xt7ngf0mwg64 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwg64/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-11-22 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 22, 1985 1985 1985-11-22 2020 true xt7ngf0mwg64 section xt7ngf0mwg64 l ; 1 l 1
___—_. ._______________—_________—_._._____._——__
Vol. XC, No.35 Established 1394 University of Kentucky, Lexmgton, Kentucky Independent since l97l Friday, November 22 I985 ' .
Mm I I
1V3 e 511 01‘ 01° reac CS . m1 101] —. 4.,»
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By_l-Il.lz.\lllj:Tll(AK-ts Singletary. The calendar year runs were it not for private dollars, we Vonderheide. director of l'lx' iiiliir lnder the fellows program which three students t'lllt"t"l 'llt‘ pliiL‘lcilll f ' ;i.’v."'. 1."; ‘
Editor-in-(‘hief from 0ct.lt00ct.3l. wouldn‘thave them.“ mationseri'ices has tiecti in effect since Writ ioie l()l'tllt'ltf‘\llilllr'ld>l tear ' : . :r
and('L:\\'()Wl-Z\ Mobley said private gifts which . h . . than 1400 men and women fl‘l\t‘ \luthl‘ls this ‘eir "t‘lU'l" 'i l ‘ I u "i V.’

2 2 - s ; 1 l .i ,2 1 c . ,. . _i i “i .ci.l( 1 _ ’
Contributing Writer include donations to all UK depart- Both bmgletary and Mob'el cred- T e tmversiy “22”” mm“) given or committed :i told: ti! 35:90 ilotkiiis a Ulllit'lil si ieiiie "lllllir ;. ‘ ’- . .-

. ited much of the fund drive‘s suc- from a \ariety of programs such as . p J ' . , . . u '
men“. the Medical Center, the . . . , ~ . . 1 million susati Brothers a liltimi sl!(‘!l(‘(‘ ‘ 't . ‘i " -' .' q

, . . ‘ . cess to donations exceedin 31 m l- the Annual—(hung fund. a diiect 9‘ * . ~-'". , ’
le private support this year hquine Research Center and all g ' - , .. ci-nrnr iiiiu- (air ... vie ~e . “ .-’.- .

; ;_ . 1 lion. These contributions include a mail soliCitation of all llx aiumni loinorrow night at the annual tel ' . ‘ “ ‘“““ “ ,J , .; _' .
reached about $22.3million. up more community colleges. are a nec- . . , ,. . , . 1 ., , mums: niiil (rt‘f'l'i.il. w: ...i \eal it : 'i if i"
; _ ; ;. $5 million anonymous gm to the which has drawn about 31 .i million low s dinner the l iiitersit: will rei ' ‘ ,. _1 . .~ ,
thanS'i‘million from lastyear. essary part of the total fund-raising . , . , , 1 1 _ , ”(bandit a markup“; emu,» 11nd ., t . .,-, i, , ~
picture equme center and $31 million from thisyear iigiiize more than liii new l h lt'l 1 l W l’- \1; 1 ; ; ; ; ; ._ _. -_ x ' ._ ,4} .4?

' , . . . Lucille Parker Markey's trust to _ 10‘“ N" 2' ' H ‘ “M" 2""‘l”'“\ -","'..'- i‘1-,i’.‘

Terry Mobley. director 0f devel- "A public umverstty is not do - other programs include the roun tt.it.ii'isei.iiii . .' '-'

. .- , . . ward the cancer center bearing her 1 _ - > . . ,’ i »
opment. attributed the calendar signed to survwe on private dol- name dation and (orporatiiin Program Among llltist’ fellows tire im- in 6 {ti . 1.;- .1-
year‘s increase to the continuing ef- larS,” Mobley said, "but as far as ' the Deferred (hung program. Meili dents who also haw i‘onmiJli-«l .i? Ir" ;' . - . .,.1_ i . _1 12.21 {'1‘ ' ‘3"?
forts of the l'nivcrsity's fund-raising scholarships. equipment and many There also were at gifts of more cal Center Development and the l'K least Sl'l too to Mt single-tar} said ,. \i .. . i 1 , . g , ;. n 'i'; -. j 31 :5; 33.;
programs and to PreSident Utis A. other programs that are part of UK, than $50,000 this year. said Bernie Fellows Program he was tickled l1) death llt'll ’ 2L 2‘ Tufi’r;

"“‘“"—“_ ~~ “‘ Pl‘OfBSSOl’ honored i ‘ “ ' '

22 2 '2 . 32‘ l

1 - 2 521‘ 1;” 2 ' 3i, . 8 f C 1;. 2; 2i; 2 2. ;I_ 2'

i . it ~;' . ., by un O ene l 2 _ t ;.. 1 1

. ‘ '~ '."‘.,‘; '7“??? .‘j' '3; , . '.' -‘ ., , .. '.

