xt7np55dcv30 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55dcv30/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1938-11-04  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, November  4, 1938 text The Kentucky Kernel, November  4, 1938 1938 1938-11-04 2013 true xt7np55dcv30 section xt7np55dcv30 n



Not Boasting. But
war is
The Kernel's
well on its way towards being a
success. Organizations continue to
respond favorably to the campaign.
After all the organized groups supporting the campaign have been
students will
tested, unorganized
have an opportunity to take the
Wasserman. Watch The Kernel for
lime and date.



Rejuvenated Wildcats Pin Comeback Hopes
On Saturday's Battle With Yellow

Continuing from last issue. Clearing House is printing the following
facts on syphilis obtained from a
pamphlet issued by the state department of health of Kentucky:

Georgia Tech Game Will Mark Second
On Foreign Soil, And Third
In Conference




13-- 7.

Jackets OF






Bailey, Lyons, Estill. Durbin
Win As Independents
Ix)se Two Posts

In Answer
The Kernel is trying to improve
the columnistic situation.
over Jim Caldwell's latest literature
and let us know how you like it.
If the students want to read a

bout Intramural sports. The Kernel
will be glad to let them. Let us
have more opinion on this.
Clearing House is what its name
applies all student opinion clears
through it. Remember T. B. C, this
column is open to any student. We
print what is sent to us.
Concerning the pap rally situa
tion, we say "SuKy, take note.

Independent Ire

It was an even split between two
major parties, when Joe Bailey and
Paul Durbin. as nominees for president and treasurer on the Independent Party ticket, and Rodger Lyons and Naomi Estill, Fraternity
were voted
Combine candidates,
into juniof class offices yesterday.
Bailey nosed out Clarke by eight
of the 429 votes cast. Clark re
ceived 171. and Wilce Carnes. Inde
pendent Combine polled 80 ballots.
Lyons, FraterFor
nity Combine, received 181 votes to
win; Harry Weaks. Independent,
142; and Fabian Mathis, Independent Combine, 106.
A lone vote decided the contest
for secretary. Results were: Naomi
Estill, Fraternity Combine.
Hazel Perkins, Independent,
and Sarah Ransdell, Independent
Combine, 123.
Durbin, Independent, was elected
treasurer by the largest majority
of the day. He polled 175 votes to
139 for Franklin Frazier. Fraternity
Combine, and 115 for C. P. Johnson. Independent Combine.
"We shall continue to support
deserving and competent Independent candidates for class honors,"
Herman Kendall, chairman of the
Independent Association and cam
paign manager for Bailey, said in
a post election statement. "We appreciate the support and cooperation of the Independents and plan
to carry out our worth-whi-

"I am an ardent supporter of The
Kernel and think it one swell publication, but I really believe it could
stand some improvement as far as
news concerning the activities of
students is concerned, and also
more scandal. Now I'm not saying
Didi Castle doesn't do a good job
but don't you think she limits her
scandal too much to fraternity and
sorority? I don't think they are the
only persons that have affairs or
are they?'' An Independent.
Miss Castle has a discussion of
this situation in her today's colCampaign manager for the Fratumn.
ernity Combine, Robert C. Stone,
upon hearing of the election results,
Cheer Leaders Again
said "Bailey's majority was so slendTwo more initialed correspond- er that the party thinks they have
ents ask why we can't have more a chance in coining elections withcooperation from tlie student cheer- out making any radical changes in
ing bection at football games. Say organization.
Results ,'fiowi that
they, there are too many
the Independent organization is far
012 Pi."c Pi'e'
f'.1!! invincible
The Cvmbii11



Country Life Association To
Close Convention With
Annual Dinner

Fifteen percent of the student body have taken WasserTrophy Case Will Be Bought mann tests during the past week and over five hundred more
tests are expected to be given before the end of next week,
For Student Union
according to reports from the Dispensary.
With Proceeds
Nation's Leadinsr Sociologists.
Dr. J. S. Chambrs, director of the Dispensary told kernel
campus organizations officials yesterday that the effectiveness of the campaign
Economists, Educators
are cooperating in the ODK tag would depend upon
Will Attend
the number of tests given and that it
sale which will raise funds for a
trophy case to be placed in the should be made clear that anyone who is a student at the
'Picture on Patje Threet


