xt7ngf0mwh53 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwh53/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1993-01-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1993 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 19, 1993 1993 1993-01-19 2020 true xt7ngf0mwh53 section xt7ngf0mwh53  











l9 SACS report calls admlnlstratlon bureaucratic

Tuesday January 19 1.,' "

From the documents they gath- three pans — Lexington Campus, times fuzzyanduncertain."
The GOOd gynicasqsraxn ered and interviews they conducted. Albert B. Chandler Medical Center The committee suggested that The Bad
0RecruitmentotAtrican— e or commrttee members developed and community colleges. UK hire an external consultant to 0L k r d' 1 d de _
A . d . . _ more than 20 recommendations and Because each sector has its own review the administrative structure, ac! °_ coor '“3 ‘3 3C3 m":
mencan stu ents. Streamlining administrative several suggestions on how UK can mmsmum’ the structure can be and for the University ‘0 study its ad‘vISlng.

OThe Honors Program.
0 University Studies Program.

- Post of Dean of Undergraduate

0 Council on Continuing

0 University Extension.

0 Extended Campus Program.

- Experiential Education




Wm ”TOWN Growla

structure, relying less on teaching
assistants and making advising
more consistent are among areas
UK needs to improve, according to
the report of the reaccreditation
committee that visited campus in
the fall.

As part of the process for the re-
afftrmation of UK‘s accreditation, a
27-member Southern Association
of Colleges and Schools committee
visited campus Sept 13 through 16.

be more effective.

UK had to provide the committee
with written responses for each rec—
ommendation, but not for the sug-

UK released the committee's re-
port and the University's responses
on Friday to the Kentucky Kernel.

One of the committee's conoems
was the organization of UK‘s ad-
ministration. UK's decentralized
system divides the institution into

Students, staff brave cold
to take part in King march



By Steve OISh‘jWSRy hasn‘t lost his enthusiasm.“ volleyball teams also were present.
Contributing Wrtter Referring to the marches he had along with representatives from tra- ‘1:
UK students. raw"), and staff been in with King. Shuttlesworth ditionally black fratentities.

yesterday braved cold downtown
temperatures to participate in a
march honoring slain civil rights
leader Martin Luther King Jr.. who
would have tumed 63 on Friday.

Cincinnati civil rights activist
Rev. Fred L. Shuttlesworth led the
peace march, which started at IIeri-
tage Hall and filled Vine Street be-
fore turning on Rose Street to go
back through downtown on Main
Sucet and end at the Lexington Civ-
ic Center.

Shuttlesworth. who was an asso-
ciate of King's. made a special trip
to meet personally with UK partici-
pants at Blazer cafeteria earlier that

“I was really glad to meet him —-
someone who worked with Dr.
King." said Cecil Ausby. a psychol-

ogy freshman. “It's good to see he

advised those gathering for the pa-
rade, “if we‘re going to march, let's
make it l(X)k like a march."

Shuttlesworth used a megaphone
to organize the participating groups
into lines the width of the street.

Marchers carried banners and
sang standards like “We Shall
Overcome“ and “This Little Light
of Mine."

One purpose of the local march
was to unite the community sym-
bolically with the people through-
out the world.

“The only way we can be unified
is by coming together and sharing
in each other‘s culture," said Rhon-
da Ramsey. an accounting sopho-
more who marched.

The UK delegation was one of
more than 50 groups that participat-

Members of UK‘s football and

Some participants used the holi-
day to Start new traditions of work-
ing for peace.

"I think it‘s important to expose
my kids to the holiday events,” said
Barbara Jones, a social work gradu-
ate student. “It‘s a great experience
and feels good to participate with
people of varied backgrounds."

Jerry Stevens, director of UK's
Office of Minority Affairs Opera-
lions, said the office will begin
planning next year's King holiday
events before Christmas in an effort
to get more students interested in
celebrating the slain civil rights
leader‘s birthday.

“We want to get the campus even
more involved," he said.

Since 1986, the third Monday of
each year has been marked as a fed-
eral King holiday.

Wethington speech stresses need



them that King‘s widow. Coretta

dent Bush for instigating the Iraq

confusing and overly bureaucratic.
the committee reported.

