xt7np55dcd6k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7np55dcd6k/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1953-toc. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1953-toc. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1953-toc. 1953 1953-toc. 2011 true xt7np55dcd6k section xt7np55dcd6k 




                      VOLTUME I

                No Meeting in January

         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                  February 20, 1953

A.  Approval of Minutes......................         1
B.  Report of the Comptroller..................        1
C. Budget Changes.             ....... 1
D. Travel Allowance for Doctor Tapp.....              2
E.  Investment of Funds Authorized................     2
F. Purchase of 110 Colfax Street Property.......       3
G.  Purchases Made by the Comptroller Authorized.      3
H.  Resolution from Kentucky Mining Institute.....     4
I. Appropriation for Landscaping Engineering
      Quadrangle Court..........................       6
J. Report on Condition of Kastle Hall ........... (.   6
K. Report on Stokers in Central Heating Plant...       7
L. House at 624 South Limestion Street
      Authorized Removed ........................      8
M. Advancement of Funds for Publication of
      "Southern Travel Series" Authorized .........    8
N. University of Kentucky Extension Service
      Policy......                                   '10
0. Form for Requesting Use of Farm Service
      Building Approved...........          ....... 11
P. Professor W. A. Heinz To Do Off-Campus
      Teaching......                                11
Q. Application for Space Heating Gas Service.....    11
R. Report on Dormitory and Request of John F.
      Wilson ...................................... 12
S.  Report on Fraternity Houses.........I.........   16


  T.  Fiscal Agent for University .      ...................   7
  U.  Gifts
           From Anonymous Donor.       .               1?
           From Keeneland Foundation................         18
           From Blue Diamond Coal Company..........    18
           From Veaoius Kentucky, Iniiana, Tennessee,
             and Ohio Creameries...................    18
           From Swift and Company..                    18
           From Mrs. William S. Taylor.    .           19
           From Mrs. Albert Russell    .   .   .19
           From Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Blazer .........        19
           From Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ware...     ..      19
           From Estate of Dr. Frank L. McVey ........        20
  V.  Scholarship for Foreign Student..............0,        20
  W. Recess for Luncheon..                             20
  X.  Request of City for Annexation of
        Experiment Station Farm...................     20
  Y. Widening of Harrison Avenue ..................    29
  Z. InJury to Sophie Robinson   .     .               30
A-].   Appointments and Other Staff Changes .31
A-2.  Adjournment.............................          41

           Meeting of the Executive Committee
                    March 20, 1953

  A. Approval of Minutes..........................     42
  B. Men's Dormitory Plans Reviewed.                    F42
  C. Report of the Comptroller...................      44
  D. Plans and.-:Specifications for Swimming Pool
        at Bingham 4-H Club Camp Authorized.           44
  E.  Transfer of Parking Fine Funds..     ..          44
  F. Kentucky State Federation of Labor School         45
  G.  Contract with T. V. A. Approved...............          46
  H.  Agreement with Kentucky Seed Improvement
        Association..............................      47
  I.  Master of Science in Library Science Authori-
        zed...... ................                     48
  J. Rfegulations Governing Broadcasting
        Amended...........    ..   .   .....      .    48
  K.  Dr. K. 0. Lange to Do Off-Campus Work..          52
  L.  Gifts
          From Mr. Barry Bingham.   ...................      52
          From Dr. Frank L. McVey.   .....             53
          From Mr. Carol Sax           .      .        54
          From American Broadcasting Corporations-      54
          From R. R. Dawson Bridge Company..........         54
  From Estate of Mr. William B. Roulstone.              54
  M.  Injury to Mrs. Lula McConathy ...............O    55
  N. Recess for Luncheon .    . ..........................55
  0. Kappa Delta Pi Withdraws Bond...........           55
  P. Appointments and Other Staff Changes    . ..      5
  Q. Adjournment      .........                         61


