xt7nk9315n3w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9315n3w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 17, 1973 1973 1973-04-17 2020 true xt7nk9315n3w section xt7nk9315n3w Kentucky

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SG elections: last look at the

Small group attends

A85 senate forum

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LXIV N0. 129

Tuesday. April I7, 1973

Twelve pages

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Win, place——

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Candidates making

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an Independent student newspaper

UanQI'SIiy of Kentucky
LI-xmqton, Kentucky 40506

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l’II‘nllI x IIIINI Inns. clad In C(HVlHI) hats
nn >lIll'i.\ .Ind p.nnI sInI-nn‘d Iucvs. per
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Inan InIInIl \\hnlt‘ M't'nv

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Established In"

Mlle Wines. Editor-in Cniet

Milne homey. Manaorng Editor

Llrrv Kiellioot, Anon-to Editor
Katie McCarthy. Ron Mitchell. Stove Siam Night News Editors

our line, Dov NM (otter

Joel lotion. Arts Editor


John Nicks, Photography Editor
Charlie nonunion, Soon: Salter

Editor not: represent the opinion at the editorial board. not the Unifly



Three years ago. an impressionable
pre-law student named Steve Bright
was elected Student Government
president by a fairly convincing 883-
vote margin,

The t'niversity‘s student body was
opening another door in its
maturation process While other
campuses were exploding with
change by an increasing respon~
sibility. we needed a president who
could lead us through this very dif-
ficult period.

Bright provided the needed
leadership His courageous conduct
during the May. 1970 campus turmoil
appalled I'K administrators. who
were accustomed to passive SG
presidents more interested in ob-
taining facilities for LKI) cycle races,
His efforts steered the student body
through a period of extreme un—
certainty and gave us a reputation of
being “active” and “concerned".

Shaky reputation

His successor, Scott Wendelsdorf.
received the largest amount of votes
in UK history the following year.
Wendelsdorf's platform was basically
an extension of Bright's ideals. And
last year. his margin of victory for
reelection was overwhelming,

In his two years as SG president,
Wendlesdorf has managed the
passage of the Student Code and the
Tripartite plan. both of which Bright
had laid the groundwork for. and
assisted with the BGS program.

Although his efforts have fallen off
this semester he has at least upheld
UK'S shaky reputation as a student
body with concern for seeking some
semblance of power.

Now in danger

Unfortunately. the ac-
complishments of Bright and Wen
delsdorf are in danger of being uri-

As of today. when many will cast a
vote for St; president. not one can-
didate has proven himself worthy of
the office .\o one candidate has


combined the intelligence needed to
serve on a crafty Hoard of 'l‘rustees.
the tact to appease administrators
and the appeal to unite a highly
diverse student body

With a few exceptions. platforms
read like they came from the same
mold (‘andidate philosophies differ
about as much as vanilla ice cream
and frozen milk

In short. there is no Steve Hright or
Scott \Vendelsdorf among the six
persons from whom you will select as
your emissary to the public next year

A glance at each candidate


{aymond ltrown of the Banana
Party has conducted a highly
theatrical campaign. appearing at St;
forums attired in Arab costumes A
few of his proposals are noteworthy.
such as offering to forfeit his salary
and to push for independently
promoted events in the (‘ohseum

But his conduct in this campaign
has been extremely childish. He has
demonstrated neither the ability nor
maturity to responsibly head SG. and
his absence from two forums adds to
his image of almost total insincerity.

Jim Flegle, who attended only one
forum. seems even less interested. A
senior already, he has little reason
except the presidency to remain at
[K next year. Flegle attributed his
absence to a debate tournament. but
he will remain on the same debate
team next year. His priorities are

Flegle‘s speaking ability is com-
mendable. but he has yet to prove his
gift of the tongue can complement an
open mind.


