xt7ns17sr16w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17sr16w/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1999 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 1999 Vol.70 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 1999 Vol.70 No.10 1999 1999 2019 true xt7ns17sr16w section xt7ns17sr16w F (UK) LEX 405
l I LEXINGTON KY 40505.0(} ;
Volume 70, Number 10 - October, 1999 I I es S .
' o o o '
C1rcu1t court rules against f
”59% I
L d k - - 2% e ‘ -
By LISA CARNAHAN assigned to investigate their I $93; mm»; w {j' E r
The Franklin Circuit Court has The Division determined “MK. {magi-32g ‘ ~
ruled against Landmark that Faulkner and Warner, "I .1 .I.. egggémfiééfi: TMJII
Community Newspapers Inc. along with 21 other workers, 1 figfl .15; -
’ (LCNI) in the company’s fight were employees of the newspa- . aiflhfiw i 1. '
against a Kentucky Unemployment per for purposes of unemploy- Am j " Va?” ‘ sf;i"...:.:.
Commission decision that newspa- ment insurance. Engages .9: "fsa;” '
per carriers and drivers are “Landmark Community ””“rv’t I
employees eligible for unemploy- Newspapers and The Kentucky ,.,..--...-;. I ~ "
ment insurance benefits. Standard are appealing this rul- ' ' , fl,
Judge William H. Graham ing because we think it's an ‘ ' ii"
' made the ruling Sept. 3. important issue for our industry
Landmark filed its appeal with and potentially for all Kentucky : g
the Kentucky Court of Appeals on papers using carriers,” said ,,//
Sept. 24. Kentucky Standard Publisher ‘
' The lawsuit stems from a David Greer. ; /
claim filed by two former newspa- “This issue has gone before i ' ‘
' per carriers for The Kentucky the courts in several other states //-—\
Standard in Bardstown, Leonard with some courts ruling in favor - \~
Faulkner and Ronald Warner. of carriers but in several cases, ;,
After losing their jobs in 1996 according to information I've .
with LCNI (The Standard’s par- seen, the courts have ruled in
ent company), the two filed for favor of the newspapers and
' unemployment insurance benefits affirmed that carriers are indeed
. e and an auditor with the Division
’ for Unemployment Insurance was See CARRIERS, page 14
Libby Fraas was one of the presenters at the recent high school jour- ‘ ‘
' , Th b nalism workshop held at Eastern Kentucky University. Over 400 stu-
. 59"}34? ' ' 0m CITy dents attended the seminar that was co-sponsored by the Kentucky
V ' . ~ _ High School Journalism Association. Fraas is a member of the journal-
' ' ‘ ° ism faculty at EKU and adviser of the university’s student newspaper,
- 616(3th 111 The Eastern Progress. .
E . . ' o 0 ~'
, , ' ‘ Dlstnct 14 KSU case a setback for free .~ /
' . ; ,- David Thornberry, publisher of . . .
- p. ' ._ _ ;,,j ' 3;. > _ the Somerset Commonwealth- h 11 b1
, 1.; p ,_ , , . '_ fl * Journal, has been elected to repre- Spéec 1n CO ege pu lcatlons
I ' I ' ' I H Service Board of Directors. KPA News Bureau [£352 ("elm ( ourt .Of APP““.’-". .m. ‘
' V . ~ ‘ T " 1‘ . The special election was held The .Fll‘St Amendment took a (.‘incmnati ruled 2-1 in favor of RSI
“ ‘ . . .. ‘. 1‘ to fill the vacancy created when beating in a federal appeals court and against two ‘former students.
I l .13 . . . ' . Stuart Simpson resigned after ruling that upheld the confiscation Capri ( offer and ( harles blnt‘tl‘ltl. «
g ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' accepting a teaching position at of yearbooks at Kentucky State The students took action after ii _
. ' ' ‘1 ' ' :5 Somerset Technical College. UniverSity. . ‘ lawsuit and a petition for an injunc-
. 4V . .3. .. Thornberry will complete the The dec1s10n has outraged free- tionthat woluld‘have forced the uni~
" I. = ' unexpired term until January speech advocates and sent a chill vers1ty to distribute the yearbooks.
‘- 2001 when a new three-year term through college adVisers who fear filed by then-publications adviser
-‘ . ,- on the board begins the deCIs10n has extended the court- Laura ( ullen. were dismissed. .
