xt7np55ddd15 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55ddd15/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1987 athletic publications  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Basketball Programs (Women) University of Kentucky vs. University of Indiana, December 9, 1987 text University of Kentucky vs. University of Indiana, December 9, 1987 1987 1987 2014 true xt7np55ddd15 section xt7np55ddd15   K
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t ln Kentucigr sport has always   that always doing your best is
been more than playing a game.   g g   an attitude that extends beyond
Here, sport means tradrtron It       a~ta s       at~.   the playing treld. Just as basket-
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  uq a} E} {5 EEE CZ/frziue/zstfg 0§ {Kentucky
A'; I I 'L'1 I 11*
CONTENTS We’re Proud to be
Coach Sharon Fanning .................,........ 2 '
Basketball starr ................................ s A S
Dr. David Roselle .............................. 4 L       I
Athletics Director Cliff Hagan ..................... 4
Meet the Players ............................ 5-22  
(Croley 6, Pennie 7, Tarantini 8, Shrum 9, Whitaker 6 _/’=L:’
10, Harrell 11, Miller 12, Spencer 13, Davis! { l _
Hoskins 14, Ousley/Stevens 15) T
Lady Kat Team Picture & Roster ................. 16
Opponents Team Picture & Roster ............... 17
Opponents’ Feature ........................... 18 /
Lady Kat Feature ,............................ 19  
Scorecard ................................. 22-23 »-— { ·‘
Memorial Coliseum ............................ 24 E,
Assistant AD’s and UK Head Coaches ............ 25   a
UK Sports information Staff ..................... 26
Cheerleaders and Student Staff .................. 27
Lady Kat Records ........................,. 29-30
Former Lady Kats ............................. 31    
Wildcat Team Picture & Schedule ................ 33
UK Campus ............................... 35-36
Your hometown grocery stores
CREDITS: in Central and Eastern Kentucky I
Written, Produced and Edited by _
RENA VICINI, UK Assistant Sports Information Director
Special Thanks to
DEAREN sposrs E 'I’1CHETBGN°° has seats for events at FREEDOM
g4g§gEg'Q,$,,EN ,,,_,S,,,,,,,, HALL In Louisville, Rupp ARENA In Lexington,
and man other facilities around the count .
Advertising Sales
‘ Photography by
Design and priming by ·  TICHETRBNEI LOCATIONS.
T ,

 . . /  
CZ/(rrrrua/rsrtg of €7terzi‘u0@y  
  --A·   ff   I  Y1 i
_ _ A 6 .;       tx  A   :»_     
Sharon Fanning brings to Ken- P 8,...     wg  .      ;
. f . s M "  ·:. ‘ * .‘., `· ` =‘i  v    .
tucky not only an exceptional   A ,_     ·A     Q
record, but also a national repu—   »  Q;}   ,=__ Q    · ,  T Y
tation as an outstanding coach, `     _A         .   _ A
recruiter and motivator. In 11 A°   ·‘ti Q . ___A   ig ·»’‘t_ ia:.   _it_      A   - `
memorable seasons at the Uni-   __ , ‘       i»`»·    AA ·»»» :_  
versity of Tennessee at Chatta—   ‘_»_   .   . »—=e 1     _,1,  .2§.=;f-$1    V-”l-’_. ’ fg   A=;*?Af f   . }
¤¤¤a¤1 1*¤¤¤1¤a’S Squads wm- . -e : .   L ,.1 y ..     tie   ri :»a i »rr»;   itr   tet` ri el`t I rt»lt   e rrs i 1.* Y atlt    
r>i1€<1 8 189-129 mark. 1¤¢1¤<11¤s   :r_                   ;:~   ;r—      
five straight Southern Conference -,ZAG;i ~i—_       ` \A     if     ;__ §r;_ ’ · ‘ 1
championships from 1982-1986.   1·= * " A     ”””`°"`   t=A—  ci'; _ ,__. AA 1_..;   AASAVV- Q 11_ if _:A’‘’- i .>..A;_A_ '
In 1984, the Lady Mocs went 26—   A‘_   QA; v1.A_   A .        __`j 1t=t,»t1. < ¤
5 and were runners—up in the     _AA_e·._»A i r_»’ ,   ,—A·A   i A
National Women’s Invitational   r··’‘   -~»i»‘ ‘     1 I
TOurnam€nt· Coach Fanning is flanked by University President Dr. David Roselle and Athletics Director
And While her teams were Cliff Hagan. Below, Fanning addresses the news media after being named new coach by Hagan.
