xt7ngf0mwn0c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwn0c/data/mets.xml Historical Records Survey (Tex.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects Texas Historical Records Survey (Tex.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Women's and Professional Projects 1937 120 l.: map 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number: Y 3.W 89/2:T 312/no.3 books  English San Antonio, Tex.: Historical Records Survey  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Texas Works Progress Administration Publications Texas -- History -- To 1846 -- Sources Brazoria County (Tex.) -- History -- Sources Court records -- Texas -- Brazoria Marriage records -- Texas -- Brazoria Land tenure -- Texas -- Brazoria Archives -- Texas Inventory of the Colonial Archives of Texas, 1821-1837. No. 3, Municipality of Brazoria, 1832-1837 (Brazoria County Courthouse, Angleton, Texas), 1937 text Inventory of the Colonial Archives of Texas, 1821-1837. No. 3, Municipality of Brazoria, 1832-1837 (Brazoria County Courthouse, Angleton, Texas), 1937 1937 1937 2021 true xt7ngf0mwn0c section xt7ngf0mwn0c  




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1821 -- 1837

Prepared by
The Historical Records Survey

Division of Women's and Professional Projects
Works Progress Aflministration

N0. 3

1832 —— 1837

(Brazoria County Courthouse
Angleton, Texas)

San Antonio, Texas
Historical Records Survey

June 1937




The Historical Records Survey has for its purpose the discovery, pres-
ervation, and making accessible of basic materials for research in the his~
tory of the United States.

Following the establishment of the Survey in November, 1935, by execu—
tive letter of President Roosevelt, Dr. Luther H. Evans as National Super—
visor extended it to every state in the Union. The Survey was begun in
Texas on March 14, 1936, with J. Frank Davis, State Supervisor of Writers'
Projects, as ex-officio State Supervisor and Ike Moore as Assistant State
Supervisor. The state office was established and continues to be at the.
Smith~Young Tower, San Antonio. Under Mr. Moore‘s direction the Survey was
carried to all parts of the State. Area and district offices were estab—
lished in Abilene, Amarillo, Austin, Beaumont, Big Spring, Brownwood,
Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston, Laredo, Marshall, Palestine, San
Angelo, San Antonio, Tyler, Uvalde, Waco, and Wichita Falls. Field workers
on May 15, 1937, had entered 175 counties.

In November, 1936, upon the separation of the Survey from the Writers‘
Projects, Mr. Moore became State Supervisor and Charles W. Hodges Assistant
State Supervisor.

A chief work of the Survey in Texas has been the inventorying of state,
county, and municipal archives. Historically, records found in Texas county
courthouses may be divided into three parts: Spanish records, covering the
period from 1718 to 1821; colonial records, 1821—1836; and county rec0rds,
1837 to the present.

Because of their historical importance, detailed attention has been
given to the colonial archives. One of the most complete sets of such
records now extant is housed in the Brazoria County courthouse at
Angleton. Brazoria County is roughly the successor of the Mexican Munici—
pality of Brazoria, the division of government whose records are listed in
this book. This Inventory includes all extant records of the municipality
from its creation on April 28, 1832, to the beginning of county government
under the Republic of Texas on February 20, 1837; and miscellaneous records
dating from 1787 to 1837. An inventory of the records of Brazoria County,
1837——, is now being prepared by the Historical Records Survey.

The Inventory is divided into four groups on the basis of contents:
(1) land records, (2) marriage records, (3) estates, and (4) court records.
The land records consist of two volumes, Record g£_Spanish Deeds, which
contains copies of the original instruments in Spanish, and Transcribed
§2§2§§Q Records, which contains English translations of the original
instruments. Marriage records comprise bonds, agreements, and contracts,
which were accepted until the religious ceremony could be performed by a
Catholic priest. Estates include cases probated or containing instruments
Prior to February 20, 1837. The general probate papers of Brazoria County
were examined for these. Court records contain five separate dockets,
alCalde court papers, and proceedings of the District Court of Brazoria
COunty in cases begun before February 20, 1837.


With one exception (a file docket and fee book without dates or case
numbers), the Historical Records Survey has prepared an index for each of
the entries in the Inventory. A general index has been made that includes
all Proper names appearing in the Inventory, nearly 1,000 in all.





