xt7ngf0mwh3x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwh3x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-10-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 28, 1991 1991 1991-10-28 2020 true xt7ngf0mwh3x section xt7ngf0mwh3x  

Vol. XCIV. No. 208

Established 1894


Kentucky Kernel

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 1971

Monday. October 28, 1991


Senior Staff Writer

Residents at Keeneland Hall
will tell you they live in a four-
star hotel. People at Patterson Hall
say the roof under which they live
is the next best thing to home.
However, a room in Kirwan Tow-
er basically is a matchbox with a
view. And Haggin Hall is, well,
Haggin Hall.

More than 5,000 students come
home each night to a room in a
UK residence hall. Some of them
are happy there, enjoying the ben-
efits of being close to main cam-
pus and the companionship of
new friends.

Others endure the noise,
communal bathrooms and


Associate Editor

Three years ago UK Housing of-
ficials were forced to put three
people in rooms originally de-


c . .

GREG EANS'K e'nel Stat!

Michael Campbell, a 20-year-old biology major trom Danville, Ky._
helped paint a house on Chestnut Street Saturday.

Greeks help fix homes
for some area residents

Contributing Writer

Hundreds of college students
spent Saturday in some of Lexing-
ton‘s residential areas scraping
away bits of old paint arid leaning
from ladders in paint-speckled
clothing with paint brushes in~hand.

Two—hundred fifty greeks partici~
pated in this year's Atlopt-A-House
program, art annual event organized
by the Sigma Nu social fraternity
and the Delta Delta Delta social so.

Adopt-.\-Housc is a community
project in which grcek organiza-
trons from UK donate thcir time,
money and effort to Lexington resi-
dents who need assistance irt rnarri~
taming their homes,

“I think we should give some-
thing back to the community. It
tAdopt-NHousci was just one way

ads allowed

by SAB rule

Contributing Writer

In light of past controversy, UK's
Student Activities Board has dccid~
ed to change its policy of prohibit-
ing advertised support for Home.
coming candidates.

On the recommendation of Laura
Gum, SAB's Homecoming Com
mittee chair. the organization re-
vised its rules to allow such cam-
paign efforts.

While SAB now allows advertis-
ing, candidates may be disqualified
if any banners, posters or fliers sup-
porting them arc "seen on the Uni-
versity of Kentucky‘s campus," ac
cording to the new policy.

SAB directed responsibility to
student organi/ations for alerting
their members of this change. In
sponsoring a candidate. organi/a-
tions must encourage student coop-
eration with the new policy.

of domg my part,“ said Andrea
Penner, an accounting sophomore
and member of Alpha Delta Pi so-
cral sorority.

Students painted house exteriors.
cleaned yards, raked leaves and lm-
proved the general appearance of

Steve Hardin, .-\dopt-.~\~House
chairman and member of Sigma
Nu. said his fratcmity has partici-
pated m the community servrcc
project for the last IX years.

Adopt-A-House was introduced
III the early 1970s to mtproye the
relationship between greek students
and Lexington residents.

In the past few years itiorc grccks
have become involved in Adopt-A-
Housc. Because the project is a
Greek Acuwties Steering Commit-
tee event and allows chapters to

See ADOPT Page 3


signed for two because of over»
whelming demand.

Now, however, they are faced
with the opposite problem. During
the past two years. the number of
vacancies at the 12th week of the
spring semester has been higher
than at any other time in the last
five years.

The spring occupancy rate last
year “dropped below what we had
ever done before with no apparent
reason," said Allen Rieman. LJK
director of Auxiliary Services.

Last spring, housmg‘s occupan-
cy rate dropped to 01 percent m
the lowest in five years. More than
500 beds were vacant at the 12th
week of the semester. when the
last count of occupancy is taken.

During the 1988-89 school year.
the spring occupancy rate dropped
to 93 percent from 06 percent. and
190 beds were vacant.

In 1987-88. the occupancy rate
was 97 percent for the spring.

Rieman said he believes the
numbers may have "bounced
back" this semester because of a
large freshman class. The number
of freshmen in residence halls is
up more than 200 people.

He said applications for hOUsmg
m the spring are up. and "l would
expect spring (occupancyi would


ever-watchful eye of Big Broth-
er‘s security forces just because
their parents didn‘t trust them
enough to let them live in an off-
campus apartment.