Mark Manning's concern for 8-52
bombers is admirable. but a student
whose major concern is getting a
decent education has little need for
.\fglianistanism ()fher planks of his
platform. such as abolition of the
l’.oard of 'l'i‘iistees and free abortions

patently absurd
platform isn't

on demand. are
original \'S.\
platforms at all
locali/ed insertions

Manning's public manner is ap
pealing. ans so is his intelligence ’.ut
Sti president certainly
would seem to represent a minute
chunk of t'K‘s student body
platform has little chance of gaining
any sort of approval


of t crs

a socialist

and his

lliane \ascr has con
ti'ibuted to the current ittllltllllSll'tlllttlt

in the past year, but the cry in this

act1\ ely

election is for new blood to replace
“endelsdoi'fiiin rhetoric and goals
She holds little promise of that

.\or does .\aser promise
iiiinistrative ability Her waste of
several hundred dollars student
funds on one edition of The Phoenix
a journalistic and propagandistic
disaster evidence of sadly
misplaced priorities And her
militantly iiitransigient stands on
campus issues women‘s concerns. to
name one indicate she lacks the
patience to withstand the pressures of
this job

.lohn l’irolli. in a sense. is the op
posite of Manning. His major concern
during the forums was obtaining a
policeman to direct traffic at Euclid
and Harrison Streets His unv
willingness to lobby in Frankfort and
his disdain for certain “radical“
groups are serious marks against
him A truly representative SU in
volves all groups,

Besides. l’irolli received less than
too votes in last year's election He‘s
changed little since then

The final candidate is l‘ld ltiley.
whose name probably doesn‘t ring
any bells ltiley' didn't enter the
campus political scene until this
semester Although his concern as
head of the St; Student .\il£tll's
committee seems sincere. the




ioiiiiiiitlee has done nothing con
ltiley has failed to c\ude any

tlllllltlt'llt't‘ at the forums llis failure
to til’lttr‘t‘l any image except that of
the bring its together“ theme of his
ianipaiun make him an iin

distinguished St} president


livery vicepresidential candidate
is already affiliated with a running
liach the same biii‘
and platforms as fellow

tliali' i';ll‘t'lt'.\

iii-ifs lllS

\ lttt\ltll‘t' of
\t'lltslllll'SS l’legle's
ability Manning s intelligence
\asi'l‘s e\pericnce. l’irolli‘s per
sei'yei'ance and lv‘iley's willingness
might ttl‘tn ate a candidate with some

llrowiis un


similarity to his two predecessors
Preventive function

'l‘i‘aditionally. Sti's function has
been preventive. rather than
curative If this year's candidates are
any indication. a relapse is possible

However. there is an alternative
The student senate. if it wills. can be
the controlling force in S(l With
tright and Vt‘endelsdorf in the
limelight recently, the Senate race
has been subordinated

'l'oday your choice for senator is all
important If the president is unable
to perform well. a concerned senate
can pick up the slack. Senator plat
forms were published in Thursday
and Fridays Kernels. We urge you to
read and cast your votes with con

No voting ‘Duty'

We're not facetiously going to
demand that you uphold your
democratic duty and vote for the sake
of voting

Nevertheless. the most effective
student route to change at this
l'nivei‘sity is through Student

Hoverimient If a duty is involved. It
Is to show at least a speck of llllt‘l't‘Sl
by casting a vote for your evaluation
of the most qualified candidate




I am writing this letter to urge all
students to vote iii the tipcotttitig student
goveriiiiietit elections and to encourage all
to vote tor the Hegle Pearsoit ticket for
.stttdeitt Governtttenl President and \'ice
I’iestdeiit l have known .Ittii Flegle for
tour vears and can say that he is a student
who is (itllt't'l'llt'ti with student tteeds as

well .is lrclttg capable of
students III and

ittatitiei llisatiility toileat'ly present and

an energetic
"It« i tullv argue ssties before lat tilt) and
iiil'ill‘il"l.tl"l‘ lias lit-en developed by ltts

«st-i : ‘n i K e .1‘ .Il tovet’sttj. ilelialt't’ and li‘v

.voik ,i: "tie ltltlt‘lll govet‘ttttietit
in 'i. .-.- .-.t ll its at. tittiiieiotis ittltt
"n .tltll tattgptis oigatti/attotts

st “it tit lyit\t l'lillll‘ltl l..ts set I‘.

