xt7nk9315n6n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9315n6n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1975-12-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1975 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 11, 1975 1975 1975-12-11 2020 true xt7nk9315n6n section xt7nk9315n6n 95: x.‘ flu-tatnr




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Conyers fined $200
for fountain preaching

Assistant Managing Editor

Evangelist Jimmy Conyers said Wed-
nesday that fines totaling $200 would not
st op him from preaching on campus.

(‘onyers was found guilty in a Fayette
(‘ounty Quarterly Court hearing on
charges filed by the dean of students'
office when (‘onyers refused to stop
preaching at the office tower plaza
fountain. (‘onyers is an ex-convict who
claims he was “saved“ in prison.

Although Judge John Burrus
acknowledged that (‘onyers may have
been acting by ”some greater power," he
said. “I too am acting for a greater
power.“ and proclaimed (‘onyers guilty
and fined him $100 for each charge against

(‘onyers had been charged with third
degree criminal trespassing and loitering.

Asst. (‘ounty Atty. Jack Miller asked the
court to impose some probation on
t'onyers because "I'm afraid he'll go right
back to the campus.“

Burrus denied the request because he
said he didn‘t have the power to impose
anythingother than a fine when the charge

month and said if it wasn't paid, Conyers
will be sent to jail.

After the hearing Miller said the only
action that could be taken if Conyers spoke
on campus again would be to file new

“l'll preach on campus tomorrow. if God
is willing," (‘onyers said.

Asked what action the L'nlversity would
ake if (‘onyers reappears to preach at the
l'ountain. Associate Dean of Students
Frank Harris said. “()h. I imagine we‘ll
get another summons."

(‘onyers represented himself and quoted
the Bible in his defense. At one point Miller
asked (‘onyers to read to the court the
section of the Bible “that says I, Jimmy
(‘olryt-rs, must preach from the fountain at
the l'mversity of Kentucky."

(‘onyers said he would read the section.
but as he read Miller objected because the
passage did not mention UK.

Acting Dean of Students Joe Burch was
the sole witness for the prosecution and
testified he had requested (Tonyers
numerous times to stop using the fountain
tor preaching. He also said other campus
areas were offered for t‘onyers to use.

(‘onyers had only one question for Burch


is only a criminal code violation. in crossexamination, "Are you saved?"
(Unyers asked fortwotothree monthsto Miller objected. Burrus sustained the

.- EVANUEHST “MM" ”WYERS pay the fine, but Burrus gave him only a objection.


Nursing changes

Proposal would limit enrollment

to registered nurses in i978

Kernel Staff Writer

lf proposed changes in the nursing program
get through the University Senate next semester.
no more freshmen will be admitted to the
program starting September 1976.

A proposal being prepared by a special ad hoc
committee would change the present four-year
nursing program to a two-year program, ac-
cording to College of Nursing Dean Marion

Enrollment would be limited to those who
already have two-year registered nursing
degrees, Mc Kenna said, and the program would
offer‘preparation in areas not included in the
current nursing curriculum.

“A gap in the educational preparation of
nurses exists in certain areas,“ McKenna said.
Changes in the health-care system have created
needs for “different kinds of workers," she said.

McKenna said the current program doesn't
offer “cmcentrated experience in long-term 0r
geriatric care.“ She also said head nurses and
team leaders for general and specialized
hospitals, and nurses for clinics and special
practices are in demand.

If approved by the Senate, the program would
begin in September 1978 when current freshmen
are seniors, McKenna said. Registered nurses
would then enter the proposed two-year program
as juniors.

Continued admission of freshmen would delay
implementation of the program, she said.
“We‘re (bligated to complete the program

students enter under and we don‘t have the
resources to conduct both programs."

Graduates of the current program are
prepared To 'ake the licensing exam for
registered nurses and a number of institutions
offer similar programs. Murray, Eastern
Kentucky and Berea have the same basic four»
year program. McKenna said. Two—year
registered nursing programs are also offered by
community colleges and hospital nursing

Four-year curricula were instituted to
strengthen nurses professionally by giving them
broader science backgrounds than they could
receive in two years, McKenna said.

