xt7np55dg06h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55dg06h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-11-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 19, 2008 2008 2008-11-19 2020 true xt7np55dg06h section xt7np55dg06h K NTUCKY K

\\ll>\l\lt\\ \()\l.\llills’ 1‘1 111111".



‘11 ‘\l;s 1 11 is! it 1‘1 'st 11 Est?


.71..1131tl\.\ strange“.1111111111pnssot-snin11.11.1111UK s 7151111133111 North

1111111111111 1".1tt1‘.1.‘.111111‘.1ss 111711.1‘sl.£1-..‘.t"11'1"\s so 1.11 this s11 isziu

Tarred and

Without Hansbrough
UNC adds to UK’S woes

ByrBol‘iby Reagan
treamnfzkyketnel11:111. ”\1-1


('ll\1’l'l 1111 t. \1
Bill} (iillltsptcsatdli.-1\.1s11pset
his team would the
chance 111 plat .::_‘;llt"\i 1111-1
llanshtough H111 111131 the pla)
111111111111 111111.1'1‘11 ltcoit 1111111111
son. the 1111c.11 ot ll.1i1s111~1111e11
\1.1s o\eisliado\\cd

'l'liotnpson ptclscd up the
slack. scottn}; Ill points and
1111111111113: nine 1el11111nds. 1111|tid
111g sewn 1111L‘11\1\L' rebounds. to
lead No l \111111(‘.11111111.i 111.1
77314 \1111 .11 the 111-1111 Stiiith
(‘ctitci 1111 l'ucsda}. llllell 111 1111111
111 215W 1.111s

“1 think l‘\c 111st l‘cct. (lttltlt'.

not 1111\1.‘



tlic things 111.11 I‘ve hcen doing


111.11c11t .111. opportunitv \\lllitllll
l). lei ottt tlicte and lust
.1il\.1111.11.1c111.' thes1111.1ti.1111.111d
11111 1.-.1fl'\ 115111;;

l)esp1te 11.1\ 1111; 1‘) points and
11 teliounds. sophomore 111111.111!
l’.1tt'1cls Patterson “as limited 1111‘
most 111 111e_.e.1111c His first touch
(llsllll cken conic 1111111 1111' 13.311
111.111.111 the 111st halt
halt \\.1s slopp) 1111 111} p;11'1.’l'lic
guards “('tc' 1111111; 111 get me the

3-11 Basketball 11'111111efi

__ H 111”
summer. lhoinpson

fit-1 .t lll1lt‘ 1‘11


L'ncss l

211111 111.11.111.-



1...1111|111.1 111 Chapel 211111 N 1“, 11111.111s


Cats have no r *ason
to panic this ‘arlv


1lll.l.. \'.(‘. l‘lt'sl 111 all l'ls' tans. chill

-.1 is

.11, .1.1t11»11.11 t1~lc1 1s111:1 .111.l 11's. thes

.'(.11s 111st .11111 111111.11'1..1~.s



111 lttl’et' .111}


ttts' lcll 11111:, 111 1'-111_\ 1111‘ ”HM
1111:.' since l‘lj-‘1 lint H.111}. chill

lt‘s call} 1111 11 (111‘. 1c
iiietnhcr all the “.11 11.1.1. to last
_\e.11. l'K (1111111 look .111 111.11 11111.11
hcttcr 111,111 11 does tost.11;t this sea
son the (111s new .11 11111: point "





said. "llte lll'sl


L 111 um 111st

1) 111111 cinharrassing l(1s\L‘\ 111
(iat'dncr \Vehh and San Diego lt‘s
prett} [1.1111 to cltai'actci't/e lostne
11} 1‘1 points to the No. 1 team 111
the nation and dropping; tire se.-.
son opener to .1 team 111.11 led the

.\(‘,\ \111 storing the past 11111 seasons 111 hc 111 had.

17.1111 Lindsey 11:1 11.11111 6


Economy turns students back to classroom

By Paul Mattingly

111111.1s1ll1yk91nel 1 0111

With the unenipltnincnt 1.1111 .11 its
highest lc\cl 111 H _\c.11's. the 11111 outlook
is grown}; increasing?) 1111111 to: etztdttat
in}: seniors:

Many students \\Ill enter the 11111 111.11’
ls‘ct learlessl}. 11111 othets are looking tot
alt altcm.111\e..1\t l'ls‘. soitie students 11.1w
turned to graduate school,

.-\ccordin:.! 1o .1 Kaplan survc). the
number 111‘ people taking the (iraduate
Management ,'\(lllll‘s‘\ll.tll lest has 111
cieased 11v 5 N pt‘l'tc‘lll natioiivside 111

Patricia Bond. assistant dean ot the
Office 111(‘11‘1iduate I\dtniss111n attd Acar
deniic '\d1111111stration. said she is predict
me an increase in graduate school appliv

cations 11113111011111 11 is too earl} to tell.