, .i.
I‘M. it

t,..iti :ii the eves irt sllttlt'ttts and

:th't l I"

"'.t‘ltlll Hne ittatoi tattsi- :s t

.‘tit‘aitit' tliliittetstitiess it sitttattot.
:t---t..i:. Il'll {mi tltt wales-pitutil tttititi-ssttiit
' it; llilt ~potis1n tlLilt titllllMtSI‘tl ottlv

.vlto want to plav poltttts attd

it. 'l,.t\.»

.i,tov .vl..ttt wt ptestrge is left in the tilt
A write-in campaign

I would like to itllllttllllt e to the student
body ot tlits l ntverstty that I atii pitching
hat into the politit .tl ring for tlte
I tt-sideni'y latii now asking tor all of the
.vi tie in votes and am t otittdetit that I will

l iitti ait eiigltslt iii.t_tot' in tlte college of
\i ts and \( ietices \ly grade potiit average
is 3 oo with a rising trettd since my tresh
titaii vear 3 it I have debated
v.itstty on the intercollegiate attd not so
intercollegiate squads and I belong to ito
ltoiioraites I know many people on tltis
tatiipus and I in sure any otie of tltein will
vouch lltl tiie iii that I am .tn hottest per
~ott and have always dealt with others

trotit a

lttllll.lllt‘l\ and fairly

I am a tltis
primarily this quality which I teel ttiakes
Ilti‘ titiist tlllJltltt‘tl \ on see lvv ill graduate
\lay ti. aitd it I am elected there vvtll he no
student goverttttietit Ilt'\l}t‘;lr lteel tltts ts
.vlt.tt the students of this university really

and it is

seiiiot‘ year

t‘oiisider ttte evidence

the cati
wants to

dttlates who otte
remove student goverittiieiit by turning it
iitto an ariii ot the tiietro government. a
sort of off campus movement. otie wants
to tillttl has been trying tor yearsi remove
student government by reducing it to
absurdity. a fantasy movement. several
seek to immobilize sttident government by
making detiiatids wlitch can never be met
or destroying the university. whichever


comes first
Second the student body in general few

viously disintegreatiitg organization
Attendance at student senate tiieetitigs
has fallen to a potitt where senators are
wttli exptilsioii. the
Services Store

openly threatened
titueh heralded Student
appears to he tailing. aiid the present
administration seems to be using most (it
their time to support

our money aitd

various "tattses" remote to
concerns or needs

I do not suggest that I’legle and Pearson

will ttiitt vvltat is basically a limited
otL'atit/atioii into sotia-tlittig ot great
:llillllll.tll(t' titi! 'heit plattoriit and

«oti;ii.eiits do etiiptiastxe a need to tiring
note kinds of students into
‘ln 'ltti apathy

ltt»\.illl 'iiis t‘lt‘t tiott eitipliast/es that tlits

illlll ititteieit!

‘llLillIl/ifllllll i’attttitis

\- at student L‘tt\t'l'llllit'lll itself is the real

*ltt Ithle-l’eaison believe Student

todt'tttttut.‘ t.lll ltt' t’llt‘t'll\t' itgéiltt l

.ig’lt't' aiai 'lt'L‘." till to support them

Ben Jones
Seiiiorr Political Science


students pay attention to the campaigns or
vote. and an even smaller number par-
ticipate ignoring the
poveintiient away which can he confused

'l'ltts is called
\'.llll igiioraiictiig the government away
\ty taiiipaigit is an honest campaign and
its movement comes straight from the
bowels ot this institution It is a campaign
of democratic atiarchy I pronitse the
students. faculty atid above all I promise
the statf who have always supported me.
that ll elected student government will not
merely fade away. btit will disappear
quickly I protiiise if elected I will not he
there to serve
I believe those who are governed least
are governed best I ask you to writerin
Karl Merchant on election day
Karl \lerchant
\(KS Senior

For Flegle

students of this
Jim Flegle tor
President on

I strongly urge the
university to vote for
Student Govertiiiieiit
Tuesday or “editesday

