xt7ngf0mwb4r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwb4r/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1998-07 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, July 1998 text GLSO News, July 1998 1998 1998-07 2019 true xt7ngf0mwb4r section xt7ngf0mwb4r l
' “651‘s GLSO NE UV S
,Liisfifl .
131MI ‘
Vol. 13 J llly 1998 N0. 7
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization i
Terry is also a member of the lntenrveave - Michael Taylor
Volunteers Honored Metropolitan Community Church and LMC - Laura Burg i
Th? Volunteer Banquet brought served on its Board of Directors for COLTS - Gary Hall 8. Paul Tomlin l
our pride celebration to a close three years. This year he will be the Front Runners - Doug Burnham
Sunday, June 21 at the Campbell Lexington delegate to the national RSlC -Kevin Fillips
House lnn. Everyone “We" a meeting of the MCC. SisterSound — Jackie Burrell ,
wonderful meal before hearing "1,8 Besides continuing many of the MCC — Stephine Staples i
beaumm harmony Of S'Stersound 3 activities above, Terry will be serving Moveable Feast Lex - Donna Elder .
veices. This is the second year the th _ - h _ r Eb M l , Another Note-Steve Jonhson
Lexmgton women‘s chorus has per— as e “09 C a” O ony as 'n E-M le -J hn Moses
formed at the banquet. We were also the upcoming year. Thank you Terry The Blu arass oBelles _ Ma’orie
honored to have State Rep Kathy for your years of creative service to DeMailleegsr Angela Bridgenian
Stein as our guest speaker. the LesBiGayTrans Community. Fairness _ Kenten Ball
As usual, the highlight of the The Rainbow Community
evening was the presentation of Service Award was given to the Pride Month Wrap Up
awards and great thanks to some of Royal Sovereign Imperial Court Pride l998 provided a wealth of
the individuals who gave their time (RSIC) for its years of service to and fun and celebratory events for our
and energy to our Lesbigaytrans fund raising for the Lexington com— community The month began with
community during the past year. munity. RSIC, the first chapter of the the R0 IS . ‘ . | C0 rt‘ ‘
. . . . ya overeign mperia u s
The Wasson Award for the Court system‘east of the MlSSlSSlppl, gala t'tiilttfirh’.t‘-\’.l'1lt2l‘:\f of John Moses i
Volunteer of the Year was given to has been active in LeXington for 17 as Emperor and Mike Milano as i
Terry Mullins. Terry has been active years. They have donated money to Empress The coronation was the
in the Lesblgaytrans community for a wide range of organizations includ- largest and most diverse ever
many years, wearing many hats ing, AVOL, the AIDS Medication . y ‘
While president of the Tri-State Gay Fund, Breast Cancer Research. the comma" 0" page 3 ”mm” news 1
Rodeo, he conceived or the Pride Lexington Rape Crisis Center and l
Banquet and has taken charge of GLSO. They have also provide great Sponsor I
organizing it each year. entertainment.
Terry served on the GLSO Board In addition t0 these awards, Of the Month
for four years before becoming each community group presented i
President last year. He coordinates their 0W" volunteer Of the year i
the Pride Center activities making award. They were as follows: l
space available to many groups for GLSO - Peter Taylor Th e 86 r i
meetings. This year Terry was a Rainbow Bowling League i
founding member of Act Out, the new Thorn Kahn
theater company functioning under AVOL - Earlene Huckleberry CO m p I ex !
GLSO. and Karen Hacker i

