xt7nk9315p8c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9315p8c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-07-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, July 09, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 09, 1987 1987 1987-07-09 2020 true xt7nk9315p8c section xt7nk9315p8c  





'1 UK basketball coaches lend a hand
V to a visiting team. Page 2





Martin Short and Dennis Quaid make a fun
duo in “Innerspace.” Page 5.



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl, No. 5

Establish'ed 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky

Independent Since 1 971

Thursday. July 9. 1987

Alcohol, marijuana prevalent drugs, survey says

91937 Kentucky Kernel

Alcohol is the drug of choice on
the UK campus, says a study that
reveals for the first time the number
of UK students who use drugs and

About 87 percent of the 1,252 UK
students surveyed during February
and March have tried alcohol some-
time in their life. the study said.

Court rules
for paper,

against UK

Contributing Writer

The Kentucky Supreme Court has
overturned a lower court ruling that
allowed the UK Board of 'l‘rustees'
presidential search committee to
close its discussions of selection cri-

Last Thursday’s ruling ended the
legal battle between the University
and the Lexington Herald-Leader,
which began last fall when Tom
McCord, then a reporter for the
paper, filed suit to obtain access to
committee meetings.

Fayette Circuit Court Judge Ar-
mand R. Angelucci denied- the pa-
per‘s suit last August 11. Timothy
Cone, the Herald-Leader's lawyer.
took the issue directly to the state‘s
highest court, which ruled that
“since the Board of Tristees is a
state-appointed entity, board-ap-
pointed subcommittees have to
meet openly."

John Carroll, the Herald-Leader's
editor and vice president, was
pleased with the court‘s ruling, say-
ing it will help “to keep public proc-

“We are apecially pleased that
the Supreme Court has decided to
publish this ruling, so that it can be

Carroll said reporters are often
denied entry at meetirgs of public

“If the trend continues, sooner (I
later we won‘t be able to present the

“This is a battle we had to keep

Corie. a member of the firm of
preme Goat's decision is not sub-

SeePAm Page‘l

Meanwhile 76.1 percent of those
students drank alcoholic beverages
in the month before the survey.

Of that number, 15 percent aver-
aged one drink a day and 5 percent
averaged eight drinks or more a

The study, which was conducted
by UK's Survey Research Center,
has a 3 percent margin of error. It
was released last week by UK‘s

dramatically for such substances as
marijuana. cigarettes, ampheta-
mines, cocaine and hallucinogenic

Officials in UK‘s student affairs
division say they were expecting the
survey‘s outcome.

“1 think the study confirmed what

we knew all along that UK is a con-
servative campus and that there's

Jean Cox, Student Health Services

Twenty-six percent of the survey's
respondents had smoked as many as
100 cigarettes during their life.

Forty-three percent of the UK stu-
dents had tried marijuana at least

Only 9.5 percent of the students
surveyed had used marijuana within
the month before the survey.

dean of students office.

After alcohol, the figures drop off

not a lot of drug wage and clearly
there’s a lot of alcohol use,



A small percentage of UK stu-
dents reported using cocaine (12.3




Bob Hoiiopeter. standing in front his restaurant's new location. says he's anxious to reopen.

Owner hapes to resurrect landmark
when Tally Ho reopens next month

Editu'ial Edita'

At 3 am. on March 12, 195 the UK camp‘s lost a

lS-yearold tradition over a lease dispute. Bob Hollo-
peter’s "Tally Ho" restaurant closed it’s doors, for-
But in tlas ease “forever" turned out to be 21/:
years. Hollopeterplamtoreopentheflostanew
location on as S. Limestone St., formerly the loca-
tion of Bash Riprocks nightclub, in mid August.

For those who remember the old Ho, that an-

Ever since the yellow carrboard sign entrancing
loyal patrol. have been “poking their heath in (the
door) jut tosee if it is time" said Kay Fischer, Hol-

W’s halite.

“People have been calling my sister at work to see
if it was true before they got all excited," she said.

But Hollopeter isn’t fazed. He leans back in his
chair amid the sawdust and lumber of the restau-
rant‘s unfinished interior and quietly admits “there's
still a lot of people who remember is."

