xt7np55dfr0m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55dfr0m/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 1914-01-22 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 17, January 22, 1914 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 6, No. 17, January 22, 1914 1914 1914-01-22 2015 true xt7np55dfr0m section xt7np55dfr0m I
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  Vol. VI LEXINGTON, KY., JANUARY 22, 1914 N0_ 17
.’ • • '   "”`"`“"“`
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  • • "‘ *‘ ;   ’Q
. ——— O .N'l`UCKY HOME
        Fgvg From Cqunville College Lou to Vanity Ddeatl Five From Louisville, __,
— Fast Stake Five by Score Y. M. C. A. and Kittens Win gone,. wa. only 38 yur, md when
* “ · ,, °f 15 *° 7’ Fm"' H°"d°"'°” H· s· He Died.—Wa• Also Author of
Strollers Have Sclccted»Cast for The College Wndow. --- ----.- ‘ OM B, k J md F Ik ,
· " ac ¤e," " o • a
l EV€l'y0I\€ Illteliiggged Ill Who GMS the Mona 0000 rLo0n.wom<. l Born cmmas coop. ,.,0,,,,.. and ..M,,,,·, ,,, ue
C Box. -- -__ '
"""— Cold. Cold Ground."
——-———— lh xv Iwautlfully pluyvd game- the llmh uunnvs of :1 dmnhlv-l»•·a · ' ·· ·-
Miss Rebecca Smith ............. 200 of uic pmznngn _:°m:”° fouls, and plenty of action wusl Vanity Wing. K‘,m,,(_k\, Homx-· (loimqdenml with
Miss Ina Darnall ...... , .......... 200 · |('|'0Wd9d lfll0 b0ill ll8l\'f’S. Tllé vlsl-I The Varsity took the llrsl ILHIIIPEHIP (,mnmp,,,m.mmn of the S€,mi_(,en_
U Miss Sue Matthews . ............ 100 ALL FREE tom hud n dvcldod advantage lnldue to the accurate lmskez work o1‘*“,,,,,,al of his (loam U", pity of pmS_
Miss Christine Hopkins .......... 100 >—< ` \\‘•·lzl1t. but when unfamiliar with the|Morgan, l’r•»ston and Zeyrfoss, fburg wm p,,‘_S(_rw_ mp Um Foster
Miss Marie Louise Allchot ....... loo The muon and Panemon Ht€mrvi"lloys’ Rulvs Mod|fled" under whlrhl State has been using tho Intmwul-lh0m(_,_m_ud whpm 0,, Jul`. 4 ,826 me
Mh·,s Mary K. Venable .......... 100I O I ' Itlw State flvo plays. vleglate Rules all season, an dthp Louis-* Q, . b
Societies wlll hold thelr anunal inter- x |‘°°***p°" *` “a" 0***-
, . Miss Ruby Jane Tucker ......... 100 Society debate in chapel wmglt TMSI The flrst half went to Kentucky bylvllle tive lmvv been playin: under As- Ja,,,€,, ll park 8 local mimouaim
s' I. V , ‘ ' ’
Miss Jeanette Bell ............. 100 fémurp hm been the Source of muohilll to 6. Fast floor work by the for- sociutlun Ruins. A compromlse be- steel manufacturer last week pm.
I Unusual Interest was shown in the emhusiasng in me page years midlwurds, and the perfect blocking of theltween (‘0uches Brummage and Brown chased the poster property and wm
` tlrst two days of the contest which promises to be an exciting feature of guards kept the ball at the State end resulted in playing the flrts half under donate it to the (,“v_ The formal d°d_
I is to decide the young lady who will this any utemr work of the fl00l‘, and flve field goals Weregthe Intercollegiate, the lust half under mation wm take place next spring and
, 4, entertain her friends with a box party Th; debate wu: begin` wom uy ut't0ssed: Miss Taul 2, Miss Hughes 1, the Association code. ,w,,, be marked by 3 notable Foster
_ to sae "The College Widow" on the I I D Miss Innes 1, and Mlss·W00d 1. The The Blue and White tive romped jubilee in which me citizens of Kem
g i f F b 2,,th t th __ eight oclock and every student should i 1 · .
l even ng 0 I e ruary l , a e ex come any in Order to obtain 8 com v stors shot three, two of which were away in me hrs; hw wuh mg mm may doubtless wm be asked to D"`
pause of The IDEA. mrtable seat made by Miss Turnbull, and one by goals, and Pregmn ghgt gig foul; pug ucipate.