No matter why they are here or
where they are staying, residents
at UK have one thing in common
7— the ability to adapt to their en-

Jason Lain is a prime example.

When he filled out his housing
application last year, Laiit wanted
to live in Kirwan Tower. But as
fate, and the omnipotent powers
that decide who stays where,
would have it Haggin Hall was to
be the place where he would
spend his freshman year.

As dorms at UK go, Haggin is
the shanty on the wrong side of

The vacancy problem isn‘t as
bad looking at the entire year. The
overall occupancy rate was 94
percent for the year, although, that
too is the lowest in five years.

A group of College of Business
and Economics students studied
why vacancies have been on the
rise but found no definitive rea-
sons why occupancy dropped.

“We did not come up with any
pattern to why the students were
not returning," Rieman said.

What was found were com-
plaints about noise in the resi-
dence halls, frustration from hav-
ing roommates and that livmg off
campus is cheaper, he said.

Residence halls are managed by
two different sections of the Uni-
versrty. Housing is responsible for
finances and physical facilities.
Resrdence Life is charged with
making the residence hall experi-
ence enjoyable tor the residents
through resident advrsers and oth-
er programming.

Rieman said the “reasons we
saw were a combination (of Rest~
dence Life and Housmgi but no
one rttajor area."

Though the complaints were
”not in a set pattem." Rieman
said, housing officials have no-
ticed some trends in who is and
isn’t living in UK facilities.

Rieman said during the last two
years. more upperclass tentale
students have been moving oil
campus alter their second year as
opposed to alter their third year.

There were 1.964 upperclass le—

Living on campus frustrates some

Students in some halls
feel watched, cramped







_ s 9 «cow-no». a o ooouung‘nnov o qoqauunnvo p
-—._----.¢..-—-§,& 4----2;§—--------.



the tracks. RCllO\.tllUll\ of the hall
completed last year lcti only one
way in antl one way out, irt addi-
tion to numerous other security

It didn't take lam long to figure
out why llaggm is nicknamcrl
“The Prison "

“I heard that at the beginning .it
the year and I've been calling it

Number of students in residence halls dropping


Is UK Worth it?

First in a three-part scrim.

llic l‘rison' and 'iiagtzin ilclt'

Pitt \llikk‘.“ l..lill mlltl

the major problem. I hate the bunk
beds Mine sauca'xs really. really
bail." be saiul

fellow llasrtt: f~.sltlk‘lll\l2i_1.rl\‘llll-

. -——--4





“lltc rooms are small that's

As Lam plriycrl Nintendo wtth

it»? DORMS Page 6




Number of vacanoes in reSidenoe halls at the end
or the 1ch week of the semester








‘86-87 '87-88


males housed during fall twist).
Now. he said. there are only 1.400
(.‘onvcrsely. “we re ycttmg an
increase iii the number or applica-
tions for trppcrclass
.lcnts." Rieman said.
The ratio of treshmcn to upper-
classmcn is “pretty close to where
we'd like to be. his yt‘ar’
freshmen comprise Jul" percent or

:ztale st l~

he said. l

housing. lzc said. 3

Rieman attributed some or the
attrition front Ollxdlllplls nonsittg

to more apartnicnts in the area for


\illtlk‘lllx .llitl ll’lt‘f.‘ l~ lit?
‘Il‘zllllil about liytti»; off campus

' .eortctiniptis. its;

5‘»: lltc‘ drop it. ikctifxlv'ic» l‘ w;
» rl’rdlll i‘T
bum}: lT‘I‘lctl in tail W“

‘clti'lll‘ztl, "l'


'89-90 ‘90-91

SOURCE: UK Auxilary Sewices

TVRONE JOHNSTON '0)" or fa'a“


lt'ifitIL‘l tl

‘ it s bccotiic more ;itcct‘rtat\ir- it

rx’rctiiari said otltciars \ll‘ not iv;

bad upertcntes It’s-Ht

T‘tat was our ttiotrgttt llt.ll.1iiy

.sllt‘ll l'k‘ “Ailing iii \lrll'ik‘ti

said ”Hut t‘\ ll-"A


\'.itlt‘ill\ ." i‘iL' I'wdc‘lm‘

".tils cant retticrnbcr lit; axon .-;




Student (‘cittcr

Donovan llall

Margaret l Kitig Library



“People have been hurt by it."
Gum said. She said people who
were uninfonned about the policy
would place ads on behalf of candi-

“I hope it Will affect it in a DUSP
tive way." she said. “This will
bring attenUon to it. and maybe
tnorc people Wlll vote."