reaping glory for the school, . . . ,, K hl t. . I !  1 A
Coach Fanning was receiving §?P;;F£Jg;]fF;ia [gn Sins €,,1§i8 _,,‘`.    »i 1~1   » AAA,
personal honors as well. She was 1. .g y ` ‘ 11.*   8, , ·
named Southern Conference has all the qua mes we WW? 1.     1* ,   —
. looking for to fill this position.   x I   .
Coach of the Year in 1984 and She is not (ml an Outsmndm     A  
1985 and was nominated for Ko- y. . g ,_,_...._ I   ’    
dak,8 national Coach Of 818 YSM coach, but she is also a fine per-   ____....; .-—¤,>. A=-. _ ‘A·.   AA            Z.- A A__ A .... A. __._ A A
— ` . ‘        sa -  ip  `t1¤ 1 ‘~..`· S   1
honors 1n 1984. In 1986 she was isgdghsosvggrb€Oz;§O;?h§g€;S We ;_A.  _~A- _     ._ g  iteA     ‘r= ¤  
coach of the North squad in the . Y g . ` ». `»·»i i 1`._     _8t=·   '‘ ·     fif    ‘`ii    
U S Olympic FGSUVQI and last believe that her personality and AA ·__1 . ~.A_   . 8. .9;.,
summer she was named to the g;)1;§ ¥1g€88;9A§h;t1;;95{?m the     f..   A ‘  I
staff of the USA Select team The 33 Bar Oi] Fanmh 3     1f"l‘‘   A ’ A I
competing in Seoul, Korea in . f gh g’l    i f  » f 1
AUULN native o atanooga, comp eted  ,, IA ; ,   -3
1 "We are thrilled to have Coach her undergraduate degmcgt UTC ‘   A .   ,  
AA in 1975 while competing in both  , _·‘    ‘ °
5 .   1 1   basketball and volleyball. She   1`·.   l‘i    ._, . .  ` , .,..  
Y _   .   · . . ·   ;=‘i   ..=_ -’=. » .  
M ’  .9  1·‘t·‘t·~     v l999lV9d h9Y 199919% 998199 111   -·e....v ;; -··i·:r     ···=   I J 1.18  
 ,    `I‘1    , » ~   1976 from the University of Ten-
    A A     A-··A     I`l€SS€€, Wh€I`€ SIIG S€I`V€d HS H FANNING’S RECORD AT UTC
,       ‘   ;..iAA.,.AAj1.A8 ~fA.5   graduate assistant coach to Pat YEAR W L PCTA
{  .3   ._, _ ?{.           ._i· . AA_,     Head Summitt for one year be- 1976-77 20 ia eos ’
  it.,   N   ·``   A  »   1;,   s-‘1 Y   ‘‘i‘ *   fore returning home to build a 13353 12 A?  
