xt7ns17snp2g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ns17snp2g/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1923-01-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1923 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1923 1923 1923-01-26 2012 true xt7ns17snp2g section xt7ns17snp2g The Kentucky Kernel


No. 16









It will be remembered that it was
Georgia that fell before the Cats in
the finals of the 1921 Atlanta tournament in one of the most exciting
games ever written in the annals dl
basketball. The "oldtimers" will recall the cool, deliberative manner of
Bill King when with the score tied at
and the playing time ended, he
tossed a foul goal giving Kentucky
the game and the Southern championship.

With the exception of Captain Sam
Ridgeway, who is still out of the game
because 6f a broken ankle, and Bill
King, who is out, none. of the championship five are in school. It does
not seem possible that either of the
above will get into the coming scrap,
so Georgia will face an entirely new
collection of Cats. Nothing is known
of the Southerners strength, but Georgia always puts out good teams, and

on page five.)





Visit of Distinguished Alumnus
is Commemorated in Contest
Among Journalists.
rrl prize oiicrcuI uy me aiuium: A o
to the student of Journalism
writing the best story about the recent
visit of Captain C. C. Calhoun was
won by Arthur L. Hodges. The story
Students of the University of Kentucky were fortunate in hearing Captain C. C. Calhoun, one of the University's greatest alumni, speak in chapel.
The perfect attention accorded Cap-ta- n
Calhoun was a tribute to his powers of address and shows that he can
interest students as well today as he
when other students
did in 1885-8cheered his performance on the football field.
Captain Calhoun with characteristic
modesty did not dwell at length on his
services to the state in colecting Civil
War claims, but delighted his audience
with reminiscences of hs own college
days and experiences on the gridiron.
One thing regarding his work for






page 4.)


Upper Hand

nooga Defeated



Cats Slow in First Half, But in
Second Period Gained The

Hard Game With Alabama Five
Staged Thursday; Chatta-






With two victories and one defeat
written thus far in 'the 1923 score-boothe Cats were scheduled to meet
the University of Alabama in the local
gym Thursday night. The Crmson
game now over, the Blue and White
will now turn ther attention to the
coming gaine with Centre on the Kentucky court Saturday evening, the first
of the two annual clashes that attract
a capacity audience each year. Saturday, February 3, the Cats wll entertain the University of Georgia five
here in what promises to be a hot


Southerners Display Good Pass
Work, But Failed in Basket

Crowd Expected to
Watch Old Rivals Battle on
Basketball Court.







