xt7nk931351z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7nk931351z/data/mets.xml Harris, Alfred W. 1918]  books b92-108-27905074 English s.n., : [Louisville : This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed.  Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically.  Physical rights are retained by the owning repository.  Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws.  For information about permissions to reproduce or publish, contact the Special Collections Research Center. Freemasons Kentucky Louisville. History: the progressive spirit of Parkland Lodge no. 638 F. & A.M., 1888-1918, including the Parkland High Twelve Club, 1911-1918 and Bright Star Chapter, no. 16, O.E.S., 1902-1918  / compiled, enlarged and arranged by Alfred W. Harris. text History: the progressive spirit of Parkland Lodge no. 638 F. & A.M., 1888-1918, including the Parkland High Twelve Club, 1911-1918 and Bright Star Chapter, no. 16, O.E.S., 1902-1918  / compiled, enlarged and arranged by Alfred W. Harris. 1918 1918] 2002 true xt7nk931351z section xt7nk931351z 


The Progressive


Parkland Lodge No.
           F. A.M.



HIGH TWELVE CLUB, 191 1-1918

BRIGHT STAR CHAPTER, No. 16, 0. E. S., 1902-1918

"To be proud of being a Mason is commendable,
particularly if the pride is of the right sort"





     William A. Groves
     Emil Anderson
     Alfred W. Harris


ALRE W. HARRI    .  

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       0 the Officers and Members of Park-
       land Lodge No. 638, F.  A. M., for
       their fidelity to the fraternity and true
       devotion to the lodge; and in appre-
ciation of their zeal and united efforts in mak-
ing it a progressive and self-sustaining insti-
tution; and to perpetuate the names of the
past officers and members who took an active
part in striving to build it up in the early days
of its existence, this volume is fraternally
dedicated by The Author.



             A TRIBUTE

Prosperity its life and light,
Advancing through the Sates sublime;
Returning good-will day and night,
Keeping step to the march of Time;
Laboring for the orphans care,
And widows true, helpless are they-
Nobly acting on the square,
Dispensing kindness day by day.

Looking for more Masonic light;
Obedient to His will, and know-
Divulging nothing-Masonic rite;
Good deeds on all in need bestow,
Ever contributing its mite.

No. for number the lodge holds dear.

6 and twenty years the rate-
3 full degrees conferred in state-
8 and twenty-June-meeting date.

Freedom from all the tempting snares
 allurements of worldly life.
Anciently to relieve the cares-
Masonically avoiding strife.
                            -A. W. H.




       Harry D. Edwards, Master.
       Walter Trinkle, Senior Warden.
       Allen H. O'Brien, Junior Warden.
       Fred. B. Stewart, Senior Deacon.
       George D. Gates, Junior Deacon.
       Leonard M. Dow, Secretary.
       Arthur Hover, Treasurer.
       William R. Edds, Tyler.
       Martin Keller, Chaplain.
       Carl Payne
       George J. Hellenman I Stewards.
       Brady V. Winslow
       John M. Perkins    Trustees.
       Emil Anderson      J
Emil Anderson
Dr. John G. Clem    St. John's Day League.
Arthur Hover
Masonic Board of Relief-Jonathan Davis.
Lindsay R. Hurst
Edwin S. Barnett

William T. Perciful    Employment Bureau.
William Kuinz
Wellington A. Schooler


                    PAST MASTERS

William H. Perrin ................  ....... served as Master, 1888-1890

John W. Drake .--------------------------------.
William B. Tate .------------
Herbert V. Harris.       ...................
George W. Seymour.........................
William Taylor...................
Herbert V. Harris ..........
Robert H. Carothers.      ........................
John Thomas Funk.   .........................
Robert H. Carothers............................
Edwin J. Wright........................................
Emil Anderson .....  ...................
George R. Yancey.        .........................
William A. Groves        ....--.--.--
Harry J. Phillips.       ........................
Herzer Clarence .      ............................
Lynn Alexander .       ...........................
Stephen S. Jones .............
L. W. Campbell....................................
Edwin S. Barnett.       ...........................
Lindsay R. Hurst.   .....................
Herbert F. Brenton.      ..........................
Brady V. Winslow .................
Harry D. Edwards ...........................