However, just as there are numerous people with
memoria of the Ho, there are also many UK under-
claasmen to whom talk of the restaurant is all riga-

They don't know what people are talkim about

ltwasthekindofplaceyouaeeinthemovies. It
was a college Inngout much like No Keys Tavern
wasinthetm. ltwasaplaceUKstudentsclaimed




percent), tranquilizers (8.9 percent),
depressants (6.6 percent) and heroin
or other opium drugs (3.4 percent)
at least once in their lifetime.

Percentages for students using
those same drugs during the 30 days
before the survey fell below the 1
percent mark.

The $10,000 survey, which was co—
sponsored by the dean of students‘
office and UK‘s Student Health Serv-
ices. did not bring many new reve-

Senior expects

UK support
in council bid

Contributilu Writer

Patrick Kelley, a UK senior who
announced his candidacy for the 3rd
District Urban County Council seat
on Feb. 23, is still in the race and
feels confident he'll get most of his
support from the student commu-
Kelley, a 20-year-old political sci-
ence major, said that, while he
hadn‘t sought endorsements yet
from the UK administration or stu—
dent organizations, some faculty and
staff, as well as members of variom
student organizations, had already
expressed their support.

The Oldham County native said he
plans to target the University com-
munity. which, he said, comprises
N000 Lexington residents.

However. he also said the UK
community contairs a large number
of “apathetic" non-voters. as well as
many students who register and
vote by absentee ballot in their

He said he'll try to win student
votes by “meetirg as many people
as possible, as many times as I can,
and getting my message aaoss."

Though he expects to raise more
money before the November elec-
tion, he said so far he‘s officially
raised about 875 to fund his cam-


Kelley's opponent in the race is
3rd District Councilwoman Debra

Hensley. a 34-year-old fiankfort
native and State Farm lmurance
agent, is completim her first turn
on the Urban Oomty Cmarcil.

own a State Farm agen-
cy and lives near the UKcampus.

She said as “an old campi- fanat-
resulted the intents of shldults

s: ssmoa Page 7




2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. July 9, 1987



UK coaches

Sports Editor

UK assistant basketball coaches
James Dickey and Dwane Casey
have found out just how well actions
can speak louder than words.

With a little body English and a
lot of sweat, the two Wildcat
coaches have tramlated the finer
points of Western basketball strate-
gy to the Japanese National Team.

- Coach Mototaka Kohama brought
his ll-man team to the Bluegrass to
prepare for the Jones Cup, which is
the Eastern equivalent to the Pan-
American games.

The team has been in Lexington,
practicing at Alumni Gym and Me-
morial Coliseum since last Thursday
and will leave for Los Angeles for
more training tomorrow.

“1 really enjoy working with
them," Dickey said. “They are very
intelligent players. they're willing to
learn, they work extremely hard.
They would like us just to evaluate
and help them and at the same time
we make sure that we don‘t infringe
on what their doing."

The first time a Japanese team
ventured to Lexington to train was
in me, when the national squad
came to learn from UK coach Joe B.
Hall. Eight of the players that made
that trip are back again this time.

“I have been playing on this tearr
for 15 years," said 32-year-old Nori-
hiko Kitahara. “This is very good
experience for me."

Kitahara, who is one of the few
members of the team that speaks
English well, acts as a tramlator be-
tween the American coaches and his

But the UK coaches said that
when teaching the team basketball
techniques the language barrier
hasn‘t been all that much of a prob-





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Kentucky Kernel



take time

“Most of them understand English
to some degree," Dickey said. “But
you can communicate most of the
time by demonstration. They pick
up on things very quickly.“

“It’s really not as tough as one
might think," Casey said. “Basket-
ball terminology is really a univer-
sal language so there isn't much of a

Another member of the team that
helps Dickey and Casey with com-
municating is a 7-foot~8 giant named
Yasutaka Okayama, who the UK
coaches call “Chibi.”

“Chibi means little man in
Japan," Dickey said. “They've all
got a great senses of humor."

