xt7ns17spm42 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17spm42/data/mets.xml   Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 1940 journals kaes_circulars_003_344 English Lexington : The Service, 1913-1958. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 344 text Circular (Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station) n. 344 1940 1940 2014 true xt7ns17spm42 section xt7ns17spm42 . { ·f_
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CIRCULAR NO. 344   _
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OMAS P. COOPER, Dean and D1rcct0r ?;·4>’5;,[,;v
Lexmgton, Ky.  
January, 1940  
HOU of th CC m COUUGCUOIH with the agricultural extension work carried on by C0·0D€Ta· {QF  
Agrlculturs ¤U€B€_0f·Agr1culture_ University ef Kentucky, with the U. S. D0pi11”im0¤t OY    
grcss C- and d1Str1bu£€d in furtherance Of the work provided for iu thc Act of C0¤·    {
°‘ May 8, 1914.  - ;· 
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 ` page valuabl
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% Leadership ...,.................................................................. 3 spmsn
  Teaching the game .........................,............................ 3
in -
if Quiet games for all occasions ..,.................,............. 3 Th
  Relay games for all occasions ................................ 11 Eggiont
;·§E| . D9-
  Party games ......................................i............................. 13   53
  Active group games ..................,................................. 17 ¤0ti¤€.
 I Active team contests .................................................. 19 hobbjef
  Musical games ...........................,..........................,....... 25 r
i··§ Folk games .................................................................... 26 Ll
ge 2. I
j   Stunts ...........,............,................,.................................... 28 3_ {
`_Z i Automobile games .......,.................,............................ 30 _   {
    Homemade marble games ........................................ 31   ]
r‘ ' . l
  Riddies .............................................................................. 32
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Circular No. 344 § ·i»_g-i 
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By CARL W. JONES lq=·}}_i Z]
]i‘·‘·¤ Q. ..,4
“We stop playing not because we are old   ·-_'   _i
We grow old because we stop playing."  
· ` Herbert Spencer. l  
Wholesome recreation is essential for the best development of individual li. - _
and community life. Successful recreation in a community depends upon local  g  
leadership. People of all communities must have some leisure and the develop-  " ·`
ment of proper forms of recreation to make the best use of this leisure depends x xi
upon good leadership or proper direction. Participation in games and play is    
valuable training for democracy because it brings out shy and timid personas.,   *
Wipes out social differences, gives a feeling of belonging to a group and develops   .3}
Sportsmanship, loyalty, cooperation, fellowship and leadership.  
The desired qualifications of a good leader are not always found in one .’;;··'elj;.<¤
Derson but a few persons may share the important ones. A leader must here a  
Sympathetic understanding and a good sense of humor. He should radiate Zio}? gg<;}g·.;{g
eiid enthusiasm and be able to overlook unintentional mistakes. He must have  
lhe Confidence of the group and be prepared to suggest- games on a muurenvs Q 
¤0iiee. He should know the rules of the most important games and be F1 amid ‘  
Player in at least one activity. He should be able to stimulate the adoptilmlm oil ;;i.j;§;i.;;
‘ hllbbies and have some himself. `, iFi'i.=?§"g
. ¤¢`?’Q%I¢s  
1. Know the game thoroly.  Ji
2· Have the attention of the group before instructing them.  
3· Stand where all can see and hear clearly. iifiiifglj
4. Explain game briefly.  
5· Show sympathy and tact in handling both shy and over-eager    
6- Be enthusiastic yourself. _;fiEi2;?iQ2i
7. Stop game when at its best.  
_I’V€ el Bright Idea. One person leaves the room while the resi M liirii il’iL*¤Flff!1f·‘»  
declde UDOH Some 0bject_ It should be in plain sight fOr chllCill'€>lll..   ifillillilm 9  
may be Selected for adults, When the player returns and stands ill time lrrllliliilr  gyezzez
Of the 1`00m this dialogue is heard;  
Seated Dlayer: "I’ve a bright idea." $2 
Standing player: "What’s it like?"  
` Sifalied player; "It’s like you." /  
Standing player; "How so?" t .  