          Meeting of the Board .f Trustees
                   A;)r'll 7, 1n5,-

A. Ap~rov,?l of Minutes.     .                     62
B.  Purchase of Prooerty at 4022 Rose Street.....    62
C.  Change in t.he Budget .    ....................... 62
D.  Univer-.ity Budget for 1953-1954 Anoroved....    6
E.  Aopro-priation for Dawoon Sorings
      4-H Club Cap ..                    .         067
F.  Bis on Sirall Dormitory Construction
      Considpred0.          ..........             67
C-.  Issuaneo and Sale of Dormqitory Revenue
      Bonds of 1)5, Authorized.  ....6 C
H.  Gift of McReynold- Property in Elkton, K y
      Considered               .        .         80
I.  Generol Motors Corooration Exhibit,
      Paradq  of  Progresps  ........................  0
J.  Repcrt on the Status of the Women's
      Residence Hall             .       .l
K.  Report on t.he Status of Mlen' s Dormitory....     1
L.  Report on Status of 4-H Club S~x-ing
      Pool at Robert W. Bing-am Campo .   ...........  1
Y. Professor L. J. Horlacher--Leave
      of Absence AUthorized ..................... ,  
N.  Honorary Degrees Authorized   .     ..........2
0.  Law College to Grant the Bachelor of
      Science in Law De.zrep .....................
P. Akointments and Other Stqff Changes .......8
,. Change in Status of Deoartmert of
      Home EcononicS.                                 5
R,  Resolution on Deathi of President
      Emeritus  Franrk  L.  M Vey  ...................5
S. Adjournment .......    ..........................

          Minutes of Cal'.e(d ieetlng of the
                Execuitive Committee
                   April 24, 1952

A.  Pujri-,;e of Meeting .................... ......  83
B.  Federel Government Loan Agreement,
      Women's Residence Ha11 .................... ,r
C, Adjournment .                             .    10) P,

         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                    May 16, 1953

A.  Approval of Minutes ......................... 101
B.  Roport of the Comptroller ......... 101
C.  Budget Changes............. 101
D.  Purchases Made by the Comptroller's8
      Office Approved..............            . 102


E.  Purchase of Property at 214 College View..         102
F.  Investment of Restricted Funds.............. 103
G. Purchase of U. K. Film-Revised   .   .103
H. Professor Penrod and Doctor Baker, College
      of Engineering, Authorized to Do Outside
      Work.................................... 104
1. Music and Radio Grants-in-Aid Approved..       104
J. Member of the Board of Trustees Appointed
      to Board of Directors of Kentucky Research
      Foundation      .        ....... 104
K.  Mr. G. C. Routt, County Agent, to Retire
      June 30, 1953...........................       105
L.  Sale of Dormitory-Revenue Bonds of 1953 ...... 105
M.  Scholarships for Foreign Students.   .        108
N.  Fellowships and Scholarships Authorized*.... 108
0.  Gifts
         From Mr. Robert C. McDowell.    .        109
         From Sears-Roebuck Foundation.   .       110
         From Distillers Feed Reaearch Council.      110
         From Reynolds Farm Institute.   .        110
         From J. S. Rassenfoss   .    ............ 110
         From Anonymous Donor     .111
         From Anonymous Donor   .     .111
         From Miss Mae Maust..i11
         From The George W. Norton, Jr., Farm.... 112
P.  Change-of-Work Status--J, J. Fitch .      ........ 112
Q,  Change-of-work Status for Mrs. Ora Southwood. 112
R.  Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain Granted Leave
      of Absence............................... 113
S.  IBM Operator Employed...................... 114
T.  Request of Joseph C. Marek Denied........... 114
U, Honorary Degrees..........................         114
V.  Appointments and Other Staff Changes......... 119
W.  Recess for Luncheon..; ...................        123
X.  Adjournment .................................. 123

