xt7nk931390k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk931390k/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. Libraries Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky Alumni Association 2009 journals  English University of Kentucky Alumni Association Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus Kentucky Alumni, vol. 80, no. 4, Winter 2009 text images Kentucky Alumni, vol. 80, no. 4, Winter 2009 2009 2009 2012 true xt7nk931390k section xt7nk931390k 3 ] 0 WINTER 2009
The SKY Blue Team: '
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 Association Staff
Publisher: Stan Key ’72
O Q Editor; Liz Demoran ’68, ,76
U N I V E R S I T Y O F Managing Editor: Linda Perry ’84
0 Advertising: Kelli Elam
I < I ,N I ] I < I Senior Graphic Designer;jeH`Hounshell
Aiumm Association Brenda Bain: Records Data Entry Operator
Boa rd of Directors Gretchen Bower oa. Program Coordinator
MY 10009 ‘ Ibm 30 2010 Linda Brurntaelde Account Clerk III
PreSide¤§ Nancy Culp: Administrative Services Assistant
Scott E. Davis 73 BE B D ,04 SQHS AS _ H
presidemrerecr rynn eaton . upport soclate
Diane M. Massie ’79 CIS Leslie I·Iayes: Administrative Support Associate I
Treasurer john Hoagland ’89¤ Associate Director
cme Degluebb Gm 79 ED Diana narn vo, me Principal Accountant
ecretary _ ,
stm Key ·72 ED Albert Kallm 03; Webmaster
Rebecca s. Arnsler *99 FA lanre MelPm¤¤¤ UK Day at Kings istmd.
3`I Open Door
  s e e b I u e.
blue if   ·—»» +¢ 
wnveugm V if A  
-. , F `
Q 0 °   a r_ ·
tg A t' , I ` 2’Z_ T 1:
s _ i t  B S i V.
ee   i..__s www.u kaIumni.net 3 ((

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 Alumni l{§,$$e'Z2Ll§lile
To The UK Board Of Trustees
The election ofa new alumni representative to the
University of Kentucky Board of Trustees will be held in
December. As a graduate of the university, your vote is
important.Your opinion is valued.
Watch for your ballot, which will be distributed by
e-mail only. You may go to www.uka|umni.net/Update
or call 1-800-269-2586 to confirm or update your
e-mail address in order to receive a ballot. Graduates
who do not have an e-mail address may call
1-800-269-2586 to request that a printed ballot
be mailed.
This is an opportunity to participate in the university's
governance through the election ofa graduate to serve
as an Alumni Trustee on the university's Board of
Trustees. Of the 18 seats on the UK Board ofTrustees,
three are elected by UK graduates, currently Ann Brand
Haney of Nancy (through June 30, 2010), Sandy Bugie
Patterson of Ft.Thomas (through June 30, 2012), and
Jo Hern Curris of Lexington (through June 30, 2014).
Please vote in the Alumni Trustee election when you
receive your online ballot. The names of three graduates
receiving the highest number ofvotes will be submitted
to the governor of Kentucky, who will appoint one of
the three to fill the six-year term to begin July 1, 2010.