Seated Diayert “It’s very green? (or all wet, 0r full of Bil. UT` ¥i£TI.l'ii?'}il'l$¥  :5
_ describing a characteristic of the object sele~¤l>e·?..’= R  
,C°mmu€ Playing until the player guesses the article; then flue gersasm "vlrwri  · 
ere the last clue leaves the room, while the others select H new ~¤~~?~I"f*f=i i‘?‘ W  We   ’$
guessed. ·.   
J Qwefd Lightning, The leader calls out any letter in the GJDWUFV ‘° ‘  
ag rglxr OY Z. and points to one of the players who, in sixty seconds.     5},   
for tiny WOYdS_ 2.5 he can think of that start with this letter;      f 
The is $3~m€ is "Stammer Jammer_" which is what the victim i1s..:»;.;4· '..·.•.j>~  
me svelagli Humber of words named ig between 15 and 25 9.lEii0    
tmuess mitny 35 50 and 60 words can be given in one minute. The a-=¤ ··-·— =   ji,  
Uiltll each player has had a. tl11'¤.   ' ,__.  

 t. 1
  4 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 344
il . . W·
l ·_ Lost Birds. There are seventeen bglgwy
  birds in the accompanying diagram. plete i
T  Start with a letter and you can go W R C W R T U R after 1
  horizontally, diagonally, or verti- who er
  cally but you cannot skip over a I O B A E D K E be mu
_l letter How many can you find?
:. . .
  1. blackbird 9. heron N B O L I N Y H T
";. 2. bluebird 10. lark 0
  3. hhhhiihk 11. imk R K W A N K R T iqpplos
  4. canary 12. owl Us *0
  5. cardinal 13. robin O E H C R A N U mst I`?
lll 6. crow 14. thrush im E 1
it 7. eagle 15. turkey N G A D K I B S §€%i€S.t
‘ " 8. hawk 16. woodpecker In lc?
  17. wren O E L E B L E H Q Play
Q j  You can use insects, animals, W O D p C K U R  
  trees, flowers and crops instead of lm ler
  birds. [0 ge;
  Bird Game. Hillazif
  1. Name three birds whose names are colors.  
ge 2. Name two birds whose names are animals. gi im
  3. What is the name of the bird on our silver dollar? ai? l
3, 4. What is the name of the bird that can talk? dis al?
  5. What is the name of the bird that says "Bob White?" adcgucf
[ff 6. What bird makes holes in trees and sometimes buildings? ‘
Y;} 7. What bird catches chickens? _
  8. What bird does not sing, but hums? Bil
ld; 9. When you have mumps, what does it hurt to do? each w
  10. What bird imitates other birds? square,
  11. What bird is a letter of the alphabet? prepari
  12. What does a rooster do early in the morning? plated
  Q 13. What bird do you keep in a cage as a pet? across
 lr 14. Wlrat birds quarrel? has lil
f ` 15. What bird sews for its living? Aprizc
 { 16. What bird is crazy? _ 9 See hos
‘§ ` 17. What bird does your father make you think of when he Wh1DS Y0u· five bil
 i 18. What bird is very fast?
  19. What bird is a fisher? ll iv]
_x;  20. What bird lives in a clock? gl? IOC
·'T}·  21. What bird is a preacher? u`Of‘
  22. What birds do the boys like to sail in the air? {Fay g(
»_  { 23. What bird should attend funerals? SMDUP
 l 24. What bird is a robber? lllgfsla
  25. What bird bakes for its living? Glu gc}
  26. What bird is a hunter? BI?
  27. What bird is an astronomer? ns
kg  28. What bird does baby like? vc
ii? t 29. What bird was a great nurse? Vldual
  30. What bird plays in the band? book. .
  31. What bird does not tell the truth? author
if 32. What bird lives in a heavenly place? ` Anot/he
  Answers: 1. Blue, red, black, and cardinal. 2. Cow and cat. 3.E?€1€· ihpggi W`? h
 1 rot. 5.Quail. 6. Woodpecker. 7.Hawk. 8.Humming bird. 9.Swall0W. 10· Law C
  ing bird. 11. Jay. 12. Crow. 13. Canary. 14.Spar1‘0Ws. 15.Ta1lQ!`» 16· Km, Domi?