"   "    "   1891-1892
"   "    "   1893-1894
"   "    "        1895
"   "'   "        1896
    ""  "         1897
'       'I "      1898
"   "    "   1899-1900
"   "    "   1901-1902
"   "    "        1903
"   "    "        1904
"   "    "   1905-1906
"   "    "        1907
"   "'   "'       1908
"   "    "        1909
"   "    "        1910
"   "'   "'       1911
"   "    "        1912
"   "    "        1913
SI  It   "'       1914
"   "   "         1915
"   "    "        1916
"     "         1917
"   "    "        1918


      W. H. PERRIN,
Firs 6t Mse fPrin  o  No. 638

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                OF KENTUCKY

 Brethren of the Society of Free and Accepted
              Ancient York Masons

  William H. Perrin,       Walter P. Jobson,
  Thomas W. Blackhart,     Rev. Ivan M. Wise,
  Thomas C. Robertson,     John W. Drake,
  William T. Pyne,         Humphrey Marshall, Jr.

           June 28, A. D. 1888; A. L. 5888.

           June 30, A. D. 1888; A. L. 5888.

                CHARTER GRANTED
          October 18, A. D. 1888; A. L. 5888.

                 CHARTER MEMBERS
        William H. Perrin, Master.
        Thomas W. Blackhart, Senior Warden.
        Thomas C. Robertson, Junior Warden.
        William T. Pyne, Treasurer.
        Walter P. Jobson, Secretary.
        John W. Drake, Senior Deacon.
        Humphrey Marshall, Jr., Junior Deacon.
        Rev. Ivan M. Wise, Chaplain.
        Frank K. Lewis, Tyler.
        George M. Crawford.
        William W. Riggs.
        Thomas Shivell.

        PARKLAND LODGE No. 638, F.  A. M.
     Organized October 20, A. D. 1888; A. L. 5888.
 Regular Meetings, First and Third Friday Evenings of
                   Each Month.
                   Place of Meeting
Parkland Masonic Hall, Northwest Corner 28th Street and
                    Grand Ave.

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  _3 VERY Masonic lodge library should contain a history of its
        own, so that in future years the descendants of worthy
        Masons who may become connected with the fraternity
        may refer to it with pride, to know that their paternal an-
cestors were members in good standing, and how their respective
lodges have prospered in so many years. Parkland Lodge from the
beginning of its career had struggled for six long years to gain
prominence in the Masonic world with some prospects of success,
until finally, after holding on nobly and living up faithfully to the
rules and principles of the order, and with renewed energy coupled
with its usual characteristic sociability, a bright light as it were,
appeared above the horizon of its day dreams, just as a faint gleam
of sunlight peers through a rift in a cloudy sky, or as the silver lin-
ing on a rainless cloud; and it was then the Masonic device, "Sit lux
et lux fuit" was more fully realized than at any other time and it
has continued to grow in numbers and prosper ever since. There
is an old saying that "nothing succeeds like success," used in the
same sense that "it takes money to make money," and Parkland
Lodge in its efforts to reach the goal of prosperity has succeeded
    At a certain stage of its career the lodge was on the verge of
disbanding, or in other words, succumb to the inevitable, and prob-
ably would have surrendered its charter to the Grand Lodge had it
not been for Bro. William B. Tate, a very energetic and enter-
prising young member, and one of the very first to be initiated into
the lodge, who, on being solicited to become its Master at this try-
ing moment, consented to accept the office (having been assured of
his election beforehand), providing the brethren would be prompt in
their attendance at the meetings, and in all kinds of weather if pos-
sible to do so and be earnest workers in the lodge; consequently
he was unanimously elected Master for the year 1893, and having
conducted the office with perfect satisfaction throughout the year,
he was re-elected and served through 1894 more successfully. On
accepting the office the first year, he cautioned the small number of
brethren to look to their laurels, for a bright and glorious future
awaited them in the dim distance, and keep straight in line of their
bounden duties. From that time on down to the present the lodge
has pursued the even tenor of its way.
    In writing this history, the writer is reminded of a little inci-
dent concerning himself and Past Grand Master John H. Leathers,
who instituted Parkland Lodge, and at present is the Grand Treas-
urer of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. When the Grand Army of the
Republic held its 29th Annual Encampment in Louisville, Septem-