Poultry Club And Ag College
To Sponsor Annual
Gobbler Exhibit

Pres. Frank L. McVey will preside Union building.
This case is being purchased to
at the closing session of the Amer
display trophies which University
ican Country Life Association conhave
vention at the annual dinner meet- students and organizations
ing at 6:30 tonight in the Union been awarded in athletics, scholarbuilding. Chris L. Christensen, dean ship and social activities.
"Beat Alabama" tags were sold
of the University of Wisconsin. College of Agriculture will speak on prior to the Alabama game and sale
for the
The American Farmer and the In of tagsWednesday.Clemson game will
November 9. Orternational Situation."
ganizations desiring to aid in the
""Laborers on Farms" and "Ten sale of tags may secure them at
ants and Share Croppers" are gen- the Kernel business office on that
eral topics for discussion on to date. This year trophies will be
day's program of the three-da- y
awarded to the organization turnmeeting which officially opened ing in the largest number of sales
Wednesday, November 2. with edu- during the season. Members of the
cators, economists, and sociologists sales committee for ODK are James
representing leading universities and Quisenberry.
chairman ; Sidney
colleges of the United States and Buckley and Ed Mueshler.
foreign countries, in attendance.
Cooperating groups in the sales
The fourth national Rural Home are Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha XI
Delta, Alpha Tau Omega, Kappa
Conference. Rural Youth Conference, and the National Home Dem- Kappa Gamma. Delta Zeta. Delta
onstration Council are being held Delta Delta. Triangle, Kappa Alpha,
with the general Phi Delta Theta, Independent, Al
in conjunction
pha Gamma Rho. Chi Omega,, Pi
Speakers for the dinner meeting Kappa Alpha and Kappa Delta.
program tonight are Howard F.
Sharp, president of the Rural Youth BUCKLEY CHOSEN