`T y 17. Thrasher. 18. Swift. 19. Kingfisher. 20. Cuckoo. 21. PaI‘s0¤ b}Yd· 22Swrk` HQ doe
$#5, 23. Mourning Dove. 24. Robin. 25.0ven bird. 26, Kill deer. 27.Sta1‘11¤§· 28· ‘ mum
  29. Nightingale. 30.'I`rumpeter. 31.Lyre. 32. Bird of Paradise. before
  Chinese Spelling. Players are divided into two lines and thi-? game is   gif"?
5,  S ducted like an old-fashioned spelling bee; Only welplmcwri words M6 E Dfw
_ ¥ and they must be spelled backwards. For example, club—b, u. 1. C·

_ Recreatzon for 4-H and Utopia Clubs 5 ?  
· =*·r;5:.:;
Word Golf. Add one or more letters either before or after the letters given  
below, to complete a word. Count strokes by number of letters added to com-  
R plete into words. For example, take "ot"—you can add "m" in front and ··to"  
titer to make the word, motto, which would count three strokes. The player  
E who adds the fewest letters wins. Par for the following "nine-hole course" may  €“’
be fOllI`l7BEIl. — —· — _. cl _ _ __ ___  
H — — — — ha — - - -  
T Tourist. Each player is asked to  
suppose himself a tourist starting from - — - - hg _ _ _ _ ., 
U his home north or south, but before   l
his return must have visited every — - - —. ih — .. .. _  
S state in the Union. Writing names of  
states, one after the other, each player — — - - ow _ — _ _  
H indicates this route. To win this game,  
aplayer must not only complete his -——- ig —...  
R list more quickly than his fellows but  
must have chosen a route which does ———— ef — — - -  
not leave him jumping over any state  
to get from one to another. It is ———— ep ——-- ,  
ahiazing how many people will try to  
drive from Minnesota directly into ———— rn —-——  ` 
Montana, or from Texas into Missis-  
Sllllli. It is a good p.an to have handy Vary the game by using other W itiiiii 
amap of the United States to settle all letters or parts of words relating to  
disputes. If a real "stickler" is wanted, projects carried by the players, ,·J · »
add Canadian provinces to the tour. names of trees, flowers and the Q ] ? 
Bird Bingo. Give each player a sheet of paper and have him draw five lines  
Each way to look like a bingo card (25 squares). Write the name of a bird in each  
Square. The first one done may be given a small recognition. The leader should   I
pY€D&l`€ a long list of birds in advance, and then when all players have com-  
Dl€l€€l filling in squares, read off his names of birds and have each player make  
across or check in square on his paper for each bird that he has. When a player  
has five birds crossed vertically, horizontally or diagonally, he yells "bing0."  
AD1‘iZe can be oifered for this, If desired, you can continue reading your list to  
,, $99 how many names it is necessary to read before a player has all his twenty-  ‘·"(';gi
lu' five b11`ds named. Insects, trees, Bowers, and crops can be substituted for birds.  
_ Who Am I? For a small group of five to twenty. Send one person out of  
lll€1`00ni and those left decide on a famous man or woman that the person sent  
Out of l`001n is to be. For example "Eddie Cantor." "It" is called back into room and  
may E0 to any person and ask "Who Am I?" The person to whom the question  . 
ls Dui answers with a true statement about "Eddie" as, you are the son of 3  
Fiufslan emigrant; you are a famous comedian; you are a movie star, eto., and  
It EOBS to everyone until he guesses who he is. The person who gave "It" the  
°l¤€ then becomes ··It_" tf  
Instead of famous persons you can use birds, trees, etc.  