v .. ' . umani ies s 11 en 5
~’ w; l‘ 12‘1"“;5’: .. l H} F“ \\ STE“ ‘RT v 'l.!""ll‘ iriv‘. l'i‘Hl'.’ r't': :’ . z » i' \-.' ' I i it

"‘ i ’ Li'sfsu‘r‘ 271'.‘ *t ' l' art-"i -; w " ”an; " ' '

f2 2 "'2 ftg‘R’i: : ' 2". l l [K hm Chu'w'l {'1 7‘“er 1”” 7 2'" 1.4V iit'ii'idll} “it; 'nt armpit ‘ he .2" ~ : :
‘56”; ' “ .3 ...c. ~;_ ,.' $222112 Inns! noted professors lij. con'.'1,..".; m .1 xi» min-run“ .. ”c 1, .- ”.21. ; ‘.; ' 2i

- I 3,21; 2;, 2 1“ ’ his contribution tothel n.‘.<~:‘~ was,“ 1,;c.,1i1g,i..., nip: - .1; r - .izst i ' . “_ .1

l , 3'" {’gfi “ ”7'- The Thomas Ii l'lark st llllli."'l.li :;1P:11-1i-, ”we.“ tr“. 3.1,. i l " ' "‘ , ..-_

l ' t ;' *2? ‘ Fund for l’llsllfl‘} and the Hit". in 111.1: ‘22,} the (“mm ‘tu , . ”11m _" 1; : ' ; .2 ’1 '1

l .1 '- “3 2 l . ties will tie a threepronue-i :;* ,,- ”1‘11““;131,29“,n3 ,vgv , 1‘ ms v, ' ' '1 ,1 . _'_‘ ._"

i . 2 ,7 ' ; proachtostudy thehumam’m .1 511, 1.111. ,g 2112‘11 plot» -,1 2 e ,. 2‘ I i; " -

l ~ "5» ‘ 1 ; The fund will provide lhiw .iiizrutii ".a lziizz'lz‘iw ' : '< ' . 1

l , i __ Scholarships for undergradtia‘es .ii. i: .m. “112.11,,“11 31:21,. \ . .y. 2" ' ‘ 2'; ~ 1‘ 2

‘ “ ’ -—« 2 2 annual fellowship for graduate s‘uil; m1. pram-212:1 “in 311. 11,”. c3111.. \ , . '1 ' ' ."

' ._ ‘~.. , J“ , mks... e; in Listor} and a \‘iszting :eituristiip ._131 ._112 11103114.”, mug A 1 f » , _ 2.
2 ,i‘_ i" x *3 . ; ; , 3N v" {a for the humanities 11“,”. ”11.1112.“- U, 3,1211: 1,.-_,.mg ' 1 '1 ’. ';

, 2 ; 1' ~ 22333:” .3 :23; e WUE <22u} l 1091 \Pl‘} hul‘lllllt" 121,”; 21‘” ‘1 ;: “J; 2"; d 2;“;“2 222222;!) ,wy- “J2 _ 2... \:;-. ,

:g-- 9% '1 *zfm'“ 34‘3“": ~ ‘ ‘ tered indeed. said ('lark .‘i forms): 11.“ .- ~ i;

- . 31:55-31 W" Mr‘ professor ”l h‘smr.‘ ”I V“ spr-n' ml l'tie il‘itlt-t‘gradt‘dli sztioidrshps ' V. ‘ . . i

I j " v * ‘ o'J-Kwfifi‘ m is life laliorini».v toward that eini nu i. , .11, 1.1 1. 11.1 11,2312. :1...“ spy-med " ' ‘ . »

l . H; y ; 3;. ._ ;_ -- ..i. - ~ -~ ‘ ., -

l w J $ ' if 1.’ ,1 iy"%"3‘:. . i' mll’rrllledert U; 1. \; ; 2 .: 'l.»- learner ediitiiU-z: tit.:'~.:'i.'i~s -; 2 ' ~ _ 2

. V a...» ’ 37.: ‘;.; 5" l l‘ ‘ iii—’l"“”5 3""- vir“ 'rni .- 'llilzl eztoi' iii 'r‘e mi ‘ j " 1 ». 1

l t f»— ’ ' ;' 2 .. 5‘; orary chairman of thc tan: t‘n wit: 21,12]: .1 pumdrw “11¢ in. £11,211,“ ’~ ,. " ; ; ; -

l I . -."'..Jw i ' committee allocatwt Sw'” l't-iurait. si-l'l iwtts 'ii'w 't‘i ’ 'rii- I '~ I 1‘ ;.

1 _ ‘2 £1 gd z begin the dert‘. sand Tern Marl-u. 11,1,111reyir1ygr1m1 1' 1 2, . .