Alumni Association
www.ukaIumni.net 5 (

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 2 Presidential Conversation
A Tradition Of Excellence
‘ Fl-ll€I€ WGS G lot   GlZ YOHI G.l.l'I]G H]GlZ€I     (GS lZl"l€I€ G.lWGyS is),   WG.\'llZ€d to lZG.l{€
T this moment to Ell you in on some ol- the exciting undertakings,
E UK welcomed another outstanding First-year class to campus this August setting a number of
T , . new records along the way The university received more than 12,000 applications For this Falls
·I y-"-I' I i-I€Sl"l.l'I]G.\'l Cl.GSS ·   lZl"l€ 6ISlZ lZ`lH]€ WC Sl1IPGSS€d l1l"LGlZ Hl]II]b€I in   l"llSlZOIy
K in- ODI €HlZ€IlHg i-I€Sl"l.l'I]G.\'l ClGSS is HIOIC d.lV€IS€ lZl"lG.\'l CVCI bffi-OIC, We l"l.GV€   Ai-IlCGIl·AH]€IlCGJl
L I i-I€Sl"lII]€H   l1l"l.lS YCGIS ClGSS, G   PCICCIHZ THCICGSC OVCI lGSlZ YCGI, Fl-llGlZ gIOW1Zl"l l"l.GS led to I€COId
undergraduate African-American enroll.ment and overall UK Ai-rican-American enroll.ment,
FOI[y·i-Ol]I lHlZ€IHGlI`lOHG.l students GIC members Oi-   y€GI,S i-I€Sl"lII]G.\'l ClGSS, G   PCICCIHZ THCICGSC
G over last year, And with 78 Hispanic Freshmen now calling UK home, UK undergraduate His-
This years class also saw increases in student quality The average ACT score of- our incoming
·   students is OH lZl"l€ rise, GS lZl"l€ GV€IGg€   SCOIC i-OI GHI HISFYCGI students WGS   COHIPGICLT to
24,4 last year, We set an all-time high with 404 Governors Scholars and Governors School For the
AILS students in   y€GI,S ClGSS, GI] lHCI€GS€ i-IOH] lGSlI y€GI,S I€COId lZOlZG.l  
As exciting as it always is to watch new students begin their collegiate career, it is just as rewarding to watch our current students suc-
ceed OH G   SlZGg€, TGKC lZl"l€ story Oi-l1l"l€ l].\'liV€ISl[y,S SOlGI l"lOl1S€ {SGH],   C»OH]P€lZ€d   lZl"l€   DCPGIUHCHY Oi-EH€Igy SOlGI DC-
cathlon competition at the National Mall in Washington, DC, this {all, The University of- Kentucltys S•KY BLUE House ms one of-
20 designed and constructed by schools from across North America and Europe, This prestigious competition demonstrates homes
powered €HlZlI€ly   lZl"l€ SUI] do DOY l"l.GV€ to SGCITHCC HIOLTCIH COHIT-OILS Gnd   i-€GlZl]I€S, 'HIC University Oi-K€HtHCl{yS  
BLUE House performed well, placing ninth in the competition,
It ms a great {all For individual student success, as well, Samuel Nicaise of- Covington, Ky, ms awarded a $10,000 scholarship from
the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation, The Astronaut Scholarship is the largest monetary award given in the United States to science
and engineering undergraduate students based solely on merit, Nicaise will graduate in May 2010 with a degree in electrical engineer-
ing, He is dedicated to Ending a solution to the problems associated with electrical power generation, specihcally coal Fired power
PlG.\'llZS, Gnd is WOIl{l\'lg lZOWGId G solution using Pl"lOlZOVOllZGlCS COH]blH€d   HG.\'lOlZ€Cl"l.\'lOlOgy He   to Pl]ISl1€ G dOClZOIGlZ€ Gnd WOIl{
in that cutting-edge Held,
The spawning of- new ideas is hardly limited to our undergraduate population, ln {act; the pursuit of- creativity and discovery is often
led by our innovative Faculty And this year, we learned our Faculty and researchers are setting new standards in entrepreneurial activity
UK l"l.G»d HIOIC SlZGIlZl1P COHIPGIITCS i-OHI]€d     i-GCl1l[y Gnd SlZG.H-lZl"l.G.\'l at G.\'ly Oi-OUI   b€HCl"lII]GIl{ lHSlZllZl1lI`lOHS, GCC»OId.lHg to G IC-
cently released report by the Association ol- University Technology Managers, We beat out Fellow institutions that include the universi-
ties ol- Wisconsin, Maryland, Michigan, Illinois, and Florida, The organization also reported that UK climbedf-rom 39th to 7th among
all public and private universities For developing new technology-based businesses,
In 2009, our alma mater continued its proud tradition of- excellence in education, research, and service, Andl cannot wait to see what
  O   GS WC COHlZl\'ll1€ to PGIUICI   l€Gd€IS GCIOSS lZl"l€ SlZGlZ€ to   G stronger, l"l€G.ll1l"l.l€I, G.\'ldH]OI€ VlbIG.\'llZ (E/OH]H]OHW€G.llZl"l,
Lee T, Toddlr,
President b I H
S 9 G U G.