__ vclbnl Authors. Select a, judge and the game can be played either by lI"l€ll·  
Lldual OY by groups. Each player in turn must stand up and name the title of a  
°°k- The others are to guess the author, The individual or group naming th€ fwcxggjj
authOi` Soores one point, The individual or group naming the most £1uth0fS Wl¥15·  
4 Pap gglgthér W3·y_ to play the same game is to give each player a card and pencil and  
MOC}? te hlm Write the names of as many books and their authors as he kn0W$·   __r>, i  
tl-4O0n` _ C40llfl1Sll1g Anatomy, "]];" Sf,3,]_*)d5 before any ODE p€I'S0ll in the group and.  
2·Klt€‘ gomtmg to some part of his body, says ‘*This is my .,.............. and counts to ten.  
·Swl}" HEUFOES not name the part of the body to which he points. For €X¤mI>l€» he  
Moll? ilmnt to his eye and say ‘*This is my foot" and counts ten. The _Dl8Y€i`  
` com bef re jyliom he stands must reply "This is my eye" and D01¤t_$ to his foot  
5 yn as IV Counts to ten. If he fails he becomes “It". Otli€FW1$€ “It" must  
else. p;  .

   6 Kentucky Extension Circular N0. 344
l .
Q`. Radio. Someone sits at the radio and controls the volume. "It" is sent out
g; of the room and while he is out, the group decides upon some little chore he Cham
gg must do upon his return. The radio control man increases volume as he nears SOX O?
F his chore and decreases as he gets farther away. Examples that can easily be . sgml
Ee, done are to exchange places with someone in t-he room or smooth a lock or hair mm]
it ;_c that is out of place. touch
  Enigmatical Trees. the p
 fl 1. What’s the double tree? Pear t S]
ily 2. And the dancing tree? Caper 0 W
gi. 3. And the tree that is nearest the sea? Beech been}
  4. And the dandiest tree? Spruce wh? I
ig 5. And the kissable tree? Tulip “’f”O$
  6. And the tree where the shipping may be? Bay p’°p€·
  ._ 7. whavs the telltale tree? Peach WMO
in 8. And the traitor’s tree? Judas to wi
  9. And the tree that is most warmly clad? Fir hand}
*1  10. And the languishing tree? Pine wmeq
gg; 11. The chronologist’s tree? Date _  
jeg 12. And the tree that appears very sad? Weeping willow thmkl
  13. And the prying tree? Medlar fbvue
it 14. The most yielding tree? Rubber light!]
  15. And the tree one becomes when he’s old? Elder mush
  16. In a bottle—what tree? Cork thi? ii
  17. Of the people—what tree? Poplar Th€D
it 18. And the tree used by schoolmasters bold? Hickory or birch OSOYUI
  19. What’s the Eden tree? Apple the OY
fz. 20. The old story tree? Chestnut tOYY·
if 21. And the tree that made Socrates die? Hemlock Pi
gg 22. And the her0’s tree? Laurel famili
  23. And the quivering tree? Aspen answe
E?-O 24. And the tree that incited no lie? Cherry the si;
Qi  25. Says "travel"—what tree? Orange the hi
 } 26. Says "live"—name the tree, Olive thenl
  J 27. And the tree that has passed thru the heat? Ash Ti
 i 28. And the housewife’s tree? Broom WO O]
*‘¤` 29. Egyptian plague tree? Locust player
i' 30. And the tree we give friends when we meet? Palm of its
  31. What’s the flying tree? Plane me m
 ; 32. And the fadeless tree? Evergreen Say ..1
.&  33. And the tree that is perfectly straight? Plum what
53  34. What’s the chewing tree? Gum remari
jj  35. And the barking tree? Dogwood » ‘
Q.  36. And the tree that one catches with bait? Basswood Di
  W01‘dS and Things. Each player is given a sheet of paper and a pencil. Some glggim
  ~ ¤ one is asked to select a word of six letters. If preferred, a dictionary mw be me?