Ten candidates W€l‘€ €I\t€l‘9d Hfld The queshon under discussion is MBS Morton. of BBVBD. TRIO VISHOYB located H10 Already the people of Cincinnati
there will probably be as many more Hnesolved that the President Shoulé In the last period Phe Cedarville for- basket once, and Wilson shot tive out have made plans to Observe me am,,_
wighin the next weelni I be Elected for one Term of Six Yum wards were so closedly guarded that of seven fouls. This period was versary or the composefs death 3
. s many are uatng to see tm and be ineligible for Re-elecuomn }nelther secured an open shot. and their States in every department of the memorial meeting of the American
nomlnees. voting wlll no doubt be TI m i in b t d only point was a foul, shot by Miss   Folklore Society in the Queen City haw
heavy from now untll the close of the l $6 R mgm KB J; 8JriTms;¥1; `Morton. Miss Tuul increased the Blue (Continued on Page z' COL 2) mg been mlm, for {mt purpose In
contest and each week will probably U ' 6:SS:?'N;v ke met} u I: 0 Q and White lead with two beautiful me 4,,.% Fmwr went mmy happy days
see radical changes in the standing of dud L ` ch ls0n’ wh le t Q neka- Held goals, and Miss Innes landed a.   I . , . ./ __ _ _ 1
tive will ba upheld by Messrs. Joseph _ an ( lnvmnatn and it xx.1» while visit ng
• the c0m€SmmS` The coupon in to- Romney- Stonewall Jackson and John foul try Smell ‘   MET•,,     his relative, Judge John Brown, of Nel-
· day‘g ]DEA is good for {en votes. Be H ' (ip The KGHUICKN C0-608 l1HV€ lml>¤‘0V€d     ..,0,] mumv Kv what "\Iy Old Ken-
4 r . — · · · ·· ·
Burg and Save it as every vote wil] (TQ Byneb in b I d in every department of the game, and ;‘_` wok,. ,10,,,,,-- wa., written Foster
COUDK- lhree mem ers W e hp one the exhibition Friday evening fore- Fifth Lyceum Lecture to bé Held lh _ l` A _ _ v_ { Ci I ti
from the two teams to Oppose Central custed 1 vivtorv over the University Yhe Ch¤P¢* T¤¢$d¤Y» uml? mlm} Jnurmlh mm (nc Ima
————-—····*-·—— [·,m,€,.SHy in E debate which `vill be of Louigvme mia next Friday night January 27 um the lmspi1ul><»· Nelson county plan-
·|· ·|» ·|· ·|· •|» •|· ·|· ·|» ·|» ·|» •|» ·|» ·|» ·|» ·|• ·|· held in Danville in the spring. The `ummm_`__ ` *****0**
O Many inquiries have been re- O Another feature which tends to Kentucky ` Cedarville AMERICAS BUSIEST On January lll, ISM, Foster died in
•|» »·—ive¢1 as no how to vote. All •|· make the debate spirted ls the loving   D R R ***’***"'**" ***’*l’*****· x‘““' Y°*`*‘ C**Y·
Misses laul Nlissos Morton WRITER AN LECTU E _ 1 .,. _ _ I ,_lf t r, hi
O that is necessary is for one to O cup wl1lch_ President H. S. Barker and Huuhw F and Turnbull <\K**¢ ··¤ >¤‘d¥`>· 11 ld 8 €€¤ U 5 B
O bv 21 subscriber t0 The IDEA •I• gave to the societies last, year and “i%q mnég `'``' (_ `''` mgg Tarbm The next feature of the Lyceum fame has bevunw worldwide. His im-
, . · . . ~ ‘ " ` ''‘`‘'‘‘ ' `‘'‘` " ‘ ` ·i.·l < ble m Indies ure sung ln every
O and write the name ut the ·l• vas won bythe Patterson team. 'lhe Missvs Mcmwsnpy Misses Smrmom voursg wu be presented new Tuesday her im elii   rh vh h
• •I» young lady for whom you de- ·|• cup wlll be brought to the chapel and (C, uml Wood (_ and Comwaulnight in chapel by Mr. John Kendrick l0Il;..ll•~‘. The th ur;. er, vs 0 as
O sire to vote upon the offlclal O after the tlnal decision will be turned _ _ Y Q O F _ I X _ _ l¤`ii\‘€l*’¢l li"` l¥`<*¤“ los ¤¤**V6 cm'- *%*8
. 5cun· by |mlses—l\emucky 1()_ ,,->llu11gs. Mr. Bangs l>. tn .llllll0I` ot Al thrill of pride On hearing __“`_ Old
qs hu110r_ Ballots may be secured O U\f*l" to ilw \l€i0¥`l0\1$ S0€*€*Y· 13. (.,,dm.\.,H,, ,;_ l_·,·_ lugarly fifty volumes or humorous K I _k_ H __ __\,_   , In Dercold
O at the Business Ag9lllS’ oflive O , , _ ._ ,   _.   , ******‘ * °***°· ‘ ‘*”°`aS ’
-- Field g0als—Misses Tuul 4, Innesll¤!`0>*’ Mill \•~¥`¤*?· ***>****> llllllllb , , ., __, H, k J .. d
