xt7nk9315n1q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9315n1q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1971-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1971 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 1971 1971 1971-03-02 2020 true xt7nk9315n1q section xt7nk9315n1q .‘ III " II .

Tuesday, March 2, ”7| UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY. LEXINGTON \ w! l \H \o "7 I ‘ -
__________,___ _,, .,________________________________._....__._.7_ 777?.7...._.,.;..:_ _.___“ 3’, - -
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389”- rc , Strlp mlnlng ’ r » I ‘ '

. sew . * » ~ iii-“11w 2 ;- -.

l n u n S e a PC =;e4”i* _ '_'_ a i _ “M 2', .4 ,
By GREG HARTMAN the research money and the l'ni— are? 77g§ I" is . . 7 at” -. '. . --I'7
Kernel Staff Writer versity's attempts to get it is a ‘ fii§igfl£iII§II.I5'Ii II MW” " II a . TI ,i 'I' f
in a time of shrinking re- tangled one. The main elements @ 7-7.7.->~ 3‘ I, , -.,... z“ III fa . 7. i. .'.

' search funds. a L is agency has are federal bureacractic inef— ., ' I r; M _, I ..: I [RT-KM." II
deCided not to continue its efforts ficiency and poor comniunica- ' , 7 a: " - . “v, III It; I
to obtain a half million dollars tions. _ M“ I‘M; _ 71* Iii.- ’ ‘3," . F
available for research on strip The total in question is $5.30 ,:7' A» .' . We " 2:7; '.
mining. 000. Of this, $437,500 is federal ,7 7;» I 'I. " .I e _ . _ 7 i I' II -' -

lhe announcement came Feb, money. with an additional $112, ‘ w I 8‘ , - ‘ ' ~7__ I‘% I” 3 7A.". ‘I If -. 'I
22 in 11 letter f1'0"] the L K Office 500 in matching funds supplied pp 7 i / . ' . 1 2'13, .I
of Research and Engineering by the state. 7 M ‘ W _ '1 M . M J ‘3‘ 'i- :’ ~ I.
:21"??? ‘zgfifflamaiwn m f “I‘Ink' The money is earmark ed for 8 I ~ g 7.; I~ I . 7%?- 'I x ’I' I ‘I
dort.I fe *‘ decrsion ‘0 ‘llth‘ research in six' specified areas of \f; -o . : i, ‘ -: .. 1
frawh rofrIn IIqurther competition strip mining problems. The areas -. 11'. ;_ 7’5 ~‘ 7
3:0 tog] lii'td LITE: (fitter! a Lfk are: design of new surface mining \ , ‘ a I7 I. . I.

‘ . i - .-“- I sur ace mining. technlquex 59‘ 1' WW ”(I M “$35: v ' - . ,

R I The story offIIthe l)ivision of merit control. slope stability ”7‘ . 35;;- .. .. ;' {I \.‘ I. . . c-III:

cc amatioii s e oits to gii e out vegetation, and water quality. . a 1 III: I'. .‘QI .‘ -. i . I I.

The Appalachian l‘iegional A ’ ”*4 a“ 7 *2} _ “ " \ 77-5-72:

4/1 19", ’lptll‘ork Commission is the federal agency . 7 . "M: ' I .g a -- I I‘. i

that controls the funds and has M . , . ".7 .- I ‘, '7 ,7

4 final say over how they arespent. -. -. v II ' I, a"? I , . ' .7 t

.. ' 7. ’ a \ . -. ., - 3.

I [01'119(I by lhe state Division of lieclama- ‘ J " ‘ l ,’

‘ tion has a contract withtlie \li(f7 ‘f ",I. " '
UI( ' ‘ ° ‘ specifying in detail the experi- Eartll(luake talk

(lC’ll/ISIS ments to be done ineach problem . . _ : i‘» -‘ , " "

A statewide ”emergency alert area. .. Dr. Paul L. Doughty. assoriate professor of an oi a Natural l)i\.tsl(’r- '1 m- pH-iixian LiirhipiaLi A): .I, ,I .
netWork" has been formed by stu- Lls s first proposal for use of thropology and (“WNW 0f the Latin Ainernran The leriure hits the st'tulltl in tin imp n; ‘l. :7 2 a, .
dent activists from 15 Kentucky the money was submitted to the Studies Program at Indiana l‘nin’l'SiU. spoke lasi rhmlxilogs lerime sei‘it's. ,Kernel pimp, in [you . .
colleges to gain support for siii- Division Of Reclamation on Oct. night on "Applied Anthropology in the Aftermath Robertson) . ’ ' ‘
gle—campus protests or (lemon- 13‘ It included a” ”I“ 731,635} but —-———-——-—-——-—————-—————-——————-—-—————~—————-—-— —-—----~~ 73?: ;'I ." II'II‘,
str‘itions did not cover all the indiVidual .. 2 III I . .' . ‘:

David \Valls ofl.exington,one eitperiments required. It wasIre- -., I‘ ,
of the organizers of the network, (vised and resubmitted on UN‘ II.“ , ‘ .