 1 opened at random and the first six-letter word on the page is uS€d- TOO wd th 5 .,
`“I  is then printed in a column on the left hand edge of the paper and on the FEW me P
 j hand edge it is printed backwa1·ds. Thus, if "parted" is the word selected, It is thm]?
my put down like this: Each player writes a word beginning with P and have i
tail P D ending with D and consisting of as many letters H5 POS' Shak E
ig?} A E sible, "predicted" for instance, When P and D HW Ow and e`
  R T posed of, the longest word beginning with A and endl? fan  
  T R, in E must be thought out. Similarly with R and T‘ d It jg tl
 if E A and R, E and A, and D and P. At the end of the allolle
Q  D P time, everybody counts up the total letters used in makmg Be
 2 the six words, and the player with the highest number wins. lgeir l
{iq My Father’s A Merchant. The players sit in a ring. Some of th€m ShP“Q Jig;
sir know the game and some should not. The secret lies in mentioning Obie.; The O,
  which the players are actually touching at the time. Of course, this muchl ‘ mum
  is done in such a way that it will not be noticed. y ep to QVC
  The leader turns to his right-hand neighbor and says, **My father5 a m me ga.

 Recreation for 4-H and Utopia Clubs 7 ·¥ 
tent out ,, _, ,, . .  
nom he chant. What does he sell? the second must inquire. "Collars" the nrst may  
B mm Say or chairs or watches. The second player must now hold the same conver-  
asuy be I tation with his neighbor, and if the second has not caught the secret he may  
of hw mention "tea" or some other incorrect thing—incorrect because he cannot be  
touching it as he speaks. 'The object of the game is to see how soon most all  
the players catch on to the secret. {  
Ship. The players sit round in a ring, and one tosses a handkerchief across  
to another, at the same time saying a word of three letters, and immediately  
beginning to count up to twelve, finishing—"eleven, twelve, snip!" The one  
who received the handkerchief tries, before "snip" is said, to reply with three   ‘
words, each beginning with one of the letters of the original word, in their  
proper order. Thus, if "now" is called, the response might be "nuts, out, white."  
When the reply is given in time the successful player throws the handkerchief  
to someone else; but if he fails and "snip" cuts him short, he must give the  
handkerchief back to the one who threw it to him that it may be thrown to  
someone else.  
Likenesses. One player is "It·." He says to each person in turn—"I am  
pow thinking of something; what is it 1ike?" Even tho he doesn’t know what the  
thought may be, each player names some object such as, tree, tiger, streak of  
lightning. When all have answered, "It" tells his thought. Then each player  
must explain where the likeness comes in between the object he mentioned and  
the thing that was thought of. For example, "It" thought of his pocketbook.  
The player who named "tree" may say they are alike since both sometimes bear    Q
Jirch useful objects; the one who chose tiger, because they are covered with hide;  
the one who chose streak of lightning because the gold in them is very transi-  
Proverbs. The player "It" withdraws. The other players decide on some 5 
familiar proverb, each taking a word of the proverb which he must use in  
answering the questions put to him by the player "It". "It" tries to pick out  
the signiiicant words in the answers to the questions. After he has discovered    
the hidden proverb, he names the player whose answers gave the hrst clue, who  
then becomes "It."  
Teakettle. One player leaves the room. The group selects a word that has   4,
lll/0 0l‘ more meanings and different spelling, such as rain (rein, reign). The  
Player returns and members in the group make remarks using the word in one  
of its meanings but saying "teakettle" instead of the right word. For instance,  
we might say "Didn’t we have a heavy ‘teakettle’ yesterday?" Another might  
Sal', "Did the horse’s ‘teakettle’ break?" Another person may say, "Do you know  
what happened in the ‘teakettle’ of Henry VIII?" The person who made the  
_ Y€mliI`k which gave the clue to the word must be the guesser the next time.  
L M··,;‘:;
Dumb Crambo. The group is divided into two parts. Each goes into con-  
,_ some Slllletion and selects a word that they wish the other side to guess. They then _·l»a”w,.*F"
hay be Und ii WO1‘d that rhymes with the one they have chosen. For instance, they may  
e word Select “SDring" and decide to announce that it rhymes with "thing." The team [V 
e right that is ready first makes its announcement. As soon as they have Said the if ..·»  
d, it is lhymlhtii word, the opposing team gets together and selects the Word that they  
P and thmk may be the proper one. Then, without a word, they pantomime it. If they tQ;.fggQj°j.
is D05‘ have guessed properly, the nrst team olaps but if they are Wrong, it merely  
re dl5· Shakes ltS head. No words are used_ The guessing team selects ah0th€I' WOI`d    
endillt wd Cimtihues in this manner until they have struck the right One. If they   ‘ Q7;
j T, T _a1'1» the 1"ll`St,· team has ai chgngg to Choose another Word, If they gl.1€SS CO1`I`€CtlY. tf  7}}
llolted it 15 their turn, of course.    