Japan's liaison to the Lexington
area is F‘umi Kikuchi. Kikuchi, who
lives in Lexington, was instrumental
in bringing Toyota to the Bluegrass.
Kikuchi also arranged the 1918 Na-
tional Team‘s trip.

“They brought them in for weight
training in the mornings and worked
on fundamentals in the afternoons,“
Dickey said of the team’s first prac-
tices in Kentucky.

“Since 1978 Kentucky has been to
Japan three times. There’s been a
great relationship between Kentucky
basketball and the Japanese

In Japan, there is an eight-team,
semi-pro league, set up by some of
the nation's companies. Although
the sport is increasing in popularity
Kitahara said roundball still takes a
back seat to Japan‘s national past

“(Fan support) is so so,” Kitaha-
ra said. “We have much competition
from pro baseball teams."

have a lot of quickness, though."

The UK coaches have found that
the playim style of the Japanese is
not as aggressive as American
teams. Dickey and Casey have been
working mainly on the team‘s inside
game and on defensive rebounding.

“Primarily, they play like the Eu-
ropean teams do," Dickey said.
”They rely so much on the outside
shot and so much on transition and
the three-point play. They really

“They are really excellent shoot-
ers," Casey said. “Their main weak-
ness is (lack of) overall size and


UK assistant coach James Dickey gives pointers to the Japanese
national team backcourt in Alumni Gym.

bulk on the boards, but they are
really quick offensive players. "

This will be the final year of com-
petition for this particular National
Team. Many of the players are over
30 years old and will be calling it
quits when the Jones Cup games are

But the team wants to accomplish
its usual goal of beating Japan's No.
1 rival in the Jones Cup games be-
fore it breaks up.

“We want to be beat China," Kila-
hara said.

Jim White
Sports Editor


Sutton ends
UK center’s

Staff Reports

UK senior center Rob Lock was
reinstated yesterday to the Wildcat
basketball team following the reso-
lution of a traffic violation in Mad—
ison District Court, coach Eddie Sut—
ton said in press release.

Lock was temporarily suspended
from the team after being arrested
and charged with driving under the
influence in Richmond, Ky., on May

Lock was stopped on West Main
Street in Richmond after a police of-
ficer saw the car Lock was driving.
swerve in the road, a police report

Lock failed a road-side sobriety
test but registered .09 when given a
breathalyzer test. In Kentucky a
person is legally intoxicated at .10.

Lock was originally scheduled to
appear in Madison District Court to-

During an open court appearance
on June 19, following a motion filed
by Lock's attorney, the charges
were amended to “driving contrary
to law."

Sutton said this is “a very minor

“(I am) very pleased with the
court’s ruling," Lock said in a press
release. “It has been a difficult peri-
od since many people perceived me
to be guilty as a result of the reports
of the incident. I'm happy the court
upheld the fact that l was not driv-
ing under the influence."




General Trivia

10:30 pm.






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 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday. July 9, 1987 - 3

UK officials say budget cuts top Roselle’s agenda


President David P. Roselle has
been in office one week and his first
priority. say UK administrators, is
to try resolving UK‘s current budget

UK recently had to absorb $4.5
million in budget cuts because of a
$130 million shortfall in state reve-
nue. The shortage also forced the
University to freeze another $2 mil-
lion until October.

The “continuation budget" passed
by the Board of Trustees at its June
meeting does not provide money for
program improvement nor does it
increase allocations for operating

The problems presented by inac-
curate revenue forecasting m‘ll
hamper Roselle's ability to move the
University forward in the coming
year. say most administrators.

The path the University follows.
however, will be determined when
UK adopts its five-year plan and
biennial budget this fall. said Ed
Carter. vice president for adminis-

How Roselle deals with the Coun-
cil on Higher Education. the gover-
nor and the legislature subsequent—
ly, will set the tone for his
administration for the next decade,
Carter said.

Until then Roselle must hurdle the


we’ve tightened down
so much. We've had to
cut back on programs
that point us toward

the 21st century.”
Art Gallaher,
UK chancellor


obstacles the current budget prob-
lems present.

“There is no question (the budget
problems) will be an impediment as
to where David Roselle will take the
University." said Jack Blanton, vice
chancellor for administration.