Displaying a flashy attack and a
defense the
practically impregnable
Wildcat quintette defeated the University of Chattanooga five Monday
evening o nthe local court
Cats gained the lead a few minutes after the game started and held that po
sition throughout the contest although
Lower row, from left to right: Dorothy Potter, Margaret Chenault, Elizabeth Allen, Margaret Ligon, Laura their margin of safety was never too
Bonta, Nan Chenault, Frances Smith, Estelle Hebden.
large to enable them to let up. The
Top row, from left to right: Esther Hagyard, Ida Kinney Risque, Ann Sprague, Nancy Beatty, Elizabeth Jack- Moccasins fought gamely from whis
son, Col. George D. Freeman, Fannie Summers Tarlton, Lillian Rasch, Elsie Coleman, Lucy Gardner.
tle to whistle, but were unable to
The team was organized last "fall and has been practicing twice a week since then in Buell Armory under the in- break up the Cat defense.
Chattanooga opened the hostilities
struction of Sarah Blanding. They are matched againsft some of the foremost institutions of the country and have
center last
made good enough records in practice to warrant holding matches between some of the foremost colleges in the coun- wlcn Redd,
Courtesy Lexington Herald. year, caged a free throw soon after
try, including Northwestern and Miami Universities.
the game started. Reifflen then put
the Cats in front by a field goal, after
the Blue and White had worked the
ball through the Moccasin defense. He
ag:i:n scoifd with a spectacular shot
Wednesday, January 31 10 to
frcm mid f'oor, closely followed by a
There will be a meeting of the
11 o'clock; 3 to 4 o'clock.
feu' goil. giving the Cats a
Catholic Club of tihe University
Ipad. HI! of the visitors
Thursday, February 1 10 to
at the Assembly rooms on Barr
through the Kentucky defense and ad11 o'clock; 3 to 4 o'clock.
ded two points to his team's total,
street, Sunday, January 28, at
Friday, February 210 to Y
making the only field goal for the
Much Touted Danville Quintet
10 o'clock.
Moccasins in the first half.
Defeated With Ease By
made one of two fouls awarded to
No student will ibe registered
King's Proteges.
is asked to be
Every member
making the score
before or after the above named
Reifken again got loose and scored,
present as plans for the year are
hours until the regular registrabut Redd brought his team again to
to be announced.
tion day, February 5.
within one point of the Cats by makGreat Exhibition of Basketball
ing two free throws. The half ended
Displayed by Leader of Ken-- KKwith the Cats on top by the smallest
tucky Frosh.
of margins of a
CLUB GIVES The second half was all Kentucky's.
COLLEGE ASSOCIATION OF Monday night while the Varsity MEN'S GLEE
The Cats displayed much better form
was playing Chattanooga here Coach
in this perod and were never in imMEET King's proteges alias the Kittens, jour ITS FIRST
mediate danger throughout the last 20
neyed to Danville and handed the
minutes of play. Fest, Varsity center,
Eighteenth Annual Session Of Centre Lieutenants the short end of Organization Plans Several Trips lost his guard time after time and
a 22 to 9 score.
to Kentucky Towns for Years tallied 10 points before the game endBody Meets at UniCentre led the scoring but not for
ed. The Cats started soon after the
long in fact, for just about three min(Continued on page five.)
The Men's Glee Club made an aus- The eighteenth annual meeting of utes for the Kittens got their fur died
Kpiling up the points. It picous start of its season of glee club
the Association of Kentucky Colleges and started
looked like a real basketball game for concerts at Little Rock, (not Arkan
and Universities was held Saturday, a while, but looks will deceive, for af- sas) last Friday night and as a re MISTAKE
January 20, at the University of Ken- ter the Kitten started it resembled the ward in part, were the recipients of
tucky. Over 60 educators, from five last half of the Centre State game. one of the best suppers ever placed SSUE HERE CORRECTED
During the first half the game was upon a country board, according to
different colleges attended.
be various entities of the organization.
paying respect to the close, hotly contested and could
claimed by neither team.
performance University Did Not Fall Short of
The Little
late James Kennedy Patterson, PresExpenditures As Stated in
The last half the fun started for the was tihe first of the season, it went with
ident Emeritus of the University of Kittens they just couldn't miss the "ole
form, accordthe polish of
Kentucky, and for many years a mem- basket," in fact so good was their aim ing to Professor Lampert, the Glee
In its issue of last week the Kernel
ber of the Association, were passed that when the whistle blew for the Club director. A program of chorus
end they were leading the "Reverent songs was given by the Club. Inter- carried in one of its headlines a stateduring the meeting.
ment that, it regrets, was misleading.
Lieutenants" by 13 point margin.
spersed with these were the appear
The commission on
In its front page story touching on
McFarlaud, of the Kittens, was the ances of the quartet composed of Clem,
athletics formed last year, was con- outstanding star of the game; Jimmy
President F. L. McVey's statement of
Heavrin, Baughman and DeCoursey;
tinued, the first meeting to be subject was not! troubled with many misses violin selections by Prof. Lampert; a financial conditions at the University
headto the call of Dr ,W. D. Funkhouser, and to make up lost time he proceeded whistling solo by Porter; a saxophone of Kentucky, a section of the
to score 12 points. His throwing form solo by Tichner; and a tenor solo and line made use of these words: "Act-of the University qf Kentucky, temual Income of Past Year Fell Far
a free throw was the best part of the reading by Clem.
This commission
porary chairman.
Short of All Expenditures." This is,
long trip, with several week-en- d
representative electOne
is composed of a
(Continued on page 4)
an erroneous statement as there were
trips with local concerts are upon the no facts in the story which carried
ed by each of the colleges in the AssoK
ESSAY CONTEST FOR UNDER- program for this year, and upon the out such an idea.
culmination of final
Those who made addresses before
According to Doctor McVey, "The
practice will begin with an added vim actual income of the University for
the Association were: Dean T. B.
preparation for these.
The Institute of International Edu in
the year past, from all sources and
President of the Association; Dean P. cation is conducting a prize essay con
Over forty men turned out for
for all purposes including agriculturP. Boyd, University of Kentucky; test among undergraduates on "The
this year, but only twenty-tw- o
Professor Frank L. Rainey, Centre Cancellation of the Allied Debts." A were taken on the initial trip, Avith teaching and maintenance was $1,277,-53College; Dr. E. R. Naylor, Kentucky notice of the contest is posted on the prospects of a further cut before the
Wesleyau College; President R. Ames bulletin board of the administration "big loop."
An impression was recently given
Montgomery, Centre College; Presi- building. The contest will be of value
Those taking the Bourbon County that this institution received $1,634,500
dent A. D. Harmon, Transylvania in stimulating interest in the present jaunt were: First tenors: Adams, for maintenance and instruction dur- College; and President M. B. Adams, world situation among students.
(Continued on page five.)
(Continued on page 4.)
Georgetown College.
Stop and read for particulars.
25-1- 8.







