xt7nk9315p66 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9315p66/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 05, 1985 1985 1985-09-05 2020 true xt7nk9315p66 section xt7nk9315p66 W
O ' I
Jesse Helms to give _ . , W. ,.
no ' . . . ,, .. .431" &W i » . ’ '
a cam us ecture ~ ~ WW ~ , ,, : . 1i
p ' . . ‘ 1/: ‘MW’ MW ,, -a.-W- .’..im arm" " Iii. f '. f',
e . i , . . .’ I, V ._ I I . #1,,1’0’1’44’7/‘l V ”Mina/V”: W / / . ' ‘/ -‘ . ' V . I. V' f
Student senate allocates $4,000 to bring . . , 7 . , , a... W W. ., MW m ._._, .
leading conservative senator to UK = ' ' , . . , M a or WM as > 2-,..-
By SCOTTWARD free to students. faculty and staff. mrM . , , ,. ., . WW a , i. if; ”i. )l
, Special Projects Editor but button . WWi‘iii rtili-‘t‘tlUi‘nl ‘lUilW‘ \it‘i’it’il ti ‘ l i . ’ *
located $75 to share the cost of the tributed to campus organizations classes than from cutting study time fessor cf socmlogy at l’ennsyivani'i - . similar results. the researi hers . . I . " '- I '
machine with the Student Activities ”“9 0f the purposes Ol the newslet- to a minimum according to re- State ’ niversitv who 'lS’l‘tt‘t} . th‘i MUdemb Who reported studying ~‘iiil " l V >
Office. The machine. which Cain lel’ ‘5 to reduce the "communica searchers but ‘one of them said ‘seriespof studies~ ‘on 1‘ i 5i t ~m t My than two hours each weekday SE " > VI 5 '
said retails for about $275 will be tions gap" between SGA and student Tuesday he doesn‘t want to believe ’WN‘” of \l 'h‘ f We ‘3‘ ’l ‘ "“ had an overall GPA of 2 94 The at 'l‘hi‘ lll‘\l dud} Lll‘il found that . * ,

. . 1 . . , . . . It igan sutiologist How ~) .. . . . . . t , . - , ' .
bought from the dean of studentsof— organizations. theresults ardSchiiman ”age ('1 A “d3 291 for students Enid” wnv up New“) Wm {he . I , '
fice and located in the print shop of wTabled a bill that would have es- . . studying m“ ‘0 ”“99 hOUFS a day. lx‘lt't‘illdk’t‘ ”1 citisws .itiendi-d regur ' ' ._ » . '
theStudentOrganizations Center tablished mandatorv office hours for The researchers. writing in the Schuman was on sabbatical and 297 for those studying three to four hill} l'.‘ \ilitit‘ii'w 'l'hti! tiiidiniz ‘-hi‘ '. . ' ' . .

The use of the machine Wt“ be senators ' June issue of Sot'ltll Forces. said could not be reached. his secretary hOUFS. Mid 2.86 for students hitting “WOW“ ”‘- 4 lat” “Um lh‘? "t“ ' .' . .' . .

they found little correlation between said the books four to five hoursa day searchers Mil/1 - ' ' - _ . . , _

L ' ht tf d f l ' ff' ’ f 'l "
oca J aycees estab lS rus un or s am 0 icer s am] y ~ ~ .4

B) BRAD “mph“ icated to protecting and serving the If any of the children do not attend John Kiebler. .Iaycees community "A lot of them have expressed a said. but planning is iii the earl\ 4' . ‘l. 1' '

Contributing Writer public." said Jaycees president Pate SChOOl beyond the high school level. development director. said an indi concern in contributing." he said stages ' ', -

rick Hoagland during a press confer, the}‘ can obtain their share of the vidual promised to contribute an im "So there really hasn t been a need “Th 1‘ l . . -h' ll , H ‘ ' ‘ _ 5 ‘ :7 - 4’