Barry Stumbo, SAB faculty ad—
vtser, called Gum‘s efforts “instru-
mental" in the alteration of the

\\liitc llall (’lasstooiii Butlding

Lexington (‘omm unity (‘ollcge

Kim an~Blanding Complex Commons


‘llring l K 11) and acuyiucx \Jltj


problematic policy.

Stumbo said while he “would
rather not speculate" on the success
of this new policy. he thinks “it will
have a positive effect."

Previously. SAB rules on cant
paignmg included prohibiting any
classified ads concerning Hortic-
coming candidates from appearing
in the Kentucky Kernel.

See AD, Page 6

Return of soldiers from gulf
brings stork 9 months later

Associated Press

mg Baby Boomers may have to
move over for Operation Baby
Storm, expected to ill'fth.‘ in Decem-
ber exactly nmc months after the
end of the Persian (iulf War.

Doctors at Florence .A\. Blanch-
field Amiy Community Hospital ex
pect to deliver Ht) babies in De-
cember. That‘s 20 more than the
monthly average.


“It is safe to say the routines of

life have resumed." said Maj. Mark
Tolbert, a spokesman for the 101st
Airborne Division based at the Fort
Campbell Army post near the Ken-
tucky-Tennessee border.

Nearly 270 babies are expected to
arriye in January on the base. which
has a population of 23.000.

It seems nearly cycry woman on
the base is pregnant or knows some-
one who is. Four of the six women
in Spec. Paquina Carticron's divi-


"I got pregnant about
one montn after we got
back here."

Paquina Cameron

\ltlll became pregrnrrr. .ittcr ictazr.
trig front the gull.

‘ I got pregnant about one month
alter we got back here." said (ante
ron. whose husband. Sgt. Darrcn
Cameron, also scrycd in Desert

Spec. (.‘ameron, who wears grcctt
maternity battle dress uniforms to
work at the base hospital. is \1\
months pregnant

Rama McKamy. .‘0, learned
was pregnant two weeks after
husband, Pfc. Ronald McKamy
back front the war

“'lhat's all l'yc bccn hcarmg,
how everybody would be haying ha-
bics’ and how cycrybody l\ duc in



'aittiary." slic said,

s r
is. n v-t.

Z'Ccls'il oil ll s‘ (Tube. . '\‘-..iic.'i_ c .
\prt‘r. i‘tiartt‘. it. \Yis. .1

:‘trt agf. \‘iay

.,m,...‘.,\ .'
arc New.
tcctl ctirrtrit protu‘...
some pregnant -\t‘lii\ii
r';‘gl\lt‘rt‘tl .lI {lic' it
\\illiattt \\ alcott.

(apt Kim Orlando and his w it.
Sherry, found out 1“ weeks
that she was pregnant with her sct
oritl child. Beforc thc thc
.onplc couldn't decide on the right
tune to hays another baby.

\lrs. Orlando and she had picnty
o: ttrnc to think about that decision
whth‘ her husband was m the cull
ilc rlttl. loo

\tic \.ti.l slic watched a llltl\|t‘ lli
.s’ticl: the main character \.lltl that
war "niakts \oii rt‘ali/c that you'd
rikc to how .i little part til you he-



.Tlit‘i t‘










INDEX ———-4



Bill Curry’s Wildcats remain winless in the
SEC as UK loses to Georgia. Story, Page 4.

“Of Mountains and Music: Frank W. Long"
continues at the UK Art Museum. Exhibit is
free and ends Dec. 22.

“Star Trek’ creator
Gene Roddenberry

Story, Page 10.





 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 28, 1991


am - us Calendar




Information on this calendar of events is collected lrom the Student Activrties
or. the Calendar a Campus Calendar Form must be tilled out at

Board Room 203/204 Studenl Center University of Kentucky The Information is published as supplied by the on- campus sponsor For Student Organizations or University Departments to make entries
the Student Activities Office SubmisSion of photographs or graphics is enoouraoedl DEADLINE: Entries mus! reach the Student Acu'vm'ea are. no later than a week pmr to publication!