  _ · AAA     IA     A program at her alma mater. 1979_8O 15 13 588  
  _ {,1 ·, . . - 1 J~.·   8 1 _ A noted speaker who is very 198081 19 9 .679 I
      __‘t<·r<.A    AA     AAA. _ y I   active in civic affairs, Fanning 132;;; 1;   gg?  
`’1i. i fQ1~ . , i*1’'"i   A  A __.A   `ii        also served as Coordinator of 1983_84*# 25 5 A859  
  ._r1.». __ ,. -    y r      Women`s Athletics at UTC since 1984-85' 18 13 .552 Q
 ,1.. ...,A .5*; y yi . . I     1978. She is a current member of 1888 87 7 28 259 ;
‘¥`a‘l··5L`·E $'·’ :?i°!·.- " X   . '   *2 tr F"; “"’ · v I ’ 7
  ‘.7a ` “ ><  .._    ,._..   ,..1. _   the National Women s Basketball Totals 188 QE E 1
This summer, Coach Fanning gave instruc- Cqachcs ASSOCMUOH 899*9 Of '$¤¤1h9r¤ 9¤¤1€r9¤¤9 911¤m¤1¤¤5  
tions at a basketball clinic in Jackson, Ky. DIYGCIOYS. WWII R“""*°"”Up5  
2 1

     mrrrrrrrry at Urrrrrray
` Andy Barnes Adena High School, tion in 1979 after serv-
~ V V i Andy begins his iirst where she earned All- ing for four years as a
; ‘  V   _ii_ year at Kentuekv after America honors and was student trainer. She was
s      I We   it serving as an assistant te named the Outstanding graduate assistant at Pur-
i     i    Coach Susan Yevv at Athlete in Ohio. She due University, where
t     ,j  ‘ _ Drake University last went on to similar glory she earned her Masters
` r. _A _i_. r lit   '_V_ seasen_ At UK, hc vviii at the University of Ten- Degree in Physical Fit-
  V··    ii  feeus primarily en re_ nessee, where she earned ness and Exercise Physi-
-1r·r/it-Z—?rrrrrr·> I eruiting_ A native et Kodak All-America hon- ology in 1981.
Arr!. {wh-E. 7am. Sz. (Mw _ · · · - ·
A   jehnsen City, Tenn., and ors before graduating in   native of Smithville,
.   is     _i a 1980 graduate et East 1983. t Ohio, Sue serves on the
.t   {ji     Tennessee State, Andy In the meantime, she Board of Directors for
i     ’ I',    taught and Ccachcd at the was also establishing the National Athletics
  if  ·“·—~ { if . high seheei l€V€l fer six herself as a great inter- Trainers Association.
ri I Wi,     years before joining the ¤¤t1¤¤¤1¤¤mp¢t1t¤f~ She ··_*‘-*1*
  ,iii   .       is c I     rrarr at nrrrirr. From was $<=1€<>1€<11¤111€ 1979
          1980 to 19:24, he was W<>f1<1 U¤1V€tS1ty Squad, L°° Remy
  ,_,·    assistant bOye» basketball the ]98O Olympic team, LCC jOlI1€(l Il'1€ Lady
J(gmjtsitffetgifiyiiiii(si Coach and head eehc the 1983 Pan American Kat staff in December,
J  1      coach at Daniel Boone mm 911<1111€ 1984 1983- She was ¤f¤V1¤¤S·
_ ,,_.  I  `A ` I · V High Sehnei in Grave Olympic squad. She also ly employed by Bartho-
rt   I se   t Tenn. He than taught for plgygd pygfgggjgnal bag- lOI°{°1€W COLl1'l[y W€lf3f€
      i One vear at Sun Vaiiev ketball for one year in Department and Colum-
 I I i      ‘ Nic', betete tetumine in Japan_ Columbus, Indiana. A
    ‘ ‘1   V  -—1      i to his native state to Ci11dY» who was in` native Of Whitcsburg ‘
». r   _   teach and assist in boys’ ducted imo the Natimal K}/" LCC is married to
~ r r  I basketbaii at Unieei High School Hall of Bob Reedy and has two V
as t,,, ,rf?»r$"ZCQt rrrrr, crrurrry nigh srirrrrri in Fame 1¤S1y€¤f» 15 mat- 9111*<11’911·
  , Erwin. He is married rrr 119919 Mark 11¤¤S¢f· ———l—···
     I . Marsha Barnes. man Lee Youster
V   i` i`‘  1   .tt V L_—-_"‘; Lee has been assistant
.» ‘  —.¤<~=  ; »· `-   li _ ;T`_t strength coach at Ken-
;       I Cmdy Noble Hauswman tucky for three years. A
_   e.  Cindy’s experience as 1980 graduate of
  a great player at all 1ev- Sue Stanlcy Yankton College. he re- —
I °    `s r °ii` els of competition made Sue joined the UK mained at his alma mater
i   her an exciting addition training staff in 1982 for two years as football
  .. _ _ to the Lady Kats staff. A after serving for one and strength coach. He
    two-time Olympian, Cin- year as Co-Ordinator of then served as a graduate
  i`   »   dy joined the University Sports Medicine for the assistant strength coach
  ~—r ·~ i.  of Kentucky for her first Department of Intramu- for two years at South
J   W _   coaching job in August, ral/Recreational Services Carolina and as an assis-
- ‘ Q ie,   1985. at East Carolina Univer- tant strength coach at
Y ir   A native of Clarks- sity. Sue graduated from Oklahoma for one year
i is ttiVi. vi I it -s,_e_i burg, Ohio, Cindy began Ohio State University, before coming to Ken-
   ` ` as at ttilr in `  iill `  an outstanding playing where she earned a de- tucky. Lee is 29 years
  crrrrqm mnt . yrnrrr. wrrmqr arm career at Frankfort- gree in Physical Educa- old and single.