A trust fund has been established ence yesterday at the Lexmgton p0. trust at age 2'). tial $100. With a pledge of $100 for for stiliciting on a formal basis . we . i E m h R d k d :ngt h“ pu I! - ' ' l i V .'
by the Lexington Jaycees in mem- licestation. “The fund iS for any POSt high each of the following four years don'thaveto " (.m l b he (Em-w. t roug l’Ul’lh?‘ ' .i " ,- ',
orv of slain Lexington police officer school education. including vocatio- Kiebler did not ldt‘lllll\ the donor wmllmml“ ‘m “"0”"le dred>‘ a; I .' ' i; ‘ ‘. -)
RovMardis, The trust fund is designed to help nal and business school or college,“ ‘ Kiebler was unable to give a pro h" Mid “(Tau-‘8 this is an ongoing . ‘ g I "I : “ >-

Mardis. named “Outstanding Mardis' seven surviving daughters Hoagland said. "However, it is not Lexington Police Chief John cise dollar amount currently in the fund. lh“ Pllhllt' hill h<)p<'iull.\ he -. .' , ‘. .
Young Police Officer of the Year" pursue a higher education. “He was limited to college because they McFadden said the department has fund. but he said contributions have awareot [he purpOseot the fund . , .1 . '. t . l. ’.
by the Jaycees in April. was shot to a dedicated family man and father might choose something else," made no immediate plans for a cone exceeded $1.000 Contributions can be made to the l , ' "~. “.‘.
death last week. and it would be a tremendous bur» First Security National Bank and tribution t0 the fund. but “responses Roy Mardis Trust Fund in care of ’. ~ ‘l , ",-;.' '7 .'

. den to educate these ladies Without a Trust Co contributed $500as an in for contributions from the officers The Jayme: are Sponsoring a ihv Lexmizion Jaime. Po Box '. I l' '1‘ ' ‘

Mardis. 35. "was extremely ded- father.“H0agland said tialdeposittothefund. themselves have been good ” fundraiser for the trust. Kiebler 916.l,exington.i\'y liiisiii .i ' ‘.,‘ .-

e e ' , , r

Area offers array Student directories let
of reli ious choices 3 fingers do the walking ‘
g . By KENNYJONES paiiy profits by charging bus nesses . ,' -' '. ‘ ' .

By ALEXANDER S. (‘ROL'CH weeks; he doesnt know the perma- Contributing Writer for advertisements iii the yellow . . ,‘_
Editorial Editor ne'l‘li platfeor Sine 1yiet. d f pages _ '- ,. ‘

e 9V- i oore. ”90"” ° Seei your name in a hone book (‘am said SGA s nsors the 22.000 . ‘

For students with a godly apti- the United Methodist Student Cen- can bsfig' about qmte a sgnse of km books because .3: a very good - - -
tude. variots cells of Christianity ter. said the grOUp has WOFShiP on complishment source of information for faculty ' - '
dominate the campus religious Mondays at 8 pm. 0“ Mondays at And you don't have to be a home- staffiind students atthe LTniverSIty‘ I j . ’ .‘ ~t .
scene. but other groups are rep— 6330 Pin. a. drama STOUP meets. ll owner with your own extension to The 198.1% edition. which has " ~ " I " ‘
resented as well. holds a Bible study meeting on realize that sensation Just a stu- been in the WOFk> tint-e Mav. should ' ',

The groups are now settling into Thursdays at 8:0tit§m.. and at 63“ dent be available sometime in 'ilctober. ‘ 7 .
their routine activities. after the amusmgroupmee - _ Residence hall students' cam us Hensley gaid . ‘ - _ .' '.
first week of welcoming new stu. The NewmanvCenter Will hold .3 addresses and phone numbers :re When the books arrive. one copy ‘ . j .. ‘
dents. freshman orientation Saturday. said automaticallv listed in the campus per phone Will be d9l|\'(‘r9d to all -

Twila ‘Greene with the Baptist Stu- Mmra McDonald. one Pl 3 four- phone directory. But students who resident housing. fraternities and \0- l '

dent Union said the group has week» member S‘Ude'.“ ministry team. The /’ have changed rooms or residence rorities, ' . - .
tIy filowshigt/‘tvortil'i‘ip (tineetilngs hon ?:o:tatlill)frere\rltmcollll:gl:ge 8:323:35: irmmu krvne‘tiraphitt halls need to register their new list- 1 Offcampus students with a vali» ' . '