“The sector concept promotes ad-
ditional layers of administration
and. indeed, many believe that ad-
rrtinistrative duplication and ‘over
administration’ are widespread and
generally out of touch with aca-
demic needs and values." the report

“Lines of responsibility among
administrative officers are some-

setup “with an objective of stream-
lining decision making and getting
work out of the system.“

UK President Charles Wething-
ton said the University has been
looking at its organization during
its own realignment and restructur-
ing process.

“That's exactly what we've been
doing the last six months," he said.

0 Heavy dependence on
graduate teaching assistants.

- High lack of success for
students in CHE 105 and
MA 123.

. Overly bureaucratic
administrative structure.

0 Increase faculty salaries.
adopt maternity, paternity



and adoption leave.


rvnoue WTWMn-l Blvd“


See REPORT, Back Page



JEFF BuuW/Kamel Stan

Several hundred Lexingtonians — including UK students, faculty and staff --- participate in
yesterday's Martin Luther King Jr. march

for peace

truth will set us free."

By 8‘9“, Olshewsky Scott King, had called for an inter- operations so close to the King holi- King called Shuttlesworth “one
Contributing Writer national moratorium on violence in day. of the most courageous freedom
honor of her late husband. Shuttlesworth, who worked fighters," said Lauretta Byars,

As US. planes bombed Iraq yes-
terday, UK President Charles Weth-
ington stressed the need for peace
to an audience of 3,500 celebrating
the birthday of the Rev. Martin Lu-
ther King Jr.

Wethington greeted a standing-
room~only crowd in Heritage Hall
yesterday morning by reminding

“‘If the world can live in peace
for a single day, then maybe for a
week, a month and all year.’ "
Wethington said. quoting her.

Wethington pledged UK to teach-
ing. research and service benefitting
every citizen of Kentucky.

The keynote speaker, the Rev.
Fred Shuttlesworth, criticized Presi-









closely with King during the civil
rights movement of the early 1950s,
said that he was glad Bush lost the
election and made several other
comments about the outgoing ad-

After making those remarks. he
said, “I stopped trying to be popular
a long time ago. I learned that the

US. leads

By Terence Hunt
Associated Press

WASHINGTON —- American-
led warplanes thundered into Iraq in
daylight bombing raids yesterday as
President Bush devoted his final
hours in office to a tense showdown
with Saddam Hussein that strained
the solidarity of the Gulf War coali-

“Let’s just hope that the message
has been delivered loud and clear."
Bush said. hours after allied planes
rained bombs on air-defense missile
sites in southem Iraq and hit other



vice-chancellor of Minority Affairs
at UK.

Shuttlesworth organized the
demonstrations that led to King‘s
arrest and subsequent essay. “Let-
ter from a Birmingham Jail."

Arrested more than 35 times

See KING, Back Page



The Rev. Fred Shuttlesworth spoke at the King celebration.

daylight bombing raids on Iraq

targets in the north in limited

“We did the right thing."

President-elect Clinton expressed
suppon for Bush‘s action but there
was pointed criticism from Arab
nations that once supported military
action against Iraq.

The Cairo-based Arab League
called on the United Nations “to
adopt a policy of self-resuaint and
use the language of dialogue."

The Russian govemment deliv-
ered a note to the State Department
admonishing the Bush administra-
tion not to act militarily without the

explicit approval of the UN. Se-
curity Council.

The message, from Foreign Min-
ister Andrei V. Kozyrev, said,

“There are casualties among ci-
vilian populations which is espe-
cially regrettable.“

The Pentagon acknowledged
that a cruise missile fired from a
Navy ship Sunday had struck a
Baghdad hotel.

Iraq said two civilians were
killed. The Pentagon said the mis-
sile was knocked off course by Ira-
qi fire.

A senior official. speaking on

SGA presidency offers many perks


By Joe Braun
Editorial Editor

Why would anyone want to be
Student Government Association

While free basketball tickets . _ . . . .
come with thejob. there's also a lot tron. If the president lives off carn- He said examples of thrs include WEATHER-
Of “work. hessk. and problems," pus. as November docs‘ the housrng his Speed) to the “Ste“ about the Recent Wt] mostly sunny today.