. ‘ . . g ' p 7 _ ' given right of censorship of high (‘offer was the editor of the )ear-
1 _ . ;.;~ 3 See THORNBERRY, page 14 SChOO' Pap“q t0 00110;!“ PUNICHUOHR See KSU. page 16
‘ 0
\u . ‘m'mmm-WWW‘ ‘ " ' . I . _- " 1‘1"" *. “h“. ~.- 3-.-.) m":'.;".“fr.""? j" n- 5’... .. “‘..' ' O ;.
‘ .1 y . j . \ . , , , r ‘ l ’1 ';'-‘.\ I 7".“ f: . . I

' l
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Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, October, 1999 ; g
o , r
I1 k l SI‘S 1n thC IICW S i
Kc tuc , . ,
BlVOlla “allied CerUl'cltlon for Ciannett at the Cincinnati standingot agriculture The newspa— this past spring after teaching 1
_ Enquirer, where he received his first per's publisher, Sharon Burton, is at English for 3:3 years in Ripley, Ohio. ' i
dlrector at .AShland exposure to Kentucky. lie was past recipient. _ i
. involved in circulation in the Brown is 11 1979 journalism Dean “armed ad re " l
Dwayne Bnona has been rialmed Erlanger area. graduate of Western Kentucky p , i
circulation director at the Ash and [iniwrsity and has “,1”.de at the at Spencer Magnet ' a
Daily independent. B . , ' v , , (1 Cumberland County News. the ) . . _ . . '
Bivona. 30. comes to Ashland 10W“ Wlnh de-r Clinton County News and the ‘1' atricia Dean has Joined the - E
from l'tica. NY. where he had been ' (in t nsbur ' . V . statt "f th“ Spencer Magnet as an i
_ ~ ‘ ~ . . M . g Record—Herald. lle ' y ‘ . .V ‘V J
““1113th manager ot the ()bserver- ll 0”] del Buredu joined the stai‘t'ot'The Farmer‘s l’ride advertising rpprbsontdtn e.‘ , . l {
Dispatch. a Gannett newspaper. Buddy Brown, editor of The m 1996. . Dean-has spent the pflht 14).“;1” i 3
since February 1998. He started his Farmer‘s Pride in Columbia. has inladvtertising, ppmarillytipspecmllity i
newspaper career while attending been selected as the 1999 winner of , ' v \A/ 3f V" 18mg SUE] a” C 0‘ “mg ml (‘8‘ 5
the Ithaca tN.Y.> College School of the Kentucky Farm Bureau Cd‘rhSle county CCkly 1511911"in tx Splencer County from 'L
Communications. He joined the Communications Award. resumes publication “”15” ( m pm. i
Ithaca Journal, also a Gannett The award, consisting of a . . . l
, paper, as a member of the customer plaque, $300 and an expense-paid under new OWUBFShlp Jessamln€ Joumal hlres l
service department and moved trip to Washington, DC. for the Th -. x , . -
. . y e Carlisle County Weekly has Wheeler 33 re Oner t
through the ranks to district manag— Kentucky Farm Bureau s annual resumed operation after being pur- _ p L’
er. sales and marketing manager Congressmnal Tour, has been pre- chased by a Bardwell couple Tiffany DaVid Wheeler is the newest i l
and, finally, operations manager. sented annually since 1960. It goes to and Bill Wildharber. Former owner addition to the Jessamine Journal’s 1
While operations manager at the a print journalist whose work has Kay Presson, who founded the news— newsroom. A graduate of Asbury g
Ithaca paper. Bivona did some work generated a better public under— paper in 1996, halted publication of College, Wheeler earned his degree 1
the weekly newspaper in June. The in media communications with an I
I he K entuCky Press Wildharbers, who own several busi- emphasis in radio 39d television 1‘
nesses in Bardwell, resumed publica- after completing an internship in
TheKentuckyPress(ISSN-{X)23-0324)ispub- District 13 tion on Sept. 14. mm 391””, at M91 (“bson 5 1C0“ ,
I, “Shed monthly by the Kenmd‘Y ”‘55 Glenn Gray, Max‘d‘esm Enterprise According to the new owners the Production m L08 Angeles. 3
Asaxiafiim/Kentuckyi’ressService, lnc. - . ’ While in college he started writ- I
P ‘od’cal l . 'd F . . newspaper Will focus solely on . . ’
Kinflgn-Csasbssfsfitfiage 15 pal. its rankfort, District 14 Carlisle County schools and commu- ing a moVie column for the campus i
- 7-U “P onpncels Peryear- Dav'dTh be ,c o ealth- mal ..‘ ’ , , i 1' . ~. »
PUSl’InaSTETZ Send changeofaddress toThe ‘ om rry cm “W IOU nities. Donna Redford, a former weekly, Tm Drillcgiag, th‘) fartfid
KentuckvPress, 101 ConsumerLane, - - , employee of the Carlisle County repor ing nFWS an (“V”) ua y
' 015m“ 15 A - became an editor
Frankfort. KY. 40601, (502) 223-8821. Don White, Anderson News News, has been named editor of The ' ‘
. . Carlisle Countv Weekly. ‘
fifi;§§f‘},rgfig:mn Dem 158 Pett to speak at editorial
‘ 3 John Nelson, Danville Advocate—Messenger Schwartz 'OlnS Staff . .