uesavm . ursa' unces - .- . . . t; t .. . y .
and Bible study are the highlights of will discuss how “their Christian people day center. he said Members Hillel Foundation. Inter-varsuy lmng;r:;thsg‘:gnlé‘lllsl Egrslad‘hzgihgrtg hfiirelgnllg‘gnlzrget 1 fret (Op) in 120 . ~ . .
its activites. Green said. “We trv to outlook can go to other areas of life of the staff also go along on Fresh- Christian Fellowship. K-Home i412 thedi ‘t . 3' ‘
get students involved where their in- and how they can get active with man Weekend. _ Rose Sti, Lutherans. Narigators C "rice orynf t' be ‘
terests lie, where they fit in." theirfaith."shesaid, “Students are interested in things iinterdenominationali. Catholic ta f ed Wish-$333: 0:? bongo; INSIDE ‘

The Christian Student Fellowship The Religious Advisers Staff keeps that make life meaningful," Moore Newman Center 1320 Rose Lanei. 0;" car: 9’ a 3 p

has outings every Saturday. said its the campus religiom youps togeth- said. “if we can help students pick Unitarian Universalists i3564 Clays Stu denlt’su‘ livi off cam g or m
pastor Larry Brandon. He said UK's er. “It provides a point of contact." up some values tat L‘K) we V9 done Mill Rd.) and United Methodist Stu- f . ng , . pu. . _ . .

. . . .. , raternity or sorority homes also A lexlnlon Inn 15 Off-CHM a smfl

cs]: students will have a retreat said Moore. current president of the OurJOD. dent Centeri 151 E. MaxwellSt,i eedt f." t d t ha h . d l . f
with Purdue‘s (35p students at an group. and allows "coordination of The advisers staff unites diverse Moor - A. n o 1 on an re urn a c nge owns ea ”'5‘ or “ude'l's' F"

, , . . . , .. . . . . . e said the Maranatha Chris- of address form to 120 Student Cen- details on the dorm Illflllalnc, see

Indiana park 00l- 4'6. The STOUP Will actiVities wecan share. religious groups including Bahai. the tian Fellowship and the Lexington ter b tomorrow page 2
also hold auditions for a religiom Some of the staff—sponsored events Baptist Student Center (429 Colum- Christian Fellowship are not mem- lf ythe necessar cha es are not '

‘ , ' lude “activities for the good of bin Ave). Campus Crisade for ‘ .. , , y ng . -. i - . _
mustcal dram lnC t . . bers of the staff because the) ha\e made‘ "E mrmanent address W1“ ' m [K M. Kyle MIC) ls wheel
Brandon said csp holds a Wednes. the community and the student Christ. Canterbury Fellowship (472 decided to 80 their mm way .. The be listed and no phone number will in; ma Min. to, . m com.“

day night meeting on north campus. body, such as a volleyball, tourna- Rose St). Christian . Student be given. For more on his comments ycstcrday

starting at 7:00 pm. for the first few ment lBSt fall for the group 5 Street Fellowship i 502 Columbia Ave). See Rl‘llGlUl s. pagc.‘ Names in the UK faculty—student- iii Memorial Colic-uni. see srom.

F . f K staff directory appendinas they are N‘-

m t on 0 listed on students‘ a ission appli-

u es cause evacua l y. Cowden plant a... m
Hensley said students who wish to
MOUNT STERLING, Ky. (AP) — turing Co. plant was closed while in- tal. said Kevin Barnard, the hospi- were becoming ill and passing out at be excluded from the directory mist

The management of a textile plant spectors searched forthecause. tal‘s directorof public relations. theplant. which makes blue Jeans. make a request at the registrar's of- Toda wt“ be «only tn I “h

where mxiom fumes camed 72 peo- About 260 workers were evacuated No complaints one from a union When the agency sent inspectors fice. ganged (hum and I Q

ple to be sent to the hospital yester- from the building shortly after to steward and “who h pi _ to investigate Aug. 23. the company John Cain. Student Govemment cmotm-n "U, ,iii b,

day had earlier refined to allow am. becauseof thefumes. said Gor- ee were met r y an em ‘oy refused to allow them inside. Saly- Association president, said the di- W“ -‘