ber 11th, 12th, 13th, 1895, and the ex-Confederate veterans were
invited by the ex-Federal veterans to participate with them in the
magnificent parade, it was the happiest moment of his life to march
in line and side by side touching elbows with Major Leathers, he
a commissioned officer in the Civil War on one side, and the writer
a non-commissioned officer on the other side of the great
conflict, and the truth of it is they have been marking time ever
since in peace and harmony, bound heart and soul by the mystic
ties of brotherly love and charity.
    On November 16, 1895, the writer petitioned Parkland Lodge
for membership when Bro. Herbert V. Harris was its Master, the
fourth in succession. It then numbered about thirty-one members.
He was lectured by Bro. George W. Seymour, Senior Warden of
the lodge, made an Entered Apprentice, December 21, 1895, passed
to the degree of a Fellow Craft, February 1, 1896, and raised to the
sublime degree of a Master Mason, February 29, 1896 (leap year),
by Bro. Seymour, the newly elected Master of the lodge. Only
two of the trio of Confederates mixed up in the affair he remembers,
Filmore Tyson, Chief of Fire Department and James D. Bohon,
Secretary of the Fire Board, both members of Preston Lodge No.
    Having occupied the old Masonic Hall, northwest corner 28th
and Dumesnil streets, off and on for many years without some of
the necessary conveniences, and as there was no prospect of secur-
ing another in or near Parkland, the lodge began to make strenuous
efforts to build one of its own. The writer was its Secretarv-elect
and Treasurer pro tem during the whole of that year 1899, and R. H.
Carothers the Master. He appointed a committee to purchase the
lot, which it did several months afterwards, and it was a decade be-
fore the lodge was able to erect a substantial building upon it, an
imposing edifice which adds greatly to the beauty and attraction of
Parkland. It was occupied by the lodge for the first time and be-
fore it was quite finished, on Friday night, March 3rd, 1911, and
dedicated Tuesday night, March 14th.
    On Wednesday, October 22, 1913, a resolution was offered by
J. N. Saunders, from the floor of the Grand Lodge of Members
F.  A. M., and adopted, "that the incoming Most Worshipful
Grand Master appoint a committee of three, which shall and in the
most effective and expeditious way, gather the facts of interest
relating to each of the active and defunct lodges of Kentucky, and
present same in type-written manuscript to the Grand Lodge at its
next meeting," etc. Signed by            J. N. Saunders,
                                         W. C. McChord,
                                         George B. Winslow.
    In June, 1914, the subordinate lodges of the state were noti-
fied of the above action by the Grand Secretary with the request



that they furnish a short history of their respective lodges and for-
ward to Bro. J. N. Saunders, at Stanford, Ky., before the next
session of the Grand Lodge in October. At a regular meeting of
Parkland Lodge, the communication was read by the Secretary,
Len M. Dow; it was accepted and the Master, Edwin S. Barnett,
appointed the following committee on lodge history: Past Masters
of the lodge, Bros. Stephen S. Jones and Emil Anderson, and John
M. Perkins, Affiliated Past Master; and on learning that the writer
was preparing a historical sketch of the lodge on his own account
(which he began to write on October 14, 1910, the very day the
ground was first broken for laying the foundation for the new hall),
and in order to facilitate the work and have it submitted to the
Grand Lodge in due time, the Master appointed him as an additional
member-and about the first of August he finished the task and
mailed the twenty pages of plainly written manuscript to Bro.
Saunders. It is a perfect historiette of Parkland Lodge and appears
in a neat type-written style in "Masonic Lodge Histories," Vol. I,
pages 598, 599, 600, 601, 602, 603.
    The next thing for him to do was to revise and write an elab-
orate history of Parkland Lodge for its library and for the benefit
of the members individually, which has been accomplished in this
volume. It required time, patience, and endurance. Time he
caught by the forelock as the opportunity offered, with the in-
herited patience of Job, and the endurance of frequent and some-
times unavoidable interruptions all along the line, in fair weather
and in foul, for he was engaged in a business that demanded his
particular attention and for that reason the work was considerably
    This volume is made up principally of some of the most im-
portant proceedings of the lodge as they occurred in stated and
called communications from time to time, with the data of each
item and arranged in regular order, having been enlarged on,
thereby making the compilation of this history as complete as
could be under the circumstances, therefore, it can be seen that
the writer is both author and compiler and only aspires to the posi-
tion of a historian in a limited sense. This book contains a
sketch of Parkland, also a bit of history of the Parkland
High Twelve Club, and Bright Star Chapter No. 16, 0. E. S., re-
spectively. The majority of the members of the former as well as
the male members of the latter organization came from Parkland
Lodge, now in the zenith of the glory attained by its progressive