' said some 400 students agreed wITh" 7 h . l . d l .I‘--'"’ .
to its formation during a three- '5 timet efiproposa CO‘eITeh ’3 “I.I7:" 7‘ 7 ' .5
day Alternative America Confer- onIIIyaIthe last V: areas. :th ‘7' ‘I-‘L ‘q/ ,I "

. , .T _ cc to experimen s o e . - . I . :j
incela“ “eke” he” hem" contracted by ornas to the its. South Viets Plunge across border a
erence was sponsored by the F0 est Servi 6 “though the new . . . . 7
CK cha ter of the Student 310— r ‘ C " t ' . . s ' . ' f :. ' " .
bilizatio‘; Committee to End the proposai Sm] did not cove, an to smash Communist sanctuaries 7. t. .
Warin Vietnam the points listed in the ABC I . _ . I ,. _ 1 ’

Wall said students from 15 contract,theDivisionofHeclama- II SAK’OX ‘1“) - lhe \orth mentary evidence indicated that force that “'1” rermir Ii! the I: -7_ ‘
state collIe es and 8 out-of-state tion forwarded it to Washington \ letnamese haveset up new sIsz- the (Iommumst command moved \aigon region 7 , .
institution‘s: exchan ed names anyway. It was finally rejected tuary base areas in eastem (dim- at least 200 tons of war materials The i \ ( rimmanti 1’, i\ .ij- 3 I,- ',
anId honeIniimbersT t thI two weeks ‘ago, after a three- bodia, and 581w)" f'Ht'fi‘ ‘dfi‘ out of the sanctuary areas under ready begunphasing}? no: :7 ' I
“)6ch alert systenI] o crea e 6 month delay. plunging across the border to fire. it“) (“mint ”,7,” ,7”, 7 r .I I,

_ ”The important. thing about Officials frustrated try to smash them. a topI:\\iIner— Air support saw)“ area. and ‘iit' n. .77 -_ _, II I,
the conference." Wall said. ”is Both the rejection and the gin field mmm‘mder Mm 0” ”W operation it WWW. ”W he UIWDMM \ ' I’ I \ v. ' ." .i.
that it brought together for the delay frustrated ()lil'ZS officials. a7. fill] ”mile Of T ‘ air Hippo“ ”mm“ :I’ I, III, 4} j. -"
first time young men and worn- who had expected to have ()Hlfis Heavy fighting in (I_nnl\()(litl including helicopter gunships l‘iaiis it w 9». ting: i, . i - ._ I; ' '. .'

en who are activists on their named the prime subcontractor. has he?” (“I“r‘h“(l““""l “V ”1“ {mm the 1“ 'I‘ifljii‘din' WNW)”- iii’m" 3“" \“Hi’? “ " ” " I II .I3 I
campuses. some felt that Frankfort had de- South \ ietnamesedriveintol .ios Hue aim of tho- nix-ration. Visions. the; 1 My? 1r .:* t. '~

”:\nd for the first time ever. liberately placed the burden of to out \orth \Iietnain's Ho It'hi other officers said. is to orott‘t' ldmlklilml a :3 «KW‘V- WWW '\ I
“re now have Sort of an in1me- decision on \VashingtonIkno\"ing \llnh Trdil \Illpply llll(‘\ illilt l(‘(‘(l file l("\KI l \ L‘FHlli‘hlt ?r(\()ll\ ellld t’iiiiFr ill \J‘llil‘ . ,.'n.1,’i‘. I" ( A“ I‘ ' 3y: I i j‘ -’
diate alert network which reach- full well the proposal would be the (7ambodiaii sanctuaries the sizable \nieruan ingistii s i'V‘tiid I"I.‘ a, ._ 7; '
es 3”. across the state.” rejected. . 7 ”The South Vietnamese are '5: I} l i I. "

\\ allalso said thoseattending hlmore (irim. director of the tangled u w'th t . \ i \ ‘7 _ ' - ' I .‘ ' 7.' ’7

_ pi wo ort.i Ki ,‘ . 2
the conference passed a resolu- DlVISlon ofReclamation.acknow- namese divisions in (I‘ln1b0(ll‘ y ,7 ' _.,
tion calling for simultaneous ledges both points. but denies the 7th and the 9th .. said ”I I _ k. .7 .p-‘t
demonstrations on Kentucky that his department was responsi- (:en. Michael S. DaIvison. out~ . I . i,
°7ampuses In support of a um- ble for UK s proposal being re- going commander of the cs: Saigon, sends fresh troops ., '7 .-
fied calendar for spring anti- jected. 2nd Field Force. . "I r E? .7 -» ,‘
war activities and a pledge for ”We had hoped for a com- . . a8 enemy tanks Close in ‘5’ .7

‘ demonstrations in the event ofa promise,n he said, explaining his Dawson commanded AImen- 7 7 7 I 7 . - ~_ 1 - ,‘ J
dramatic escalation of the war. Continued on page 7, Col. 1 can troops who took part in the . SAl(.().\ (Al ) —l‘.nemy tank helicopters are flying gunship. gr ‘ . I: . ,- i.
first thmst into Cambodia last reinforcements were reported troop lift. resupply and medical '. " ' I. a r
May. He is leaving soon fora new closing in on a major South evacuation missions. The T .8 - .‘ . . - , '.
“/ .ll . l assignment as commander of the Vietnamese position in the Laos (Iommand has acknowledged the '7j ' 7 7I,‘ - 7. 7 '
l lamS announces p 3118 U.S. Army in Europe and the panhandle Monday and Saigon loss of 36 helicopters on both 7‘. ‘. I
7th Army. rusgiceId fresh troops northward sides of the border since the 7': ‘- ‘ .'
. . to ster its units. Laos operation began Feb. 9 ' 3 ' ' ,
to run for SC reSIdenev ,. "my “shuns . other mian dime. . . , i-
J ” lhere's been some pretty . AS the Laos campaignIenteIred eluding iet fighter-bombers. III. I ‘ I