in everything we da.
www.ukaIumni.net 7 ((

 » UK B eat
H1 N1 Prompts Hospltal Vlsltatlon Changes
UK tlealtlacate laas temporarily amended its visitation ppl. . Outpatient clinics vvill only allow one additional person
icy to help protect its patients and health care workers during (age 18 and up) to attend clinic appointments with the
this influenza season, vvlaiala typically extends through tlae patient (or both pateiats eta iaitiet elailtlli
Wi¤rer— U¤der rhe ¤r¤e¤ded t>¤1iry= The policy applies tp all UK HealthCare clinic and hospital
• Visitors under age 18 are not allowed in patient rooms Settings, including:
aaitl other patient tate areas (Parents/guardians under 18 _ UK Albert B_ Chandler Heepieap
ari? be euewed ae Keir deer ea**a1d·2 _ _ ( . UK HealthCare Good Samaritan Hospital.
• atlents ma on ave one a u t Visitor at a time exce t . . .
iii Keiitaalelciailtiteias Hospital, viaete tve parents mgy · Au Kermekr Cm 1¤eer·¤¤e·
Stay with 3 Child) For updated information before your visit, go to
. Those vita   feeling sick, or visa have been exposed to WWW¤khee1*eere·¤kred¤
someone who is ill, should refrain from visiting patients.
UK Plald Products Now Available Groundbreaking Takes Place
Students iii tlae UK School ettlitiaasa Environmental Sciences · ·
at seet ng months pt eaiat a st Fer Merlebrrv B¤·'$*·¤¤ e
UK l»laitl Project tievv available it stores. UK is only tlae fourth itiai. UK Premier? Lee T T¤drUr·» Lerrrgem Meverlrrré Newberry
aeaeaea aa ehe aaaeaeaa Wada aaa eaaaaeaaa amaaeaeaea alaaea asitl other tlipaitaaies latelee paeitiatlatet the site iiaillieti Uavis
Students it Vanessa laaltsetals Problem Solving it lvietelaaatlisitap Merkebrrv Brrldrre Perr UUKS _D_·g·¤1V·¤ese er Reee Srreer
class created designs and nearly 12,000 students, fans aaatl alumni rrexr re *he_Jer¤ee F Uerdvrréerr Brrrldrrrs; _ _
voted to determine tlae vviiiiiitip plaid, which vvas announced iii The DM Merkébrrrv Brrldrrrg rr eiidreerr re herervgelerge
April atm The vviiaiaitap design laas seven lines, vvlaiela represent tlae ememr ¤r"UKe h·$h·_ree*r reeeerelrwru be dee wererrvé Frrer
seven taatietaal atles vveta bythe UK iaeials basketball team. LEED·eer¤6ed brrldrrre mer? err re errergv ree ere e¤V·r¤¤r¤e¤·
Pemeeaaaaee hee, a Leaaageeaa eemaaaaa aaedaeed dee aaeaehaae talteaas. rlae site million laiiiltlitip will house laipla.tealaaelpgv te.
