xt7ns17sp270 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17sp270/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1945-02-23  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1945 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 23, 1945 1945 1945-02-23 2013 true xt7ns17sp270 section xt7ns17sp270 Best uopy Available

The Kentucky Kernei

Outstanding Trot's
Are Recognized

Shively Takes Over
Position Of Head Coach





Angel Street' Scheduled
To Open Monday At Guignol

Shropshire, Popa
Play Lead Parts
The Guignol theater will present
"Angel Street' a Victorian thriller
by Patrick Hamilton, the week of
The play
closed a four-yerun on Broadway
in December .It was first shown in
London under the title "Gaslight"
nd has only recently been released
for amateur production.
The play, which is set In London
of the 1880's shows the efforts of a
man crazed by his desire for some
priceless Jewels to drive his wife
The cast includes Anne Wallace
Shropshire as Mrs. Manningham,
Eli Popa as Mr. Manningham ; Betty
Anne Ginocchlo as Nancy, the maid;
Opal Palmer as Elizabeth, the
Edmund Mills as
Rough, the detective; and Jennings
Kcarby and W. B. Wrench as policemen. All the actors have appeared
in previous Guignol productions.
Mr. Wallace Briggs will direct the
play. Ivalou Ross will act as assistant director.

M nsieale

Two seniors in the University
music department will present their
senior recital Sunday afternoon at
4 p.m., as one of the regular musi-cascries. Miss Helen Lipscomb,
pianist, and Miss Ann Cowgill. contralto, were chosen as outstanding
representatives of their class.
Miss Lipscomb is the daughter of
Major and Mrs. W. N. Lipscomb, of
Lexington, and is a member of Phi
Beta, national music honorary fraternity, the YWCA, and secretary of
Mortar Board. She also was chosen
for the publication "Who's Who
Among Students in American Universities and Colleges."
Miss Cowgill. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. V. Cowgill, Lexington,
is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta
social sorority and a pledge of Phi
Beta. She sings with both the University Choristers and the Women's"
Glee Club. After studying for two
years at the University of Kentucky,
she attended the American Conservatory of Music, in Chicago,
where she received her B.M. degree
in voice. Miss Cowgill will be accompanied by Mrs.- Ruth Adams
Martin, a junior in the Music delc

The program:
Thou Shalt Bring Tliem In, from
"Israel in Egypt," Handcll; Sebbcn,
Crudclc. Caldars: Du Bist die Run,

Schubert ; Miss Cowgill.
Prelude in B flat minor. Bach;
Sonata in C major, opus 53. AUcgro
con brio, Beethoven; Miss Lipscomb.
Amour. Viens Aider, from "Samson ct Delilah." Saint-SacnMiss
Jeux d'eau. Ravel; Miss Lipscomb.
Do Not Go. My Love. Hageman;
Wings of Night. Watts; Pierrot,
Rybnrr; Let My Song Fill Your
Heart, Charles; Miss CowgilL
Nocturne in F sharp major, Chopin; Rhapsody in G minor. Brahms:
Miss Lipscomb.


Party In Union
Cwens. sophomore woman's
honorary, will entertain with a
card party at 4 p.m. Wednesday.
February 28, in the card room of
the Union building.
All University students are invited to attend. Tickets are 25
cents. Cartons of cigarettes will
be raffled, and chances will be
five cents each or 6 for a