Students (1 ho plan on .1ppl_\ 1111; to
enithiate school. espcc1.1ll_\ .1n .\1 H,»\.
1111114111111. 111.1_\ 11nd getting 111 to he
tougher 111.111 111 the past. According to the
s111'\c1 111 2-15 l‘ttstncss school admissions
officers. 75 percent of the surveyed oftr
t'et's feel that being admitted to their
.\1 B.-\ program is harder than it \1 .Is 111

“\\e do c\pcct ttidtitissiont to he highl}
competitive." said l.1/.1 Weale. director ol
graduate programs tor Kaplan. “Students
need to make sure their applications are to
httst atid stand out as much as possible.~~

()1 er 11.111111 the stirve} ed MB .1\ pro-
grains are considering expanding the
number 111 seats available. But Marv Lee
Keir. program director in the (iatton (‘ol»
lege ot Bttsiness and laconotnics. said this

is not possible .11 1 K due to the design 111
the progtaiii and its emphasis on 1111111111
ual attention

Drusilla 11.11.1111. associate dean of .11!
missions and student attatrs 111 the IR
('ollcge ot 1.1111. s.tltl she predicts .111 111
crease in applicants" based 1111 111s1111‘1cal
data. She said 111 the past. 1.111 school .1p
plicatioiis h.1\c increased during: econonr
1c downturns. Students \xho \terc consul
ertng1 law school .11 some point 111 their ca
reer decide to apph tininediatel) attei
completing undergraduate \lll(llC\. Bakeit
said, Also. laidiott' workers may turn to
1.111 school as .1 second (arcei.

Whatmer the reason. Keir said he:
program is expecting ntotc applicants .11

“We do anticipate .111 increase atid v\c
are tracking: to that." she said.


Speaker relates politics to literary fiction

By SylviarMiga

newsfikymnel coin

u 111 he :11 J p.111. Wednesday
on the 18111 floor 111 Patterson
Office Tower.

Ne“ ()rleans into .1 devastated
homeland. and President Bush

to do this lecture based on .1
hools he 111st completed titled
“l Tnacknou'lcdged Legislators:





A tortttre prison. 11 11111111
er's retusal to mourn her son.
a natural disaster and a move—
ment speaking of hope . all
of these are part of Donald
Pease‘s lecture on the events
that he said undermined Presti
dent Bush's “fantasy" of
homeland security.

The UK English Depart-
ment will present “one of the
most famous theorists of
American literature in the
country." said English profes-
sor Virginia Blunt. The lecture

At the lecture. “Antigoiie‘s
Kin: 1"1'11111 Ahu (ihrath 111
Baiacl. ()hama l’ease said he
Wlll relate modem events to
classic works. One example he
gave was a comparison of
(‘indy Sheehan‘s refusal to
ntoum the death of her son. a
US. soldier. to Antigone‘s con—
frontation with (‘reon. He also
said he will locate the origins
of Ohama's movement as start—
ing in New Orleans in the af-
termath of Hurricane Katrina.

“Hurricane Katrina tumed


did little or nothing to secure the
\ ictnns 111. this ‘homeland
tragedy~ than the hurricanes
ten‘it'ying aftennath." Pease said.

l’ease said he was inspired


State Fantasies troin the Per»
siaii (11111 War to Hamel. ()ha-
ma." l’ease .said the work to-
cused on hovt the Cold Wat
was replaced by the global
War on Terror.

The lecture may use works
of fiction to discuss true
events. but Pease said he
hopes students can see how
the two are related in real life.

“I want students to under-
stand how national governance
is structured upon fantasies
and dreams." he said.



i ‘ ‘
. \


Sorority calls
for housinO‘.
security changes

By Laura Clark

‘1 13111 ikykeinel 1.11111

(ircck houses .11 l K cuireiitl) grant 341access 111111
to their residents and not all members hut the 81;:
111.1 Kappa 'l heta Rho s1 11111111 is \Ck‘hlllg. 11. change that

'l'hc (ii‘cek oreant/attons that testde 111 houses on
caitiptts use a v.1.ttet_\ 111 seeui'tt} s_\stents 1111 entrance.
like (‘1tt'tlrs\‘.1[1111f_'. ltllfJL‘I'Pl'llll identitit .1111111 111 .1
punchle) pad ll1111cver. some 11111171‘1-sidc111s do not
have 3471111111 access 111 their organi/ation‘s house
\1111111ettil1e1's are granted tchL‘ss 111111111: 1'L'1'l;ltlt \1111
(ltms 111 time. such as cliaptei iiieetines and meals.
said 11,111} Ralph. stipcuisoi and student set‘xites dt
lc‘c'ltlt 1.11 Rk‘\lle'llkC 1.111:

1\ request 1111 3471111111 access 1111 1111 Sigma Kappa
tiiciitheis \\ 11s 111111111111 111 the attention 111 .1\u\111.11"\
Services last spring 11‘. \thHM Kappa president 1.1111131:
Seshauci ll11\\(‘\c'l. the tettuest '1\.1~ (lc‘lltt'tl

"We tell that 1.1111113; |.l1llllllll('tl.lkcL'\\ 11111111171131
dents 111 tin-111111111111; 211111111 ttlltlL‘llllillc’ 11111 .1111111) 111
111.11111.1111 the 111111 .11 scone ei‘o 11111111111111 111.11 \‘1caie
rcspoitsihlc .‘111'111.itiit.1111111g" Ralph said.

\cshauct is 1111111111}: 1111 .1 111-\\ 111-111111111111111111111
clttdc signatures 1111111 1111*1t1l1t'1s11t the s111111‘111,s1111111
t). .1111.1s111s.111d lc.i1lc1s 111 then .1111t11 1:111 11111111: itodv
House (oipoi‘ation.

