xt7ns17sr37k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17sr37k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1979-09-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1979 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1979 1979 1979-09-05 2020 true xt7ns17sr37k section xt7ns17sr37k , .
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MVIMIIéI " i 2 .. “a '
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' I ' V VV V By DAVID COYLE/KernelStafl
smog ’09 A solitary runner makes his way through the recent hotand humid Kentucky weather. This scene took place at the sidewalks near Commonwealth Stadium. a popular spot for area loggers.
. Vol. LXXII. N0_ 14 Ker 21 University of Kentucky
I Wednesday. September 5' 1979 an Independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
I f
36 plans committee, - , International students in .
7f" 2 a ’new home’ at UK 2
. I . I 2 2 .I ‘
parking rewsmn p an, m. c _ . . W . .
WWW... gar- By STEVE CLARK have a difficult time making it home
‘ . m . WW“ Reporter for vacations.
a . “hie“? .. , .2 . And according to Doug Wilson.
, n tonal forum ' 2 or m. .r 1mm 5......
u er .. x Q", 43" that Kentucky is a lot quieter than Affairs. the students are stayins at the
. ' x W! W WWI ”' 17" Hong Kong; I‘m also having trouble house pnmanly because Oifldflll’e for .
. , . % ”in; = ‘.‘ using the library. No one seems to cross-cultural communications. .
3; ;,,:'°:” “W’ "-2—, ‘ “ ‘5 want to help.“ “We are looking for a variety of
.22. Win”; ,3" 1.? 13W". Those are just a couple of students toapply to live in the house."
‘ By STEVE MASSEY Sturgeon. had been inthe works Since ‘3 J” i: It/ fit WI problems Simon Leung has had Wilson said.“Ones that are intersested '
Associate Editor last spring‘s SG elections. stirred a I"? 1...“. t , .. 7:3,, "S . during his year-long stay in this in the way that others live.“ r
. debate on the floor concerning the . , ,W ' ' . 7’ WW’ 3., '- country. And Leung is notalone.there Coping to totally different lifestyle
.. committee‘s overlapping of other = ~= WW4 'W ”W“. .1. are about 450 students on the UK is something that all foriegn
- The development of a senate committee duties as well as the - \ q t a '9‘ . . campus in the same situation. students are faced with. he said. They .
steering committee. designed to make possibility of the steering committee 3 Hm I “MRS/K is " With as many as 14 different seem eager to learn new ways ofdoing
Student Government more members forming a power group. i ' I' ' ‘ M "m "- nationalities. the University of everyday things. And some of these '
ProdllcmFxl‘PShl‘ghle‘.‘ the agenda m , furthermore. College Of MWedicme Mark Metcalfflefthnd Sid Veallrightnddressthe floor at the Student Kentucky has become a home away students ththk the Wmost challenging
last night 5 initial meeting ofthe l979- Senator Bob Culbertson said that Government‘s first meeting of the 19794980 school year from home for many foriegn students. thing or all IS American fOOd- ,
80 Student Government. instead of alleviating the procedural And the International House at 404 “Some of the dishes of my native _
In addition, Public Relations hang-ups often associated withgetting W . W _ Linden Walk is fast becoming the country can take three and four hours
Chairman Brad Sturgeon announced a bill passed in the senate. the After a unanimous vOicc vote. WSG PrCSident for Business Affairs Jack impetus of this “home away from to make, while American food canbe
a major breakthroughin SG’S attempt committee would “make things more appomted Senator-AWt-Largc WBiIly Blanton had sent three proposals to home." cooked or bought outinjust mintues.” , '
to revise UK‘s often criticized parking complicated (because) it would 30b Renner 3‘ chairmen 0i Wlhe the UK parking committee for The International House. runbythe said Lee Toin. of Viet Nam. '
policy. intimidate senators or students from COmeilIeC- Renner “'35 SG “WCC‘ aPPTOV'aL usually a “formality" International Student Affairs Officc, The students at the International ,