1 a i " a ‘ ‘ director ofdeyelripmi-nt “1,. it,“ pi’ozrni' Ag; 1“,, .111 . u

1 ' -- I V Singleiarys association \ri'lii .:i:k ”pun 211.11, pint; i,1 “Hwy mi.- of ‘12»; 2 . ’ 2;, 1 '

l .— » _ 1 ' developed through lllUlliril l"7l‘l ii- 1.»; ,1 21:21,. ‘k.h111.lii;.eitr. 1, 2 :31.” _ ’r , ' .' .1

l . is 1 anda mutual interest in lll‘sli’lt'K . my ”my“ m” 1.21.“) 122,115” .11 -~' 2 . ;

- ' ' I . . 2 .i, l “IQ 3». ; ! ‘l have known anal u’iii-t '1‘ :i. .51.”..n1.,_ ”.118, 1”; _- ' .; .‘ .2
1 ‘ . l . ';. 12 2 2 ‘ 1 1 ('lark for a long tine he si-m He l‘h- 1:1.1.:u,,»_;n112. ME; Drip; 11 li\lll'l ;'_ , '; ,
,-._ - ~~ , m —-——— ' ' —————————————-——-—~ _.,_ is a flTSl'l'alt‘ ilk‘dtlt’l'ilt rill/vii it! .31 ch”: 9..qu i. Nay-Mt Hui-i, -; ,;

“"°"”"""S'°' the “finest South-in instant: 'l‘..i‘ my. 31.11,,12rw1411 “~12.“ ,1”; J; -. - .

WEI) 0f words l V"t‘Pl‘ldUCf‘il intiiriiidi st‘llll'ln? Zit' warm" Womb : .1 ' ~
1 from Single-tar} s lllltldl i'iiii‘i’i’iii “.11. .124 my . Ur“ gig: wag,» 2 - i ' ;.

. . tion. the ,chtil; rsiii i find ha grim: ... v.11. . ,1. .1 .1, .1: . 2- .1 pr: ,‘ .' j ; "

Billy Nipp, a psychology sophomore, and Keith Blankenship, a study on the setond floor of the M.|. King Library before their l 31211211“ £31111”; 22.1211 “11“”, 2; .1 if"; :;;‘;'1‘,12;"‘1.;‘;::’2 122 221,112, v. 2‘

business management junior, take a few final moments to accountingtest. [ (hmrmuh 111 the CUHmMU... 1.111 11.2 ‘ ' ' , T . ‘

__ ____ . __ ._._ _ __ ___l ininistratixe ‘.':c: presuiet‘.’ for in“. \ ‘ll In \is 2: l 1‘ - i

R a I] G b h fOIIOSh talks fall to break arms deadlock 2 2

B} Rum-Int)!“ NUKES versations. agreed to hold a second "straight in the eye" during a series powerful communist nation. smiled marks and then ‘.\ll.'lt‘~~si‘ii the our. will not it mi. , ; i: i;~ -..v Ills ~ mi-v . ;

Assomatfill’ress summit "9X! June 1” Wasmngton. of talks 47 but could not win an often and shook hands. frequentl} at me of the new ciiltiiial exchzinit‘ ~i'.il'~ li'miQLll‘. sauf Hz." Ar xrvu .‘;; ;' ..; ' ‘ .2

andathirdinMoscow'Iin1987 agreement to trade nuclear bomb the brief closing ceremony in Gene agreement that Reagan said rune”. the 1th“-ll‘rl“ ”hi viiiis’ w ,- i', " '

GENEVA President Reagan Reagan stopped ”1 Brussels t0 cutbacks for an end to the American ya They pledged to decelerate the the win for the petiole ltiriwiple ex »,\t‘l('tl - 7 . ‘ ' '2 ' ‘ .;‘
and Souet leader Mikhail Gorbar brief NATO allies and then; flew on "Star Wars”pr0gram. work of arms control negotiators. changes he hopes will lead to im ; 21; 2.1; 11 1‘; 2‘ 2 ; ...'.;‘ 1,2,.
Chev. sealing their summit with a to Washington to address a taint ses» "All restraint will be blown to the but could not men agree in, proved undpr>lunlllng 2 ; ';“l;f“w"; ; Mil.‘ ;;;:;;‘ t ,l ; 2‘; ; i; .. 2 . .2 2 .
toast of champagne. said yesterday sion of Congress. His message: The winds" in nuclear competition un~ gu1delinesfortheni But the} hit not illsfilllst‘ the rli‘ 1;“: *‘ ; ‘12-"; 2‘11; ~‘ 1- 2 ; 2.1.2, 2. 2 ,. -; , .2 1" ._
their meeting marked a "new start" superpowers are "heading in the less the United States pulls back The two concluded the first super tcrences that remain and lint" . ile~ ‘U’: 1.21.3“ fibril?“ "; 11' ; ‘; 12‘; '-, '; ‘;_ 2 " ‘;
toward improted relations But they right direction" toward improwd from its anti—missile defense efforts. power summit iii six years \\llll a Iliad“ t‘lt’dl' m“? (“"1" ‘71” 9“" ~in lrlmd”; 1ll‘h121“‘2 1H " . ' . ‘,;‘ 9‘
failed to break their deadlock on the relations the StiVietgeneralsecretarysaid. statement describing theii talks as U“ a 10th ilppt‘o-‘H'h l“ lie-ft: ‘1. ~ ' ‘2 ““ "22"" ‘_ "1“ ‘ ' “"; ‘f; 2'; {’2‘ 1’ 2 V '. , l .5 '
main business of nuclear arms con- Gorbachev. summarizmg the sum- Sitting under the flags of their “frank and useful " and ”(-kmwi Strategic lli‘felisi' lllllld'Ht’ ‘lil' .n ”ft”; 21:12:22 “1‘” ~ ~’ ' ;_ 2 ;
trol mit before briefing Warsaw Pact countries. Reagan. leader of the edging "serious differences i't'llli'lll‘i Called Still “a“ All?“ ”HM“ 97“ ‘l'T'l' 3‘2““ "‘L '_, 1 2 ' l" .