It was extremely difficult to make an accurate list of proper names
since the spelling is often contradictory and the handwriting is not always
legible. The effort of the colonists to conform to Mexican custOms often
made them attempt to modify proper names to fit the Spanish pronunciation.
Care has been taken to check the names against each other and against con—
temporary documents. Louis J. Wilson, of Angleton, an authority on the
history of Brazoria County, rendered valuable assistance in checking

Claud Keltner, of Houston, Area Supervisor of the Survey, made the
initial inventory February 2-17, 1987. Mr. Keltner, Mr. Moore, Mr. Hodges,
Mrs. Virginia Smith Huff, and Mrs. Mary Fall Glee edited the field notes.

The cooperation of H. R. Stevens, County Clerk, Miss Jimmie Patterson,
District Clerk, Bob Monarch, Deputy County Clerk, and Arrington Farer,
Deputy District Clerk, all of Brazoria County, was invaluable, and is
gratefully acknowledged.

San Antonio, Texas, Ike Moore

May 15, 1987 State Supervisor

Luther H. Evans

National Supervisor
Historical Records Survey


 Table of Contents

Part A. Municipality of Brazoria and Its Records System

1. Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria... ........ page 1
2. Governmental Organization and Records System.. ............. . 9
3. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records.. ......... .. 16
4.‘ ‘List of Abbreviations and Symbols.. ....... . ................. 17

Part B. Records of the Municipality of Brazoria

I. Land Records
1. Record of Spanish Deeds. ....... . .................... . 19
2. Transcribed Spanish Records...... ...... . ..... . ..... .. 19

II. Marriage Records
3. Marriage Records.. ...................... ..... ....... 23

III. Estates
4. Probate Cases............. .......................... . 27

IV. Court Records
6. Docket for the Precinct of Victoria, Municipality of

Austin.......................................... 54
7. File Docket..... ............. . ...................... . 39
8. Docket, Jurisdiction of Brazoria.. .......... L.....' 39

9. A General Docket of All the Suits Instituted Before
the Primary Court of Jurisdiction of Columbia

Since its Organization.. .................. ...... 63

10. File Docket, Jurisdiction of Columbia.. ............. . 77

ll. Alcalde Court Papers..., ...... .... .............. ..... 86

12. Record (Final).. .................................... . 102

13. Civil Cases... ........ . .............................. 108

LiSt Of Colonial Records Quoted.. ........... . .................. 111
Index to Proper Names.. ......................................... .. 112


Map Showing boundaries of the Municipality of Brazoria............ 1


 Red River


. .









Municipolhy of Brazoria a





 1. Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria

A. Republic o£_Mexico, 1823—1835


Lying below the regular routes of travel used by the Spanish, the
region near the mouth of the Brazos River was not occupied by white men
until the beginning of colonization by Anglo—Americans under the leadership
of Stephen F. Austin. This section was first organized in 1882 by the
Congress of COahuila and Texas as a,politicnl subdivision cnlled the
Municipality of Brazoria. The limits of the municipality included a por—
tion of present Galveston, Natagorda, Wharton, Harris, and Fort Bend
Counties, and all of present Brazoria County. The name of the municipality
is a simple derivative of the name of the Brazos River, which in Spanish
means 33mg.

After making the first settlements along the Brazos River near the
present town of Washington in November, 1821, several of Austin's original
colonists, "The Old Three Hundred," moved down the Brezoe within the limits
of what became in 1832 the Municipality of Brazoria. Among the leaders of
this group was Josiah H. Bell, Austin's confidential agent, who moved
southward in 1823. (E. C. Barker, The Life of Stephen E} Austin, 42, 108)

An imperial decree of February 18, 1823, authorized Austin to organize
the colonists into militia companies, assign lands to them, and administer
justice until the government for the colony could be established. The
provisions of this decree were re~affirmed April 14, 1825, by the Constit—
uent Congress, which succeeded the Mexican emperor Agustin Iturbide.
(Barker, Readings in_TeXas History, 104) Each colonist was allowed one
labor (177 acres) of farming land, and one league (4,428 acres) of grazing
land. (Ibid., 108) As most of the colonists combined cattle—raising with
farming, they received the maximum number of acres.