The special ad hoc committee considering the
new nursing program consists of two members
each from the Academic Council for the Medical
Center, the Undergraduate Council and the
Senate Council.

The Senate Council originally planned to
request the Senate Monday to suspend freshman
admissions for the 1976 spring semester.
However, that request was withdrawn Monday.

The Senate Council‘s rationale for the
moratorium request was that every semester
fresh man students are admitted to the present
program delays the new program by an ad-
ditional semester.

According to the Senate Council’s request
circulated for Monday's meeting. the council is
sympathetic to the nursing proposal but a few
issues remain unsolved The College of Nursing
plans to resolve these issues and present a
propmal to the Senate in early 1976.




Believe it or not, Kernel folk have exams too. So the paper
will not be published next week. Today is the last issue of the
semester. Watch for the first 1976 edition on Jan. 14.


Editorials do not represent the opinions of the University.


Susan Jones
Editorial Page Editor

Bruce Winges

Letta's and Spectrum articles should be adrtessed to the Editaid Page Edita'.

Rmrn HA Journalism Buildim. They should in W, Mam m 509!!! Ginny Edwards


Letters shmld not exceed 250 words and Spectrum articles 78) north.

Managing Editor






r.~fl._.___k. “c.— ,k, ...., , .. .7 V... .,.. WW”. _ .c, _. . ..

(Editor’s note: Because of the number
of letters and commentaries received
by the Kernel and today is the last
Kernel of the semester, there is no
editorial today. In an effort to publish
all letters and commentaries received,
there are two Spectrum pages in
today’s Kernel.)

Parking woes


Boris Sorokin is not alone in parking
woes. Since my car has a ”R-2” sticker
I do not directly pay a fee for it. Yet, I
feel that when I pay the rent on a
COOperstown apartment I should get to
park there. However, it is a 50-50
chance that I get a place to park. There
are plenty of cars with no stickers, "C"
stickers and other “R-l,” ”R73“ and
"RA“ stickers. This becomes a real
problem when you have groceries to
take in and it’s p0uring rain. We have
called Public Safety and signed peti
tions and the problem remains with us.
l think the biggest problem is that
enforcement is different than what is
implied. At the entrance to CCOpers
town is a sign saying. "Tow Zone.” This
really means after you get three tickets
and the police happen to have a "hot
sheet” and they spot your car then,
finally you get towed. l’ also seems it
me, through past experience. that the
real concern is parking along a yellow

curb or striped curb not whether or not
the car should be parked around
Cooperstown at all. So the following
sequence happens: Unauthorized cars
fill the empty spaces; an "R2" sticker
comes along trying to avoid a walk
from the Sports Center lot and parks on
a striped line. Then he gets a ticket
because he is eaSy to spot. lam sure the
situation must notbe as bad as it seems
to me. Yet, it must seem that way to
most of COOperstown from the com.
plaints. Who knows what the answer is?
Evidently, nct Public Safety. However,
a policy of swift and sure enforcement
of the ”Tow zone” could not hurt.
Darold Jay Akridge
Agriculture senior


Editor: .

Come on Steve Petry. You and your
facist friends are so blind with racial
hatred you don’t know what racism is.
You accuse the Student Coalition
Against Racism (SCAR) of being racist
butall we’re demanding is equality and
an end to the racist segregationist
policies of the last two centuries,

it was yru who led the fight at the
Dec, 2’ General Student Assembly
iGSATv to have "Dme‘ played at the
football games. This clearly indicates a
desire for the old days of complete

Letters , , - ,-

black slavery.

The Klu Klux Klan doesn’t admit to
being racist either, but they’re almost
as racist as you are. if a resolution had
been introduced at the last GSA to burn
across atevery football game, I’m sure
the Greek bloc and other white
supremists would have voted for it. The
busing issue iust provides a way of
being racist without being open about

David Ferguson
SCAR member



lam writing this letter in response to
the letter written to the Kernel by the
Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity which
concerned their questionable poor
showing in the Chi Omega Greek Sing.