The two leaders. who spent more leaders in Prague. told repOrters he world's most p0werful democracy. onanumber of critical issue~ emm ,. 1 t ‘ I.
than six hours alone in private cone and Reagan looked at one another and Gorbachev. head of the most Each applauded [hp 11mm“ ”L “The real ”part {an} .1; inns,” “.2 m \m 1,1 ,1 _ _\ 1 ; .. .1 , -.

. , _-. ' i 1‘ i, '

U 't dW F d "

i ' ‘ ' 2 .’
111 e a asses un -l‘alSlIl roup SB ecte ~ ~ : -
. . . ;; ' 1 .0 I "1
UK campalgn goal Reception to honor Student Development CounCil members . . -. . .. -.
“0 Bysuit-iniii‘mxmm received nearly :n applications and intuition Humming autism - ' 1 .
, Managing Editor about ‘25 nominations for the council griiupiiiututienic '. . '- ’ . ,‘ i ;- .

Campus co~cha1rman proud of effort -~riw swim or me mm The sum elected m n in . . ~ .

h d The 28 students who were chosen it as a tough job. he said The st» organizational :nteting Tuesday and .’ ' .

‘ . « . . 1 , ‘ - i
t at In for the new student limelopmenl iection committee did .in r'xt't‘llt'r‘i» will work or. ii constitution and by ; 1
ga e 5 percent more than 1984 CounCil will be officuiily presented Job laws to deczde tin-a many and when . ' » - -; .
t ' 'rg't' 'immuntytt ' 1 . .2 .i‘ “.1 ‘. . .
By BEN (il'ESS Clay. assistant dean of students and ifingiorl, 3:21:12] " U I ‘ l d "l m ”33“." *‘M‘llt‘d MW“ ”1“ P“ SELETZEH 2 l be we“ I» “Ud . ’ »
Staff Writer vice chairman for student affairs of ' tential and when l m” m” ‘imlem’ ‘ Tmiyyéwpci 21“” m1; 1 MM” 2' ,
the campaign. “We do appreciate $252 047 The counCil will raise scholarship who \‘.lll be running the (lrfliltllld' t h' 2. ‘1‘h‘; 1‘1)”, '1; ”‘12 “ '\ 21 ,

t'K's [tuned Way drive has ended our student money and several 9 funds for students; and do projects tion. I became even more exvted, :12)er “112114;: 2212:1127” J1 dev‘el - ' . ' '
ln SUCCCSS. surpassmg its goal of times 1m the pastl “ye “'Ould no‘ for [h92LanCrhll~\2 throughout the f-reudpnmrg said 1,111,111“. 1;
$246,874. have reached our goal without the 5246.874 year. 52ml 1’9““ “ram" Cha'rman 0f Raymond Hornback .. 1. t1.“ H \i. Icm: , . .

The campus campaign involved studentcampaign.” theorganization ‘ i , . ‘, ‘2 o. 2. __-_..___.____ ‘

tha 550 _ k 'h n- . ; de t f d . . dent for lniierSity relations dlltl .i r— .
"1:31 nthe :22: 0328' wso [flint Clay said .5!" "1 un -traiser;in- 52259000 Tim Freudenberg. the group's ad member of the selection commiatee. i INSIDE ,. ‘
.38 0 ga r " .' a -pe eluded many annua even 5. su as user. said the development office said the counCil‘s choices are an
increase over last yearstotal. the Boyd Hall Haunted Home and $200 000