SGA Elections
To Be Friday

Professor Assigned
To Work In Balkans

Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, professor of
sociology at the University, has been
granted a leave of absence for one
year by the University faculty. He
will do work for the State Department of the United States as an
agricultural attache in several of
An election for n.emjtrs of the the Bwkan countries and will report
Association on the situation there to Washingstudent Government
in be held Friday, March 2. The ton.
polling place has not yet been
Report To Washington
selected but will be announced in
Dr. Sanders will remain at the
next week's Kernel by Betty Tevis, University until the end of the winchairman of the Election Committee. ter quarter and then will report to
Washington to await transportation
Students wishin; to run for office to Europe
most file applications not later tban
Dr. Sauucrs came to the Univertoday at the office of the registrar sity from Alabama college in 1940.
in the Administration Building. To He did his undergraduate work at
Washington and Lee university and
be eligible for office a student must his graduate work at Cornell univerhave a
standing, be a member sity. From 1929 until 1932 he taught
of the college in which the vacancy Latin and Englisn m the American
occurs, and have been a resident ! College of Sofia. Bulgaria. Then he
to do
student at the University for at least returned to the United States
graduate work. In 1934 he became
two quarters.
dean of the American college and
In a called meeting Wednesday, taught sociology there until he again
the members oT SGA voted to amend returned for graduate work at Corthe constitution of the assembly. A nell in 1937.
report was given by William BuckResearch On Bulgarian Village
ler, chairman of the committee inFor his doctoral tljesis Dr. Sandvestigating the powers of the stand
ing Judiciary committee. The re- ers did research work on the sociSUpgCStCd the execution of the ology of a Bulgarian village. He has
detailed study of peasant
jvcn the committcc by the i madc
Constitution which provides for the life in the Balkans and of the Bui- investigation of University students garian language.
Dr. Sanders is an associate editor
who commit offenses reflecting discredit on the University as a whole. of Farmers of the World The Development of Agricultural ExtenReport Accepted
sion," which is now being printed at
This report was accepted and a Columbia university. It will appear
motion was made by Buckler that sometime in May. He has written
the constitution be amended to works and numerous articles for
change the present personnel of the chapters for several sociological
Judiciary committee which is now sociological journals. He was a concomposed of three faculty members tributing editor to "Sociomctery."
and- - foOTMjoent.
The wt ion,
Numerous Activities
seconded by Baker, m'as. passed
unanimously by the assembly and
In the summer of 1944, Dr. Sand
the amendment is as follows: The ers was executive secretary of the
Judiciary committee shall be com- Conference to Outline the Contribuposed of five student members, two tion of Extension Methods twoard
chosen from the assembly, including the Rehabilitation or War-tor- n
the chairman, and three members Countries, which met at Washingto be chosen by SGA from the stuton. He was program chairman of
dent body at large.
the Kentucky Conference of Social
Welfare. He is a member of the
Must Be Ratified
This amendment must be' ratified executive board of the Fayette
Planning, secrein the March 2 election by a majority Council for Social
Lexington chapter of
of the student body and approved tary of the
by the University Faculty before it the American Association of Univerof
becomes effective. If this measure sity Professors, and a member
sociological societies. At the
does not receive a majority student several
vote the present Judiciary commit- University he is chairman of the
tee will assume its investigating faculty committee on student
powers and be composed of three ganization. He is an elder in the
faculty members and four students. Maxwell Street Presbyterian church.
Mrs. Sanders and their two chilElection Included
dren will live in Providence, R. I.
Representatives to be elected include: Agriculture, lowerclass
woman; Arts and Sciences, one
lowerclass woman, one uppcrclass
woman, and one lowerclass man;
Commerce, one lowerclass woman;
With a cash prize for the winner
Engineering, one lowerclass man;
Graduate school, one representative of each division, the Student Union
begins its men's
'at large; Law, one man at large. board pong tournaments and women's
Tuesday. A
twenty-fiv- e
cent entry fee will be
charged each entrant, and the winner of the men's tourney will play
the winning woman in the final

Plans Made
To Co ns true I

Students To File
Applications Today

Will Also Build
Residence Halls,
Dining Unit
Tentative plans for the construction of a war memorial fieldhouse,
which will serve primarily as a basketball


To Begin Tuesday



non-servl- -e


UK Growth
First Annual
Founder's Day
Is Observed
Outlining the development of the
University over a period of 80 years.
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president
emeritus of the University, spoke .on
"A Background for Observance of
Founders Day at the University of
Kentucky" at the special Founders
day convocation held yesterday at
10 a.m. in Memorial hall.
"In our commonwealth the people
have been working for 150 years to
establish and maintain a public university." stated Dr. McVey.
Dr. McVey paid tribute to the
many great Kentuckians, including
John Bowman and Dr. James K.
Patterson who helped build the present University. Dr. McVey also
Urged the present administration,
faculty, and students to continue
the building and expansion of the
Dr. H. L Donovan, president of
the University presided at the convocation.
Student Message Delivered
Betty Anne Ginocchio, appointed
to deliver the message from the
students of the University, spoke on
From 3 to 5 p.m. a reception and
tea was held for members of the
staff, students, alumni and friends
of the University in the lower lobby
of the library. At 4 p.m. a portrait
of Judge Richard C. Stoll was presented to ' the University by Mr.
James Park in behalf of the Alumni
association, and accepted by President Donovan.
Lieut. Col. Joe T. Lovett, of the
class of '22, and Gov. Simeon S. Willis were speakers at the Founders
day banquet which was held at 7
p.m. in the. Bluegrass room of the
Grover Creech
Union huildtng.
president of the alumni association,
presided, and Thomas R. Underwood,
editor of the Lexington Herald, was

