xt7nk9313t6c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk9313t6c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky Coleman, J. Winston (John Winston), 1898-1983 1818 directories  English Lexington, Ky : Winburn Press Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Lexington City Directories Lexington's Second City Directory Published by William Worsley and Thomas Smith for the Year 1818 text Lexington's Second City Directory Published by William Worsley and Thomas Smith for the Year 1818 1818 1818 2013 true xt7nk9313t6c section xt7nk9313t6c     MQ 
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t Anderson St Morrow, Merchants Main street.  
V Anderson,‘John, Housejoiner Market street. '
I Adams, Polly,‘ Grocery store Mill street. Q
* Ayres, Benjamin, Innkeeper Main street. ,
A Anderson, Mrs. (widow qf George,] Main Street- Y
` ~ Adams, William, Hatter 2:}-St. Goshen. j
V Aikin, Robert S. Bookbinder Residence, Market street
. Ayres, Samuel, \Vatehmaker Bt J eweller Main Street. A
, Atkinson, Benjamin, Painter Main street. y
I   Arcampball 8c Nouvel, 1\IerchantS Main street. `
Ashton 8: Beach, Coachmakers Main-Cross, near Short Street.
· Allen, Elisha, Tailor Upper, near Main street.
, { Ater Et Welsh, House joiners Shop, Mechanic street, Dwelling, Main,
I .g. near Main Cross street.
i Aldridge, I. P, Lancasterian Teacher Upper, near High Street.
‘ Adams, Ann, Upper street.
l y Alls0p,'Spence1§ House Joiner Upper street.
Alford, Sarah, Semstress Upper, near 3d street. 4
l   Adman, Benjamin, Hackncy·coachman 2d street.  
·. < Blair, Wm. W. . Attorney at Law Corner of Short and Upper etreek
‘ · Buck, Bradford 8: Megowan, Auctioneers Corner of M¤.in·$¢ Upper St!.
· l Bradford, Danl. Auctioneer Mulberry street.
l I Bradford, Charles, Clerk Corner of Mill and 2d 5£l°¢¢t6·
. Barton_& Craig, Merchants Main street. ,
· · Boyer, John G. Saddler Short street. i
‘ Bain, P. St W. Hatters Corner of Main and Main Cross streets. {
‘ · Ballinger, Grocer Short street. .
j y Boswell, Thos. E. &. Co. Merchants Main, cornerof Mill street. `
I F Boswell, Joseph St Geo. Merchants Cheapside.
» Boswell, Joseph, Physician Short street. '
Bu.s¢Y» James,. Watchman Short street.
Blanchard, Asa. Gold Br. Silver Smith Cornet of Mill and Short stretls,
y _? ' residence, Mill street. l
Q Barbee, Lewis, Plasterer Upper street. A 1
1 ~ Buchanan, Joseph, Attorney at Law Mulberry street. - l
*1 Bank U. S. Ofiice of Discount and Deposit Main, corner of Mill. street. ‘
` A Baxter,Jolxn, Whéelwright and Turner Upper street. 1
· j, Blunt, Bartholomew, Grocery store Short strcetv ` .
j i T1·rr.s: PAGE or Lr:xmc·r0N’s SECOND Drmzcrorw l
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Published by WiHiam WorsIey and  
  Thomas Smith for the Year 18].8  
I By  
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    WIHSIOH Coleman, jr., L1tt.D. f l
J  I N S
  Author of  ii?}
  Slavery Times in Kentucky,  
Famous Kentucky Duels, etc.    
i WLNBURN Pnmss  
U LEXINGTON, KEN*1·Uc1__ ,__ ___, ___, __ 4_,rA_ 7 _ A___ _______ J    
J Copyright, 1953 by A7
{A J. Winston Coleman, Jr. T
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  Lex1ngton°s Second City Directory   {
1   During the second decade of the nineteenth century,  
i4 this frontier metropolis had grown to be the cultural, intel-   V
‘ lectual and commercial center of the Western Country and   Z
{ had firmly laid claim to the title of Athens of the West.   l
l An English traveler described the city in 1818: “Lexingt0n   =
  is still considered the capital of fashion in Kentucky. There   {
{ are many genteel families, a few of which keep coaches. I   1
I The town on a whole exhibits a well-dressed population, and  
, is regularly built of frame and brick houses. It has an Uni-   (
versity [Transylvania], brick Mason’s hall, several places   T
of worship (three Presbyterians, one Episcopal, one Bap-  
tist, one Methodist, one Roman Catholic). Three printing   1
presses where three weekly newspapers are published; a  
branch of the United States Bank, and two other banking  
houses; seven mercantile houses and some good taverns  
1 and inns."  