         Meeting of the Beard of Trustees
                   June 2, 1953

A.  Aporoval of Minutes .......................... 124
B. Budget Changes ........... 124
C.  Purchase of Lot on Prall Street .       ,,,,.... 124
D.  Report on Dairy Bern Fire .................... 125
E.  Report on New Men's Residence Hall,.....,... 127
F.  Renort on Nei- Women's Residence Hal...    ....   127
G.  Revision of Plans and Specifications for
      the Women's Residence Hall Authorized...... 12Q
H. Resort on the Progress of the Six Small
      Dormitories................        ...       129
I.  Scholarships for Foreign Students Approved..      128
J. Experiment Station and Agricultural
      Extension Budcets Aozroved................. 120


K.  Candidates for Degrees ....................... 129
L. Professor James W. Martin to Do
      Off-Camnus Work.......................... Ihl
M. Dean Elves J. Stahr, Jr., Granted
      Leave-for Summer Months.  Professor W. D.
      Ham Designated Acting Dean ................. 1l1
N.  Form of Lease Agreenent Ki~th Fraternities
      Anoroved ........   ..l........... 141
0.  Oil and Gas Lease on Texas Land Authorized... 142
Ps Gift
         From United Cerebral Palsy Association.. 142
Q. An-ointments, Rea-oointments, and
      Other Staff Changes ........................ 142
R.  Message of Good Cheer Sent to President
      Donovan.................................... 163
S.  Adjoturnment...............................    16...  

         Meeting of the Executive Committee
                   July 17, 1953

A.  Approval of Minutes.......................... 164
B.  Report of the Comptroller .................... 164
C.  Bingham 4-H Club Swimming Pool Authorized.... 164
D. Agreement--Geological Survey of the United
      States Department of the Interior and
      the University Approved................... 165
E.  Surplus Machines Authorized Sold .165
F. Candidates for Degrees Approved.............. 166
G. Policy Governing Relations between Univer-
      sity of Kentucky and the Kentucky Research
      Foundation.............................. 173
H. Cooperative Arrangement for the Kentucky
      Seed Improvement Association and Extension
      Program Modified........................ 174
I. Collection of Funds to Purchase Victor
      Hammer Books Authorized ...   ............. 174
J.  Lease of T. R. Bryant Farm Approved......   . 175
K. Indenture between University of Kentucky
      and Lexington Water Company.    ......... 180
L. Pershing Rifles Company Requests Savings
      Bond                  ..                    180
M. Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Physics
      Invoice Approved ........................... 181
N. Gifts
         From Marketing Service Fund of the
           Federal Milk Market Administrator.... 182
         From Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemical
           and Dye Corporation................ 182
         From Grayson Foundation, Inc ............ 182


            From Knott Coal Corporation ............. 183
            From Kentucky Broadcasters Association,, 183
            From Kentucky Distillers Association .... 183
            From Consolidation Coal Company ......... 183
            From Soencer Chemical Company.......... 184
            From Velsicol Corporation ............... 184
            From Japanese University Accreditation
              Association ........................... 184
   0.  Resolution of Death of Dean Alvin E. Evans... 185
   P.  Change of Work for Luther Hieatt ............. 187
   Q.  Change of Work for Katherine Owens ........... 188
   R.  Injury to William Maxberry ................... 188
   S. Request for Permission for issuance of
         Package Beer License.189
   T.  Purchase of 210 College View Avenue Property. 190
   U. Contract for Reconstruction of Dairy Center
         Ordered Issued...........................     190
   V.  Appointments and Other Staff Changes ...a. 191
   WT. Adjournment..........                         210

            Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                  September 15, 1953

  A.   Recess for Lack of a Quorum .................. 211

            Meeting of the Board of Trustees
                  September 22, 1953

  A,   Dr. Angelucci Nevt Member .    ................ 212
  B.  Minutes Approved as Published    .   ........... 212
  C.  Report of the Comptroller     ................ 212
  D. Budget Changes..         ..        .225
  E.   Purchases of the Comptroller Approved.        225
  F.  A Word of Appreciation to Trustees.......      226
  G.  Contract--Construction of Men's
         Residence Hall ............................. 226
  H.   Sale of University of Kentucky Dormitory
         Revenue Bonds............................. 227
  I.  Progress Report of Fraternity Houses........ 229
  J.  Report on Fall Enrollment    ,............. 229
  K.   Report on Progress of the Daweon Springs
         4-H Club Camp........    ......... 229
  L.  Budget Requests for 1954-56 Biennium   .    .... 230
L-1.   Gifts
            From: Keeneland Foundation .............. 235
            From; Republic Steel Corporation .     .... 235
            From; Kentucky Artificial Breeding
                  Associati on. .................   . ... 235
            From; Nitrogen Division, Allied Chemical
                  and Dye Corporation........  ..... 236