Recognizing that the Spanish government could not immediately extend
local government into the section selected by Austin for colonization,
Governor Antonio Martinez had instructed Austin in August, 1821, to "cause
all the colonists to understand that until the government organizes the
authority which is to govern them and administer justice, they must be
governed by and be subordinate to you.‘l (Ibid., 103e104; see also Barker,
EQ§.Li£g 92 Stephen.§} Austin, 35)

Local courts were established in August, 1823, when Governor Jose
Felix Trespalacios, the first Mexican governor of Texas, divided the
COlony into two judicial districts, one on the Colorado River end the other
On the Brazos, with an aleslde to administer justice in each. Later Austin
divided the BraZOS district, creating a third, which was known as the San
F91ipe district. (Barker, Readings in_Texns History, lO4~105)

Austin governed the colony and administered justice as nearly in con»
formity with established laws as he COuld determine. The organization of
the Ayuntamiento of San Felipe after the election of February 3~4, 1828,
established constitutional local self—government for the first time in the
onlony. (Barker, The Life g: Stephen E} Austin, 210)

This ayuntamiento divided the colony into several precincts for the
administration of justice, and appointed a comisario to serve in each. The
duties of the comisario were similar in some respects to those performed by
a justice of peace in the United States at that time. One of these pre~
CinCtS. known as the Precinct of Victoria, was established for the lower



Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria

portion of the colony in 1829- (Henry Smith, "Reminiscences of Henry
Smith," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XIV, 30) Alexander Hodge served
as comisagip for this precinct during 1829. (Marriage Records, Brazoria
County Archives, Angleton, Texas) other EQEEfiQElQE of the precinct were
Asa Brigham and Henry Smith. (ygcket for the_Precinct 2: Victoria,
Brazoria County Archives. Henry Smith, ”Reminiscences of Henry Smith,"
Southwestern Historical Quarterly, IX, 30) This court continued to
administer justice until an alcalde court was established in 1852.




Unstable political conditions in Mexico soon disturbed the even flow
of life in the colony. Anastacio Bustamante, a "bigoted, unprincipled,
military chieftain,"_and vice president of Mexico, supplanted the more
liberal Vicente Guerrero in 1830. Once in power, Bustamante inaugurated
sweeping changes, which were generally performed under the authority of the
Law of April 6, 1830. (John Henry Brown, History g£_Texas,'I, 248—249)
This law restricted further colonization from the United States except in
two colonies, provided for the establishment of customhouses at several
Texas towns to collect duties imposed on foreign imports, authorized the
establishment of convict colonies in Texas, and forbade American colonists
to settle within twenty leagues of the boundary of the United States or ten
leagues of the c0ast. (Barker, The Life g: Stephen 3; Austin, 295-326.
Full text in John and Henry Sayles, Early Laws 9: Texas, I, 55—56) In the
fall of 1880 Bustamante dispatched military units to Texas to enforce the
Law, establishing garrisons at Anahuac, Teran, Nacogdoches, Velasco, and
other towns. Two of these garrisons were commanded by former Americans,
Colonel Peter Ellis Bean at Teran and Colonel John Davis Bradburn at
Anahuac. (Barker, The Life 9: Stephen E, Austin, 327)


Serious trouble arose at Anahuac during the early part of June, 1832,
between settlers from the vicinity of Liberty and Colonel Bradburn; J.
Francisco Madero had previously been sent to Liberty by the government to
issue titles for lands. Soon after Bradburn's arrival at Anahuac, he
determined to collect duties imp0sed under the Law of April 6, 1830, and
arbitrarily Canceled the titles issued by Madero. Bradburn arrested and
-imprisoned two pOpular leaders of the settlers, William Barrett Travis and
Patrick G. Jack. This aroused the colonists to action, and they laid siege
to Anahuac. As soon as the news spread through Texas, the more impetuous
men of several communities rallied to the support of the colonists at
Anahuac, but before these units arrived, Colonel Jose de las Piedras,
military commandant, came from Nacogdoches to deal with the colonists.
Piedras agreed to turn the prisoners over to civil authorities for.trial,
to pay for the property seized by Bradburn, and to endeavor to obtain
Bradburn's removal. (Barker, The Life g§_Stephen E} Austin, 386—387)