Some of the priorities Blanton said
must be met in his sector of the Uni-
versity include a $16 million de-
ferred maintenance bill and a $17
million utility bill.

Blanton also said hourly wages for
UK staff are beginning to fall behind
the other Lexington employers

Roselle. however. cannot be ex»
pected to solve the budget crisis,
Blanton said.

“There's not a hell of a lot David
Roselle can do about it." he said.
“He didn’t bring money with him
from Virginia Tech."

Chancellors from the Lexington
campus, the Medical Center and the



community college system all echo
Blanton's concern about UK's bud-

“lAnother cut) would be a very
critical problem of crisis proportions
that could force cuts on programs
and people." said Peter Bosom-
worth. chancellor for the Medical

“We‘ve used the known reserve
and have no capacity for further
budget cuts.” Bosomworth said.

“Funds for operating expenses are
so severely distressed by financial
constraints that l'm concerned
about getting by another year." he

The $130 million shortage an-
nounced by the state in May forced
higher education to cut $12 million.

CHE officials say they are expect»
ing another $16 million cut in the
coming year.

Anticipating the cuts announced in
May. the Lexington campus froze 30
vacant positions. Those positions

will not be opened until UK receives
more money.

The cuts the Lexington campus
has made are taking UK away from
the direction Roselle wants to go.

“Programmaticaily, we‘ve tight-
ened down so much.“ said Art Gai-
laher, chancellor for the Lexington
campus. “We‘ve had to cut back on
programs that point us toward the
2lst century."

Charles Wethington, chancellor for
UK‘s 14 community colleges. said
solving the budget crisis is at the top
of his request list too.

“In terms of issues. on top of most
of our minds is our concern for the
effect of the state's fiscal shortfall
on the community colleges," We-
thington said.

The community college system
needs money to handle its increas-
ing enrollment. Last year enroll-
ment rose 7 percent.

To meet that need. UK appropri-
ated money in its operating budget
for SB full-time faculty and staff po-

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sitions for the community college

Hiring faculty is just the area UK
could experience some problems
with if the University does not pay
its professors more. said Donald
Sands, vice chancellor for academic

This year the projected average
salary for UK faculty is 838.500
while the average salary for faculty
at its benchmarks is $42,200.

“The budget will hurt," Sands
said. “Somehow we‘ve managed to
get very good faculty here. We'd do
better if we had funds to pay them
well and proyide them the facilities
they need."

Sands. however.
mistic in his outlook

”It would be nice if he came in
with all the money he needed. but
give him some time. he'll get this
place moving "

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 4 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, July 9. 1987


Continued from Page I

When the bars closed it seemed
everybody headed for the Ho. In
that type of setting, you’re bound to
be faced with a few problems.

“People would come in drunk and
get in fights sometimes; it took a lot
to get barred from there (the origi-
nal location)," Hollopeter said. “We
barred a lot of people from there
and they begged us to let them back
in. I‘m gonna let everybody back in,
I‘m gonna wipe the slate clean."

Hollopeter says he hopes the for—
mer customers and the new custom—
ers won't have to wait long to find

“I'm gonna try and get opened be-
fore school starts," he said.

That short a deadline means a lot
of work for Hollopeter, his friends
and family who have been working
to construct the new Ho nearly ev~
eryday this summer.

“Some things are going to be dif—
ferent and some things are going to
stay the same," Hollopeter said.
“You can‘t go back on a winner."

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The changes, however, amount to
more than just a new location.

The H0 is not going to be just a
restaurant anymore. It's going to be
a bar too.

The bulk of the construction inside
the new building is devoted to the
bar, which will be located in the
rear of the building. Walls will sepa-
rate the restaurant and the bar so
that underage patrons can still visit
the restaurant, Hollopeter said.

The restaurant will remain open
24 hours a day Monday through Sat-
urday, just as it was 2) 2 years ago.

And many of the old pictures, fix-
tures, signs and even “Hilary," the
unofficial trademark of the Ho, will

Hilary is an elderly black man
who used to sit in the Ho on a regu-
lar basis. Always the same table,

The four coats that Hilary would
wear along with the conductor‘s cap
fixed squarly on his head drew
much attention. Patrons would look
at him, notice the framed drawing
of him on the wall, and wonder who
he was, Hollopeter said.