I believe that Jim is by far the iitost
qualified candidate

llts platform is the most comprehensive
III the greatest area of student concern.
academics It ts the most realistic plat-
form For example. another slate claims
to provide free abortions and con-
traceptives The platfortn that Mr Flegle
shares with Peggy Pearson. candidate for

a page for opinion from Inside and outside the university community

The 56 race: For Flegle...


victsprestdent. otters the only practical
means of doing that expansion of present
health insurance plans
I can only suggest that you compare the
plattoi‘ms Sltlt’vl)_\rSt(lt‘ the difference is
I believe that Jim Flegle is more com-
petent as an administrator than the other
candidates this he has proved as
t'hairtiian ol the Student Forum. President
ot the Forensics l'nion. and in other
student organizations He ts a former
student Government representative
.lim Flegle ts also a man of the highest
character who has my personal respect. I
hope my fellow students thl choose the
able leadership of Jim Flegle as their
Jeff l.ankford
Political Science Senior

For 2 senators

The student members of the l'niversity
Senate can have a significant impact on
the quality of academic life at the

Apres Jacques-Lotus David

l'niverstty of Kentucky. It is important
that strong senators be elected in the
upcoming elections. Therefore. I want to
urge the students tn the college of Phar-
macy to vote for Bobby (’lement

Bobby would make a strong senator, He
has demonstrated his willingness to work
tor the student interest For example. his
extensive efforts as a member of the
elections board of two years were “beyond
the call of duty." Bobby has worked for the
student before Let‘s put him in a position
where he can do so again.

I also want to encourage the Arts and
Sciences students to elect Susan Sprague.
She is currently playing a leading role in
the organization of a much-needed Student
Advisory (‘ommittee Consequently. she
has ptit many hours into the organization
of the committee. The Senate needs
students who are willing to put that kind of
effort into solving the academic problems
of the l'ntversity in the Senate

Ilowell Ilopson.
.-\&~S Senator

Council on Women's Concerns endorses Naser

It) l'.\.\l I‘I|,.\.\I But

President of
tiieiit the

however autonomous the

(‘ouiicil on Women‘s


"plltltlSOplt_\‘ of government"
concepts expressed by the (lif-

Diane Naser and Peggy Pearson
are concerned. capble. com~



Since its founding. the t'ouncil
on “omens ('oncerns has
worked toward humatiizing this
I’ntverstty toward changing
conditions we found to be
unacceptable The (‘ounctl. while
technically existing as a (.(lhtnt‘l'
level subdivision of Student
Government. has for all intents
and purposes been a completely
autonomous group of women
working on vital issues such as
making equal opportunity a
reality at this l'ntvcrstty.
establishing child care centers,
advocating a Women's Studies
Program. investigating health
services. and combatting sexism.

(‘\\'(' might be. the support thoth
moral and ttnanctalt given to us
officers of Student
Government is an extremely
intangible yet extremely im
portant factor in the (lay to day
functioning of otir organization
The Wendelsdorf administration
has been incredibly supportive of
the t‘Wt‘ and I would publicly like
to thank Scott Wendelsdorf for
that support

by the

All this. of course. brings us to
the consideration of this year's
race for offices in the Student
Government It IS perfectly
obvious that no matter who is
elected as President or Vice

('oncerns will survive and con-
Vte will survive

tintie to grow
and conttntie to grow
because women ar uniting
women to work for meaningful
changes and simply because
women care about this l'anPl’“
sity and ahottt each other

l’illl talso ttl)\'l()llSl_\'l the
(‘ounctl is quite interested in the
contests for SG president and
vice president The (‘W(‘ ts in-
terested not only because the
outcome of the vote will deter-
mine Wllh whom we will be
working for the next year. but
because of the basic


lerent candidates for SC office

Therefore after considering the
issues involved and the positions
on those issues presented by the
candidates for office.the (‘ounctl
on Women‘s (‘oncerns wishes to
announce that we endorse Diane
Naser for Student Government
President and Peggy Pearson for
Student Government vice

We do not support litane Naser
and Peggy Pearson simply
because they are women We
support them because we quite
honestly believe that they are the

best candidates in the race.