Of the three newspapers mentioned by Timothy Flint,    
one was the Lexington Reporter, published weekly and    
later semi-weekly by William W. Worsley and his brother-   i
in-law, Thomas Smith, at their printing establishment lo-   .
cated on Jordan’s Row, facing the Public Square. In addi-   _
tion to their newspaper, these enterprising gentlemen pub-   `
lished a number of books during the years from 1816 to  
, 1819, some of the better-known ones being Robert McAfee’s  —
l History of the Late War in the Western Country, and  
V Michael Smith’s A Narrative of the Sujferings in Upper  
Canada, with his Family in the Late War—both of which  
1 are scarce and much-sought pieces of early Americana.  
1 In addition to books, pamphlets and religious tracts,  
Messrs. Worsley and Smith published three of their Ken-  
g l
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2 Le:cington’s Second City Directory
  tucky Almanacks, now rare, bearing dates of 1818, 1819 and
  1820. Lexington’s second printed city directory was pub-
  lished as a part of Worsley & Smith’s Kentucky Almanac,
  and Farmer’s Calendar for the Year 181.9. It bears the im-
  print of 1818, and was a frail volume of forty-eight pages,
  nineteen centimeters tall and stitched. This small directory
. f (beginning on page 37) of ten pages lists the pioneer inhabi-
  tants, with their business addresses and occupations.
  Only four copies of Worsley & Smith’s 1818 Kentucky
i' Almanack are known to have survived, these rarities being
_ in the libraries of the Lexington Public Library. the Louis-
  ville Public Library, the American Antiquarian Society and
  the Wisconsin Historical Society.
y   The "Directory of the Town of Lexington for 1818" is
I { here published in full as it came oli the press one hundred
, i and thirty-five years ago. Names of the citizens are not
g listed in alphabetical order and a number of out—moded
l *4 occupations, unfamiliar to the present—day reader, are
  , recorded. Some of the streets named in this early directory
[ , have changed their names or lost their identity: Main-
I   Cross is now Broadway; Mulberry is Limestone; Constitu- .
y tion is East Second; Mechanic is Saunier Avenue and Jor-
~ i` Y dan’s Row was that block of business houses on the east
;_ l side of Upper, between Main and Short streets. Other
S 1 streets in the directory, as Walnut, Short, Main, High, A
- 1 Spring, Upper, Water, Mill and Cheapside are the same
i p today as in 1818. The quaint phraseology of the times
, and the archaic spelling of the names and occupations of
A y Lexingt0n’s earlyiinhabitants have been retained through-
, = out this publication.

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FOR 1818.  jg {
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Anderson & Morrow, Merchants, Main Street.   i
*Anderson, John, House-joiner, Market Street. ge ,
Adains, Polly, Grocery store, Mill Street.  Qt, 1
Ayres, Benjamin, Inn-keeper, Main Street. T W
Anderson, Mrs. (widow of George), Main Street. { 
Adams, William, Hatter, 2d St. Goshen.  
Aikin, Robert S. Bookbinder, Residence, Market Street.  Qi
·Ayres, Samuel, Watchmaker & J eweller, Main Street.  l`?
Atkinson, Benjamin, Painter, Main Street.  
Arcampball & Nouvel, Merchants, Main Street.   _
·Ashton & Beach, Coachmakers, Main-Cross, near Short Street.  4=,~. pj
Allen, Elisha, Tailor, Upper, near Main Street.  jg; *
Ater & Welsh, House-joiners, Shop, Mechanic Street, Dwelling, F ,  
Main, near Main-Cross Street.   `
Aldridge, I. P., Lancasterian Teacher, Upper, near High Street.   _
Adams, Ann, Upper Street.  
. Allsop, Spencer, House-joiner, Upper Street.  Qi.; ,
Alford, Sarah, Seamstress, Upper, near 3rd Street. Ji-  1
Adman, Benjamin, Hackney—coachman, 2d Street.  {
. [B]  ES 
Blair, Wm. W. Attorney at Law. Corner of Short and Upper Streets.  
Buck, Bradford & Megowan, Auctioneers, Corner of Main & Upper  
Sts.  ,,z‘ 
Bradford, Dan’l. Auctioneer, Mulberry Street.  
Bradford, Charles, Clerk. Corner of Mill and 2d Streets.  
Barton & Craig, Merchants, Main Street. 4L j
Boyer, John G. Saddler, Short Street.  
Bain, P. 8.: W. Hatters, Corner of Main and Main-Cross Streets.  
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V 4 Lexington/s Second City Directory 1 _A
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. Ballinger, Grocer, Short Street.  