Two Hundred Fowl Breeders
Are Expected To Attend




Andy Kirk Records
Song Written By
Two UK Students

Kyian Announces
Plans For Election
Of Beauty Queen

Phi Beta Conducts
Pledging Exercises


Manning, Shannon
Leave For Alabama



At Campus Response
To Campaign


ODK Tag Receipts
Must Be In By
Saturday Noon



Dr. J. S. Chambers Expresses Satisfaction


In order to gain practical experience in turkey raising and breeding,
members of the Poultry Club in
cooperation with the Poultry Department of the College of Agriculture will sponsor an annual Turkey Show, to be held Tuesday and
Wednesday, November 8 and 9, at
the Livestock Pavilion.
Fourth of the annual turkey ev
ents, this year's educational exhi
bit will feature displays of 140 live
birds and 50 dressed carcasses. Two
hundred turkey raisers and breeders of the state are expected to ex
hibit birds and attend the series
of lectures and demonstrations to
be presented by the University Po
ultry Department, according to R.
D. Winchester,
chairman of the Conference; Chris L. Christensen,
of the
one of two
Principal Turkey Field Day speAmerican Country Life Association;
akers will be Prof. E. Y. Smith, Ex Mrs. Raymond Sayre. Ackworth.
tension poultry specialist, New York Iowa; and Murray D. Lincoln, meState college, and M. C. Small, edi- mber of the Ohio Farm Bureau.
tor of the "Turkey World," national ,The theme of the 21st annual
publication concerning turkey rais- conference of the American Couning and breeding. Professor Smith try Life Association is "Disadvantand Mr. Small will direct special aged People in Rural Life" and the
demonstrations in judging and will problems of share croppers,
preside at lectures and discussion
farms, and tenants are bemeetings of the show.
ing emphasized.
Dean Thcmas P. Cooper of the
Mr. Smith has been in charge of
work with turkeys and turkey grow College of Agriculture is a vice pres-deof the national organization,
ers along with, other poultry work
at New York State college since i voluntary association of persons
1931 and originated
and helped to nd grouos under the drection of
Tr. Dwight Sanderson cf Cornell
develop the wax method of pluck
ing turkeys. He is a graduate of University, working for "a worthy
Southern Illinois Teachers college. 'ife in America."
Open to all interested persons and
The show is open to the public
from many
and competition is open to all tur nates, theseattendancemeetings prokey growers except members of the vide a forum annual
for discussion of all
Poultry Club. The turkeys will be tinds of problems in rural improve-nen- t.
displayed in special exhibition co
including such questions as
ops and the name of the owner will nterdependence of rural and urban
be placed on each exhibit. Dressed amilies. and relations of producers
birds will be suitably displayed, full I ind consumers, according to state
ments made by officials of the na
The judging of all live birds will tional group.
be in charge of J. E. Humphrey and
The general session of today's
Stanley Caxton. Extension Poultry program will begin at 9:45 a. m. in
specialists of the College of Agri- Memorial Hall. At 10 a. m. Low-er- y
Nelson of the University of Minculture. All birds in the dressed
carcass classes will be judged by nesota will speak on 'Conditions and
Professor Smith and M. C. Small.
Their Improvements"
Officers and committees in charge laborers on farms.
Carl C. Taylor, chief of the divi
of the show include officers of the
Poultry Club, Paul T. Barnett, Dan sion of farm population and rural
life. Bureau of Agricultural EconoCulton, Elmon Salyers, Alfred Strauss, Graham Wilkins. and faculty mics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, will act as chairman of a panel
advisor. Professor Arthur T. Ring-rosMembers of the committee of discussion to be held at 10:30 a. m.
The annual business session of
superintendents for the show are R.
D. Winchester, Russell Davis, and the American Country Life Associ
Clinton Jett. Secretaries of the ation will be held at 11:30 a. m. in
show are Robert Harrison, Robert Memorial Hall and the general session will resume at 2 p. m. when
Cleveland, and James Curry.
Rupert B. Vance of the Universtiy
of North Carolina will speak on
The Conditions Among Tenants
and Share Croppers."
Paul V. Maris, member of the
Farm Security Administration will
discuss "How May Conditions Be
p. m. and the
Sittin' Around and Dreamin'," Improved?" Carl 2:45Taylor will lead
a song written by Lee Allen Heine, chairman. panel discussion from
former student, and arranged by the second
Jamie Thompson has been recorded the floor at 3:15 p. m.
(Continued on Page Six)
by Andy Kirk and his band for
Decca Records. Brunswick plans to
record the number also as soon as
All salesmen of ODK tags
final arrangements are made.
are asked to turn in tags and
The dance tune was first played
receipts to the Kernel busiby Thompson and his orchestra at
ness office by Saturday noon,
the Independent formal dance last
spring. Andy Kirk also played It at
it was announced by Sidney
A new plan for the selection of
the Sigma Nu formal given last
B. Buckley, chairman of the
the annual Kentuckian beauty queen
Royalties from the sale of records and her four attendants will be
will be paid to the authors every inaugurated this year, according to
officials of the staff.
three months.
Each person who pays a deposit
strive for less friction between fraton a yearbook is entitled to one
ernity men and
vote for an organization. A blank
It was a clean election and we apfor votes will be provided on the
preciate the support given our cansales book.
Each organization or group that
Phi Beta, national professional
Kibby Vogt. manager of the Inde15 votes may nominate one
fraternity of music and speech, held receives queen. Any number of canpendent Combine, which failed to
voting, said, pledging service for eight girls girl for
jrarner an office in the
didates may be put up if the orMonday afternoon in the Union.
mer"We look for an
speciAuditions for membership in the ganization has acquired the
ger next election. We would like
to see two Independents and two fraternity were held from 4 to 6 p. fied number of votes.
An elimination of the nominees
fraternity members on all tickets in m., October 24, in the Red Room of
by disinterested judges will be made
the Lafayette.
the future. We thank our supportpreliminary to the final selection
Girls who had successful audiers. The election was entirely on
tions and were pledged yesterday of the queen and her attendants at
the level."
Bailey, new president, has played are Mary Ellen Mendenhall,- Peoria, the Kentuckian dance on Decemas a Wildcat center for two years III., speech; Elaine Allison, Millers- - ber 3.
of varsity competition. Rodger Ly- burg. Ky.. vocal; Gail Kirn, Louisons is a member of the American ville, speech; Bettie Phelps, Somer- Institute of Electrical Engineers, S3t. Ky., vocal; Genevieve Howard,
track team, Pershing Rifles, and Chattanooga, speech; Dorothy Love
Elliott, Lexington, speech; Virginia
Triangle, social fraternity.
Naomi Estill is a member of Chi Mayclen, Augusta, Ga., speech, and
Dr. J. W. Manning and Dr. J. B.
Omega sorority. Durbin is a mem- Jeaii Ann Overstreet, Lexington
Shannon, of the political science
ber of the track team, winner of vocal.
department, left last night to atintramural boxing in the 125 pound
tend the meeting of the Southern
class, senior football manager, and
Political Science Association in Tushas participated in Golden Gloves
caloosa, Alabama.
The annual Panhellenic banauet,
Each will take part in the prowhich was originally scheduled from gram of the meeting. Dr. Manning
Voting was conducted by representatives of the Men's Student Wednesday, November 16. has been will present the report of the ComCouncil and the Association of postponed until Thursday evening mittee on Professional Standards
Women Students. Polls were placed November 17. Dean Hilda Threl- - and Conditions of Work of which
in the Union building with voting keld, dean of women at the Univer he is chairman. Dr. Shannon will
beginning at 9 a. m. and ending at sity of Louisville, will be the prin make a speech on The Kentucky