2-’ In his first address to the student presenting bills duetothe bureaucracy PIESIdChI last year and did “lens"? Sturgeon said- is an undergraduate facility which House have had no trouble getting ,,
senate as 80 President. Mark Mctcalf one would have 10 go through.“ work will committees. . The proposals “Ci houses 32 students of different help from the few students they have ‘
charged the senators to “restore But Vincent Yeh. graduate school 3651065 the "PM." formed steering 'lWlAn ”1chthe plan where persons nationalities (including a few talked to; however, the big concern "W. W
credibility to the organization after a senator and one the sponsors of the committee. W5C! has WSIX other roCCiVinB liCWkflS Will only have ‘9 WW Americans). The house. which was they have is getting help from faculty '
bitter election (last spring)“ and to bill. countered by saying that a committees: finance. public relations. two dollars ifthey pay the fine Within established two years ago as an and staff. ‘7
“reach out tothe students. be open and steering committee would “keep POliliL‘al filial”. SIUanlW aliaiFS2 five workingdays after beingticketted. experiment. is a place for students to Many 0f the countries th" these 'V'
respond to their constituency.“ committees from being isolated“ as is student services and academic affairs. OtherWise. the fine would be its live year round _ including the stated students come from have an W:
W The proposal for the senate steering often the case when a bill is debated A5 if" the parking POhCy ”VI-“9"» regular “"3 dollars. recess periods by the University educational system similar 10 that ,‘. ‘
WW committee, which, according to upon only by a select committee. Sturgeon announced ”‘3‘ VI“ Continued on page 10 because most of these students would Continued on page 7 . 5' [ ' W
, N0 - Aodar/ ~ ~
.' l _ Movement. urged his Third World colleagues V v.
- n n a State nat|on yesterday not to take sides in superpower conflicts and = . -
'. on wait,” list to avoid internal bickering. '
I‘ The 87-year-old leader. who helped found the A, ' '
MOST LOL'ISVILLIANS THINK THEIR CONGRESS FACES BATTLES OVER movementaquarteroenturyago.toldthenon-sligned
' ' . MAYOR SHOl'LD RESIGN. according to a poll PRESIDENT CARTER'S ENERGY PLAN to make summit meeting in Havana that detente between the = ‘ ..
V for UK hOUSIn C°_”d”°“d for a local ‘C‘CViSiOh Siaiion- ”’4 VE-Tl' the United States less reliant on foreign oil. United States and Soviet Union — whichhesaid was
_ , said 76 percent of the permits contacted think Mayor Senators and House members. returning to Capitol “in a state of serious stagnation"— must include all ~
William Siansbiiri should resign. Hill today from a month-long recess. say their countries. not just the big powers. .
By CINDY MchEE south campus housing, said the W ll l 17. said ‘2 percent of the persons thought constituents are demanding an end to a continuing V
W Copy Editor \tsitation hours for the freshmen living Stansbury should be removed from office ifhe refuses impasse between the Carter administration and
in Blanding Tower will be the same as 10 resign Congress on solving the country‘s energy problems. THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT yesterday
, the hours for the upperclasmen The station said that filo persons l8 years old or ordered the closing of the Associated Press office in
i , . .. ' lder, re resenrin a cross-section of Louisville Tehran and the ex ulsion of its four American
i - - 2 It wo I b 0 p g .P . ‘
th'ti‘li lWlWCW [12:35“) dapmmiiméi visitationu dfor emitted {‘25:ngch residents. were polled by the research department of MORE THAN 12,000 PUBLIC SCHOOL reporters. An Iranian official accused the AP of ' i,
l' l . :usWe . Wstu ents. ave Pth h tt ‘d R ~ P d 3 . its parent company. ()rion Broadcasting. TEACHERS from Oregon to New Jersey went on carrying “basically untrue" reports about the fighting ’ .