This agreement was not made known in time to prevent trouble, and an
armed clash between the Texans and the Mexican authorities occurred at
Velasco, a few miles below Brazoria, on June 26—27, 1832, when the col»
onists attempted to move two cannon by way of the Brazos River to the aid
,of their countrymen besieging Anahuac. (G. P. Garrison, Texas, 177)
COlOnel Domingo de Ugartechea, commandant at Velasco, prevented the col-
onists from moving the cannon, and the aroused Texans attacked the Mexican
garrison at Velasco, and cathred the fort.. During this encounter, known
as the Battle of Velasco, seven Texans and thirtyetwo Mexicans were killed.
Three other Texans died from wounds.fi (Henry Smith, "Reminiscences of

Henry Smith," southwestern Historical Quarterly, XIV, 43)


 Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazeria 3

During this unsettled period the Congress of Conhuila and Texas
attempted to maintain local gavernment for the lower pertién of Austin's
Colony by erecting the Municipnlity 3f Bre7cria. (H. P. N. Genmel, Lflfli 1:
Texas, I, 307) The tcwn of BTQZTTlfl, which had been designeted as the
capital of the municipalitv, Wis an inpcrtnnt commercial center abeut
fifteen miles abOve the mouth of the Brazcs. Mrs. Mary Austin Holley,
writing from Beliver, Texas, during December, 1831, thus described the

Toe much must net be expected of Brazcria. It is not
located in a prairie, where nothing was to be dcne to pre—
pare the foundetiwn of the rising city, but ts mark off its
lines With compass and chain; but upon a mended elevation
of penchland, as it is called. This spot was chosen as the
most commending and healthful, besides cembining other advan—
tnges.... One street streaches alfing the bank of the Brazos,
and one parallel vith it further back, while other streets,
with trees still standing, are laid out tn intersect these at
right angles, t? be cleared at scme future day, as the wants
of the citizens may reQuire.... A speedy settlement and a
rapid growth in pcpulnticn and importance, are calculated upon
with certainty. Nor will these onlculetions appear unreason—
able, then re consider that it is but three years since the
first tree was cut, and it new cantnins fifty families, mnnv
of which are of the first respectabilitv. (Mary Austin Holley,
Letters 1: an Earl? American Traveller, edited bv Mattie Austin
Hatcher, 117)


Under previsions of the decree 7f April 28, 1832, the Congress of
Cthuiln and Texas oefinefl the bdundnries 0f the nunicipalitv and
designated the capital:

The Cengress cf the State of Ccahuila and Texas, has
thought preper tn decree es fellews:

Art. 1. In the Seuthern porticn of the municipelitv of
Austin a new municipality shall be farmed, cf which the tern
0f Brazoria shall be the cepital.

Art. 2. The limits of the said nunicipelitv shall be as
follows: Commencing at the nouth cf Clear Creek en Galveston
Bay, following the principal branch of snifi creek to its source;
thence southwesterly in a straight line t0 the confluence of
Guajolote Creek and the river Sen Bernard; thence fiue southwest
to the distance of five leagues west cf the Calorade; thence to
the s1urce of Trespalncios Creek, decending snifl creek to its
entrance into Matagcrde Bey; thence follprina the beach upon
the ceast northward anfi eestword to the place of beginning.



Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria

Art. 3. The Executive shall accord the proper measures
in order that the inhabitants of Braania at the approaching
elections for new Ayuntamientos, ma? proceed to elect the

yuntamiento established by law. (Gammel, Laws :f_T§§Q§, I,

Uncertain political conditions in Texas during the summer and fall of
1832 prevented the immediate execution of this decree. The Ayuntnmiento of
San Felipe de Austin was instructed to supervise an election of officers for
the Municipality of BraZOria. Evidently the election was held sometime
during the early part of 1833, at which the following officers were elected:
Henry Smith, alcalde, R. R. Royall and William H. Wharton, regidores, and
William Eckel, sindico procurador, or marshal. (Ayuntamientc of Brazoria
to (place not given), May 15, 1833. Bexar Archives, University of Texas
Library) Captain John Austin was selected to supervise the election and
make the preper reports. Captain Austin died during the severe cholera
epidemic which followed the flood on the Brazos River in June, 1833, fail—
ing to make the reports before his death. (Henry Smith, Brazoria, to
Ayuntaniento of Brazoria, first Monday of October, 1833. Eexar Archives)