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aIf( BOUT thirty-five years ago, and probably a little more than
        that, Parkland was in its infancy, so to speak, and thirty
        years ago, the enchanted village lifted its head, as it were,
        above the low green hills to the east, to the west, the north,
and the south, in plain view from the leafy woodlands that stretched
a little distance beyond its confines; and where the inspiring notes
of the feathered songsters enlivened the hearts of the thrifty and
hopeful inhabitants of the village; where the stranger strolled in
thoughtful mood along the freshly made cinder paths or rode won-
deringly over the yellow dirt roads, gazing up and down, here and
there, at the surroundings of the wonderland.
    At that time streets and avenues were unthought of, yet, there
have been many wonderful changes since, and today should a con-
noisseur for the romantic who had seen it then, bounded by wood-
lands and quaint looking farmhouses dotted here and there about,
and cornfields like an army of soldiers with plumed heads marching
on to battle; where blackberry bushes grew in profusion down in
the bottoms, and entangled along the zig-zag rail fences within a
stone's throw from Virginia avenue either way; here and there
a silent pond of limpid water glistening in the summer sunshine,
he would look with amazement, Rip Van Winkle like, upon the
progressive strides Parkland has taken since the first house was
    As he strolls leisurely along the concrete walks of the beautiful
avenues of the town, with its seven thousand inhabitants
(whereas, it boasted in the beginning of having between twenty-
five and fifty souls), he views with argus eyes the stretch of bright
green lawns checkered with sunshine and shade, the most modern
and improved styles of cheerful homes, bungalows, cottages and
palatial residences with substantial garages in the background of
some of them. Various kinds of shade trees beautify the front
yards of nearly all of them; the most conspicuous of which are the
maple, the linden, catalpa, sycamore, the majestic elm and the
stately poplar pointing skyward; a shelter for the cardinal-bird,
the robin-redbreast, the catbird, the oriole, the noisy blue-jay and
others of the feathered tribe; some of them with gay plumage and
pouring forth from tuneful throats at times delightful songs of joy-
ous greeting. The most beautiful and rare flowers adorn the velvety
lawns and cozy verandas of many of the homes; some of these
choice flowers are fragrant, while a very few of them, though
teeming with beauty, are odorless.
    Although Parkland, in the days of long ago, was more of a
wilderness than anything else, it is now the enchanting spot-the