Student Covemment repre— pects his ninning mate will be heavy fighting," Davison said “5 fourth week. ”19.81“”th ills“ 1"“ *IUPPONIIHE ”W opera» ‘I " ‘ ~ I-
sentative Jim Williams an- SC Ire resentative Willie (Iates in an interview. ”Thus far. it sun was flmd m. the (“we to cut U0" and pounding lW'i‘il‘ '1‘ ”W I ' " “
‘ . . ‘. ‘ . p ‘ " l k l'k h \' h y- , off enemy supplies moving over . , . _ ‘ ' ‘ 7 _.
nounced last night his candidacy (-ates when contacted about 00 5 to “s l e t e ‘ 0" let . . . . Ho ( hi \iinh ir'lll v

. ‘ i- ‘ . - - .. ,~ namese have gotten the worst of thello (‘h‘ Mlnh trail. But more \l I’ I ~ 5 ’ II
for SC, president. the posstbility, replied W hy 't .. - - hard fighting w“ expected . ssocmted l ress correspond- . . i. .

v- . . '9" l . ‘ . c . . . . . ' . \\ I I ‘ I II - l I r
IromhI eIhIlodmptIex. “;I It thm:(: Williams emphasized that the Ie.IOtiIt)e ietnaIfiiese, owI; newsmen they had seen “mks sot-mes said th II “ll/If neIIiIa. . . I
Inga” 7" “aIIIemp d'd heI ' key to his campaign will be eve" me, erLuna 6194:“: moving around the Highway 9 tiohs that orffif f t‘q‘t‘I-Iiflim‘ , -. . . II .‘
presi ency. ” ianis sai 8 ex- "peace. and brotherhood." tth stockpiles ““3”“ o ‘3” town of Ban Dong and a concen- b I ‘7'] ‘ ‘7 ‘ 1‘] M ”.ni m} If”, 1‘" ‘ ' I 7 :I
---~~--------------, Irn ninning. says Wil- res1stance by the North \ ietna- tration in the area of a Math ”if" S 03*: CWIWIWAI iliI since . . ~ . . . I-i

liams, ”for a reason other than mese, Davison 531d Vietnamese lst infant“ l)ivi- (“221;“)? ”"‘\’_ «*Im “IPHIHII- 7 , '_
Weather Im qualified. Irn running to He gaid the new sanctuaries si'on position known as Hotel 2. th' (I r } mm H“ "im “m ‘~ , ‘ 'I
k l f b . t' ht .. . I 7 . I .. Th . . . be f . k at in Iotiei areas ot laos , . - ._ -
Foremst {of Lexington and vi- eepIpeope rom eingup lil - are located in an area called 9) gave no iiuiii rs o tan s \orth \ietii-iniese tor 'e's \\ 7 ,I
cinity' Mostly cloudy and cool “illiams said he would not Dam Be halfway between lligh SPONCd- putting “reg”? 7m I ””1“ I“? . . . '
today With a high in the “PP" :zztlzullgségissfnrnlgscampaign, wayh‘ and the £0“:I0ff(t':his;lg Hotel ‘2 is ll miles southwest posts. These accounts said se\I- " .. ~I I .
40.5. Bil" beginning tonight pos— He said he .pe '8?) inonIeyI. an t f{.eaStir3than ‘. 01159 .le- 0f "anti \ (’II. and last week was eral battalions of enenn troops . * ‘ . '
sibly later changing to snowwith formI but adcrl‘eily £2: isd‘pdaf- om; iver. fIS Iong “Th "“798 reported under strong enemy were reported massing near the ' .. - ‘
a low of 30. Continued cloudy . . ‘ ‘ m e- nort west .0 iaigon. e a '85 pressure. secret long (iheng has? m ' ’ -
and cold tomorrow with a high inite. fl‘d "0t dnYe t7h‘s far north flu" Ban Dong is 15 miles inside northern Laos, while other (Toni- ~ '
. . . Th - . - .. . . ing the major incursions of last la g , . l d . 7 7
In the mid 30 5- e Heap!“ If elected, Williams promises \l d] . 0~I- . . . mrinist- e units knocked out .i .
tion prohbilities an 30 percent that Student Covemment money ‘ ay an une. W hile L .5. authorities have guerrilla base supported by the 7 '
today, 50 percent tonight. It‘ll would be spent only on free Davison said that, when the declared that "0 American US. Central lntelligence .-\gen- ,
”percent tomorrow. concerts, movies. lectures and allied drive across the border ground combat support Will take cy just north Of the Plain of .
WW... similar ventures. was launched last May, docu- part In the Laos operation. US. Jars.