etmtnate tWe housing shortages at fl C; 53‘ ' osemary on . can strike yesterday. joining about 8.000 of their between troops and Kurdish rebels in western Iran. 2
UWK~ according ‘0 JP?“ I.indley. 0 res" en“ halls. was out OHOW” and colleagues whohadalreadywalkedout.disruptingthe It wasthe latest inaseriesofexpulsionsofWestern .
director of student housing, unavailable for comment. start of fall classes for pupils in It states. In most of journalists by Iran‘s revolutionary government. - ~
No students remain on the housing Freshmen viSitation hours are KENTL'CKY WAITED T00 LONG before the disputes. the issue was money. An Iranian official said the AP could apply at the
waiting list. com ared to the nearly limited to weekends while visitation raising ohiections to its boundary With Indiana and Amon those launchin strikes were about 6.000 Iranian Embassy in Washin on to accredit s new
P . _ _ . 8 8 WI‘ _
' . ‘ 400 students who were without hours for Upperclassmen are the line should remain as it 15. the lndiana anorncy teachers in 25 Michigan school districts. L425 correspondent tobeposted in Iran. - .
W housing this time last fall. she said. throughout the week. general‘s office said yesterday. W teachers in New Jersey. and I.200 in Oregon. In New York. the AP issued a statement saying: -
’ last Friday 50 freshmen women If there are vacancies in the lnawriiicn argument file-’l Wi‘h lht l'-S.Squreme “Teachers are feeling very unsupported and “We are not aware ofany inaccuracies in ourWreports 2
. were on the waiting list. but have since freshmen women halls for the spring COP“ i“ connCClion Willi the boundary dispute. imperiled. both economically and physically.” said from Iran. As thegovernmentrequested.wewtllapply .W
V < been assigned rooms left vacant b 'the semester. the_ freshmen in Blanding Donald Bogard- lhc attorney EChCral'S Chief counsel Susan Lowell. of the 1.8 million member National for new visas.” 5 .
' . ,.. 100450 1 d t h dd 3 lower will he I‘ d f ‘h \nid KenlUCh “nod ll“ >533 before hiking the Education Assocmtion.ateachers organization. 3
. . , . s u en sw 0 ' not ‘h‘w‘ WUI‘ d . p acc m res mcn nniionk highest court to rctonsider the boundary I“. ' V ,
, . « to claim rooms they had reserved Ihc Olm'li‘llt‘2 l ”‘(lh‘i said let-mildly did not \cc any need to challenge the WW" '
. = . last day reserved rooms could he held lhe other freshmen women who obvious until over 80 years had passed and it was wand g
- _ . wasWthe first day of classes were Still on the waiting lISl laSi week unsuccessful in stoppingthe construction ofa nuclear . . 4
' ' . ; Lindley said l0to I5 ofthe freshmen were placed in freshman women generating plant located entirely on Indiana soil and IT WILL IE PARTLY CLOUDY TODAY With . ,
. . . will be placed in Blanding Tower. 3 dormitories. untillndiana started constructionolaport facility on PRESIDENT JOSIP BROZ TITO or the highs in the ”Ho around 90. Low temperatures ‘W
dormitory Which usually houses only Before they received housing. most the Ohio River.“ Bogard wrote. YUGOSLAVIA. patriarch of the Non-Aligned tonight will be in the mid 60s to around 70. = - '
W ' - ' upperclass women. ofthe students were livingwith friends .‘ -I
, Mark Pritchett. coordinator of and family members. l.indley said. . .__-.._ ._ ' . -.
i V‘
"“rldp-mm WQ-O~ 2"“? ' '-- "‘ ' " Th“ '. _ . . _, ~ ,
$317334?“ 3‘3‘.‘ zit?! ' ."’ ' ~-._..1" . “. :1 ,st " . - W . ‘ . ‘ I l 3 . .» . (3" -' '. ' ' f- ’ . .

 —"'""—' ,
g ‘ lHl Kl‘Nll ( I“ KHlNltl. Wednesday. September 5, "79-3
M, fl
. Plasma donor special with this ad.