 I SEE YOU matched crinkled hair growing out of
W”; ,. '" the woman‘s chin. if your instinct is
yQAYfi ‘. "-YOU SEE ME- broke this week, well hell, tuck cau- ,
LESBIAN NOD YOUR NOGGIN. tion in your front pocket and greet the
. 1 VI By Heinerte Jones woman any way, You are not ,
G ’ Or you could simply say Hit the required to make small talk. Greet
fl . . ' 011K: .m' l ”ky- next time you think you see a lesbian her and keep moving, lUSt like you do
chif‘fit‘m' in the local grocery store, farmers' With every other stranger. . ,
v market book store or anywhere If you are one of those lesbians
else. For the sake of the city, please who always greets others, the”
stop jerking your noggin when you gleasteHstopStby the local Ghafduate
5 another lesbian headin in our ree er op or your ce ica e. ‘
Tbs 19334810 NgWS (ill: ctio n g y Keep up the good work, you are mak-
° ' ssue Scientist are blamin El Nino ing a difference in somebody's life! ,
Published Monthly by . . . 9. , ' Remember as a Graduate ‘
but it is your big head that is playing . , ’ . . . .. ‘
havoc with the weather around the Greeter it is your OWN responsrbility to
, . . . thers to take cover when a big
world. Your qUick head Jerks KOd 15 warn 0 . . . ‘
The Lexington Gay people last month when you were in headed woman is about to jerk. it is i
Lesbzan Service the Eve and Applenda Store trying also. your responSibility to educate
. . not to make eye contact. lesbians to the fact that a greeting is
Orgamzatzon If you can not or do not want to not a Wm": outing. We can blame
say th then nod your noggin. You that misconception on that darn
can do this standing on one foot with book, 8'9 N999" Jerking for the ‘
Editors: your eyes closed. One nod up or Straight Lffglarl' h if
one nod down, both are universally oca I rarians 39° as myse ,
Mary Crone . . have vowed to do their art in edu-
recognized as a general greeting. . p
Peter Taylor This simple head motion is free to eating patrons. We tell them, "Read
DaVina wamer you and painless to others. Try it and it if you will, but be advised, jerking
the whole world will thank you. W" big head will out you every
Layout Editor: Do not fear! Greeting another time.” I h v t d . ‘
Charlie Perkins lesbian is not an invitation to crawl up a Pf S 9999 on anyone 5 l
under the covered cucumber stand feet up to ”"8 pornt, ”9W '5 a 900d 1
and make a salad. And contrary to time l0 put your shoes on or put your j
GLSO Annual Dues popular belief, the girlfriend does not toes m your pocket. Greeting anoth— I
and Newsletter: $15 get mad because you greeted her er does not take away from your 1
_ Dues and Newsletter for love' girlfriend is mad because you cause or your therapy or your rea-
Couples: $20 forgot to greet her also. sons for being. It is a good habit that
‘ _ Give both of them a nod, there is you should have learned along With l
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are plenty to go around. A greeting is a potty training.
those of the authors and don’t necessarily greeting is a greeting and nothing This is not a fault that you can ‘
represent those of the - GLSO Board. more. The next woman you greet credit to your Mama, and l am “Qt ‘
Submissions are welcome and become the may poses the secret formula that playing the dozens. l am 333/an ll is
property of the GLSO. The staff reserves the will shrink your head and put an end "Ol too late for anyone to learn to be
right to edit submissions and advertisements to that jerking habit. kind t0 another. The next time YOU
as well as the right to reject any submissions Trust your instinct and don't be see a lesbian try to get your mouth
. or advertisements. misled by language or skin color or open. Hll is a one syllable word that
nail length or the few strands of mis— can be .grunted or squeaked. If this
GLSO PAGE 2 is too difficult, then nod your noggin.

 .':~-;‘3:-":‘ . ' ‘1 , " “i. . > .1 . Ir: MM.”- . :1 .. ..~.:»J «any.‘:.«,r:-‘l,._;‘.-..:Wax... 533,4}, .2.s-,,-3;5g..;-3n1:33.354.- ;
. r ,.
f», That weekend, there was also a and In Our House by Brian duction, inspired by the AIDS 2
4, Working Class Kitchen Pride Throckmorton. There were a number Memorial Quilt, was well-received by fl
,"jj'l Reading at Joseph—Beth. A lot of of beautiful soles most notably by our community. ;
gjl people turned out to hear several Roberta Burnes. She can take your And at the Unitarian Universalist 3
fl}: local writers share their short stories breath away. (Also your words, sorry Church, we just about blew the top l
:‘ and poems. Some of us are still talk- about that, David.) off the new fellowship hall with a con- .
"f" ing about Judy Goldsmith‘s instruc- The humor of this concert, cert by Wishing Chair. Kiya :
.1 tive piece about aerobics classes. including Torch songs to Newt, Rush, Heartwood and Miriam Davidson
3 Lori Pasquerello provided musical and Strom, was also a high point. were joined bya band for selections .
entertainment, and thanks to Kelly These titles will give you some idea: from their new CD Undisputed '
O’Ferrell who organized this event. Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and Pansies Country as well as familiar favorites .
Highlighting the next weekend Everywhere You Go. You really from Singing with the Red Wolves. 1
734%; was the Lexington Men’s Chorus’ should have been there. We look 1.
Pride Concert with their guest forward to hearing these two chorus- Interweave

SisterSound. When the curtain came es sing together again soon. Interweave resumes its regular
fiél up revealing a stage full of colorfully The Pride Picnic was a great monthly luncheon Sunday, July 12.