Fraternity Clique Comeback
Divides Junior Ballot Honors

Panning Pep Rallies
"Fourth, why not start a cam
paign to hold better pep rallys. The
one last week positively slunk until as the final feature Joe Creason
interviewed Capt. Sherman Hinkebein. That was one of the cleverest
broadcasts I have ever heard and it
surely saved the entire rally. More
of that sort of stuff instead of long
speeches and pointless puns by
John J. Heber would improve the
meetings a hundred per cent. As
there will possibly be but one more,
why not try to incorporate the best
features of the last one?"


Over Fifteen Percent of Student Body
Take Wassermann Test In First Week


Embryo Lawyers
To Debate Today





I. I'J.'W



Methods of Transmission
By JOE CREASON, Kernel Sports Editor
Syphilis is transmitted from a
Breaking into football's November home stretch, Kendiseased person to a well person by
close contact. The commonest forms tucky's rejuvenated Wildcats, another week of
practice to the good, move on to Atlanta for their second
of contact are sexual intercourse
and kissing. Sometimes, though successive Conference game tomorrow with the Yellow Jack-it- s
scldcm. it is indirectly transmitted
of Georgia Tech.
through the media of infected dishThe game will mark the second foreign field appearance
es, glassware, or bed linen. About
one-ha- lf
of all cases of syphilis is of the Blues this season and their third start against Southcontracted through promiscuous eastern Conference opposition. Based on the visions of ex,
sexual acts. The other half, orlerts. the Engineers should be the
dinarily classed as Innocent" inifth team to trap the Cats this
fections, are acquired through kisseascn. but following the fine showing or legitimate sexual contact, or ing against Alabama last week, a
are present at birth.
new spirit has prevailed in the Kentucky camp.
Despite the comparative temperaThe first manifestation of syphilis tures of the two teams as measured
is usually a sore at the point where by the experts, the fray rates as one Pep Organization To Aid In
the germ entered the body. This is of the leading scraps in the nation
Purchase Of University
According to the
called a chancre and may be rather for tomorrow.
Road Markers
large or very small. It heals of its ratines handed down by Prof. E. E.
own accord and. so. leads the in- Litkenhous, whose predictions have
SuKy, campus pep organization,
fected person to believe the disease clicked for a season's batting average of 87.7, Georgia Tech is given a will cooperate with Omicron Delta
is cured.
The next manifestation may be a percentage score of 81.2, while Ken- Kappa, mens honorary leadership
fraternity, in the buying and erectskin eruption, which, even if not tucky commands a score of 78.8.
ing of 15 signs, bearing the words,
treated, also soon disappears.
Two personal duels will add a "Lexington, Home of
the University
The latest manifestations, which Roman holiday flavor to the mormay not appear for years after- row's extravaganza,
one between of Kentucky."
These markers. 24 inches wide and
ward, have to do with important Cat Captain Sherman Hinkebein
body structures. If the damage is and Tech pjvot man and captoIn 30 inches long, will be placed) on all
IV uic ui alii, iiidaiiuj' icauiio.
it 4b Jack Chivington, the other a punt highways leading into Lexington, for
is to the bone, crippling occurs. And ing fight, involves Joe Shepherd and the purpose of acquainting travelso on with other body structures. Neil Cavette, Tech's sensational ers wth the location of the UniverBecause of the many forms which sophomore punter. The outcome of sity.
The school colors will be represyphilis assumes in its later stages, the Hinkebein-Chivingto- n
it is known as the "Great Imitator." will probably decide the center to sented on the signs, with white letters on a blue background, and it
E. Conference conreceive All-is hoped thatj they will attract more
Some Suggestions
sideration, as the two stack up as visitors to
the campus, especially in
Comes a letter from one T. B. C. the cream of the loop's snapper-back- s.
view of all the
offering seme criticisms and sugSo far this season, in 6 that have been recent in both buildmade
gestions, features always welcome games Shepherd tns averaged a
in Clearing House. Because of the shade over 40 yards with his punts. ings and grounds.