§? Boswell, Thos. E. & Co. Merchants, Main, corner of Mill Street. ‘`‘_
  Boswell, Joseph & Geo. Merchants, Cheapside. ·_ 
3 Boswell, Joseph, Physician, Short Street. ° ·
  Busey, James, Watchman, Short Street.  _`j
  Blanchard, Asa. Gold 8: Silver Smith. Corner of Mill and Short ,
l e Streets, residence, Mill Street.  
_ f Barbee, Lewis, Plasterer, Upper Street.
2 i Buchanan, Joseph, Attorney at Law, Mulberry Street. .
  Bank U. S. Oiiice of Discount and Deposit. Main, corner of Mill ,·
L Street. g 
=, Baxter, John, Wheelwright and Turner, Upper Street. ,_;
Blunt, Bartholomew, Grocery store, Short Street.  
_ _ Bradford and Wilson, Bookbinders, Upper, near Short Street.  
V Banton, Wm. T. Boarding-house, Short Street. · “{
Q Barrett, Barney, Hairdresser, Market Street.
. Q Barbee, Nathaniel, Plasterer, Main Street.  
.. Bryan, John, Saddler, Main Street. ,· 
g Bradford, John, Justice of the Peace, Mill Street. 715;
, I Bridwell, Fielding I. Saddler, Short Street. if 
, `_ Badger, Samuel, Retailer of liquors, Corner of Short and Main-  
_ Cross Sts.  
I Briggs, Edmond L. Physician, Main Street. ;’= 
i ’. Breckinridge, Joseph C. Attorney at Law, Mulberry Street. ,,,
l ` Bull, John, Carpenter, Constitution Street. ,
· > Barbee, Joseph & Co. Merchants, Water, near Upper Street. ..·= g
i . Barbee, Joseph, House-joiner, Dwelling, Upper Street. Q 
I ‘ Brown, Frank, (coloured man) Labourer, Mulberry Street. _,
V Barker, Joseph, Labourer, near Lexington Manufactory. _;
_ if Barker, Leonard, Bricklayer, Spring Street continued. ·,
» ` , Bradford & Bowles, Alluvian Steam Mill, Water, near Main—Cross ~_
· E Street. j 
T i Bruen, Joseph, Brass and iron-founder, Water, near Spring Street. ‘·
, F Bradley, Phillip, Main-Cross Street. . 5
. _ Bronston, Jacob, Saddletree-maker, George-Town Street.
; Brand, John, Bagging Manufacturer, Mulberry Street.
l Baker, John, House—joiner, Constitution Street. n, 
, Baker, William, House-joiner, High Street.  `
* Beatty, Robert, Weaver and Blue-dyer, Mulberry Street. _‘ 
, Babcock, Elisha, Carriage—maker, Mechanic Street.  ` ·
, i Bean, Abner, Inn-keeper, Upper Street. =
T } Bell, John, Bagging Weaver, Mulberry Street.  l
· J Bealart, David, Rope-maker, Walnut Street. “ 
2 4_

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  Lezvingtorfs Second City Directory 5  gf  
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i nl  Burrowes, Nathan, Merchant, Mulberry Street.  
‘ `~,` Bruce, John, Rope-maker, Mulberry Street. Yi 
1  Burton, John, House—j0iner, Jefferson Street.  gi;
»  f Boling, Bevin, Cooper, Upper Street. if  i
  . Bell, William, Plane-maker, High Street. {   
Q Boulware, John, House-joiner, Mulberry Street.   `
, Barry. Wm. T. Attorney at Law, Mill Street.   -
Buck, Charles, Auctioneer, Residence, High Street.   °
_· Bridges, John, Tallow chandler & soap boiler, Main-Cross, near   l
. Water St.   l
 ` Brashear, Dr. Walter, 2d Street, Goshen. 2, 
  Barker, George, 2d Street.  H" (
f_ Barr, Thomas T. Attorney at Law, Ohice, Mulberry, between Main  ’;‘, `
_-[ and Short Streets. zi 
  , Blythe, James, D.D. Corner of Upper and 4th Streets.  
` Bowman, William, Livery stables, Water, near Mulberry Street.  iii,.  (
, J Boggs, Mrs. Martha, Boarding house, Main Street. ig ':
L]. V , `?
·l  Coyle, Cornelius, Merchant, J ordan’s Row.  
  Cox, Edward, Bookbinder, Residence, Main Street. Q' 
  Combs, Leslie, Attorney at Law, Ofiice, Main Street.  Eff
  Castleman and Cooney, Merchants, Main Street.    
` ‘ Cox, George, Haberdasher, Main Street.   `F
  Chamberlain, John, Plasterer, 2d Street, Goshen.  {_  
’;  Chipley, Stephen, Brickmaker and Bricklayer, Mulberry Street.  