“\\e made the dc. 1s11111 to 111111: 11:,11111‘
111.11 v.11.” .‘1e\11.111ci s.1111

lhe l‘L‘lilltU]. “111.11 81-111 :11:
111111111111} the end 111 1111s \t'lllL‘\lsi 11111 he sent 11111111
\\1111s. the assistant 11.1' ptcstdeitt 111
.11111 .litcctoi .11 Resident l 1113

\\'1111s satd 11c utoultl he open to 11.". ie‘.\ 111; the pen
111111 '11 11111111121 he 11

“l \tgisii‘t .1111111- ’\t_;’tti.. lsappu. s:;11 11.111 11’11111.‘ll\

.1 11111111111
‘iopes 12111111' 11131

\llhlk'lll .tlldlt‘s

.il‘h‘ltl lllls t\sltL‘.H lt'; ~1.1111 li slittlc‘1111 :1.‘\.;‘c'11c1.tl lt.t\;
s1 111111 questions oi contents .11111111 11.11.11\st‘11.-1_l.11111_1111
11111.111111;z 11:1‘11 listen and 1.1111311 ‘1111 111. 1111-1133
tottiial process "

\tidi‘ca \111cc .1 |<11.11‘1..l|s11.IYL‘s1ttt‘1111‘i..1‘11111.\";.‘t‘t
111 lllL‘.\lL§lll.t Kappa1111111111}..111.111.-ssc.1 1 Icttti
editor in the heme} 1111 11.1 is
ctanttnc 341111111 .11.css11~ \1;11-.,-
1111111cs1dci.1 111111111‘11'1»

11 1 .111,

1 1}
t" .1‘,

11111111 unpottattw 111


lltillsr 1‘)

\21’1 ‘1'
J"~_'l[‘.1.'\ .. .
1sftstzx'.11111.1.1.111n.'s. "1.1! .’ '11’1.t.1tet.111;‘”

l).)lt;1'~.1111111?‘_ s.11.3 'c':1.‘"‘ .1111’ 5:1.~ s1111111.'\ ’t:111“~t’ Tt.:s

11:1 1“." :11.»\:1"'\.' . . "1. .11..i~.*- \.‘lltc'

1111‘111'1111111'1-1121 11111.1

lh'tth‘!‘ c“


5.1‘ . ..111 '1'.1.'
.‘ . . . ..

1.13.1131 said s111111.‘. :. 11111111

s.s1. 11:. 111111.11 111.'1.11\ 1llltt‘>\‘ 11:31 those 11..”


'5111111111. .1..1111 1s11 111111'1.1'1.:1?, 11. 11:1 s.1t.;

'\...1.‘ss 1s 111111.111 he. .1'ise 1‘11. 1.1e1;11'\ 1s11'1111.-.i 11111
\:s\lL’ll1slll‘\“ll‘l recogntlc ttlci'tzt‘. s11 .1 11111111 1111.:1'1.
1111.11111111111115; 111.11.1111; 111 ’
\1.‘111'1l:1111_'111thc\'1-‘.11‘1 \11.:"1\\L1‘\"t‘111\'11_.“t
11 1111.21111pt.s(11ee 11111. (11,1

houses on sulltl‘lh .111. Hewlett... i 111‘

1:1111s1\ 1mg .1‘ 111:.-
\‘l‘\.>lsll_'\l I ‘\
lhc 11lltct s1\.111-opet..‘.'d‘\x 111111.;ci1dcn‘ lions-e



Campus dining
finds chains
more popular

By Katie Perkowski

”was 11.1111111112‘1-1'1-

As the school \teel. begins each Monday the 51117
dent ('entei 1111111 (111111 is s1\.1ii‘.11n_1: 111111 students
catchiiic .1 1111c to eat 111111111: the hinttitiinc honts
“1111c 111.1111 1cs1.111:.1111s like ( 1111s til \,\1\1i'111.11111
Suhvvas are buss vsith customers. the non chain
restaurants. like Mchuan l-\pt'ess .11111 (‘11.1111p11111s
(it'lll.ll.‘11(’1111(‘\llt.tl.tt't‘ 1.11 11.1111:

he chain toot! {11.1.1 s .1111.1}s 11.1w .1 lot more peo
ple 111 line than the 111m Cl'\tl_\ 11\\ 111-d Pl.lt.L'\. said
Rachel Hevattc. student 111111111141'1’ 111 the 51111111111 ('cntet
l ood (‘ourt

i’ndccnlcd trcshnian 1.1111111 l'nitits said she cats .11
the Student ('entct ti'cqnentls and has 11111} gone 111
Stchiian l:\ptess. the ('htticsc i'cstainant. once

"I like ll'_\‘lll_L‘ 11c“ things but so 1111 1111s _\c.'1i 1 hate
inostl) eaten at the chant named places," she said “1
lllltlls l 1.111 tor these places because I 111111“ \\ 11.11 to c\

Hcsattc said she thtnlss most people prcter to cat at
the chain places

"I guess people am like the brands.” she said

Meredith Henson. .1 nursing treshiiiaii. said she
didn‘t even know there “as a (‘hinese restaurant 111 the
Student (‘entetz Henson said she goes to the chain
restaurants more otten than the lltll\’Cl‘\ll_\ ones

“These are restaurants I 11111 t'atniliai \\1th and the}
are popular." she said

As to \\ hether or not UK “'1” add more chant
restaurants on campus. Revatte said she‘s not sure. but
she does think 11 1s noticeable that they do better busi-
ness than the other restaurants

A representative of [K Dining Services could not
he reached by press time

Newsroom 257-1915; Advertising: 2572872


 PAGE 2] m AAA. NAM Aim (AA l‘l .ll‘illi your d'dlly (lusu UT (antertmninenL pop culture and fun P9P
suvlaku “9 9'
— a ' .