passionate people who could
provide the leadership needed to
tace the problems that confront
this l'niverstty The (‘W(‘ feels
that Diane Naser and Peggy
Pearson have a deep com-
mitment to and concern about all
the student on this campus and
the t‘ouncil gives Diane and
Peggy its total support The
(‘ouncil on Women's (‘oncerns
urges everyone to vote Naserv

Pant Elam is a member of the
Council Women‘s Con-






t—TIIH KI‘IN'I‘l't'KY KHRNI‘IL Tuesday. April t7. I973


Tuesday and Wednesday
April 17 8. l8

Location 06 Ballot Boxes Who Can Vote Time

7 30 am 4 m
Student Center All tull time, part time and p

graduate students
King lAbrary All tull time and graduate students “3’" 9pm

Classroom Bldg All tult time and graduate students 10am 2pm

Blazer Cate'ena All tutt time and graduate students 4 30pm 6 30pm
Complex Cafeteria All tull time and graduate students 4 30 pm 6 30 pm

Donovan Cafeteria All tult time and graduate students 4 30 pm ° 30 pm

Agriculture Agricultural Students Only 10 am 1 pm
Law Bldg Law Students only to am ?pm

D'Ck'e Hall Education Students Only ‘0 3m 29'“


Anderson Hall Engineering Students Only 10 am
New speaes

Commerce Bldg Business and Economics 10 am
\s ll um l'll'\l(lt'lll h.i~nl enanh “min-s llll\ \|l||\lr| looking

Students Only

tlt'.lllllt‘ popped up III the llutnnnnl l-illtlt'll\ mm the \u-i-kt-lul tn

ChemtstrerhySICS Bldg. AFVSESCOEHCC Students Only ll.|l.|\\ ltllll lust .i llllll' Itttlll‘ hi-lnrl plmln l)\ | (. \"l’l‘

Retired UK prof dies



Nursing . .
Erickson Hall Home Economics Students In freq k acc I d e '1?
In .lnhn ll.tl\t"\ llltll'lllltlll' .1 \l t Hltltl\l. It! “I lltlt
lt‘lll l «t, I h tlL'l n m'm Al l‘nhu l’mnzllunnt \\.t‘~ \Yl m k tv).

plulmwt u.“ killt-tt til Hunt or the nutk \sllllv hr '~\.I\ “.lllxllll'

l:l\ tmmv \l'\lt‘l’ll.l} uln-n .t tll\ Huh. ‘tn- tlll\1‘\\.t_\ nt lll\ lltlllll'tl'

L1.iltu.tl;c-tiutk luti‘lu’tl uw‘l llllll N12 \\lllt.l‘ll llll\l‘
ll.lllll‘l lllsllnp 2, the tll‘lH‘l «it
lulululunt .‘J “axillttllltlllllt‘tl 'ln ttut'k tnltl [mhu- hr \\.i\
(ll-ml .it 'lll‘ wrnt- trx llvpuh lntllxlllll up when the .H'tltlt‘lll

t'ul‘nnt-t' \\Ill|.iln \ltl .tl'ltt'} «turn-11 .tlltl tulllll tlnl \w'
\ltt'urni'} \itltl ttn- \lllllll (tn-(l llundumnt twhind lllt' trutk
< Ill\l.tllll_\ lt‘ltlll tlitllllltll‘ lltltll'lt‘\ l‘uhu- \.tltl lllt' .tt't'lllt'lll I\ still

unlit-r lll\t‘\ltL{.lll(llt

. lluntltu'nnt uhn trtiri-(t trum
we goo‘ed the lk tui'ult} Ill 1971‘ taught
_‘ tuui’ws lll luntl m'ununln's .iml
; Lind \.tlltt‘ and appraisal truth
i- M” l" " l“‘“‘ ”l‘ "WW ”1 l‘N-t'tllllll lll\l'('lll't‘ltlt‘lll lln- hml
i‘ \t‘slt't‘tl.l}SKt‘rllt‘l thelustthrev been A m.“ JEN” m tar”)
l’i'l‘dtll’dl’l“ “l .lun “Wilt" (”1d mannet-nn-nt at l K \ttlt't‘ I‘M:
“Wit-1N l"‘-’”'\“">‘ ""‘ml‘illfln .ttl(l \\.i\ .l turtno-r prlnvipul Ill the
pluttul'in \H‘t't‘ ri-pi-uti-(l .it the “drum” t’uunty K\ . \(‘lltttll
lN‘LlllttllttL', ml the stur} 'l‘hi- tirst \\\l||“] - l