                  jmerjcan Air FilteE Company..       236
              om:mer can   yanamid  ompany .......... 236
            From: Blue Diamond Coal Company .......... 237
            From: Shell Chemical Company .     ......... 237
            From: Harlan Mining Institute     .   .  237
            From: South East Coal Company    .   .    238
            From: Ralph E. Mille Foundation .......... 238
            From: Kentucky Concrete PiDe Company..... 238
            From: Distillers Feed Research Council... 239
            From: International Minerals and
                  Chemcial Corporation .............. 0 239
            From: Mr. Harry 0. Wyse   .    ........... 239
            From: Anonymous Donor .................... 239
            From, Kentucky Utilities Company ......... 239
            From: Plantmix Asphalt Industry
                  of Kentucky..................       240
            From: The Allen Company     .................. 240
            From: Kentucky Association of
                  Highway Engineers ................. 240
            From: The Union Light, Heat &
                  Power Company, Inc  .    ........... 241
            From: American Society of Metals...... 241
            From: Union Carbide and Carbon Corp...... 241
            From: The Shelby County Trust and
                  Banking Company ................ ... 9 242
            From: Harlan Mining Institute ............ 242
            From: Mr. Pandall Dawson... e             242
            From: Radio Station VLAP .................. 243
            From: Mason County Farm Bureau ........... 243
            From: Mr. Elliott Falk   ....    ........ 243
            From: Anonymous Donor .................... 243
            From: Professor R. D. McIntyre.... ...... 244
            From; Dr. Paul P. Boyd ............... 0 244
  M.   Injury to T. R. Looney,....................... * 245
  N,   Injury to Tom Cobb ........................,.. 245
  0.   Injury to John L. Moore, Jr........* 246
  P. Name of Old Library Building.............V, .... , 246
  Q.   Smith Broadbent, Member of Executive Committee 247
  R.   Tom Ballantine Made Member of Council on
         Public Higher Education  ...........   ..... 247
  S.  Brochure of Council on Public Higher Education 247
  T.   Keeneland Race Course Library. ............... 247
  U.   Drug Store Fixtures--Gift of Kentucky
         Drug Travelers Association .............. Is..* 24
  V.   Price of School Service Bulletin Fixed......., 249
  W.   Resolution on Death of Dr. William
         Wallace Dimock .  ..... e..... f o...          249
  X.   Resolution on Death of Dr. Alfred Meredith
         Peter........ O..    ....,....... . . . O. . 251
  Y.  Recess for Luncheon.".O........ ......,..... r '. 252
  Z.  Elimination of Wooden Columns in
         Combined Shope Building...........           252
A-l,   Appointments and Other Staff Changes.........., 254
A.-2.  AdJournment,.. ...*.............. ........ .... 271


