xt7ngf0mwc6g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwc6g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1962 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, January 1962 Vol.28 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, January 1962 Vol.28 No.4 1962 1962 2019 true xt7ngf0mwc6g section xt7ngf0mwc6g : a: . ‘ I ' V d ': V 3 ' “V: r 7-: -. 5 5: M _' , .1 , ' ' ’ . . l‘,_._,(,‘,'
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i The Kentu k
=5 w c y Press + As We S News
1 CI
1i ume 28, Number 4 P ee It + me pL pers Meet Threats JANU!
‘ . . . o . 0c .
i Kentucffllpml PUbhcafion stul Bl” Passes House 0| Advertisers
f Kentuyck ress Association, Inc AS we T More and mo. V
i Y Press Service | - E0 to press ,-. . a ‘ ' ‘ le frequent] I 1 n
i V» . nc. that t1 , “lle Sel‘vlce . nts dle thl‘e' ' .‘ Dull mere]
: P ”for R. Ponmann Ed. 16 proposal post'l 1 ’ 5 report wt} dtenmg to quit 1- on»
‘i any J. Ashley Associate [at by the House The H‘ a )111 Was aPPI'OVCd f l 1 newsPapem thllt 1C advertismg
‘ ' t * ~ . , ‘. ~ . ‘ ‘ a C! i ' M
ii Memb IOI‘ by a Vote of 1() 31156 leSISted an eitort 10111 0Ut51de'the'dt . (pit Mk emsmg
: Newspa M er . 6 to .36 t0 . ’ gm“) f . y competltom I“
i Kentuckzerchaunggers Association “011 1‘6 Second Cl‘lsg v Amend that sec- th 1 0 franchised auto dell H qut a “E I
m . t _ i . - . ‘ i H i ‘ U ’
w Better Business Ber of Comfnflce would impose a . . PObtdl iates which l‘ernselves en masse t ' e” 'Plesented ‘ . xeltmg,
1 llreau L smell. . h} ‘ 0 an I A f6
1 _ . exrngl’0n 0t 1/2 cent - . urge on news .1 . 5161 who had ' “(hand p111} lent, refre:
i N .Sustalning Member h Starting Julv 1 19 P2"2
Sointed tucky“area served as hostesses. and to know what world conditions are at \Vmchester, presenting Fred B‘ Wachs “nth 2222 222‘ 1
itening A chuck wagon” dinner, complete with any given time. the award 0f KPAS most valuable member 22222 222
2 news- bandanas and sun-bonnets, was enjoyed by How does she teach the use of the news- for 1961‘ VVachs, pre51dent and general 2 '22 22
-pt out a record crowd for any convention with paper? The class in which they are used manager 0f the2Lex1ngton Herald-Leader, 2222 22
a gate 164 members and guests in attendance. This are core in social studies and English. Stu- “"15 'c1ted 2h”: hls many ye‘h's 0f work 0“ 2222 2:22 2"
1ged in was followed by a performance of parts dents participate by keeping a scrap book the Journalistic field and CIVIC programs. 22 22 '1 22
2 ht. of the Broadway musical, “Oklahoma,” by on current problems, following world Harsh critics could have. fOUhd many 22; 22 2
noug a group of students and faculty members events day-to-day, read articles and write holes m the loglc 0f the Friday lthheOh 21' 2 2'
from the University of Kentucky. summary sentences to show comprehen- speaker, George A‘ Rohliing, humorist, pres— 222 2 E2
Fr'da 3/! 2 sion, and a weekly quiz on names, places idem; Of a hoAlek and excztyatiiglg company 22 22 ‘
1 y ormng ‘ - "nt n w. in enton, r ansas, w o rew many 2 ’