The money will be contributed on Holmes Hall's Vegas Night. lndivid- , .
behalf of the University at has ual residence halls also sponsored Sh ttl b t t t '
day's victory party f” the United money-making activities, ranging $175,000 u e uses S ar rlps .Imiiese composer Klnm’s album is .
Way “the Bluegrass; f from “RUDY wars" to 8 bedtime both creative and relaung km a rc~

Reed Polk. 59908 3551mm 0? storyserviee. 0 new of the 4m ir. see us
mm" at «he Medea Mm mus raised more than 5‘50“" to Rup ames tom ht rm»-

Center and cochairman of the cam- gopercemoflhe student money

pus campaign was Proud of the his in addition to the students and $125,000 m rx "M “m Wm mm

workers‘ efforts and the final out- workers. Polk thanked UK coaches Staff reports mapped will pK‘k up passentZPFS at h. [M s “h me
come. Jerry Claiborne and Eddie Sutton $100,000 theStudent Center afila‘1e'rlgrnNonha‘mLmle

"The bulk 0‘ it was raised through for the contributions they made to Shuttle bus sern'ce to and from The bus servtcewill begin at 6.30 "'d M5 5:13" i 2 k. M
our solicitors." POlk said. “Staff thecampaign. Rupp Arena for all home t'K basket pm and will have two additional ah “‘ U ; y; '2“ "‘3 °" "2
members can donate thmufil‘ Pay- “They are always very supportive ball games begins tonight for L'K‘s pickups at6z43 s “h “M's"; roz'rrs WW1" 0
roll deduction -— either quarterly or of the United Way personally and season opener against Northwestern The ride to Rupp Arena mkes bot unease: .mc .
monthly.“ Faculty and 3'4" mem- have been no matter where they State. about 15 minutes. said Bob Clay. as-
bers were asked to sign cards indi- have lived." he said. Both coaches and “Ch 2M0 target dates to get The service is available to all stu- sistant dean of students Game time
C8008 their estimated [09389. he appeared on billboarct promoting meircontnbutionsin."Polksaid. dents and three pickup pomts have isat8:05p.m.
said. thedrivearoundcampus. The Lexi ton - - been designated. including one that “It should be noted that there is a

. cam t in .
Although this effort was extremely be "8;"; pa 8” began serves the disabled. zscent charge each way and exact
' V ' facult members from 5‘39“!" r W‘ the annual kickoff ; ; ..

successful. Polk said funds from stu- 8110‘! y 1 di h‘ . . , change is required. Clay said.

dent organizations and residence different areas of the Universny nner.w ich attractedfiSOpeopleto Thepickup locations will be at the Aft the me the buses will be Today than will be I 50 pecan

halls are still coming in and are not served as leaders of the campaign the Student Center. intersection of University Drive and I 1:; beh‘gnad me H a“ R em, m or m with the Didi in
partof the current total. and met weekly to discuss the W P0“ “id the enthmiastic begin- H 8‘3 et Acvenue. Gregmli’age AWE; '21:?“ on Vine Street. times :51] de) an aid ” “m “'1.” .‘T "um:

“Our notion is that We," not gnasoftheirefforts ning provided the momentum for the flmgtameonwea rwe a part as soon as they are filled. They in a: “"1“": . low in m I“
asking them to given! "I!" m. “We had goals for each section (of campus campaign. “11m was a ' will return for as many additional '3: m."
but donate their time,“ sold 30b the University) for the United Way peatboostforus.“heuid. A bus equipped for the hand- tripsasnecusary. '

 i l 1 . l

2 - KENTUCKY KERNEL My, Norma 1“
G ff r 'nput in library 'Fund

0 - . . ‘ . b d , . Continued from page one
Library director calls adv1sory committee sounding oar Ber... me student cm“ was

” , y ‘ . I . t . , formed. "we were not utilizing all
I?) I.ISI‘.\.‘T|\I\5 the Student troyernment AbSOCla Ion ence seImor; Caroline GroomsI an the creative thinking that students
Staff\‘lriter passed a resolution last year that accounting senior. Molly Schrand. a r have,"hesaid.
said the library‘s fines were too psychology Junior; and Leigh Wal- .

The recent formation of the Li- high. he said After Willis met With lace. aneducationjunior. Rather than working on several

, . brary Student AdVisory Committee former SGA president Tim F‘reuderr Though the committee is by SGA 2‘ small activities. Mobley said the