“I'd tell everybody he was the
founder, just like Col.Sanders," He

“(Hilary) was a street person be—
fore we took him in," Hollopeter
said. “People are looking after him
now. He‘s already been by to ask
when we‘ll be open. I asked him





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which table he wanted and he said
‘it don’t make no difference to me

Like Hollopeter said, some things
will change, some will remain con-

But the market for restaurants
has boomed on the UK campus in
past two years bringing five new
eaterys to their home at UK.

“Anytime anything opens up, like
if somebody pulls up out front and
sells hot dogs out of a buggy, it's
going to hurt you.“

“I don't care about competition,
you just do the best you can do"
Hollopeter said. “I‘ve seen a lot of
chains come and g0."

One obvious difference between
the Ho and the chains is the service.


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“We treated (customers) the way
they treated us," Hollopeter said.
“We’re gonna run the place the
same, very informal. They swear at
us we're gonna swear back at them.
We shock a lot of people but this is a
place where the customer isn‘t al-
ways right."

“You can’t do a good job when
you‘re mad, you don't need that kind
of customer," he said. “They treat
us nice, we’ll treat them nice."

“I‘m so tired of kissing peoples
ass I can‘t believe it.“

Hollopeter‘s his own boss again.
and he has no complaints. “I like
working, I like the students. I have a
lot of fun with them and I've made a
lot of friends. I‘m anxious to get

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 KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, July 9,1987 - 5



Theater major finds fulfillment 1n career on stage

Contributing Writer

Acting. And the pressures of being
able to make money at it.

It can be such a long shot, such a
gamble. But for many, it‘s a venture
well worth the risk. For those who
thrive on that type of pressure, act—
ing is everything.

Wren Picasso, a theater senior
and supporting actor in the UK pro
duction of “A Little Night Music," is
one example.

Picasso. who has been acting for
seven years, was raised in Potomac.
Md. He spent much of his childhood
traveling to various nightclubs all
over Boston with his father's musi-
cal band.

Even at this young age, Picasso
developed a fierce love for perform-
ing and dreamed of becoming a “fa-
mous rock ‘n‘ roll star.“

“I enjoyed singing, dancing and
playing music,“ Picasso said. “1

Leading men make


more m or Isl-tat sites

Artist series
ticket renewal
deadline today

Staff reports

Tomorrow is the deadline for Uni-
versity Artists Series subscribers to
renew their subscriptions for the
198788 season.

Nanci Unger. director of public
arts programs at the Otis A. Sin-
gletary Center for the Arts, said she
is concerned that many student sub-
scribers may not be aware of this
deadline, and she wants to give
them the opportunity to keep their
seating for the upcoming season.

Season tickets are :60 with UK
faculty and staff tickets available
for $49 and tickets for full time stu-
dents at$35.

The 1137458 season will feature
such acts as the London Royal Phil-
harmonic and the Chamber Misic
Societyof the Lincoln Center.

For more information. call the
Singletary Center for the Arts at 257—

knew I wanted to do something en-
tertainment wise. I played the
drum, sax, the bass, but ‘I finally
found what I liked best and enjoyed
the most."

It was, however, a long time be-
fore his ambitions were realized. He
had to endure the pain of his paren-
ts’ separation when he was 12 years
old and the strains of attending a
top-notch academic high school
where a “B" average landed him in
the lower half of his class.

There were fleeting dreams of
playing college football or baseball,
but in the end it was acting that won
out over everything else.

After a semester at the University
of Maryland, he transferred to UK.
At first, things couldn't have been
worse. After his first four auditions
he wasn’t called back.

“After my first one, I swore I
would never do it again. I knew once
I got the role I could do it, but I

Contributing Critic

“Innerspace” features an idiotic
premise, but once the audience ac-
cepts the story line of a miniaturized
person injected into another human
being, the film takes off.

Dennis Quaid is 'I‘uck Pendelton,
the miniaturized test pilot, who is
accidentally injected into supermar-
ket clerk Jack Putter, hilariomly
played by Martin Short.