. . . Student Fall Retreat
N t rown One donor Twenty donors 2 ‘
I unn ”TV! 88 B can up ,0 ea,” up ,0 I. Sept. 7 and 8
' ' C . at
. t /
to share the campaign raI $50 $1000 New Jackson 9630,.
. : .. B o, _
i 3 CHARLES WOLF ‘casino gambling‘...in reference He added he would support a: E COSt 55-00
”3:0“.ch Press Writer to my opponent.» Nunn said. any bill toIlengthen the statute m M days in 14 days 3 S: 2 Boating. hiking. study groups .
f, , “The first time I heard Mr. of limitations on crimes by for group prolects "ah D Se t 5 to melt r s t'
L i R bl' b . I Brown called a high stakes state officials and employees J Y‘ p 9 9 9’“ '0n3‘
. 1 CPU “if"! Igu Isrnatozm gambler was by hisgood friend, because it often “takes several
.‘ 5 ."°"."";° h.°'“°D urin as Gov. Julian Carroll." years for evidnece to be . ,
L? ”WI" '8 emocratic Nunn called for minimum uncovered involving such 0 allm ,
‘ l opponent. John Y’ Brown Jr" sentences for all felony crimes “ 254-8047
" ,1 to accompany him on the offenders. extension of the TheLState‘s prisons should be at “cm. MIUrTh Dim—9 p-m- , I I . .
l ' l . campaign "all If Brown feels he Career Criminal prosecution upgraded. he said. “but I‘m not 2°“ ‘ °' c ' r V” ’ ""‘"7 9"“ l COS“ JDC’i ‘ .an Organizational
' is being unfairly attacked . . . . Cardlnal Valley Shopping on I 3.3, a .,m,.3 p1,".
,3 f “ fh 'd l'k t 'd program andalongerstatuteof interested n making the Jalls ____________.____.3 Meeting
l III e hi e ocome an 8° limitations for crimes by and prisons so desirable that _I Cr» . 5. CB 214
L : th tmte e Ican Sine“ Ian); elected officials and state people want to go back." ’ vc 3'; .V
~ .' xiii: ‘lnrlfrbeifi: oftinssLiSefl employees. f Nunn said the 1:78 crime L k It lose itl (? III 3' J0 pm.
' . . ‘ Nunn said all elons,notjust rate jumpe one an one-half r . ,r. I .. . w , . _.~ III III ton and cross-cultural
“I Nunn said yesterday m a news repeat offenders, should serve percent from the previous year, CC I 0 VI!» . We’m . , , ’, : , a a WWI '0 all International and
corI; erencz. d d N at least fixed portions off their although there were declines in 1: fig : Amp, , :2" .3. “I, ..
3 f “will! asdIcnouncIeII unn sentences. the numbers of murders and I ll 31% 1 .
SI or a. ege y mIa Bing ,8 He said he was not aggravated assaults. l. “Wm“, ’I,
2’: carrnpaIiIngi I]??? 2 ti {IowInIs advocating a “no parole“ Asked if the state‘s unified ,\ public Wm“. mew,” k ’ II'?’ W“ l
3'53. f p; so ah ‘. p r. c ak y system or the total scrappingof court system, now in its 2l5t . I x mhfi‘. ,
CINE?“ at heisa h'gh sta es shock probation. month, had an effect ont he "0'“ ”‘9 I‘M’W‘." ’W'm’l- . IS PROUD
, gain er. “In certain instances where crime rate. Nunn said. ”I __—J
‘ Nunn saidhedid notendorse youthful offendersareinvolved wouldn‘t want to relate the
’ such attacks on Brown, but shock probation might be crime rate tothe court system." OF OUR NEW
g; acknowledged his campaign tolerable. but we‘re going to Just like anything else that‘s K I C d
f ., staff distributed copies ofa Las have to draw the line,“ he said. new. it should be given a chance erne rOSSWOr
Vegas newspaper column “to Under the Career Criminal to grow up," Nunn said. He
.V'I pe0plewhowould not have had program. teams of prosecutors added that he did not favor AtiRObS 3h -_ mm.