tlise. Items are etiieial, UK.liee.isetl ptetliiets. Those available to tea. eeereh er V·e¤?i·Zeee¤» eemvrrer eereree md eleerrreei end _
siiiiaets this tall include a 100 peteeiitsillt ae, a silk scarf duHle bag, eerrprrer e·1g·¤ee¤¤g— The Preleerwru Pe r"·r¤ded_*hr¤¤gh $93 rmi-
campus carrier, tive sizes eteestaeae bags aaatl tailgating talale linens here {rem Prwere derrere Wrrh rhe remerrder eemrvgfrem dee
and aaaaaem AH aeeeeede ge ee dee Seheel emaaaaaa Emaeeaaaaeaaeaa states Research Challenge Trust ritiatla The prolect is expected to be
Sciences to help enhance stiitleiitsl educationalexperiences. e¤r¤P1ered·¤Je¤¤erv%°11— _ _
The lvlatltslaiitv raaailv lseitiatlateii, created by Uavis and Beverly
lvlatleslaiitp is
, ._ ._ a contributing , .
‘·a_ ja       V ' gt, l '° °` $6 million for the {
t 3% ·v ia .2; _     - _. ,     Q, i " " l pr¤ierr·J¤r¤eeF l' ‘
le in   ,, aaa-; .: evan _ . I, aa   _a __ Hardymon is >* U q ` < .  
°¥ i` 2: `E; iz .[ I .. .e I · _   ej af   e‘a _ providing$2 ‘ i r ga   “__e_a:_
  zi       "j   .. ·   [   millionandjames   i '   ll  
  it   ‘ .eea   {lar     .. _ ga   McDonaldis e -   __ ? g
" " ·· giving$328,000 .... _ ,. ` ‘F  Q
_ _ tosllppotttlie · ` Q" *= aa; $4
UK Plald products are now avallable at the UK Bookstore, at some Pmjecaa a Ng
central Kentucky stores and www.ukp|aid.com · a - ea
Tune In To Radio 1700
A iieiv lpiv.ppviet radio station provides parking alia trans- The stations tall sign is \VQKl—l ls; alia it broadcasts le
ppttatipii iiitptiaaatipii tp UK stiileiits, eiaaplpyees and visi. hours a lay tai tlae All radio band at lm Ktla time Alll,
tpts tai or near aaiaapiisi The Federal cpiaaiaaitiiiaatipiis ivitla ptiiaaatily prerecorded iaaessages, targeting tlae UK apiaa.
cpiaaiaaissipii granted a radio station broadcast license tp UK iaaitiiity lt ivill teaala a aaaaile radius and ivill testis tai tlapse
tat iise by Parking and Transportation Services. already tai aaiaapiis alia tlapse approaching aaiaapiisi
>> 8 winteizoos

 » UK B e a t
Social Work Welcomes New Dean Arturo Sandoval Takes
james P.“11re” Adams jr. started in july as the dean er the UK Best Of Show At 'Fiber Focusi
College brssccrad Work, previously serving the University brsAia. _ _ _
bama as executive assistant to me provost and vice president for erm Aims Seniievei inrernerienehv reeegnued fiber
Academic Affairs, as yen as director ofEconomic and COmmU- mr end rhe Alumni Endewed Prefesser ¤¤"Ar= er rh? UK De-
m meyAecfede_ He dee Wee ed dee beeed gartment ersArr, has tmcen Best brssirew honors for his prece
I . d Ofehe Alabama Poverty Project and Pattern FUSIOn NO. 9 on eXl1Il7It at Att Saint LOUIS In Saint
ar ( was a research associate for the Ketter- Lens Me _ _
.7 r d _ deg Fedddeded The artwork rs made from recycled auto rndusrry Mylar and re.
ed   e Ad e ddeeeee eeeeeedeee edd d edmme cycled library 3Smm mrcreritm. Award yyrnners were selected by
g _ · - eeeeee Adm hedde e beehedeeae degeee yurbr Airce grebrec, a curatordal consultant based rn Sanna re and
E I in eoeiolugyfrom Tougaluu College in the COnSUltIngCUI‘atOI‘ oftextile-art for the Denver Art l\KlUSeurne
ei e Tedgedeee Mieed e meeeeeae degeee in F Sandoval has taugirr at UK srnce 1974. Hrs yybrieprdmarriy rn
  eeeded Wede eeeeeede dem Seeee Une rber arts, appears rn the collections-ofNew York crrys Mu.