Once a group of Silicon Valley in-
dustrial spies discover the existence

Victor Scrimshaw (Kevin McCar-
thy) heads the group of spies, while


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didn‘t know how to audition. You
learn by mistakes} 'Picasso said.

Wren is now a theater department
veteran. His co-starring role in
“Brighton Beach Memoirs“ last
month was his sixth show this year.
He even got his first paycheck in the
business after making a regional
Pepsi commercial last year.

“I had my doubts at first because
there‘s 4 million people out there
trying to do the same thing." he
said. “It‘s scary."

In September he will compete in
the Irene Ryan Competition, which
showcases the best young talent in
the nation, with the finals being held
in Washington, DC.

After school Wren hopes to do
some local theater work in Cincin-
nati, before training on a graduate
level at schools such as Yale, San
Francisco or UCLA.

James Rodgers, chairman of the
theater department, has had a great
influence on Picasso.

“He 5 a good friend of mine He‘ 5
been like a father to me and I owe
him a lot just for listening to me
when I needed someone.“ he said.

“Wren has great potential. He
brings commitment to his work and
it takes self—discipline and will-
ingness to put in extra time," Rodg-
ers said.

“You have to have that edge over
others. because it‘s very hard." he

“I'm having fun and I‘m getting in
touch with a wide variety of peo-
ple,“ Picasso said.

“I get to do things that other peo-
ple wouldn‘t normally get to do. Act-
ing is like having a neurosis. only
you can get away with it."

The UK theater production of “A
Little Night Music" will play at 8

Wes Miller
Arts Editor


p.m. tonight through Sunday, with a
matinee performance scheduled for
3 pm. Sunday. Tickets are 37 and

Innerspace’ an amusing film

Meg Ryan (“Top Gun") stars as in-
vestigative reporter Lydia Maxwell.
a former love interest of Tuck, who
decides to help the two.

. — .
thing about

:' MOVIE :
“Innerspace” e REV'EW e

is that both ac- . 0
tors, Quaid and Short, are believable
as leading men. The audience can
easily accept that Lydia could walk
off into the sumet with either Short

As Lt. Pendelton, Quaid remem-
bers his heydays in the Navy and
has problems dealing with the pre~
sent, taking his girlfriend for grant-


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ed and drinking too much. With his
broad smile and arched eyebrows.
Quaid strongly resembles the great
Jack Nicholson. He provides the
necessary authority to make a man
out of Putter.

Short is well-cast as Putter, who
discovers he is not possessed by de-
mons, but that a tiny person is float-
ing in his bloodstream.

Short finally gets to show off his
physical slapstick humor without
going overboard. No television sea-
sons on “Saturday Night Live" al-
lowed Short to create some great
characters, and he is finally allowed
to set them free in “Innerspace. "

Joe Dante. director of “Gremlins"
and “Explorers." gives each actor
room to create his or her character
without drawing the story out too

“lnnerspace” is good fun, and it‘s
even worth the full price of admis-
sion, especially in comparison to
such bores as “Ernest Goes to
Camp" and “The Believers."

“lnnerspace” is playing at South
and North Park cinemas. It is rated



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 8 - KENTUCKY KERNEL, Thursday, July 9, 1987



NCAA meeting
yields comments
UK should note

Last week, university presidents and ath-
letic coaches squared off in Dallas over
whether academics should take precedence
over intercollegiate athletics.

The discussion at last week‘s NCAA con—
vention was highlighted by some radical sug-
gestions made by University of California at
Berkeley President Ira Michael Heyman.

Despite the dismay of coaches and col-
leagues alike. Heyman said athletic schol-
arships should be awarded based on an ath-
lete's financial need, not skill. He went on to
say that college freshmen should be declared
ineligible for varsity competition.

In addition he called for NCAA officials to
divide revenue from bowls and basketball
tournaments among all schools, not just par-
ticipants. He went so far as to suggest that
all intercollegiate postseason play be elimi-

Heyman‘s ideas may be somewhat im-
practical, but his motives should not go un-

After all, what’s higher education here for