Miguel Arciniega, Political Chief of the Department of Bexar, ques~
tioned the legal status of the Ayuntnmiento of Brezoria and asked for in~
structions when it became apparent that Coptain Austin's reports were not
among his priVnte or public papers. (M. Arciniega, Bexer, to Srio. Del
Despo. del S. G. de Estado, Monclova, August 26, 1835. Bexar Archives)

The difficulties which the municipality experienced during its first
year were sumoarized by Henry Smith in a letter to the ayuntamiento:

At a regular meeting of the Ayuntaniento for the District
of Brazoria here at the Alcalde office on the first monfiay of
October 1883. Present Henry Smith Prest. R. R. Royall lst
Res'Sidor William H. Wharton 2nd Regidor William Eckel Syndico
Procurefior absent from indisposition—— The following official
communication from the President was reed—~

To the illustrious Ayuntnniento for the Jurisdiction of


It is with feelings of the deepest regret I have to inform
you that every effort on the part of Your Illustrious body to
be put in Correspondence with the Political Chiefs of this De-
partment has proved abortive.~—The year is new growing to a
close and the time for holding the Election near at hand. It
therefore becomes our duty as the representative of the people
to Prepare the way for our successors, in order that the incon-
veniences and disadvantages under which WE have had to labor
during the present year be removed. I have recently learned
the reasons why we have not been put in official correspondence
with th Political Chief of this Department. A letter under date
of the 22nd Sepr. for the Alcalde of Austin called on the Ayun—
tamiento of that Municipalitr to have the returns of Election
from this district sent up for recognition, that the secretory


 Historical sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria


of that body Mr. Samuel M. Williams Called 0n Capt. John Austin
who was appointed by the Ayuntamiento of Austin to hold the
Election in this Jurisdiction and make the returns to the proper
Authorities, that Capt. Austin informed him he could not that no
regular list had been kept, or if it had it was lost or mislaid,
since which time, Capt. Austin has unfortunately died (who was
the only person authorised) and an examination of his Archives
proves the fact that no list of the Election had been kept, which
renders it entirely out of our power at this late period, under
all the circumstances to prevent similar evils and inconven-
iences the next year without adopting some efficient means to
procure from the proper authorities an appointment of some prOper
and suitable person to preside at the ensuing election who will
be authorised to make the proper returns.—- The resolution
adopted and forwarded to the Chief of Department some time
during the past Spring, praying to be either recognised or
disolved as an unconstituted body, have been received from that
quarter—~ I would therefore recommend to your consideration the
prOpriety of calling on the Ayuntamiento of Austin who are
officially known as a body corporate to and as in this procure-
ment in order that the disadvantages and inconveniences en—
countered, and suffered by us this Year be not entailed on our
successors—— And in as much as the time will be too short,
probably, to effect this object in time to hold the election

at the Constitutional time, I suggest the propriety of request—
ing the Alcalde of Austin who is officially known and recognised,
to authorise and make such appointment of a proper and suitable
person here as he with the 00nsent of the Ayuntemiento may think
prOper to recommend to the proper authorities, to be appointed
to preside and make the corresponding return, and thereby render
the returns official—~

With sentiments of the highest regard and consideration
I remain Gentlemen

Yr cbst
Henry Smith
v [rubric]
(Henry Smith to Ayuntamiento of Brazoria, Brazoria, the first
Monday of October, 1838. Bezar Archives)


‘ An editorial by John Wharton, published in The Advocate g: the People's
Bi§22§9 BraZOria, February 22, 1834, summarized the achievements of Henry
Smith as alcalde of the Municipality of Brazoria:

I call attention to the subjoined extract from the vale—
dictory address of Henry Smith, Ex Alcalde. Are we so illibu
eral, so devoid of principal, and justice as to permit one man
to bear the whole of the public burden. We ought to recollect
that Henry Smith was brought out for office of Alcalde without
h}s approbation or knowledge, that the office was not a lucra-
tive one, that he discharged the duties with ability and fidel-
1FY.... Who is to pay the expense that will attend the prOSecu~
t1011 and trial of Stone.... I trust if no other cause will have



Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria

effect, that shame alone will impell the good peeple to pay
their portions of the public expense...