·l» or from any member 0t' The O . _, , . , . _   · *"*‘* ('*"*****‘*‘ (M me UB an
1. Hughes l. \\ ood l, Mormon 1, Turn- thue umu; \0ll1lll€> h· h.l,. muml __ _ _ I   b i
O llll·lA staff. O STROLLERS ARE GOING bun 2, time to devote energy (O other things Hillll !;·olk>. .u Holm, fexl;;1Ae;11t(:·;15
m ley l`t·‘]lI't*S¢'ll u ’ ' .-
* + + + + + + + + + + * * * + * THROUGH THE TRY CUTS (mars from foul—Miss•*S |lm€S 1. ******* ‘*'*`*****§· and FE; bei'; in ;uGu' ` lmmg mmrihunion to the SOHSS ihlii
miorton L lllktlluglllg 9 ll0l` ot 8, 6 0I` 0 t’- Y ' _\ ' Iv _
O O O O Q Q O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q O Cast Being Selected for the Prcunta- Tlmp of lmlwswm mmuwx Damnem of humor for Messrs Hm_pUrl;M*\l~·l   1ll;>\\*l\¤-*:1 lll€;lD;0l;;)€mSl;;1g;r
w , , . . · n n ill` )` lll Gl O H) l()l' 1 S
* I-or the (onxeuignte of du + t·°n of Th. c°"•¤°   R@f(—>|'(·(* and ulll[)irQ—-R0$§ ()f (`Qda\‘- llllll l*rO[lI(’r$. of [4ifU and the M€tr()‘ _   I 1 _ i I t
{ vomerned, the ballot box has Q —· ,. ,. _ . _ . l, -, ,   , "’“"`*" *'* ***9 ” lem Mmlrat on lm
ulle, und lxmg, ot Lexington \. M. (. |>olli·¤o N|ds‘.·¤L1¤1¤. I _ _ ,_,d ,1 t, I ,
{ been placed in the hall of the ·|• The llrst try out meeting of the A Mr- mums. most lmmh,8 platform ***0****] ***0** “***’ *'*** * ua Y 9 * **8
+ mum building. + Strollers was held last Thursday in ‘ ~.n_m·[ Uqvllubmiw I HMP “€t__ is u spellut'l·`ostvr`>zu1us¢·. Now after the
. . . AM--— ` " ` { ` ` s   f tlfzy wimerr have wlnltened
' O Q O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q O Q Q the almpvl under the direction of Thempr on Fvbruury 27. liwly talk about me mow or less fu. I-llS)\\\ u ' ,4 · U I » 'l l V ld i
' Stage Manager Leo Jl Sandman, and 'l`h0 oust is lwlng s¤·lm·u·¤l from mous mon uml \\o11u·h lm has known hh ,*0ueu Ari`? tw “ 10 Gi “0r  
I-‘e»lluw.<, you cuh't afford to miss the illl\'lSPI‘ 0t' the club. Prof. E. F. __ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . __ _ . _ *******0l** *** l’**l’ **`*******° to ***° ***"***0*`*·
about mu »m•lout» uml ammo; {hehe lll ilu ·<¤l1¤>¤ ol l1l> ¤~¤¥¢‘€¤‘· ll lll, , .. __ _ _ __ _ _ th _, 4
"'l`!w College \\'1d0w." 'l`h<· young l·`urquI1ur. A tentative cast was V _ __ _ _ _ _, _ __ ,_ . __ _ _ -‘\*"*** *****‘** ***·*** ·**~**· *`°****·* **·
,,,.9 $,.,,,,.,,1 ,,,,,,,,,.,,, ,,,.,;,,,,,,,.,5 dm; ,111,1.. .h»·l¤i·m» or ¤l.llt>lll\:*Il, poet-! _ _ { , _' i b_ _ I Tl
Iudn you help win will ¢·eertuh1ly treat s¢·lecu··d for the presentation ot' "The _ _ __ _ _ _ _ , _ _ , __ ____ *'**’*"***"*** ***·****—***·*"** F *°· *0*******
I thls prollul·uon mon1n¤•~» ro hp mw ul uo»~ll»·» .uul llhlll) othlm, ahmshnp. I l_ U · _ I I Pm, F Q wloolq
you ¤‘oN‘ull)' llwl Night- (`°**"***` “*d°w'“ at the Hen AH me g;·.·h1.·xr ¤·u·r pr¤·~•·ul•·¤l by llw “**** ** `*"*`* *'******"‘*· NA strenuous hl \N|u·my·l" In 1 |m*l KOH}! lllun‘l
  ,_ _ __ I _ _ _· rw xp mh ll meumr il nn gl 4
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + *   + + + * + + * + + + • * + + + club' may JI Ohshlr Huy. Ul “lu( ll A truu Park was (*l'(‘(‘\t·*(l tu POSICI`. rl`hi$ “`U?‘*
g Q The llrst relwuxmznl was hehl under has *l*ll*. "ll is an um or kindly hu- mp w"ummit\__s HMI formal rw0gui_
g. 6000 FOR TEN VOTES O UW *‘ll¤"¤*‘ *’* ***`- S************* **"**‘***·" *'I*°*·‘ [lm ,***1**.** [mmm; Hum`) mn. mm ur ;|h·l·mh;hm·r’s worth. 1111906
4. O Mull! ¤'*•* ****‘ "‘****“**"""‘*** “`*** l""" *"'""“i** mm`? [mi °\*`*l· bffln pm. gh.-.·1m.·h. or |.l»ui~vil1·—. Ky., in testi-
·• lN THR HMA |’¢>l’l‘l·M U|l|I\·lI`llllll[* ¥i***`S [***9 $(*****.***8   (Hd K`,l\lll(_k)_ lh)"H,'·· “H"_H(_,d u
.·, Num,. __________________,___,______.,........... . ................. + so nlwy m:o‘ l¤~·>:i¤¤ ¤l¤<·l¤‘ \~‘·>¤‘k lu ¤‘~‘=¤l ¤* *‘****'**‘*‘ *’* *'*‘*"‘ l’*"“’***"‘ *" *"`***` **“` N,,,,,,_, U, poste,. ,,, ,,,,,. ,,,· ,,,,.,,. yity
* { (m·m_ 'l|lil¥ll' <|»»·.1k¢·|‘ l‘e~lall•* slurlvs us geulul k
1; I` S.