. . . . ved by state officials . . in the mid In and wind. out of the

state impectors in the plant to check don Nichols. a spokesman for the in the last two weeks said Michael ers said. The agency obtained a rectory pays for about 20 percent of “mm IOIommph

out complaints from workers, an of- state division of Disaster and Emer- Salyers compliance director for the search warrant in Franklin Circuit his group‘s budget. WM 3‘ M clad!

flfiwmd' of the fumes had not sellingieseo'lwtlcsfi people treated for occupational 8““)! and Health Pro- 332;“ and began inspecting Tues mavengimmrtngba mull: .‘. m ' 3° W M of

m M . . gram. ' . . . _"‘. i’e - ~~P'Y‘ Warrant-min

dots-ml yesterday nf- chills. not put. and named were The plant will reopen today mth- orgamzation about $2011!) for the in

tumor: and the Cowden Monufec- admitted to the Mary Gilles Hospi- The complaints alleged employees outtheair conditionirg. right to publish the book. The corn- ‘

I I' ‘

 2-KENTUCKYKERNEL My, Sophmbor‘, 1m
“5 KIMBERLY 5'5“ ‘31 Inn- said the m0!“ management guests. but Browning said they are Browning added that students who
Contributing “’t‘llt’r had "hegrd [here was quite a prob. 6‘ ' ' ‘ “asked (obe respectful, and "m is rent the first semester are guar-
. lem with housing. and the motel had Thls IS a SpeCIal Offer fOt' SIUdents only“ a certain time guests should leave." anteed housing for the second se-
' it you are tired of dorm life and some space and wanted to helpout." Anyone ClSC . . . should expect [0 pay from And“large parties are not allowed." master if they want.
can‘t find an apartment. there may . As far as imurance and safety re-
. t .' The motel has set aSide about 30 - ” . . . I . Jerry Hensley. a UK sophomore,
be roam at the mm The tontinental moms In one wing The price of the $800 $1,000 . . quirements. Browmng bgld the moved into his room Tuesday “1
lnn.t "t 1“ room includes utilities. local Phone RIChard Browning, "‘0‘?” ls already minaret; by "5 regu- was looking for a place to live and
I The continental inn is now offer service. maid service. TV. refrigera- Continental Inn sales. marketing director lar ”“33“? RS? Iers, owevgr, are their offer looked 800d. 50 I thought
ing student housing Students rent tor. full bath. Use of the indoor pool, responsx e or e" own pro ection I'd tryitout,"he 531d-
. . per semester at a monthly rate of and drive~up parking. Browning m agggghgtémd student response to Hensley considers the semester
. $230 for single occupancy and S400 said room for a month should expect to fill out a rental agreement and the motel housing has been i-nthu- lease and the close prommity to
. fora double room .. h . . .f .. . . . . , . campus the main advantages of
. . T is is a special offer for stu- pay r_orn $800311“). , furnish information such as parents siastic so far. “There have been lots Commentars offer
. . Richard Browning. director ot dents only." he said "Anyone else Wlule there are no restrictions as name and address. of calls and inquiries beveral rooms The Continental Inn is located
. - . . sales and mat keting at the t ontinen who walked in and wanted to rent a far as age. students are required to Students are allowed to have have already beenii ntea ' at 801 New Circle Road.