the chance to see it.“ The are allowed to concentrate on puttingthejudicialamendment 1CIIHlt't‘, (,3. horn
I. _L column suggested Brown repeat offenses and Nunn said toasecond vote atthistime.but 5 SW)“ "” 7, KIWI III III Look for
, would approve legalized he would “extend this program said judicial salaries had to be ,0 dilirfhs: Z )LLLLLL, ‘
', . casino gambling in the state. whereever it is needed increased "to attract quality 1.1Trrr ..ih , 5;? in...” .
_ “I‘ve never used the word throughout the state." people“ to the bench. l“ ISr mum at w turn :.. answers
iéillh "Hit?
‘ 1“ 25.1211. L8 n.7,. L in tomorrow’s ..
1 Kentucky Dam VII/age I. r . . . ,I
I A l: Park Vlfll bl V‘vwr.
X lU'f‘ 62 imam, Kernel .j.»- ,r’”)
i 20 Psliriv. '33 TU iv": (“(3/7 \/’ J
- I 21 Current ‘14 l’, n .frrlfl ‘AI ’1'-
3 Convention Slte may change m .- .._.I L
l 26 Became yer ‘ " i X
'1 " Jan! DOWN \* I; A.“ AZ
5 25 Stuws ‘ Britt W E‘idlti'o'v' : p: . . . ; . r Va; (3 I
30 Fish hashes fo H no.3 :; ~ A' ow :3 r . ,
. , ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ r .. 3 Den‘mirm SBUrith for 25 info if E' ' -'
7*. By MARIA BRADEN Iln a letter to the LRC. Berry minority caucus chairman 3; Quohm I IIIIIII 26 Wheat ... .. 4’1 rm... I
J , Associated Press Writer said the conference might would meet Friday morning to L( m I. AILICLIW :7 Gym,“ ’ .21? “1.1 . l
.- better be held in Frankfortthan prepare its report. 36 Shh m 5_ _ h, . ,,,.,, .C D, I. II . . CONGRATULATIONS ,
. L A decision is expected this at KCMUCk)’ Dam Village Wells said most legislators 37N v mam . Brim 2b Cave :72» r...»
- - week on a date and site forthis because it is more convenient appear 10 feel the conference 338.17“ 3:33:10“ 3: 52L: . J. ,dk
year‘s pre-legislative confer- for most legislators; would Should be held ata more central 4; Extinct, w '5 RhirdltleSia .I L” 2L jg g M _ \NF Repair
gr . ence traditionally held at minimize travel and save tax location than Kentucky Dam :words 3mm 32 can» .L gr N I . .1
3, Kentucky Dam Village. dollars. and would help new Village. but not necessarily ; LouchI II9 Smear I :3 EIvaI:Ia' '3 i . 1;”. 2} ngswagon
‘I'z Athree-member subcommit- members orient themselves to Frankfort. ls Fetish}; 3‘; ADM “a“ 35 No: am 56 I: Beatles
.' L tee created by the Le islative state government. .. . , - - address 1.; Cm into 370mg; 5‘ Cr. I
'5‘ Research (:ommissigon to “ltwould dispeltheideathat don§fLESI2ZiT§Inye§22Ig:ZIEEIIdI 2worus ‘3 Finished :rvortis 59 Das'.'.. and ()th? import AutomOblleS
1,. make its rewzizmendation to legislators go 0” ‘0 some add'in that the executive
’7 the LRC Frida. and the LRC isolated place to cut deals and brancf mi ht . become t O “I... I... “I. SHOW THlS AD
r Y ‘ . . I 9‘ y . () ‘ I I
is expected .0 ms final New“ “Name We“ no... g IIIII HIIIIIIII WELCOME AND RELE'VE‘
L on a site the same day. Berry added. He also said another state . BACK UK!