 2 Campbel.l, Archd, Public cryer, High Street.  
{ Cowan, James, Attorney at Law, J ordan’s Row.  gf _‘ ‘
_‘2 Cloud & Gaines, Drug store, Corner of Market and Short Streets.  if ,v,·  _
” Carroll, Edwd, Glovier and leather breaches—maker, Mulberry  gi'; ~
= . Street.    
`   Circulating Library, Main, near Upper Street.  
V ,= Cummens, Charles, Hairdresser, Main Street, near Mulberry.  ·__f€’ 
Challen & Gaunt, Fancy and Windsor chair-makers & painters,  
‘ Main Street.  ·;>_
  Connell, Walter, Porter house, Main-Cross, near Main Street.  iiffp 
’ Cooke, Jno. B, Taylor, Upper near Main Street.  #3
 , gg- Mrs. Cooke keeps a Millinery shop in the same house.  é{.~;[ 
S ;  Chamberlain, Thomas, Plasterer, 2d Street, Goshen.  iggggp 
 , Campbell, Mrs. Arthur, Boarding house, Water Street.  jjj; 
, Clifford, Jno. D, Merchant, Store, Upper Street, Dwelling, Market  if 
  Street.  ·}3}
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Q , Carty, John, Potter, Corner of Water and Upper Streets. {
Capell, Henry, House-joiner, Main-Cross Street.  
  Capell, Jacob, House-joiner, Main-Cross Street. ‘
  Capell, Benjamin, House-joiner, Main-Cross Street.
5 Cooper, William, Millwright, Mulberry Street.
j Corn, Abraham, Plasterer, Mill Street.
f., Capell, Abraham, House-joiner, High Street.
, li Cumberland, John, Main Street. [
it Connover, James, Saddler, Main-Cross Street. ,
, , Clarke, John, House-joiner, Upper Street. l
§ Challen, William, Fancy & Windsor chair-maker, Main near Spring  
" . St. —
‘“ Cirode, William, Skin-dresser, Main Street, near Catholic burying
7 ground.
Coolidge, Nath’l, Skin-dresser, Main Street.
i Coolidge, Samuel, Bricklayer, Upper Street.
( Cahill, William, Waggoner, 4th Street.
* Clark, Michael, Waiter, Upper Street.
. 1 Cobb, David, High Street.
: Caldwell, John, Blue-dyer & Cotton-Spinner, High, Corner of
f Main—Cross Street.
»   Corder, Wm. S, Cordwainer, Church Alley.
. i Cornelius, Abner, Tobacconist, Upper, near Short Street.
¥. Cunningham, Rev. Robert M. Mulberry Street.
} [ Cooke, Mrs. Martha, Short Street. , `
', Cloud, Caleb W. Physician, Main Street.
l j Castleman, Lewis, J ur. Livery stables, Short Street. P
l 3 .
I J V [ D ]
. Y J Dudley, Benj. W. Physician and Surgeon, Mill Street. `
l 3 Dishman, John, Merchant, Cheapside.
~ Q Deverin, John, Confectioner, Short Street, Public square.
} l Downing, John, House-joiner, 3d Street.
k l Degrange, Jerome, Dry Good store, Mill Street. ·
, Davis, James E. Sheriff, Main Street.  
_ _ Downs, Benjamin, Bricklayer, Main Street. .
l Drake, Abm. S. Tailor, Main Street. . )
, Davis, Allen, Bricklayer, Mulberry Street.
Dillon, John D. Cordwainer, Short Street, Public Square.
Dumesnil, Anthony, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Mill Street.
, ° Downing and Grant, Painters and Grocers, Short Street.

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i Lexmgtovfs Second City Directory 7    
l Desforges, Stephen H. Grocery store, Short, corner of Main-Cross  
Q St.   .
Dubois, John, Baker, Upper, near Water Street.  L ,
Ducker, James, House-joiner, High Street. .§ _ .g
Davis, Benjamin, Retailer of Liquors. Corner of Upper and Water   ;
Dougherty, Wm. Retailer of Liquors, Water Street.   ‘
{ Dukeminner, John, White Lead Manufacturer, near Lead Factory.  vg {
p Donnelly, Patrick, Retailer of Liquors, near Lexington Manufactory. jj,  `
Day, Joseph, Bricklayer, Main-Cross Street.  
Downing, Samuel and Sons, Water, near Mulberry Street. T,  ,
‘ Duvall, Thomas, Constitution Street.   r
Dawson, Thomas, Mulberry Street.   .
U `
[EJ *f§  .
Elder, Matthew, Justice of the Peace, 3d Street.  I 1
Essex, Thos. & Co. Bookbinders, Main Street. Q S
Eads, John, Blacksmith, Main-Cross Street. U 
Ennis, James, House-joiner, Jefferson Street.  