MM J - caitooning sympOSIum
.. . . v . ) , Stt {La ' V . . . ‘
Tom Laudili, Lexington Herald-[.tadar Beaniii: lvoi-i'eThe Courier-joumal at Hen‘ungsburg Gazette Joel Pett, editorial cartoonist for
President Elect _ _ Carolyn Schwartz, a retired thehlekingtfin lieraldeeader, 18 (gm).
Teresa Revlett, McLean County News Km“ Blacktord—Bowden English teacher, has joined the staff (I) t e spea 9r” atIthe Unnerhlfil 0‘ .
KemUCky hnqulrer of the Flemingsburg Gazette to work owa' symposium )rawmg the me.
. Pasti’resident 'irt time in the newsroom roofin 7 Political Cartooning Under Pressure.
Ctinatfield,Citizen VoiceérTimcs Teresa Mullins, Berea Citizen p: . . ‘ p E” The symposium, scheduled for '
and editing copy. . . . . .
V” P "d Schwartz is a native of Oct. 14-16,is being heldinconjunction
K8 ‘Yebl ent A . ‘ Taylor Hayes, Kentucky New Era . V with the UI School of Journalism and
Marty Backus, Appalachian News Express Flemingsburg and a graduate of M C0 . t' , 75th .
Associates Division Morehead State University. She did ass el gigtuguca ions ver- 1
Bree-fijgr Th K tu‘krsg d d Ed Mastrean, . . . graduate work at MSU and the saryc e r l n. ‘
Bjssmvzier’ 9 en L 'l an ar ’ Kenmd‘)’ Educah‘malTelewsmn University of Dayton. She retired See PEOPLE, page 14 i
District 1 Larry Brmiks, Lexington Herald-Leader
William Mitchell, Fulton Leader D e aths
News Editorial DiVision
District 2 Mark Neikirk, Kentucky Post —-——————-————————————
led Dillingham, Dawson Spnngsl’rogress ‘ ~ , Pat Hume Knoxville. She met her husband in
EirCiilgiltgtiijlhy'i‘siiin I 1 Hattie can”. “Pat" Hume for» McCreary County. where he .
District3 3W 1 n gt" 9533mm“ ”uma .- . , , . , ‘ , , worked as a teacher and basketball ‘
Ed Riney, Owensboro Messenger Inquirer ”‘07 busmt” managtr and bocu’t} h l
Juumalmn Education editor of the McCreary County 003C ‘ . {
District-4 Joann ”member, Record, died of cancer Sept. 9 at a Mrs. Hume d‘d VOIUMQW work l
Charlie i’ortrnann, Franklin Faumle \Nesteni Kentucky University her home in Florence. She was 93. for the American Cancer SOClety
Dis . _ Mrs. liunie and her husband, and the American REd Cross while
mm" CeneralCounsels the 1.1“. \Vhitni‘in Hume r, livin Y in McCre'irv Count She
,' . l,‘ . . y ,. w x t 1, an the t, ‘ - y‘
33:33:”, Th1 NW“? Wanda“ Ion i-ieischaker and iximmeone weekly newspaper from the early also was a member of-the Stearns
[)Immumgzflmhl 1950s to 1975 Whitman Hume \Voman's ClUb and Community
Districto ‘ Kentucky pm» Awmamm was also superintendent of the ( ongr‘egational (thFCh. .
