xt7np55dcf9w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55dcf9w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-04-26  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 26, 1929 1929 1929-04-26 2012 true xt7np55dcf9w section xt7np55dcf9w i

Best Copy Available

'Flight of the Duchess" Will
Open Monday




1929-193- 0

Twelve Speakers Arc Picked
to Represent U. of K.

May Issue of Letters Has
Brilliant Literary Array




Next Year

Variety of Subjects Will Feature Next Year's Forensic






Dr. Carl Van Doren, Literary
Guild Editor, Will Speak at

Senior Graduation Exercise
June 3.


Martha Reed Is Elected
Queen of May Festival

Landscape" and "End of Winslow
Between 75 and 100 students,
Street," by Edward Fisk, of the art
department of the University, are members of the faculty, and alumni
especially noteworthy. It may be of the College of Law are expected
well to mention that the "black and to attend the annual banquet of the
white" sketches that have appeared college which will be held this evenin the magazine during the last ing at 6:30 o'clock in the ballroom
three issues have aroused much of the Lafayette hotel. Thomas B.
McGregor, former attorney general
comment in American art circles.
''The Letter Box," a feature that of Kentucky and chairman of the
the editorial staff of the magazine state board of bar examiners, will
is very desirous of fostering, con- be the principal speaker for the octains two old letters that date back casion.
Other speakers will include the
to the '50's. Citizens of Kentucky
are urged by the editors to send in toastmaster, Judge Robert G. Gorall old communications that reflect don, a prominent Louisville attorthe background of the state. It is ney of the firm of Gordon and
believed that, hidden in Kentucky, Quin; Dean Alvin E. Evans, who
there arc many old missives that will introduce the speakers; John Y.
will flash new lights on the social Brown, a former graduate of the
and economic history of the state. University who is now practicing
law in
It may be added that not only old Brown Lexington with the firm D.
and Bird, and Chester
letters, but also any literary endeavors by the people from all over Silvers, of Somerset, Ky., who is a
Kentucky will be welcomed by the senior in the College of Law and
will represent the students.
editor of "Letters."
The guests of honor at the banPrizes Are Offered
quet will be Governor Flem D.
To encourace oricinal work. "Let- - Sampson, Judge Richard C. Stoll,
ters" wishes to announce that there and Judge D. A. McCandless, chief
are a number of prizes offered this Justice of the Kentucky Court of
year: the cale Young Bice prize Annpnls. Thp Wnmnn's Cluh nf thp
of $10 ; two prizes oy cm Delia rni, ,iaw schooi has aiso been jnVited.
literary sorority at the University, Tne ciub is composed of wives of
of $20 each for prose and poetry; faculty members and students and
the L. L. Dantzler prize of $10; and mothers of students,
the Porter prize of $10. The Cale , The committee in charge of
Rice prize is for Kentuckians rangements, composed of A. J. Ash-wh- o
are not students at the Unl- - J er a sophomore in the College of
versity, while the remainder are . Law, chairman; J. C. Burnett, Rob-opI
to University students.
ert o'Dear and G. J. Rice, has an- The work of Mary Moore Davis, : nounced the entire program for the
dinner session as follows:
(Continued on Page Eight)
Greetings Dean Evans.
Vocal Solo
Austin Graves, accompanied on the piano by Mary
Grace Heavenridge.
"The Student Point of View"
Chester D. Silvers.
Alumni Reminiscences John Y.