Printel‘S' Immediately after the buffet breakfast, fillitltzlgidLntshzal-g the class helped them chuckles as he explained the history of his 22 ‘- 22
Lets wi“the Itneetlmg V2235 oflimally called to order in their other studies, informed them about unique. company and their problems of 222 22
ges. T212213}; n r3; tent .2 Easter Adams. The Rev. eventual job Opportunities, helped to be marketing. He left generous samples of hIS 2222 222
in spacf 2 2 2.11611, piesrdent of the iLexmg-ton able to discuss current events in the home products at each plate at the tables. 222 2
(M'mStenal AssoelahOh gave the invocation, and with their friends and ke t them . 22 2 "
se are'2CitY Manager John R. Cook ]r., welcomed b‘ t f h - . ‘ (1 th p 'ld Friday Afternoon 2‘“ 2 ‘2
.greattsthe group to Lexington, and Executive ‘1 reas O appening: aloun e W01 ' Annual meetings of the School of Iour- l2 2 22 '2
ings, 2222Committee Chairman, Fred Burkhard, re- Beardsley Graham, president of Spindle- nalism Foundation and the Kentucky Press 22 2 22 2
2V6" hiSPODded for the association. top Inc., told the group that research in— Service, With George 1091‘“ HI ahd James 22 2 22
2102' 52.52 N 2 O stitutes such as the new Spindletop Center \Villis, respectively, presiding, were held. '22 2 i
as to 2291} tewspapers in the classroom was the were job shops. He said by serving the Garland Holderfield, Mergenthaler Lino- 22 222
iigg'fi'ie‘a'21-533'C032'il'2d'2'2fi' tziie‘tifl’iZSES’JEE "“2““ °' the S‘a‘e’ 1"“ ““2" be create" 225.6 goiif"lliif2'§:§fé'ii"vehif?“ 2 25 “2 2
r c e 1 - .. _ 01 e, (n' rsw1 ema- 21'2
, desplliSchool, explaining what the newsPaPer can 2;};alctp1mpanles attracted to the Common chine manufacturers have made during the. 2-22 ' 22
uctiom do for the student and what the student ' . past 60 to 70 years. Dave Richardson, WNR122 '2 22 1
3a“ gain from the regular use of the news- Organization of functions of the State representative from Atlanta, showed a slide 2 2 22 2
paper. Mrs. Woods told the group the merit system were outlined by Walter R. film presentation which is used in the sell- 2 2 2
the Lentudent learned to analyze the political Cattis, commissioner of the Department of ing of space for the weekly press of the 2 22 2
. excellef'felmgs 0f the paper, had an understand- Personnel. He said political “job payoffs” nation, and outlined the work of WNR 2 2222 2
22‘ 1.
:2 2. 22

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1i |Il PAGE TWO ~- -— I t ,
: for th THE
l e memb . KENT !
I Th 61 neVVspaperS. UCKY PRESS ,
: e annual b . Kni ‘
§ program . antluet and _ C(51)]: Glas . J
t cirCus' levede as 1nuch fun asentertalnment Al'Chle Flye, gGOZV, LeVVis C0nn Bu ANUARYI 1962
i it Was hafclle was so much got three ring Chey, Gt‘eenviiie Oiget0wn, and ,Lou ehhel; K. Henry
i to k mg 011 ' un- 2 preSe
! It eep u . that name nted th '-
re all. started With a P With eVeFYthing The last bus' 0 dul d all ofliCei-s, On 611 tePOrt and g H
.Ceptlon lOintly Cothail Party ' out With re mess session w y eleeth as f 11 mohon, the ' “V“:
! yille Coul‘ier-Jou‘splonsored by the L mid and the a pOi-ts from Standing as rounded goal'd’ Fl'ed B til/0W3: Chairmanyfw m v.