_ M adonna

— V Guy



'I’He DiSI-l He’s on the attack

Rllt'hlc (cumicx \Hlll lhc nighl. my anulhcr murcc. “l shc hux .ui cucllcnl accurll)’
(\lxlx. hui \\ .Il1l\ \(‘llth (.hll |ll\l Ami (All lllL‘ plmnc mlh 5) ~19"). She lccl» \ul‘c,"

.\ \lth-(ul niiiii’luzu- |Il\ hAA\li|(-(i(l"' .ill (HM-.11 - .
(((n'l mm (in) Rilghiy IiAAiii Siliipwn lulAl lhc ”Amid (Al Katie cantescape
\L‘k'lllffi lll\(\\¥_\\ lliciliiuiwr (on) ARninAA_ _‘A\' "Hg-K .(1 Sccnix Kullc ~Hulmcx
(ll. ((-umiul \Kllll mm RAMA» lmmc Ill lll_\ lAcAl (ighl mm. | 01“" ‘lk'l‘ "l” ”( 'N'C‘m’ '
N ((ml l);(\((l. 1, .(i Ilic Inn liopc hc\ nnl 3min}: through Kldllldn“ \hddm‘! 'l'hnugh
AlAAn .(((~.(\ (villun'k \(rpuri in} (ournulxl Hui «cu-(5011c HUIHMA 3‘). l\ plump in
Am \m (U (\IIU\‘A\ uhul kind (Al unl I Aim. PM“d (““N“ “1 Bl"‘lld“1l.\.‘

"lx’Amn \(iAIilluI 'l).i(ll‘ llc \hnuhl knmx Midi “cm -'\H M} 50m- ulicndcu ”Nd
\\lic(1 lic gal through the (in lll lhi‘ piixll" ( )nu (Li) (iiIL‘l. "'1'.‘ ”(P l“ ”‘9 (“Ck “MC" ”1
mun“ .( mum-xx ((-llx HUI (he muplc AAA-unlicil .(i (hc A IllL‘H' programs In scc Tom
Hllill Hmml} HIH\ ((le‘l‘x PUiH (‘I'UI‘U\ C\’“n" \(“kmg Ll

“(im (le‘IJH) (him. (llx lnungc Sufi” .(n Amhmku. l’0w I” J (‘huncl (((l. Bl”
A‘AAlluA (Ail l(‘.(‘ lhmr .(ml (.111 "(hm \wiv m 1mm (Inn-V" “Mm“ NH hulhcrul. “l.“ ‘l
' ' ' wuiqu ”Shi- [hlllk\ the ;((l\


















mur (AA (hum ' l‘hc 3:.(iliA-rmf;

\mxii'l \H (mm in pull (All .1( Kates 'unkIOOd

.(ic lxuiulilul."

\Ulthll‘.‘ I“ INK" “Hug," “h” h~\ “Ink (UHKI. HUI (Nib)

\l\\. \"(iln l‘lciiilul \‘.|l() lAhAAl lAAi (\ym- \\;(l\li 'l‘llL‘ TWO Star spats!

Minimum IAA \(‘Iul ”(C (‘U\\ (U !’(i\.i‘.(‘ l’lmiiw \l.((A ~(l. “Aid ”9‘“ 1”" BCM‘HW
him. Shc \mx mm: in l-llillu‘ I"km ‘0 ”“l \“l” A” I ll‘ \c K”““'“‘3 [\m “1”" “N
(i((\ ll\ MU, ,0 (m m mu 3‘“ mghiiluh (mm mml A” \lL‘illllL‘diiI hc11l5ii'sl.;iwiii'cc
Siulwilun (1,. pm [1,», (.mi lll\k‘l\(ll_\ pint) (hut lIiL‘CdeHI fl“ “Ml” A'l‘imhcrluku 37
(l '2 1. (AAA! (iv (A .A _; A A A. A~ “hm“;- l‘lk‘S'lAlilf.‘ ”mm“ \‘H'gul‘llp l\ lummg bccimsc hc “mic u