;;§;l attired singers, applause broke out success despite rain early in the Due i0 lack Of interest in a DOtlUCk.
59,9 and continued for quite a while. afternoon. The entertainment and we Will dine at a local restaurant fol- I
a? Particularly enjoyable were the com- some of the booths were set up in a lowing the church service.

bined voices of both choruses on barn used for horse shows with the Sunday. July 5, WOFShip '
a. Sing Out, Sing Out and For Gay food and other vendors in another Associate Davina Warner will lead .
a Generations to Come. This second barn. Thank you Jennifer and Joan the service, sharing how her six l
, piece is an indication of how our for use of your lovely farm. Special years of military service set her free
{i community has changed; we now thanks to the individuals and busi- to become the social activist She iS
Mil feel empowered and want to be role nesses that provided raffle items and today. Summer services will be held
; models for the next generation of gay to the picnic committee who worked in the new air-conditioned Fellowship
youth. hard to make this event happen. Hail, so please Join us at 10:45 am.

9% it is wonderful to have music On the last weekend, we For more information about
g written locally such as Sing Out, Sing enjoyed Act Out’s first production lnterweave or the U.U. Church.

as: Out by Naomi Stephan (commis- E/egies for Ange/s, Punks, and please call Davina at 271-6174. 3
{will sioned by the chorus for this concert) Raging Queens. This powerful pro- continued on page 9

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E Unitarian Views . Harry Hay grew up to be a gay each tribe had its own name(s) in the
HOW Different are We? activist who founded the Mattachine past. The term Two Spirited People
by Mary Crone SOCIety In l950 and organized the has been chosen as a common way
This is a selection with some first gay Los Angeles street demon- to refer to themselves and to their
5; variation from the Pride Services I stration in l966, a few years before roles as spiritual leaders. They
F gave at the Unitarian Church. the Stonewall Riot. After years of agree with at least some of Harry
Harry Hay stood on a Cafifomia study of the berdache and of trans— Hay’s concepts of gay people being
beach in l925 with members of his gender people in cultures throughout inherently different.

boy’s club forming a protective circle the world, Hay theorizes that gays Some individuals, like Spotted
around elders of the Hopi Nation who are a fundamentally different group Eagle, a White Mountain Apache
were making a ritual VlSit ‘0 the of people with gifts and responsibili- Woman, were protected by their
Pacific Ocean. HEW realized as he ties to the societies in which we live. tribes from assimilation into the dom-
\ttllgEii/reecittrrilgriigwt‘tfiatwgtfieg 3:: He and his long time companion inant culture. The Apache elders
other windows through which to view helped found the Radical Fairies, a saw that Spotted Eagle‘s way of
the world." spiritual group that encourages gay being in the world would not be
Harry's observation of the Hopi men to give up any idea of assimila- accepted or allowed with govern-
ritual when he was 13and beginning tion into straight America, and to ment schools. She was moved
g to worry about his “difference," lead acknowledge themselves as a third around from relative to relative to
him to study first the Hopi and then gender. In Hays words, "we need to avoid boarding school attendance.
3. other Native Americans. He found spread our faerie wings, to discover Spotted Eagle was able to grow up
references to the berdache, a word the faerie prince hidden beneath the feeling at home with her difference,
5‘; given to native men who seemed to ugly green frog skin of hetero—imita- without a need to label it and with a
give up their masculine role to take tive conformity." sense of choice of how to express
on the clothes and role of tribal Hay theorizes that the two pro- herself. She didn’t have to come out
F women. Berdache is a French word creative genders by nature and to herself or to her community, think
E}, with a derogatory connotation and necessity are bound to traditional how different that might feel.

Eg therefore not favored by present day ways, hunting gathering or in some Wesley Thomas, a Navajo, was
t: gay Native Americans who prefer the manner procuring food, creating and sent to boarding school and did learn
E term Two-Spirite d p e opl e. protecting a home, raising children, homophobia at school and within his
The European historians, draw- drlvmg car pool, all those traditional native culture. He had to leave the
ing from source material written by tasks that comes with procreation. reservation at about the age of 30 to
h European missionaries and other Third gender people, on the discover and celebrate his gay self.
g invaders could not see the honored other hand, when allowed to blossom He now considers himself a nadleeh,
spiritual role these individuals had in into themselves, are not tied to such or Two Spirited Navajo.