Be Sold May 3

Annual Staff to
Held Next Week

Old Inquisition Will Hold No Terrors


Kampus Kat to


New Examination System

Majors to
Make Inspection
Tour of Southland



The 62nd annual commencement
exercises- - of the University will be
held at 10 o'clock Monday morning,
June 3, in the new Memorial building, and will conclude the program
of the week which opens with Mili
tary field day, Wednesday, May 29.
Prof. W. Lewis Roberts is in charge
of the program.
Dr. Carl Van Doren, famous as
editor-in-chiof the Literary Guild,
and associate professor of English
at Columbia University, will be the
principal speaker at the graduation
exercises. The Rt. Rev. Henry Pryor
Almon Abbott, bishop of the Epis"Landmarks"
Thomas B. Mc- copal Diocese of Lexington, will ad' Gregor.
dress the senior class at the annual Noted University of Chicago
afbaccalaureate exercises Sunday
Educator Pleads With StUternoon, June 2r
dents to Accept Educational i r
The R. O. T. C. graduation exer- Advantages Offered Them. LCLSt MLaitlOTi
eises will be held Wednesday after
noon of commencement week onS.
Dr. Charles Hubbard Judd, psy
Stoll field in connection with the
Military 'field day program. Thurs- chologist, author and educator, of
day will be given to the dedication the University of Chicago, was the
speaker at the ninth University
of the Memorial hall, and on Friday the Senior ball will be held in convocation held at the third hour
Now that the time is at hand for
Tuesday morning in the Men's gym- the Men's gymnasium.
Co-ed- s,
Katiirrtnv Is Alumni dav and thp ' nasium. The subject of Dr. Judd'S a fitting climax to a most successprogram includes a breakfast for address was "Our Social Heritage." ful year, the "Kampus Kat" will,
Dr. Judd stated that the theory for its third and last edition of the
the senior class given by Dr. and
year, appear on May Day.
Mrs. Frank L. McVey at Maxwell of education is that if the attenyear
Vocational Service Lecturer Place, and class day exercises in tion of the students can be held out in first edition of thesecond came
dura rainstorm, the
they can
art exhibit and re
Addresses Freshman and the morning, annft.prnnon. nnri class long enough, will pnnhlp bethpm toval- - ing the feverish excitement of the
unhlps that,
centlnn In thp
Sophomore Women
tournament, and now that
reunion banquet at night. A meet- - i things that they couldn't otherwise basketball
ing of the board of trustees will be do, and to start the development of the sap has begun to run more
Miss Florence Jackson, consultant held at 11:30 in the president's of civilization where the previous gen slowlv and the lachrvmal elands of
to the personnel bureau of Welles-le- y flee.
eration left off. He traced the evo' the seniors are in preparation edi- College, and for the past year
lution of the American educational the big flood in June, the last
Eastern Colacting president of the
scheme, the English language and tion of Kentucky's humorous newslege Personnel Officers' Association, Try-out- s
the modern numeral system. He paper will sublety of wit that drives
is offering a vocational service to
them with
Be compared and contrasteddevplnnment Withits point without offense, the
the women of the University of
thp pnrllpr stutrps nf
Kat has sprung some interesting
and with other systems in use at the
Miss Jackson addressed the freshpresent time, showing in what ways data concerning campus personages
men women Wednesday afternoon
and their doings. Without the Kat
editor-in-chiVirgil L. Couch,
of they are advantageous, and endeav- - to acquaint the masses some of us
and will speak to the sophomore
Dnng an appreciation w
Thursday afternoon at 4:00 the 1930 Kentuckian. announces ?ng
would graduate and never know
, them into the minds of the students
o'clock in the recreation room of 'that anyone interested in trying out
the inner workings of this great
Patterson hall. She will have per- - ior tne stan 01 next year s annual
student body.
The lecturer also said that our
sonal conferences with the Junior must report to the Kentuckian of- tends
"All work and no fun" .
flee in the basement of the Men's American scheme of education is
and senior women today.
produce a feeling of
gymnasium some afternoon next unique in the world. It originated to
For fourteen years Miss Jackson
ennui, of a dissatisfaction with life,
was the director of the Appointment ' week. "The method to be followed m Europe and was developed to its and, according to most eminent psybureau of the Women's Educational this year is an innovation on the present state in America, where now chologists with whom we are acand Industrial Union of Boston, University campus, as the associate one out of every two attend
quainted, will In time make Jack,
which time she acted as lee- - editors formerly were chosen for po- - ondary schools, compared to one out Jill or any other inhabltator of this