‘ O
N BWS a CI'S V In ' for readers “"S‘MM’W
, _ ~ . fl Advertise
» . . Local, state papers trying to attract student subscribers ; f“ is in
is run-i
l By .I \\ iii. \\Tti\ mclainations have been common tree papers away in order to let the o . Q5 \ THE
.' . _ i'oittt‘ItiutitiL‘ “ritcr arouiid cateterias and bookstores for prospective subscribers compare pa- . . y i
" ' . ‘ I~ . ‘lic past two weeks. as representa pers. This year. however. the paper
. ‘ . .' la the tast paced high-pressure li\t‘.s trom the two largest newspa- has distributed free Wildcat T-Shit‘ls ‘ ‘ KENTUCKY
I‘ ..' . - . I world ot newspaper subscriptions :t pci‘s in the state have descended on to those who subscribed _\
. '1 I . piiysliitit'iniSlt‘rtius caiiipustor a sales time The subscription drive also pro- \ , _ ' T
' . ‘ - . ' -. ,i . . . . - , . , _, . . - vides an opportunity for students \VM I ,- \ KhRNEL ,
II . _ . - . s.ui.onis walking past the student lllt row i has been hoping to . h . Bl . d Rod . l . E
' . II III . I I' ~ i‘eiitc: trec speech area during this procure subscriptions through free 3:: tab'l a‘rIa: . IgerbbigIeaIm if \\ .
.I ’ ' ' - lilllt oi ycai can expect to tie papers. as well as lower base rates d u 5“ 65.83. l ‘1?) .Ir} to 5‘ H" - \\ i; lni‘
-" I ,4 . hiiiitlilt‘il ‘iiy :vpresenatiws oi both to: students." said t‘urtis Young. the newspapers Clr‘u ation . ‘ - ” P <5 '
‘ . '» Vi I in mm» o vn- ' . . L “.5 .. i L J‘ h g l- . , \ 5;»: s
1 ; . . I _ I. , t . ,I J .. and the l. \ T pIipii Ulllu IniinigtiI IT 9 sU) Young said he has “enjoyed hh I \\:\T‘ reSUltb.
I _ . I. .oii Hound imam in an dilt‘nipl to stiiption driyi giyes faculty and t 'l ['K nd . Hi]. th 'I : \ijs ‘ \§\\?.
. . ' ' I‘ " .» sign students up tor home deliyery l niyersity employees the chance to II’I.“ I at t" id a 193%}: }t tht: I’.“ $ 33; I I. i lll§‘:
ii' ~.~' " c . '1 . . , . i . . . purchase papers at prices of up to C an.“ 0 ‘9 ques mm d 0” t m\ SSE; \\;I\\‘
- . ~.- . . n in“ use inc sit would you an .o I I qualitvof the paper. 0'. \ \\-\..
. .- I - . . _ .. \ blii less than normal subscription - \\ \\\\;\;~I 2;!
.- .. .. '. , buy a H. \\ith this substiiptioi. . I ' Ԥ \ Q \;
,, . . I'. you get this tree \Vildcat T-shirt ”I” He said people from the Courier . . \i§ it;
'I . 'I' r. yelled .ioo Rodgers a Iiouriialisin The Hc'o it iciia'w offers the will be on campUS through the end hi I ‘ §i r , " 257-2871
_- f . _- stiphiiit‘iiii‘t' "How about this tree same lower base rates for students of the week. Rodgers said sales of .‘K I) I a.fi§ I
. ' ' .‘ . ' < Uii‘ sir said Joe Blair stir and t niyersity ott'icials Like the the Herald will continue until tomor~ ’ ’ ‘\ inymus Kernel ciapm.
I' I ' I. dent llslt‘ll’iti‘lil" tor the paper Such (mm v. the Humid Leader gives row, ‘
" > M d' ’ 'd t h t ’ 'd t't ’ t W'“
ar is W] ow wan S S 00 er Si en 1 y secre Kerne
. 1-. ' I \l‘ The Aliliwt ot a ixvtlaliii‘. lioy ‘ilardis a ,ifi-yearold officer death is scheduled to begin today ill litc MX-memlk‘l' \‘OI‘Dm‘I‘S JUI‘.‘ L‘ Editorln chief Elizabeth Cores
. I . .I , police ittta‘ct' said yesterday it :s tier wth ttic chmut'iii policc depart- Mercer County. i'\in‘i‘lt‘(i to hear testimony on the Managing Editor 50'3“! DEVFOO'T“?n