For the benefit of the Alpha Phi Alpha
fraternity and others interested in the
“real” reason for their poor showing
was not following the contest rules.
While on the stage Alpha Phi Alpha
mentioned part of the name of their
fraternity in one of the songs they
performed, thereby disqualifying them.
Also, they did not have enough people
participating from their fraternity
which further disqualified them.

This letter I hope extinguishes any
idea that the contest was discrimi-

natory toward any fraternity. It
wouldn’t have been fair to those other
fraternities who also put so much of
their time and selves into the Greek
Sing, all to have a fraternity win which
did not follow the rules.

Cathy Clark

A8.S senior



Concerning the recent letter by UK
alumna Chris Kellogg, I object to the
statements concerning the Student
Center Board (SCB). The implication
was that the SCB’s news coverage by
the Kernel has improved ”quite possi
bly and fortunately because the presi-
dent is a i0urnalism major."

I would like to point out that the SCB
has taken on some new directions and
responsibilities this year. The news-
worthy nature of our decisions and
actions is to the credit of the SCB, not to
the credit of my academic major.

Also, the ”Awards Night” program is
not defunct, as was stated. We have
eliminated the chairperson position and
given the responsibility to another
member of the board.

Georgeann Rosenberg
SCB President

More letters appear on page 4 today.


Body unconsciously decides to disease itself

l don’t know of any disease mu. i.
debilitating than a cold. I have a pretty
bad one right now. and I feel like
walking death. Indeed. The subjective
experience of a cold must be very close
to the way one feels when one confronts





death. The feeling of Here it is, the end.
The feeling of dread and wasted
possibilities. The feeling of awfulness
and mortality. I don’t believe in the
germ theory of disease. I believe that
the body makes an unconscious deci-
sion to disease itself in certain ways——
ways it feels are necessary to the
survival or eventual well-being of the
individual $0ul. So...it just may be that
in choosing to manifest a cold the body

is responding to some hidden death-
wish on the part of the Soul, and gives it
a taste of death without actually
causing it to die I don't suppose the
AMA is going to be kicking in my door
to announce its wholehearted endorse-
ment of my theory-—what havoc would
itwreak in the medical industry?~but
itdoes comfort me, as I sit here in my
mystical funk, that my body is going
about the proper business of keeping
me alive. Even if it kills me.

You may not believe this, but I swear
it’s true: Two weeks after that pus
filled little tyrant Franco died, a
drunken Spanish doctor lurched in front
of the TV cameras and announced that
he had “every hope“ that the generalis-
simo would pull thr0ugh this latest
crisis, even th0ugh his condition was
”absolutely the gravest.” Another vote
for the mystical approach to medicine.

The Holiday Season is sweeping down
on us like some hungry bird of prey. I
generally survive it by staying stone-
drunk from Dec. 21 to Jan. 3, which
pretty much covers the worst times.

But for those of you who can’t quite
manage such madness, ChristmasNew
Year’s can be incredibly depressing.

I remember last year. A friend of
mine got so depressed he couldn’t
move. He iust sat around in his
bathrobe, nearly comatose. We tried
everything to help him~we even
soaked the goddamn robe down with
ether and set it afire to try to perk him
up a little. But no. He just sat there,
wreathed in flames, muttering distrac-
tedly as we threw water on him. The
dumb bastard WCUid have been charred
to a cinder if we hadn’t been there to
help him....

At any rate, we decided to have him
committed. We took him north, to a
hospital well—known for its Success in
treating severe cases of depression. He
was there two days. They threw him

They said he depressed the other

One lastsocial comment here, and I’ll
take my poor abused body to bed. Ycu
know thatOhic State has a star running

back named Archie Griffith who is
possibly the greatest rusher in collegi
ate history. Griffith is black.

Well, a few weeks ago I was watching
the Buckeyes play on TV and Griffith
made a truly amazing touchdown run,
shaking off half a dozen tacklers like a
dog shaking water. The announcer,
obviously a man of some sensitivity,
was ecstatic:

"One thing you can say for sure,” he
shouted. "Those bucks sure can run!”