 2—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Tuesday, March 2, 1971 —_—__________________________——————
C O C .
Nixon sets SIX-pomt plan 6’]
It'ilfs MUINlfis low-,1 .\I*)_lrresident Nixon Friday-in which Nixon willbepushingthedomes- news erne s
told the Iowa Legislature Monday that his six- tic programs he outlined in his State of the L'nion '
. . point program will bring ”a new .\merican revoln- message to Congress. 1
tion, a peaceful revolution." Nixon told the legislature: ”If the lessons ofthe From AP reports g
. Nixon reinforced his bid for support from the past decades mean anything, they mean that as .
‘ ‘ ‘ farm belt by boosting by $100 million his original power has been concentrated more and more in DES MOINES—President Nixon Monday told the Iowa ‘
. proposal to share in rural development. The orig- Washington, as decisions have been made by Legislature that his congressional proposals would “lead
I ~ inal figure “‘85 31 billion. remote control, the special needs of our rural America to a new birth of'grmnwssf‘ ()1
' i He said the $1.1 billion total for the coming communities and 0f th? great heartlandIofAmerica . leasei
' ‘ fiscal year represents ”‘24 percent more for rural more a”d moreIhaVeIeither been neglected or even SAICOiN—Enemy tank reinforcements were reported clos- ‘I HOPC
. ' development programs than is being made avail- gone ““‘f’cogmzed- . . I.” h ing in on a major South Vietnamese position in the Laos / eager
- . able to the states “I‘d“ existing categorical grant 'Ihe IreSidIent said rural America “I S are panhandle Monday and Saigon rushed fresh troops north- thed‘
. programs." substantially in the sharing of federal revenue in I d t I It .tj 't' A‘ tI L- II . .- . t) d . I mayi
. . . . . . . . . .. . I 1 and in special revenue sharing for man- war 0 )0s er is ours. sI ie aosIcanipaigii on (re its I
“N P“ “dint announced ”It increase “I ‘1 genera . , . fourth week, the Situation still was fluid in the drive to cut depei
. 4 speech to a joint session of the Iowa House and power, education, transportation, law enforcement off en . 1- . ,- , v if Ho Chi Minh t '1'] tions.
I . . Senate in the House chamber. and, in some cases, for rural community develop- emy “199'“ "m”"b 0 er ‘9' ‘ ‘ r‘l ' a we;
' , The six $10315 Nixon mentioned embrace federal meatrid, Nixon said, there will be more decision SAICON~The North Vietnamese have set up new sanc— I“
. ' ' revenue sharing With Statfi 90'4th and municipal making at the state and community level on tuary bases areas in eastern Cambodia, and Saigon forces 3‘1““
' ' . govemments. welfare reform,Ibetter health care, questions affecting their futures. are plunging across the border to try to smash them, a top . “00‘
, reorganization of the federal (labinet-level depart- ”To put if bluntl . n he said ”I b 1. th t American field commander said Monday. In th
- merits and improved env1ronment, and an expan— I . I . I II I . ‘ .‘ e ieve 3 Johns
sioiiary budget to fight inflation. egis ators 1n 0‘1“?” m-thls capitol, know better t v . . - l W ‘i I
N" . . . . I I . than bureaucrats in \\ aShlngton, l)_(,_ what is \VASHIIN(.f0N—flopes swelled Monday for early termin- ! t g
I . not! got repeated applause as he outlmed best for low .. ’ 't' f . . 'd .1 'k) h- . I I .I . f . - 19203
I , his goals. ‘\. . h a. 'd h . h h . a mu o a nationWi e rai stri ( t ieat as negotiators 01 as his
II . But the chief executive drew some boos and I. ow,hIesai ,t ere is vs at etermeda double the union—legally free to walk out at any time—resumed some
' f snowballs outside the statehouse from demonstra- mls‘iaafch' - , , , talks on wages and work rules. I . .
tors )rotestin 1 eve 'thin from i rices to curbs St e nation grows and theeconomy expands, X Al)
I L .rl . g pgp . needs grow fastest at the state and local level ‘ ‘ ' ' ' TI
. on the construction industry and the Indochina And at the same time x . h h h. LhNINCRAD—The SOViet Union urged the big \Vestern “III“
I war. federal government is‘v‘ee‘ pensncte S I‘lwf't at t e powers Monday to press Israel into an early Withdrawal from ‘ l
I Nixon appeared unperturbed by any of this as hues and oft v ‘I bid] {Kinda coIec ing rIeve— occupied Arab territory as part of a general Middle East I‘NI .