Monday 1028

- SAB Mowe 'Ar ei' tree. Center Theater.
7:30pm; call 7-8867

- Exhibit Terrie Hancock. 'Magnet.
Stitched: The Galb'eath Gallery; thru
Nov 23

. Lecture Coffee lecture. 'Kentucky
Ghosts’ Headley-Whitney Museum

10 30am. ca‘3 2535—6653

Tuesday 10/29

- Penormance: Art a la Cane. lolk music
by Homer Ledlord. free. ArtsPlace. Noon,
call 255-2951

- Film Fest . ‘A Rage in Harlem". spon-
sored by Martin Luther King. Jr, Cultural
Center. 51. Worsham Theater: 7 300m.
cal: 7-4130

Wednesday 10/30
- SAB Movre‘ 'Backdraft'; $2 00: Worsham
Theater ‘. C and ‘0 00pm (Wed - Sat i

Thursday 1031

- SAB Movse “BaCkoraft’; $2.00. Worsham
Theate'. ”’ 30 and to 00pm iWed - Sat .

. Performance. UK Symphonic Winds.
tree, SCFA Concert Hall. Born; call 7-

Friday 11/1
- SAB Mowe ‘Backdrai‘t'. 82.00; Worsham
Theater; .730 and 10:00pm (Wed- Sat.)

Saturday 11/2
- SAB Movie: 'Backdrait'; $2.00; Worsham
Theater: 730 and 10:00pm (Wed- Sat.)

Sunday 11/3

- SAB Movie: 'Backdralt" $2.00: Worsham
Theater: 4pm

-Exhibit ‘Of Mountains andMuslc. Fran-r
W. Long'1free' UK Art Museum (thru 12’

- Spectacular: Wildcat Marching Band
Spectacular11ree: SCFA Concert Hall.
2pm: call 7-4929

- Performance: GUitar SOCiety of Lexmg-
ton-Central Kentucky. Peter Segal. guest
artist 510 general. 88 senior Citizens and
children: SCFA ReCital Hall. call 7-4929


Monday 10 28

- Meeting: Miskatonic Student Union Or—
ganizational Meeting: free. St. Center Rm
113. 60m

Tuesday 1029

0 Lecture 'Binding Protein-Ligand Interac-
tions in Competitive Binding Assay'. free.
Room MN563, Apr“

- Lecture 'An IndiVidual‘s Responsrbility :n
the Protection 0‘ the EnVironment‘. free.
St Center. Room 230. 3-5prn, call 7-83’4

Wednesday 10 3C:

- Lecture 'The Method is the Message
Usrng Focus Groups in the Socral Screnc
es.’ by Dr Bruce Williams. dept of politi-
cal science. free. Classroom Bldg. Room
209; 3-5pr‘n; call 7-4415

- Lecture: 'PIatelet-derived Growth Factor
Signal Transduction and the Role of Re-
ceptor Autophosphorylation'; free. Room
MN563. 4pm

- Lecture. Occult Involvement: by Timothy
Hudson; free; 502 Columbia Ave; 7:30-
9:30pm. call 233-0313

Tnursoay 10 3'

- Meeting. SGA Senate meeting; St. Cen'
ter Room 206. 7:30pm

- Lecture. ‘Donovan Hobby and Talent
Show'. free. St. Center. Room 230: 3—
5pm. call 7-8314

- Lecture Odoult Involvement: by Timothy
Hudson. tree. 502 Columbia Ave , 7:30»
9.30pm. call 233-03‘3

- Lecture DeVil Worship The Rise of Sa-
tanism. free. Memorial Hall. 7 30pm. call

Meeting Miskatonic Student Union Mo-
ve. free. St Center. Rm 113. 7pm

Friday 1 1"

- Lecture Spectroscopy INSIDE a Dye
Laser-Probing Molecular Wavefunctions‘.
Free. Chem-Phys Rm 137. 3 30pm (re
freshments) and 4pm (seminar)


CAT ROAR- tMemoriel . lee m,

ring Comedienne Be ic Be

. pta no.0 arch.
alty.and the' all Like


iii Curry, te-



1991 HOME-









- Royalty Voting for Homecoming Be-


- Volunteer UK Student Volunteer Center.
many opportunities available'; call 257-
8785 to find out how you can help‘

- SGA Handicapped Concerns Commit-
tee. Wheelchair Awareness Days. tree.
9am-5pm. Sign up in SGA office. call 7-
3‘ 9‘

WeJne Clay

- Presentation Writer's Bloc wrth Gurney
Norman and the film 'Fat Monroe‘. free.