Dorothy Abemathy,()ldh.im in Kentucky he» SeruceStaft Stearns SChm” system while in) ‘ She continued to be active
District? David T. T hompson, Executive Director was editor oi‘the paper. at“? She and, her husband retired {
Kelley Wamick,Callatin County News BonnieHowardLontroller Mrs. ”time also was clerk of t” l‘lorenco ”l 19"’- Mrs. Hume 5
' ' (.lona Davis, Advertising Director 1}“. Selective Service board in was an officer in the Florence
Distnctti-Bt LisaCam-ahan, News Bureau Director Stearns while she worked at the Woman's Club and a volunteer at '_
Ken Metz, Bath County NewsOutlook léebziclewu»,REwai'aii/Marketingfixirdimtor newspaper Booth Hospital in Florence, ‘
.ue ammac I ministrative Assistant . ~ .- - . .
. i, i“, Sirxi' ';r*tw dt rlt*r., ~
D‘smdm'“ Buffy Sams, BOUkkoopmg ASS'SMN ‘ M“ “a” born m (m ( m ll'inii'ih \Iiiiirtl iit' P‘linigg; '(inil :
ltm'i’ennington,Big Sandy NQWs Rachel McCarty, Advertising Assistant ('ounty, Tenn. and moved to V: ( ‘ v L _ L . . ,
. . Holly Stigors,Tearsheet Coordinator Kentucky to work for Stearns Coal . lartha llume of NashVille, a sis—
- DistrictlZ _ _. Karen MartinrlNAN Account Executive 8: Lumber Co after graduating tw‘ ” brother; ””d three grand- '
Stephenikiwlmg,lacksonTimc-slt- ‘5' ‘ “CV—titan Shryoc'kHN-ANMikeepihgiflisistant from a business school in . . i . . , . ,See DEATHS. page 14
‘ t
. .- . l

 3 l
l .
l; .
The Kentucky Press, October, 1999 - Page 3
Servzce Will ofi‘er ad placement in papers across the nation
‘ 3i 0 o o o o
; State assoc1ations 10m to form AdNet America
3 The Kentucky Press Association, together Association, Iowa Newspaper Association, Carolina Press Association, South Dakota
1 with 27 other newspaper associations across Kansas Press Association, Louisiana Press Newspaper Association, Tennessee Press
i America, has officially joined AdNet America, an Association, Maryland-Delaware-Washington Association, Texas Press Association, Utah Press
l interstate newspaper advertising placement ser- D.C. (MDDC) Press Association, Minnesota Association, Virginia Press Association,
3 Vlce- Newspaper Association, Missouri Press Washington Newspaper Publishers Association,
Denise Lawson, €X€CUtiV€ diFCCtOI‘ 0f the Association, Montana Newspaper Association, and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. ‘
,E North Dakota Newspaper Association and chair— New England Newspaper Association, New AdNet America has the capabilities to place
, j- woman 0f the organizational board for AdNet Jersey Press Association, New York Press newspaper advertising anywhere in the United
1 L America, announced the conclusmn 0f theorga- Association, North Carolina Press Association, States. Advertising clients should contact the
3 ‘ nlzational board at the Newspaper Assocmtion North Dakota Newspaper Association, newspaper association closest to them for addi—
3 Managers (NAM)meeting1n Shell Beach, CA- Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, South tional information.
1 During that meeting, newspaper association
L managers committed to AdNet America, agree- S ’ '
é ing to adhere to specific placement standards t t p 1 d ~
I and marketing and promotional efforts. a 6 re S S SCrVICC S C 0 SC 1n
1, For several years, newspaper associations . . ,
-, ciations have placed interstate advertising for h 1f b 11 d 11 1 99 8
, clients all across America utilizing the place- on a — 1 Ion O ars 1n
3 . merit services of other associations; however, , , , 3
l ! AdNet America will ensure adherence to a set of $447,396,064. That’s a lot of money, not far “The other is to preserve advertising dollars
j practices and standards that will ensure consis- from a half-billion dollars. earmarked for newspapers. What agencies and ,
l tency and quality customer service. But that’s the amount state press'services retailers are finding is that they’d much rather
Lawson said, “Newspaper associations are handled for their member newspapers in 1998. work With one contact to cover a large number
3 able to offer the best customer service and adver- The totals were gathered by the of newspapers. That way they don‘t have to
‘ tising placement because they offer the unique NeWSpaper Association Managers (NAM) and work individually with each newspaper
advantage of knowing their member newspa— released at the groups annual convention in “That‘s time— and costconsuming, So they
1 pers, including the most accurate rates, dead— August. make one contact -— such as with Gloria DaVis
} lines and column sizes. Now, we will be able to And that’s only part of the story. Those for KPS or Karen Martin for INAN — and it
3 extend those relationships nationwide by offer- press services with Statewide Classified makes their placement much easier .I know
i ing AdNet America to all ofour Clients.” Programs handled another $21,566,729; newspapers would rather have a half-billion in
The idea of AdNet America was first $1,742,058 in 2x2 display network advertising; new business but the role that s equally impor-
explored by an Ad Standards Committee, estab- and $4,545,968 in public notice advertising. tant from our standpoint'is. to make sure news-
‘ lished by the NAM in 1996, and lead by Bill In all, state press serVices billed papers don‘t lose a half—billion in advertismg."