  ‘t’***aaa at t*e~t~¢a  
  H  Executive Committee of the NCAA Division PRESIDENT  
lA Athletics Directors Association. i
DlI'€Ct0I' of Alllll€tlCS A two-time All·American basketball center DAVID P' ROSELLE  
at UK (1952, 54), Hagan helped the Wildcats  
.  E   win 86 of 91 games during his career. lnclud- i
· _  . .  T  `   ed in his career is a 1951 national champion- _  
` I _ e___     * ship under legendary coach Adolph Rupp.        
` A     As a senior, Hagan helped lead UK to a   `1  
   T perfect 25-O record and the Southeastern _      
  9 Conference title. That season, Hagan aver- T “     
  aged 29 points per game and led the nation in ‘ »    
    ’i’ rebounding (13.5 rpg). L ‘-E,-g·¤.  T r —··._, ,4 T
    After graduating from UK in 1954 Band V   5
  serving two years at Andrews Air Force ase 7       i
as a commissioned officer, Hagan began a    
highly successful National Basketball Associ— T ( T
;_ ation career with the St. Louis Hawks. ln 10  s ~  t`·  / ?
[T seasons, he posted 12,433 career points in T " _    
A 672 games (18.5 ppg) and played in five NBA · a ` {
. . Arlrism gatncsu S L _ h_ h Dr. David P. Roselle was named the
_ t. ous team w · · · · _
AS €***t Haart eras ha *2*** year as .**5 ciaiiiinsfxaiivrsifn ina. ri 1958r nagin ftjglih §;€§‘;§QL°f9‘Q§ II“‘”°”"y °I I""“
dlI`€C[O[',v[hC-UHlV€TSlty·Of Kentucky Athletics helped lead the Hawks to the World     ROSCHG CCH] S TO   from V_r _n-
AsSocIarI°rI IS uIId°rg°IIIg an cm Or ImpIr€c€` onship by defeating the Boston Celtics. He _   h _ B1 ki) V h I glh I
demcd growth _ _ also set a NBA single game record for most Ia cc III ae S urg* an W crc _€
R€°°IIrIy`°°mpI°r°°I projects '“°I“‘I° the $6 field goals in a quarter (12). Hagan was voted Served as pteveat tear YoarS· The Po$I'
    Nl.][[€I` Football   FHClll· All_PI_O from   HOU Of p[·OVOSt at   Tech is the
ryt the I_rIIaIry J" Boone Indoor TcIIrIIS_iZm€;i Between basketball seasons at St. Louis, number two administrative position at the
gf IIgIIII?g or the grggggll Bgiczrggiggcofigc Hagan earned his M.S. degree from Washing- university, which has more than 22,000
.· · n an · · -
siiviiuriiétg In aaaitioii mg $5.5 million ‘°‘n;I';i;gI;IgT Ifsfriggs ptaymoach of the Stu/;I"““.· 1, P I . D R _ H
Harry C. Lancaster Aquatics Center is near- Danas Cha mats dum] his mfcssional IIEIUVB O_ crmsy VaIIIa’ r' OSC 6
ing completion bringing the total expendi- pp g p has a PrI·D· In marhomaucs rrom Duke
_ _ ’ , _ basketball days. In fact, Hagan was chosen as Universit HC hau been a mathematics
gargs Ir;l_CarmaI CXPMISIOII projects [O "°a’IY the Texas Professional Coach of the Year in pmfcssoryémd researcher at the Univer I
m' ‘°“· 1968. rr~ ti t D ll 109-90. 1 . . . .°
T ‘This past Julynthe UK Athletics Associa— 1975, H];g;;Cr;rasanan;daSt0Wr;Ti€ Kcmmk; sity of Maryland and Louisi-
“°“ B°§"$* at D"°°‘°“ aPP’°“*d 3 r€°°“* Athletic nai of Fame. Three years later, he aha State Uhtvetattr He became a we-
$9-3 ““II'°'¥ budgcr r°‘ *I‘° I987i88 tiical became me nist UK player inducted into the teaser et mathematles at Vlrgtma Tech lh
year In 3 moe when mrmrr arhgiiugcpdrrr Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. 1974 and held that faculty appointment
Ircmf ar°bra°IrI$lf)u°IgF; rmcsi _ }$°II_ Hagan is married to the former Martha during his entire tenure there. .