Q Ennis, John, Mill Street. ;; 
· ` Fishback, Sam’l. D. Attorney at Law, Short Street.  [ji;  
, 'Fisher, John, Brickmaker and Bricklayer, High Street.  ,.  
Foster, Hugh, Tailor, Residence, Mill Street.   t
‘ Fletcher, Henry, J eweller, Short Street.  Y? _
‘ »· Frazer, Robert, Clock and Watchmaker, Upper, near Main Street.   J
Fishback, James, Minister of the Gospel, 3d street, Goshen.   .
· _ . Fry, John, Cordwainer, Main Street.  gy ‘
Fishell, Michael, Tin and Coppersmith, Main Street.  
Forde, Gibbs, & Co. Merchants, Mill Street, near Main Street.  
, Farrar, Asa, Post & Rail—maker, High Street.   .
Ferrill, London, Waiter, Short Street cont’d.  tp
Fowler, John, Postmaster, Main Street.  
( Fleming, James, Cordwainer, Upper, near Main Street.   _
Fayette Paper Manufacturing Company’s Paper Store. Upper, be-  
’ tween Short and 2d Streets. Eg .;
Fife, Thomas, Reed-maker, Water Street.   ]
J Fleming, James, Cooper, Upper Street near Lex. Steam Mill.  
J Fisher, David, House—joiner, Mill Street.  gy; ,
Flannagan, George, Mill Street.  
L li
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8 Lexingtords Second City Directory
,2 . [ G ]
A Gaines, Bernard, Boarding—house, Corner of Short and Market
,· n Streets.
  Giron, Mathurin, Confectioner, Mill Street.
, U Gist, Nathaniel, High Street.
j Geers, William, Inn-keeper, Mulberry Street.
5 _ Guinand, Julius, Watchmaker, Main Street. ‘
?‘ Gatewood, James (coloured man), Retailer of Liquors, Market
`¤ Street.
. ji Grant, Thomas, Painter, Residence, Mill Street. ' ‘
  Green, Rebekah, Short Street.
_, ( Gatewood, Robert A. Merchant, Main Street.
Y Garrett, Wm. & Co. Grocers, Corner of Water and Upper Streets.
`» Graves, W. W. Merchant, Dwelling, Mill Street.
Graves, James, Merchant, Cheapside.
I Grooms, Elijah H. Main Street.
' George, Leonard, Inn-keeper, Corner of Short and Main-Cross
< Streets.
. i Grinstead, Robert, Brick and Stone Mason, Mulberry Street.
z Gray, Thomas, Silversmith, Dwelling, Lowry Street, Western sub-
T urb.
, 2 Gray, Mrs. Salley, Gentlewoman, Short Street.
, ¤ Graves, Josiah, House-joiner, 4th Street, near Mulberry Street.
`. . Gibney, Alex, Plasterer, Constitution Street.
,   Grooms, Robert, Post and Rail-maker, 3d. Street.
il Gough, Michael, House—joiner, Main-Cross Street.
{ 2 Grooms, Mrs. Nancy, Walnut Street.
I ° Gist, Billy (coloured man), Western suberb.
[ V 4 [ H ]
._ P T Humphreys, Charles, Attorney at Law, Residence High Street, ofhce
‘ I J ordan’s Row.
’ E Head, James, Mill Street.
) `A Holderman, Pearson & Co. Merchants, Main Street.  
, F Howe, Edward, Wagon—maker, 3d Street.
» ( Huston, Robert, Lex. Steam Mill, Residence, Mill Street. .
. . Hawkins, Thos. W. U. S. Bank Clerk, Short Street continued.  
‘ Hardisty, David, Residence, High Street.
l Hardesty & Hess, Retailers of Liquors, Water Street.
Hay, George, Cordwainer, Main Street.
y Hanson, William, House-joiner, Main Street. .

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Lexington’s Second City Directory 9   j
@1  1
Hervey, Joseph H. Merchant, Main Street.  
Hogan, Lewis, Stone-mason, Short Street.  J; ,
Higgins & Pritchart, Merchants, Corner of Main and Mulberry  
Streets.   `
Huston, William, Grocery store and residence, Main Street.   {
Hunt, William G. Editor of the M onitor, Residence, Main Street.  
Heran, James L. Hatter’s shop, Main Street.   T
‘ Heran, Susanna, Main-Cross Street.   <
Hedenberg, Peter & Co. Saddlers and harness—makers, Mulberry   `
l Street, opposite Short Street.  
Hilton, Level, Carpenter, Main—Cross Street.   {
Hunt, John W. Merchant, Residence corner of Mill and 2d. Streets.  