' 2((‘l , A
mrascapesv ‘N ‘ \‘ ("M ‘ W“ 'Hm \ 'V U ‘I’I‘y‘ "'1 I, .\ \cA‘AAnAl \(iiuu' um :(lmul hm lAcx'Aiuw "I (".11 (Med “"111 culled “(Vim-”V" (“r h”
M K" (‘1 H {I H H H Rilyhic‘x (hm "llxllllli‘ (”0" 1"” SW”? l” :JlW (‘lnli ' "”1." in “T 'l h” ”1'3 WV“
[80 (JUIV 23'Allg- 22)“- Sagmarlus (NOV 22 080- 21) Mmluc. 5,, I‘m A hull: WI,“ [(l .1 (mg ((2 pom“) ((ups "Snmconc in hcr camp appur-
lTUddVS Blillllldy ‘ "l (”A TodayA AR“ *“WH‘” W 1"“ " ‘ H' l I ”“ A” mcnl in their ((MUHC -,l\ “(All mun ” (hill night. \hc (ind 611”) “3‘de ”I. “l.“ ”15 ”1‘
('0 get the (illxum Aw A '(AAAA A ”AAA ‘AlA-l ’ ”WA ”‘7 “All“ (l? W51 ”‘3 ((3:72, ' "l ”l“: “ l)(-\p([(~ I‘cpnl‘lx \A(\ m9 \hu (lll\(‘.ll1\(.\(C\ Yuung. .17Aiiplv “(01'- (BC)0”CC\ munugcr
(iav'; leitll (Al ‘3‘ \ (WA PM“ ‘A" ‘ ‘5‘ “5" WW TH" ["(lik‘ [M “M“ “T ‘1 [W B“? W ': lmnl (HI (.-\c('\ihm.s (luring “1 (“l K“(‘\' "lb 9‘" “Wk All“! (lad, Muihcw Knmvlcx. [CNS
(lay 01hr mils! ijllz‘lrlll‘l ' ‘ .A'Alll lzlzlir m; A Alli AAi‘AAA‘; (iii A' ill: l (l‘A ii iii (A l in l‘ mt” ”,A‘HAIWAI~ lhc ”N,“ mm.‘ l'\ [he truck "was never pi'c—
Aries(March 21 April 19)_ (AA (AA 1 -A All CapricornlDec. 22- Jan. 19) \m, ((1L‘k0ll]“(k‘ ‘Al‘lil AWN“ \cmcd IU me personally We
Ti‘lllay l8 A3 7 Duh ? Alh A? fA A' Virgo (Aug. 23- -Sept 22) -' T A AA ( “‘ Al A ("- iillx “m Won't Sleep at John's lung ”“3"qu relationship With
((19, m0 He, ((0.1 ‘A' “Aw A AAA ! “‘1 AA \ l (‘3 ”A (I I ,V ‘1‘ " 9‘1 “A" "3" “A” W "(((i) I\ gum; (liAci miin \U ”mid I,” ‘, \Imn. “mm (“‘“n‘; V limhcrlukc ‘ WP
Else mm in ”AAA”, “AA, AA' llir‘l AA-AAAAl\ Al" l ((A Al AA xxh A A A ‘1 Air-(l Alli (A. As, m, ,A-Alir C, Hm, W. -(n\((lc( \.(\.\ Mum M (“mm (\nm‘m .(i mud. \M dun l knihx whcrc
(Or it . ‘7 ““"VHV 4“" M ‘7 "l‘A ‘V- '_ "Hc \\,illl\ in (w piml (le‘k (0] (mm “JV," 1mm“, mm“. 1h" (04" film“ ‘lmm: l 3191”"
TauruslAprilZO-May 20) *- “ ‘-‘- "“"K \ 1‘“ ‘J ‘3" ” .“ Aquarius (Jan, ZO'FEbA 18) (hcw luhulllulh Ac\p(‘l‘.\c\ hv mp HQ, Sum 11”, "Juhn Mule; u pul (Al .lcniillcr Hud:
Today (s sin 8 AN (I UK TV All “ “ ‘A‘ l ’3‘" 1 17“ 1“: “l“ 5 (”‘1‘““45 H K‘ (32(er Wyn“ (Md l“ hL‘(l‘ l’l‘ (“l'u \lcrpx mu ((1 (MIX place 1!” mm “7A known 1“ “WM“
sumelhmu WAlLlh lllllldllll“ AA: A! (AT ‘A‘.. ‘Al 'AA Al: ,A‘A; , (*(l‘AA‘A Sign in ispAwtliil (‘Ahl .liimcs wrote on hl\ M)-

iliu Imu- lAui (ml the (Alhiri‘ .
A . . A. vrshr ..,...A ,w
the middle (Al the weeAP (,AAAAAlA er‘AA- _,AA_ 1 AA . A: AA , (inlhui \( (AA 0 e a 95 M, MUM, .. “A,“ , “\‘hc Spin. pin that lanmlm. -7

(ions are pmlem l-(ir (mi llbfa (Sep( 23 DC! 22} .. ("‘1 A: AA “‘.‘AA ~ti ““158 \1.(} he [Sk‘dllk‘ (\(i‘i ;( l(-\ M“ ,m Pm“ 5 (mil \hc i~ .( llmhpn'x Drcumgirls
Gemini (May 21-June 21) —-~ A A A A. A' ‘3“? A ‘ HA: “ '. \(«A hiiiipwii kinll ,A: Mix (MW,W,'\ AA Mic: ”1" (mm , (lid not conic IiA
lildav (S a 7 (ill Aillwii T‘ 1 “ “A‘ "‘ " “ l ' ' MAMA,“ \\ huh (1AA: \lllg‘k‘l 3‘. ANN“ ml, ”hm“. my .\l;((A ihc lunvrul. nor (lid \hc cull.
vllul Dallllé‘rx \lllUjU‘xlAll . V ‘A A TA 1A Pisces (Feb 19- March 20) hum: .l (‘Aziliilc \(iwirlxi (A M‘ 3‘ \h' «How 3,11%“, (L'\(. \Cllkl .(“curd Ul \cnil _“

H " ‘ ‘ ‘ v ‘ ‘ ‘A“ ' \(l\‘\\ (l‘l .(lmu: I(All \ ll‘x Alum” ('Aiiiuil .(licr Hudwn \
mum. brother (Hid ncphcw
\'\ HA: munlcl’cd l.(\l mnnlh.