E Veeedey emew Yede ee seedy Beeede seum of Modern Art, the smrtbscnran American-Art Museum,
g   mdadecrcrare m socialworkpolicy g;;d;;i<;e¤;;;52·;d%rdeeue?egfdtdeerleledllegjnei V·ern¤r¤ Ver-
g __, . ·-_ planning and administration from the ·
g * University ersMrnnesera.
_ _ _ Nursing Alumni Association
EK ighi uerv xleieigins I-¤¤k· na sesrbws Award Tb Cheung
0f 0Ym€Y Em EFS Robyn Cheung'87 ’89 NUK Was presented Wrtir tire 2009 obi.
Dm-mg the ]94()Se Were you 3 member Of;}-,e UK Veterans lege Of`NurSing Alumni ASSOciatiOn Outsmnding Alumni Award.
Club? Members currently on campus are interested in getting in This ¤nnu¤1 ¤W¤rd is presenred ru individunis hsving en under-
mach Wreh yr,.,_ graduate or graduate degree from the College ofNursing Wire er.
The original club started in 1944 with nine members who paid ernpiify 3 eurnrniunenr re SHPPOH rhe ml-l€g€» es W6]-l ”
dues efehe deheh The Pmpeee efrhe eheb Wee ee Phemeee ehe demonstrate creative and innovative approaches in their practice
causes and protect tire interests of veterans attending UK. Today areas She is ¤n ¤ssismnr rese¤r¤h fsruiry rnernher in rhe $¤h¤¤i ef
60 years later, the organization stiu provides services and support Nursing eu rhe Universiry ¤r"Pennsyh¢¤ni¤·
to veterans bn campus. UK recendy opened a Veterans Resource
Center in the Punlchouser Building and there is a coordinator to
handle administrative matters concerning UK student veterans. ` _
Ifyou were amember ersdre club years ago, please centacr Tyler .
Gayheart at $02.322.72% br via ]osephGayheart@ulcyedu _ ‘$ g
rbdays members would be honored rb know ybu: ‘ - i 3 ‘ ef ’ ,
L 3 n —
r i ` ‘ ,
l r Y { .-
. se A, A A s ‘ x ‘
`?··?·   gr? .1*,} F, ‘ ?‘$r 5,
Wifi » \f&· ‘     ey J
E   ` ., {lll Wrzir-
S ` ‘ kr I HJ d _ ,4
és "Fi i A-date;
LQ   2   Q: e Pictured above are (left to right) Suzanne Prevost, UK Nursing
g * _   H associate dean for practice and engagement; Cheung, Jane
$3 l 9 • ' Kirschling, UK Nursing dean and professor, and Lynne Hall, UK
1947 Veterans Club Front Row (left to right): Ellis Arnold, Claud Nursing associate dean for research and scholarship.
Sprouls; Znd Row: Dell DeSpain, Betty Rhoads, Mary Aull, Eliza-
beth Vlhlliams, Jean Eubank; 3rd Row: Farnum Lewis, Ellis Foster,
Mmon Kafogahse immam Russeh Mary Keith Doskere He|en Degsse (ompiled from UK Web sites, UK Public Relations news repormand
Mary ri. Bryant; Badc Row: ip. cauririi, Mass barren, Joe Ballard, Keiiiiriviiirniii nnsuine hifi i<>i¤i·u
Charles Whaley, Ryburn Weak|ey,Jameson1ones.
www.ukaIumni.net 9 ((

 • •
Kentucky, Montana Share $6 Million Grant
The National Science Foundation has awarded a $6 million contribute to developing ecological education courses and
water-quality grant to support an advanced “cyberinfrastruc- offer condensed versions ofthe data to public interest groups
ture” project that includes a combination ofhardware, soft- via the Web. A special effort will be made to enhance histori-
ware, networking, data storage, computational modeling and cally underserved and underrepresented students in science
human resources. and engineering, such as economically disadvantaged students
The data gathered at Kentucky Lake and Flathead Lake will from eastern Kentucky and students from Montana’s seven
offer guidance on trends in key climate factors such as temper- Native American tribal colleges.
