xt7np55dft19 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55dft19/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1958 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, September 1958 Vol.24 No.12 text The Kentucky Press, September 1958 Vol.24 No.12 1958 1958 2019 true xt7np55dft19 section xt7np55dft19 ,. ...... .., ... <$.,-;,-;._-. ..w, .2 ..> .. ", , . 3.33.; .v
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:1 1 1 The new look in highways is here . . . iifllly and
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1‘ ; 1 1‘ 111 Developed to meet the 1975 standards for . g
1 1 13 1| . , _ . _ The true cost of your new highways 1nd 1n pay
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1 1 111. America s greatest highway bunldmg program It all depends on how 10,l they last, lhe salar c
1 l 1 1 l g
1‘ 1 11.111 New—type concrete has a life expectancy my phase 1
3 ‘ . 11 Everythingagood driverwants— concrete has a life expectancy of °f 50 years 3,“ m°re' Fm“ “St ‘5 nalism; by
‘ ‘1‘ ‘1 new t econcrete has' It’s sound 50 ears lus maderate' Mamtenance COSts are lower 11
1 ' 11‘ _y_p . ‘ . y_ p ' _ than for any other type of pavement. 1 or any I
y 3 1 condztzoned. Lald contmuously, Flrst costs are moderate. Mam- That’s why tax dollars go farther with materials 01
‘~ V3113 thm pavement has no Jomts . . . tenance costs? Up to 60% less concrete. tidental to,
1 ‘11 only tiny, almost invisible cushion than for asphalt. [he field of
1 11 1
.1311 . . . . . __ m" 1..
11 1311 spaces sawed mto the concrete. Extra safety ls'b‘llllt 1n. Gramy gfingefifiyfigQKW 3nd1v1duals,
111111 You sklm over them and don t surface reSISts sklds . . . and you "3}, WM25*ihwffifim1§fié$wfiwwwfiwmw "‘3; ”her inSt
11 l: ‘1111 know 1t! see up to 4 tunes better on hght- M‘W6\ ’w” : 6°" ' ‘ oro t'
in‘ 111211: , Wm Wékvwwm .3: "'2“, 3 mp mg,
311 1113 But there s more to new—type colored concrete than on a dark ffiwf’ mic?” vammfiwwwawa’ iisting in t
‘ l1;.1111 concrete. The surface won’t surface. Over 90% of America’s W‘ 1f the obje
, 1 1‘ 1 . . “2W .. ..:;.; .2. ~.;:,.<2'=~~:-=:a~;:s :23 ‘
1311 1:1 11 roughen from the effects of freez- most heav11y travelled roads have M .5583 .g ‘WV‘ VQWK 1r any of t1
1111' ‘1 1‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' "'2' 2 :3 "3‘ :-""'-.--:‘ kf.‘ :51". 2‘ V 3- .4 ..' V‘ 5.2.7};
‘1. 11 mg, thawmg and de-1cers. A spe— been bullt of concrete. It’s the ram .:‘:. 132.....4222'2 2:52 . 2‘52:  Iiomas Adams transacted at such meetin . “‘ he nexy
1 .. . Seth RP g “‘ t
1 111;1 shall be the original incorporators and the ( a) 1c or ' ortmann Article V ,11)

- 1 11I‘1 charter members listed in paragraph six of it 1' 1* it Notice and Service of Notice M‘quorum
111111 the Certificate of Incorporation, and such , E - . - 1 .~ 1 ,
111111111 . By-laws of the School of Journalism Foun— xcept as otherWise prOVided herein, all must 0 d

. .1311» other persons, firms, corporations, and as- . - . - - 1,. 1
11 1111I . . I dation of Kentucky, Inc. notices required to be given herein and 13501” num)
11111‘1‘1 soc1ations as may be elected from time to A '1 I specified to be iven in writin shall be 1

1 1 ‘1 :1‘11111 time by the active members or by the board rticIe g . g . ‘1

1‘ 11111111 I Name and Principal Office deemed duly served when delivered in per- 1 Offi

1 11111111 of directors. Honorary members shall not _ . . . . . 1

1 1 111 111; , . The name of the corporation shall be The son Wlthln the time required, or When given The office