(l you have curuplilimr ‘ -, AA ' '~ ‘ , (in; .A ((-Amw (mm-”(ix \hA-
[hem lovriijiwlf ? ,( a ,. t" ‘- ”A A: : ‘A - g: A' A' ‘A l‘A‘ '2‘: A A Slinquzilmic (i|\l|lll_ (I \\.(~ mm“ ,. I, ., ll ‘ “mu“, ((l((\
(he? mm (liw )A-‘ l' ‘1 a ‘A‘V 1 “H 1A A (AA AAA A' ‘A ,A A .' \lAu‘uliii}: (mull (Il‘((\, \A(\\ A ,H H , \ 1 , \
V l (I . ,. . .l u I (A (nu (.il.l \ . A

l), lhemsnlvpx Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) --- ?A ’A ' A .3A: ( \\ ilnvv Hui lA\ lflL‘ l.A.\1 1 H. l ,H , p (( (in P (l MIR“ MM \(k «(Id HUI (11'
' .‘ , (”AA A, , . AA ,, .,. ‘ _ __ ‘_ " ‘ l“‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ,. . ..‘ ‘,.; _ ,

Cancer (June22 July 22)— A ‘ . . , A AA: ,A, A A A _ \Huir. luau “le |ll.i\(\_ A (\.((l(-\ MW, Sin: h» .( ”Hm hnAl lluI “1”]!in Al lu :(m (3m
Today IS dl‘ ( Mil ”mm‘f V A! ‘ ' ‘ . l‘ A7 I’M: (((AAlAAl A A , A i A . .AA A , . Pumh ((i ll ilk ( \IHIU‘A lAil m,” “1.1 [1.1mm ('Aiiiicx lAv (icy l“ “1‘” H R“ :3“th ”l”
A, A. m (A A ,. ',’AAA A.A‘, mg . A‘ (A, ,A-l . x: , I - , ‘ ‘ 'i - L“ 3- . A ,

well (manually (IA'AAuuh vAw AAA A A: ‘ Al .AA/AAA-All AAA. ..AA AAAAA .. i, ’ (lul hm, (i (lull! l mum A(( hu ,M mam“, (~ mmpmd, k u \ (u (A) (n (u k

, _ A ,. A, ._ , .. A .‘ A -A AA A A .- Hudwnlumlh."
own(.ledtlAJuAé‘ll'A'fx ll .A‘A; A ‘-l ((A-ll A ”W” "““- ‘ ’ ~ . ‘ P‘M‘W ““11'” :A‘f- m“ '1‘“ ~li((-l(l('(ll limi pipii l//l (ml '




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rim 5”“...me 5mmwm “WWW . ' W‘lemjhliie, jominq Ar'm‘fib C in college ls‘fi strongest way
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WED NOV 19 8PM MR0 cffi'immowmyoucanacmffi ! i‘ ; STRONG.

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T H E C ATS DE [\j Visit us in Barker Hall or contact Major Harrington at 859.257.6565 or Mhorr3®ukya¢u for more inlormatlon.

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A with Robert “Pattinson

Moving up the chain, Pattinson takes lead role in best-selling vampire novel




.ir .



Roi) Pattinson stars in ”lwrlrgnt" rzi llnziitt‘rrzt Nil. 4‘. itith ii snail. grinik .n


[3y Kelly Wiley

Fri/Inning I/ii' iii/ri'rrnitrii'iri’

"Harri Puller." Riilu I‘I I‘i.'rrrir.iii' \rir/n
mm {In m/i' u/ iii/iirrii'i’ IQ/nvii'i/ ( ril'li'i/
u i'lnu‘in'lt’r rrr .\I(’_I’/l('i‘ll(’ .1Ii'i'r'i K In»;
.ii'llriru irrii't'l "7iii/iu/rl."'llri' [\1 mil liiri/
Illl’ tip/ii 1mm Iii/A l’irrriiiiirii
(ilmrrl liri Ht'll' iii/(t

.l/It‘mt “,1

r'U lili‘rl

0 Since you played (‘cdric in "ii;lll'_\
Potter" and now the \innriiic l.il\\.rril
Cullen in “T\\ilight." 1\ there iimllnng
lhiit IllICI‘t‘sh )on in liik'\k‘ \tljk’lllitlllldl
films or in'r: _\iin looking: lot .i iltltcrvnl
tircu ol’ subject mutter in rillk‘l llillh jinn
\xill hi: miiking‘.’

lt hilS hccn lot.illi rarinlonr. l tlon‘t
éli\\lt_\\ do \iipcrri.itiii';il iolix. Math. l
incint. l tlcl‘initcl} wont to \’\Cllltlilli)
plii)‘ l1 normiil person, iiVL‘I'} single jolt l
hihc done. I‘ve been \tllllc kind of sup-ct
niitirriil thing. And everything: I knnl Hi
how coming' up nut _\c.ir seems like ll\
it” going to be \Cl} I'Lllkiul‘il lix well. Hill
I hope C\Clllll'.lll_\' 1 \\ill he .li‘ilL‘ lo phi}.
like ;I rioriniil person in modern tl.i_\.

Q. l tinilcr'xtzniil )on are ;i nnrsiciiin
uni yon \xrotc it will): for the "’l‘\\.ili§1lit”
\(illntiilik‘ix.l)tl}titlllilllk1ttli\\lll lie so
ing; in the tln'ct'tron or .i llll.l\l\'ili tin-cc;
ll1\1CilLiOl acting or trim; :i little i‘ll ol

I ltziw .li1\0lLllL‘l_\ /r:r'o rilnns to ilo
tin} form of big. like .icttiiill} pnrxnin};
music. l \xonlil like to rcponl .ni .illiinn .rt
\otnc poinl. But I don‘t rcnll} tune it .in}
boil} hll_\\ it or not. I \\onlil like to l‘..t\;
cnongh rnonci tor :1 good rct‘orilinf: Sill
ilio and good ninxiciiirn .nnl \lllll . Brit
1 don‘t want to he like. it \rn't‘i-xxl‘nl little

Q. How much inllncnt'c iliil Stt'plit-nrc
f\ cycr linithor ol "’l‘\\'rlig:ln"r lime in the

owmll making of the nimic.’