Hamilton, James, Retailer of Liquors, Upper Street.  
Henley, Elkanah, House-joiner, Constitution Street. fg 
Haller, Benjamin, Tailor, Mill Street.   ,
Hadley, William, Cordwainer, Main Street.   1
Haggin, James, Attorney at Law. Oflice Upper, near Main St. k i
Dwelling Main-Cross St. {gg 
Harrison, John, Bricklayer, High Street. C€ 
Hampton, Jesse, Retailer of Liquors, Mulberry, fronting Water  gn
Hawkins, Warner, Stone-mason, Upper Street.  QQQ
Hostetter, Joseph, Butcher, High Street.  _  
Henry, James P. Iron—founder, Water Street. J; ‘;
Hart, Jno. & Thos. P. Tammany Steam Mills, Water Street, OHice   i
J ordan’s Row.  
Hart, Thos. P. Dwelling, Mulberry Street. `   1
Hamilton, John, Rope—maker, High Street.  gf `
Hudson, John, Retailer of Liquors, Main Street.   _
Hurst, James, Stone—mason, Short Street.  YQ? ~
Hill, James, Cabinet—maker, Upper Street.  
Hannegan, Edwd. B. Schoolmaster, Spring, near High Street.  
Hickey, Thomas, Oil—cloth manufacturer, Main, near Main-Cross  sj _
  Henry, John, Cooper, Mulberry, opposite Constitution Street.  
Henry, Elijah, Blacksmith, Mulberry Street.  *9;},
. Holloway, Mrs. Elizabeth, J efferson Street.  in 
` Hopewell, Sam’l. Blacksmith, Upper St, near Lex. Steam Mill.   _
Higgins, Richard, Merchant, Residence, High, corner of Upper   Y
Street. E if   
Hull, Peter, Butcher, High Street.  lt; W
Hull, John, Butcher and Tanner, High Street.  
, f_
;§  e
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evi ‘
Q 5
it 1
. _ _   v
.. QV., . ` V " ~ . . . . . {fil

 ; _'  ' [ ‘ ` ° ‘ t ‘¤»................
[ 10 Leacingtorfs Second City Directory
Y. Hosmer, John, Instructer of Youth, Short St, near the Mason’s
{ V Lodge.
p Hart, Mrs. Susan (widow of the late Col. Thos. Hart), Mill Street.
· ` Haskins, Joseph, Portrait—painter, Short Street.
? Hickey, Simeon, White and black-smith, Northern suberb.
Q Higginbottom, Ralph, House-joiner, Upper Street.
]Y· [I1
, L Izabell, John, Jeweller, Main Street. i
2% ‘ [ J ]
X January, Thomas, Hemp manufacturer, 2d. Street.
~_ Jones, John, Cotton-spinner, Water Street.
i January & Nutman, Silverplaters, Main Street.
I January, Andrew M. Silverplater, Residence, Mulberry Street.
, ., Johnson, Asa, Indian Doctor, Main Street.
t . Johnson, Le Roy, Physician, Upper Street.
g Jones, Nelson R. House-joiner, Constitution Street.
V   J ouett, Matthew H. Portrait-painter, Hotel Building, Public Square.
lk ` `
} [ [ K ] ’
    Kennedy, Matthew, House-joiner, Constitution Street.
{ ». . Kane, Thomas, Tailor, Cheapside, Residence, Mulberry Street.
{ L Keiser, Benjamin, Bookbinder, Main Street, sign of the Ledger.
— Keiser, Elizabeth, Boarding-house, Market Street.
Y _ i Kelly, James, Blacksmith Shop, Short Street, Residence, Main
~ . Street.
, ` ‘ Keen, Sandford, Inn-keeper, Corner of Main and Mulberry Streets.
_ `J Kelley, Henry, Tobacconist, Main Street.
) .' Krickel, Francis, Inn-keeper, Corner of Hill and Main-Cross Streets.
i Kauck, George, House-joiner, Upper Street.  
* Keiser, Jacob, B1acksmith’s shop, Mulberry Street. _
` King, William, 4th Street. gl
* " King, John, 4th Street.
i .

ii X
Lexirigtorfs Secorid City Directory 11    
[ L]  
Lockwood, John, Brush-maker, Main Street.  
Layton, Daniel, Bricklayer and brickmaker, Main Street.   .
Lexington Branch Bank, Corner of Short and Mill Streets.   ;
Lexington Steam Mill, Upper Street, Hickman Road. it ?
Leavy, William & Son, Merchants, Main Street.  