IIIIUCS E) _° EOM yl? ;“Pp°“_I”$’ Wn   Milton of Owensboro. They have four chil- H6 glsg Served as dean of Virginia
;fIXd ° aa rom I C rIIV°rSIry S g°II°r‘I dren- Mrs. Lisa Thaxton, Mrs. Laurie Hill, Tccnts graduate SChOOl and dean df TE-
"“$· lv1.A Bdtt ax; t C1-. -. .
Hagan, a native of Owensboro, replaced mgsof Tr;ynSyT;a;ia€S3iV€r;€tyo rcccn gra u eeateh Emo graorraro Studtee _
thc late Harry C. Lancaster as athletics direc- Dr- Rooollo 15 knolfm as an ImloV&ror·
tor on July 1, 1975. Since then, UK athletics At Virginia Tech he implemented a unl-
has enjoyed a tremendous amount of success. versity—wide core curriculum. helped se-
both on the playing field and in the class- cure increased support for sponsored re- e
'0°m· search and was recognized nationally for ·
Hagan has seen UK basketball teams win BOARD or DIRECTORS · · · · · . · · · _ ~
NCAA h _ h_ NIT h _ UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY his initiatives ln computing and informa
an c am ions 1 . an c am ion- · *
ship and make alriothcr Eppearance in thro Fi- ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION HOU Sysrcmi . . .
ll h . b_n wld _ h ln 1978, he was recognized by Virgin-
- nd ritorlr hr Chim; A rLCmr avr ar)- EXUFFICIO MEMBERS'AT' ia Tech for his teaching excellence
·arc int ree ow ames. ast season, six . S , ‘ _ j
IUrK tcams appeared ingthcir respective NCAA D;rl;;:§TET;Scuc MFAESTEGNME Dr- RoSoI_Io hoo rr€Io_3 VarI€rY at lead-
Chauipionshin €v€iitS_ Dr, An Gunner Mr. ST Roach ershlp positions in national mathematics
Academically, Hagan helped establish the Dr. Jack Blanton Org?imZ¥*Yl9l`*$ and Served HS €X€€UUV€
Ccntcr for Academic and Tutorial Services Dr. Raymond Hornback STUDEN MEMBERS secretary of the Mathematical Associa— I
(CATS). The University of Kentucky was the Dr J*****°t M- K** A ;   *4*  jimw , A ‘ ~·», A Q ¤
V’_‘     wg;}   rt, K     A K A   AA I. A_     AA
"   AA  ,A‘“ A,  ,   A   M   " A   “ ~ Ai y A Q" ‘
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  ’AAA»‘' L   `   J? Y A2AA    ``AAA 4*1  `* _AAQI" ’AAA A °     `
;    ·<   \` Ar ij., jiwfxv `\;`»$`r§j;;,mi§{‘   is ' X   _ K   xi" A;A U ;\_ ` A, ` zklwww   { \
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Bebe is 14th on the all-time Lady Kats y i   _·`._     ‘A    M ` ·  
schrihg list with 937 cttrhhr rhihtsr tttttl it the . t   (·*(.‘.        YF 't`”.        
keeps up her current pace, she should easily _ 7 ‘‘’.                
lihthh tts hhs ht Uhh [OP tits hll·ttth<> I t. I it   ; t.—`.“ T     1 ‘          
“°°l°”· if A I     I   t·t     _t_.          