I think \llc liiiil :r lot ol influence in

"Twilight" premiers in Lexington
Thursday, Nov. 20 at midnight
binemark Fayette Mall
Lexington Movie Tavern
Regal Hamburg Pavrlion

llic l‘icgrtnnn: ;nnl iii inc proillii‘lrrwn i
onl) incl il'Cl lltht‘ oi loin l!|l]L‘\ \‘illL'll
\lic \‘..l\ riri lll l’rrl’llJlltl l talked ro lrcr
iilionl \tilllL‘llllllEI. lint l1} lliirt little I inzil
illlL'Jri} lit-en \ior‘king or. the L‘ilillili’lg‘l'
lot :\\o itirintln lwloiy I met her \o l
inert) nintlr krci‘i '.\li;.' l \\.l\ corn}: to
l il‘ka'ki .1 torn It: .’ twill} \rn‘tilit’
tint-mom lint ll‘..‘ri‘ \._ :~-.: : :iiii ...‘... 3‘ in!

no nilliit'i: 'i‘

Q. l‘- llrcl'i' .l‘l} liliit'ii l'l ’\\llir. lll"i»1\

lllL‘ .i glinltit‘i‘! lliilri .- liiiiik \t'r'xllx gil.i‘.

Ill: .i filJldtlt‘l ‘litlit‘H‘. litll l .l u l’lz‘l'


l 1'llk‘\\ liter; .ll.‘ tillik'lL'ill .ixr‘ixlx.
ln :liviis'x prtxxinc
lilk’!k' l\ no hook lx-t‘niixt’ _\i>nr itcll'illl'
.ini'a' i1il\ tri rnnkc lln‘ nio\ rc \oii l:.i\.t' to
links rln rncniomhlt- :oi the
lrlni to lit: \llt'gL‘v-llrl. \‘liClL' ;r~ when
there l\ Lilit...l_\ .i popular .‘lr.ir:ii'tr:i. Ill-t-
lllL\\illL' |\ in in}: 111‘ to other I“ orilcx wt
pct hiltiil‘.‘ lint iii ~ionic “nix ll lilixl‘“ lilr‘
I‘l'kNil‘ii‘ till grin i'Jll tin
=.\lr.itc\tr j..ii_i \\;ri‘.l .nnl people \\l|i \llll
iii\\‘ lllc L'r.ll.rt [L'i inklillm‘ til !il\_‘ I‘IC\‘-HI(.‘
ol the hook Ni. i'K kintl i-l .r i1.ll1r!i\'l..

Q. Him. riiiitli l~.“-r.‘.!lrl1rlltl iiin -.li\ ll:

Minnini‘ initlrolvyj. I‘l .lril \ori 'ri‘t‘i like
S1L‘DilL‘lliQ‘ \iL'Rt'l \ it"\l iiil‘
Longil griti ii. :..;‘i:.:. .iii~.._u:.

wrin- \\.i\\ 'x\i‘.L‘ll


l'i.l il,'[i1ir"»y‘.iii\ \

‘\\ .‘ix \k‘ii

lilirllali.» li

thing.» llin :t
l‘crll‘lt‘ l'.i\.'

urixt‘t' l' .i ii". '.ir.rl“'i’
\ \llilili'k' lilr.


\ .ill‘il‘llt‘x lt.l\i‘ it:

‘(Ulllk' \(l fliili :Ii [lit In iilt‘ \l‘
ni.n:} \
it'\ :i li.rror. thing: tlir-‘i .nc not an;
.rmniloiicil iii-q nlml of looking it .ill the

'\.:rnpire throw

iii-t tibi'
iillllllt"Ill‘\l-.‘\.lliill1-"‘§‘l\‘ll‘§.il 15
\.i\:!.!'. linitk l‘ill

l’lil' i‘k v 7i‘vlk’ :\ <,'|\.'

l\illl‘.llll-.‘ .lom' inii Il‘ like so: \_

i ;Ii\l

. .\\ .i I: '\.-.n olil, ii-ir .J'L’ i‘lrgrng .r
any “it" loolm i i“ ilk"‘ lfi i‘tll l\ .ntii.il
i. met lli' :-.k'.ll‘~ NJ lliixr iii-u.

int: lln' p-irlr.:\.rl iil l ll

Elly .l\
llg’k‘l .il .tgc fl 2‘.

liq irnrcririn. 2.:lkx
like .i and lk‘ ~_.‘

\liwitl irric'u («1 .“

iii-r :3 \\l]«‘ i~ .5

ilo mt: lL'Jli". ,3; Him. to it" it».