. I wish that the :ilt‘tiill} oi the sialt- po tilt'l‘il was iatally shot during an "if it comes out in the inquest that events surrounding Mardis' death News Editor Fron Stewart
I' . . ' hoe attic-ct oho Jot-“itinidib Mp.” to; :i manhunt in a Mercer (‘ounty it was a state trooper. it is my wish. Fragments taken from Mardis' body Editorial Editor Alexander Crouch
. . I , I her tristiani: timer be rnadcputilic cornlield tor escapee Randy Haight. and it would have been Roy's wish_ came trom a zzzi-caliber bullet that Sports Editor Willie Hiott
7 . ’ V . l 'r. stit‘i' he s going through My. «I “I.“ “Id that Hai H was I that his name not be released. it at is used in a rifle issued to state po- Arts Editor Gary Pierce
' ' . ' - enough pazi: now that there is ni- “spit-iii in "mm” death. ii“ late: allposs1ble. ‘Mrs Mardis said lice.authoritii.-s said Special Proioc's Editor Scott Word
. I _ ' ”Vim“ :“ s‘" Jim‘s!" dnll completely admitted that Mardis was killed by Photo Editor Breck Smither
- ' ' wipe "iii hint and his family ‘ .\uc I ,I, .3 W . .1 -~ '
' . ' V Niall» saiiz .i: at: interuew mil; In": I M Jan pull“ ”“1“” m the Adviser Paula Anderson
' ‘ _I \\\ l.l\ :'a.iiw it s my wish that his ‘ “ Advertising Manager Linda Collins
. . _ iiaiiiciiot iii-iw-ieaied \ coriim'r s inquest into Mardis‘ - ‘ MATH REVIEW Production Manager Rhonda O'Ncin
. : .. - r1
. , -. l I . I ‘ WORKSHOP. Pa 1 The Kentucky Kornol is published on class days during the academic year
t , ‘3' 13‘; r . o 3 hours Fractions deimolg rghgg and weekly duringthe SuthmerSeSSIOn
I . . \ r ‘ ‘ q ' ' , - ' ' '
. I . .' . ‘ I \ Crlflcul Thinking and ‘ I $44 proportions percents and meosUrement. Thil’d‘ClOSS postage paid at Lexington Ky 405M Mailed subscription rates
’ =. . I «(If Writing For The \\ Q: l. areSlS per semester $30 per year
, v‘ o o \\ I 1 ~ \\
.I .. . z a: . HUmanlt'es < ‘J‘IE—J I \\/.' FEE $5 U.K. Student. $15 NOli-Stude’" The Korml is printed at Scripps-Howord Web Co. 413 Louisville Air Park
», , , E \ XV/ Louisville Ky 402m
. I ‘ Fe l0 U K St i r" '
. I K e S Uden j 1,41% Friday l-A Sept. 6 CorrespOnden:e should be addressed to the Kentucky Komoi Room 210
' ' ' . $25 NON-Student 2&/ Register in Rm. 20] Frozee HOll Journalism Building Unwerscty of Kentucky Lextngfon Ky 40506»(X)423,
. _ 3"? TU“ 8th IK la] 50 Phone (606)257-2871
I I‘ « I - H (A 3 ~ Ui c
1; 7‘ Sept. 30-Oct. 3
I _ \ W
_I . _ ‘I ‘1 Registei vr‘ Rm 20‘i Frozee Holl _'
‘ / Reservations . '
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 KENIUCKYKERNEL 1m” m5, tau-3
Gory "om
Arts Editor
Lyn Corllolo
Aunsiom Am Editor
Soulful COOke LP Casting now completed ‘
. f ‘B d m "B b ’ w -'
an overdue tl‘lbllte * or e r00 9 a y ., '
B} ERIK Rl‘Zl-Zt'l-I —“"‘—'_—'— ,. “ I . I II ‘ 'f ‘
Contributing writer . t 3 ,‘ ’ iii J turns \.IaiinIi,ii ing Clan: plaI).\ than? \Llld. be- II_I II I , .I I
I . , I Senior stall \liitii (aim the} u got aiicxullent shot .
a . - . . y » The semester .\ second offering .‘ - ~r‘. '
Li AtTh II I t u re (lub. ,— , it
1963:0ne “2m 331: Sq a nEV'Ew — ”W"? i‘ Rt Last night the final callbacks were will be Bab} With the Bathwater. ' ' H; J"
Sam (00“,;an Records - % QUA held. and the autlillitnt‘l‘\ \Auilt‘tl ner ii comm} ti). l‘hristopher Durang ‘ ‘t’ : ' '7 .1, . ;