1 lngton Herald Ina and Tim Ours- B C _ nnual Electi Committee ent Geo. ' aChS, Lex‘ o ‘ +1.3:
! . -Lead . e5, the Le- ' alnes . on 0f off' S R . lge lopli 1ngton- P 7"
!| Pless ASSOC‘ . e" and the K "' News ’ Pnbhsher of leers- John leSIdent L n HI, 80m . ’ r
l! Zing wh' ration. Thin S entucky . , was Dam ed _ the Park , 1301.0. ’ aWl‘enCe W H Giset; V ;.:‘r ,, ,1 5;
I he friend g Were reall b lug Year pteSldent f Clty ’ secretar P- ' ager ll' 0 i 7 ‘5 int
' new . s got to h y uZ- 1 . , t0 be :1 - Or the and T' y- 10065s A " W' P <
ll 136150118 wer ~ . get er again 131d, Cas ‘SSISted b F Com- IBaSrn-el. E gent, Portm W
! members Th e mlxmg With and pre 'd ey County N y red Burk 10‘”ng th , nos SWain D . . ’
! ' en the ' the old . 51 But and e‘VS, Lib . . ' . e motion ’ a”Mlle. ’
t 21313 the group movdtligliist Wehre turned 0:: Elan of the Eiffrtge A. Joplin filty, 1yice lid??? publiShel‘svaethe committee}; 5-: “\f i
. l, ‘ or the b 0 t e cm, . -P0rtrn 11 We co . 2 0 air- I“ 0 Dii-e “6 l'e-elect d ’ . x ‘ “.21
. the anquet d‘ , Vention _ ann, UK mmlttee, - of . Ct01's for 6 tom t "
! tern lnnei. . ie Sch Vlct - thie the ‘ .-
‘ [ Whilepihreally picked up At thls point firjiefted SeCI‘etai-y_M:::gof Jfollrnalism W2; Mark Fe Biz”: Martin DI::§CHbed ted ,
: ‘ 8 me ; lme. er ’ - ‘ I'i - . e: L
i enthhand, and fiofgrre Eating dinner “a, or the tWthY- it? 111; Joe Lagg Lou‘svnes Geargoeni" \
wi the 0th mg on to ti, - ’1 The kid 0 01‘ris 3- Ole, PaduC h “I
er, the 1 - en‘ Wallet .1 . les again ' - C 1" Ashland. a ; lame l
a style she adles We~ . C'OSlng 1 lolfled th alhoun a and L s! f "
1 . ' W . 1e en . unch . . e m - aI‘ldo ’
l! I RalneS and the bFemg presented bylozling tary of the is: In tlme to heeari1 chr the n Wilt at #25!
1 ‘ . 0u- i 1‘s. , ' t ' - t t3“
it l PenlOSe ECton ‘1 1 l SeaSOn Shop Whl the Outstandin yK EIVIS Stahr Jl‘ eCle Kent-”Ck P . g hex d
it neSSman’ Was ,int (iadmg Lexingt0n b 1e Stahh a mtivg fentuckian of th named P Y ress Servi Ce ‘9’,
1 the f100rsh YOC ucing th 1151' prom‘ ( e 0 Hi km 8 YBar resid I“ w"
t 0 6 fl llienc _ C an . ent a . 3-.» ., ,.
l . one of thw, many 0f the m m aCtS 0t al‘tairs H e m 10031, stat ’ has Shown the annual 1m.“ M- Willis . . 1
! , Care . u e toughest d ”embers made D1 .- e Was l‘ecogn' e and national Sel‘ViCe I meeting of the K Presided
l! ! game‘s” shond 1 go £015?“ of their “no for his Work Veda,” Enos Sm the fin; noi The Secretary {Emmy P
! i e and - tie b 1n e . ‘ 11, encia ‘ - an .