New Appointee
Will Select


Vacuum company. His earlier experience includes teaching at Arkansas from 1927 until 1929.
Attended Arkansas Colleges
Dr. Meadow attended the University of Arkansas and Arkansas college. He did his undergraduate
work at Arkansas college in 1925,
received his Masters degree at the

Entrants must be students of the
University, either civilian, or ,AST.
All students interested should send
name, address, postofTice box number and telephone number on a
sheet of paper to Room 121, Student Union building as soon as


University of Arkansas in 1927, and
his, Doctors degree at Johns Hopkins university in 1933.
Dr. Meadow and his family are
living at 800 East Main street. His
two daughters attend Ashland grade

come effective

The Wildcats will play their last
regularly scheduled game of the
year when they tackle the University of Cincinnati Bearcats Saturday night at Xavier field house in
Second Meet Of Season



ii IV. I. L 1 1 1.

Are Approved









A masquerade ball, sponrorcd by
SuKy, will be held from 9 to 12 p
m. tomorrow in the Bluegrass room
of the Union building. A "ttima-mit- "
dance, men may ask women
or women may ask men.
Tickets for the dance may be obtained from any of the SuKy members or tryouts. or at the dance.
The price of the tickets is 75 cents,
stag or drag.
All soldiers on the campus are invited to attend and if arrangements
can be made the Navy men from
Bcrea will be present, according to
SuKy officials.



also accepted.
Appointments In the College of
Agriculture and Home Economics
included: Charles L. McOriff. coun- ty agent, Harlan; William B. Ball.
assistant state farm labor supervisor; Estcllc Boles Nickcll .emergency food conservation assistant
in Morgan-Menife- e
and Magoffin
counties; Donald W. Martin, field
agent in farm labor; Nancy Scrug-haBeck, home demonstration
agent, Caldwell county; Rowcna I.
Sullivan, home demonstration agent,
Simpson county; Elizabeth C. Alexander, clerk In department of markets and rural finance; Beatrice
F. Deaton.
Club deJean Tuttle. clerk.
' Ruby E. Morrow, clerk,
in College
of Agriculture
and Home Economics.
Resignations In the college were
as follows: Pearl S. Snider, home


Students Voice Opinion Of Black Market
By Mary Louise


said she believed this market might
be controlled to some extent by the
appeal of the government to the
people. "The danger of buying from
the black market should be impressed upon us as the govenunent
impresses on us how little our losses
are and how great our winnings arc.
The necessity of controlling the
black market should be publicized
as war bonds have been," she reasoned.
Another cord of this group said
that she felt that the black market
would be very difficult, to control.
"The only effective way I see," she
said, "is to educate the people in
the need for this control. In peacetime too, there is a black market
to, of course, a lighter extent, but
during this war people have become
more conscientious than ever before
and If the harm of the black market is shown to lliem control might
be gained."

In asking the survey question this
week what do you think of the
black market in the United States?
it was found that few of the students on this campus have ever had
any contact with the black market.
Several of the students interviewed said they would not buy from the
black market. One English major
said not even cigarettes or nylons
would tempt her if they came from
the black market. "It seems Hie
biack market in this war is worse
than any other such organized
underground we have had in past
wars." she continued, "I don't believe
the black market can ever be very
effectively controlled because
people will keep it up
One group of coeds said they believed the blacsT market was a
natural phase of any war. They said
they would not purchase articles
from this market if they were cer- tain that the articles came from that
' One scic!c::' major c! thii jrsup


black market I hoe I wouldnf
but when faced with the situation,
I'm afraid I might."
One of these coeds, an English
major, said the black market is like
prohibition. "There arc always some
people who would buy from it," she
declared "The propaganda that has
been put out by the government for
housewives has had some good effect. More of that sort ol thing
should be done and bnilj around the
theme, 'crime does not pay'.
Several people said they felt that
the best way to control the black
market would be to take rationing
off of items.