ature, precipitation and snow dynamics; the impact ofhuman The collaborative project, led by Barbara Kucera, deputy di-
demography and land use; and the resilience ofKentucky and rector of the UK Center for Computational Sciences, and
Mdontana lakes and streams to environmental change, among Richard Hauer, profegolépflimnology aijthe Ulgverity of
o er questions. Montana, is compose o acu ty researc ers an stu ents at
The computer network system will help ecological re- UK, University ofLouisville, Murray State University Eastern
searchers in both states enhance graduate and undergraduate Kentucky University University ofMontana and Montana
education curricula and research experiences. The system will State University
Colleges Collaborate not get up immediately Ofthree-dozen videos, two-thirds I
O E _ R h showed an athlete s immediate forearm reaction to an impact ln-
fl qulné E$EarC volving the head, particularly in football and mixed martial arts.
_ _ _ Lifshitz describes the fencing response as forearm posturing that
lernee Mteleprh rhelphn $— enrl lllrnherh eh Knrpht eherr enrl resembles tlre een garde” position in competitive sword riglrtlng. lt
professor ofveterlnary science at the Gluck Center and director of also can appear to be 3 defensive boxing Pose
UK e Erlrrine lnirieriye» perr plthe Cpllepe plAprirrrlrrrre» enrl erlre elsservanen ertlre feneing response ran help coaches and
linre Ll“# ‘*”l“““‘ P"’f°”"‘ lll 'he d°P‘*“““°“‘ "f"’““P“‘°‘ SCP trainers make immediate and future return-to-play decisions,” Lif
ence, part ofthe UK College of Engineering, were awarded a Shi (1 Se Sv
grant tomling more than $1 million over three years. Y
The award from the National Science Foundation is in support , , I
ertlrelr work in developing rr,mptrter.lsasetl analytical methods te Potential H untmgton s
study gene expression in horses. This is viewed as an impormnt ~
  step mam remnng ne resesr n Wltitlr sl esei n ined ne Treatment Shews Premise
Pl'lm*ll'Y DNA base Sequence efthe h°l'$€ g€ll°m€— Groundbreaking research performed at the UK College of Med-
Other collaborators on this grant are Arne Bathke, associate {cme Shows eigmggam Promise ge 3 Potential new H-emmem {Ol-
prpfeeeer ef etttietiee Arny $tr¤rnherg» prefeeeer end ehtir ef I-Iuntington's disease, a degenerative neurological disease for
the deptrtrnent ef etttietiee end Jene Prine deptrtrnent ehtir which there is eurrendy no effective diseasermodifying treatment
ef eernprrter eeienee tt the Uniyereity ¤r"N¤rth Ctrelint tt The research was performed in the laboratory of Don M. Gash,
Chapel Hills alumni professor and chairman ortlre Department ofAnatomy
and Neurobiology working closely with Dr. Zhiming Zhang, UK
Researchers   associate professor ofanatomy and neurobiology Zhang has devel-
F t I _ R oped a strong program ln experimental neurosurgery focused on
a$ njury ESPOHSE site-speciflc delivery oftherapeutic drugs into the brain.
In this study his methodology was used to deliver a drug con-
A UK research team has identifled an immediate and robust Signing ope geneeilemmg RNA (Small interfering RNA, or
forearm response that occurs when moderate forces have been ap- siRNA) direedv to me Central nervous Svstem (CNS) in an eXPel_i_
plierl rp rhe heerl Whieh rrrey help epeehee enrl enllprrirle rerrrrn· mental model. This technology known as RNA interferenee or
rppley rlerrerpne The reeeerrhere lerl lylpnerlren lrfehrre en RNAi, vverles te decrease a tene protein produced by tire mntant
assistant professor in the UK Spinal Cord & Brain Injury Re- hummgtm gene which Causes Hummgeonas diseeeev
search Center, discuss the °“fencing response” as an almost instan- I
taneous physical reaction to a moderate-force brain injury in a .