W“ Hf ”W \W} should haw mm” lt\\'l‘ martini-i)
Haul ‘\\a- lime nutlt'l‘tl 4| grout Ills luu'ht-lul’K tit-grew trulll l K
“Wk "l “"“N'l‘” ”mung ”1" and lll\ muster .\ and doctoral:-

0535.156)“ 4» v -.

\lllllt'lll lNNl} wth this year‘s twin (‘m'iwll l'nn'i-rslh

Student timornmi-nt and lllt' H.- .5 .\lll‘\l\l'(l h) hls \Altltl“.
lllllH'ntlltl)" SH (‘lt‘t‘lltlll VH- (llml 'l'_\rm- llnndurnnt, twi suns
lx-ln-u- this nut to he student Jul", '1‘ l'mmlumnt. |,mn.\\‘|llv
:iputh).hutruthvrusilent prutvst and [mud M llunilurunt.
against the tullun- nt Student l.v'\lnltlulL and lne grand
(tmvrnml'nt tn lnulu' i'iltltm't (-hlldn-n

‘Mlll itll‘l engender ”l“ I” The lm(l\ t.\ ill the Mllwurtl
\utwmn-nt nt the student lmth ” .\lurtuur\ .



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 Candidates battle
last-day SG apathy

(oiiltnueil troni page I

eoiupetilion and ruled out l'leL’lt'

llll'lltl-i IS 51 l ll \ wide range

of eandidates Moore said it a

person uauteil to tote he could

e..si|\ tind someone to his liking

"I think there is pom): to he .i
Lin-.11 mam students not \tillllll
and l
tieipated in

“islied had


more par

election " she

lid ltile) uho is running \\llll
\tme tonicI on .i plattorm ot

littllljlllfl and

hi i-eks together

spent \loiida)
distributing leatlets at parking
~l1‘ui'tures and tireek houses lle
iltillt .ited lie \\tll he «.inipaigmniz
at polling plaees toda}

(llilllt't'\ as ".111 good" .md {ct-ls

said his team sees its

the \oter turnout will depend on
the weather

lll- \lilil-Il) l'l’ hasn‘t been a
\er) eleaii race and said. "We
hope the people Viill help us tear
doun our signs alter we vim the
eleetioii just like the) lore dovm
the posters below the election "

The Student Faeult) l‘Iiiiplo_\‘e
\‘\lll('ll is running
team has not been aelnel) going
l0 lllt'
presidential candidate Dennis

slate. also

senatorial eandtdates on

people_ said \ l('(‘


\\ e don‘t
tee] vu- should go out and talk to a
the} knovi who we

'\'le are not politicos

lot of people
are " he said

He added the slate has
Iltsll‘lllllllllfl eopies ot its platform
and puttuu.l up posters during the


past ten 1111} s

Senators speak out
at final 56 forum

toiitinued ll'lllll Page I

l'ivm; l '«h -\.t\ ”3:1 Ml llH'
’Ittiwti'a? '.1\ HI 'l‘tt‘ \Vitlt'til
l ‘1 iil'K l'j?‘ plum-o ‘l-lll‘ \Kllltll
above .iluvl \li.7'.Ll 'la l’warl n?

ltiistiis .'.‘~.l'i_‘ “admits litHkt’l

't wand. .11 11\ ‘t‘llt .tllll li.1\!ll}; the

'litlt’.l- 9.11 MM .llltl eiiiploxes

11' flu
l '1 l1

‘iii .l‘

liii\eisit\ so" the polu}
‘Jil‘ titlll'ittlL'. m .1


mitil lir‘