“"l`mg U Beetle Goes Round, All the players except one stand in the circle with  
MFI? hands behind thgm_ The player who is "It" goes around outside carrying l;-iQ;;l'f>·f}
shellld 8 b€€t1€, Which may be a roll of newspaper, a, towel, or a stocking filled with ;=*t,...:;§;;`.
objects gcltton. He Duts the beetle in someones hand and steps into that person’s place.    [gg?
uchlllg H   Om Who receives the beetle immediately begins to strike his right—hahd l‘•1.j;y,gj€,
t§1¤l?b_Oi` Wlth it. The neighbor runs around the circle and home again tfymg  
i1'¤€Y' th amd the beating. The beater then gives the beetle to someone else, and so  
8 same goes on_  ‘?f',__,,,£
. I l

  ) `
  8 Kentucky Extension Circular No. 344
  Imaginary I Spy. A player thinks of an object in some special location, The H th.
lL group tries to find it by asking questions which may be answered by "Yes** Of in a
  ‘·No". It is wise to have children write down the object since there is sometimes to tl
l a temptation to change when the choice comes close.
  ·` Air, Water Fire. All the players except one sit in a circle. Theextra player  
l   stands inside the circle and throws a small ball or knotted handkerchief at ;
[fl someone and at the same time calls -"Air," "Water," or "Fire," then quickly j
ITE counts to 10. The player at whom this was thrown must mention an animal  
ig, . living in the element named; or if "Fire" is called, he must remain silent. If he ,
ill fails to answer correctly before 10 is counted, or if he mentions an animal that *
tj! another player had already named, he must change places with the thrower. E
{_; Who, Where, What. This is a quiet mental game. Have members arranged 7
 .L in a circle so that all can hear the replies of players. This adds interest to the 5
é 2 game. One person is designated as "It." He points to some player and mentions
’ ; a letter of the alphabet. This player answers as quickly as possible, who he is g
$1 with, where he is and what he is doing, All to. begin with the letter mentioned. lg
  %   ig, Yé anddZ are no; to ge usgld. Tim; limit shoulg be set at iwtegitygecgnds
5; a rs an. gra ua yre uce as ey ma eprogress. xamp e- e er . am ll
tg; with Bert in Boston, Bakmg. lg
if- Charades. Charades involve the acting out of a word by one group while V
  the audience attempts to guess what it is. The audience, however, is made up playe
Qi of small groups each of which will in turn act out a word. There are several ,
Fl ways of dramatizing the word, and any of them may be used, altho it is cus-  
,   tomary for the acting group to announce which method it is using. The word ‘ 1‘
  may be acted out in syllables, as "accident"—"ax-eye-dent." It may be acted r,
gh out by syllables with an epilogue dramatizing the meaning of the entire word. "
  as the portrayal of an accident, or the word may be used as a whole without 3
Eq breaking it down into syllables. Acting may be in pantomime or in conversation. 4‘
,§€5.§ When conversation is used, some like to act out the syllables working them into ‘
li—·¤ the conversation as ingeniously as possible. In the word "attention" the words
  "at" "ten" "shun" would be woven into the conversation, Or the conversation 5`
  l might be centered about trying to get someone to pay attention to something. 6
  The words dramatized may be any which are familiar to the members ol ,I.‘
    the group, After you have tried acting out a number of words or if your grllllll '
 _ has played charades often, vary the game by asking each group to act out B 8_
  flower, free, sgngi nurseryT%hy;ne,Hadvertlsmgi slogan, scene from a ihagis;
‘;_ ~ peare p ay or 1 e s ory. e am 1ar game nown as "Lemonade," " ra €»
Yi  or "New York" combines a tag game with charades and makes it even more 9~
  fun for children.