Old St Center. Rm 206. 7pm

- Fanr Annual Minority Career Fair. free.

Grand Ballroom St Center. 11:30am
3 30pm. call 233-6347

T ti u rs‘day
- Last Day to Vote for Homcoming Can—
- Shirt Day CSF Shirt Day, members of
CSF. wear your shirts today’

. HOMECOMING: Wildcat Roar and
Yell-Like-Heli, with emcee Bertice Ber-
ry; free; Memorial Coliseum; 8pm

-BSU Blanket/Clothing Drive. through
Dec S

- Conference. Conference for Alzheimer's
family support group leaders; free. Sand-
ers—Brown Center on Aging. 8:30am-4pm.
call 233-6040 for info and reservations

- Mixer. UK Lyman T. Johnson Alumni
Hospitality and Mix and Mingle. tree.
Campbell House. 6 30-100n‘. call 7-5726

Batu lrcla/

- HOMECOMING: Homecoming Parade
through UK campus. led by UK march-
fng Band; 9:30am

- HOMECOMING: All University Home-
coming Tent-Entertainment by The
Trendells, food, hot air balloons and
more!; 11am-7pm

- Banquet: UK Minority Affairs Program-
20th Awards Banquet—'Reorganizing Our
Past and Reburlding Our Future“; $25;
Campbell House: 7pm-tam. call 75726

- Pertormance: Guitar Socrety of Lexmg-

ton—Central Kentucky, Peter Segal. guest
artist; $10 general, $8 senior Citizens and

children; SCFA Recital Hall. call 7-4929





Linda Schwartz
Art Agent/Curator

FRI..l2:00-l2:50118 CB







- SAB Movre: ‘Ariel‘- SAB Movie: ‘Ariel'

- Royalty Voting for Homecoming Begins
l . Campus Rec: intramural Voileybal





- Performance: Art a la Carte. folk music by
Homer Ledlord
. Film Fest: ‘A Rage in Harlem


° SAB Movie: ‘Backdralt'
- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Xavier


- SAB Movie: 'Baickdratt
. Performance: UK Symphonic Winds

- Last Day to Vote for Homcomlng Cani-



- SAB Movie: 'Backdratt
‘ UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Georgia

- HOMECOMNG: Wildcat Boat and Yell.




- SAB Movie: ‘Backdraft

- HOMECOMING: Homecoming Pa-

- HOMECOMING: All University
Homecoming Tent-Entertainment by
The Trendells

r Banquet: UK Minority Affairs Program-
Zoth Awards Banquet

- UK Football: Kentucky vs Cincinnati

- Hockey: CoolCats vs Georgia;


- SAB Mavis: ‘Backdratt
- Spectacular: Wildcat Marching Band

- Performance: Guitar Society oi Lex—

lngton-Central Kentucky



Monday 10/28

- Weekly meetings: Water Ski Team &
Club; Free; Rm 106 St. Center; 9pm; call

- Weekly meetings: SAB Cinema Comm;
Free; Rm 228 St. Center; 5pm; call 7-


Tuesday 10/29

- Weekly meetings: SAB Concert Commit-
tee; Free; Rm. 228 New St. Center; 3pm;
call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: SAB Indoor Rec.
Comm; Free; Rm 115 St. Center;
6:15pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: U.K. Ultimate Frisbee;
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8—2686

- Weekly meetings: Chess Club; Free;
Rm 111 St. Center; 4-10pm; call 887-

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Open Student Meeting; Free;
Newman Center. Apt. 8: 11am; call 255-

Weekly meetings: UK Ballroom Dance
Society; $5 per semester; Barker Hall.
dance studio; 7-9pm: call 277-0664

Wednesday 10/30

~ Weekly meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship, Holy Communion; St. Augustine's
Chapel; 5:30pm; call 254-3726

~ Weekly meetings: Encounter; Free; Rm
205, New St. Center; 7pm; call 276-2362
- Weekly meetings: SAVE. meeting;
Free; Rm 309. Old St. Center; 7pm