. he entered and left the building. ‘180 it aekn e? a t d I ispgnsmg serv1ces. agreement. “”1”
He motored downtown to the Fort Des Moines overksome 21f “:3: 2:21;." (3:19:23 bserglee tfodturili f...—
- I I Hotel for a conference on rural development with tax system to meet stateyand local neg/d5." e era \VASHINCTON—Capt. Ernest Medina accused the Army i
' . I ' four Midwest govemors—host Ilobert D. Ray of The President 3150 argued at length in favor Monday 0f trying to keep him from challenging ”I“ WSW i
I . . Iowa, Richard B. ()gilvie of Illinois, Warren E. of cutting the present 12 Cabinet departments mony of Lt. William Calley Jr. that orders to kill civilians :
, IIIearnes of Missouri and Patrick .I- Lucey of to eight and, in the process,abolishingtheAgricul; at My Lai came from Medina. Another officer, Col. Oran !
. Misconsin. . . ture Department and reassigning its functions. K. Henderson, charged with covering up the My Lai slay- g
I ' , “‘9 governors brought along key StateOffiClalS- Contending the American farmer has changed ings, said the Army is trying to block his efforts to present "T"
‘ I \IXOH had With him four(.iabinet members. Among while the federal government has not, Nixon his side of the story. might“
- - others, Mrs. Nixon accompnied him on the trip. said: ' puma-i
- I BEfOTB entering the hotel, Nixon pausedoutsLde ”'II‘he farm is a man of many talents now- WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court agreed Monday to
. iiinctihZOlfljaiiilcflwihnacf'gilhzlhgkigwllfffridg'dmisniinailt a busmissmank, ahteclhriician, a scientist—often decide whether members of Congress can be prosecuted
. must not lead to the closing of great public build- fhlgfrfa‘ivmihngrie 15 W111i! In more lines 0f work on charges of accepting bribes. The test case involves former IIIlIiItIrI
. .I ' I ings. “The ruril communit“ is becon“*i"“"‘—"‘ in . . Sen. Daniel Ii. Brewster of IMarIvland and the constitutional 33:73 A
' ’ He said the violent demonstrators would like diversified in its econoniic base 31;;(f;;:Lll:‘::d::: speeches and debate pr9"‘5'0"I that senators andIIrepresen— - :3:
. . to keep him in Washington m he could not come and its population patterns. While all this has tatiIves shall not be questioned in any other place for their lip:
4. ' out ihn the coiiIntry, but that it would Ipotfwork. gone on. we have sat in Washington with the 081023ll RCUOIIS- cziiiipi
. ' ' 'l‘ e Des . oines appearance wast e irst in s I) - ICam
I I I a series—there will be another in Rochester, Ni, S?$:18682partment Of Agriculture We have had NEW DEI.III-—Five persons were killed and scores in- 111105}?
' jured Monday in violence that disrupted the opening of . “”9“
I . I, o o o India‘s 10-day national elections for a new Parliament and l refs“:
.‘ I 1‘16(111]a ('Ilalm S ILA l‘my bans hln] forced suspension of balloting in some areas. 58.11:},
' . . ’ ' Supporters of rival political candidates—I)ackiiig or op- “ spenki
‘ , ' I o N 9 posing Prime Minister Indira Gandhi—fought outside voting I fig}
I . ‘ {l'() [I] (.011 testll] (I (Jalley S St()]"‘/7 booths in four of the nine states that went to the polls. ,
‘I ' ' I b ./ They used knives, pistols. stones and soda pop bottles. I
l . . . \\.-\SIIIN(§'I'()NI‘AI’: — (Iait. Army has issued orders a . v r. '. , r, . . . . , , , , i _ 3 835‘
, - Ernest Medina ““de ”u, Ami”) not be pcrmitted to do (if 1“ “mlw‘w‘ f‘” U“ rebuttal Plus" \VASI‘IIINLTQI‘N— Secretary of "Iransportation Ilohn A. 313‘;le
. . , Monday ot ”Emil to keep him The order, Medina‘s attorney _~. (.alley, “Ill.” 1.“! fl“. nnipiw Volpe kept a critical report on the supersonic transport under I will:
. troin cliiilicnmng the testimony allegui I“ it“ action iilcd Mou- mg“ on Medina 5 (11‘th CU”)- -. wraps today. . . , . Natl
. . oi It \Villiani (Ialley la.. that day in the US. Court of Mili-- paiiy. is charged with the pre— 1 Volpe told the House Appropriations (.ommittee the so— grafdt.
. i , ”“10“ to kili iiiilians at \l) tar) Appeals, was issued in writ meditated murder of 102 \iet— called ICarwxn Report makes misleading statements on noise weds.
- ,, _ - Iai “In” ”(His Medina. mg to Capt. Aubrey Daniel. tln- naincsc civilians. (Ionviction l and climate pollution and is outdated. l.
, . I 29-) car—old prosecutor in (In) {In}. “HIM brlnu ”1" death [)ciiztli). L~_—_“____ I