What’s this? Calling Archie Griffith a
buck on national TV? SCAR take note:
when the excitement mounts and Our
true feelings are laid bare, racism is
still very much alive.

Shit. The least they c0uld do was call
him a buckperscn.


Scott Payton graduated from UK in
W73. He is a former contributor to
Rolling Stone magazine and is now
working as a free lance boxing promo-
ter in Frankfort. His column, ”Ten
Years On,“ appears weekly in the






















By Ted Cudnick

UK students, faculty and staff have
recently witnessed the spineless,
asthenic characteristics of an admini-
stration regarding a neoteric, yet
apparently mossgrown, University
regulation providing for free speech
areas at confined, circumscribed loca-
tions. Howbeit most citizens of this
intellectual community recognize the
ineptitude of such an overgeneralized,
highly ineffectual maxim (perhaps
designed to prohibit or at least limit the
free-flow of ideas, shielding the
i innocent ears, minds and souls of our
Kentucky children from antichrists,
i communists, liberals, "pinkos" and
; any other non-WASPish viewpoints.

These same citizens, respectful of the
necessity for some semblance of
management in lieu of complete
anarchy, realize the needful existence
of and (more importantly) enforcement
of rules and regulations. Quite suc
cinctly, a campus regulation may be
inequitable, ridiculous, antiquabd, or
unjust, yet if it is ”on the books,” it
sh0uld be enfOrced. Alternatives to
complete sanctioning are either
revision (and subsequent enforcement
of such) or elimination.

t In the case of the aforementioned
; regulation, a not-so-bad idea presently
: would be its total elimination, with


re-establishment of the regulation only
in such a situation where grave harm
may be foreseen as taking place to any
member of or physical property of the
community as a result of a recurrent
wave of violent inciters.

Rules and regulations
merit enforcement

But, while this irrational, illogical
rule remains a part of University
regulations, it is the inherentduty of the
administration to enforce it, the
obvious cost of non-enforcement being
a total disrespect for all regulations by
the members of the community in
general and complete and total lack of
respect for the administration in par-
ticular. That these consequences are
obvious cannot be argued, yet the
University’s administration, through
its inaction for remedy, remains imper-
vious to its present and future demise of

For several days now, moronic,
toothless, proba ted ex-convict babbling
noodleisms to passer~by students and
faculty has allowed this campus to
focus on the impuissance of its admini~
stration. Albeit the administration may
wish its lack of action to be interpreted
as pure empathy for this ne’er-do-well
cur, it certainly appears as though
invertebracy rather than benevolence
is dictating their lack of action. With
this in mind, what is to stop some of our
younger, more impressionable
members of the community to assume
that our apparently enervated admini-
stration may be inclined to ignore
violations of other regulations, that the
University regulations should be
”tested,” or that the administration
cannot enforce the regulations on
him-her because they’re not enforcing
the regulations on some derelict,
self-appointed evangelist.

The administration may pursue
various steps to alleviate this problem
at hand, from (to repeat a suggestion
made earlier in this essay) totally

eliminating the regulation to properly
enforcing its existence: The conse-
quences? Perhaps eliminating this
regulation would involve the admission
of irrelevant commissions present in
University codes, yet perhaps strictly
enforcing this regulation would invoke
several letters of wrath from a few
local churches who haven’t yet quite
comprehended the doctrine of separa-
tion of church and state. Either way,
the administration will subiect itself to
no more than mild consequences from
outside or from within the University
community. But to further ignore the

situation will help realize far more
serious consequences on our campus,
namely the loss of esteem and respecta-
bility for the administration in the eyes
of its campus citizens.

Simply stated, a rule is a rule and
should be either enforced or, if not
enforced, eliminated. The time has
come now for the administration to take
action, for it can afford to turn its head
and close its eyes no longer.


Ted Cudnick is a higher and adult
education graduate student.