• (·0u,,0,, wld um., J,,,,uu,.y MSL 4, - |.lh·| kindly A oov of lll¤·k··ns' lli||l|ll\‘$l I l
• .. ”‘°°· "‘   O"
O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O OO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O llebuw lu clnupel tonight. |~*¤>¤l**¤· I *‘ <*¤l*Y**l•“** *"* *~*—‘ *’*\*

 • •
2 T H E I D E A
 ''' "“`“‘  ` " ·~ .. r+·~—··i`   Q;..Ll.-....-"" ‘    -.?T4L-.i2Tii"‘-—-.7-—}"""T`L.L`”°°"—Z‘.ITZ£4LLI°1TlI-TL1`..-—°_T'I..‘7.`-TZ
Mm I HE ORPHEUM I HEAI RE """"“"""" ‘°°
ME AT Children 5c
ring-r.et_Ags tn Evenv Appotnvmzur. J. H. STAMPER1 Jr-. 0-ri•r and Manager. cnn 10 A, tvt, TO 11 p, nt, • 1 •
_ - .. .     t
DOUBLE HEADER GOES T0 STATE     ulto ls thclr varied program cover the  
----7.     ontlro variety field wlth credit to Q
(Continued from Page Onet. G l M· {   d f i d F tltctnselves and thc house.  
Stt '• ea neeae ' 1 __   , ,, .
  apc llluniver-·“ °' L ·   lve (Ill! Ellln R ( llI'lSllTIl'\Fl ( Hpfllls       ,
THURSDAY_FR,DAv_8ATURDAY ·;ttnte. · '°"‘ I Y I °l""' °’ ,tt1111t_ I1. the girlie, girlie feature of ]l]|¢g[|’¢ ,
Mntnec Every p;y ltt spite of using their accttstotttctl lll GYml"l¤|l¤m· ,,,,_ m,,,n,,, ,:00,, bm mu, ,“_,“gR hw 7~
    ,..11-111 11t' play. the \‘lS·illtiI`H \\°f‘I`•‘ Ilf‘\’t‘l` DOPE T\;|N¢TERTA Iforo the footllghls an iIllI'lI(‘ll\'¢‘ l)I‘V)' S D I l
tlnttucrotts ltt the inst half. Three iN 0,- ,,6,,.,,,, R,,.,q wm, Om, 3 h ° l
. . , poor llttle W   g
The 8,,, Th,. week preunu ticld goals wcrc ltooked.t and "lron · · · · ,m,_ man ,,1,,,,,, Wm , ,, , M O S y .1
__ _ l·`t·itltty evt-ttlttg the State ulrls moot l l‘l °l· ll ll ll"` Y     9 1 5 ;
Ninn \\lIson stepped into the breach , 7 • • Z i
,, _, - - . 7 story well sung and admirably acted.