SGA President Pete November

Even though November said he
believes there are a lot of worries.
come with the job. such as the fol-

for virtually anywhere on campus).
-An office in the Student Center
oliull scholarship for tuition and
The University gives the SGA
president a stipend. which is used to
pay for their housing. books and tui-

money can be used to pay rent for
an apartment.

SGA Parliamentarian Reno Dea-
ton said he believes it takes a person
who can juggle many jobs at once
to fill the president‘s position.

“(As president) you have to bal~

president takes all the flack."

November said he believes the
student presidency gives you “an
opportunity to get a chance to work
and do something about all the
things on campus you disagree with
or want to change."

effects of budget cuts and possible
tuition increases. as well as in-
creased availability of the campus
escort service.

November said. to him. the job is
a challenge.

lowing: anoe being a student. trustee and ho“YoquCheam a W persoinally abs-“.5 'NDE’“
. the - ' . ‘ n w m you can pus yOIII'SC . DuverSions, . . . 3
4mm” me: u on UK Board or Trus $331213“ 5”“ 8° ‘0 classes, he said. _ . . Sports ............................. :
stud-m- m at Manon-I Com-um tor sum-y . batm- mm was He said is... on... forget that JETS? 31“.?”‘1‘1ewd‘2wfi $123382; ...;;:::‘::::::::::::::::::::::7
bell tleket distribution. sold to be one of the largest over. $00!!!!" 50km whenever something goes wrong in y p" ‘ L
-A trustee puking permit (good any branch of SGA, or at UK. “the See SGA. Back P890 t r



condition of anonymity, said the
hotel. home to many American and
other visiting jourmln‘s. was not a

The hotel. he said. was “adjacent
to the flight path" of the missile.

“These attacks could proceed
without further warning." Pentagon
spokesman Pete Williams said.

Officials said all allied planes re-
tumed safely. Iraq said 2l people
were killed altogether.

Yesterday's raid was the second
in 24 hours and the latest in a suing

See IRAQ. Back Page



A revtew 0‘ President Bush's
administration reveals gains in
foreign policy, but a lack of clear
direction HIS lack of an ideology
plagued his entire tenure.
Editorial, Page 6

mg“ .t'mmd '35 Mostly clear
tong“. w=th mcreasmg clouds by
morning ow to the mid-90$
locroas'ug clouds tomorrow with
a chance of rain late in the day;
nigh between 40 and 45. ‘







 .. u 4...»: m.-.” m.....,.,....~.... H . .




-. .um...—...~ .w . .


'tiv . rr'iiui,t lil viii,” I‘l‘ir it i ...I '.' i

>ii- i . it I‘.I‘lli'~ .ttiii HDUI'HH] i-.iil "l

iii.” i-riiliori otiho Kentucky Kt‘f'li‘i Ail v]...
lh.ii.i' .Ili iriturmdlioii to SAB ill room .‘1 t it rm.


uri . Winhirit) to publish meetings '01 lull-s
ilutil'TIT Ci‘llli‘l l Wt‘i“ prior to pub/it .iiiun







Monday 1/18

ets tor Spotlight Jazz individ-
ual shows are on sale at Tick—
etMaster: general public,
students. faculty and adminis-
tration; call 257-8427

ets tor the Next Stage Series
are on sale at TicketMaster;
general public. students. facul-
ty and administration; call 257-

- Exhibit. Winter Revels‘;
Headley-Whitney Museum;
thru 2/28

- Exhibit: L0uis Bickett‘s 'They
Called Him Nigger' installation
of Text and Sculpture. Rasdall
Gallery, Student Center;
ttan15pnt M F.1llfU 3 5




Wednesday 1. 20

- SAB MOvie HonemeQn in
Vegas. 52. Student Center.
Worsham Theater, 8pm, call

Thursday 1/21

- SAB MOvie Honeymggn in
19.935. $2. Student Center.
Worsham Theater: 8pm; call

Friday 122
- SAB Movie Honeymoon in
Mega; $2 Student Center.
Worsham Theater. 8pm; call

