xt7nk9315j5d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9315j5d/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1997-02 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, February 1997 text GLSO News, February 1997 1997 1997-02 2019 true xt7nk9315j5d section xt7nk9315j5d / .ma february 1997
a the Winston gay and lesbian “Mus «m
TRANSGENDERED PIONEER If you are a typesetter/layout person, or Peter: pjtay100@ukcc.uky.edu
aspire to be, Mary Crone is the person you Elizabeth: bee@mis.net
During this, Black History Month, I’d should call. Tammy: sappho@mis.net
like to share a personal reminiscence of what February 1997 makrs the 3rd
was certainly one of my formative experiences anniversary of Elizabeth taking over the THANK YOU
here in Lexington. I hadn’t managed to sneak typesetting, and she needs to retire. On behalf of Ebony Male, I'd like to
into Lexington’s only gay bar more than afew However, she is a graphics trainer and is thank the Lexington community for its
times before I heard about Sweets. She was a offering two free 4—hour training courses, one contributions of toys and games to assist
legend here in the early ‘70’s. She was an in QuarkXPress and the other in Adobe children living with HIV. The toys collected
attractive, and by the time I met her elderly Illustrator (with sidelines into fonts, and also at the Toys for Kiddies Soiree on December
black of rather indeterminate gender. On into Adobe Photoshop) - for any person 1, 1996, helped to make the holidays
Friday or Saturday evening, you could often willing to take over the typesetting of the brighter for 60 children (approximately 25
see Sweets, dressed—up in a Chinese Red GLSO. This is both Macintosh or Windows families).
smock, black slacks and black opera pumps, a versions. The training normally costs $300 These families with children, or
Louise-Brooks styled wig, an umbrella and through Beau Graphics. Call now for more parents, living with HIV are being served by
white gloves making her way downtown to information and to set up training times. the HIV Care Coordinators at the Lexington-
have a drink at the bar. Fayette County Health Department,
She was always most gracious, sitting Call Mary. 266-5904. Willie Thomas Boddie,
proudly at a table downstairs at the bar, (then Chair, Board Of Directors
Called the Living Room) and received we“_ who was anyone in town. She worked as an ...........................................................................
wishers with the dignity of a society matron. I orderly at Good Samaritan Hospital and left a NOTE: Margaret Christopher Cartwright
once had the good fortune to be invited to her sizable amount of money to the Baptist (Everyone’s favorite Church Lady) is
house for an after—the-bar party. She lived ina church she belonged to. According to local convalescing this month from a serious but
small, wood—frame white house off East rumor, she was a genuine hermaphrodite, (thankfully!) not life—threatening illness.
Maxwell. Her living room had several big, abandoned by her parents at Good Samaritan She’ll be back just in time for Easter I’m sure!
overstuffed sofas completely covered with where they had taken her, then a 13—year-old -Ed.
plastic covers and free-standing ashtrays. She “boy" named James for an emergency
took all of us down into her basement rec- appendectomy. the gl_s_,9
room. There was a snack bar, a stereo and a As an early crusader for political rights Sponsor of the Month
black, glossy dance floor. She told us that her around here, I found the case of Sweet
cellar had been excavated by the UK Football Evening Breeze quite tantalizing. At that age, S C 0 rs o n S e
Team in the 1950’s. I had been told repeatedly that “the life of a
She was always very proud of her homosexual is a sad and lonely life” in so
connections with Lexington‘s straight society many ways by so many authoritative sources. & Ra n S d e I I
and her own respectability. She regularly Iwas trying to keep an open mind about my Attorneys at La“!
baked cakes for the local firemen and prospects, but a lot of the people that I met in
policemen and she claimed to know anyone con/inued on page 2

 “M’Mr HIS MAJESTY THE QUEEN Nothing about Las Vegas is small, and
,1 z. 5: by Duane neither is Marino’s show. After a brilliant
.. 3‘1}; Let‘s face it: drag isn’t for everyone. But Opening monologue “a la Joan Rivers,” he /
"Avg when it’s done well, it is always entertaining. went through at least thirteen more costume
13-2.5" My partner and I visited Las Vegas a little over a changes with a different designer look for each
gigaefii year ago and discovered that the nightlife can new act. Staging was on the grand Hollywood [
be quite entertaining in the ”city that never scale. Most of the impersonators used their 2
MTILmegtu/{g sleeps" Ironically, the best show we could get own voices and there was a chorus of singers l
Eric? tickets for on short notice was “An Evening at and dancers to back the performers up.