 1 Below are a few words to act out and suggestions for charade variations to 10}
rg  help you. You will think of many more and so will the groups with whom You IL
 Q work. It is often best to let each group choose its own word or slogan or flower,
 Q but be sure to have some in mind in case a group has difficulty in thmklllg of 12-
‘·"  one.
ign  Words to Dramatize
ttm .
  Wash1ngton—wash-mk-ton Handkerchief—hand-cur-ch1€f The lg
  Pierce _Arrow—pierce-arrow Sausage—saw-sage night;
 ,4 ¥ocica{s1n——mocl€—1a:.—s1n ?Dhoema;ker—shoe-1nake1‘t_ ay Shun the rh
.  t l is a e—m1ss a e rama ization-—-dram-a- le-S r · arohh
 ";_ Knapsack——nap-sack Birdseye view—birds-I-view T;
 w Ice Cream—eye-scream · Kingdom—king-dumb hnm.8
 " " . ` — ' (lll
it  t;‘.F§;*3§‘§"€g.?FE;.t§§‘“°W‘*"“ }£f§2t§§“3;ii“;€§3 “‘“  
  Aeroplane—a1r-o-plane Pupil——pew-pill _ ey;  
I ___,  , §}ook(;vo1£nr—book(;ivo§n;l 11:/Fndmansliip-pergi-man-slilli U
  on er u—won er- u a agascar—ma -a-gas-03
 · Melancholy—melon—collie Constitutional-con-sty-two-$llUll_'?I§U L
gg; You can vary by using trees, flowers, songs, Mother Goose titles, fidvemsl ° 2·
  slogans, etc.  
’ i Lost and Found. Before your guests arrive, cleverly place ten articles?  
V  what may €21.$ily be regarded as their wrong places-a button on top of E C100 ' 6

 Recreation for 4-H and Utopia Clubs 9  _-gggffji
·1l fi {1* 
m· Tm a thimble on the mantel, a paper clip hanging on a lamp cord, a toothpick stuck E {Zi?}
YCSH OY ina picture frame, etc. Give each guest paper and pencil; and award a prize l`,§Y—"?`?{
nemms to the one who first locates all the articles.  
, player Cause for Pause Questions.  
hm at 1. How b1g 1S a postage stamp, regular issue? (1 inch by % inch) _ {-:ffi?3.¢;`1
` uickly 2. What is the circumference of a door knob? (7%. inches)  
imma, 3. What is the circumference of a dime? (2% inches)   »_r‘ jj
, H he 4. How long is a broom handle? (28 inches)  jira
31 that 5. Hoqwbnjfany beans, kernels of corn, or grains of rice in a small bottle on   A
ex 1 1 . ·g¢_‘¥;¢;,;
Owen 6. How many pins in an exhibited pile? AE;. 
ranged 7. What is the exact distance betweeen two given points in a room?  
tothe 8. What is the circumference of the bottom of an ordinary quart milk  
entions bottle? (12 inches)  _Q{`—§·.?
o he is 9. How many keys on a piano? (52 white, 36 black) $  Q-¢»
ltioned. 10. Whose picture is on the current one dollar bill? Five dollar bill? Ten  
seconds dollar bill?  
L. Iam 11. Where do you find the number on a dollar bill?  
12. Draw from memory a dime, a nickel, a penny. ?  
’ were Which of These Is Right. Another type of question is that in which the  
ade up player is not allowed to wander too far afleld, He is given his choice of several g  
$6Vml answers from which to choose. (The correct answer is capitalized.) Here again, Q 
is cus' you may want to add other questions of your own choosing.  
9 word 1. Peanuts grow on: trees, VINES, shrubs, bushes.  
’ acted 2. Silos are made round to keep: mice from nesting in the corners, SILAGE  
’_W°rd‘ FROM SPOILING IN THE CORNERS, an even airflow thru the silage. tgjy;
Vmtom 3. Alaska’s best crop is: ice, POTATOES, gold, iron, watermelons.    