Saturday 1/23

- SAB Mowe. Honeymoon in
lanes; $2; Student Center,
Worsham Theater 8pm: call

Sunday 1/24

- SAB Mowe Honeymoon in
Megas. 82 Student Center,
Worsham Theater. 5pm; call

- Exhibit: Fernangg Bolero

Limos: UK Art Museum;
call 257-5716; thru 37

- Lecture/Reception: W
r Dr wrn ' KA M -
521101 2pm; call 2575716



12:00-1 2:50



In analysis of a society which is sleeping
through any honest understandin of what
african people are about. the University
of Kentucky sponsers the




dealgiiand "dds'lii'mealimm" 'p’eio '
. ‘ focusingonproblmnsmatcm.

,s division of march.
' . m i“ hf.“ ,








Monday 1/18
- Meeting. Central Christian
Community Adult Singles Pro«
gram, 79pm Parlor ot the
Church 205 E Short Street;
call 233-1551

Tuesday 1/19

- T0ur Library TOurs. 11:00am.

King Library South. call 257—

Wednesday 1/20

- T0ur Library Tours: 10:OOam:

King Library South; call 257-







Monday 1/18

. Classes, Aikido Beginner
Classes 8 30pm Alumni
Gym Lott call 269-4305

Tuesday 1/19

- Bible Study Black Campus
Ministry Bible Study (Weekly
meetings: tree 7pm, Student
Center, Room 205 call 254-

- Seminar Dr Anant K Men-
on. ‘BiOSyntheSis oi Glycosoy—
phosphatidylinosito! Mem»
brane Protein Anchors“.
Medical Center ROOm
MN563. 4p m

- Meeting UK Cycling Club -
All are Welcome'. 8pm. Sea
ton Center. room 212, call

Wednesday 1/20

- Classes Aikido Beginner
Classes. 8 30pm. Alumni
Gym Lott. call 269 4305

- Meeting Encounter !Reliq
ious; Sltlduttl Center Ronni
359. 7pm, call 276 2362

. Seminar. Mr. Matthew fay-
lor, ‘p53. Guardian of the Ge
nome'. Medical Center, Room
MN363; 4pm

- Contemplative Prayer / Med-
itation Practice; 5pm: St. Au-
gustine’s Chapel; call 254-


- Holy Communion. 5:30pm;
St. Augustine‘s Chapel: call

- Canterbury Club » Supper
and Fellowship 6 30pm. St.
Augustine's Chapel call 254-

Thursday 1/21

- Meeting CNS Catholic
Newman Center Night New-
man Center 20 Rose 1 ane.
7.308 30pm call 2558566

Friday 1/22

- Classes. Aikido Beginner
Classes 6 30pm Alumni
Gym Lott call 269 4305

Saturday 1/23

. Mass Catholic Mass. 320
Rosr: Lani.- Newman Center.
6pm call 255 8566

Sunday 124

- Classes Aikido Beginner
Clasmv ‘rirn Alumni Gym
i0" ..1' _ «1:555

- Mas: Catholic Mass. 320
Rose Lane Newman Center
9 00am 11 30am. 5.00pm.
8 30pm. call 255-8566

- Holy Communion, 10:30am
5 30pm. St Augustine‘s
Chapel. call 254-3726

Friday 1/22
- AWAKE Lecture Series: ‘The
Atrikan Origin of Mankind and
ClVlilZEiTlOft'. @1030me Student
Center room 203. call 2578867
- TOur library Tours; 2'00pm;
King library South. call 257~

Saturday 1/23
- AWAKE Lecture Series: ‘Meta-
phySlCS and Egyptian Philoso-
phy‘. 9am-5pm; Student Center.
room 203: call 257-8867




Tuesday 1/19

- UK Basketball Wildcats vs
Alabama, at Alabama.