I {\lltldlitlllii‘i oliiccr (.ol.()raii ley Hit \1 I' . l‘ l A‘-Hd Rap
I . fl. Henderson. (liai'ged with . DIM. II . I I I I I. Ie( ina ias )eeii toriiialli ac» Rober'
:!|\i‘illlL' up the \l}~ I.:ii slinings, H“12:21:“:”Influx?! ()ElIlewlhiid' (lusink-.bm .lmt referfid :0 “I?” ° ‘ "‘ fawn-iii
. , s. , I. III I II '. ‘. ‘ .; ._oin ~o )eing responsiie or ie A 14 o D ,1 I . 'II ,
» . iiiiuctin'irtshit].li)i‘iislilil'lIli‘isttiilii’:ii l’artiIiIi. refused ('01lllllt'lli. It “as alleged murders of Vietnamese A II ()I ( ( t(} I) 1358 ()llt ' it‘dr‘k‘!
' u I ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ thIc first t-(Iiiitirinatioii that Daii- iioiicoinbatant persons aliegcclly . if?“
' . W it‘ Wantei Medinas testimony committed l) members ol his ‘I t h '1 i . s . . run
. . . ‘- \fwiin... nov. stationed at Ft, in the (Iallcy trial. company.“ (ferald Alch. assisl- b 01 llldc lllbb 0V6] he‘lb ill-Sim
‘ . \IUI‘tH'tWIH 4- \smi in- "is (Iallcys trial. in progress in ant to F. Lee Bailey—Mediums W/\SIIIN(TI‘()N (Al’) — The committee have demanded the B” C
- - ' . read}. \siilingand alili to testi— It‘rllllttt’ltily Sillt‘t’ NOV. Ii]. is in civilian lawyers—said the speciil L" 5- Air Force is phasing out Defense Department remove slot
. ' . i} in (lalici .\ coiiitinartial at rcccss until Wednesday to allow ications allege Medina killed not 51m maCIiinesatitsoverseas bases machines from all [-5 military
\ ' ' Ft. Iii-inning. (.1... but that the the prosecution time to bring in less than 175 persons. and Will banish them entirely bases around the world. Ihey “V33:
4 . . after July 1, 1972, senators in- have been banned from domestic “W“
. . quiring into military corruption postsfor several years. 692:5
. . , announced Monday. Recently the Army announced the ~‘
, I 'Ihe Air Force decision is the it was destroying more than a 5 Shit-c
. . . latest ofa series of actions taken million dollars worth 0f SIOt ma- 1 “I"
' - tu ent enter Boar presents by the military against the gain. chines at its clubs in Vietnam. fled;
I bling devices, once defended by Senators were told Monday “90“
I . the Pentagon as moneymaking that some of thosemachineswere Elmo
I morale builders. leased, not sold, to clubs in adeal For
» . . In Senate hearings over the in which a private firm was to {553‘
I . past two years slot machines receive one-third of a machine's (moral
have been denounced as sources "‘0'“le PTOfitS~ 3‘2};
of stealing, bribes, payoffs and A young New York lawyer Gr“
Ii. .,.,.~, ~ I m lekbaCkS inthe military SCI-Vices. teflified that as an Anny captain ASSOCi
off-duty clubs. in Vietnam he ordered detained :32 pi:
, DEFI N ITE DEPARTURE HAS BEEN CONHRMED . . I THERE pen:Ilost rrtienI'ibers of the Senate’s 8}: least one Shipment of slot ma- ”5"?
I I _ anen investigations sub- c ines sent to Sarl Electronics
' ARE A FEW SPACtS STILL AVAILABLE . . , IF YOU ACT \ CO- cliecause h: ffiared a plot to MI
I = avoi in i South Vietna-
. IMMEDIATELY! THE KENTUCKY KERNEL mesecfiiiom‘i (fifties.
, The Kentu ' '
. . . 32:33.“it’ati'ii‘y‘yi’ifigimgiivfifi Aminisgli‘iii‘ésséineliit'fiidmif‘
Pick Up An Application In Room 203 Student Center £3,515}! Iggyagilexmsgrieigggtui‘i? ally intervened to makepsure a
. . assassinate”mmmfm 35‘2”“. s‘fii‘mafihifi“ “”2”“
~ - - sessi .' er 8 re eas an e im 0 in
8 Days — 7 Nights . . . price includes P53313333 ngthe Board of Student firm not ”persecuted." p g I:
I Round Trip Transportation and Lodging Begun as. the Page??? 3%): ‘23:“ The witness, Thomas]. “‘ha-
, $225335 continuously as the Kernel Ien. said former Brig. Gen. Earl -
plus several extras . . . Advertising DUblished herein is in- F‘ C018 called him tWIcev 0" VI
I :gggegggmgggdgr; argsgarisgtéyfixg deredI him to release the slot
be reported to The Ewen machines and ”told me firmly
$234 pRICE |NCLUDES TAXES ISIUBscmp-MON RATES there was nothing wrong with
early. by mail — 39.“. ~ . ..
Per copy. from files -— 3.10 the bar] transactions.
KERNEL mnpfiom At the time Cole was an offi-
HURRY TO PICK UP AN APPLICATION TODAY! aiaimazz‘aesw on the Army mi in vm- ..
Aximfim: Egiigfiiésbocrfs I_ 2574740 mm and charged with over-all 3,
non IIIII'IIIIIIIIIII-IIII'ICI‘flIa-2584m responsibility for the Vietnam 5,
“E— PX system.