paradise of greater Louisville. It is the place for good, desirable
people who wish to locate for the balance of their natural lives, the
allurements of which are magnetic, and tourists on reaching the
"Gateway of the South" (Louisville), do not go away without first
seeing the beautiful and progressive town of Parkland.
     It supports six religious denominations, an Episcopal, a Metho-
 dist, a Presbyterian, a Baptist, a Christian and an Evangelical
 Church. Every one of these houses of worship are beauti-
 ful and attractive edifices. It also has a public library, styled the
 Louisville Free Public Library, Parkland Branch, erected 1907, a
 model of beauty and architecture; a postoffice station; three drug
 stores; four dry goods stores; a millinery establishment; one
 cleaning, pressing and dyeing concern; three groceries; a
 Polar meat market; two first-class bakeries and confectioneries;
 two hardware stores; an up-to-date barbershop; a bowling
 alley; and a poolroom; four physicians and two dentists.
 A steam fire engine, No. 19, housed in a commodious
 building, protects the town from conflagrations. It has two educa-
 tional institutions, the Parkland Public School, a substantial build-
 ing, and the Brandeis Public School, the handsomest in the city of
 Louisville. There are two carpenter shops in the town, a plumbing
 shop, and two cobbler stands. Two mounted patrols make their
 grand rounds through the town by day and by night, and yet it is
 fortunate not to have a police station, which it did have several
 years ago, but, there was no need of it and it was done away with,
 and it is cheering to know that no drinking saloons disgrace this
 thriving town. It is, no doubt, the only suburban town of Louis-
 ville that is free from such a business. It is a clean and law-abiding
 town, peaceful and prosperous and its inhabitants energetic,
 healthy and happy.
    Before 1880, the town of Parkland, it is claimed by one of the
first settlers, was bounded on the east by 26th street; on the
west by 32nd street; on the north by Garland avenue, and on the
south by Gibson lane and Cane Run road. The "old tower" which
advertised the grounds at the start, stood, as I was informed, on
the northeast corner of 26th street and Garland avenue, during the
time the large tract was being laid off in town lots and sold for
2.00 to 5.00 and 10.00 per foot; whereas, at the present time
there are very few vacant lots to be had, and are valued at from
30.00 to 50.00 per foot.
    Before the first dwelling was erected, some persons who were
dubious to invest their surplus cash in real estate, remarked that
it would take at least twenty years before Parkland would show
any sign of being a town and it proved true, for between that length
of time it became a hamlet, then a village, and finally merged into a
town with between three and four thousand inhabitants. Previous
to, and soon after its boom, all kinds of discouraging remarks were
heralded about to prevent the sale of lots; that it was crawfish land,



and full of hills and hollows, frog ponds, swampy and unhealthy.
With all that had been said disparagingly against it, like Mr. Fin-
ney's turnip it grew, and it grew, and it grew, and today it is a
prosperous town of at least 7,000 inhabitants. It is well-known
that some of those "doubting Thomases" who looked at it with dis-
favor, now own beautiful homes here and there in this most beauti-
ful of all the suburban towns of Louisville.
    One of the old landmarks of Parkland was an old fort that
stood on the northwest corner of 26th street and Cane Run road. It
was a relic of the Civil War, 1861-1865, built before the intended
besieging and capture of Louisville by the ex-Confederate Gen.
Braxton Bragg and his army that retreated September 29th, 1862,
before the Federal forces under Gen. Don Carlos Buell. The old
fort has long since been demolished to make room for private
dwellings thereabout.
    In 1890, the incorporated town of Homestead, which, if I am
correctly informed, extended from the center line of the alley south
of Bismarck avenue,east to 26th street,west to 30th street and south
to the Cane Run road, and was then as it is now, the business
part of Parkland (that is the central part), was annexed to the
city of Louisville, which made the town as it formerly was, the
original Parkland.

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                 HOW IT ORIGINATED