‘ Monroe executive director of the Iowa $475,250,819 in its advertising services last Thompson used JCPenney as an example.
Newspaper Association. year. _ 3 “JCPenney was working directly with
The Committee developed the standards, “We (Kentucky) are Just a drop in that newspapers, maybe 1500- newspapers across 3
and NAM then named the organizational board bucket,” said KPA/KPS Executive Director the US. That meant mailing Inlel’ludl ads / «-
in 1998. David T. Thompson. “We did $3.4 million last and insertion orders to that many newspapers. /
The AdNet America board of directors will year and might well hit $4 million in 1999. Then they had to get 1,500 invoices and 1,500
include association managers and advertising “We don’t do a lot of national placement, tcarsheets and write 1,500 checks." . 1
. managers. concentrating (in-our own Kentucky newspa— 'In late 1997, JCPenney contracted With the -
State associations in addition to KPA that pers and the Indiana Newspaper Advertising California Newspaper Network to handle the \ " /
1 have committed to AdNet America at this time Network,” he added, placement. “That amounted to several million \,
are the Alabama Press Association Arizona The total is not all new business for news— dollars. Sure, it wasn’t several million in new ,f\
l Newspaper Association Arkansas Press papers, in fact only a small portion would be business but it could have been several million
I Association Florida Newspaper Association classified as “new business." dollars that newspapers would have lost had it ,
1 Georgia Priess Association, Illinois Press “But that’s just one of our roles,” he said. not been for the state press services." /
i W
l o o o o o T
$4 million Within reach for KPS, IN AN in 1999
The calendar read September KPS/INAN over the $3 million
29. But already October, 1999, was mark and with the Abandoned
the highest single advertising Property list, plus two months Month Year TOtal Placed
month in Kentucky Press Service remaining, a $4 million total is well
history. within reach. .
Before the month even started, “Last November and December OCtgber 1999 $620000 ‘
KPS and the Indiana Newspaper totalled more than $600,000,” said Aprll 1998 $497,151-54 /
Advertising Network, a subsidiary Thompson, “so with a comparable October 1996 $488,172_39
operation of KPS, had $620,000 amount this year, our first $4 mil- A r” 1999 $435 246 63
scheduled for October. lion year is on the horizon. p ' ‘ l
“Octobers have typically been “When Gloria (Davis, KPS OCl0ber 1994 $431.09995
our highest advertising month,” Director of Sales) gave me the total May 1998 $411,161,08
said KPA/KPS Executive Director for October, I told her to shoot for March 1999 $408 151 76
David T. Thompson, “primarily our first $1 million month. I was ’ '
because of the Abandoned Property joking but the way the staff works February 1998 $384‘326-62 "
3 liststthat are run in most every :ggethter,f1 vdvouldpr’lt pu$t3(i)t0p0aos(§ October 1998 $384,275.73 :
, coun y. em 0 in ano er ,
3 “But we’re looking at $700,000 before October ends.” OCtOber 1991 $359’340'09
and don’t even have the list yet.” The totals do not include the MarCh 1998 $350,089-24
' Of the highest 14 months in standard 15 percent commission November 1998 $3343900,85
= advertising dollars, six are paid to agencies when using December 1998 $277 066 28
1 Octobers. national/commission rates, ’ '
The October, 1999, placement "If you include the agency com- OClOber 1992 $267,513.61
is buoyed by one large order that mission, then we're talking $4 mil—
rPnfieKfi‘tlgfi:“SoItnadl‘agi'ghm if"; 2):?“ and $47 ""11”“ for “ October, 1999, total as of September 29
a , .
, ‘3

Page 4 - The Kentucky Press. October, 1999 ;:
O C O , l
' D n ex erlmentatlon doesn t .