The cost of the markers will be
length of T. B. C.'s letter we are while Cavette. in 5 games, holds
equally divided between SuKy and
running only the four points he the same average.
ODK and after their erection the
makes, which he says are written
Slight Comparison
State Highway department will have
from a personal viewpoint and
The only basis for a comparison charge of their maintenance.
which he hopes may express the
Between the stock farm, historical
viewpoint cf the average student. between the two teams is their per
Portions of T. B. C.'s letter follows: formances against Vanderbilt, Ken- points of interest, the University,
tucky falling before the Commoand th-- city of Lexington itself, is
dores by 14-- 7 and Tech by
rapidly becoming one of the cenOn Columnists
"First. I think that there are too Both teamsbowlingabout as battered ters of interest for all tourists visitas retired
balls, the injury ing this part of the South.
many mediocre columnists. Why not
cut the number down to two or Ijast hot on thq trails of each team.
three high class columns and forget management injuries cost the Tech
five men and on the
the others that have a tendency to
make the paper too high schoolish. Kentucky side, Chet Mason, right
The favorites, from the response I half, was lost with a dislocated
have noticed and heard, are "CallSeniors of the Law College will
Other than the Vanderbilt loss.
ing tm Wild" by Joe Creason and
the Engineers have dropped one noid ainpractice trial at 1:15 d. m
"Behind The Eckdahl" by Andrew
the basement of Lafferty
C. Eckdahl.
Both these columns touchdown verdicts to Notre Dame hall. The case for debate will inare very excellent and are by the and Duke, two of the nation's un- volve a collision between two auto
defeated teams. The two wins on
far most Interesting.
'.he Jackets are a 6 triumph over mobiles.
Attorneys for the plaintiff will
uburn and a 28-- 0 win over Mercer.
be Claude
"Second, why is not more empha- A marked loss to Tech this year is cobs, while Asbury and William Ja
the defendant will be
he absence of climax runners of
sis placed on Intramural sports?
Sims represented by Bettie Gilbert, Tho
With a sports editor so obviously the Dutch Konneman-Fletchmas Kee. and Kelley Rogers.
awake and such a good writer there lass. These two performers, with
Prof. Frank H. Randall, of the
should be more intramural news. Collins and Appleby, the Engineer's law
school reguests that any stu
I remember last year when Joe ast season secondary, were lost by
the graduation plague.
Another dents interested in the case serve
Creason conducted a column on
that was as good as the tack isfeature in the Georgians' at- on the jury.
regular sports column.
What's tack, a very miserable pissing at
such as the one that rolled
wrong with him this year?
Open house will be held from 4
them to a 32-- 0 win over Kentucky
year and a 33-- 0 win over the to 6 Friday afternoon in the Relast
On Other Contributors
"Third, why in the world does the 3fats Rose Bowl team of 1936. One creation Room of the Union buileditor waste so much space on let ingthe originators of the far reach- ding with the House committee in
ters from such a person does not Alexander lias so Tech Coach Bill charge, it was announced today by
far been unable Mrs. Ethel Lebus, hostess of the
voice the sentiment of even a small
(Continued on Page Six)
majority on the campus?
have their own paper, let them turn
to that source to get rid of all
their hot air and reforms.






ami-syphil- is

Kentucky Kernel



Priury c




ir-- -












University is eligible for the free
Wassermann test.
Dr. Chambers said that while
most of the students are coining
in groups, those not connected with
social and honorary organizations
were not excluded.
After all organizations
the campaign have been tested,
periods will be allotted for the test
ing of students not connected with
groups. Schedules will be announced
regularly in the Kernel.
Plans are being made to have
willing members of the University
hygiene classes take the tests in
A series of discussion meetings
and motion pictures designed to aid
interested groups i n furthering
their knowledge of the disease will
supplement the Wassermann tests.
Schedules for groups taking the
tests Friday and Monday will be
found in today's Kernel. No tests
will be made Saturday.