It is a fact well known to all Lsaid Smith:1, that this
district has been recently organized, without revenue, or the
means to raise it, other than taxation, and that some revenue
must be required to defray the public expenses, all will admit.
This ayuntamiento has, from time to time, made such levies as
seem to them equitable...., these levies all reamin uncellected
~ the first dollar has not vet been received....

Officers elected for the Ayuntamiento of Brazoria on January 1, 1834,
were Edwin Waller, alcalde; William H. Wharton and Captain Henry S. Brown,
regidorgsj and Peyton R. Splane, sindigg.procurador, (John Henry Brown,
Life of Henry Smith, 23) These officers dispatched a communication to the
Ayuntamiento of Goliad on January 2, 1834, urging that municipality to
delay action intended to secure separate statehood for Texas, hoping that
the provisions of the Law of April 5, 1830, would be repealed and no fur~
ther oppression attempted. (Edwin Waller, William H. Wharton, Henry S.
Brown, Peyton R. Splane,and Henry Smith, Brazoria, to Ayuntamiento
of Goliad, Goliad, January 2, 1834. Bexar Archives) The Ayuntamiento of
Goliad received this communication and their actions on it were reported
to the political chief at Bexar. (Jose Miguel Aldrete, Juan Jose

Hernandez, and others of Ayuntamiento of Goliad, April 12, 1834. Bexar
Archives) .

Events were transpiring which prevented officers of the Ayuntamiento
of Brazoria from diligently performing their civic duties. Stephen F.
Austin was arrested and imprisoned at Saltillo, Coahuila, on January 3,
1854. by Mexican authorities. (Barker, The Life of Stephen F. Austin, 436)
When word of his arrest reached Texas, a wave of indignation~éwept the
country, arousing the citizens to vigorous protest. The Brazoria protest
was forwarded July 31, 1834, to the Mexican authorities at Saltillo.
(iyggg, 447. See also Barker, Austin Papers, II, 1069~lO70)


The officers of the Ayuntamiento of Brazoria were so lax in the per—
fOrmance of official duties that Henry Smith, Political Chief of the De—
Partment of Brazos, published the following notice: "Finding the ayuntan
miento of thisjurisdiction disorganized and feeling unwilling that it
should lose its political existence ... The citiZens are hereby notified
that an election will be held on the 8th day of November [l834:] ..."
(IQeTexas Re_ublican, Brazoria, November 1, 1834)

On April 25, 1834, the Congress of Coahuila and Texas decreed that the
name of the municipality be changed and the capital be moved:

SHALL BE’REUOVED from thGLtovn of the same name to that of
Columbia, situated three or four leagues above more or less.

See. 8. BEAZORIA CHANGED TO COLUMBIA. — Hereafter said
municipality shall be denominated Municipality of Columbia.
(SayleS, Earlv Laws of Texas, I, 105; see also Gammel, Laws
9£_Texas, I, 385)



Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria

This change was not entirely satisfactory to all citizens of the municipal—
ity, as evidenced by a petition to the nyuntamiento: "Praying the removal
of the seat of justice from Columbia to Brazoria was presented on Monday
the 2nd inst.... The citizens were reouested:]to meet at the various
polling places on Sunday the 22nd, for deciding the matter." (The Texas
Republican [date uncertain:] Fotice dated February 7, 1835) No further
reference is made to this election, but the result must have favored
Columbia because the primary court continued to meet there. (Docket of

thg Primary court 2: the Jurisdiction 2£_Columbie, Brazoria County Archives)

In June, 1835, trouble again arose at Anahunc, this time between
Captain Antonio Tenorio and the colonists over the collection of tariff
duties. Travis was placed in command of the colonists, who quickly over—
powered the Mexican garrison and sent Tenorio with his men to Mexico.
(Barker, The Life g:_Stephen E. Austin, 474—475)

The colonists were reluctant to commit an act which might be construed
by the Mexican authorities as treason or the flouting of established govern~
ment. A meeting held on June 28, 1835, at Columbia, over which Warren D.