try-ou- ts


� I


Page Two


campus, and was a member of Alpha
1919 he had
Zcta fraternity.
been assistant state horticulturist of
North Carolina. He was a veteran of
the world war. A rriilitary funeral for
him was conducted by the American
Legion of Raleigh. He is survived by
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Nelson,' of Rowley, Mass., who were with
him at the time of his death. The
1916 class secretary who was never
too busy to do all in his power to
keep the fellows in close touch with
each other and the Alma Mater. He
was secretary of the Raleigh Alumni


Latins S. Barber is Professor of
.oology and Geology at the Florida
State College for Women, which position he has held for many years. His
residence is 268 College Avenue, Tallahassee, Fla.

Alumni Notes

Alumni Secretary

significant. One
with an enthusiastic letter and a check
John Scott is a Major, Infantry, U.
give serlor $200 this week. Others
S. A., on duty in the War Department,
Washington, D. C. His wife was Mrs.



Philadelphia, Jan. 27. Annual
dinner dance in the Gold and
Green Room of the Hotel Ma- jestic, Broad and Girard Avenue,
at 6:30 p. in.
Detroit, Jan. 27 (Fourth Satur- day Regular) dinner at 6:30 p.
m., Dixieland Inn.
Frankfort, Jan. 30, (Last Tucs- day Regular) evening meeting.
Schenectady, Jan. 31, Evening
with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson,
103 Central Parkway.
Somerset, Feb. 2. (First Friday
Regular) evening meeting.
Buffalo, Feb. 10. (Second Sat- urday Regular) luncheon at the
Ellicott Club.
Feb. 10. (Second
Saturday Regular) luncheon at
at the Lafayette Hotel, at 12:15.
New York, Feb. 13. (Second
Tuesday Regular) stag luncheon
at the Harvard Club.