"9 La Cage” at the Riveria Hotel. Everyone from Whitney to Liza appeared before
Isay ironic because Lexington has some us that night. There was even a special P
fine female impersonators whose performances appearance by Michaeljackson. 2
t h e 915—0 N E WS we have attended, so going to Las Vegas to see None of them were real, but all of them 2
Published Monthly by the another one was not a priority on our list of were realistic. An African-American family ]
Lexington G ay /L e s bi an things to do. Life may sometimes be a drag, but from Chicago at the next table was convinced E
_ . , not for Frank Marino whose Los Vegas drag that one of the African-American characters
Sennces Organization show is an experience of a lifetime. couldn’t be a white man, but it was... some of
P.0. BOX 11471 30 here we are, Rex won almost seventy the other impersonators were men of color. It I
Lexington, KY 40575 dollars at the slots and wants to treat me to a was a wonderful evening. Afterwards, Frank 1
show. The picture at the ticket window saysjoan Marino was available to autograph programs 1
Editor: Rivers, but the name is Frank Marino. This is containing pictures of both himself and the 2
Peter Taylor someone that you’ve probably seen on other performers. Interestingly enough, Frank t
television,perhaps on the oldjoan Rivers Show. is as drop-dead gorgeous as a man as any
. The two drinks that came with each ticket and woman that he impersonates. Eat your heart
Layout ”“0“ discovering that the guys across the table from outjoan, you’ve had worse imitators than this!
Elizabeth A- Gilliam-Strong us were “family” made for an enjoyable wait I bring all this up because Frank Marino
before the show began. Photographers moved has just published his autobiography His
gls_o Annual Dues and from table to table taking photographs for Majesty the Queen! which should be available
Newsletter: $15 guests who wanted to remember the evening. in bookstores injanuary. He is offering his book (
Our photo is proudly displayed on our TV. to readers of the GLSO Newsletter for $5.00 off (
Dues and Newsletter for the bookstore price, which makes it $17.00 plus 1
Couples: $20 from tbeflontpage $5.00 for shipping and handling. Write Frank (
Marino Enterprises at 8524 West Sahara, Suite 1
the gay subculture at that time acted like THEY 236, Las Vegas Nevada 89117 or order by phone
We,“ 0, opinions expressed in the GLSO believed it too. Yet here was a person of a by calling (702) 363-5768. I
News are those ofthe authors and don’t necessarily strikingly alternate sexuality who enjoyed at The book is co-authored by Steve and '
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors. least a modicum of respect and acceptance Cathy Marks and includes tips on make-up,
Submissions are welcome. All submissions while so many of the rest of us cowered in our fashion and exercise (for that “girlish” figure) 1
become the property 0f GLSO md ”105‘ indicate various closets. Sweets looked and acted like aswell as the story of how one former pre-med
full name and address 0f the ”hon The Staff she was having a pretty good time of it. If student climbed the ladder of success in high— j
”ewes the Fight to édit SmeiSSiom and ads to Lexington could accept her, and she could find heels and Bob Mackie fashions. Sounds like a 1
meet publIshIng requrrements, aswell asthe rrght . . . . d If. d read to mel ® .
to reject any submissions. a respectable life With both dignity an se goo . I
Placement of advertising in GLSO News respect. Why “OI me‘ Why not all the rest US? ,
denotes neitheraperson’s sexual orientation nor a I’m Still working from the inspiration I found ‘
business' customer preference. in her. ®
GLSO News Page 2

 ‘ “WI/twaemfsza ,.. .'
; PRIDE MONTH PLANNING rolling on this one. Please turn out for this working on having a lawyer present at the
; Planning is under way for the activities event. For more info call Lisa Donnelly 986- March meeting.