formed in response to a criticized in the P351 35 an 3:: [Fri-00$: ywou nt serve 2‘ 25 76 27 -A TUNE UP SPECIAL
f suggestion by state Sen. John expensivejunket for some state The East. of accomodation II... I...- only $253C onions;
7 Berry. D-New Castle. that the legislators. Some have come ‘w'll b . {I . h III... II... labor&partsl
1. conference be heldin Frankfort under criticism for using state sdbcoggflfir (1:232)? th: 3r 32 33 3A 35
'. this year. airplanes to travel to and from said ‘ l...- lllllll l . -ALSO - A FREE
~ the conference. ' so 38 , L . - 1 . . -
The threeday session is held R Dw h w H D- B t , II. I... l J l ‘3 ‘ “WWW” W'm Tune Up
. . ep. 1g t e s. e ore Berry and other 39 D 42 4 r , . “r «- T" other serwce
. every ”'0 years priorto T681111" Richmond,chairmanofthesite legislators raised the question. 'l..'.... I l ; i :i- l ' L
I; 555510;)“ 0f the General selection subcommittee. said the LRC staff had set a “I... 45 'I . i ‘
“ A$56th ly to acquaint new Tuesday that the panel has not tentative date for the l 1 — OpensoaysAWeek
.3 members With legislative reached a final decision on conference. reserving rooms at “In...- “I... 0?“;le -W- H'S 33'" “’59” “
3:; processes; give lawmakers a where theconference should be Kentucky Dam Village for 5, 52 53 m 1‘! f. . .I r- .I
7’; ,' preview of major issues: andIto held. Dec. l3 through I7. “I... I... | l - '- :3 CH ”3 -‘ J
.7“ , lnformatlly elect legislative He said he and two other However, LRC Director Vic all-I..- I“... , of r(' MRON ROYSE SOUTH
1a . leaders. members ‘ House Majority Hellard. said yesterday those 62 i: ”21“.“
2; W" has been held at the far Leader Bobby Richardson. D~ dates may change, depending a... "I. I...- ».‘/.4 L‘ BROADWAY IMPORT
5 - - L estern KCNUCKY state "350" Glasgow, and state Sen. Walter on what action the LRC takes 1’ ' "I
15“ l park since the early l9505. Baker. R. Glasgow, Senate Friday. n... H... I' \ .// 655 S' Broadway 253-0551
s: »
.._ ' _' n... v , ,,I .
, _ Kernel classifieds work V Wlm@ I HURSDAY ;
' X . -. . ._ l ;
é mm W * IS UK DAY'
,3 .
\ . 1
.3 i ,——* - . —— -—— ~ MUCHO MUNCHO ., .
/ . . .
,- / 1
1 Starts Monday Sept. 10 SWEATERS, SPORTCOATS
' a 11-4 Lunch Bar Open 11-1 am. ¢
'L I S 4-10 Dinner Live Entertainment 10-1 .
L h
‘ V. 1 Servmg Monday-Saturday ‘ EACH
Coming C. "'"""'"""' " " '? . 2 PC suns
ff; fun-i-IIIIIITI-fi PU II. . ~
3 I WHAT A MOUTHF L F 'h'l I 3m no ange, . .-
l I I
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. ‘I . sums . ’ .
' ' at :a a ~22 ' LAUNDERED TO , .
.'. _ ‘ . ‘ I, ; .“ ,
l . . . f : ® PERFECTION, FOLDED .- .
' \ '1 , 3 ' t i «3‘ ' Tues. 8r Thurs. - All Wall Drinks 69c . ens OR ON HANGERS IrI . - ' I
I \ 1, 3 . . at I . . 1 HOUR CLEAN , 1.
I 'i s ‘l 3 NO COVER before 11 any night , __ .
I And a amall price to pay for so much fun! : $1.00 charge after 11 Chevy CM” II NONWN’M II 33155