A members of the University staff
said he had often turned down offers
from some form of the black market, but it would depend upon the demonstration agent at Franklin;
as to whether he James W. Davenport, assistant caun-t- y
a;?nt at Madisonville; Frances
would buy from it at some time or
MrCourt. clerk In the dairy departanother.
Weils, clerk.
lie said he felt rationing should ment: Elizabeth Dan
club department, and Dorothy
be taken off. "We didn't have it tn
Barkley. clerk.
the last war and we were In that
Appointments in the College of
war only a year and a half. The
rationing doesn't seem to be fair. Education Include: Maurice
.secretary in the Department of
It might, be a better idea to ration
Business Education; Odis Lee Harby price," he said.
ris, assistant In vocational educaA Junior in the Home Economies
tion, and Mildred Rhoads, study hall
college said she would buy from the supervisor on temporary appointmarket not in quantities but ment.
One civilian student said that small items. "I believe the black
In the College of Commerce.
.vince the war there was no longer market can be controlled by the Golriie Wilson was named visiting
any prohibition and so people turn people rather than just the governinstructor for a short period; and
ed to flic black market. "Yes. I ment officials. Through appeals to Juanita Waren. secretary in the
rllthrr tnan by Bovcrn- - University library resigned, subject
would buy from it," he said. "Theltne
govfriiin'nt should relea.se rationed mcm acnon, coniroi can De gained. to the approval of the board.
Mrs. T .W. SweaM was named
items &omett'h:t. For instance, gasoAn Engineering sophomore said
line is gi"cn to
parties such as the best way to control this market housemother for the unit of freshTwo upperclass ccds made a politicians and big businssineii and would be to get the war over soon! men students. Upon recommendagood point by saying. "Well, it's easy the average man must struggle along "That would really do the trick." he tion of the office of the dean of
- ,ll"n- - a t rtl- 2" r.r.1,. j
t.-- )
(Con""us cri





1. 194.".

The former coach holds the B.S.
degree from the University and the
M A. degree from Che University of
Louisville. He has been teaching
in the University history department in addition to his other duties
for approximately two and a half
To Select Assistants
According to the action of the
Mr. Shively will be
authorized to select assistant football
"In recommending
Shively to the dual position, I consulted the athletic council and the
Dean of the University." the president said, "and the suggestion was
adopted unanimously."
Members of the athletic council
are President Donovan, chairman;
W. D. Funkhoiifccr. Assistant Dean
L. J. Horlacher. Prof. M. E. Licon.
Dean Alvin E. Evans, Jean Crabb.

In addition



and President Donovan and Dean
Leo M. Chamberlain recommended
to the board that Mr. Kirwan be
granted a year's sabbatical leave for
1945-4- 6
lo Study toward his Ph.d

to taking definite
steps toward the building of the
the season- between the Bearcats proposed fieldhouse, the University
and the Wildcats. Kentucky deapproved ap4
in Lex- - board of trustees
feated the Bearcats
pointments and resignations in the
9. This is some- in(?ton on December
faculty and staff in the Saturday
trilntr rf rtal sivmnranr
The Bearcats, under Coach Ray mectlnB
were as follows
Farnham, have been doing especially well in rematches.
Teams George Barr Carson. Jr.. was named
which have slapped them all over assistant professor of history: James
the court upon the first encounter H. Potect, was appointed instructor
on a temporary basis In
have found them very hard to han- - in
the Army Specialized Training prodie the second time around.
gram: William Morris was named
Hardor Saeond Tim.
student assistant in the Department
It was this way against Marshall of Social Work: Louis M. Railcy.
college, which beat the Bearcats named secretary in the Department
and then took a 4 beating of Bacteriology; Marjorie Freeman,
from Farnham's boys. Miami's Red- named part-tim- e
secretary in De6
skins humbled the Bearcats
partment of Psychology; William
out 0
in a re- Buckler, reappointed graduate asand then lost
match. Coach Adolph Rupp of the
sistant In Department of English,
Wildcats says, in effect, that he
R. C. Lay son was named inexpects to have a really hectic and
structor of physics in the AST protime of it in stopping Cincinnati gram.
for the second time.
In the same college the promoExpects Same Tactics
tion of Dr. T. D. Clark, from acting
When interviewed, Coach Rupp head to head of the Department of
said that he expected that the Bear- History, effective July 2. on permacats would try the same tactics that nent appointment, was approved by
worked so well against Marshall. the commit tee.
"If the Bearcats try that," said
Leave Granted
Rupp. "the only thing we can do
A leave of absence was granted
to hope to get at least the same
E. Snow, associate
number of shots and then make to Dr. Charles
arch-- I
good on a greater percentage of professor of anthropology and
aeolocy for an indefinite period, to
serve as consultant in anthropology
to the Climatic Research Institute,
Suky To Sponsor
U. S. Army.
The resignation of
secretary in
Betty Capcn. part-tim- e
Masquerade Call
the Department of Psychology was