              IN THE PERRIN HOUSE, 1888

    May. Early in the Spring of 1888, the proposition to establish
a Masonic lodge in Parkland, a suburb of Louisville, was first sug-
gested by the late Bro. William H. Perrin, who discussed the move-
ment at length with six other enterprising citizens and business
men of the community, and brothers of the Society of Free and
Accepted Ancient York Masons, Bros. William H. Perrin,
Thomas W. Blackhart, Thomas C. Robertson, William T. Pyne,
Walter P. Jobson, Rev. Ivan M. Wise, John W. Drake, and
Humphrey Marshall, Jr. They assembled in the parlors of Bro.
Perrin's residence, on the southwest corner of 26th street and
Dumesnil avenue, where they exchanged views and offered sug-
gestions for starting a lodge of Freemasons, which resulted in
formulating a petition, signed by them and forwarded to H. B.
Grant, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. The
petition praying that they be authorized to organize and proceed to
work as a lodge, having received the recommendations of Lodges
Nos. 8, 191, 239, 258, 281, 376, 506, and 633, and it appearing to
be for the benefit of the Craft in general, as well as for the aforesaid
brethren, that their prayer should be granted. In due course of
time the petitioners received notice that, on the 28th of June the
request for a lodge under dispensation was most cheerfully granted
                     SECOND MEETING
    The second meeting, held in the Perrin residence, took place on
the 29th day of June, 1888. The eight petitioners were promptly
on hand, and precisely at 8 o'clock, p. m., it was called to order by
Bro. Perrin for the purpose of congratulating each other on being
granted the privilege to start a Masonic lodge under dispensation;
also to select a suitable place in which to institute a lodge. As
there were no houses built for holding meetings of any description
in Parkland, several of the little party offered their homes in which
to hold a meeting to institute a lodge-for an indefinite time. It
was further suggested that "The Old Davison House," which was
vacant, situated on the south side of Virginia avenue, third door be-
low 28th street (now an apartment house), would be more accept-


                F.  A. M.



able. One of the petitioners stated, on authority, that the lodge
could take possession of it at any time that suited them. The offer
was greatly appreciated and readily accepted. It was therefore
ordered that Bro. Henry B. Grant, Grand Secretary, be informed of
the result of the meeting. Bro. Perrin was notified that the Grand
Master, J. Soule Smith, would, on the 30th day of June, institute a
lodge of Masons under dispensation in "The Old Davison House,"
to be known as Parkland Lodge U. D.

          IN THE OLD DAVISON HOUSE, 1888

    As it was previously announced that a meeting to form a lodge
of Freemasons would be held in the "Old Davison House," south
side of Virginia avenue, third door below 28th street, June 30th, at
8 o'clock, p. m., the petitioners and others interested were promptly
on hand at the appointed hour. The meeting was conducted on the
second floor, and in the front rooms of the residence, and according
to the usual forms and customs of the Order. The names of those
who were to take an active part in forming a lodge of Masons were
recorded by the Secretary, Walter P. Jobson; and the participants
were elated over the prospect of a Masonic lodge located in the
community. Before the meeting convened they mingled in groups,
and with smiles of satisfaction, shook hands with brotherly affec-
tion while commenting on the outlook for the future, which they
predicted would be prosperous.
    The meeting was called to order by Past Grand Master John H.
Leathers, proxy of the Grand Master J. Soule Smith of the Grand
Lodge of Kentucky. He proceeded at once to institute a lodge of
Free and Accepted Masons according to the forms and usages of
the Order.
   The following grand officers were assigned to their respective
stations; they being the charter members of the lodge. William H.
Perrin, in the meantime, escorted Past Grand Master John H.
Leathers to the Master's chair.
       P. G. M. John H. Leathers, as Master.
       Thomas W. Blackhart, as Senior Warden.
       Thomas C. Robertson, as Junior Warden.
       William T. Pyne, as Treasurer.
       Walter P. Jobson, as Secretary.
       John W. Drake, as Senior Deacon.
       Humphrey Marshall, Jr., as Junior Deacon.
       Rev. Ivan M. Wise, as Chaplain.
       Frank K. Lewis, as Tyler.
   William H. Perrin and Rev. Ivan M. Wise took seats by W. H.




Shaw, of Falls City Lodge No. 376. Frank K. Lewis, of Golden
Rule Lodge No. 345, Covington, Ky., was a visitor, also a charter
member of the lodge.
    Past Grand Master John H. Leathers, stated the object of the
meeting to be the formation of a lodge of Masons under dispensa-
tion, which he was authorized to do by virtue of a letter of proxy
from the Grand Master J. Soule Smith, which he held in his hand,
and under letters of dispensation in his possession, issued for that
purpose. The full text of the dispensation is as follows:

    In the name and by the authority of the Grand Lodge of
To All To Whom This May Come, Greeting:
    Whereas, A petition has been presented to the undersigned
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, by William H.
Perrin, Thomas W. Blackhart, Thomas C. Robertson, William T.
Pyne, Walter P. Jobson, Rev. Ivan M. Wise, John W. Drake, and
Humphrey Marshall, Jr., brothers of the Society of Free and Ac-
cepted Ancient York Masons, residing in Parkland and its vicinity,
County of Jefferson, and State aforesaid, praying that they be au-
thorized to organize and proceed to work as a lodge, being recom-
mended by Lodges Nos. 8, 191, 239, 258, 281, 376, 506 and 633, and
it appearing to be for the benefit of the Craft in general, as well as
for the aforesaid brethren, that their prayer should be granted,
    Be It Known, That by the power in me vested, I do authorize
and empower our worthy brothers aforesaid, to form, open and
hold a just and regularly constituted lodge of Free and Accepted
Ancient York Masons, known by the name and style of Parkland
Lodge, Under Dispensation, and vesting them with power and
authority, therein to confer upon worthy applicants the several
degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason;
to receive members, to make and establish By-Laws, Rules and
Regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution, Rules and
Regulations of the Grand Lodge aforesaid.
    I do hereby appoint Bro. William H. Perrin, Master; Thomas
W. Blackhart, Senior Warden; and Thomas C. Robertson, Junior
Warden, of said lodge, requiring the aforesaid Master, Wardens and
brethren to keep a faithful record of their accounts and proceedings
of the meetings from time to time as they occur, so far as they
should be committed to writing; to correspond with the Grand
Lodge aforesaid whenever necessary; to make due returns of this
Dispensation; and a copy of their by-laws and proceedings to the
Grand Lodge aforesaid at the next grand annual communication, to
be held in the Masonic Temple, in the City of Louisville, on Tues-
day succeeding the third Monday in October next, until the close




of which Communication this Dispensation shall continue in force
and no longer. And lastly, the Master, Wardens, and members
aforesaid do, by accepting hereof, solemnly engage strictly to con-
form to all and each of the foregoing requirements, and at all times
to acknowledge themselves subordinate to and under jurisdiction of
the Grand Lodge aforesaid.
    In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and cause
  SEAL    the seal of said Grand Lodge to be affixed by the Grand
           Secretary this 28th day of June, A. D. 1888, A. L. 5888.
                               J. Soule Smith, Grand Master.
H. B. Grant, Grand Secretary.
    There being no objection made to the officers named in the
Dispensation, Past Grand Master John H. Leathers then installed
William H. Perrin, Master; Thomas W. Blackhart, Senior Warden;
Thomas C. Robertson, Junior Warden. The newly installed Master
then appointed William T. Pyne, Treasurer; Walter P. Jobson, Sec-
retary; John W. Drake, Senior Deacon; and Humphrey Marshall,
Jr., Junior Deacon. The brethren were installed in the several
offices to which they were named by Past Grand Master John H.
Leathers and the Acting Master of Ceremonies, W. H. Shaw, of
Falls City Lodge No. 376, proclaimed Parkland Lodge U. D. insti-
tuted according to the forms and usages of Masonry.

                  FIRST STATED MEETING
                GETTING DOWN TO WORK

    June 30, 1888. The lodge being organized proceeded to busi-
ness at the first rap of the Master's gavel, which foretold the events
for the future of the young lodge just starting out on its mission of
charity and good will. The reading of petitions being in order, the
Secretary announced the names of George M. Crawford, William
W. Riggs and William B. Tate to become members by initiation,
which were received and referred to the proper committees. These
applicants were well-known business men in the community and
entitled to receive all the three degrees of the Blue Lodge, which
they did, as each one became due.
    It appears that, about this time, the burg of Parkland was al-
most too young to encourage any kind of an institution, as the
population was conceded to be (at a rough guess) between five and
six hundred inhabitants. The lodge started out on its mission of
brotherly love and charity with slim chances of success, being
poorly equipped for progressive work (the odds were against it),
until it secured, by a loan from Abraham Lodge No. 8, F.  A. M.,
some unused paraphernalia and outfit really necessary for lodge
work. There were no funds in the treasury, but soon, it gradually