Thursday 10/31

- Weekly meetings: SAB Spotlight Jazz
Comm: Free; Rm 204 Old St. Center;
5pm; call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: SAB Performing Arts
Collective Meeting; Free; St. Center
Room 202; 4pm: call 7-8867

- Weekly meetings: UK Ultimate Frisbee.
Free: Stoll Field: 5:30pm; call 8-2686

- Weekly meetings: Canterbury Club-
Episcopal Student Fellowship; St. Augus-
tine's Chapel; 6:30-7:30pm; call 254-3726
- Weekly meetings: Catholic Newman
Center Night; Newman Center; 7:30-
8:30pm; call 255-8566

. Weekly meetings: Thursday Night Live.
Free: 502 Columbia Av : 7:30pm; call

- Weekly meetings: UK Clogging Club;
free: Seaton Center Rm 123; 7-9pm: call
231 —7207

Saturday 11/2

- Weekly meetings: Catholic Sunday
Mass: Free: Newman Center; 6pm; call

Sunday 11/3

- Weekly meetings: UK. Ultimate Frisbee.
Free; Stoll Field; 5:30pm; call 8-2686
-Week|y meetings: Canterbury Fellow-
ship. Holy Communion; Free; St. Augus~
tine's Chapel. 10:30am and 5:30pm: call

- Weekly meetings Catholic Sunday
Mass. Free; Newman Center; 9 and
11:30am. 5 and 8:30pm; call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Spaghetti Dinner. All-
U-Can-Eat; $2; Newman Center; 6pm:
call 255-8566

- Weekly meetings: Unrversrty Praise Ser-
vrce; Free; 502 Columbia Av.- UK; 11am;
call 233-0313


Monday 10/28
- Campus Rec, Intramural Volleyball
Tournament. play begins; Seaton Center

Wednesday 10/30
- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs XaVier; Cincm-
nati. Ohio: 3pm

Friday 11/1
- UK Volleyball: Kentucky vs Georgia; Me
morlal Coliseum. 6pm

Saturday 11/2

- UK Football. Kentucky vs Cincmnati.
Commonwealth Stadium. 1pm

- Hockey. CoolCats vs Georgia. at GeOr-
gia. 11:30pm

Sunday 11/3

° UK Volleyball; Kentucky vs South Caroli-
na. Memorial Coliseum; 6pm

- UK Soccer: Kentucky vs Notre Dame.
Notre Dame. Indiana. 3pm

- Hockey CoolCats vs Georgia Tech. at
Georgia Tech. 11.30pm





 Kentucky Kornol, Monday, October 28, 1991 - 3



Associated Press

though Lt. Gov. Brereton Jones
has written off. for tax purpos-
es, the $1.74
million debt
that his
1987 carn-
paign owes
him, the
i nominee
continued to
carry that
debt on his JONES
ctunpaign books Friday.

Jones’ decision to keep the
debt on his campaign books
means he can still recoup part or
all of the debt if he is elected
governor. He saved several
thousand dollars in taxes by
writing off the debt on his tax

Jones made a series of loans
to his lieutenant governor cam~
paign committee beginning
Dec. 31, l985. The committee
repaid him $617,750 on the
original principal of Si,7(il ,(XX).

According to Saturday’s The
Courierdoumal, Jones‘ spokes
woman, Diana Taylor. said Fri~
day that the debt wasn‘t listed
on Jones“ last two animal intan‘


Jones writes off debt
from ’87 campaign

gibie-propeny tax returns be-
cause there was little chance it
would be paid.

The 1987 campaign’s semian-
nual report, filed Friday, listed
the debt at $1,739,563. The tax
on that amount would be $3,697.

“it‘s much like a business or a
bank writing off a bad debt."
Taylor said. “As any business
person will tell you, not all ac-
counts receivable are collected.
and this one was deemed highly

Jones’ finances have been
central to the gubernatorial cam-
paign of Republican nominee,
US. Rep. Larry Hopkins.

Jones has said that he
wouldn't solicit contributions to
retire the 1987 debt if he is elect-
ed governor although he would
accept such contributions if they
were offered. Hopkins has coun-
tered that interests seeking fa-
vors will contribute without be«
mg asked.