C. Hall presided and Byrd B. Weller served as secretary, affirmed the estab—
lished authority of the political chief of the department and urged the
citizens to support the constitution of their adopted country. At this
meeting a permanent committee of safety was appointed, consisting of Warren
D. C. Hall, John A. Wharton, William H. Jack, John G. McNeel, and George B.
McKinstry. (Brown, History of Texas, I, 295—294)

Local leaders, realizing that whatever grievances the colonists might
have against the Mexican government concerned all of Texas, at a meeting
in Columbia on August 15, 1835, declared themselves in favor of a consul—
tation)nf all TeXas to consider plans of action to bring relief. (Ibid.,
I, 305

Considering the grnvitv of the crisis facing Texas, the citizens of
Columbia addressed the following comnunicqtion to the vuntamiento of
Sen Felipe:

14th OF JULY, 1835.

The Ayuntamiento of Columbia [firnzorii:] have thought
proper to address you the communicetion, and to send vou
five confidential citizens (viz. John A. Wharton, Sterling
McNeel, James F. Perry, Josiah H. Bell and James Nig.t) to
represent this jurisdiction, and to confer with vou touching
the matters of public concern, which now Lgitate the country....

Asa Brigham, P. of A.
W. H. Sledge Sec'y.
(Ehg Texas Republican, July 18, 1835)

Out of this conference developed the movement for a consultation for all
TeXas to be held at San Felipe.



Historical Sketch of the Municipality of Brazoria

Before the consultation met, Stephen F. Austin returned to Texas. He
delivered the "keynote" address at a meeting in Brazoria on September 8,
1835, urging that a convention of all Texas was necessary. After the
arrival of the Mexican army under General Martin Perfecto de Cos on Septemu
ber 21, 1835, the Texans began to prepare openly for revolution. (Barker,
The Life 3: Stephen E} Austin, 479~481)

Committees of public safety were formed throughout Texas, and the col—
onistS'organized their military forces for the impending clash with the
MexiCan dictator Santa Anna. Two skirmishes occurred before the consulta—
tion assembled, one at Gonzales on October 2, 1835, and the other at
Goliad on October 8. (Ibid., 484—485)

The fever for revolution, always strong in Brazoria, reached a new
high level as actual hostilities took place. Prompted by their hatred for
General Cos, the "Volunteers" of Brazoria published the following notice in
The Texas Republican, October 10, 1835:

$5,000 will be paid to the individual who kills or takes
prisoner General Martin Perfecto de Cos, and $500 will be paid
for the arrest and detention in close custody of John A.
Williams who by the most infamous lying and by the production
of forged letters from Santa Anna and Cos prevented 66 volun~
teers from joining their countrymen at Gonzales.

Brazoria, October 5th, 1835 V O L U N T-E E R S«

Twenty~one candidates presented themselves for election as delegates
from the municipality to the prOposed consultation at San Felipe. Returns
were received from Velasco, Brazoria, Columbia, and Chocolate; Williams did
not report. The election was held October 10, 1835, and the following were
selected: William H. Wharton, 152 votes; Henry Smith, 181; Branch T.
Aroher. 199; Warren D. C. Hall, 192; John A. Wharton, 179; John s. D. Byron,
238; Edwin Waller, 170. (The Texas Republican. October 10, 1835)

B. Provisional Government 2: Texas, 1835—1836

The Consultation outlined and approved a pr0visional government on
NoVember 13, 1835, and elected Henry Smith of Brazoria Provisional Governor.
A General Council was formed from the delegates to conduct the affairs of '
government. (Barker, Readings in Texas History, 160-161)

The General Council changed the name of the municipality of Columbia
back to Brazoria on November 12, 1835:

On motion of Mr. Waller; WHEREAS: the late Juris-
diction of Brazo