1 to celebrate Pride Month this coming June. 5467 or emdonn1@pop.uky.edu ® Mark your calendar: February 18 and
r The starting weekend could beJune 6th-8th. March 18. It‘s the third Tuesday of each
3 Do you belong to an organization that would ATTENTION NATURE LOVERS month.
like to plan an activity? If you are a gay or Lesbian parent or are
; On Saturday June 14th, the Iexington Ramona is looking for Eco—oriented considering parenthood, please join us. We
i Men’s Chorus will present their Pride Concert individuals to form a group for discussion and want to build a strong, supportive parenting
at Arts Place. GLSO has started planning activities. We could plan hikes together, visit community for one another and for our
1 another Family Picnic for Sunday, June Raven Run, Red River Gorge, the new children.@
v 15th.T he Ky. Wranglers and MCC have joined McConnell Springs. There are some fund
1 forces to organize the Awards Banquet that raisers, walks, etc. that we could plan to FAUX OSCARS TO BE HELD
3 brings the two weeks of activities to aclose. participate in. For more information call
f If you would like to join us in planning, Ramona at 277—9424.@ The Royal Sovereign Imperial Court of
I please come to the next NETWORKING All Kentucky Presents the“Faux Oscars".
( MEETING that will be held early in March. MARCH SOCIAL PLANNED Their Most Royal Imperial Majesties
5 Dead lines to get information into the Empress XV Natalie Gaye and Emperor XV
3 advertising brochures will be decided upon at Interweave and GLSO are planning a Paul Johnson invite you to an evening of
; that meeting. Everyone is invited to attend. ® social event for March to be held at the Great Cinema & Drag at the 1997 “Faux Oscars."
y Hall, Unitarian Church. Our tentative date is Held at the Carmike Theater in
t FREEDOM 01: MARRIAGE Saturday, March 15th from 8 to 11 or later. If Lexington, the evening kicks off at 6:00 PM ‘
I UK NOW ORGANIZING you would like to help plan this event or could Sunday March 16, with the show starting at
) CELEBRATION volunteer to work for awhile that evening, call 7:00 PM. .
9 Mary Crone (266—5904).® The marquee features a mov1e, awards
3 The UK chapter of the National ceremony and overadozen entertainers from
; Organization of Women is coordinating a PARENTING GROUP UPDATE both Lexington and Cincinnati. It’s
f coalition of UK. groups in planningaevening guaranteed to be the hottest event of the
s to celebrate the Hawaiian Supreme Court‘s The February meeting will be asharing season! Tickets are $6.00, and may be
( decision that gay and lesbian couples have the of books—parenting and children’s books with purchased at the door or from any court
, right to marry. an emphasis on gay and lesbian families. It member. Q
; UK NOW, UK Lambda, and the now will be February 18 at 6:50 — 8:00 pm at the
J forming UK chapter of the ACLU are planning Unitarian Universalist Church on Clays Mill JIM GRIMSLEY 1'0 SPEAK AT UK
1 a celebration and speak out to be held on Feb Road. Lauded gay authorJim Grimsley will be
15th from 6 to 8 at the UK student Center in In recent months, the need for childcare the first guest of the UK Bookstore’s new
)’ room 230. during the meetings was low, so if you plan on promotional venture featuring visiting
i if you or your organization has any attending and will require childcare, please authors. Grimsley is achild of the culture of
_ information you would like to distributed, call Laura by the Sunday prior to the Thesday southern rural poverty. He has written three
1 please bring it along. The lesbigaytrans meeting. Her number is 266—6568. Childcare critically acclaimed books that are loosely
community needs to develop closer working will be provided based upon need, and based on his own experiences growing up gay
relationships with other progressive groups donations willbecollected to pay for it. and poor in the south.
and this is an opportunity to do so. During the last meeting, the topic of His first bookwas remained unpublished
Thanks to UK NOW for getting the ball legal issues was brought up, and we are .