Kernel article sho ws lack of fairness


By Phil Foster

This letter is in regard to. a sports story
written by Kernel staff writer Joe Kemp
thatappeared in the Nov. 25 edition of the

Kemp gave a very apt description of the
post-game confrontation between UK
Coach Fran Curci and myself foll0wing the
UKTennessee football game. Curci was
quoted correctly, even though his
statements ab0ut me starting the rumors
concerning the Kentucky football program
are completely untrue. Curci saw the
opportunity to deliver a cheap shot and
blame his team‘s miserable season on
someone else. I certainly did not eniOy
those few moments with "Fran the man,“
but that kind of harassment can be ex-
pected when one has a job with the news

Whatwas notexpected was the Kernel’s

inittance of my side of the story con-

cerning the pointshaving rumors. Itseems
that Kemp and the Kernel had completely
ignored the principle of fairness in low-
nalism in printing a story about someone
i..‘1lthCUththg that person the opportunity
”HST-Cr tho charges alleged in that


story. Because I am positive that this was
merely an oversighton the Kernel’s part, I
will now give you the chance to mend y0ur

i am enclosing with this letter a copy of

that now infamous story that was first
broadcast at 53.5 p m. on Oct. 27. If y0u
will please note, the story concerns rumors
of an investigation at UK, and it also
reports that UK officials deny those
rumors. The story also contains in,
formation that the NCAA has a policy not
to comment when questioned about the
possibility of a school being investigated.

No where in the story does it say that a
probe is taking place. I only reported that
rumors to that effect had been circulating
in Lexington.

I am aware that some people feel that i
should not haave broadcast a story about
rumors, because public recognition of such
rumors tend to lend some legitimacy to
them. I can accept that kind of criticism,
even though in this instance, the rumors
were so widespread that I considered the
proliferation of such stories a legitimate
news item in itself.

i can not accept,
assinine allegation that l
rumors. My story originally was broadcast

however, Curci’s

started the ‘

on Oct. 27. Rumors about the UK football
program were heard by this reporter (and
many other people in Lexington) even
before the Kentucky Auburn game on Oct.
ll. But it was after that game (Auburn)
when I heard the rumors everywhere I
went. That’s two weeks before my story
was first broadcast.

When I first called UK Sports In.
formation Director Russell Rice ab0ut the
rumors, he admitted that he had heard
them, but that there was nothing to them.
That information was contained in my

And in a conversation I had with UK
Athletic Director Cliff Hagan shortly after
(three days) my story was first broadcast,
he (Hagan) also admitted that he hadl
heard the rumors two weeks before my
story was aired.

l acceptthe responsibility of having first
publicly acknowledged the existence of the
rumors But to suggest that I started the
rumors is nothing but a crock, and Curci
knows that.

Editor’s note: Here is Foster’s Oct. 27

broadcast as received by the Kernel.
There are rumors circulating in

Lexington thatthe University of Kentucky

is being investigated by the NCAA for
alleged point Shaving in football games. i
(WLAP’s Phil Foster) contacted UK
Sports Information Director Russell Rice
abmtthe rumors and he replied that as far
as heknew. UK was notbeing investigated
by the NCAA. Rice further stated that he
"did not like the rumors being circulated
in downtown Lexington.”

We (Foster) also contacted the NCAA
(National Collegiate Athletic Association)
home office in Shawnee Mission, Kan. in
aneffort to find out the truth of the matter.
An official of the NCAA. Hale McMenanin,
replied that it was a NCAA policy not to
answer questions concerning whether or
not a member school was under in.
vestigation. McMenanin said that it did not
mean a school was being investigated iust
because the NCAA refused to deny it,
because no answer would be given either
way. In other words, the NCAAwill neither
confirm ncr deny that an investigation is
taking place at UK.

UK Athletic Director Cliff Hagan was
out of his office and not available for
comment on the issue.

Phil Foster is “sports" director of radio
station VVLAP.















I wish to comment on the article by
David Mellinger, (Kernel, Dec. l,
”Meditation Benefits Mind and Body”).
More specifically, let me ioin the ranks
of those who "try to resolve the
argumentwith a plug for Jesus Christ."
There is good rationale for such an
approach. Belief does not create truth,
nor does unbelief automatically make
things false, but if Christ was who he
claimed to be the argument is valid.

