W. _- ,3, ,1...
I .. '. .1: ’i.~‘:':'..".'g--‘._-.-.;-_'. A‘s: ' .1-..'.‘-_._;,.1',‘.-j...;-_‘.-.;,-.
' 33:33?" ' 363°“ Q .,;_.~,—. '- .-.'.. ~ n-.- .- :-; . ins. safe and maponsible vacation And if by r ‘ l! :'-. '~ .
. -_-\ .‘f’ . - Just...'”,-,»_‘..r~‘.l_v ..’-u .. -"'-“'_'." ‘r:.'.1"' ,-“"_..t'.“'~'.‘l~
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. ’ . I V. \ .,.‘. .1 ..L'.'_j;_-;'-_-.-;—‘.. ,".
' 1 99 I “2.. 99 .3 - ;-. .-_._-..'.'.'; .r. with afree Bud Break poster over the break. .. :;,;-.;~
. - ' .0." W .- .-.“..-' .',‘.:- . : . 2-,..- send for yours now while the supply lasts. -" .
. ”SW“ at. ”SL'TER- _..- ‘- -'.'--.'v'- . '.;'..'-.','- in,’-':...-,.'.’..'.-"' . -
. "m" W" ‘ W" W" ‘ ..'-3,1331, - .- .ff.‘ '. .. Each poster is a bright. sunny reminder to :..;._.,;{..-;- -_-._3, ; ;_ ..
SHOPPERS SALE memo... snoriPERs SALE other 12.” ' . ,- . . ..': ' - . .55; : maintain that Spring Break sttl- 3.)...‘;?'.‘._'-_.~I-":_-j.-.fig: .' .. , .2 ‘_ ~'
LESSMAlL-INREBATE use LE§SMAIt:INREBATE 9.90 .. -- .. ..' _. - -. “5-,. / ..- . ..'; 433.1,“, .;. . _. . . . , .. _
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m_ ; l- -' (49/ ' When you can do It all awn..- :.'-: - -
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1 ' 49 99 [ha -' ' .«I “‘ «fit?» ,.">, efi‘i order for 8100 (made W‘ '., ’. ' . . . " ‘ . ' ' - '.
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. 9 . 4 1-5544 '4 . .2 2 iii? 9,, .. , . . . ' 4 “ - ‘~
. 4 s 99 . I»,~2§f2‘;~2g;2” The Bus Boys rock n roll kept a dancmg crowd on its feet for pack fraternities located on Hilltop Avenue and Huguelei Drive ' ~ I 4
”was... I!" ‘24.] “ 4V.V4 s. » .2; . .2.. 2,: . 1/2 hours yesterday afternoon in the parking lot behind the six- The crowd was estimated at approximately I 600 5 5 '
”9' ' . ‘ V2.9“ . - (w 2.99 2.29.95? 9 V . . VV V
gob-gantry .32, on to _ .' 9. . MVV‘WW. VV9. 9 . . _ .
.2.. . W e22? 44444.4 us ~ oys 0 er students welcome break ~ ‘ -« <
r q 9 By GARY PIERCE the Bus Boys took the stage shortl . - 4 " ‘
V . y ages). . . . You cant st it unless there had been 'ome "peopl . .
e 0. t ArtsEditor after 6, the SAB stage crew had ymtasteeverycupuiatcgfnesin.“ throughourhousé" e gorng : '.
/ 9 _ the" hands full keeping the dancing Julie Jones, a nursing sophomore ‘ 5 '
V . . 49 ‘ Sometimes you Just have to take a crowd back, but nearly everyone on said it would be all right to serve Two representatives ”0m Either ‘ 5
0 break from the monotony of mid— bothSIdos was smiling. beer at similar campus concerts “as the SAB or the UK police depart- ~
week studying,Vand that 5 what the The Bus Boys whipped though an long as they card. ‘ merit “’3“th over eaCh 0f the
_ _ 9 V9 9 VV VV . . . . .. .. . Student ActiVities Board spomored energetic set of rock 'n' roll, reggae Mark Colvrn. a business adminis- housesto keep non-residents out 5
' ' . 9 2V2 . ”a . yesterday afternoon. . V and general good-time music. In the tration Junior. said the show “turned . ' '
. 9 23:; - 4 -V The Bus Boys. who livened things parking lot behind the dancers, out great. . . . There ought to be one According to SAB president Louis ’ ' ‘~
Ioby — A young girl (Soon Young) flat I m M” " obo- 9 up RIOngSide Eddie Murphy in “48 other concertgoers en'o ed the eve semester " b ~ ' '. Straub, there may be more WW
”0 9 o ., 9 9 J Y ry . ut he said securi .. .
bobywotohbhrflownwhu;mma .2 ; Hrs.. put on a concert for what mUSlC while tossing frisbees, shoot- ty was"a little tooheavy.“ concerts. depending on how well ' -
my 0.. cap .. “do w 2.9.1. 3 *3. '5' ”M SAB officrals estimated was a crowd ing a few baskets or taking it easy the turn?“ ‘5 and how the "3‘5 feel
be!“ thin odd-l boa gnu ”foot. “tw’mmm ~ of approkimately 1,690 enthusiastic under the shade trees behind the Kevin Collins president of Kappa about ‘t' 5
7:”.m,fl:fl,)muml , . ‘31:: partiers 1“ the parking 10