amlmued on page 4
' GLSO News Page 3

 from page 3
Tickets are $3.75, so meet us in the theater cities were Austin, Texas; Tampa, Florida; |:
for ten years before it was published in lobby about 7:20. Atlanta, Georgia; Kansas City, Missouri and M
Germany It was very well-received, winning This month‘s luncheon will be a potluck Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The rankings of ‘S
the the Hemingway Award when published in at the Unitarian Church (2576 Clays Mill 156 American were based on pro—gay laws,
the US. His newest book,My Drowning, is the Road) following the church service crime, lesbian resources, climate, job—growth lir
sequel to Winter Birds. His second book, (approximate 12:30pm). Bringadish to share and housing. st
Dream Boy, a semi—autobiographical aswell as your ideas — we'll be discussing plans — contributed by Davina Warner© lit
narrative of his own childhood, coming out for a couple of fund raisers and our di
and escape from poverty should be of participation in Lexington’s Pride Month MEL WHITE TAKES PAT a
particular interest to lesbigays. activities. Start making plans to attend our ROBERTSON ON THE PUBLIC lit
Grimsley’s fiction is best described as nextsocial at the Unitarian Church which will ACCESS CHANNEL
Southern gothic and is similar to Dorothy beheld Saturday. March 15fron18:t)()pm until in
Allison and Pat Conroy. Film rights to one of midnight. Look for details in the next GLSO As this newsletter goes to press, w
his books has already been bought (Dream NEWS. If you'd like to help with social, call Lexington’s MCC has applied to TCI for Public in
Boy, I hope!) He will be appearing Thursday, Davina (271-6174) or Mary (266—5904). Access airtime in February in order to show cr
Feb. 20, 7:30pm UK Student Center (room to If you need more information about The Rhetoric of/nto/eizmce: An Open Letter IIt
be announced). ® Interweave or the Unitarian Church, please Video to Pat Robertson from Dr Mel sz’te. [It
call Davina at the number given above or call It includes some eye—opening excerpts from tb
INTERWE AVE NEWS the church office at 223—1448.@ Robertson’s 700 Club Broadcasts with Ni
responses from gay-rights activists and author I
Now that the holidays are over, LEXINGTON: HOME SWEET Mel White. The program touches on bigotry
Interweave resumes acthities this month. LESBIAN HOME against Moslems, Jews, and Planned
Interweave is connected to the Unitarian Parenthood aswell as lesbigays. The general D
Universalist Church, but our group is open to In the November/December 196 issue of public will be surprised to discover what good
all individuals (lesbian, gay, straight, bisexual Girlfriends, Lexington ranked as the 73rd company we’re in on Pat’s list of enemies. bt
etc) who are interested in creatingasafeplace “best lesbian place to live.” What’s so Unfortunately, the public access kl
to socialize and explore lesbigay issues. We surprising about our city's place on the list is application process does not permit us to know rr
invite everyone to join us at the Kentucky that we ranked above the lesbian *MECCA* this far in advance the exact times the fc
Theatre, Wednesday February 5 at 7:50pm for Northampton, Massachusetts (81) as well as program will be aired, but you should be able cr
Bound. In this stylish thriller (reviewed in such gay-friendly cities as Berkeley, California to find it on cable channel 14 Saturday [If
these very pages last month) two women, who (97) and Key West, Florida (102). evenings, Sunday afternoons, and Thesday IL
are romantically involved decide to take on the Neighboring cities Cincinnati and Louisville and Thursday evenings during the month of te
Chicago mob. ranked 90 and 115 respectively. The top five February. The video will also be available for te
loan to local organizations who might want to n
show it to their membership beginning in a]
P WOM’, that’s March. Contact Lexington’s MCC to arrange oi
. to borrow the tape. @ f1
If“ ' 7‘: rr
”In - February 2nd, Lexington’s MCC p;
confidential care for teens adulu “URI“ ‘(‘ 2“ morning worship service will be turned over to w
magniiflifinmflgmmfi333"“ Ef‘ Terry Lee Ousley for a rousing concert of
licensed cllnlcal psychologist - woodford ; V christian mUSlC. Itw111be a time filled With a C,
hospital . versallla kenmcky . lust say /
Dock-cur Sheck-mr-mln - 606.873.5361 continuedim page 10 a
GLSO News Page 4 ' _

 of make GERTEE‘ E‘AE' fooled around at some time or they may conmbmed by M8” Crone
IS, I just don’t know what to do. I’ve been commonly takeathird party to their bed. This I highly recommend the movie Tbe
th living with the same man for six years and I does not mean that they do not love each Crucible starring Wynona Rider and Daniel
still love him dearly. I think he’s the love of my other, it’s just a concession to their Day I/ewis. It was directed by Nicholas Hytner,
life. The other day, quite by accident, I testosterone. This is also not to say that in reportedly agay man. (My source didn’t want
discovered that he‘s been cheating on me with every case this is right. In fact in the cases of me to “out" him but I’m afraid publishing
a man we know who lives in our the fooling around behind the other’s back, it this herewill produce onlyaripple of interest.)