Line between 681 g p ,
O i .
news and ads mean rules go out the Window 1
I '1
Oemng bll ll ICd o o .- = Some rules aren't so obvious, but are necessary f:
D Destgn IS ",5 nonetheless: ‘
. s s f 1. ("oiitent driVes design. Once you know the nature
Bflglfiifilgfpl‘drfwififl‘ a clear El’e'ything i 5 l of the content, then you can decide how to design it. For
half-point rule between editorial l "7' . ’. I :‘Sillllfplt‘a you d design a sports agate package differently '
, , , , , , g, , g ‘ a ——————' I 2 an no page. .
k(tuittitmiril‘ii01rd:i2:iinitimmilking By Edward F- Henninger ' 'j; i 2- 1L? $2123: "5b: Elli: Ballishzzngagznigfsrfg:
.. .. ~ gzwsin g 'sfl :1 ? e, x z .
r381“ ihiil‘. r::;?, 2911):; {\s'liilrlitx As I was being introduced at a recent workshop, the clutter and the less professional the look. For example, a
“fluid: :nd (1m; 5th: (editorial host said and while I don't want to steal any of Ed's drop initial might work .well at the beginning of a fea—
begins .Considei‘ ‘ thunder, it‘s important for you to‘know that-~when it ture story —— but not if it's set bold italic, outlined and
. L'SA Todav Online and comes to design-there are no rules' With a drop shadow . .
HotWired have both ran advertise— ‘That was a diflicult Vrnoment tor me because I do not 3 Black and white are colors,,too. Resist the temp—
ments on their Sues for HP C01” believe what'he said. I\ot for an instant. Perhaps the tation to use color Just because its available. No, that
P ) , . 'h' h their norm ,1” ' strong belief in design rules is what sets me apart from nameplate in yellow does not look better because its in
“mg“ m Vi, ‘K ‘ ‘ 'I other designers, color. It looks worse. And the magenta headline on your
colortul new 5 pages appeared Yes. I do believe that design should involve some feature page only demonstrates that you do not under-
monochrome until the us” flicked, experimentation. Without that, we'd never grow. But I stand the principles of color. Many elegantly designed
imp the ad The explanation. also believe that the risks of experimentation should be newspapers are done in black in white. :1
132121531:lifilzrt‘osirzufliifatir‘edmlTir grounded upon our knowledge of what works and what 4. Structure is important. Pagination software '
.~ I . . ‘ 3 A ' 3' : doesn‘t. allows us to set type as wide or as narrow as we wish —
l SA. Today'sw true C010”; Th” I remember reading years ago: “Minds are like para- and that’s precisely why we must set and adhere to
reminder 0f the ”"th 0f mlor chutes — they only work when they are open.” I agree. standard measures for our pages. A page with too many
brought to y 013 by Hewlett-Packard But I also recognize the fact that even sky-surfers wear type widths becomes a hodgepodge for readers.
color printers. . . those parachutes. Their risk comes to an end a few hun— 5. Negative space matters. Especially on open pages,
The campaign was met “m J09”- dred feet above the ground because they know and how you treat space is as important as the structure of
from 021““? news Ed‘wrs‘lmIJUdmg appreciate the rules of gravity. the page. Jazz musicians will tell you that the greats —
SteveXelvmgton on startnbunecom I want my clients to know and appreciate the rules Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, Bill Evans —— often were
m Minneapolis. W 0 ought m be of design. great because of the notes they chose NOT to play. Good
able t” expect 9th,}.cal leadership When I meet someone who tells me “I really enjoy use of negative space helps raise you from layout to
from in” like ““1er andVLSA breaking the rules," my immediate reaction is to ask design.
Today. h“ says; Instead. were all them to tell me what some of the rules are. Thus con- 6. Typography is the key. If you have the typogra-
le‘ dm" n 1 ,d‘ml mean t” 59‘3“)“ fronted, the dilettantes will usually retreat and the real phy in your newspaper right, your readers will forgive a
that news “Pb my“. shouldn t wogk designers will show their strength. multitude of other sins. But run your text too small —~ or
“uh commercial “Yb S’u's' Some of the rules are obvious: in a typeface that is not easy to read —— -and your read-
QmeUSl." W“ 55W“- BUt “'9 9““ d" 1 For the most part, we print in black ink on white ers will eventually give up the struggle of trying to read
‘1 m a way that 5 CM" and fa” and paper, not the other way around. you.
ab”““b”‘"d' Who” ””{bmly 2. Headlines go above stones, not below them. You may have other rules on your list. Let me know.
Wm“ ””1”de thfic‘mwm” 3. Text type has to be large enough to be read com- I'll be happy to share them in a future column.