_ to t•.tm lrottt the I nlterslty of Louis- | _ ·
LEVAN TRIO. with eight foul shots in nine trials. .,.,0 ,_.m,,_ VM r ,0 ,, M h , .7 ,
Europe'; Premier Gymnaltt. (lm, Qmw ,m_"_a_pd hpd had wml ,2 vlllc on tht- tzytn floor. The result ol l ll ll· lll ng ll ll ll ll· _,
the gtttttc 1»rat·ticnlly decides the State llllllll lllll Sllllw wllll ll' llllllllgy llllllllllllllll  
p1_Oyp MACK, tnoro points. Tite vlsltors were ottt» _ i ,,m_,_ O,. m_,g,na, ,.8,,,,,.,
Dancing Comedian. ,.1,,%,,.11 ,.14.11 nt. their own game. and llll;lllll;lllllllll ll; H P m , W, H ,t11t~k Case tt singing and talklmz 1 0, 20, 30, SOC
ns settso t nc not 1 e *· ‘
t ntltc of tle fact that .lansln· at l _ .. —;
  "lolqlrvlr Outjunippd Pars Preston. ll ll\`t‘ \\f)ll llI'l)I]l the Fnllg (`lty tpu",_ llllllpdlflll. The Cheerflll (HOOK] DTQ-
t111tt1 1111 the Armory door and at ""l""· *‘l“““ l“`° °" ll"""’ B°°d lm" 5      
stttttntttry. ,,0 d , ,, d k
8 DA$·¥_V%LL $L$$Ell:$d ,_ mmm ,Uu,`\m· l,ottisvllh·. The Louisville tetun re- lll S llll ll ll lllllllll g°° lll es' See Reading Notice.
n • er a . we ·   , 1.- ·
llllgll ll 0 all ll e ll unmm wd T mmke miM`>,,,,~,,,.,1 1,,,,, players ,,.,,0 ,,8,.,. 1,,.,1,, ·lllll<* H°**l0ll & (`°mP**“Y ln B m“*‘l‘l 
 suc: nicHA¤¤S<>~ c. cv-. |‘ `. l ` . `_ ` `tlllilklllil 11»gt.1t11~1 111 .1-...11 1,.1,.1 ..,1 ··=·* t¤m<*‘ E*<··t~*l¤ <·¤*lt*¤EE·*¤E ~*·tl· tlm **·¤E*¤*>*¤**¤·* lt lt DRUGGISTS
Special Pr, " Thi. week bon 1S` ` ‘ ,,,1,,-,,, mm, 5,,0, am, me ,,.,,0,9 umm dllllcult to distinguish each from the MMN STREET AND gg°AgwAy l
C 1 ` . 1
,,9,.QmQ and ,.mp,,_( Kim., 0,7 UX has been using the same "lloys` Rules llllllllx  
‘·r ’ 7 ‘. · l
Lowllll Floor llocl Balcony 25cl . . . . Moditied" that prevails at State. ln "     l "" l         n *
tngton. and llrowtt, ot Louisville.
S°c°lld Balcony loc' Tim, ),. ,,9,_,m, on mmm, the passing and close defensive work SKETCHES ON BOBBlE‘ i Incorporated
l ( Sr"- *5. '
  Kittens wm ot` the Kentucky live lies tlte hope of """"` Manufactures of ,
Th S lll ' 11,.. .,.1,,,,,1 ,,1,,,,,. 1,,,,, .0,,,,. ,-.,1, =·**·*lllPT State title lor the lllue and M'“· ll'°“'“"`l‘°l’l’**""‘***’· “°'*¤* dm HAND-MADE CIGARS ,
    lllulgowg km, it \,__,_ (mh th; load 0,) w1,1t,»_ ,,,,,1 11- ms,. 11,,g1,,.S ,·,.g_,,1,,S you study aliout at Sunday School? V  
" ' l` ‘ l l ,., - . ._ ,_ .- -, liohltie tltesitating a\vltile¤——"|t`s 136 WEST MAIN STREET l
        tained lt) the Kittens in the first that llllll lll llll ll‘l` llll" llllllll llllll lllllll . . _ .. l
JDS A THOMAS Mgr Hui mem whw th, Hm, Whoo, ,{9m,,c,,,._ WS, ,{,_,,(.r has ,,,,9,, 0,,, on- dottt un skeered.  
° 9 • `l l l l ` l · · `\lrs llrown found that the Sundavl
_ . _ __ _ . , ot the gttttte for tt week with a severe · · —     and  
ll°..3.°'°"°"°' "‘°‘ lll‘°"° lllll l"" *`“ """"°" “l" "“ ‘“ ll"` ll" lv 1..,.~,...1 11..1..1 1,11 will 1... 1.1 111..lS<·l·<>¤* l<»EE<>·· was ¤=·~··l tm- "*t *~ *-
sity gatne, ltttercolleuiaie Rules were   F I ' _ UP not afmh, ..   and  
T°l°ph°"‘ 638 used in the first halt ·tnd Association lllllllllll lll lll lllllllllllg l • O
` ` ‘ ‘ ' __________,_;....T_. •••I·••  
• l{lll<‘$ ids! ll<‘l`l0d» nrt- gytnnasts witltout peers; Floyd ,·,,,_,,_ ,,,,, ..\\·,,a,·_ ,.0,,,. ,,,,,.,.\. ,
The Gutzett (jo, · .—..,.         ..,,.       ,..... , ,...,,   .. ....,   ,,.,,.,.._   1 Stmpln-Filler Fnunlain Pens 1
in the first period. and Park and l`·nl·k who 1—t·t1tt1~ |ll'(l(lll('•‘N lnttuhs; the Niusi- ,,0,,,,,,7 ..,·,,, ,.,,,,,,,,,u ,0 1,9,.,, ,1,,,l _
      st·ot‘t·tl tt niee lead. tal? tlortuans leillelell TW *‘¤ll1111 te t‘t1t1111.1tty, n il ,;,,1,1,1,4 tpttcr to a lll`l*‘lld <‘****‘*‘l“‘“‘ll D P   l
UNIVERSITY LUNCH srauo "`l*" ‘“*‘ "“"` "*‘* *"*"‘l‘l "‘ "‘*'* ~<’·’··*··*·*·= **··‘· ···— ···*****···* "**·>*‘***E 111.. l()ll()\\lIllll ——1·.11.1.11,.1.tt111t.t.111..·l ' • urce .