 . . V '. 3 ' V 1"
—— ,..._ .. _ THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Tuesday, March 2, l97l—3 -‘ . ' ‘ .
‘ Rjjfggi‘: ~ i;};-;‘_ : ," _ . -' "
good but not a great 1 m
WV! By LARRY KIELKOPF lrowned “1’0“ b) the Whit? tolk. Pulitzer Prize. Apparently, the ., . _' K . , .714 _ . ‘
“id Kernel Staff Writer To "lake matte” “’Unc ( and strategy ul3 pi’ml'ueci l.il\\lt‘llL‘t' . ' ~ - '1 V~ ,1 . :
‘ - 1 , . ,, . l u . . . 3'3 ‘ . ' ' . ' e ,- '
()f the yarigu5 recently re— ”K 5t”) better) 10111150” “45" l 3lurmaii and director Martin a, “ ‘1 - . ,. .V
leased films, ”The Great White lthte world s most humble athC- Ritt was not to mess with a " as _
.. _ t . ;. x _ . .1 ‘ .-, V ‘ x ;;__ ,_ _ g," .-'. ,~ ”t
os- 1 Hope has been one of the most L (1' f4 . if . .. l ’ “W“U- 'As *1 “3““: ll“ ”NHL ' I 1 x ' ._‘.~" .f ';' J
108 ’ eagerly awaited. Now Playingat n dldi as)“ “‘“lt t” ( “1“ does not lull} utilize itsinedium. ‘ ~ 6 , 1, 1 .' -
- 1 an a ' ( \ ' . - ' . . Q ‘ 1. -V , -- _,.
th- the downtown Cinema, it may or H l ”d "5; Alt ““‘V lhiml “lid It l(X)ks 11kg a p114); sounds ,.. t1 m. _ - . 1.1 ;, .1
' . . 1 - - .'u iamme( i, I) r - ; . . V . , _ _ _. .1. . ., ..‘- ;
its may not be alittledisappomting, Al'l . lf 1:4 1m") ‘i ‘6‘,“ like a play, and, were it not -, “‘* - i , .-‘ . 1 : ~.
m 1 depending upon your expecta— the I "V: r Tile u 3‘31““??? tor the fact that it was obvious- 1 (5 . ; ~ f --_' ,
trons. It s a good film, but not S ‘ th ' 3' 1 me ly a iantastic play, it could have 1,3. i - ' . ~. .
~. _ 4 5 ‘ -~r~" ' .5 ' _ 1 a1 ‘
a great tilm. fused) 2031230? WT.” [:3 C0; been a real bomb. " ’ :’ ...- . r_ 13"?- . '_ V. .
’10- l James Earl Jones( you ll “30' J h i t l4}? ury foxtl ans: The best example of what it . = ‘ w. 1. 1 1 "Y 1V- _, . j
‘ - - ~ 0 HS in o . s . a . . A; - - ' .. ' .;.. 1 . . ‘ 1'
.85 ogiuze bu" from the r-Up f l l't' e $10? or t‘.‘ 5‘1 l the inoVie could have been is .. «9;. “a, ,. r, . , 1 1-; g ; 1 ' ‘
- ‘ 1. .. 1 o e ' i ' q - . ; " ’ _ . . 1 " 1. 1 ,
0p ooooola nut commerc1al) stars tant lint lesh t id .8 ltllO timpolr shown in the last scenes when .‘V :21: V. V . . ; -. .
. _ . . W . lS L‘ , . . . , L. - 9;; 2;; a: ' .. ‘ _- . , g '-
in the film biography of Jack ”White H” d . ts 1a w 1: some beautiful slow motion toot- , 1;; 1 -. ‘~ ‘ '
. ( e 15 ' r x- . .1 . -"': “1;; viz... , "- . ._‘; ' 5 .'~ , ‘ ' - .
Johnson, a towering black heavy— _ t I n“ ‘11 i if” age graphically shows Jeflerson s , 1‘ a; . , g . 1. ' . 1: ,
. weight champion of the pre- ) H“ 1 very “t “’1” 1““ semiconsclous state alter a ' . "i t '* 1 - 1' '1
n“ 1* . been. . ‘ . *5?“ . ” 1.. 3 - '1 ' ‘ ‘1 -
For ‘ 1920 s. Jane Alexander co-stars knockdown. Anotheris presented ;= ' 1-x .. “gangs pit , .. 1 - 1 . _. ‘
ed as his white mistress. Already, Originally a play when he walks back to his _ ' .1 if ‘$~.§l ' 3"- ' 3'
some amount of L'OlllllCt should To begin With. The Great dressing room surrounded by his 1 ~ R a“; " . x " .
be apparent. White Hope ' was originally publicity posters promoting the , 33. . g i 1!? 3". . 3 3. .1 '
. . . .; . ‘ . . p, , -. ; $73.9, :.** _ 3‘1»- ' ' - - 1 -,. 2 ' .
'm The turn oi the century wasn t a play— a very successful one. light. -. g_:' ,é ,. 4,} 1;” , ° .. 1 ~ 9» .1 -
im exactly a landmark period in the in fact. Over the course of A second minor flaw was in R 6391‘ taxi. “i? '1 ‘ ,. 1’.’ -.
L‘lVll rights movement. Such a multi—year engagement. it won the production. the wholc t m 315453.132???» ;‘ ., . ‘ , ':
activity, to say the least. was all the awards—including a lillll looked like it might \cr) x 9?, g? “$73 1', “-1 I ' 1 "
-’ 1. ‘ -:‘,:;:I 1.1?“ . t 1 as“? S 1 . ‘ ~ 1 ‘. '
well ha\ c bccii shot on the hat k .. 5’; 1.3 t; '9 Rezgfiff”;g W ‘1 ~ ‘- ' - 4-11
... . . a . . 1 , £3; .1 3-.11. 2-1.1} 25. " I."i1".;-t's=:‘3:“3!"if;v 41 .' . t V ‘ ' ' ‘