Wil-mbf- c,

Florence C. Nesbitt and with her three
children, Kathcrine S. Nesbitt (18)
John S. Nesbitt (16) and William F. Club.
University Spirit.
Nesbitt (10), they reside at 1748 P. St.
A visitor in the office this week was
The "Kentucky spirit" is no better N. W.
today than it was twenty or forty
William C. Johnstone, who has been
years ago.
with the Brazilan Government, exper- principal of the high school at Geneva,
going out from the Alma
fruit, since 1917, lo- Indiana. The senior class of the high
imental work in
R. E. Moorman is with the AmeriMater now have no greater consecracated at Maria dc Fe, Minas, Brazil. school has dedicated the 1923 ancan Tobacco Company, at Ovvchsboro, Mr.
tion to their work than before. FacJohnstone's wife was Miss KathKy.
Residence address 817 Freder- crine Huggins of Brazil a graduate nual to her. She is directing the work
ulty members fit their jobs today no
of the weekly publication. Miss Forki-neicks Street.
better than they did before the war.
of Swarthmorc College in Pennsylwill study at Columbia University
But the State has progressed and
vania. They have two children, Wil- this summer.
the University has progressed. The
liam Frazer, two years, and Edward,
Miss Frances Marsh is society editor
Mrs. J. M. Coons (Grace T. Ogg) nine months old. They are with Mr.
University should have blazed the
Morning News
of the Wilmington
is instructor in Riverside High School,
Johnstone's parents at Nicholasvillc and amongst other duties is handling
is 652
2. Bill speaks PortuThere is more enthusiasm today on Milwaukee, Wis. Her address
Ky., R. R. No.
dramatic crticism. She is residing with
the campus than there ever was be- Cass street.
gese like a native and tells interesting her brother Henry N. Marsh '14, at
fore. There arc far more students.
things about his South American ex- 2101 Giles Street, Wilmington, Del.
Undergraduates arc contributing more
Did you get a new member?
Prentice Lancaster is teachCharles
to the popular understanding of the
James Douglas Garrett is with the
"It was an oversight that I had not
University resulting in a keener sym- ing Mathematics and Physics in Har- Bergcr Manufacturing Company, 301 paid before.
Hope that 1923 will
rison High School, Harrison, Ohio. Gugle Bldg., Columbus, Ohio.
pathy with its work and purpposes.
bring a bigger and greater 'Kentucky.'"
P. O. Box 186.
Graduates now present more diverWalter W. Morris, with the Eagle-PichJohn W. Lancaster is principal of
sified wants in their plan for a career.
Have you written to your Dean this
Lead Co., Henryette, Okla.
County High School at year?
The faculty must have a better under- the Bourbon
"Please send my Kernel to the
standing of national and world affairs, Millcrsburg, Ky.
Neighborhood House, 428 S. First St.
business, the professions and industry.
There are four Kentucky graduates
The Kentuckian has a desire to serve
The marriage of John B. Hutson working here mow Ella Brown, Helen
Lauren S. O'Roark is one of the
his state. Many new ideas must be
and Isobel Stewart, of St. Loujs, Mo., Taylor '21, Edgar Gregg ex- - and mybrought in for it to advance as it leading telephone engineers of the was solemnized at the First Presby- self." Henrietta Rogers, Louisville,
Often times the alumnus country and is with the Western Elec- terian Church, that city, December 29. Ky.
463 West Street,
tric Company at
must go abroad first to learn.
Mrs. .Hutson is a talented musician, a . Logan West is farming at Paint
He lives at Morris-towNew ork City.
Kentucky has hope and faith,
graduate of the Chicago Musical Col- Lick, Ky.
N. J., address R. F. D. Xo. -lege, class of 1920. Mr. Hutson is asElla" Raymond
Proctor is teaching
Mt. Kemble Road.
sistant professor of Farm Economics, at Mit. Olive, 111.
Have you sent in any news this
and in charge of farm cost accounting
work, Kentucky Agricultural Exper- week?
The Rt. Rev. Wlliam T. Capers, who imental Station. They are living at
received his A. M. degree at the Uni- 326 Grosvenor Avenue, Lexington, Ky.
versity of Kentucky, is Bishop, EpisMorris E. Pendleton and Mary Simcopal Diocese of Western Texas, and mons, of Plainficld, N. J., were marThe University of Texas is asking
is living at 108 West French Place,
ried at the home of the bride's parents, the legislature for an appropriation of
Pittsburgh Club Elects
San Antonio, Texas.
January 12,
217 East Seventh Street,
At the annual dinner of the Pitts$11,000,000 for two years.
This is
Mr. Pendleton has been con- twelve and
burg Alumni Club, Fort Pitt Hotel,
times as much as
nected with the Armstrong Cork and the University of Kentucky receives,
January 18, the following officers were
T. E. Mahan is attorney and
Company in New York
elected for the coming year: PresiCoal City ever since graduating and too and yet the student body of the Uniof the High Splint
dent, C. C. Jett '99, 7123 Idlewild St.; Company and the Gatliff Coal Comversity of Texas is only two and
charge of the company's office in
Major A. S. Dabney pany, Williamsburg, Ky.
times larger than that of the UniSchenectady, Nov. 1, 1922.
Military Depart'01, Commandant,
versity of Kentucky.
Mrs. George M. Wolf (Mary Belle
Did you get a new member?
ment, University of Pittsburgh;
The University of Wisconsin is askPence) is living at Hazard, Ky.
G. Taylor Swarts,
ing for more than $14,000,000 for two
practicing law at
Edgar H. Dunn is
Steam Equipment Manufacturyears, about eighteen times the amount
St. Petersburg, Fla.
A check that comes as regularly as spent on the University of Kentucky