U Leavy, William, Sen. Merchant, Residence, Mill Street. gi 4
Lemon, James, Farmer, Mill Street.   {
i Lemon, Joseph I. Merchant, Mill, between Main and Short Streets.   {
" Leuba, Henry, Watchmaker, Short Street. ¢
Leuba, Mrs. (wife of Henry), Midwife, Ditto.   ,
Littleford, Mrs. Charlotte, Schoolmistress, Main Street.   {
Logan, A. & Son, Tanners and Curriers, Main, Corner of Main-  
Cross St.  
Lowry, Elijah, Retailer of Liquors, Upper, near Water Street.   4
Lowrey, Mrs. Izabel, Water, near Mulberry Street.   E
Le Grand, Abner, Auction and Commission Store, Short, near Upper  
Street. ·
Lexington Manufactory, Western suberb.  
Lowman, John, Rope-maker, High Street.  
Lexington Library, North West corner of Public Square. E4 
Lewis, Peter (coloured man), Market Street. ’~ _
Long, Samuel, House—joiner, Upper Street.   {
` . Lotspeich, William, Tobacconist, Upper Street. I  {
Le Grand, Mrs. Jane P. Jefferson Street. `   
Loney, Thomas, Waggoner, Main, opposite George-Town Street. 3  Y
Lowrey and Clarke, Hatters, Main Street. . ,_ S
[M1   .
McIntosh, James, Carver and Gilder, Upper Street, Public Square. li v
Mason, Jno. T. Marshall of Kentucky, Corner of Upper and 2d g' 
Streets. L 
Morton, Wm. R. and Co. Merchants, Corner of Main and Upper  
 · Streets. { _
McCullough and Foster, Tailors, Public Square.  if 
  Monks, Richard, Weaver, Main Street. li 
` Maccoun, James, Merchant, Main Street, Tobacco factory, Upper `i  1
Street.   E
Maxwell, John, near Lexington Steam Mill. i  a
Macbean, William, Attorney at Law, Residence, Mulberry Street, 3=.  i
Oiiice, Short St.   `
· i
., ;
. n
,_— I

   gg;}   '
  12 Lexington/s Second City Directory
Fi M’Kenney, Gerard, Sheriff, Mulberry Street.
  McMeekin, Samuel & James, Hatters, Mill Street.
  McLaar, Patrick, Weaver, Residence, High Street.
{nfl McLaar & Burns, Grocers, Water Street.
Y2 Miller, William, 2d Street, corner of Upper St.
  Megowan, Mary, Main Street.
jg'- ~ Megowan, Stewart, Farmer, Main Street.
ge`, Morton, William, Merchant, Residence, Mulberry Street. {
if Monitor Printing Office, Bank Alley.
‘   Murphy, Jeremiah, Constable, Mulberry Street.
ft}, Moffett, Cyrus A. House-joiner, Upper Street. -
‘ jQ“f;‘_ McCracken, John, Retailer of Liquors, Upper Street.
  Martin, John L. Exchange Oflice, Main Street, near Mulberry.
?Ti· Miller, Benjamin P. House-joiner, Main Street.
  Maxwell, Samuel, Plasterer, Main Street.
  Megowan, David, House-joiner, Main Street.
Y}; McNitt, Robert, Butcher, Mulberry Street, Southern Suberb.
, gl- McCouat, Thomas, Baker, Main—Cr0ss, near Main Street.
  Megowan, James, Cabinet-maker, Main Street.
— ·..g McCullough, Archd, Dwelling, Mill Street.
, {J McConnell, James, Farmer, Frankfort Road.
I   Marsh, Richard, Umbrella-maker, Corner of Spring & Water Streets.
Egg ·.*` Murray, James, Labourer, Main Street.
  Morrison, James, President of the Office of Discount and Deposit,
i é€Y`Q‘ Dwelling, corner of Short and Upper Streets.
; f Moody, Burgess S. Saddle and harness-maker (successor to B.
=   Stout), Main Street.
i is , McElwee, C. B. Cabinet-maker, Main, near Main-Cross Street.
  McPherson, Robert, Bricklayer, 4th Street.
I {3. McChord, James, Minister of the Gospel, Mulberry, near 4th Street.
  Martin, Mrs. Lucy, 2d Street.
l   McLean, Mrs. Margaret, 2d Street.
· é_,`,‘ Meisner, Christopher, White and blacksmith, Water Street.
ll ABQ Mitchell, Hiram, Cooper, Upper Street.
i YM Metheney, Richard, Potter, Upper Street, near Lex. Steam Mill. 0
f Q, McConnathy, Jacob, Miller, Upper Street, near Lex. Steam Mill.
, ig Metheney, John, Chair—maker and Turner, Main-Cross Street, near *
’   Lex. Steam Mill. U
I   McDonald, Charles, Watchmaker, High Street.
V if McConnell, Robert, Wheelwright, Main-Cross Street, near Lex.