_ V V V V V Compiled from news reports
paper publlshed byMrdzrznr and Srzmrr m Spam mdExrm:r, a about research at UK
scholarly journal. _ f _ b I
The team reviewed 2,000 head injury concussion and lmodeout F"' ""°'* '" $"""*‘“°" 3 °“‘
·d YouTube ror im acts to tlte head where tlte erson did '““'“h ‘a"'"g "'“* 3* UP
"‘ °‘” "“ P r P visitwww.research.uky.edu
)) 10 winrerzoos

 ‘lll ""*'@   , `
ncew  lily or jypm-  
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Phonathon: Answer The Call!
UK Phonathon student callers contact thousands of UK alumni who are upset when we miss them duringa calling session,” reports
each year to raise support for college programs, scholarships and Anne Vanderhorst, phonathon coordinator. Student callers are
other needs within the university Last year, over $1.2 million in prepared to answer questions about each ofthe colleges and often
pledges were made to the university through the phonathon. Since relay requests for information.
centralized calling began 16 years ago, the phonathon has raised “\We are a rich and diverse university — our alumni are doing
more than $13.6 million dollars. great things in their communities. The level of giving shows
Not only do these calls help raise funds, they give alumni a alumni satisfaction,” says Vanderhorst. So, when you are contacted
chance to ask questions, to pass along comments, and to maintain by a phonathon caller, remember that your support can make a
a personal relationship with the university “We have some folks difference to the future ofthe University of Kentucky
W, Save The Date!
SWW join us February 8, 2010, in Naples, President Lee T Toddjr., Provost Kumble Subbaswamy Professor
Fla., for another term of Winter Col- Emeritus of History George Herring, new Markey Cancer Center
  lege. Each year has brought a faculty of Director Dr. Mark Evers and Deputy Athletics Director Rob Mul-
¤ unique and exciting speakers and top- lens}/isit with fellow UK alumni, learn about what advances are
UNIVBWTY OY KENTUCKY ics, and 2010 will be no different. being made in research, medicine, the arts and more! Watch your
W””¤‘;,?§"*“¤* Scheduled to make presentations are: rderlter more information.
Fall Development Weekend And Fellows Society Dinner
The weekend of Sept. 25, many UK alumni and members ofthe
UK Fellows Society were involved in UK Development events.  
First was a luncheon meetin featurin a scholarshi resentation ` ` ' `
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by Vice President for Development D. Michael Richey and a uni- ‘   __$* K: ·‘
versity report by UK President Lee T. Todd jr.   >_ dry? * '-    
Friday afternoon included opportunities for guided tours ofthe ` `   ' ; ’
UK Art Museum and UK Arboretum. ln the evening, the annual ‘ ` · s; -._ .   r
Fellows Society Dinner and Dance was held in the Bluegrass Ball- · ° ·._ re '·}
room ofthe Lexington Center, which is always an elegant affair. . _ K ` ' I .·
Recognized were 244 new Fellows and 49 Fellows reaching ‘ I   I
new levels of giving. The jimmy Church Band offered the _ , ,. _ . V _ l
evening's entertainment.   _·’j* T - 9  l *_`§ ia- -
_ E Y J ‘*w’•‘· L _ Left to right: Rusty Hembree, Development Council member
;.\ `- I--   -     _ ll ‘ Isabel Yates, and Bowman Fe|lowsVlL David Curry and
··•I*;.-LZ; _   p` Betsy Nowland Curry
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FT ‘   I www.uky.edu/development
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BrookeTraylor and Young Fellow Joey Mattingly became engaged
immediately preceding the dinner.