A first-team Parade All-America as a sen- ., PQ   .   ' A ·‘'“     y ·.·(       ’  
lm, ill Henry Cilly High SCi]0()] in Lexington, ’   VVV. ( VV ,       ·—··· g   _·  
Bebe suffered a stress fracture as a freshman (/,V,”»   I N ___,   U  ._;_   _, . g  
and played in only half of the games in her   ’’`    g_;..i ·.._ .;.  A     (.((—     it ~·"Q»;5· . ·‘   ,. V Q
first ywr. Ettt tts tt shphhttthrtx She Started ih     2:;  ‘‘. Q  ((’‘ ;;1.€%»_i;;,   ...-t s   W     -   .....»-i».». L - V   to .·...i .  
22 of 27 games and was the fourth-leading           ._»__» ` 'LV.-    .     -¤-t»-r  
hchrcr hh thc t¤hht»    (t ((s    l lg " .       .;-.. ;    ;.`   F `'l` t  l’l 2    
Last car she be ·n her iunior s-a on b · °“ i W    [ 8 »-·(   .2'-    ‘;·   .‘..         / `V  
Y Ed J 0 S Y _.     ,i_ .   .... .   ,i_. .   ...» .   .       V. . . . ,.  i.r;  
bein r d M . » · · ·   t.   ‘v.. (     t-t(»‘n . at ((·(=   .rt.t‘·-=   .       E
g name the first unanimous MVP in the s.   _ I _,;__ .  _   . .V_. Ei;]   . ,.     ..;.. ..3;
10-year history ofthe Lady Kats Invitational   , ,   “   `‘t‘t   _`(°, fi   V:.     A _=__—·r___   (
t<>ttt‘ttttttt¤ttt— Shc Ctttttlttl In ¤tt>t>( hhhss 1       .¤t-t`       »tt_t       .   5
throughout the season, starting in all 28 con- _ g
· tests and scoring in donble figures in all but Cosby TOP TV Show: Opfilh Winfrey Show pI‘0gI‘llTll and IS (U1 BXCQUEIII role  
‘ threleé   a tw?]-g?i1:e1ho1§ico‘u;t Ztint Zhe il1\£0l‘lt€ };00d1 Bibs HtO;Z]}1)l€S and Pagmgesz model fOr young Student_athleteS,  
Hf _-(3 - {gmt 3 ig gm img Q wit gi IS €l1lI1g 0 I11L1S1C. WZIC lllg SO3pS 311 p By- . . ·  
career-high 32 points against Alabama, and lng l€lllll$ Favorite Nolhbaskctball SPOFU while also plqylng a yew lmpor-  
then scored 30 points on I4-for—l7 from the lclllllh Most Admlfed Aihl€t€¥ ?lPPl€€l€tt€$ taht leadership role for her team'  
field in the next game against Florida. ?glll¢lt’¢S. but €>ll1l?i’ 8€llllll$Sghl`    V‘ .· rt ,:.V basketball sport: softball Most Admired
t   _ ~ “   =          6% ~ V.: V.     Athlete: Wayne Gretsky Favorite Gymnasi-
'   - _ éyvl V             ·   um: Clearwater Central Catholic Hivh
. ·V· · *4-.-·tw·:¤-;.   V ,¢;a‘;..r~   A-site C
V           =_V " School gym Favorite City: Norwalk. Conn.