ing Company, Jenkins Arcade. The
do the years themselves, is that of by the State, and yet with all its demembership of the Club now numbers
Parks, who is with Parks velopment it has only about five times
thirty-seveCapt. Stonewall Jackson, who was Harold
Ky. Class of as many students. The University of
Occupation, Mayen, Pharmacy, Irvington,
with the Army of
'18, take notice; it's a splendid habit. Florida is asking for nearly a million
is with the StandII. J. Litsey
Germany, until last summer, is now
V. R.
Gabbart is county agent, and a half dollars for the support of
ard Seamless Tube Company at
with his company, 5th Infantry U. S.
Fayette county, residing at 326 Gros- that institution for two years and it
is a member of A.,
Pcnna., and
Fort William, Maine.
venor Avenue, Lexington, Ky.
the Pittsburgh Club. He was married
the number of
has less than
"I am sending check for ten dollars
in October, 1917, to Miss Frederica as I am usually away when letters
students which the University of Ken'19
Furman. They have one daughter, come referring to dues and I don't
tucky has enrolled.
Sue Furman Litsey, 4 years old. I ev- want to miss a Kernel. The snow here
"Better late than never" Ben G.
The University of Tennessee, which
idence address, 920 Maplewood Ave. is eight or ten inches deep but will be Marsh, who is assistant superintendent has an enrollment about the same as
who has away from it in a week as I am going City Consumers Co. (creamery), 10th the University of Kentucky,
Wayne Cottinghani,
Ky. Ad- whose income has heretofore been
been on specal work for the Associatto Panama antl South America" A. and Monroe St.,s Paducah,
Ga., has been R. Bennett, Engineer, New York & dress residence, 1325 Broadway.
ed Press at Atlanta,
about the same as that of the Univermade news correspondent for the A. Porto Rico S. S. Co., address 133 E.
"Yours for a greater University and sity of Kentucqy, is asking the legisorganization of alumni," lature for an appropriation of $900,000.
P. at Jacksonville, Fla.
121st Street, New York City.
is with
Ernest V. Congleton,
writes Richard E. Henry, teaching in
is teaching matheSallie E. Pence
Coal Co., at An- matics in the High School at Morgan-fiel- High School at Madisonville, Ky. Adthe Fayettc-Jellic- o
chor, Knott county, Ky.
Martin "Shoo those flies."
Ky. This is her third term dress 255 Sugg Street.
Perry Elmo Thomas, recently reFest "What do you think I am, a
ported lost is with the Knickerbocker blacksmith?"
Oil Company, Mexia, Texas.
"I enclose check for dues and the
Mrs. J C. Burruss ("Dot" Walker)
Kernel with best wishes for success to
Phil E. Richards is farming at
the University and Alumni AssociaKy., since his return to civ- is living at 735 So. Harvard Blvd.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
tion and assurance of my continued in- ilian life.
terest." John L. Patterson, Chancel"Enclosed find check for four dolNOTE Alumni in business and in
Have you sent in any news this
After lars. Use 'two of same for this year;
lor, University of Louisville.
the professions are encouraged to inreceiving his A. B. degree in '82 from the other two should keep you quiet week?
sert cards here for the convenience of
the University of Kentucky, he receiv- next year." Ted F. Eichhorn, with
Write the Business
fellow alumni.
ed an A. B. degree in '83 from How- Westinghouse
Air Brake Company,
Manager for rates:
H. Parks Boone and Una Drake ex-- ,
ard University. In '86 he received the Wilmerding, Pa., address 400 Caldwell
were married in Cimcinnati, Ohio, De- degree of A .M. from the University Avenue.
of Kentucky and in 1901, the honorClyde P. Taylor is superintendent of cember 22, 1922. Mr. Boone is with
ary degree, M. Litt. was conferred on schools at Livermore, Ky. Clyde wa the Oil Products Company of LexingLAWYER
him. In 1909 the University of Louis- commissioned Second Lieutenant
in ton. They are residing at 342 Clifton
707 Marion E. Taylor Bldg.
ville conferred the honorary degree. 1917, and was captain of Infantry at Avenue, Lexington, Ky.
Louisville, Ky.
"Inclosed please find much belated
LL.D. on Dr. Patterson and at the the 'time of demobilization in 1921.
I have been in Louisfiftieth anniversary celebration of the He has been teaching for the last two alumni dues.
ville with the Dow Company as asUniversity of Kentucky in October, years.
1916, the same degree was conferred
sistant sales manager for a year and
on him by his Alma Mater. Dr. PatHave you sent in any news this like it very much. Mrs. Elsey (nee
and E. E. Jr.,
Anna Jean Smith
terson was Dean of the College of week?
BARGAINS IN MAGA(six months old) join me in best
Arts and Sciences, University of
wishes for the old school and other
until September, 1922, when he
became Chancellor of the University.
News has been received here of the alumni." E. E. Elsey, 128 S. Bayly
death of L. H. Nelson at Rex Hospit- Ave., Louisville, Ky.
"It is not lack of interest that has
al, Raleigh, N. C, after an illness of
Mrs. Charles C. Kay (Belle Clem- several weeks, first influenza and then delayed my sending dues. I am still
ONE YEAR 12.00.
ent Gunn) who was the first woman pneumonia. Mr. Nelson was perma- traveling for the Red Cross and al
to receive a degeree at the University nent secretary of the class. He was ways happy whein I find some one with t
of Kentucky, is living at 137 Wood' unusually popular and took a promi- whom to exchange University news."
Margaret Woll, Hawesville, Ky.
land Ave., Lexington, Ky.
nent part in various activities of the