State Republican Chairman
Robert Cable has filed a series
of charges that Jones‘ channel-
ing of the loans through his Air—
drie Stud thoroughbred farm, in
effect, amounts to illegal corpo-
rate campaign contributions.

The registry board has not de-
cided whether to investigate
(iable's charges



Alumnus foots bill
for Illinois library

Staff, wire reports

A foundation has donated $18.7
million to pay for a new 120,000-
square-foot engineering library at
the University of lilinois. The single
donation would nearly meet the
amount of money L'K is seeking
from fund raisers for its proposed li-

The gift from the Grainger Foun-
dation honors William Wallace
Grainger. a 191‘) graduate of the
university and founder of W.W.
Grainger lnc., a Skokie‘based elec-
trical equipment company.

The library is to be named after

“it is no secret that higher educa~
tion is faced with difficult financial
times,” the university's president.
Stanley lkenberry, said Friday.
“Gifts such as those from The

Grainger Foundation help safe-
guard our tradition of excellence."

UK is hoping for similar wind-
falls of money as it seeks donations
totalling $20 million to build a new

i,'K Director of Libraries Patti
Willis called the Grainger donation
“spectacular. but we‘re very
pleased about ours too."

ilK‘s effort benefited from a sim-
ilar donation two weeks ago when
William T. Young gave $5 million,

However. there are a limited
number of people who can give in
the $5— to Slit-million range. L'K is
appealing to students, faculty, staff,
alumni and retirees for the rest.

“We're hopeful that we can raise
$12 million by the end of the calen—
dar year," Willis said. "We are con-
fident that we can do it."



Continued from page 1

earn participation points for their
fratemity or sorority, it encourages
the particianon of all grecks.

About 20 of the 38 sororities and
fraternities took part. Because of the
large participation, greeks worked
on six homes this year. more than
the usual one or two of plt‘VlUllx

The Lexington-Fayette Urban
County Govemtncnt chose homes
for “adoption." Residents of adopt-
ed homes are either physically or fi-
nancially unable to repair the homes
themselves. Consequently. these
homes often become eyesores for

The project was praised by V R
tyans. residcnt and owner of a
home on Delaware Avenue.



“I think it l\ wonderful and i
thank the Lord for it.” Evans said.
"i had prayed .iiid prayed for it.
Then the next thing I knew they
said i was adopted, it (the housel
looks wonderful 1 really appre»
ciale it."

The lfrban-(‘ounty goyernment
also provided transportation and do-
nates many of the supplies for the
repairs. Local businesses also con-
tributcd supplies and money for the
[iftijc‘CL liach fraternity and sorority
contributed $30 for this year's pro-

The total cost of supplies includ-
ing 75 gallons of paint was $600.

The participating greeks took
buses from Memorial Coliseum to
the individual houses. The \Olilli-
teers worked Saturday from it) am.
to 2 pm.


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Wolfe says fight at KSU is far from over

Associated Press

FRANKFURT, Ky. _- Former
Kentucky State University President
John T. Wolfe Jr. said he believes
he is the first of many black utllilln~
istrators and faculty who Will be
dismissed from the historically
black university.

In his first public comments since
his resignation, Wolfe predicted the
regents who pressed for his ouster
will soon target several black tea
ured professors for firing.

While not citing racism per se,
Wolfe, who is black, said the re-
gents are trying to lead KSU away
from its black heritage.

His comments came during and
after taping of WLEX—TV‘s “Your
Government" program. which aired

“This issue is a long way front bc~
ing resolved," Wolfe said Friday.
“There are a whole lot of issues to
be addressed, and i don‘t think that
people are paying attention to that.

“Kentucky State University is on
the line here note John ’1‘. Wolfe



"Yet they are being targeted now for elimination,
(and) when you eliminate African-American
students you in effect change the racial
composition of this campus."

John T. Wolfe Jr.,
former KSU president


Wolfe noted that the regents re
cently have fired six black adminis-
trators he recommended for ap-
pointment and promoted two whites

7 including one he had sought to

“The public can draw their own
conclusions from that,“ Wolfe said.

The white Wolfe sought to fire
was Paul Glaser, the school‘s con-
troller. Last week, the board of re-
gents promoted Glaser to vice presi-
dent for business affairs even
though he doesn‘t have a master‘s
degree, which Wolfe contends is a
university I'Ctlilll'CiilCill for (ilasc‘r's
new post.