t ,. . ' .- ` tl ·· *5. 1   * _ T , ,. . ’ ·~ l l (1. . 1,)  
Caters exclusively to students ‘ll lll llllll lllllll ll`llll' llll`llll` l ll·‘»‘· llllllllllllll ‘\ l`l"lll‘l·"`l lll A 1 »·lt_ well, he t' ll in the pond up to ‘l`°ll`°l'll"
and Faculty of State University 11»·;1t1tt11. The visitor,. had lite e·l*.:--1..,,,-,,1,1,. 1,, t11,1.tt1.,—,1111·· 11 1·1,111t»1t1 ,;l,l ll l DOROTHY DODD SHOES
A B   on the l{llll‘ll? tttttt lteutttt to pitslt lil |,1,,.,,.1, ,,,11 ,,1 #,,,,,1 $1,,,,1,,,, ,,,,,1 1,,-1,,1,1 ___,___ FOR WOMEN O •
C0'; S UMESTONE AND COI-FAX 1.1.,7.1.1 *1111-_1 11t1st1·1trt111ttlt1 and 1·ull··lut·*lt1111. _\‘t·l 11r1·>··t1t•»1l at this llUll$*‘ tlllll --1,,.,, ,1,1,,1, ,,1111 s11111It1· and t·uss.lRALSTON HEALTH SHOES
tttt~. t;tt·l1 lllllt· llll` tt -o.tl. > ·t"1•·1 ,,1,.,·,· ,,,.1 ,.,,1-,-,1.. ,1,,. 1{,.111, 1,,,1,,1 _ __ l __   _
Y·ES ` I Men tlottt -o to tltuttlt ltltt itotttttt,
W. are stm P "s_ng‘4 S _ts for $120 E`·"’l l"l*l` l""l"' l"ll"· l"l""" *"l l` J" » »   - ——~— ,,,1;.111,. 11 111.., 111111- t1111111t·ts they $4,00 to $5.00
ll l ul ‘ "t»; >. 3 l2' ·` 2 .~ I 1 ·
—a[.— » ll lllll l llllllll lllll l lll lllll       \\(llll(l7 Al+'ll LtI`t‘ lll\lI`Il lUlLl('kIl Illllll  
. · ’ _ t·.tttlt7 hll'illl\\lllll‘ llt‘*‘h llllll >l`llri*‘ ill" ,.,,1,·111· ·1l~t1 'll()l`l’ 7t>oltt**lt·al   the
Billy Bailey E Pressure Club   ,·... 1   1,.111.1.. .... 1 llllFl 1... 1 11... 1.1.. 11 ___ · 1 1 _7 .1 ,
AND DRY CLEAN|NG WORKS _ I ‘ A _’ V ll1t· ]·l`l·~··Itl \*,•·t·k Sllt»\\ ttf lltt· Atltt lotltttwvtttttttl\\ottt•·IIs1»ItIIt1,lIotIt   8   S   A
l59 South Limestone Phone 621-y l'll‘;` lllllllll 'lllll llliil Llllllll ll I \l1·atlt· ltrittgs l)|*ll()X`(' l,t·xitt;;tt1tt 1»t·ttplt tttttttktyns, lttti tltt· Wtllllgil l*lll`llll)J.’ g y l
  ldlll llll; llllllllll lll l lllll liu, lllll` some classy vaudeville entertainers. t‘nt·ther than the men." Go to {
t t` *1 7   rs S rver · I1 lrowu · - 1
C     lllll k ilnsll Illldliil le ll , ...._..... , The LCWIII Clgilf C0- t
,,1,*1. 1 E 1141 1t··>_  
• • ‘ It 0 . New Phoenix
W H l 'llte sutttntury;   llll U l
here you will nd everything a 7. 1 , .
      ll\ll.[€Ilb. llt*ll(.ll»*l`5(Ill l . 5. l,    
Should Have. Ice Crea Soda. lZ•'l`ll()>> tet and iirown, Tayloi It ,
MA·~ A~¤ WALNUT STREETS-. 1·...t 1.~ .,11.1 \\lk1l,klllS P I It CREAM FLOUR
, ( , ........ .. ..... s `E . .