‘r ! mlss the ex . . asketbqu At Se are,l C I‘Gpoi-t f ager
. _ c t . < S. ated 01' . ' ‘ . N $3
I ! anihmiss the ball gamzlg’tng Show or Stay Assocn}: Same time, Past . _ adVerfthat more than $2651 which ' :3,
. i l 056 Who went ' ent Ion were rec -pleSIdentS of th 18mg had beenf A ’000 in ‘t
i 3 fine Pel‘tOITnance of to the game miSSed do \Eelie W' L- Davs :gnlzed' ThOse piee Papers during the eorwarded State 11 will»:
I i L: the Lafayette 513;??? presented land. ‘5‘" LexingtOn.oil’TLaffmnge: Hen: 5:53“ be publisiizdag tE‘etcmnplete:
l ‘ xmgtOD Beer - C 001 ’ aWTGnce ’ ' ' t 01'ris s _ qneStion_ e ullet' t
, , eation D and the Cozd . Hager r., Ash- no ' - and-ans ~ - m'
l , COmnients epartm 61, Ca ’ OWen b . mlnatln Wel dis - i
i made l) M out and S i Le" mpbellsvfll _ S 010; J P ,1 g Committe 0115510115
i . stayed for Y C Ecto PCy Mngton- e, Fred - . (ms, Warr e of Th >. , .
- ! the H n. ThOSe D ’ James . - B W . eh R- P” h Omas L
. ! COach P1 OOTShow , Who Ouglas C . VVflhS B' aChs, pleSCHtei 15 er, and L . - . 2-,»
H . upps bOys h missed Seein Da - OlnBttC, Lo ' -’ mndenbur . fie . C the fOllowi 01115 Rim
. h. plogtant Southeastethzmdcle LSU in an img_ Chiligle; W. C. 02:33:31]: En0s Swaii, Glee: 5101' 1962, who Id: names t0r the ;
I ll t WhiZhver’ judging fi‘Omonihrence game. Bardstisiwlnflams’ WatSaW- oAif WiHCheSteT; Przsin tnOtlon, Were '
it i both Were made back 6 Conlments Thomas L, Martin Dyche red Wathen burg- F'ent George M W' j
ii 2 the hof the events later aim; forth ahOUt I Adams, Lexing; LOndOn; and Calhbu 1rsSt Vice PrBSident 1E0n, Har l
OSpitality 1.0 c t e ClanCe Geov , 0n, . 11; eCOnd V andon ‘
i if mfm'med on (1:25;, 6?me Seemedalti with ti]? (ll/113°“ ch'dinsburg 1131::8’ Eddyvne' teeiiPieSident Willi 14‘
. . ere re c: a airs .. el'and .- > Wal n- Bo ~ ’ . ‘e ar -M w»
l 3 ally left out.” and no one $16116 oven. Somepuie of an electrified cit tin DVChgldLOf Dire0t0r5:ych:hager .1
. l ‘ Sat. (£1001. priZes "VereO Bthe Other Winnelgtls- MiddleSbOI‘b- Noqdon; Maurice “Elan
~ ! After bUttet breakfrday Blans, Dalph Cl‘eal erg; Boone, Hel‘nd 0f Springs; BO ,Ga‘IleS O. Dillingham. DH 55%;}
! ! reels bus for gees: 3‘6 ladies at b, E “sewer nest, “is Joan L33 Shelbyvme- 03%;“ Hickman Babe:
i 3 We of M1. ‘1 astle L ’ ' ' itte d 1‘, awre ’ 1 ’ 61's eX—Offi . ’ ‘ r/
l - ' “1 aWn, V n 01f, . “Ce H . 010- «sew
. l! ! E71211, there thelihNtrs. Fred B Wactllile 1331113111“ W L MSItha Comer sag? In M 0
i! i 1 _ ’ 00 . - ' c s. r ,- ' - a r ’ - . e ' ,é///“
l! th 0 be “56d as Plcmies Which l61‘r 7 ar . Sanders, M ' tanley POl‘t- .~ 8 PaUSe in - - fifflffi” H
!> 8110 a S y \a G art t1 b 01.11 d ’rflf/ifl n -‘
. Wspapers s Peclal featu- . n Ildei- 1“ Dych 1 Ute to etlber ' “fix/a” ,
, l! Unday, Jamaal-V 21 dle 1n - e, and Who pa dthe memm-y of atlons to %%
i, I On the b . O ' > e itiOn S . SSe 'On t Our CO 73%? I
{; . _ USmes - ‘ Cho and e 0 gteate‘ - [55
; . gin, dlreCtOr of th: Ede, Robert C. G d 0' of Journalism F their-pfjcé’.and extend 0d leEllms of _:/,%4
. it eCurit y, U. S. D urean of Emplo 00 - The animal . oul‘ldafio“ their ‘m'llles in the C0 r sympathi ggz; 1
1 l3 , plained that theeparnnent of LabOZment Journalian F01 m§6ting of the Sch 1 ice toptllslsmg, they leaVe n501ation that 1 ,
!= Initiate red Goal Com . = eX- Was c 1 ”1 ation f 00 s of ' eir fen memOrie f' aw?