The U. S. A. Abroad
Identification with the movement to
promote closer international relationof
ships is given to the University
Kentucky through its membership in
the American University Union. Offices have been established in London
for the British Isles and in Paris for
all of Europe.
In the last calendar year nearly 1,500
were listed thru
American students
the Paris office, representing 174 colleges and universities and 46 states.
A lesser number studied in Great Brit-iaThis is an increase from 197 students in 1919, 257 in 1920 and 472 in
1921. But there were none from the
of Kentucky,
Rhodes scholars n England of whom
there were two with another to go this
Some scholarships and fellowships
are avilable as follows: 32 Rhodes
scholarships, $1,500 a year for three
years; 6 in the Academy at Rome for
classical studies and painting, $1,000
a year; American Association of University women, 4 for graduate students
to study abroad $700 to $1,200; 21
scholarships in French universities
ranging from 5,000 francs to 12,000
francs. The party value of the dollar is a little more than 5 francs, but
now is more than 16 francs.


More Than 200 Graduating in June
Have Special Qualifications.
More than 200 men and women will
graduate from the University in June
and ninety per cent will be available
for employment.
Alumni employers are on the preferred list for secretaries, statistical experts, teachers, lawyers, agriculturists,
newspaper writers, geologists, engineers, embryo executives and young
people with various other special and
general qualifications and a willingness to work and learn.
Suitable placing of these young people in work will result in service to
Old Kentucky, to the employer and to
these young alumni themselves. Inquiries will be handled by the Deans
of Colleges, Registrar of the University and the Alumni Secretary,

Students Make Ready Response When Found.
Five per cent of the graduates of
the University are on the "lost" list.
Some of these have moved in the last
six months wiithout leaving a forwarding
address. Others
misplaced soon after leaving the campus.
The University and the Alumni Association have something to offer ever
man and woman who has ever studied here. Alumni reading the names
appearing on the "lost" lists can and
do help by furnishing 'the information
to the Secretary.
Lists of
with present
addresses are being compiled slowly
but surely. The response of these former students to "found" alumni letters


John N. .Lyttlc and Blanche B.
Ilharrff were" mat n'cd January 17 at
Nicholasvillc. They will reside at
"I regret very much that I have
neglected so long sending in my alumni dues but have certainly enjoyed the
Kernels sent me from time to time."
Virginia Shauklin (teaching), Fulton, Ky.
A. E. Bell is principal of the high
school at LaGrangc, Ky.
Gordic Young is principal of the
Consolidated School at Mayslick, Ky.


Betwixt Us









ex-1- 5,




live-wi- re

ex-2- 0,


E.R. Ransom '05


Lou-'svill- e,


� ft,






TMt it Deep
What sort of an animal is a wallflower?
A little necked clam.


"I always supposed the cook braided
the ends of it."

Boston Transcript



Page ThrM

Italy Has the Same Problem
New Servant "So it is understood.
I have my theatre, my tea, my re
ceiving day."
Mistress "Will it be necessary for
us to teach you to play bte piano?"
I! Numcro (Turin.)