neighborhood. is not a good thing because it often leads to The Crucible is from a play of the same name
I was devastated! I decided I'd better tell hurt, like it has in your case. It is my belief and is the story of the Salem Witch Trials. The
him I knew, because I figured he was just that when one feels the need for variety it local paper can’t seem to make up its mind to
SS, waiting for the opportunity to break off with should be discussed and agreed upon by both rate it as a two star or three star movie. I
lie me and move in with him, but when 1 parties. Now, having served up that bit of pie- definitely think it had been under—rated and
)w confronted him, he ASSURED me that he just in-the—sky “perfect world” BS, your case I’ll give it athree and ahalf stars.
er neededalittle variety, liked the guy but would scenario IS the most common, someone gets It is a story of religious beliefs and
19. never want to end our relationship. I always caught, religious fears, particularly fears of a powerful
or thought that we were like married (even if it’s someone gets hurt. devil, taking over the more positive
th NOT legal yet!) —butIstill love him. What am So where do you go from here? My sensibilities of asmall town in 1692. This is
or I to do? opinion is, if you believe he really does still part of our history as Americans, and as gay
:ry Hurt and Confused. love you, forgive him. Then sit down and talk Americans, and, for some, as Christians. The
ed , about what each of you want from here on rise of paganism in many form during the last
‘al Dear Hurt and Confused out. Realistically, I wouldn’t expect complete few decades has largely been ignored by the
0d To quote Bill, “I feel your pain." I’ve monogamy, it probably won’t be there. But if religious right, Ifear this may change.
been there. But there’s one thing you have to the relationship is meant to be, there will be a The era of witch accusations, tortures,
35s know — MEN ARE ANIMALS! Actually I solution that you both can live with. trials, and deaths occurred in Europe much
)w mean this quite literally. Let’s look at humans Love and Kisses earlier than in this country, spreading over the
he for what science tells us. We are, the highest Gevfiie wag 15th and 16th Centuries and including the
)le critter on the evolutionary scale, Given this time of the Inquisition in Spain. In Europe,
ay hypothesis, we are at the top, but we are still PS. If you have any questions or comments 85% of those killed were women, often women
ay just animals. The male of the species produces for Gertie Mae Noe, write to her in care of who were old, alone, healers, or simply
0f testosterone, that’s this little chemical that GLSO PO. Box 11471, Lexington KY40575 @ “different". Particularlyaspart of the Spanish
for tells us “I must hunch everything that 60,”de Wpage 10
t0 moves." Very few animal species mate for life,
in and even those that do appear to be doing a lot , , , _ , _
g6 of "cheating." So we human animals are Are you belng dISCI‘lmll‘lated agalnSt 1n
fight” a“ ”pm” We to form Kentucky due to your sexual orientation?
monogamous bonds, especrally when two
males get together.
Now, two women together creates a different Report It NOW.
.CC problem, bUt Since thls IS not your problem, I Call the GLSO Discrimination Project, and help to put our
{0 won't go into that now, , _ , ,
0f If you look around you at the male dlscnmmatlon on the bOOkS'
1a cou les that have been to ether for any time at
10 all,lhine times out of tea, one or both have 2 76-5 383
' GLSO News Page 5

 1: . a t - ‘ ‘ _ _ _ I ‘1. 1‘ ‘ . , W; ‘L‘ ,' ‘ 1' ‘ I . -i ,‘T " . .- ,‘ i I (5‘ II, ,‘ ‘, : z'fgjfig‘v, II IIItIF-III ILIIIIII’IILII‘A
"1‘ “ ‘ t 2 V, . ‘ It : ‘ : , ‘ :‘ ‘1‘ _‘ 1"“ .- M .‘ . I" “ ‘ ‘, I . s; I: ‘ If“ ‘ Xi» : 2;,“ EJ‘EIIII‘ 9:00 am.