9 30pm. call 2571818

- sampus Rec 5 W5 Bas-
ketball Managers Meeting
and Entry Deadline 5pm.
Worsham theater Student




- Ctirtipiil’ Her, Hm keltmll
Qttit 1.11 .7 (Jilr'llf {Milan Cen

ter Room 145. call 257 3928.
thru 1 21

Saturday 1/23

- UK Basketball Wildcats vs
Somh Carolina. at South Car-
olina, 2pm. call 257-1818



Nov. 1:

~Gardner, Carole P.; 40; 1167
Turkeyfoot Drive; driving under the
influence of intoximnts.

Nov. 7:

oDillon, Dennis A.; 41; 51 Wat-
tcrson Trail; alcohol intoxication.

Nov. 11:

allart, Jeffrey L.; 33; 904 Charles
Ave.; driving on a suspended opera—
tor's license.

oWhitlock, Daniel; 26; 3240
Mammoth Drive; driving under the
influence of intoxicants.

Nov. 12:

°Tofautc, Thad H.; 20; 129 Tran-
script Ave., Apt. 21; alcohol intoxi-

Nov. 13:

-Smith, Bennie Jerome; 34; 604
Carver Road; probation violation.

Nov. 14:

-Lee, William A.; 45; 185 E.
Maxwell St.. Apt. 3; alcohol intoxi-

-Valera, Bic P.; 23; 355 S.
Broadway; driving on a suspended
operator's license, possession of
marijuana, possession of drug para-


Dec. 22:

-Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300 (misdemeanor); Huguelet
Drive; items not listed removed
from vehicle; Lothan H. Jennes,

Dec. 23:

~Theft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; Annex 11; items not list-
ed removed; Joel M. Lee, complai-


Dec. 24:

-Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; UK Hospital gift shop;
items not listed removed; Sally Ste—
vens, complainant

Dec. 27:

~Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300 (felony); 412 Rose Lane;
items not listed removed from vehi-
cle; Chat: S. Morgan, complainant.

Dec. 31:

~Burglary, third degree; 175
Funkhouser Drive, room 108; 75
compact discs removed; Walter W.
Zausch. complaimnt

Jan. 1:

~Theft of motor vehicle registra-
tion plates; Parking Structure 4;
Agnes Brooks-Moore. complainant.

O'I'heft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 100 block, Common-
wealth Drive; display itcms re-
moved from laundry room vending
machine; Don E. English, complai-

Jan. 4:

~Theft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 177 Chemistry-Physics
Building; items not listed removed;
Jackie J. West, complainant.

'Thcft by unlawful taking. more
than $300; UK Hospital transformer
room; items not listed removed;
Rick Maxwell, complainant.

~Theft of motor vehicle registra—
tion plate; Press Avenue parking
lot; Frank R. Lucas, complainant.

Jan. 6:

-Arson, first degree; 116 and

H312 UK Hospital; two small fires
set; Charles Webb. complaian
Jan. 8:
~Theft by unlawful taking, more
than $300; UK Hospital intensive

care unit; items not listed removed:
Irene Bailey, complainant.

o'I'hcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; UK Hospital critical care
unit locker room, second floor;

items not listed removed; Janet Mi-
chalsky, complainant.

Jan. 11:

O'I‘hcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Cotnplcx Drive; itcms
not listed removed from vehicle;
Paris 1.. Burd. complainant.

'Thcft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; Anderson Hall; parking
permit removed from vehicle; Ross
13. Mills, complainant.

-'l‘hcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; 439 lluguclct Drive;
items not listed removed from vchi-
cle; Jackson C. lrcland, complai-

o'llicft by unlawful taking. less
than $300; Shivcly Sports Center
parking lot; items not listed re-
moved from vehicle; Susan J. Doct-
ncr, complainant.

Jan. 12:

-Thcft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Alumni Gym; items not
listed removed; Keith E. liccmcr,

~Thcft by unlawful taking. more
than $300; C365 UK Hospital;
items not listed removed; Barrett B.
Bradley, complainant.

-Thcft by unlawful taking, more
than $300: 120V Commerce Build-
ing: microwave oven removed;
Vaughn Leakc, complainant.

Witch by unlawful taking, unde-
tcrrnincd amount: 301 Barker Hall;
VCR rcmovcd; Gerald Stewart.