. 1 1 1 111111 1' have any right to vote at any meeting of the . _ b - - 1 ; ,

1 1.1111111 . . School of Journalism Foundation of Ken- y mail When deposued Wltn postage fully 1110f a C1151
1 1 1 111 111 corporation, unless they are also active mem~ _ 1 . 1 1 . . .
I I I 1111111111 bers tucky, Inc. Its prinCipal office shall be at Pent anc plainly addressed to the person “P" :Vice-Presr
I 1111II1I1 - the University of Kentucky, Lexington, Fay- on whom service is to be made at the last nd a Proces
11111111111 5. The management of this corporation ette County, Kentucky, or at such place as address 0t such person appearing upon the (3 office 0‘
1 1 “1"111‘11 and of its properties, funds and assets shall the Board of Directors may hereafter select bOOkS Of the corporation. “5 Agent n
1 1 ‘11 1 1 be vested solely in a Board of Directors con- as the principal office. Provided, however, that notice 0f the The offic
‘ 1 111 ‘ sisting of eighteen members, divided in three Article II time, place, and purpose 0t any meeting 0t 1oard 0f D

1 11 11 classes of six directors each. The eighteen Membership the membership, or Directors, may be waived 1:19 first met

1 1 1‘1 1‘1 directors elected by previous ballot, being Membership in the Foundation shall con» by telegram, or other writing, by those “M 11% 0f the B

’ . 1‘11 ‘1 the active members of this corporation as set sist of (1) Active Members—A11 Publishers, present either before or after the holding "flee hhtht

1 1‘11 1 forth in paragraph four of the Certificate of or their authorized staff member, who have thereof; and provided, also, that no notice heir respect

1‘11 1 Incorporation, shall continue to be the been duly elected members of the Board of or waiver With respect to any meeting 0‘ ‘Hd qualifie

1 11 Board of Directors of this corporation until Directors, the elected officers of the Kentucky the membership, or 0f the Directors, shall be A vacancy

I 11 1 the regular annual meeting of the members Press Associations, Inc., and other publishers required as to any meeting at which all the foundation

1 1111 in January, 1960; at that annual meeting six who shall be nominated and elected by the membership, or all the DireCtors, as the case Directors.

5 1 11111 directors, constituting the First Class, shall Board of Directors. All active members must may be, are present. The dutit

‘ 1‘ be elected for terms of three years each and also be active members of the Association; Article VI ‘sual to the

. 1‘ until their successors shall have been elected and, Board of Directors and Meeting Thereof Arged, or '

. ‘1 11 and qualified. Thereafter, at each annual (2) Honorary Members—Such persons, The Board Of Directors shall COIISiSt Of hard 0f Di

1 1 1111 , meeting of the members, six directors shall firms, corporations, and associations as may eighteen (18) members, six 0f whom Shall be Each offic

‘I i 11 1 be elected for terms of three years each and be elected from time to time by the Board elected for a term of three years, six for 21 ‘1 One year

‘ 1 11 1 until their successors shall have been elected of Directors. term of two years, and six for a term of one ,“CC6550r ha:
. 1 111 I1 I and qualified, to replace the directors of the Only active members shall have the right year as provided by the Certificate Of Incor- 1lficer may

‘ 1-1 Class whose terms are then expiring. Noth- to vote and each active member shall have poration; and the €1€Ct€d officers 0f the Ken— fhe Board
I 111-I inIgherein shall preclude the relection of any only one vote upon every question consid- tucky Press Association, Inc., other than appoint we:
I ‘11 I directors for additional terms. The Board of ered at any meeting of the members of this those duly elected as members of the Board. I0m time I
1111 Directors may fill vacanCies on the Board corporation. Two directors are to be elected for each 1X the term:
I I ‘ 1 and in the active membership of the cor- Article III term of office from the Eastern forty coun- tht and cc
.‘ 1 poration. The Board of Directors shall have Annual Meeting of Membership ties of the state, two from the Central forty hard of D;
1 the power and authority, from time to time The annual meeting of the members of counties, and two from the Western forty ‘ESignate su
1 1 by a majority vote of the directors present the Foundation shall be held in conjunction counties. All directors shall serve until their he officers 1
I I‘ at any meeting, to adopt, amend and reVIse With the annual midwinter meeting of the successors shall have been elected and quali—
. 1 by-laws for the government of the corpora- Kentucky Press Association, Inc., at such fled. l
1 tion, and to sell, donate or otherwise dispose placeIas the Board of Directors may desig— The annual meeting of the Board Of D" The Boai
1 of any and all property of the corporation, nate Iin meetingIby resolution, or if not in rectors shall convene without notice at the ‘Ppoint an
1 real, personal or mixed, in furtherance of meeting, in writing signed by a majority of time and lace of and immediatel follow- nembers i
1 an E t] b‘ t d f h' ' - - p y ‘
I y 0 1e oI JecIs an purposes or w ich the Board of Directors, pr0v1ded ten (10) mg each and every annual meeting of [he 1nd/or the
‘1 I 1 the corporation is formed. The Board of days written notice of the annual meeting membership. ,‘Or the four
,1 ‘
l : ‘ ‘
"- l ~31:

 9‘3 ' ..
3 .
1embffirof The Board of Directors may hold special shall prescribe the duties and responsibili< to be taken by the Foundation requiring
.said h0t— eetings, as set out by resolution of the ties of the Executive Committee not in con- authorization of the Board of Directors, if ,3
t, 0r the Oard, or called by the Chairman of the flict with these by-laws or the charter of the the Directors shall severally or collectively
2mbelfShiP oard, or the President, provided notice in Foundation. consent in writing to the action or trans— h
mEmbers Titing, or by telephone or telegraph, be Article IX action, the officers or the Executive Com- 3
my ad- 'ven at least three (3) days prior to said Scholarship Committee inittee, may act upon such written consent
eeting, or if said notice be waived in writ— The Board of Directors shall appoint a without a meeting of the Board of Directors.
g. Said notice shall state the purpose of the Scholarship Committee, the chairman of Article XIII 3
rership eating and no other business shall be trans- which shall be the Director of The School of Amendments 3
. ' ) - ~ . . ‘. , . .,
:1;th may med. lrovxded further that seven (7) mem— Journalism, University of lxentucky, Lexingv These by-laws may be altered, amended, 3
. ary, at rs of the Board may call a meeting by ton, Kentucky. This Committee Will accept . ,;
notice in mice in writing. recommendations for nominees for scholar- or repealed at any annual meeting Of the
1 meeting Regular meetings of the Board of Direc- ship aid, shall (levise methods for selecting membership, or at any speCial meeting 0f the 3:
my special ors shall be held at such stated times and and screening of nominees, and shall make membership, for that purpose by_ the vote Of 3;
iour and laces as the Board ma from time to time recommendations to the Board of Directors the members representing twothirds thereof. 3
’ . . Y, ’ . . These b -laws mar likewise be altered 3"3
th at state- 3 resolution prov1de. for spec1fic scholarships, y ) ’ 3
lther busi- A vacancy on the Board of Directors shall Article X amendedhor repealed at any annual or spe- 3
e shall be is filled by other members of the Board un- Trust Funds and Procedures Gal meetmg 0f the Board Of Directors by l.
, _ . . . . the affirmative vote of all the Directors. 3.
31 the next regular meeting of the member- The funds of this Corporation, in monies, . 3,
iP- or properties, real, personal, or mixed, shall Article XIV 3
ice A quorum of the Board of Directors shall be deposited, placed, and held as a revocable FiSCal Year 3‘
lerein] all onsist of a majority of its members, but a trust, evidenced by written agreement, in a The fiscal year of this foundation shall end 3
arein and ssor number may adjourn. trust company authorized to do a trust busi- on the 31“ day of December each year and 3
shall be Article VII ness in Kentucky. The Board Of Directors shall follow the calendar year. 3
id in per- Officers of the Foundation shall select the trust. All assets in the form Article XV 3,
hen given The officers of the Foundation shall con- 0f monies or other PFOPertiCS are to be held Process Agent ,
tage fully it of a Chairman of the Board, a President, in trust and invested, reinvested, or other- T1 . . 33
. . . . . - _ ‘16 Corporation shall designate a process ;
)erson up- Vice-PreSident, a Secretary, a Treasurer, Wise administered by the trustee in accord _ 3
it the last (1 » ‘ ance with the conditions of the written trust agent as requ1red by the corporate law 0f 3
n a Process Agent, prOVided, however, that Kentucky. The process agent may also be 33
upon the e office Of Secretary, Treasurer, and Pro- agreement. d .11 b d' d d , h the secretary, or the treasurer, or the secre—
SS Agent may be held by the same person. Trust fun S W1 e isperse un er youc - tary-treasurer, as the Board of Directors shall
e of the The officers shall be elected from the er and/or order under two categories. 1. d d . 3
ie'eting of oard of Directors and shall be elected at Monies accruing to the fund through inter- name an eSignate.
be waived 3133 first meeting following the annual meet— est from invested properties shall -be dis- ____.____
those not 33 of the Board of Directors, and shall hold persed as directed by the Board of Directors; . . j
. 3g . . . - - Do Not Substitute String 1
e holding 3[fice 1mm the next annual meeting or until and 2. Spec1fic funds, placed in the .trust by . . :3
no notice ,heir respective successors have been elected individual newspapers, or organizations, for For Slngle Wrappings
ieeting 0f 431d qualified.