‘ " ' ‘ ' '1 : ' “ :7 w ~ I " .-:: . ‘ : ; . . " : “ 3f ‘ g 'f w ‘ I: V ’1 .‘ ‘i: ' . ,: ~:‘= =I 11': , Frontrunners (Arboretum)
J ‘ , _‘ I: _ .~ , 1’: ‘ ‘ f , I (I g a ‘ . r ‘ I? ‘ ‘ . t » . _ u ‘3’? I : , I i‘ ' f; y :: Vi i if; i ‘ Fifi]
. :. , t : , ;‘ y 1;- . I. x ‘ w t A . , i - , . 6;) '3 t, ” m g 5 1 ~ W‘I'i': (211' :8 11‘ : II}, :§~§I'fi;; i‘ni‘f‘I‘: .52}; u- . ,
, m . . M . M \ ‘u '5, I'd/l“, \\
10:45 s.m. 7:30 pm. 12 :00 noon and 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm 9:00 am. ' I ' ' '
Unitarian Universalist Pride Center Task Force Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men‘s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum) -
Church 8:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church) '
11:30 am. Rainbow Bowling League HIV/AIDS Support Group 7:30 pm
Metropolitan Community 7:00 pm. UK LAMBDA (231 UK R E s T A | | R A N '1‘
Church MCC Relationships Study Student Center
7:00 pm. 8:00 pm. -
Ebony Male Gay/Lesbian AA 5 5 7 S . leC Stone
7:00 pm. Two Stepping & Swing .
D ni .(MCC Suite) ‘ Lexmgton, KY
“Mp I,‘ ; N‘u- t: 1 Mil: III ““9 I ","I "I“ J": "I" III"
II II II I I I I II II I II I I 2 5 3 - 0 0 1 4
10:45 s.m. 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm) 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 7:30 pm. 9:00 am.
Unitarian Universalist Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Arboretum)
Church 6:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church) fe a t u ri n g th e
11:30 am. Lesbian/Gay Parenting HIV/AIDS Support Group 7:30 pm.
Metropolitan Community Group (Unitarian 7:00 pm, UK LAMBDA (231 UK GLSO NEWS Fa m 0 u S A l fa l fa
Church ’ Church) MCC Relationships Study Student Center) DE ADUNE
12:30 pm. 7:30 pm. 8:00 pm.
lnterweave Potiuck P—Flag (Chapel Hill Gay/Lesbian AA ADEIEQSBISSLUEEKTES we e k e n d B l' u n C h :
U.U. Church Presbyterian Church) Bali Room Dancing AND CORRECHONS FOR
8:30 pm MARCH NEWSLETTER ' b I 1)
Rainbow Bowling League 273-5845 s e r V] n g u e e r ry
buckwheat pancakes,
“I II I I“ "I III I II I I I I I If eggs benedl ct a mo] d,
10:45 5m. 7: 15 pm, 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm‘ 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm. 6:00 TO 8:00 PM. 9:00 am: 0
Unitarian Universalist GLSO Board Meeting Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men’s Chorus Practice Coalition of UK groups Frontrunners (Arboretum) S p a n l s h 0 m e l e tt e S ;
Church (MCC Suite) 8:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church) celebrating Supreme (I
11:30 am. Rainbow Bowling League 6:00 pm. 7:30 pm) Court decision g 0 u l‘ m e t e S S e l' t S , a n d
Metropolitan Community HiV/AlDS Support Group UK LAMBDA (231 UK regarding same-sex
Church 7:00 pm. Student Center marriage (205 UK m u c h m 0 re , , .
7:00 pm. MCC Relationships Study 7:30 pm. Student Center)
Dignity, (MCC Su'rl'e) 8:00 pm. Jim Grimsiey (author) 7:00 pm.
Gay/Lesbian AA speaking at Worsham Dignity Potluck. For
Line & Partner Dancing Theatre. ground floor, 7:30 pm. A" 0 f o u r b yea ds a n d
New Student Center Gay/Lesbian AA . .
desserts are baked daily m
I I II .;;I:1 III II III our kitchen.
10:45 am. 12:00 noon and 7:30 pm. 6:00 pm. 7:00 pm.
Unitarian Universalist Gay/Lesbian AA Frontrunners (Woodland Men's Chorus Practice
Church 8:30 pm. Park) (Central Baptist Church)
11:30 am. Rainbow Bowling League HiV/AIDS Support Group 7:30 pm.
Metropolitan Community 7:00 pm. UK LAMBDA (231 UK
Church MCC Relationships Study Student Center)
8:00 Gay/Lesbian AA 8:00 p.m.
. Open Dancing BMW Com mam FREE EVENING PARKING .
9:00 pm. non-members

N ame (5) _______________________________fi___________,_______.________
Address ______________________-__________________________________
. 'City, State, ZIP_g_________________________________________________
‘ \ sf “”315 Membership and Newsletter « ‘ , -
T 1‘: __.__$20'Coap‘lesiiMembe‘rship and Newsletter - i i i H ° “ i‘ * \ ~
____I am (we are) including a donation of $3 or more. Please add the above
name(s) to the OUT AND PROUD sponsorship page in October, 1997.