. gives students a formal role in a berg. the two decided that UK appointment only. “if students ex- ’ council will probably do one or two
' Pal”t 0‘ their education used by 5-000 needed an ad\‘150r.\‘t‘0mm|"€'_€ pressed interest to SGA, they‘d be major fund~raising projects next
. people dail_\ l-‘reudenberg then appouited a happy to have volunteers or partici. year.
. , "The library is a service organizar committee to look at circulation pol- pants," Willis said. . Freudenberg said the council
. . ' ‘ tion This rLSACv is a formal way to icies and library fines. T ey met . .. . .. would like to sponsor “the kind of
j . get input from a major constituent." and made recommendations. the 139‘; Its f‘ sounding board. .hle event that raises money for schol-
. . ‘ Director of Libraries Paul Willis most significant of which is a fine on a; ‘ bost 3:“ 5 grtImIP was conIsu ' arships and that isa lot of fun,"
' , ., . said “This group does this very all categories of borrowers when ftha 1,: 'egotmt‘hjreiau omakion One example he cited was the
. _ . well " they fail to respond to a recall. Wil~ fheIreOJmeIli‘; t‘lf h "dadsg wor on ,. Little Kentucky Derby. and he said
' ‘ . Students who participated in the lis said ‘ ”a “9' ea c ‘ that if the Student ActiVlties Board
'I . . l'K Library Amnesty Day last Interested in seeing the serv1ce Considering the libraries lack of . ‘ is interested. the council may co-
, ,. spring have already benefitted from continue. SGA president John Cain easy handicap access. this year‘s . i sponsor theevent.
. '~ . - the group It was their idea. they or. appomted a new committee consist- committee suggested to have “slid- » 13 David C. Witt. student council vice
'. .1 ganized it. staffed it and collected a ing of CK students: Chairman Bill ing doors that open for everybody." Iggy '..’ ‘» "it : chairman. said the group‘s primary
I' ~ . . lot of books. Willis said Dehlinger, a business administration an idea that he passed on to the ad- >5. .ri' '. concern will be scholarship funding.
‘ ‘ . ' .' The idea for the group arose when senior. John Miller. a political sei- ministration \ ‘ " ‘I "We are interested in anything with-
. I, ‘ in the l'niversitv “
" ..' 5 y . . ' ' . ' ‘ ‘ - l Straub said during the first semes-
. . --. r . Speaker recounts ViSit to Nicaragua . . ~ 1- he w
. . ', . . I . ’ , \. aware that the council exists and he
. .1 -.: - .~ -.' By SH.\R()\ R.\T(‘IIFURD Catholic Church 7 fear the Marx- gun," which Fisher interpreted as /' '2 .5 ., wants ‘0 plan oneImaJoractivity.

- . r z - . . I I . . . , . .; He said sewral of councn mem—
. , . _ (ontributiiig \\riter ism of the leaders. which they intere as a Signal to the L ,S. that the poo I“ . - it bers will hel the (‘olle e of Busi-
«‘ ‘ I pret as being anti-religious. Fisher pie are ready to fight if they are in- ' . . . . . ._ p . . ,. g ,

' , . . . . » . . . .I e ness 8. Economies with a phone-a»

. - . . a . Only six years after the {\ltara said vaded. . .I I .. thon to raise monev for an endow~
- I . . guan revolution that overthrew the Although freedom of speech is ap- Currently 2.000 to 3.000 Americans * ' “ . ‘ _. ~ ‘ merit honoring (‘ec1l(‘ (‘ar nter a
'. .- . .‘ . . ‘ I Somoza government and replaced it parently respected, “tension has do volunteer work in areas such as . . former dean ofthe colle’e pe ~

’. . . , ‘ . with the Srindlnistas. there is a sur gotten worse“ between the Sandinls- medicine and engineering in Nicara~ The goal for the ethdowment I.

' j . -. " prisms "Openneas about praising tas and the church. with blshOlJS gua. Fisher said. ' ’5 5. Si milliontand the money will 0 r.
r . , I and "‘[Wllmfl the government." constantly ‘10““P'3Fmg the govern- . . . 3 ‘ scholarshl s for 'unlors and selrgiiors~
. . ‘ " , Stephen Fisher says ment from their pulpits. he said. He said that Nth Reagan S f'dIeeP‘ M - . in“ m the busisess (‘01ij e ‘ ‘ ‘
' 1 : ' .' Fisher chairman of Emory and The church's opposnion places a 1F f9" beliefI that the Sandimstas The two other high en el .th -t

' -‘ f . Henry College‘s political science do real strain on the Nicaraguan peo must be eliminated, the next year or ’II It ‘ . ‘ T e‘d .. me t t b u ‘1 ill-

’ ~ ' partment. told 17 people yesterday pie. whom Fisher described as "de- so may prove crucral in determining I I“ m, \‘W Iuhs a) 5 . e mg “I?” ‘ 0 -‘