athletic director and line coach, was
named head football cooch for the
duation orf tTie war at the meeting
of the board of trustres Saturday
morning in President H. L. Donovan's office.
Transferred To Hixtory
Kirwan. head
Albert D.
coach tince March. 1938 was, at his
own request and upon the recommendation of the president and the
dean of the University, transferred
from the Athletic department to
the Department of History.
Mr. Shively. member of the athletic department staff at the University since 1927 and athletic director since March 1938. was named
by the executive committee to assume the coaching job vacated by
Mr. Kirwan in addition to his present duties as athletic director.
Granted Leave
Mr. Kirwan's appointment to the
History department staff will be-


Tomorrow Night

duPont Manufacturing company
from 1933 until 1935. He then became head of the Department of
Chemistry at Southwestern college
in Memphis. In 1941 he accepted
the position with the Socony


'Cats End Regular Season
With Ciney Till Tomorrow







Dr. J. R. Meadow Appointed
To Chemistry Department




The appointment of Dr. Jacob R."
Meadow as associate, professor of
chemistry was approved at the
meeting of the University board of
trustees on Saturday. He will also
serve as director of all freshman
classes in chemistry.
Came Here In February
Dr. Meadow, who began his active service at the University on
February 1, 1945, came here after
resigning from a position with the
Socony Vacuum company in New
Worked For duPont
After receiving his doctors de
gree. Dr. Meadow worked for the


Bernie Shively Named
Head Football Coach
Replacing Ab Kirwan


van announced.
As soon as the building materials
become available, the construction
contracts will be let.
Appropriated At Two Sessions
The money for the fieldhouse was
appropriated at two legislative ses- toastma-stesions. The 1942 assembly approprispoke on
Lieut. Col.
ated $400,000 for the biennium and 'Founders, Keepers," and the topic
the 1944 Legislature appropriated of Governor Willis' address was "The
$5,200,000 for the construction of jjinjversity and the State.'
various public buildings, including
The broadcast to the alumni from
the fieldhouse.
the studios of the University station
The women's hall will house WBKY through WHAS, Louisville,
nearly 200 students and the men's at 10:15 p.m., concluded the day's
of the University's
hall will complete the quadrangle observance
eightieth birthday.
of halls for men on the campus.

play-of- f.