turer and vocational consultant for ilitical and personal reasons," accord- - of twelve in European countries,
a dull person.
In conclusion Dr. Judd made a world's surface
women at a number of colleges and ' ing to Mr. Couch.
Do you remember Caesar's admoThe theme of the Kentuckian for plea to the students to take full nition about the danger of lean men
nnivprsities. and was resDonslble for
the placement and consulting ser 133U is to oe a porirayai oi me pe- -. advantage oi mese proaucis oi
around. He opined (and he was
from the World War to the cial cooperation" given to the young mighty
vices offered by the union. She is
dam right) that lean men
now offering vocational services to present tirfle. The business mana- - , people of this generation by those of such as Casslum would cramp your
women in the schools, Junior and ger for next year Is J. Henry Lewis, ( earlier generations.
style, sooner or later. With Caesar's
colleges, and universities ana an omer positions are open iu
last words still ringing In our ears
throughout the country.
the editors and staff of the Kat
agreed that the responsibility of
carrying out the great work that has
gone before on the Kat should rest
on the shoulders of the rotund figure
of Edwards Templln, erstwhile Jourto
assistant managing edinalist
Fourteen advanced students in tor of and Kernel. The editors,
geology will leave tomorrow for a
former editors, and staff feel sure
in the University in the belief (gain- week's geological inspection trip that with such a Jolly sense of
By Lois Purcell
ed through Information so willingly through Virginia, North Carolina, humor the new
editor is fully
Not content with having burdenput out by a dear friend) that it and Tennessee. Dr. A. C. McFar-la- n qualified to replace O. K. Barnes,
ed our lives in the past with quizes, was a "sure snap," and last but not
and R. P. Meacham, of the geol- retiring editor and funmaker at any
finhours-lon- g
least, penance for ever attending ogy department, will accompany the and all times.
als, University officials now Impose the University of Kentucky, anyway. party.
upon us the painful necessity of
The tour will be In the form of a
A Big Ben, guaranteed to awake
taking not one but several finals. even Henry Clay, blasts out its In- camping trip and will be mode in UNIVERSITY WOMEN TO MEET
And that's in each class, too. (Such sistent summons in the wee small private automobiles. The University
they should excuse us hours of the dawn. With one eye students will be Joined at Ashland,
The Lexington branch of the Amignominy
from all but one, at least).
closed and the other open Just far Ky., by a group from Miami Univer- erican Association of
moment, if enough to avoid bumping into the sity, Oxford, Ohio. Two days will Women will entertain with a tea
Travel with me for a
p. m., in
you will, to the week of May 27,
you grab the first garment be spent in studying the geology of Tuesday, April 30, at 4
In the year of our Lord Nineteen which comes within your sleepy the area around New River in Vir- honor of the senior women of the
Of grasp and. crawl into them. That ginia and a visit will be made in the University of Kentucky and TranHundred and Twenty-nin- e.
course the ordeal begins ere that, 8 o'clock has to be met, prepared mines and quarries there. The party sylvania College. The tea will on
will stop at Ashevllle, N. C, to see held at Miss Blanding's home
with the burning of the proverbial or not, and much frantic
midnight electric candles for the
cramming is gone through with. Prof. L. M. Miller, former head of the Richmond Road. All senior
while eds and And remember, dear student, it's not the geology department, and will women are cordially invited and are
previous week-en- d,
co-eelude each other with the Just one Waterloo which you will come back through Tennessee and requested to call the dean of women
at her office and notify her whether
agility of 6leuths on the close trail face today, but many. And not Just Cumberland Gap.
Students who will make the trip they will be present.
today, but every day unto the end.
WhitTo make matters worse, the old are T. C. Stephens, George
Then the penance begins; penance
for not having studied every night swimming pool is beckoning for you field, R. C. Sirruns, O. F. Jones, Don
and Join the P.Moore, PhllAswersus, W.E.Bach,
during the year, penance for the to don the two-pieAll members of The Kernel staff
Irflav vou cut classes to ro to the , happy bathers in its midst (liter' Sam Mergruder, B. T. Sandefur,
spring race meet, penance for sleep- - ally. The fish are calling, and the vine Allen, George Wesley, William are expected to meet in the news
ing through class after class, pen- - road to California lays white in the Zopff, Morris Farber and George room at McVey hall at 1 o'clock
next Thursday afternoon.
ance for electing the hardest course I morning sunlight.