. . . \ . , - I \. (m . . whether the L'S. will take direct w (“I , > Sc rand. secretarytreasurer. and
. ~ “f “1 ”mm “‘1‘ l‘ ‘ ”‘3 .gua. WU”) religious Gram“ appear on . . . ,. -’-' ‘ ‘ leffree R Jacobseli ublic relation
» ., . . . where he talked with peasants about their buildings. saying "Christianity military action against the Nicara- director ‘ ' P 5
v. - . . . -. I. . rt . . . .. ~ ' _ uan overnment. 1
. _ . ttth: tIrIituhiryoz fIirIihiciiiresI; “203:1? ihd r§\t)lul10n are the same. Fish g 8 . I Other students selected for the
‘, ’ '. ,I - , Coném.mn;\.I :aragua ‘ ‘ ‘33:] n \i r' ua Fisher 381d The Nicaraguans have a "sense of counCil include Kathleen G Allen.
. . Th I b- ‘ . . 1“ 1. A193 ag . I urgency." but don‘t know how to $1 ‘ Dana L Bauer. David H Hotkim.
. , ' . UN‘ “ho praised ”‘9 gmern he was never treated rudely. a.— . . , ~ ., .
» . .. . ' . correct the economic problems they Daiid T Bradford. Susan Bridges.
. ment pointed to the highly increased though the inited States supports f . . h . d 'd th .5.” l h s (.1 J h \- F l' d p- 1
4 - - .I mew“ rate. the slight Im_ ‘he Contras O t‘ of th Sandi- are acmg. [’15 e1 sai . He sai e .o 11 . am. 0 n. .ng an . au
_ . .. pponens e . y _ . _ . . .. . . .
-. , . . , . . , , , L S. policy toward them is working. Howels Hebecca Ann (iooch and
3 - - . prmement in women> conditions nlstas He added that they have the m U .ted States d m ”need to )anehmene
' ' and the fact that one out Of every ablm) to sow discord between the 'ne' d‘m" bec tag?‘ re “dr - - I} . Also, \‘ikki (‘ Haddlx \hrv B th
' ' ' lhre" peasants has FGCEDPG land people and the government of a l ya e'th . arise ,‘fs a y ”'1‘; l inni H m La ' ' ‘J‘ 'I eII
. , ' .' . Since the revolution of 1979. Fisher country "1%?!" IeUI‘I‘eLOHOYI“) l t’ .. t th _ IIdI .l‘l‘l F‘u'u I- 31m fill 4°I‘It'
‘ . . said He added that student film” He said the average citizen has a V ere ls [.10 eabsI) so "F101 0 'de . gut?" ‘ lp ‘l‘ ”Sim" ‘ ml” ‘Ra.’ mI'
. .. ment mmgh schoolhas doubled "genuine liking for North American . icaraguans pro I ems. is er sai . , , . e on). _ Iaron .. II iney.
- . ' ople .. Meanwhile. thereIisI a depth of sup- “I . a. ~ . James A Rose. ( raigic l) Sanders.
- ' I . Those who oppose the Sandinistas pe ' port for the Sandimstas . . at least f. ‘* . - 5st. r' . 'I Mark (T Smith. Ken Walker and
.. ' - « led by the Nicaraguan Roman Neuertheless. "everybody has a «forl the revolution " . . . i” > s "l! ' Tracy E Webb
, . . ‘ ‘3‘" ’ ' ‘ I‘ t:_,
I . , I . I I'l' Inlormutlon lot this story also was
. , -, I , I . ea 0c ’/1 1."..5 .I" ,J " ‘ . ‘ t} - - a. gathered bv Edllursln Chlt’f Elth’lr
I ' . \I 1'?" 5:, 1‘ . k}. ~ both (‘0er
. ‘ '» - ' (‘ommucd from page one lg ' ; i .‘ “:5: —
. I I . $3» I I . 3‘ I . {.5 ”h“ \ I
. The leaders pledged in their jomt arms and enhance strategic stabili» nuclear weapons in Europe. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ “"0"“ it..- Bes.Type
' - ' statement to "accelerate the work" ty ‘ However. there was nothing new i .
. ’- ' at the Geneva arms control talks. Calling for “early progress" in the in the statement as both sides re- Eye on the ba" Typeseiflng
I ' ‘ which are scheduled to resume in talks. they endorsed "the principle cently proposed 50-percent reduo e
. , 1 ’ January They said the aim of the of 50-percent reductions in the nude [ions and the Soviets had previously J . . . . . . SerVIce
. _. , , _ . . . . . . . ,. . .. omie Diehi, an electrical engineering freshman, takes a
. talks should be to preient an arms al arms of the Lnited States and the Signaled their willingness to nego' b k d i t . l' h S I C t
. ' raCe in space and to terminate it or ['8 S H " and also for a separate in- tlate a separate agreement on Euro- reo yester °Y ° W soccer “’99 "‘9 ml 9 9° on en er' 257-6525
. ' earth. to limit and reduce nuclear lerim agreement on intermediate pean-basedmissdes. —_
' . . ' 1.50
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 i i t l i
KENTUCKYKERNEL My, Norma, 1’“ - 3
l:.:’::=- “.1 / . . . . I ' in: -
.1'3 =A ?~_ reads; “W - a ‘ an...“
..,. - - - i I L
'N' '- 7). 1' I] I ._ . 9% 4-;— Arts Editor
.) ’- -‘=~ 5:. ' 4 3‘ i - ge- - ,
l _, ‘29,,55 ,. ;, g ! t'i .—.¢[¢ Lyric-hi. ,
V I ' "E" "E‘u—l 33'58" l‘. ' AlllflontArtsEditoi
a." l 7 fl 7 -.. . ‘ ‘ / .. '1'- '“ Is—lglE‘Z—f. * _ — '
WW ‘« II! - .
. 9 '
O . . ' at , r - ‘ ~
' ((0 9M!” " ' al 0 ma es waves ' I.
. / , ,
I ‘ °. Byl.YN ('AlilJSlJ-I ———-———-——-—— , I, . .