  lktrk .,...7....7.. t` ......... serve: , 1 , Takes LQ55 Shortqmng l
  $t‘ltl'ut‘tlt‘l` tttttl (iu.I‘tlIIeI‘, UcIII1€ll . _' Made l’¥`_ _
          , lillllil)t‘l`l ....... G....... and Lynn       C0',
. V. ` ' · I · E tv
, t.t·tt~tt·t· -lllu\\It, of Louisville. null llllll ,
G,   Chapman 1 lllll|Illll‘ n..1~1. of Kentucky. JOE BENCKART, Prop r
559 s_ Lime 0pp_ Ag,.•1B1d8_, ‘t‘tt111· ot 1»1·t·iotts——15 minutes. , E B    
1 7  7... 1 8 C 1 ll
  I l
K• k d C I C   THE BEN ALI. {         l 107 South Limoston•St..opp. Phoenix l·|ot•|
III CEI 08 0. , 7-... * _ rtttsrcttss wotttt outmtmaso • •
Anthracite and Bttummous —7   11.111,1., 1..,1—.1.111..,11t111 1.1tt ..11. , [___ , 77 ,   71,
COALS 1..71 ..1 1 ,... ....11 Att tins week, com-     RBSt8\II°8I`\t*’*
Lexington, - Ketttucky lll ·’ wvlllllee. lll Classic E llot Lunches at all hours. Cigarslt Tobacco
I`t·1 wilt- lz 1;1\ ttll ll&Il10U5 Sl.li[Ll€S, is B   ‘
W S G   $2. 1-.. ..e11. 1.1·t..· southern girl and her ° °   E
R . - .... 1. . .1 —- · tl tt Corner U cr and Bolivar
° ° 1   ' , 7 jjf‘°,j"°T* “ ‘f"’:,"' GLEAIIIIIB Phone 1972-Y pttgggpqg pp
The Sanitary Grocer lllll ' ` ``’`` ` l’ lllll ll lll
*~**·~*· ~ l *   *`**~*‘·*¤ "T***· CALAGIS 8: CO
U · I , 1;4··t:t. .—t11ltt·1 l{0bBb, 0I‘lgl¤8.l, Succeaaor to SARRIS G. CO-
****0**** *2** ~ ·· —   · SlZ€V€I1S0l‘l BC ‘
(AJI'.   lsllllti Blld Vll'g`lIll3.   ·\·—` * *-1* ~ ··`Tlllé*¢;0, A Ylfeilcll 77--77_.__-7777   7. 7 —   W. Main St.
 · N ·.` `avll. HTS; " ¤ 7* Y `*
, .   7. . . . 7. ,_,. l¤¤E¤¤~T~~ ·~ THE _-
‘ ‘l t. . t I. til . *, _ _ ,
$6ll3ll§8 S cilllly l(ll0ll8lll,l_ ' l   __;Hf`G,l;",‘,‘l;mm   _ _ _  
119 SOUTH UPPER 8T_   ` l l l U l° lu bin in     a             I     l
‘ · · `itL'i··l~ ·· » •·I‘~ I te W
Fresh Candies Made Daily. " _ _ __` lll l • •
Pop Corn Fritters. tl" l' l l' '‘‘· "lf" _“{‘"" "°“; ILTEIIINB 45l SOUTH LIME llP|||IllQ DENTIST • •
uaxmcrou, - . xenrucav ‘l"   ‘‘·’·‘ T '·‘ "‘l` "l l*“'°*"*· “" City sm. tnt1ttttt.t·11. ·

 I •
T H E ID E A 8
••••••••••••••••...•.•..--.. would Carry the mws of not only mn wH()_S       wnll as notions. Knnwlnz of hls abil-
• • ym1ns:nt•~r:·¤, but also the nhl follows. ° "Y ”"" hm "’Y""·Y *0 'WYY h" “’*‘**
    n,x·/;mlmgm,1.-v··1··m·wm¤1ner·:·rA¤<·¤ Mlltvr uf TM ¥¤>¤·¤A lm FMI.
; TMS Img" wmlm also Mmmm an nm, ¥"‘*""h‘*¥ 'm" 'H"""'**"*’*""*' mul has prm·¤·Ml<~d lu glvn tho stu-
  Xttocteoe téee;1 oee;_e;eeeeo         ()'•   (llnprpntr   }("|'h* hp AIR r"(·(,¤I‘iZUd “tlh"u‘· un] llpntgl         bps!.