dining unit, and $250,000
residence hall for men, Dr. Dono- -


ring: Pong Tourney

Composed of forty-fiv- e
of the
Sweater swing . . . will be held University's total of 90 dicharged
from 6 to 7:30 tonight in the Blue- - veterans of World War II, the
grass room of the Union building.
Veterans club meets evcrv second
Sweater swing . . . will be held Monday. Ncxt meeting wm be a
p.m. Monday in the
from 6 to 7:30
psm meeting atfi:30 p.m. Monday
Bluegrass room of the Union build at the Maxwell Street Prcsbytcriau
Masquerade ba9 . . . will be held
Definition and objectives of the
12 tomorrow night in the club arc quoted from
from 9 to
the organizaBluegrass room of the Union build- tion's constitution to explain to
prospective members its purpose:
I oik dancing . . . will be held from
"The Veterans Club of the Uni7:30 to t:30 tonight in the Gym versity
of Kentucky is an associa- annex for all civilian students.
linn (irii'linH tn oil D'hn t,ati hMn
:, .. .
will be held from .
Folk dancing
r o in uic
6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the Gym iiunurHuty uiscuaigcu i
campus. armed forces of the United States
annex for all soldiers on the
America, and who are enrolled
Veterans club . . . will meet at 6:30 of
at the University of Kentucky, and
pin. Monday at the Maxwell Street who show an expressed interest in
PmhrtM-iar'lultvll frtr Kimiwr All
veterans on the campus. whcther the objectives of the organization,
To provide such aid to any
members or not. are invited.
will meet at 5 p.m. veteran regardless of age, sex. or
Tuesday and Thursday in Buell creed as may be derived from mutual
discussion and social contact. (2 To
nl encourage the veterans to
Cwens . . . will entertain at 4 p.m.
Wednesday In the Card room of the take advantage of the educational
Union building, with a card party, opportunities provided at the
pong tourney . . . begins Tues- - vcrsity of Kentucky, and to serve
as a check, by group pressure, to
day tn Student Union.
will meet at 6:45 discourage any actions or habits
tpperclass V
pm. Tuesday in the Union building, which would bring disfavor upon
(3) To help the
Dance committee . . . will meet at the organization.
4 n m. Tuesdav in Room 204 of the veterans to rehabilitate himself to
civilian and campus life successful
Union building.
freshman club . . . will meet at ly. 4i To urge and encourage that
6:30 p.m. Tueiday in the Union he take part in all campus activities postibl" .m that both he and
connected students may
Independent meeting . . . will be
held at 7 p.m. Monday in Room 204 benefit from their respective ex- perieucei."


as a men's gym. The fieldhouse
will be convertible to a giant auditorium when the need arises.
To Draw Specifications
The tentative contract for the
fieldhouse calls for the employment
of three Lexington architects to
draw plans and specifications for
a $1,000,000 fieldhouse to be erected
as a memorial to Kentuckians who
have participated in World War II.
The $1,750,000 expenditure also
will include construction of a new
$300,000 residence hall for women.


Vet Club Composed
UK Men;
To Meet Monday


Saturday by the University board of
trustee's executive committee.
The plans call for a swimming
pool and for complete equipment


23, 1943

Dr. McVey

Cwens To Give

Sanders Given Leave
To Work As Attache




junior student representative, and
Norman ChrisniSTr. senior student
Native Of Loabvilr
Mr. Kirwan Is a native of Louisville and was graduated from the

University in 1926. He cachel fool-ba- ll
at both Male and Manual
schools, before his appointment to
the University coaching staff.
Mr. Shively holds the B.S. Degree
from the University of Illinois,
where he mas an
Robert Zuppke. He came to Kentucky in September, after his graduation as line coach and track


By Shirley Meister
What special feature
are you looking forward to In the
proposed fleM house?
Polly Thompson, A AS. junior: A
swimming pool.
Loutillie Walker. A AS. freshman:
I want it to be without any "no
smoking" ign and air conditioned.
Virginia Stephens, AAS, freshman: Enough seats to accommodate the huge crowds at basketball
Jimmy Helton, A AS, freshman: A
swimming pool.
Lyle Watson. A AS. sophomore:
My husband.
Betty Jo t'nderwood. AS. freshman: An indoor tennis coiurt
Betty Waltman. Ag., seninr:
golf course.
Esther Price, Af .. senior: A good
football team.
George Antle, Aj.. freshman: A
shuffle board court.
Frances I Duke) Saunders. A AS.
freshman: A chance to
early morning dip before going to
Douglas Lowry. Commerce, freh-maA swimming pool and a portable golf course.
Glenna Ritchie. AAS. freshman:
A swimming pool with the best looking boys on the campus as lifeguards.
Frances Keller. AAS. sophomore:
A large enough gym so that w?
could accommodate the crowds for
the big games.
Joe Armstrong. Eng.. freshman:
A better basketball court ill a Urje

� oesi uopy Available

The Kernel Editorial Page




at the Port Offlc at Lexington, KnfiifVy,
under the Art of M..i. n 3, it.'t

iss ciiiur


Ker.turity Intercollegiate Press Asrnr i&ticn
lTtnpton Board of Commerce
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National Ed i tor it. i An.iMi.m

National Advertising Service, I ac.