If Y Assistant Arts Editor . , . ,

ll? (7 [0 REVIEW .'

30345 c ~;, g Asia Kitaro ;" . I I

:6 Shizen/Geiien/Wurner Bros Re — v ’ ' I. , ‘,

I _ . I. ‘ ‘ I I

(ordb sage body and mind and the haunt- «O x 'i v , ‘

.. . I, . , , . .7, ‘ ,Ir ' .

Austin City Saloon —- 2350 Woodhill Shopping Center. Tonight and tomor- Th" ’- on . of "n .1 that mg ”-V nth Chord“ the d hl’llOWIab J . ,',v . .. ., .
row countr k iii Wit 0 I d l t 9 '5 ‘5 .e 9"“ ” ’ flute texture I 2 . ' . '- ..

, y roc ers e I y anie Bari pays ram p.m. to i a.m. 82 should work its an mm the CONGO , . . .- ,
covey, t'on oteien serials-music 10‘ er in addition to hitaru and his syn- e if ,» I . . ~_
i ’ " ‘ ' ‘ , , . ‘ I . . ..i . .

- , .- - ~ t m'n~ lima r.drums. ..-v,.i w

The Iar -- 224 E. Main St. Tonight and tomorrow, Top 40 disco music on a A self-taught mUSiCian who is” hgslled ddk In?“ (L .8e :11 ‘ed 1.; , I 11"" .‘
sound system, 4 p.m. to l a.m., alter hours on Saturday lrom i to 3:” a.m. highly respected m Japan Kitaro gum" an F.‘ ’0‘” dre 599” . :- ”I’M: _ l. '.
”cover, and his uni ue s nthesized sounds throughout the nine cuts. eight of \ II‘; ..I."
Iottom Lina 7— 3bl W. Short St, Tonight and tomorrow The Mighty Klique 7 Q ‘y A Wthh are “mm 5 originals The ~"" ‘ 5:)" '1'! -
, . ' have Jim recently become noticed in , h , d. - iII.- . , I, ,1:

(reggae), 9p.m. to i am. Cover is $3: $5 tor couples both nights. tl‘e States This year Geffen records flip Side opens not Vii! hmore soun s .1. .‘J-t' '. .i ‘. . t1:
Iran A Saloon 2909 Richmond Road. Tonight and tomorrow, Lexington's .‘ I A. . ‘ . . . . Of “an"?- b”! “ll ”Japanese 1'5“. X IA vl
Charlie's Garage (Top 40 rock), 9 p.m. to i a.m. S3 cover alter 8 pm. Happy “0”}?(1 “uh idfian aim/‘6.“ _labeIHIo Drums.“ U Sh‘)” self—explanatory II; .: .' “It"; \
hour lrom4pm. ton.m. reledsleflsntihowei: d ums simu ‘3' number The rest of side two re- ; 'l/ ; iI'I
Iraading'l ~ l505 New Circle Road. Tonight and tomorrow, The Trendells m??? I i? I: _CeSmI i [ca] of must “PC“ the 30” relaxmg melodies ”f I-" "."1‘~l‘;1'.'i.' .-
(Top40rock),9p,m to l a.m.3350cover. J' 8:19:51“ 5 insstjign lV' carved thevfirst. i‘l‘; . :.":
Cafe LMNOP 7 337 E. Main St. Tonight, Phat Hope (original dance), 9 pm. to (span intricalepa rfectiong 'blending {\aturo l.\ \‘ei‘_\ crucial to [he I f ..IK' I; I. I.
l a.m. Tomorrow, Active Ingredients (hardcore rock) 9 p.m. to i a.m. 32 cover . I . d pe lOdI I‘ t . l “WSW complbi’d by [his thouEhthI Ilf'. .‘I-l'“ : I~,Ij_'l
both nights. hargon‘s‘ an f mfur lesnd 0 "2:13 muswian. lii- records in the selfcon- _____., If ,I‘Ii; ,I-' if 5'. .
Crystal's Hyatt Regency Hotel. Formerly Pim's Pub, the lounge is now re— SLEFI£:[