Arts and Sciences, and Law
Colleges Plan Feasls

20, 1!)2!

"Letters," literary repre- jsentative for the University, Thomas B. McGregor Will Be
Principal Speaker at
of Kentucky and for the state
of Kentucky as a whole, will
appear in its seventh issue on JUDGE ROBERT GORDON
May 1. The standard of worth
set by the previous issues of
the periodical is amply upheld About 100 Students, Faculty
Members and Families to
in this most recent issue.
Attend Dinner
The block prints, "An Italian






The selection of the regular University debating team for the year
1929-3- 0
ana the fourth International
debating team composed of three
University men who will compete
with n team from Cambridge University, England, irj Lexington, during the first week of December, was
held In
made last night In try-ou- ts
the lecture room of McVey hall.
The subject used by the contestants was, "Do American Colleges
Students entering the
try-ou- ts
were given 30 minutes for
preparation. The speaking was extemporaneous and students were
permitted to choose either the affirmative or the negative side and
were given four minutes for their
constructive speech and three minutes on rebuttal. Approximately 12
members were chosen for the team,
three of which will compose the in- ternational debate teaVn.
A series of subjects relevant to
work pertaining to high schools,
associations, chambers
of commerce, business men's clubs,
teachers, Journalists and university
people will be discussed during the
coming year. The following subjects
are among those which will be discussed:
"Can the Single Enterpriser ('the
. one-horretailer') Survive?"
"Does Advertising Do More Harm
Than Good?"
"Is the Newspaper a Social Asset
or Liability?"
"Can Peace be Secured Through
International Agreement?"
"Are We Educating for Peace or
"Has the Western Civilization
"Do the American Colleges Educate?"
contests last
Judges at th try-o,.
night were five members of the University faculty: Dean Alvin E. Evans, of the College of Law; L. L.
Dantzler, head of the English department: Prof. Ralph Bigge, of the
German language department; Dr.
Paul L. Boynton, of the psychology
department, and Prof. James W.
Martin, of the College of Commerce.
The 1928-2- 9 debating season closed
last Tuesday evening with the thirtieth debate of the year, a contest
between Kentucky and the University of Mississippi.









Miss Martini lieed. of Car-- 1
lisle, Ky., a member of the
Alpha Xi Delta sorority, andi
sophomore in the College of
Arts and Sciences, was cho- -'
sen May Queen by an over-

whelming majority


Queen of the May

o "The Flight of the Duchess,'
oy Koberl JJrownmg, lias
Rich Characterization



election held Wednesday of
this week, and will preside
over the festivities of. May
Day, May 3, an annual event
on the campus sponsored by
the SuKy circle. This honor
comes to Miss Reed as one of
the highest that can be given
by the
to a Kentucky
male students of the Univer


Miss Reed was one of the winners
in this year's "Kentuckian" popularity and beauty contest, sponsor
of first battalion R. O. T. C, a
member of Guidon, honorary sororMISS MARTHA REED
ity for sponsors, and a Stroller eligible. Last year she was a company sponsor, a member of the Y.
W. C. A. council, vice president of
the Agricultural Society, and a CO
member of the W. S. G. A. council.
Miss Agnes Stlman, of Clay, Ky.,
a member of the Kappa Delta sorority, and Junior in the College of
Education, was elected maid of
honor, having the next highest According to Annual Custom
number of votes. Miss Stiman is
Next Week's Issue Will Be
editor of the Weekly Bulletin which
Published by Theta Sigma
is published on the campus.
Misses Sara Warwick, Mary Arm
strong, Evelyn Fora, and Lucy
The issue of The Kernel that apDavis were elected Miss Reed's at
Miss Warwick, whose pears May 3 will be published by
home is In Talladega, Ala., is a mem- Theta Sigma Pi, women's national
ber of Chi Omega sorority, a senior honorary Journalistic sorority. It is
in the College of Arts and Sciences, an old custom on the campus for
a winner in this year's "Kentuck- this sorority to publish one issue of
ian" popularity and beauty contest, The Kernel each year, In order that
may put into practice
"Kentuckian" favorite in 'il, a the co-eKentuckian beauty in "28, presi what they have learned in class
dent of the Women's Pan Hellenic room wnrlr and Hvp nn tn a nillnp
council, secretary of the senior '0f tne sorority that the members
work upon some accredited paper
(Continued on Page Eight)
during the year.
The tentative staff, which includes
all the sorority members, is as fol-


on May 2.