The VvaH Street Journal {0,1an (Edward F. Henninger is an independent newspaper
Interactive P‘dm‘m (l“"l'n“d th" ad 4. Your nameplate goes near the top of page 1. consultant and the director of OMNIA Consulting in
"HP5 3d Climln‘lfln ‘5 “TV central :3 Photos should be captioned. Rock Hill, SC. You can reach him at 803—327—3322, fax:
to our WWW“ “hm“ “‘lwnl-‘mg 6 Type should run horizontally, not vertically. 803-327-3323, e-mail:g020mnia@aol.com)
impacting the way people get con-
tent {FUHI tht,‘ “It‘b.” >41VS RilndV' »—~‘—_‘q—hM‘MW—M——_————
Kilgore. advertising director ‘ ° '
m...“ .11.“. d Permit must be obtained for certain types of sales
Siifaié 311:“ 1::an 2:]; 23:13:37, (Editor's note: Kentucky law requires retailers to (6} "Person" includes a person, firm, corporation, .part-
negative impression on the value of obtain a permit from the local county clerk and to use that nershlp, assoc1atlon or two (2) or more persons havmg a
the content they are getting. It‘s an permit number. in all ads'and commerc1als conceming a Joint or common interest.
over-commercialization." Because 50 gomg out of busmess, fire, liquidation, lost our lease sale.) (7) "Removal sale" means any sale held in such a man—
many sites are Willing t“ allow _ . ner as to induce a beliefthat upon disposal ofthe stock of
advertising to masquerade as con— 365410 Definitions gOOdS on hand, the business Will cease and discontinue at
tent, Kilgore and others are urging ‘ ‘ . ' the premises where the sale is conducted, and thereafter
the news industry to change the As used in KRb 365.410 to 363.480 andu365992: wil] be moved to and occupy another location.
way content 15 presented. {1) Going out of business sale means any sale,
, The book sections of several whether described by suchnnaine or by any|olther name 365.415 License Requirement for Fire, Removal, and
news sites, including those at The suchas, but not limited to closing out sale, llq‘UIdatK-HI Certain Other Sales
New York Times on the erb‘ [ISA sale,’ 'lost our lease sale, forced to vacate sale, held in
Today Online and Chicago Tribune such a manner as to induce a belief that upon disposal of No person shall advertise, represent or hold out to the
Internet Edition. offer a link to har— the stock of goods onlhand, the business Will cease and dis- public that any sale of goods is an insurance, bankruptcy,
nesandnoblecom from each editorl- continue at Ll)“ premises ““7"" the sale 15 conducted. mortgage foreclosure, insolvent's, assignee's, executor's,
al book review. The news sites ‘2) 8a)" means a transfer ”I goods from th" “in” t“ administrator's, receiver's, trustee's, removal sale, going
receive a cut of the profits from the the I’UY‘T for a pnce 1““ than that for Wh'Ch the goods out of business sale or fire sale unless he first obtains a ,
traffic sent to Barnes & Noble's .w‘l‘n) onginally offered tn the mm“. by the person conduct— license to conduct the sale from the county clerk of the ;
Web site Such “contextual adver- lng alsal‘e‘hereunder. . county in which he proposes to conduct the sale. I
tising" dilemmas were among the (.3) Fire sale means any sale held in such a manner ‘
first salvoes fired in the advertis- 1“ ‘“ ”‘dw‘ “ ”I“ ”W ”W ”“93"“ hm“ “"1“ “t “ {maze Application for license; bond
ing-editonal skirmish. rigu’cyt‘ion in pnee due to damage by fire, smoke, water or
' Many SIU‘S. particularly search 0 9 N . ., ’ . , _ , . . ‘ . Any person proposing to conduct any sale governed by
engines. engage in the selling of a? “’3. "mm” th‘“ pm“ “l“‘h 0‘" M'H” “man-V KRS 365.410 to 365.480 and 365.992 shall file an applica—
links and k"}’ Wm‘dS l1) eager mar— pal (Sor'gtx 3“,. ‘ ‘ ., . ‘ .‘ tion in writing and under oath with the county clerk set-
. l (mods means all goods. wares. merchandise and
See BLURRED, page 15 other pemmal property See SALES, page 13 '.
‘ l
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The Kentucky Press, October, 1999 - Page 5
o o o . °
; Beglnmng thls month, reach I W the 1nd1rect route
Dr ' l 6' ch with toll free call ' ' '
'. , . — _
1n handling bad 1deas
l: ' I;
Dr. Tech . «5:.-"' ‘ Hotline _, 5.5-1»: 1‘ think”
. . , ”331:2. . (C) ' ...- 1% She talked us she wrote,
Hotllne V, .._ ‘ ' Numbers Ad'llbs g? " :l’hoto Attorney Then she asked. '
. m ’7; 7 In what setting?