Niles' Photographs
Are Featured In
Rural Convention

Don Bestor To Play

One of the features of the American Country Life Association convention, held this week is the exhibition of selections from the John

Don Bestor and his "Play Don"
will provide music for the
game dance Saturday
night. November 12, in the ballroom
of the Union building.

Kentuckian Editor Is Elected
President Of Campus

For Union Dance

Jacob Nile's collection of Doris

Kentuckian Editor, Sid Buckley.
Clemson Tilt This coUection contains nearly
Sturgis. was elected president' of the
1.000 photographs and from it have
Men's Student Council at a meeting
Don Bestor and his "Play Don" been selected 64 as being best suit
of the organization Tuesday. Charles
M. Parrish. Lexington, was named orchestra has been signed to play ed to the convention and the
and John H. Way, for the Union dance following the of the exhibition, problems contains
literature on farm
Carrollton. secretary.
Clemson game Saturday night. Nov- from social and economic condiBuckley is a member of Alpha
12, Jimmy Wine said yestertions in the south.
Tau Omega. Omicron Delta Kappa. ember
This literature deals with the
Patterson Literary Society, Delta day.
problem of the
Tickets to the dance wUl cost the cotton situation, the negro, sou.
Sigma Chi. Guignol, and the Microphone players. He is a senior in $1.50 per couple or stag and will glerosion. the country church.
the College of Arts and Sciences.
on sale at the information desk of fluence of country newspapers, and
A council representative of the the Union building, Thursday. Nov
rural youth and education. These,
College of Commerce, Parrish is a ember 3. Only a limited number of more than anythuig else in tho
member of the Kentuckian staff tickets will be sold. Wine stated.
south today, call for attention and
and a member of Delta Tau Delta.
Don Bestor's musicians were for- help.
Way is president of Kappa Sigma
Also in the John Jacob Niles exfeatured on the Jack Benny
and of the Interfraternity Council. merly program where .they gained hibition will be part of his gift of
Council members besides the ofthe name of the "Play Don" or- musical instruments to the Univerficers are Arthur Plummer, Millers-bur- chestra. An attraction of the or- sity, including eight dulcimers, a
representative of the College chestra is the vibraharp played by stringed instrument resembling a
violin, which is made and played
of Arts and Sciences, and former Bestor.
acting chairman of the council;
in the southern highlands.
The orchestra is managed by
The exhibition will be found i:i
James H. Quisenberry, Winchester. Consolidated Radio Artists. IncorCollege of Agriculture; James J.
the basement of the library and will
shown all this week.
McCarthy. Lynch. College of
and William C. Jones.
Ind.. Graduate School.
Tarnopol And Doll
members are ODK
Henderson, manager of
President Sherman
To Make Addresses
t. the Union Central Life Insurance
Louisville; Kernel Editor L. T.
Hopkinsville: Walter E. Sauer. company, will present an insurance
representa- sales demonstration before the
Louisville, dormitory
salesmanship classes of Prof.
Dr. Lester Tarnopol. assistant protive; and Senior Class President
Jeffersonville, R. D. Mclntyre Thursday. November fessor in metallurgy, and Dr. E. B.
Homer Thompson.
10, Room 103. White Hall.
Doll, assistant professor of elec:ri-cInd.
engineering, will be the principal speakers at the fall meeting of
the Society for the Promotion of
Engineering Education to be held
tomorrow. Nov. 5. in the Engmeer-n- g

Edu-cato- n;