       Meeting of the Executive Committee
               October 16, 1953

A,   Approval of Minutes....................      .  272
B.   Report of the Comptroller   .    ........... 272
C.   State Requisitions and Other
          Purchasee Approved   .     ............ 272
D.   Budget Changes      .................        273
E.   Rental of Northern Extension Center.......      273
F.   Meeting of the Association of
          Governing Boards.....................      274
G.  Doctor Cochran to Do Outside Work.     ...... 274
H.   Gifts
          From Miss Virginia Clark .......^....      274
          From Anonymous Donor..................     275
          From Anonymous Donor................       275
          From Anonymous Donor.                   275
          From Anonymous Donor   .    ........... 275
          From Anonymous Donor..      ........... 275
          From Dr. H. M. Lydenberg.............      276
          From Miss Emilie Vardin Smith........      276
          From Miss Katherine Caldwell .....      ,  276
          From Middle West Soil Improvement
            Comnmittee..... ...............,.     276
          From The Purcell Company..........     .   277
          From Mr. William Scott Snead    .   .   27?
          From Mr. J. Stephen Watkins.    ....... 278
I.   Death of Jacob Long.....................     279
J.   Death of Mr. Obie B. Redd       ....            279
K.   Request of Joseph Camille Marek,.......      279
LE   Services of Doctor Chamberlain Commended...      279
M.   Small Dormitories Assigned to
          House Football Boys...........          281
N.   Appointments and Other Staff Changes.......      282
0.   Adjournment,.............................e       288

        Meeting of the Executive Committee
                November 20, 1953

A.   Approval of Minutes ,..   ..   .....          289
B.   Report of the Comptroller ................       289
C.  Budget Changes..................     ......    89
D.  Easement for Electric Power Line across
          Western Kentucky 4-H Club Camp......       289
E.   Trustee Appointed to Board of' Directors
          of the Kentucky Research Foundation...     290
F.   Dr. Charles E. Snow to Do Off-Campus Work..      290
G.  Professor James W. Martin to Do Off-Campus
          Work ........................... . ....    290
H.   Dr. V, E. Nelson to Do Off-Campus Work.....      291


I.   Purchase of Residence at 719 Rose Street ......      291
J.   Progress Report on Fraternity Houses   ...      291
K.   Gifts
          From Kentucky Utilities Company   ...      292
          From Various Donors, ......................     292
          From Anonymous Donor         ...           292
          From Anonymous Donor         ...           292
          From Security Trust Company.    .          293
          From Mr. J. H. Stephens.       .           293
          From Mr. S. Headley, Shose                 293
L.   Easement for Disposal of Sewage Granted
          to the Central Baptist Hospital.     .     293
M.   Appointments and Other Staff Changes..     .    2Q6
N. Adjournment..... *. 300

       Minutes of the Board of Trustees
               December 8, 1953

A. Recess of Lack of a Quorum .                      301

       Minutes of t-e Board of Trustees
               Decermber 15, 1953

A.   Minutes Approved ...........................,.       302
B.   Comptroller's Report..    .,.......,      r 302
C.   Budget Changes      ................... 315
D.   Renort on Alumni Election.                      315
E.   Foreign Operrtions Administration.........      316
F. Girls' Dormitory.. .                    .         316
G.   Economic Status of University Perponnel .......      317
H.   Report of the Legislative Research Commission
           on Medical Educ&tin.                      329
I.   Report on Progress of New Buildings.   ......   329
J.   Report by Committee on Policy Governing Poli-
           tical Activities 9nd Interests in Politics
           of University Employees..3............      03
K.   Reauest of the Lexington Water Company for
           Easement for Storage Water Tank.........        32
L.   Beport on Industry-College Conference....     .- , 33
M.   Sale of Library Periodical ...................       334
N.   Injury to Tom Cobb ............................      334
0.   Notice of HIearing--Frenk Daugherty Will ..&....       ,.
P.   Tranerer of Public Serl;ice Laboratories   e..  3L
QC.  Gifts
           Fronm Dietillers Feed Research Council,..      338
           From American DaIrv Association of K-!,-       338
           From Henry l:ruedhtenicht Company, Inc.. .     338
           From Pan Hellenic Association........... e339
           From Mr. Craig Hazelet .... ............       339
           From Mr. R. R. Da-., a on....   .    ..339


Q,.  ;ifts (cont.)
           From Brinley-Hercv Compar.v ...............340
R.   Report of the University Alumni Association....    340
S.   Resolution of Death of Dr. James Thomas
           Cotton Noe....                              341
T.   Grant of $180,000 for Improvements to
           Experiment Station Farm    .    ........... 342
U.   Appointments Fuil Other Staff Changes.........     342
V.   Adjo.....nt..346