E 5;..      =··     S   No. 1 Team in ’88: Texas Comment on
V   `       bmens as e a : " i e t e sma a
V 2}.. .=t:     "M"   t...r __ _(__,   W ’ B k tb ll 1 lk ti ll 6 ll
S   V ?   VV·· —       4   we a i wit ,an t in it as im rove t e
  :V:V     V}1: ;   i ii C A
  .,:;,   :· 4   A
      Vu- =-VV:   V ‘
`     -V‘-   V;·  
és      Ve As one of three seniors on
       ’  the team, Michele ’s experience
2   ‘’.V V.      :VVV  V.     ..     and athletic abzlz should be an
    `i“   ‘i’`“    · V*»   _ _ M . y,___. _ g_   h We _   ‘’*t’< f‘ advantage for the Lady Kats. She
  V — can run tlze floor, shoots well
        ’V.       and is a very good M`- ·
    ~.-‘·* jV.:i;`-—‘.;1V’=     ;»V V·>.‘V¤   ’—’1°?Y.’>: passen I
          % Aayyy   chele ts an unseyish player and
=     VV·t   ·.t;       
            .V‘·—   Vt_ wants the f6¢Ufl to do W6]!. W6 6X- - V
¥         V .V».. 1   ·
§           Pe e t I e ade r S hip f r Om Our $6*
S             mers an 6xP66 16 6 6 0
l             · · rs
t       -V‘·.~VV         [(1 (1 b FI 1,* ©‘
          t     6 9* lg Pe '” tr  
                this ywr’S Success
              ?   `VVT   i‘Vi—V   ·
g heset.:-€a¢¤x!*at·i>.$»x.42>·.-. ..-·-t.;.m2.u;2::z£:i;t·e.i>::»€;.§ •2z>:·£¤:¢=—.»¤w·tz;·¢.¤s;t·ea.·.i=>as.£b·· aid   · —   _C h F g
i After struggling with a severe knee prob- when Michele tore the anterior cruciate liga-
3 lem as a freshman and sophomore. Michele ment of her left knee in the semifinals ofthe
i tinally enjoyed hcr first full season last year Florida state championship. She underwent
  as a_junior.. She played in 24 ofthe team`s 28 extensive knee surgery before coming to Ken- '
E games and. although she never received a tucky. and has necessitated arthroscopic sur-
  starting assignment. finished as the Kats’ gery twice since.
  fifth-leading scorer with an average of 4.6 A versatile player who could help at either
{ . ` . . .
  pOll1[S per contest. _ guard or forward, Michele will be relied on ·
  Her outstanding high school career at for her exceptional scoring and passing ability 5 11 Senlor Guard
  Clearwater Central Catholic ended tragically this year. Clearwater, FIB.
E Year GP—S FG-FGA Pct. F'l`-l*"I`A Pct. REB·AV(} P'l`S—AV(} Steals Assists
E 1986-x7 24-0 42-90 46.7 26-36 72.2 61-2.5 1 to-4.6 I2 24
i 1985-86 17-2 14-27 51.:; I0-ll 90.9 15-.88 Bs-2.2 to 14 V
V r- - .-   1-.. t-27 59.2 23-l.5 46-1.5 3 ll)
  TOTA LS 56-3 71-152 46.7 52-74 70.3 99- 1 .8 194-3.5 25 34
g Career Highs: 14 pts.   Ohio State. 1986-87. 8 rhs., twice
  7 l

 · ttQ  
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Gem W        I           
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V    _;  . { il = `__»     »    __     ·, l
I _ _ _ , _ _  -     _. ·  _Q  - =~`‘       ·V;_ ,   , i
Monique possesses all the skills necessary **     r `, {     ·g _ _     , ·-yi-3      ` L
to be a standout player at both ends of the t   { gg . .\ S `   =‘`: *   =·=  _             *
court. Although she was recognized for her r - . ;  H r `—tt · ~ S,    ,»~`  T-- 1 ;*         ‘- T
great scoring ability in high school, she has     » g _     [    A   Fig-; tg;. _   g   - .
excelled more as a defensive player at Ken- if                 " _; ,
tueky, displaying good speed, quickness and - t - ‘               . 4
inrerisity- -   r         V
Still, she can be an explosive scorer. and Q - `;‘°"~;<‘_ i; ?1°  ‘   r    ; 1 t
has hit double hgures several times even     `_—.       .
though she has never appeared as a starter at     I E     ;  `
Kentucky. Her career free throw percentage {   t             A
of 88.8 is a good indication of her shooting i _    gw »‘              
touch. She is a classic zone buster when her   .    .·.··. - . i_`.         ',`i_   ‘ Z 4
shot is "on."