Omicron Delta Kappa Pledges;
Six Outstanding Men Get Nod
Test Schedule
For Today
Following is a schedule for
taking Wassermann

tests this afternoon in the

Public Health (Old Law)
Two military classes (to be
selected by Lt. Col. Howard
Donnelly) 2 to 3 p. m.
Two military classes (to be
selected by Colonel Donnelly)
3 to 4 p. m.
and all those
who were not able to take the
test at the time schedule for
their organizations, 4 to 5
p. m.
Organizations that are to
take the test Monday, November 7. wiU be notified by

Mauer Appointed
To Volunteer Staff
of Johnnie
The appointment
Mauer, former Kentucky net mentor, to head basketball coaching
duties at the University of Tennessee was announced Wednesday
by Major Bob Neyland, football
coach and athletic director at Tennessee.
In order to accept the vacancy at
the Volunteer school, Mauer resigned his position at Miami University, where he had coached since
1930 after being replaced at Kentucky bv present Coach Adolph
Rupp. Mauer served as Cat cage
and '29. His
trainer in
duties at Tennessee will also be
to the football
scout and assistant


During a business and professional meeting at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow
speak on "The
Doctor Tarnopol
Duty. Morgan. Tudor. Scott, Value of Researchwill Engineering."
Palmore, And Plummer
and Doctor Doll will discuss "Sound
Recording Equipment for. EducaAre Tapped
tional Purposes."
During the day. the society will
Names of five juniors and one
senior will be cn the great ODK key inspect the Union building and the
new central heating plant. Profesin front of the Administration to- sor C. C.
Jett. of the Engineering
day. These men were elected to college. Is in charge of the program
membership in Nu circle of Omicron and arrangements.
Delta Kappa, national men's leadership fraternity, at a meeting last
night in the Union, oherman Hinkebein. president announced.
Those elected are William Duty
Phi Delta Theta. for oustanding ac
tivity in scholarship and social service; John Morgan. Lambda Chi Alpha, in publications and social service. James A. Palmore. Sigma Chi,
scholarship and social service; WilAll men students interested in the
liam L. Tudor, Delta Tau Delta, so- reorganization of Phi Mu Epsilon
cial service, publications, and dramSinf oma are asked to meet at & IS
atics; and David C. Scott. Sigma p. m. Monday evening, in Room 8.
Alpha Epslon. scholarship and social Art Center.
service, particularly in the field of
chemical research. All are juniors.
'Students with no first or second
Arthur W. Plummer. Kappa Sig- hour classes on Friday are asked
ma, social service and scholarship, to see Dean T. T. Jones about work
was the senior elected.
in distributing papers.
Pledging ceremonies will be held
noon today in the directors ofat
Any persons interested in playing drums or traps in the studio
fice of the Union.
Ed Muehsler. is vice president: orchestra, or in script writing for
William T. Young, student secretary'. extension programs may see E. G.
Prof. R. D. Mclntyre. faculty sec Sulzer in the publicity bureau.
and Adolph Rupp.
laculty adviser, otner mcmoers are
Sid Buckley. David Pettus. CampDutch Lunch club 12 noon. Maxbell Miller, and James Quisenberry. well Street Presbyterian church
Oscar Patterson will give a puppe'.
A tea in honor of visiting delegates to the, American Country Life
Association convention was given
Senior Forum 5 p. m., Y Rooms.
Wednesday at Maxwell Place by Union.
Mrs. Frank L. McVey.
Junior Round Table 5 p. m.
Phi Alpha Theta 4 p. in., Rvom
All persons interested in selling 206. Frazee HalL
Kyians may obtain sales books and
Union publications committee
p. m.. Room 127, Union.
instructiob from 2 to 4 p. m., Monday. November 7, in the Kernel bu- Freshman Group 4 p. nv,





Tage Two

Published semi weekly during the school year except holidays or examination periods.
Entered u th Port Otflr at Lentiigluii, Kentncky, aa
rl&KK maoer under th
Act m March I, 1 8 7 .
Kentucky Intercotlegiiite Preaa AsaoPtaOna



National Advertising Service, Inc.
.nllrie Puhlitbert Represent
420 Maoion Ave.
Nrw Vook.

orary, which offered to sell "boutenaires" when

evidently meant "boufonnieres."
There are many persons in
whom errors of this kind stand out. These

see the signs, know they come from



University, and marvel at the ignorance of the
vounger generation.
Let's le more careful of our spelling and