' , , _ , .' . J, I .
"rll ABLE" vouslIv but eagerly mernight tor the that will he directed l)_\' Patrick . .l", V '. r
After an inexplicable 20-year — . I ‘ ' CLUB p63 posting of the taxi lists for the fil‘xl Kagan Moore ‘. ,I ‘I III: -I I
. , . . . . . . - ‘A ' two roduction> of the theater 'le Kt‘Hli llardestv Will la\ the 'rt ,v' flnjt“ ..
delay. Rt A has finally released a 33' (‘rxike‘s inestimable influence on .. .mg. 1‘ fr ‘. . \ (I I ‘ . p ,' ., .pd, . ‘ .'I: ".l1 -
minute live album recorded two , . Pd tn >198)!“ mum t .1 ill“ “Illl .lullt Rodgers cast as ~. . . _
vears before the untimely contro- some OHOda‘v 5 biggest rock stars “ 1" There are no lt’atb :n either pla} llt‘lt‘ll l‘he toting couple \ son - I’.I' :. I-
versial death of soul's secular cat- Tlte Pretenders‘ Chrissie Hynde ' 11> both are "ensemble ‘ production~ hllllull .n the Young Man will be {In} i f‘. '~."I_'
uhét L paid her homage to “(film Gang” ". For the mmt part the roles are oi pi.iIveth\ haul Mullllb N} Is, _. 17'
bnc Night Stand is only the second in her “Back on the (‘ham Gang" 6 equal mlwrmnw I m“ 9“” "1 Van“) a: “e“ ““ [“0 2%"; v; . '
live album recorded during Sam composition from the Learning to \ I \" (haner "‘1“ ‘llIl‘Wl ”'0 “N "ll“‘l‘ ”Hm” Chdl‘ifl'lt‘rb' “ill be per- _ '. "if I'-II,'f.~‘, I!
(‘ooke's brief career and will surely Crawl album. vihile a pre-discu Rod ‘\ a; luff-if“ :‘énml‘ lI’I.‘ III‘WI“ -’\.“-'l\'l"lum "U““l ll} U58 lfl‘ Tabitha Mar '. _. gill"? '.I_-~
serveasavaluedtime capsule. Stewart reveled in his cover \‘t't‘Sion gI ‘ EI: B rim“ l‘m“ . I I -~”‘Il "‘l‘ ”‘5‘ 1" ”“8“ mice. P” in {If'g 3'. :f‘.
l'nhke ('ooke's other live LP. Sum of "Tviistin' the Night Awav‘ on his . ; " - ( ane} “N ”9”” hm)“ ””4 ”5‘3”“ ““ lmh‘“ ,' ';‘.'.-"-. . ,‘ .‘-
(‘uoiec At The (‘opa this nine-track NeveraDullMomi-ntll’ . l ‘1 gurrl in the role of lai‘nwt with lliow (‘tnl in either sho“ ma} 3 ‘5 -. "‘aI
collection reveals a.“ intensity that '3‘ ‘ q l‘ath) llalIv as l)clia Vick .till he pick up \t'l‘lplb in the theater depart- ‘ ‘if 5,151
(“mire greatly from (‘ooke‘g earlier The flowing lamentations of ( J . play-d h} .lllhl! \oskuhl viith Hope 'iienl otticc today The first rehears. 1‘; ’_:I«I.‘I~',‘
more nieiodrc hlL~i such as "Only “Bring It (in Home To Me" and the Bai‘liian as Jan Kent N'lltt-l i~ taxi iii to! l’it‘tl7">tllli Farce" will be at Iif“; .31” ”NZ" 1 ;
Sixteen" and "Evervliodv Loves To medle) “It's All Right/For Senti- 5AM (i()()|\’|~j‘.s ‘|.l\'l~l A [THE MARI EM SQl ARI‘I('I l B. I963“ ll." Malcolm white Patience Martin T to p ii; tonight in the Guignol The til-”‘11:"
(ha ('ha (‘ha .. Un One blight Stand. mental Reasons," Mir to a stittple mil pliiIv Kate Rounding out lllt‘ atci hagaii Moore has asked thOse ~I’IIvI :‘1 3 .I
those lithe sounds have evolved into yet orchestrated hackbeat. induce "No matter where you‘re at, keep rated through night clubs ‘dL‘l‘liS> the cast are Wren Picasso in 'I‘iexor «ad in liaihxvater" to watch the l; I-“Ir I5»
hal‘(l;(lri\'iilg vtx-als with a pro- VlVld images of complacent resolue on havmgthatparty " bouth “’1"MN‘DVUY‘HWH‘Sufiiinnah theater niii hoard ”Utblde the de~ V l‘ “Li
nounced harsh edge reminiscent of