e m a led 0 K s 0W . S 0 ”a? M ‘ ‘
3! state 0 f veIOPment pro . uth must JOpIin to order b P enkay, Inc. ~81fi5h' Those h men, unstmted d /§ I r
9! ' an r edel‘al g0v grams befOre th P III who c 11 y 1631(1th G ’ InClude- W 0 rest in an e”
i! (i , He Said tw etnments can ‘ . e l‘OCess Age 9. ed 0n the eorge l ' Eternal gfl/
!! appli d 0 areas f P10v1de pro ~ nt fer a - Seel‘etai- anuary: M‘ 7‘ ”t"; ’
it: e foi- aid, but man 0 Kentucky have s hglless. The l‘epo tlepoi-t 0n the ye 3:- her, Hart C 1SS Efiie Bristow if “f;
! Y more . C 0 arsh' 1' indie ars Ounty H . 7 Sta m‘ ""”
- Lat . - are eh 'bl 1P fund ated th COck S eiald. C /, ..
l, e1 1,, th 0 g1 e. undel- P Was . at th ’ t- Pet ’ 1Men E
" ' e m - la Stea e t , ersbu Ce . W
3‘ I I 3:11 of the Problegnglm?’ a lively discus fiHancial 3:333; and 10 StUdentisfllVfV growing iiilfIy-elditor and Piling?“ former! risEnSAW TH
i re aired O OESe - l'ic ance in , . ere i _arc : M 91‘. em
! I mOderated ' W' E' Crutchert ficdnCtiOn cliilduén' The 00mpletetghelr loumalismch:n former editor. Tom WanaCe wif i Preston' 1?th
!‘ and was aSSisted, b oreheai T]: With the Bullet- Tepoi-t Will be in May- Mrs 30f the LOUiSVille Tto over the be“
y Carroll e nOminan' in. n- Ville d - usie N0”. HM an
H . , 1 0f . q
-, it: L" Adams, Ceong °°mmlttee of Ti, Sr. Asrfimghter 0f pubis}: Guer‘am’t ord’the 56mm!
! ! rge Wilson and M Omas er ,Hai 21:116.; Lewis CUrry ‘8}; J T, No a dlnary; Low
2, , a ' ’ TO TI I
Brice lune. Sburg Herald OOdS St.,p Mr, and h
. Arthul. Robin .
son Kasey, San

and“ $24 14 N 11
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11116. Fd .. :" ' 11%? $48,?" 3! 4: '. W1 ‘51 2,} " 42.442,;f!4£~1‘2;:1:14"4u‘2§; . _’_~_;:1;11.1;<.'.’: i ”55’1” 'j'f. 21-24141 _ 1.29.1 ' . i1 1 1 ‘11 g: .
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qu . 5 522.24,? 5442.23.25.22 f .>%‘tflflgxéy” Jig/.244.” 41:41:12.4 4.4 ' 2435:4141 4% . 22 3’-".'?:.“35'.’fo:'[; 1 11 1 1 11 1
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