As a Christian, my spiritual life must
be centered in Christ. I d0ubt that 15
minutes of transcendental meditation
(TM) would do anything good for me
"a. l5 minutes of honest, devotional,
Christcentered prayer would not ac~
cornplish. Let the transcendentalist
meditate on his useless mantra. I will
meditate on the words of Christ and his
apostles, and thank Him for His atoning
death and victorious, life-giving-

John (I John 4: 1-3) exhorts us to “test
the spirits” as to whether or not they be
of God, the test being what they have to
say concerning Jesus Christ. When I
find the disciples of TM proclaiming
Christas Lord, I may be ready to agree
TM is a good thing. Mellinger compares
getting into TM to getting on an
airplane. He omits the issue of where
the plane is going to land. With Christ I
know I will land in heaven (eternal
life), not hell (eternal death). can IM
give the same assurance, peace, com-
fort, and joy?

Paul L. Cornelius
Statistics assistant professor



I feel compelled to correct some of
the misinformation in the article ”UK
program changes image of midwife”
(Dec. l). The article was not by-Iined,
but was presumably written by Mindy
Fetterman who interviewed Elizabeth
Bear, coordinator of the UK midwifery
school, last week. I happened to be
present at that interview. Fetterman
stated that she was from the ”Lexing-
ton paper”; she gave no indication that
she was a reporter for the Kernel. When
we requested to read the proofs, she
offered to call Bear to confirm state-
ments in the article so that any errors
c0uld be corrected before publication.
(This was not done.)

The most glaring mistakes occur in
the two paragraphs describing nurse-
midwifery education. Here at UK
students in the program must meet all
the requirements for admission to the
graduate school. They must have a
bachelor of nursing degree, and a
minimum score of 800 on the graduate
record exam. They also must have had
at least two years of nursing experience
in the labor and delivery area (not
”assist" (ing) or ”watch“ (ing) about
50 labors and deliveries as stated in the
article). Nurse-midwifery students
must actually manage and deliver at
least 20 patients before they can take
the certifying exam. Education to
become a certified nurse-midwife takes
from nine months to two years de-

pending on the type of program, notfive
years as stated in the article.
Misquotes and misinformation have
no place in a news publication that
should be striving for accuracy and
obiectivity. May I suggest that your
reporters try to be a little more
accurate in their news coverage.
Helen A. Burgess, C.N.M.
Director, Nurse-Midwifery Service
Editor’s note: A correction on the
midwife article ran Dec. 5.

12 days

The following is my opinion of the
final exams. It is to be sung to the tune
r‘f "The 12 Days of Christmas Minus

On the first day of finals my exams
gave to me,
One big pain in the ass.
On the second day of finals my exams
gave to me,
Twr.‘ gastric ulcers. and one big pain in
the ass.
On the third day of finals my exams
gave 7
Three caffeine OD’s, two gastric ulcers”
and One big
pain in the ass.
On the I“UlIi- day vi linals my exams
gavr ‘i
Four comprehenswes, three caffeine.
OD‘s. lw" gastric
ulcers, and one big pain in the ass.
On the fifth day of finals my exams
gave to me,
Five sleepless nights, f0ur corn~
prehensives, three
caffeine OD’s two gastric ulcers, and
one big pain
in the ass.
On the sixth day of finals my exams
gave to me,
Six reasons I" get bombed, five
sleepless nights.
four cnmprehensives, three caffeine-
OD’s, tw« gastric
ulcers, and r-ne big pain in the ass.
Mary Schwarl
Education freshman
Michele Hotte
A&S sophomore





As student member of the Board of
Trustees, I feel compelled to correct the
erroneous assumption contained in the
letter of Finnigan S. Hart, BGS
freshman, printed in the Dec. 8 Kernel

The letter commented on the inade-
quacy of the northside resident halls,
and further stated” ...partiality is
expressed t0wards many Greek organi-
zations. As stated earlier this year in
the Kernel, the Board of Trustees
appropriated $42,000 to Alpha Gamma
Rho for new carpeting, drapes, and

In fact, the amount approved by the
Board of Trustees was $3,000. This
money was not taken from the funds
used to upkeep and rennovate residence
halls, but rather was appropriated from
a special "Maintenance Fund" which
was created along with the bond issue
that built the Alpha Gamma Rho



fraternity house. The fraternity has
been paying into this fund since the
bond issue was created in I960. Thus,
the money it received was its own, and
had been transmitted to the University
at an earlier date. By the agreement
entered into between the University
and the fraternity when the bonds were
created, Board of Trustee approval was
a requirement for the fraternity to
receive its money from the fund. That
approval is what was granted at the
October 7 Board meeting.