TO- -

Best Sewed Half Soles $1.25

Earning Interest
"Where's the capital of the United
"In Europe." Lohigh Burr.
Reasonable Reqvett
"What can I do for you, my man?"
Let me have
"I'm an old

Delta Chi "Do you think she will asked the prospective buyer.
ever marry anybody?"
"Safest on earth," grunted the ma
Pi Cap "Yes, anybody"
ker cryptically. Life

Auto Cop: "No spoonin gon this
Dickens in Bronxe
She is an old negro mammy and has
"Spooning? this is my wife."
been in the employ of Albert Krae
Auto Cop "No fighting then."
of the Fuerst and
Alpha Gam (At the phone) "Hel- Kraemer Company for many years
Yesterday she was dusting and when
lo, Hello, who is this?"
she came to a 'bronze bust of Charles
Sigma Nuts (At the other end)
"How in hell do I kno? I can't see Dickens she stopt and inquired:
"Mistah Kraemer, who am dis here
Co-E- d
"That is Chares Dickens, aunty, the
noted author," replied Mr. Kraemer,
She was a damsel,
Am dat himr Uld aunty s eyes
Passing fair;
shone with delight. "I'se done hyear
With roll'd socks,
a lot about dat Dickens. 'Deed, Mis
And bobb'd hair,
tah Kraemer, I'se done hyer so much
I paused to look,
about him, I alius thought he was
I stopped to stare,
white genman." New Orleans Times
lingered not
I heard her swear.


Lexington, Ky.


a couple of bones."

The Yale

The Lafayette Drug Store

Very Cryptic

"Is this dirigible absolutely safe?'

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Goodyear and O'Sullivan
Rubber Heels 50c.

Further Instructions

It is in the cemetery at South Bethlehem, Pennsylvan:a, by the way, that
the sign appears: "Persons are prohibited from picking flowers from any
but their own graves." American
Lumberman (Chicago.)




We handle a complete line of domestic and imported Perfumes and Toilet Articles.
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The visitor was examining the class.
"Can any little boy tell me what a
fishnet is made of?" he inquired.
"A lot of little holes tied together
with strings" smiled the
bright boy. Wesleyan Advance.


University Lunch Room

Chips and Blocks
Sir Phillip Gibbs looks extremely
young ito be the father of a
"I had an interview with
President Harding shortly after my
arrival in America," he said, and "I
The president
introduced my son.
was very much surprized. He said it
reminded him of the time when Jus
tice Day, who is a very Ittle man, inRight
Pottwn Lite
troduced his son, who is
. .Vest
"Why, did you marry you
The teacher was trying to impress to Chief Justice White,
line Lhiet
only engaged a week?"
upon her pupils the importance of Justice looked at the pair and 'said,
Sneed "Almost broke. It's a lot doing right at all times, and to bring A block of the old chip, I guess.' "
cheaper to be married than engaged." out the answer, "Bad habits," she in- The Christian Register (Boston.)
quired: "What is it ithat we find so
"Bits O' Witfdom."
easy to get into and so hard to get
When Teacher Collapsed.
Wun Hu Nos.
out of?"
was in the little but overcrowded
Now is the time for all good men to
There was silence for a moment and
come to the raid of their party.
then one little fellow answered, "Bed" classroom of an a9t Side New Yor'
public school. The 'teacher looked
To change things is easy; to im
Boston Transcript.
out upon a group of eager faces as she
prove them isn't.
put the question:
Some call the thing oratory, but othFamine Threatened
"And now children, can any of you
ers call it only noise.
I've had a hard day at the office, tell me what is a stoic?"
If you think a vocabulary of
Only one hand went up.
words is extensive, try writing two dear, and I'm hungry as a bear. Is
"Does only Abie Glut know what
letters a day to another fellow's girl. dinner ready?"
"No, love, I'm afraid we'll have to a stoic is?"
co to a restaurant tonight. I ve bro
"Well, Abie, tell your classmates
The Stroller's Stroll.
what is a stoic?"
J. Burks "Ever had any stage ex- ken the
"Please teacher," said Abie triumphperience?"
The Installment Hounds
antly. "A stoc is a boid what brings
J. Davdson "Oh I yes sir."
Mr. Spendix "Any installments th' babies." Judge.
J. Burks "What have you done?"
J. Davidson "I played the part of due today?"
Helped by the Humidity
Mrs. Spendix "No, dear, I think
the cabin boy in 'Uncle Tom's Cabin.' "
The Kindly Empployer (to youthful
Mr. Spendix "Any payments due employee who has but yesterday re
Despondent (disappointed in love)
"Oh! hang, I'm going down to the on the house, the radio, the furniture, ported a near relative at death'9 door