‘ ____I do not wish for my name to be added to the Community Mailing List used
exclusively by and for Kentucky Gay/Lesbian organizations.
Please become a member: help support and build our community
and receive your newsletter by mail!
MAIL TO: GLSO Newsletter P.O. Box 11471, Lexington, KY 40575
:3: Q I 9:: a ['Just’r'so‘me of the Ways your donations help ourilmmmuniity ‘ i ‘ ‘t ‘ .
This support has enabled GLSO to...
<3) publish this newsletter
<3; to co—ordinate Pride Month
@ to support other community organizations
@ to provide speakers for various groups throughout central kentucky
<13 to hold social events for our community. 00
Would you like to help sponsor an issue of GLSO next year? 6‘;
Check out our Queer As A Three Dollar Bill campaign (page 9). f

x CROSSINGS, A MAN’S BAR, INCLUDING THE RACK .............233-7266
Z METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH ................................271-1407
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH ..................................223-1448
— IMPERIAL FLOWERS AND GIFTS .........................................233-7486
F11 SUE STRONG, PH.D., LICENSED PSYCHOLOGIST ................277-31 19
JAMES W. GARDNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW ..........................253-1320
GLSO will print an Out and Proud page of individuals who would like their
names listed as financial supporters. The minimum cost is $3 for a single or
couple’s name, and $45 for a statement. Those who send extra amounts with
their subscriptions can also request to be listed on the Out and Proud page.
Your contributions help us with our work in community education, social
events, and support of other lesbigaytrans organizations.
_ GLSO News Page 9

 from page 4 from page 5
clergy that the Devil had tempted her with
variety ofmusical styles from heart—wrenching Inquisition, Jewish people were killed in great visions of freedom and a return to Barbados,
ballads to hand—clapping, foot—stomping numbers. Many people have speculated that an offering she said she knew could only come
southern gospel lesbigaytrans people were over-represented in from evil. The white “holy" men found that
You’ll hear some new song, some old those that were tortured, drowned, and burned perfectly reasonable.
songs with a new twist, all tied together with at the stake. The women who were accused, Of course, I await a movie on the
banter that may make you laugh or make you for example, were more likely to be women Burning Times that portrays the sexism more
cry, but will definitely uplift your spirit. living without the protection of men. And of sharply and includes the presents of
Terry Lee used to travel the eastern course, being perceivedasdifferent has always homophobia, albeit in a different form from
United States with Contemporary and meant trouble. As I wrote previously, Joan of that which surrounds us today. The fear of
Southern Gospel bands but became Arc was tried and burned at the Stake for difference has not disappeared from the
disillusionedwithaGodwho (according to his refusing to stop dressing as a man, The human race. Howwill it play itself out in our
upbringing) had condemned him to witchcraft charges against her were dropped life times?. The pagan and queer
damnation because of something he was born although it was thought by many that she communities overlap in our day, afact that the
with - his sexual orientation. He left both maintained spiritual connections to her pagan right wing doesn’t seem to have latched onto
music and ministry for ten years, but during roots. yet, How will we respond if-when that is used
that time became to afuller understanding of The fear and panic in Salem were against us?®
who God really is. In 1990, he became similar to that in Europe, with many people
involved in MCC Louisville and following a believing in the power of evil perhaps even
Holy Union and move Springfield Illinois, he more than they trusted in the power of good. Quote Of the Month:
resumed his musrcal ministry, Mr. Ousley wrll Within four months hundreds of people were ‘
onlybeherefor one service, 11:30am February arrested and 19 people were hung and one BUt here 5 a cuwebau for you;
2nd at 387 Waller Avenue. All are welcome® pressed to death for refusing to plead guilty. There's eVidence that the
BAKE FOR THE RACE FOR The Crucible portrays sexual repression . CathOIjC ChUTCh recognized
THE CURE as one of the forces pushing this community same-sex marriage in theeariy
towards the hangings of good people. The f Middle AgesTheghmch ”
It’s a little confusing, but Lexington’s movie also reflects some understanding of the j p GHdQYSGdsexualwion
Eirst Race for Lire Cur: fpfr IBreéist (tlalriicer is cliisismtil rafiism, dand sexi