This agreement is similar to some of
the arrangements that many fraterni-
ties and the University have entered
into for University construction of their
houses. At no time are the funds for
maintaining these houses mixed with
funds for residence hall maintenance.
Therefore, the partiality to Greek
organizations you suggest cannot exist.

I, along with others in Student
Government (56), share your concern
for the condition of the older halls. We
are working for improvement, and to
that end we encourage your participa-
tion. We attempted to reach you.
However, neither Boyd Hall, which you
claim as your residence, nor University
Information, nor the Dean of Students
Office had any record of your existence.
Since we are not able to reach you, I
would appreciate your stopping by my
office at y0ur earliest convenience. I
will happily share with you the recom-
mendations and minutes of the Board
and attempt to answer any further
questions you might have concerning
the issue. After all, that is my
responsibility to you as the student
representative to the Board.

And, assuming you do exist,
Finnigan, I suggest you stop by the
Boyd Hall desk and give them your
name and number, and inform the dean
of students and the registrar of this
apparent oversight concerning your
record of attendance at the University.

Jim Harralson
56 President

Lauds columnists


What manner of minds are we
harboring in the Patterson School of
Diplomacy? Is it really a home for
wayward off-beats?

Throughout this past term, I have
marvelled at the writings of two
students from that school, namely
Peggy Caldwell and Anthony Pearce-
Batten. l have faithfully sought out
their columns, 05ually finding them
under the daily gay feature. Any
extraneous effort expended slogging
through the rest of the Kernel in order
to read these two was well worth it.

Anthony’s discussion of Betty Ford
rivals the best of the AP releases.
Precocious Peggy’s ”Everybody
Knows Women Can’t Drive Taxis” is
hanging in a gilt frame on my office

In short, their copious talent and
humorous insight was almost the only
thing that saved us from drowning in a
sea of mud-slinging this fall. And now
you tell us that Ms. Caldwell is hanging
up her typing spurs and that APB’s
future features are questionable (not
thathis past ones weren't)? Say it isn’t

so! What if we persuaded the editors to

take more complimentary pictures

with which to grace their articles?

Maybe a professionally forged driver’s
license, circa November, I954?

Linda M. Evers

Education doctoral student



I don’t think that the abolishment of
the General Student Assembly (GSA)
will solve the problems that have
plagued governments since the first one
came into existence. In reference to the
GSA meeting, on or about, Nov. II, I
find that some problems have been
br0ught to light.

While I admit that there may not
have been adequate advance publicity
of the meeting, some was, however,
given. But with the light turnout, there
was not encugh, or the students don't
give a damn. Combine this with the fact
that a maiority of the turnout were
from one fraternity, it is evident that a
special interest group could railroad
their resolutions through GSA, making
it look like the majority of students
support these resolutions. This is not to
say that this meeting was stacked,
though one might get that impression. I
am only pointing cut that someone
could stack a GSA meeting. I do not
believe this meeting shows the intent
with which GSA was created.

Some of this was expressed, though in
stronger language, by Arts and
Sciences Senator Marion Wade. Though
I am a friend of Wade’s and do not
attend UK, I do not share all of the
same views thathe has. I have attended
two institutions of higher education,
both of which finally gave in, and gave
the student governmental bodies the
power that they sh0uld of had. But
neither body had anything like GSA.

GSA should be a sounding board, or
the feed back, that any governmental
body needs to govern effectively, and in
view of the Watergate upheavals, it is
necessary. There is a m0vement here,
atOregon State University, to instate a
body similar to GSA. Some of the
concepts that we want, I would like to