On Quarter
(I so One Vnr

Managing Editor
News Editor
Circulation Manager
MARY JANE IJORSEY -- ....Assistant Managing Editor
Sports Editor
Society Editor
Assistant News Editors




of I"ciiii(kis'
Liuttlit to lilil ajjain oiiisianclin names in the
t li. I t x
ycais if the I'niversilv's historv. Stu li
lncii have been totally responsible clown ihtou;li
the xcaix lor iis steady growth, i s respected regulation as an insiiluiion of hiih standards and
ideals, and for iis abiliix to develop hadcis.
I lie incentive to push ahead and
deeloi the
KMMiKts aheady deeply rooied in the I'niver--- i
has never died. And men aie still stiiviug
to 111.1111i.1i11 iliai reputation.
Retcnilv iwo professors, Ijoih outstanding in
tin ii sec ialied sludy on the campus, have distinguished themselves to a device ol particular
teioguiiion and it is not out ol line now to mention 1'iolessois Irwin Sanders and (.i.int C
Knight as such men of noted accomplishments.
Ilcloie he tame to the I'niversiiv as piolcssor
ol vMiologv, Dr. Sanders tauglu Latin and English in I.ulgaria. He holds a I'll. I), dcgiee Iroin
(.oiik II I'nivcrsity, his dissertation being based
on a siudv of casant life in the l.alkans. Now
giaiued a vcai's leave of absence liom his teaching he will return 10 the Balkans at the beginning ol the spring quarter where he w ill work
lot the Slate Department as an agiiculiural
au.'uhe in these countries.
"Most Distinguished Professoi " is the title
Knight, of the English department, was
jusiitial.lv given by the ptofessois of the Arts


By Billie r ise tier
ihcic is no
W e it- III
i.ilik to see ill. ii
for anv student to buv joke the c.indv counter caught inv
I href shots l ing out. the I'liiveisilv
is linallv gelling
fun- Nothing lould be
I he si hoi. I spit it
of the servants tell dead. on t he ball
nier than some ol the examples Two
text "W rit I he other went ihioii!i his hat. at tin It iuitssee game was nil
used in the I
ing and I hinking." bv roeistcr . . . The baby lost its tattle, and In ' And il vv .11 nit d our bit If
lot instance, when he could not Im.l it it hi ai t to hi ai I.. I llie lusl lime,
and Steadiiian.
I liotuas
went to Noilh hetjaii lotiv."
allei being lit e a veil and a
flakota after lit r husband en
hill, on Mm. i Malei sung bv
teted prison lo live with relaHave yoiv ever thought ..Im.iii
UliU u,
not ii eel a short, fat
I hat
Doing Something?
e ic al-- o happv ahoiil Mil
man with one leg following
g something Desitlcs stu.
K is il Uiug
k( u iM
close bt hin.l. . . She i.lenlif.ed d
ImkIv as that ol Donald, who ing cokes and biimuiiiig weeds K. U
,,oit si til lighl- had mil awav bv means of scars jM vour spaie lime. Manv stu
ng. but its ipiaiiu little interior
on his led leg and lore head. . . . dents dissipate their bouts ol
s being
painted in the sihin.l
She had indeed neatly dietl of leisure bv fooling atotind. We
.Mill tlit ie w as me
an attack siiuilai to the on? that have the
ifcit vilulion to this colois.
killed her some eighteen months oroblem. Yon can do some thiii-- j Kotiinlcis Dav e el: hi al ion. too.
I he
iir.ui who was useful, enjovable.
interest ing. Al lasl we have some- liadilioli.
driving was thrown when the patriotic and eompensatoi v it We should "liadish" nmif
horse stumbled and broke his vim reallv want lo cease vour
t. In li.
arm. . . . One of the buttons on activities as a lounge liard. T he
my shirt alvvavs breaks when Svlvaiiia Electric Products com-oanJust foi the fun ol it we c!e- hut t ying to dress for a parly. . . .
is in dire need of women
On the wav out of the store. w,..ir SvU.mi has a hi" war tided lo write a letter in (.el- H.iv- priMluction cptoia to hll. and it man to our grandpappv.
knowledge ol the I.ui- can't Im? done with einjitv spaces ing n
O ...I ihc assc n.blv line. The hours uuage. we Ix.r