`samgi 4. The largest market for asparagus and cucumbers is: NEW YORK CITY, s,,¤ 
m mds Chicago, chain stores, country road-side markets. if; 
Avgton 5. If you want to sleep well, choose: a hard bed, the floor, a cot, the ground.  
$5** A SOFT BED.    
1*}% { 6. Olives should be eaten with: a knife, a fork, a spoon, THE FINGERS. 1. · pj
681% sp 7. One of the following presidents is buried in Arlington Cemetery: Wilson.  
it E Theodore Roosevelt, TAFT, Coolidge.  
bake? 8. Jewels are used in a watch to: increase the value of the watchxmake the  
_ des,. BEARINGS WEAR.—PROOF, give the salesman a talking po1nt, make    
la {8 the watch heavier.  ‘ * ’ _
* m° 9. A white wing is: an airplane, a butterfly, a fleet of trucks, A STREET  
, ps to CLEANER, a bird.   J  ‘.·‘
*0 Ou 10. An antimacassar is: a footstool, a coffee urn, a jewel box, A DOILY.  
Engery ll. A tabby is: a teapot cover, A WATERED SILK TAFFETA, a sofa cushion,  , 
,m Of 3 "hug-me-tight" sweater. _  
· g 12. A tiffany is az VERY THIN MUSLIN GAUZE, a large diamond, a reading  
lamp, a stepladder.  
Uncle Joshua Died Last Night. This can be played standing or seated.  
The leader says to the one next to her, "Did you know Uncle Joshua died last  
mShl?" "No, how did he die?" asks the second. "With one eye shut," answers  
_Shun thi? 1°h‘St, closing one eye. The second repeats the same to the third and all  
around the room until it comes back to the leader.  
The second time around the same questions are asked, then the leader  
answers. "With one eye shut and his mouth awry." He still keeps his eye dosed  
and Screws the corner of his mouth around. Third time around he s2{»YS· 'fvlth  
OW €l’e shut, mouth awry, foot on high," and raises foot. Fourth time, OUP  
956 Shut, mouth awry, foot on high, waving good-by and waves hand.  
I IWe¤£_to Paris. The leader says, I went to Paris and bought?  
l¤j?nU L A pair of shoes—shuffle the feet. ti? 
*151 ° 2· A Dalr of gloves—open and close right fist.  
3- An umbrella—open and close left fist.  " Fir ?.
les in   A h&t—nod the head.  
clock. °- A Deir of glasses—blink the eyelids.   '  
6- A Set of false teeth—open and close the mouth   ‘  

YI, 10 Kentucky Extension Circular No. 344
  Ships. This is an exciting paper-and-pencil game for two players, in which pray;
  I opponents, starting with an equal number of ships, battle to sink the enemys is en;
I fleet. The fleet of each player consists of a 2-ton submarine, a 3-ton destroyer, piaye
I 2 a 4-ton cruiser and a 5-ton battleship. Biden
g` Before the battle begins, each player draws on plain or graph paper, 2 charts T
  . of 100 squares each. One of these is the Enemy chart; the other is the Home trade
I- chart. Each chart is lettered from "a" to "j" across the top and numbered from a bm
; Q 1 to 10 down the left side. Each player marks the positions of his ships on his
, noun
II home chart by writing the initials of each in as many squares as there are tons name
¤ _* in the ship. For example, the position of the 3-ton destroyer is shown by writing come
Iii the letter "d" in three consecutive squares, either horizontally, vertically or moth
  diagonally; that of the cruiser by writing "c" in four, and so on. The following Of ab:
lfi diagrams show how to mark the charts. The score card also is shown. Oppon-
Ii. ents are not allowed to see each other’s charts. cm IT
  . a
  abcdefghij abcdefghij  
L ¤ ¤ 3.
I  I 1 I I 1 S 4.
ti 2l III I2lSI!III|III —  
  BIIIIIII 3 ———  
  "l‘lIl IIIIIIIIIII 52*** I
  '||'II'Il' l'II"IIIII ¤=***** I