Mani. l lull“. .lon l mu
ll \t‘ull. \rmlt‘itllt’
.iliotll llic l’t-rrrrlt‘ \i.l._‘.2/'I:lt‘\ \r \lml gait) \

.illt‘l‘illrrn lt‘


~\.l\ \ lilllz‘ xiiri‘ctiiiilf:

.irnl slutl li i\ ml ”iris ‘li'iriji \l}.
illlElii l:l-.iw .ill l‘..i: lint l iloii“. know
l'i t'rtlit'i' rn.il\i \ t. > « i. :i ., .mr‘r‘.irt.r\\.-.l
:l :H‘ll look .‘I i' l . .i» ml? 'l .2 :ii .ixk‘\



Cinemark MOVleS IOWOOdhl” 1C1 \iU Utll lliihl .{tllllllL‘ (‘1 tin jut” i.'.l\l :\‘."ll lVIlelt'mlL‘il \r l I W? tlirlli‘. iiiiil ll 1‘.
inlnnic‘ .illogclln'r
UK Police reports from Nov. ll to Nov 17
Nov. 11 Alrohii! rntoxrcatzorr reported a! Nov.13 l::. ll nip '1». ft or ilk Hllwlr '.':l Nov. 15 ii i :i' .r \
W l Young Liliraryat lZY‘: i' ‘Uillt ."r . all ., l
a m NOV.13 l:l".‘tl ‘llil'l‘lliJ'l i nxi‘ ’i'llorteil
Nov. 11 Alcohol rntoxrrtiitrnn arrest made fr'v" linii.‘ Siiirliirrtiir‘ lloxliilat Nov. 15 t ' "xiiiir
at Good Samaritan Hospital at at 22/17 r:- "n l h‘ r iv

12 59 a m
Theft reported from Kristlo Hall
at 2.49 p m

Moped theft reported from
Farmhouse Fraternity at 3 56
p in

Nov. 11

Nov. 11

Nov. 12 Theft reported from Kentucky

Clinic North at 846 a m

Theft reported from Good
Samaritan Hospital at 10 22
a in

Nov. 12

Nov. 13 Alcohol rntoxrcatron arrest made

at UK Hospital at 12 22 a m

Theft reported from Good
Samaritan Hospital at 853 a in

Nov. 13


Nov. 14 Pour) tl‘ii‘lt mp liti‘il l' in“ UK
7 (1 ”iv

llisrnml ii? 5 7.

Nov. 14 Driirrlnrnrnotion 'N‘. reported

friinr Biiilhilila lower at R 09 p to

Nov. 15 Alr;ohol .ntnxrratinn reported at
iood Samaritan Hospital at

l lBrirn

Alcohol iritoxiration arrest made
at Commonwealth Stadium at
7 33 p ni

Alcohol intoxrcatron arrest made
at Commonwealth Stadium at
9 30 p m

Alcohol rntoxriation arrest made.
at Commonwealth Stadium at
1112 p m

Nov. 15






NOV. 15 i]I.\\‘ltl‘i)liyl . l .i‘ l"t“ ‘ “ (tilt:
at Conrrririimiuiit' Shhl l'
i‘. 58 on

'vpi'ti‘r. rill

Nov. 16

Criminal nrrr-i"w“
lot near Blair“ ”-7? .r'. (l 33 i? ’ll

Nov. 16 Cll'n‘lldl mxrl‘rnl 'ilririiteil at
Crinrrw‘ririiven‘lh Shrilxr‘w .il

l 3 27 a in

Dri.rg/rriariiirar‘.i l‘v‘ reported
from Greg Page Ananmehts at


Bike theft rerwleil lrnni Greg
Page Allanmt‘lllK dl 9 0.3 .i m

Nov. 16

Nov. 17

Nov. 17 Drug/mariinam use reported
from Good Samaritan Hospital

at 1012 pm



Wednesday, November 19, 2008 | PAGE 3

Qt] pregnan?



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 \\\‘(llll stray ‘
\iiyi-itilit-i l" y i
Page 4 Km .itiiti o‘ \ llrltll‘ plow lt‘S ital an t ,i t'ii rl 'ttl’ll'

Brad Lumell. in 1

Eric lindsey, .. almanac. .. :i .
Bleir Thomas. mar dawn - u! i
Brad Bowling, i

KERNEL Eonom Bouto
Melina Vessels. it , i
Kenny Colston. iii " .. 1‘ ..
Whitney Waters, ~ » it

i Y Emily Foentei,
Wesley Robinson. I

T llt‘m ililii ‘ii‘.’: in.“ i't’ hillii- -

ti‘siilllt‘ll i‘tlllllitill\ represent the row, at a "rat itit, u' the editorial lititllil irf'eiy ' . the edit it

an 'illl’tltlts ,iriii ‘tllirl tunings on the . lll'llil’h pride 't’fll‘li "lt‘ Noyes . "so “it an in

tit‘t ttth'ssat' . ttiusi- i' ’llt‘ KWltt‘t


UK should focus on beneficial safety updates


l'K finally has its heart in the iiglit place
with an effort in the direction of nnpi'oymg
campus satety. But the administration riiighi
be a step ahead of itself in satcty priorities

.~\ campus wide card swiping system is
berrig discussed by l‘K. but at this time it
would be a rinsguided iisc oi uniyei'sity tunds.
As of now. there are many otlici areas that
[K could inyest tunding into safety that
would ha\e a greater direct iriipact on cant

(lire ot the most ettectiye plans beiiig dis
cussed is installing screens in eyer‘y room that

would inform students. faculty and staff in the
event of an emergency This would ha\e a di—
rect influence on the safety of eyeryorte on

l K should keep ernphasi/ing what will
ha\e the greatest impact on students. especial-
ly before considering something like swipe
cards on all buildings. which would