The third annual arts and scien

ces senior faculty banquet is to be
given Thursday, May 2, at 6:30 in
the Lafayette hotel. This is the
premier social function of the com-

mencement for the seniors of the
College of Arts and Sciences.
President Frank h. wcvey win
be the main speaker of the evening.
Dean Paul P. Boyd, of the College
of Arts and Sciences, will represent
the faculty, and Ray Auxier will be
the speaker for the senior class.
James Hester, president of the Student council, will preside as toast- i master.
The guests of honor, members of
faculty who are retiring from
j the
active service, are Dr. J. W. Pryor,
head of the department of psychol-hom- e
ogy; Dr. M. L. Pence, professor of
physiology, and Dr. Glanville Ter
rell, head of the department of phil

Tickets may be secured for the
price of one dollar from the student
committee, composed of James Hes- I
ter, Joseph Turner, Ray Auxier and
Margaret wuson, or irom me
ulty committee, composed of Dean
Boyd, dean of the Arts and Scien
ces College; Dr. F. T. McFarlan, of
the geology department; Joe Lee
Palmer, of the English department;
Dean Sarah G. Blandlng, dean of
women; Miss Ida Lee Turner, of
Dean Boyd's office, and Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, acting head of
the journalism department.

W. A. A. Has Fourth

Annual Banquet at
Lafayette Hotel



Premier Social Function of
Season to
Be Held at Lafayette Hotel

F. Galloway Translates
Play From Italian for

University Theater





Editor-in-chie- f,
Martha Minihan;
managing editor, Jessie Marie Sun;
assistant managing editor, Isabel
Craig; associate editors, Helen Shel-to- n
and Leida Keyes; news editor,
Lydia Roberts; sports editors, Kathleen Fitch and Maud Vanbuskirk;
society editors, Lillian Combs and
Kathryn Mc Williams; feature writers, Sarah Elvove and Katherine
Best; exchange editor, Lucille Short.
Those who have been asked to
assist with the Theta Sigma Phi
edition of The Kernel are Margaret
Cundiff, Katherine
Phelps, Lois
Purcell, Emily Hardin, Melvina
Pumphrey, Margaret Treacy, Henry
Etta Stone, Ellen Minihan, Boom
Billiter, Sadie Paritz, Jane Warren,
Edna Smith and Louise Thompson.

Music Club Closes

With Oratorio at
Men's Gymnasium

The Gulgnol theater will conclude
their offerings for the year with the
presentation of "The Flight of the
Duchess," by Robert Browning,
which will open Monday night,
April 29, for a week's run. This play
will make a fitting close to a most
successful season for it is rich both
in character roles and thrilling
Adapted for the stage from the
poem by Robert Browning by the
same name, it has been translated
from the Itallal by Prof. W. F. Gal- laway of the English department and
will be presented in America for the
first time at the Guignol. Elaborate
stage settings and costumes of the
13th and 15th centuries are being
executed which will surpass anything the theater has attempted in
this line.
The cast of "The Flight of the
Duchess" is as follows:
The Archbishop, S. K. Workman,
instructor in the English department; the roles of Conrad and Mateo will be given to Melvin Nollau,
senior engineer, and Jack Ramey,
arts and sciences sophomore, though
it has not been decided which will
have each part; Simenetta, Carolyn
Speyer, of Lexington, known for her
performance in The Cassilis Engagement; Angelica, Jeannette Kim-berli- n,
arts and sciences, who gave
such a notable characterization in
Maitre Robert, John
Nconon, a Sigma Nu and freshman
engineer; Rudolph, Verna Law, a
freshman who has repeatedly appeared in campus theatricals with
much credit; Jacyette, Alice Spalding, Zeta Tau, also well known to
local audiences; Master Hyacynthus,
Martin Glenn, Delta Chi; Duchess
Urrula, Marion Gallaway, of Lexington, who is one of Mr. Fowler's
"finds" of the season; Duke Ulrlc,
Prof. George K. Brady, of the English department, "who has had
much experience in amateur dramatics; Margot, Floy Chancellor, of
Hardinsburg; Duchess Use, Margaret
Lewis, of the campus Y. W. C. A.r
who has creditably appeared in
Guignol productions in the past;
Leonardo, William Pearce, a freshman from Mott, N. D.; Rammossa,
William Durbeck, Pi Kappa Alpha;
Rozanna, Katherine Davis, of Lexington, an Alpha Xi; Esther, Helen
Moore, arts and sciences senior;
Lucia, Louisa Dudley, arts and sciences senior; Claire, Garnett Shouse,
Tri Delt, arts and sciences sophomore; Duke of Berg, William Pearce;
Duke of Gelderland, J. C. Lamb, arts
and sciences senior; Baron Hildes-heieither Ramsey or Nollau;
Baroness Ratzburg, Katherine Davis;
Baron Kammier, William Durbeck,
and Count Hoya, Richard Carran,
first year law student.