J Steam Mill.
_ (Tl McDaniel, James, House—joiner, High Street.
i if-I
8+* »

. . .   i
Lcmmgt0n’s Second Czty Directory 13 at  
·_‘#"““—‘#’”""""-—-·#··*"_‘*"’ tl
McDaniel, George, House-joiner, High Street.  
McQui]len, Thomas, Saddler, Main-Cross, near High Street.  
Marsh, John, Machine-maker, High Street. 5;
McCal1a, Andrew, Main—Cross Street.   ‘
McCalla, John M. Market, corner of Short Street. ,3 ;
Morton, John H. Collector of the U. S. Revenue, Residence, south-   i
western suberb—OiHce, corner of Main and Upper Streets. gy .
( Miner, Orange, coloured man, Mulberry Street.   {
[N1 Q
Norvell, John, Printer and Editor of the Ky. Gaz. Ofllce Main Street,   {
Residence, corner of High and Upper Streets.  
Norton, John, Drug Store, Main Street.  
Norton, Stephen P. Bookbinder, Public Square alley.  
Norton, George, Tobacconist, Residence, High Street, Factory, Mui- {Q,  
berry Street.  
Neal, James, Blacksmith, Main Street.  
Norwood, Frederick, Stone-mason, Main—Cross Street. 7;
Nelson, John, House—joiner, High Street.  
Norwood, Charles, Jur. Stone-mason, Mill Street.  
¤¤¤ +   
Owings, Thomas D. Iron store, Short Street.    
Owens, Samuel, Tailor, Main Street.  lg ‘
O’Hara, Tailor, Main Street. *; `
O’Neale, Francis, Stone-Cutter, Mulberry Street. .·  . *
Oliver, Elijah, Cordwainer, Mill Street. { 
¤P¤   {
Patterson, Jno. S. House-joiner, Short Street continued.   _
Parker, Alex & Son, Merchants, Main Street.  Qf
0 Parker, Alex. Merchant, Residence, High Street.  ,f
_ Pike, James M. Hairdresser, Main Street. , 
Q Putnam, James, Whitesmith, Short Street. :  ‘
Poindexter, William, Watch—maker, Main Street, Residence, Water    
Street. ·, _ T
Price, Arjalon, Grocery-store, corner of Mill and Short Streets. 2  
Pulis, David, Bricklayer, High Street.   _
Postlethwait, Joseph R. Mulberry Street.   `
‘¥ 4
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  14 Lexington/s Second City Directory
  Prentiss, Nathl. Tailor, corner of Short and Mulberry Streets.
ic, Paul and Walters, Stone-Cutters, Market Street. __
  Pilcher & Shaw, Hatters, Main—Cross Street.
  Plimpton, Charles, Main, near Main-Cross Street.
j,‘e B@" Mrs. Plimpton keeps a Millinery store in the same house.
ig Palmer, James W. Bookseller, Main Street, sign of the Bible.
  Harish, Benjamin, Cabinet shop and Cotton factory, Main Street. _
. Qg; Prentiss, Thomas G. Main Street.
  Pearson, Edmond B. Main Street.
’   Park, John, Cordwainer, Main—Cross, near Main Street.
  Payne, Dan’l. McCarty, Attorney at Law, Ofiice, Main Street. .
  Pilcher, Beverly, Constable, Main Street.
ig, Pilcher, Lewis, Butcher, High Street.
  Porter, Ephraim, House-joiner, Western suberb.
,\,= Peyton, Jacob, Weaver, Main Street.
  Prentiss, Thos. M. Schoolmaster, Main Street. “
  Prentiss, James, High Street, Tate’s Creek Road.
§,g_ Puthuif, John, Blacksmith, Short, near Main-Cross Street.
·  (J Parker, Mrs. Elizabeth R. Short Street.
,   Pigg, Lewis, House-joiner, Main-Cross Street.
I.`9; Parker, Mrs. Eliza J. Constitution Street.
* mi} Price, John, Surveyor of Fayette County, Upper Street.
1 sg, Porter, Norman & Co. Tin manufacturers, Upper, near Main Street.
If · Postlethwait, John, Tobacco Stemmery & Residence, High Street. r
} §,»i¤'. Powers, Stephen, Cabinet-maker, Upper Street.
, gr Petit, Benjamin D. Cooper, Upper, near Water Street.
? kg, Palmenteer, William, lnn—keeper, Main Street.
g   Parke, Asa, Portrait-painter, Mulberry, near Main Street.
' ·f§E.
I gsi; [Q1 -
·   '.'._ Quarles, Henry, coloured man, Short Street continued.
21. ‘ [R]
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· *°   Richardson, Wm. H. Physic