Jan. 13:

-'l'heft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; University of Kentucky
Bookstore; items not listed re-
moved; Patrick Wong, complai-

-'l'heft by unlawful taking, less
than $300; Commonwealth Stadi-
um red parking lot; items not listed
removed from vehicle; Beverly
Powell, complainant.



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Cope’s Jehovahkill a feast

of paganistic trance music

Julian Cope
Island Records


By John Abbott
Staff Critic


If you've ever thought to your-
self. “Boy, there certainly seems to
be a shortage of pagan trance music
around these days." I am happy to
report that Julian Cope has arrived
to correct this appalling deficiency.

With his brand-new album, Jeho-
vahki'll. Cope gives us more than 70
minutes of delightfully weird mu-
sic, proving that he is, by far. the
most entertaining pagan alive to-

Jehovahki'll is a very subdued al-
bum. You'll find none of the raging
guitar anthems that populated his
previous work, Peggy Suicide. That
isn‘t to say that this album is devoid
of juicy pop hooks and solid chord
progressions, but none of these
songs are drop-kick rockers that
would make you jump around and

Many of the cuts are acoustically
based. Others are eerie. epic-scaled
adventures like Pink Floyd used to
make. with swirling keyboards
bouncing in and out, tape loops and
backwards-recorded instruments
painting a bizarre canvas.

Since using terms like “Side

One" and “Side Two“ is much too



ordinary tor a visionary like Julian
Cope. he resorts to dividing the al-
bum into three phases. llow pre-

Phase I, which is dependably en-
gaging though not wildly brilliant.
is slow and quiet, led off by the sol-
id “Soul Desert" and “No Hard
Shoulder To Cry On.“

The weird third song of Phase I.
“Akhenaten,” reveals Cope's obses-
sion with the Christian cross. The
song's title is also noteworthy; Ak-
henaten was an Egyptian pharaoh
who, like Cope, was a religious
troublemaker who sought to tear
down the popular beliefs of the

Phase II has its moments, but is
nonetheless uneven. “Necropolis,”
a fast-moving instrumental, is one
of those moments. Two others,
“Slow Rider" and “Julian H.
Cope," are short, jerky numbers
that benefit from Rooster Cosby‘s
peculiar percussion.

This phase also contains the most
annoying song on the album (an-
noying and long, at 6:22), “Poet Is

Phase III is the strongest part of
the album. The first cut, “The Sub-
tle Energies Commission,“ is a




The Blueberries, which are playing Lynaghs tonight, are
Chad Ward, Otto Helmuth and Andy Mason.


sprawling, eight-minute odyssey in
which understated bass lines and
keyboard flourishes are woven into
a thumping drum track. Following
it is “Fa-Fa-Fa-Fine," a nice, com-
pact pop treat, and “Fear Loves
This Place," the most stirring song
on the album.

I like this song especially be-
cause, at 4:15. it's long enough to
be entertaining, but short enough to
keep from stretching too far. Cope
managed to resist his tendency to
take a good song of four or five
minutes and expand it into a medio-
cre song of nine or 10 minutes.

I was afraid that unnecessary ex-
pansion would doom “The Tower."
which is all of 10 minutes long, but
that, fortunately, was not the case.

Here, it isn't a matter of repeat-
ing the same riff over and over un-
til it's been run into the dirt, a
crime of many songs of this length
are guilty. Cope is trying to tell a
rather complex story in “The Tow-
er,” so he has an excuse to use a lot
of time.

Still, Cope could have shaved at
least two minutes off the song and
not hurt the story a bit.

If you though that a title like Je-
hovahkill implied anti—Christian
sentiment, you’re right. Make sure
you purchase this album legitimate-
ly — don‘t copy it — because the
enclosed booklet is just as much
fun as the album itself.

In the booklet, Cope takes some
acid-tongued potshots at Christiani-
ty. Yes, you can revel in his unflat-
tering religious broadsides even as
you groove to his tunes. Here‘s a
sample: “Yet, by the middle of last
century, the temple had been al-
most obliterated by destructive sin-
obsessed, small-minded do-gooders
in the name of the Christian God."

Whether you agree with Cope's
pagan theology is irrelevant. Jeho-
vahkill is a good piece of music no
matter what you believe.