The Kentucky Federation of Music
Club closed its ninth annual con- iy To
vention Thursday evening with an,vIIU1u
oratorio program by the Central
Kentucky Choral Society at 8 o'clock
in the Men's gymnasium. At the
From Oratorios
special request of the executives of Selections
Given in Gym Under Dithe State Federation, Prof. Carl
Lampert, head of the music departrection of Lampert
ment of the University, presented
the oratorio program.
The Central Kentucky Choral So- On Wednesday, April 14, the dele- - ciety, under the direction of Prof,
gates visited the University campus C A. Lampert, gave their annual
where they made a general tour of concert Thursday night at 8 o'clock
the buildings and grounds. Mrs. in the Men's gymnasium. The
of the University extension gram was one of the features
prepared a bulletin contain- - fered to the delegates attending the
ing a history of the University and Kentucky Federation of Music Clubs
a guide to assist the visitors in find- - convention.
ing their way about the campus.
a number of noted and varied
Members of Phi Beta, which is choral selections were given, includ-th- e
national honorary music and ing excerpts from celebrated
fraternity on the campus, rios that have been presented by
were joint hostesses with the Mc- - the society in recent years. Most
club and the Junior Mc- - notable among these presentations
Dowell club for the delegates of the are "The Messiah," "Elijah" and the

phnral Qwifv

The Women's Athletic Association
entertained with its fourth annual
nC F)
banquet Saturday night at 6:30
the gold room of the Lafayette hotel
with Louetta Greeno, president, presiding as toastmistress, and Dean
Sarah G. Blanding, Mrs. Frank L.
By Martin R. Glenn
McVey and Miss Helen Skinner as
the speakers. Approximately one
"The Age of Romance has not
hundred members, guests, and visit- ceased; it never ceases; it does not,
ing Play Day officials were present. if he will think of it, so much as deThe awards were presented at the cline." Carlyle.
banquet! by Miss Helen Skinner, dipresBeauty is an
rector of Women's athletics. The ence.
varsity K, which is given for 1,000 flowers Itofunfolds to it the numberless
waves In the
points in sports, was awarded to
branches of trees and in the green
Elizabeth Skinner. Class numerals, blades
of grass; it haunts the depths
for 500 points, were presented to of the
gleams out in the
Anna Mae Stamper "29, Elizabeth hues ofearth and
shells and
Cramer '30, and Laura K. Johnston The campus, class precious sorority
W. A. A. pins, for 250 points,
were given the following: Pauline houses and girls' dormitories overBack, Christine Blakeman, Mary flow with beauty. Those men who
Dodson, Lois Frazar, Sue Head, Nat- are alive to it can not lift their
eyes without feeling themselves enalie Hickey, Ivis Hovious, Elizabeth compassed
with it on every side.
Napier, Sarah Otterback, Myra D:
From this gorgeous array of femRice, Opal Scroggln, Carolyn Smith,
Elizabeth Stewart, Louise Thompson, inine charm and pulchritude a beauLouise Tilton, Lucille Traband and tiful maid has been elevated to the
Katherine Vogel. Mae Bryant and titular throne of Queen of the May,
Elizabeth Skinner were awarded the most popular honor that the
badges for proficiency in rifle male students of this institution can
marksmanship. The members of the confer upon a co-eExemplifying grace, paise, charm
team winning the play day were
and physical beauty the new ruler
given individual favors.


l0t. Dead,

7. J

Lad Who Dreams oj May Day rarade
will usher the warm days of spring

to the Kentucky campus. Already
scores of faithful subjects are scurrying from the four corners of the
kingdom to witness the magnificent
exhibitions of court splendor on the
day that has been officially designated for her coronation.
A monstrous parade headed by the
royal music-makeand followed by
great multitudes of elegantly costumed attendants will escort Her
Majesty, the Queen of the May, to
her scintilating throne where one
of the most beautiful young maids
in the kingdom will present her with
the crown of honor.
Queen for a day. Yet the lazy
days of spring shall be repllced by
the days of other seasons and
though the future years shall produce their annual yield of nobility,
you shall not be forgotten. You
shall represent the charm of our
campus, the beauty of Kentucky and
the gloryhood of woman. In the
hearts of the present student body,.
you shall remain "Queen" forever.