He said the regents are interested
in cutting the school‘s out~of~state


:, 3PM? TO riff? UP Mo?
my H'i'P NM CARTOON ‘55,
THE STAFF 01‘ Blade Pronikln
.fi‘JlTES‘l’C'J. .

enrollment by increasing admission
standards for applicants who don't
live in Kentucky A most of whom
are black,

“The record Will clearly show-
they come better-prepared than a
majority of Kentucky residents."
Wolfe said Friday. “Yet they are
being targeted now for elimination,
(and) when you eliminate African-
Arnericari students you in effect
change the racial composition of
this campus. Thai is part of the

Wolfe also said that many faculty
members were upset with a part of
the school's desegregation plan that
calls for more black professors.

Wolfe’s resignation a week ago
in the face of illnc‘ .idrninistraioe

by John Morrow & Jerry Voigt



THE DOGGY BAG by Kenn Minter



charges against him for neglect of
duty, incompetence and immoral
conduct came as pan of a settle-
ment package he reached With the
regents. The charges centered on
costs of renovating the president's
home, a pay raise Wolfe gave him»
self without board approval and
various other alleged iiiiin.ii'eincnt

The settlement package included
continuation of Wolfe‘s salary until
July ii in return for .ori iiitiiit' \c-r
. lt‘i'x

He said the lllLthif reason llc‘ yol
.iiit.irily stepped down was that he
couldn't afford the staggering legal
fees it would lia-v i i. '..‘i.i

till JCT lll c~ mi"

(in l‘l'ltld'}. Wolfe sail f\\t

”an intricate ti..l two. network"

ltic’lcil \Jl\\\.‘ll\illllk1:r\.§‘\:v ...:r.'tl ill‘
0‘» siiiiic' rx‘t'c'n‘,
that part «‘l "ll

from ills rc'lii to c. i. ‘

fl ' .iisii ii'ic‘slcti

pi it it'flli'lt'c‘:
poiiitliictii .il l». . s ..
ali‘liLs til the ft‘t,‘i'.‘\i :i‘

Allilllll ‘ A ”ll. f'





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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Monday, October 28. 1991


51.1” W' 39'

A'l’llliNS. tia Ilieie was
something unusual .li‘t‘ltl the atmos-
phere at Sanford Stadium o”. the
ltiixetsttv of tise '..i .ainpas Sat

' .it licor'gia
cli"-\ii Hi

It was hometoi“ ti;
arid a :ie.=.r . J', .:.1'.\
\‘5312 lad prised lilk stadiazii tor
the llul'.logs' \. “‘easti'u ‘V 'n'er
L‘Ilt‘t‘ titlr'llc‘ \\ ilili K

But still. st ..

Skobe it \v.


cttt‘ttg was odd
:s all the bin.

.' t, . mimflp

ifis .izi.‘ watt

witl‘ rcd
\ik'rkxti‘ \ \
Maybe i; was the \ilJli ot
Uh Uh Uh 1 tr: Uhl lit \ 1?:
illlrllil-(Jll in the

"\x 'teailx _.'.

L‘t \lllf‘e‘\f_' t i

\ilti ihC'C ir‘J‘ J ifx‘ilii‘ v‘i V
\t‘tlstlt‘ss lll 'he at? \g‘\ ‘tt\'1.~
'or Kettltlexv.‘ lion
litighty tradition Helix y i . ..i .. -"

Georgia shreds UK defense as Cats fall 49-27

dogs get nervous tor a home game
against the \\'ildeats"

OK. so they weren't. but there
is as definitely something other than
tootball on the minds or sports tans
in Georgia Saturday. With then be
loved Atlanta Braves on the brink
of their first world championship.
Georgia tootball fans and perhaps
some ot the Bulldogs tlieitisehes.
had conflicts o1 interest going into
the l K game.

Bill .11 least ll plench lllt‘
Georgia ollensive unit were lo-
eused on the goal at hand as the
Bulldogs rolled past the tats 402 7.

Georgia 16-: overall. ‘vl SEC!
tallied MS yards in total offense
and ptit seven touchdowns on the
s.oreboard in stomping l is. “illt‘ll
tell to 1’5 and 0-4.

\Vith Florida.