nv r._____________.________%_______ lot oi :lltli (.cnturv ro\. l“. a: .1 $32 - {1 t3? . b" ‘1. . '3, -; . ‘ ‘
l3 l l l “l“ ll “TIN“ t‘u‘rfl ” “ill \“\ ixlrs >3” '3 3": ‘3’"? 1‘3. l V - ' 33 , . ,. ' 4‘1 , ., i, - _ , '1 ',
‘ 1' T (f! I .i -. . . 1 1 ~ - 11.» i .1 . -‘ l ‘ . ‘it‘ '3: . 5 "1'11 ~ 1 - ~ 3 z; ' '. 3 3‘ x '
. . = 7 ‘3 d 7 ““ “"3 ‘s" “1 ““‘ ‘t ”l‘” 33m ' ' a 3‘ ‘ 1 s‘ “ "1 *1 f‘ “
ns 3 3‘3 C3133} ”an" ' OmOrrO‘t himlh be worth iiicistiomng \\ t ii' 4"?“2iéilffa$, ' 3"" . .2 ‘f- ‘1 . -, .
l i it limi so olnrons that iii-r slum-1 .1e,,s1~ws;._ 72525;. 1; . '1 t 1 - , ' - j.
W_ I . . 1 .. .. . ., . , , L .. c... ; . | '
- i~———~—-———-—»-——~1--1———--———-———-—--—-————-—-—' was tr} rag to i t: .; but-:4. i4:t0h7’l3?1’5“ _~ * ;_- 1.; ~.~
nt The deadline for announcement: is firm that 5’0”“ “"3"" {D ’3‘7 3‘7““ juries quite good ‘3 L" f ‘3‘ 3 ‘ " U '3 "I .
7:30; p.m. two .days prior to the {int received. ; .; , . . \{iili :13\ H 311““, 3111; , ~,.¥ i..',1-.~. "t1 . -.1 :1 . ‘~ 3,
pubilcatiori ul’ arms. in this column. Ken Sopmmore me,” scholastic {is lor lll(ll\'l(ltllll acting pcr- .1 “ ' ' )“ ; "f “ “ ;‘ ' ‘3. ' , f " , , 3 , .1 '3
" ‘s- v- '1 t- . . c ' R A} . 32': 1‘3}. ' EH". '.‘. 2“\ u) v»5§tlli~'<.\k ‘t‘. .211'“ '1“. ' 3 ‘- 1. , 3
t0 3::1‘Eg‘liiijtli‘gcllfoflozggkgggm‘g‘efg: lorinanccs. laincs luail loin-s is ’ 1b; m' V‘“ . ‘ ' “’_ ’ h _ . , y ‘ :_ .11 . .' , .‘ r
8d I‘OILAY plications available at Student Gov— quitt- good Lis_l(1llei‘soll. .Llll,t.ii‘.".ln “1! "mg” newton M Li" “1‘3“” 1.~ 2.1m”; I ”I” l) 33 3 1_ B". ,
. ; I‘riinlcnt office. Student Center. and ,l 9'1N1 it; I)\ ‘1' ll w 3t . 1;.1 ms:- ~1= fun-.5. .1 azm'z: ; l.;l'=~ :,1 . 1.211;; .. 1 :1 .. ' ‘_.--r-..1_."..:-...i..;...-'-
£1- tiu‘rald Henson. Pr‘ivate' school 93- must be returned to Alexander “Yang; .1. 1'11 1 .\ “1 i i I -~ ‘ .-. 1. l ,1 . " .' L .. .., . .- _ . . . . , 3"
t:ui.i.~hcr quc‘stir n5 Kentucziyfcmpul- 422 Rose Lane. by March 20. Itllit' .\it'.\;tlltlt‘r 15 1‘3“,“ lllili.‘ “linin; «15- 111.“ v.2 Mu. . in .. .. 1 . .. .. . ".1' . . 7‘.
lal sor) school laws. 7:30 p.m. March 2, ‘ ‘ , . , ,i, ‘4"! .:) ,3.1' R .1 . W .15. ,, . j. . ~ ‘ .‘ , ,
245 Student. Center. C“”°C“°" “Dwelnw‘s to ”“3 5‘?“ to do out lollow her man around “‘1' 1" “ ""'“ ““‘"“ r""’ " - .1 " .
'n' - . W -tl ,"k n, m r‘ 1 5‘ dent Government directory are availv , ; ; _ . . ; , . . _ . -_‘. .. _ _ _~ 1 _ ; . 1 _
-. “35 9f ’“V .. m“ -,. 0",?” . able at the so office 2m} Student anti hiss llllll ottaszoiiaib. but ,,._._..__........_~-...-«.W. “'“W "iwmmwh WW“ . 3 ‘ 1 5 ' ; '- 3 '
311 p.m. Tues” Nldicli 2, Bittelieii Fine (.V ' Th , 't ta' , . 4 1 " ’ 1 1 1
Arts Bldg. Transylvania Universits “"n er' . 0' gunp‘cmen CO" "'5 ‘1“ she docs haw .i big sccnc. .iial . ' ‘ _‘
campus. $1 donation. updated list of campus telephone num— _' I w ., . ; : ,. ; .1 ;. 1
(‘ampus Girl Scouts ‘tleeting 7 pm be”: ““1 33‘3"“in recel‘v’Cd durmfi size naniiit-s li lik'tllilllllli}1 ii 3. W s . ,H. . , f3 :1 1 N r ‘ ,3 a El 3 . s x i' . 1
' »-* ~ ~ ».~'~1-o' . , 1,,- ; ‘n .., :~‘1R. 14_ '~,~.,;RR _. .;,R'~' 1 . ,I ‘
Tucs., March :2, MB Student Center “'“‘°“““°“‘ . i.. at tan-.141; litl‘d’c'k t'i. mm s: QE n {3; v3 1. a ,: ‘.» 3. i. a 1. l .- { ,» R. .a ‘.. 1. l; 7" ” .11. f «
11- All interested girls are invited to Links SChGlMShlPS are now 3"311' l . 1 ‘ ,1 l t . “ .‘ , 3, : '
of , attend. able. Any Junior woman may apply. tic litttcr than litllli or iin‘n. ; '.‘ 1 ." . . x
‘ Faculty Brass Quintet. Performance Contact 557 Office ’l‘ower for 'lltftfl- a“ “Edd“, “ lt‘ilt‘l‘hlill‘S lllilll- :1 o 1 .1 a s . 3‘. 'fl 1 ' -
id ‘ 8:15 {3.17}, Tues. March 2, Wzlliam mation and applications. Deadline is ‘ . ‘ - , . f}\ E fill E g} (F rg F (‘5 3 St Rt {3 i f :3; $1 1; 1,} ‘u. _. _‘ t ‘1‘ . 1 .
‘3 Sony Auditorium. Free. March 23. ilgt’l‘. Clllit‘l‘l ls iiilit‘tisllt 111 .: 1