, Tim Jones >1 606—872-2349 43.73» ’ . {In 21 courtroom, naturally," he
(f - By John Faust \ ”l“
, t S’ L . sie 'new it wus :i e on er. ut s e
' phone number to call me? In - . ., . k-tl- h ( t }i\,,lt~,.\.}. ‘
1-800-484-1181 In an ideiludrnen pr()lt‘>>l(lll ‘l’ ur Wm ’” " “r-‘ “5 * 1‘
October, you can use 1-800—484- code'7076 like advertising. clients are likt‘lfi' numbered the points on her list.
118%:hth‘en 111:0 tlhe code: 7076. . r ‘ to come up with plenty of Sllggpg. "First‘ we‘ll need to contact the
h' is Wlh. (1:181 mly inxsgefing, email; tions for ads. Of course, 5mm, of eourthouse and get ”Hirimul to
gluarcinmEhzvh 1538 azld rcetiii'n 0 0:1; tj0n889692@80l.com their ideas Will be acceptable But have a photograph taken. She con-
_ 11 in th y t h y) .‘ FAX‘ others will not. Whats a salesper- imm'd ‘f’ ”“1" ‘1'“ 5h“ “7“"-
ca .. . o er way 0 reac me is - son to do? ‘Then we ll huve to get permission
9:“th ggzgs:;:2@aol.com or fax 606-624-9893 It might be begt U) ml“. an trom :1 Judge in use the courtroom
a A - d-t' fl .1 f .‘ News tried this a few da g '1 0 indirect route. Anyone who has we select And we ll need to find
1: d goo 1p 01‘. etmaflv or~ag1s the com uter would not wit) 1'th taken the wheel of a sailboat out when that courtroom Wlll be
i 0h 0 atlfcreen prln) 2 a wm 0: the scapnner The Uqu 3‘22“: knows that it is impossible to sail "’ml’t." for 1‘” “““ndVd period.
: leereY Bldzltbhé'l‘qliul: 1ill1 01‘ 51‘0 - SCQI scanner'had been inoved to dirCCtly into tht‘ wind. You have to M‘XV W" H ”"Nl 1” arrange 1” H
the .Coriilfnand ahdyShift lknegys (all: a Performa 6400 approach it at an angle. lllwlmlrmphllr and Studio lighting.
‘ . H's, ..,. '. :nrt',
then hit the number 3. This cre- By checking the UMAX 1 Th? adurtisiny ‘managr r ”l d "()llin second thou rht " the
ates a file "Picture 1.. "Picture 2.. Website we found that an update arge corporation recently told me ( ~ . . « ‘ L .. ~ ‘
etc The file will be in your hard file is needed for the 6400 and how she was placed m th" ”Wk' ‘lullufil‘lm [interrupted hit S try
- u :,‘ ,"4 , cm'tiiv-s«
drive, not in any folder and not 5400 Macintoshes. The update ward position of unbdlmé d Nd W llullll'lll intui .. is ‘1 funny
on the desktop YOu can double- file is available on Apple's idea. She explained how the head ' ( l A I ‘
click the icture file and it will Website but in this case the on Of the” accountmg d‘»’P“"m““‘ mm“ “m“ ”“‘.‘”“““ ”“’f‘"""”“‘
0 en witli) Sim yletext Print it that came with the UMAX scan« thought he was an advertismg tant Chungm ins nil-ml The ad
ar’id fax it or faxlit from I our com- ner had the u dater on it After genius. You know the WP“ H“ was ”“m'dL’WMS “n?“r" 1“, h” “mm
uter You can also inseljt it as an runnin thep u dater. the one Of those people Who 5995 adver" “’.“"’P mm “”4"“ “7““ H” Idea was
gttachment to email If you have Perform: recognizell the scanner tising as the business world’s toy :lr'lle’tallfilUtillmngmgltim}: bul Slhe
- L / 1 n e 1m s .. e sim ' et
something that is difficult to and both worked fine. department. . him ..(, t} 't 1 (0 ldt ,dff-p. yltt . :
explain this can be of great help If you need this file you can Legal pad m hand, She was dM.’ 11f] .; w lu all] I “u . (l ,5
to you and to me This wa Iwill find it at the UMAX Website. prepared when he said, “I‘v