Subscribe For



And Help the Association











L. KIRK, '21

Latest List of Members




Wayland Rhoadcs, '15
Mrs. E. T. Troctor, '1G
W. C. Wilson, '13
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Dr. GeorRC II. Wilson, '04
Walter Hlllcnmcycr, '04

This issue of the Kentucky Kernel will be the last
that will be sent to members of the Alumni Association
Beginning in May the "Kenby the AlumniOfficc.
tucky Alumnus," official publication of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky, will be sent to
all members of the association who pay their dues. The
Kentucky Kernel, the Alumni Association and the University of Kentucky have reached a point in their development where this move is necessary. The use of
the student publication as a combined student and
alumni organ has been outgrown by our association.
Our Alumni Association is moving forward and if we
are to take our place in the ranks of the alumni organizations of the larger institutions in the United States
we must take every step forward that is possible. It
at last has become possible for the beginning of a publication devoted entirely to matter of interest to the
alumni. The first issue of the "Kentucky Alumnus"
will mark a distinct step forward for our association
and one that is sure to meet with enthusiastic approval
from a vast majority of the members of the Alumni
Association. The first issue will be mailed to you on
May 15. The next and final issue for this year will be
out June 15. It will be known as the Commencement
Number and will give all details of the class reunions
and homecoming. No issues will be published during
July or August. While this departure may cause regret
among some of the younger members of the Alumni
Association it is as necessary for us to leave The Kernel
as it was for them to leave the undergraduate body.
6"urs is an association of university graduates and we
as an association must continue to move forward even
as the individual graduate moves.

Will He
Before June 1; Kernel
Print Booket.



A new directory containing the
names of alumni will be off the
press by June 1, it has been announced by the Alumni office. The
new directory will be the first published by the Alumni Association
since 1924. The names of all those
who have been graduated from the
University of Kentucky up to and
including the class of 1928 will be
included in the new directory which
will be complete In every way.
The new directory is being printed and bound by the staff of the
Kentucky Kernel and will be the
first Job this size that the student
print shop has attempted so far.
The copv has been turned over to
the foreman of the shop and work
already has been started on the
composition of the directory.
The 1929 directory will be a departure from the one published in
1924. Three complete lists of the
graduates will be given. First will be
In nlnhnbetlcal order.
Mm immoe
next the list by classes which will
contain all the information con-,ntiVin
The last list will be by geographical
10 muse who
location, in addition
are graduates will be a list of former students who, while they were
not graduated, have been loyal and
active mmbrs of th Alumni Association. The new order will enable
oitimni tn loratfi classmates, indi
viduals and alumni in a given com
munity with a minimum oi irouoie
and confusion.
There are to be 2,500 copies of the
new directory published and no
charge will be made to those who
are members in good standing of
the Alumni Association. Members
who pay their dues for the year
1929-19will get free copies.
nnnc nrNl Vo spnt tr nnv nerson or
firm for the purpose of advertising
lists. It Is planned 10 nave mem uui
before the annual homecoming and
nlocc rpiinlnns .Tune 1. 2 ana i.
An early check for alumni dues
will assure you a copy of the new
alumni directory.

W. F. Wright, Head of Louisville Alumni, Is Subject of
Feature Sketch in

The Louisville Courier-Journa- l,
a recent issue, carried the picture
Tell Me
Walter Franklin Wright, who
was graduated from the University
of Kentucky with the class of 1914.
with the picture of Mr.
Anna Catherine Hendricks, B. A.
B. S., now is Wright the following sketch apBarbara Nell Hanks,
1922, is a teacher and her permaMrs. William Kenneth Stokes and peared