Julian Cope has released Je-
vohklll, an album which is di-
vided into three sections. The
album discusses Cope's pa-
ganistic theological beliefs.

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Signee shows
UK hoops fans
he’s a player,
just like Rex

Mark Sonka
Kernel Columnist




Jeff Sheppard swept into Memo-
iial Coliseum Saturday aftemoon as
easy as the breeze and handled the
other team in a resembling manner.
The “other" te;un on this day hap-
pened to be Lexington's Henry
Clay High School, though it really
could hay e been any squad consist-
ing of players [it grades 9 through

The result would have been iden-

From McIntosh High in Peach-
tree City. Ga, Sheppard is a player.
He possesses a soft, flowing jump
shot. He dribbles the ball dcltly in
traffic. He sees the whole floor. He
jumps more than three feet high.
He directs his teammates. He
scolds his teammates. Most impor-
tant, he uses his teammates.

Sheppard, currently t'K‘s only
recruit for next season, thinks team
before self, pass before shot. score-
board before stat sheet. This ls‘
Coach Rick l’itino‘s boon. This Is"
what makes ettyistoning Sheppard
in a Wildcats uniform a leasible no-
tion. embraced by many

He has been compared to Rex
L‘liapiiian, that yye kiiex. but he
really should not be Rex was all
giinslinger. no conscience. Jeff is a
conscionable young man, drawing
his pistol of a jumper only when

Rex was self-promoting; Jeff is
self-effacing. (By the same token.
we should save Jeff lrom any future
chagrin by assuring he is not the
next Chris Harrison.)

Against Henry Clay, Sheppard
shot all of four three-pointers, mak-
ing two, yet still managed to llock
30 points. His buckets were scored
within the framework of the of-
fense, some on dnves, some on fast
breaks, some on set plays.

“He’s got all the skills. and he
plays in the team concept now,“
said McIntosh head coach Steve
Hale. “He‘ll make the transition
easier than some players."

You hear the story about how.
during his freshman season. Shep-
pard tired midway through a game
and jogged alongside the McIntosh
bench. Bending over at the waist.
pulling on his already lengthy Cel-
tic-green shorts, Sheppard asked
Hale a seemingly reasonable ques-

“When am I coming out?“

“When your eligibility is used
tip. son,"

it was a good answer.

It is a good Sheppard.

Saturday's Sheppard highlights:
a two-hand alley-oop jam, a get-
that»weak-stuff-outta-here swat of a
()unitin Dixon shot in the lane. a
:io~look pristine-bullet pass that
would haye made Lee Harvey ()sv
\yald proud. a gorilla dunk on the
break .

l ie (‘dl'l‘l‘J forward i\\e‘ll tall
hiiii lirloot-x tor accuracys sake l
is listed at l7 but owns maturity bev
\oiid those years. Si'ii'iii‘i’i‘ri ‘ llartl
\ llt‘l.l 'ii'ii .liits lltii \‘\Yll\ tcttil
i.‘. ll‘ slieppartl

”All l li.t\.: it) do 1\ wait it l-askct-
ball on LSl’N. and it biings me
back down to earth." he said “It
makes me think. ‘Wou l‘ve got a
long way to go.~ lfl start believing
l'm good, I won‘t be."

Planning to relocate to Lexington
shortly after graduation, he will as-
sume a weight litter‘s lifestyle.
hoping to make his Body Hy ('hap»
man look more like .i ltody By

He calls strength “the biggest
jump from high school to college "

Some think he is ready for the
leap now.

“He can play on any level, He‘ll
be a super player in college," said
Henry Clay coach Greg Holt.
whose Blue Devils surrendered
nine rebounds. four assists anti four
blocks to Sheppard in the mix of a
69-56 loss. “(There Will bcl a lot of
articles on him. Shoots well, moves
well, quick first step. He‘ll fit into
Kentucky‘s scheme extremely

As for the Chapman thing, it‘s
nice and all, With Rex's being his
childhood idol, bttt Sheppard is
looking to establish his own identi~
ty. We will let him, lcff Sheppard
is Jeff Sheppard and no