°°°°°°° °°‘°°° R0 that it would not only {md [0 draw purll·¤um· u»¤;·¤»·lu· nm b¢·¤·zun>¤•· ull um pm,,.,. mm mum lm put out unda, the
\ |_g1·1·ggg App gggguj. general In its nnturr- and wlll lw mp mms (lmwr mgmhpr hm would luequmlnrwl wry wull un m-vmnnn ot l,,,.,,,,,, ,.,mdm0m,_
• 5 • T|ONl FROM THE NEW wrrlwd an All Eastern Dinner. nlm mm] to Invrpum the Muvp mom his ¤p•·¢·¤»l1 (ll)iI]gH, I (mr mgmumm mwdg mm.? men mm
YORK ALUMNI CLUI With bent Wishes, I beg to remain, hpmmp in the clubsl }I•· nlxxnys has prvss-nt•·». wen as 8 mend And we mn wen
sity. Lexington, Ky. Dear Sir: We had n rather ln- the (me paper wm receive u Erm" deal Am,,,,,uh H ,HS,.H,|*, nf HH, m,mh,my’ISay that during School days he has
Dear Sir: As I feel that you will formal meetlnz nn f·‘rls— the Treasury. About $75-monlooo was
secretaries of the local clubs or chap- I would call your particular atten- ident of the suclely and wlnlx-ln place in National Bank notes and about
ter; where we knew them, and to mem- tion to the wording 0f thls l‘€H0|ut|0¤ WHEREAS, crmdsm is being mad€' he filled with the best of his ability. $7;-Lommno in Silver dollars. The
bers whom we knew were taking an which wlll dlsclose that it ls founded and we believe H is jus" of me pm- It ls wonderful that he has per- Trmgurpr estimates the population of
active interest ln this work, where the on what might be called "hear-say" mlscuous way mp State Umversnx formed so much work outside of class the United States at 98.181900, and
secretaries were unknown to us. evidence. Tllls could not be made dif- Lexington. Kemmkyi has been and is exercises as he is one who pursues the says the ch.cuhm0n_ per mmm, was
· This letter is not written with the ilerent due to the lack 2; proparlylmn- conferring unearned honorary degrees mysterious nympth embodied in the $35_ll_
4 intention of having you publish lt. or rmed information. ut we mvc fgrm Or Lam; and (gmqk
suggesting any ideas for artlcles, but pretty reliable information which 2:: jxgiggilinlgpon her mm faculty -He has always attempted to perform FOR RENT_D€Sh_ablB from mom
1 Mmply t° °°°°°i"t y°° wml wh" W° °h°wS thm d°gr°°° h°v° bm] °°"` wlmnums, such pm(·u(~a is not ln hm ‘l"u°S “~°"‘ ""‘°°"" i" "’l““°" with gas. can G. Becker, 506 Rose
S are trying to d0. ferred on men connected directly with good form as established by other rep- with class or other u<·tivltle·s and at Street
i tt'ILl;;e;o;1yt;i;tllettrisolutlonnzvfgjggs ;l:;n:;lstltuti0n which seem to be un- Mable Universities, and Illness fumlslws s:)ateu1e;1te; not pleas-
A 0 S 6 G WEB B8 - ` , _ n 0 some mem ers 0 me ct.
I` member of the Board of Trustees. I The reason for passing this ln its WHEREAS’ Such comvrrmg Of de- jas; year hg was (·hOS(»n to tgp"-,.  
l have received acknowledgements from preliminary form was that several grees cheapcns and discredhs me wen Sem his class umm that celebrated • •
I some flva or six of the members ln months would be lost if we waited earned and deserved degrees won for occawlon known aw arbor dav which  
' creditable work under the direction ` ` "
. clucxng Goslirnor 1l;’lcCr¢;ary, and 1:1 untllttllw March ;:eet;n8.!!r;n;lt;;?rl1¤;)ps and authorhy of me University, thm? tlrnrty he performed excellently.  
suc case e wr ers mve comp - even en we cou no co pe yc n- lrouglmuz his college days he has
manted us on the action which we flrm the information which we had. f0;El:0:vED by the Kentucky State been a leader and was chosen as pr€_S_ K K
were taking, and wished us success ln lt was our opinion that it we passed University Chib of New York, that me mgm or hig graduating cmSS_ with   y
• our undertaking i this resolution in its preint dfomg University authorities be requested uhxonn rwe have (me °f the SOM éf Oficrs free tuition in all depart
O l was very much interested n the something would be accomp she ,an and urged to exercise greater care in Adam, who is not a creature of slr- menu except Law to graduate}
article which recently appcaredln The the other clubs would be shown that conferring Buch degrees; that fewer cumstance, but instead a masterbf of Kentucky High School. who
1 IDEA in which the paper stated that A we had something to start on, and an degrees of this chamcter be given; human deS;;n€.S_ are prepared to enter the FI_“h_
          “"   ““°“               gene         ""“‘ °‘°“·
· Y c n o a s e, we
because we have probably been or- We would like for you to co-operateI?;a!:;f$r:;gd?;_il:;;u:;0nunh;rbg“; should expect him to perform many Each county in the State i.
gunlzed longer than any other Alumni with us in confirming our evide