- their cultures and, of course most work and are drawn naturally to spir— Thomas returned to the reserva-
E" often totally missed the existence of itual work on the frontiers between tion and spent some time coaxing
. tribal women who also did not fit their seen and unseen, between tradition- older Navaios to talk about their
gig . al and new ways of being in the understanding of gender categories
Eu“3%::gjggiaifypzcsuggited to world, between the earth bound and and sexual preference. At first he
the existence of berda ch e with the spirit world. “A gay nature devel- thought he was hearing a concept of
excitement; his way of being in the ops a gay window through which to four genders , but as people opened
E world was not simply an individual critically examine the working of tra- up to him he heard of so many vari-
aberration, a mistake; there were dition, to create new ways for shap- ations that he thought he could dis-
others like him and they were, at ing the culture." tmgursh 49 categories of sexual pref-
E313 some times and in some places, wel- There are members of the Gay erence, gender identity, gender
E corned and encouraged to become American Indian organization who expression and combinations there
E spiritual leaders. are working to resurrect the role of of. Upon reflection, he decided that
E the berdache, for which of course his people’s fluid understanding of

 , gender and preference should not be he notes, but being transgendered berdaches” in some ways as Clyde 1
boxed into categories. gives us a head start. Hall suggests. g
, Clyde Hall of the Shoshone— These are only a few arguments Personally, i spend so much time ’
Metis people also works in what he for saying we are a separate group, in my lesbian speaker role saying 1
. believes are the natural roles of two What do you think? If you believe "look at me I’m not so different, I l
spirited ones, as mediator and spiritu- gayness is genetically determined, won't threaten you or your life style," 5
al leader. He is a lawyer for his tribal that is one way of saying we are a that it‘s a relief at times to throw off 1
people and lives a Spirit-led life. “if distinct group. I personally believe the “ugly green frog skin of hetero— !
you try to talk yourself out of living as there is something genetic going on assimilation" and stir up all kinds of '
Spirit directs," he says, “you get your- but there could be early hormonal change within this culture. 1
self into all kinds of trouble.“ factors and many other things that Most importantly, i want to be i
Hall agrees with Hay in that he mold us. It is very important to me part of communities that value differ- i
, believes that transgendered indige- that all gay people not be assumed to ence. Communities of individuals
nous peoples all over the world are be different in the same way willing to move outside their comfort !
, instrumental in creating and changing ltend to think in terms of contin- zones, and willing to consider all I
. culture. This is so, he says, because uums rather then groups set apart by kinds of difference as potentially ben— l
we walk in two words, we combine nature or by God. I see gender, sex— eficial to the whole. That is why i am ;
, elements of male and female, but are ual preference, race and perhaps a member of the Unitarian Church. l
neither. We don‘t fit in, so it‘s easier even species, as continuums. There hope to encourage that community l
i for us to transcend from the physical are differences along those continu— and the LBGT community to continue l
to the spiritual realm. It is our role to ums. And yet, our difference has to struggle with difference. and to f
, discover and introduce new ideas, opened windows into spirit con- make the symbol of the rainbow flag
, artistic methods, and ways of living. sciousness for many of us, across stand for a deep commitment to hon- l
; There are other paths to a spirit life, time and cultural. Perhaps we are “all oring many forms of diversity. l
, l
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a. _—'——'—"‘—'——_ " """"' GLSO PAGE 5

1 2 3 4 '
1 6:00 pm Fontrurmers 7:30 Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 am Frontrunners
1 (Woodland Park) (Arboretum)
' (1:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
‘ Support Group
7:00pm MCC Study 1
1 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA ”ll/If I -~ h'
1 1 1.. 0;, I. It?
1 ..._.._____~—————_.—._ ————————-——-————~—-——- -—————-—-—-———————-————--——- —-——-—-—-——-——-—-— —-———1—-—-—-—~———-——- ~—~—-—-—-—~—-————-—-——-—-— ————--———————-————~ 1 a - .
1 10:45 UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 7:30 MCC Board Mtg 6:00 pm Frontnmuers 6:00 I‘llV/AIDS Support 7:3(1I Gay/LesbiunAA 9:00 am Frontrunners .
11:30 LMCC 7:30 pm PPLAG (Woodland Park) Group (Arboretum)
7:00 pm. Dignity (Chapel Hill Pl'L’SbyICI‘lut) 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
(Pride Center) Church) Support Group
8:30 Rainbow Bowling 7:00 pm MCC Study Group
League 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA Re S t aur ant
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 557 S. leestone
10:45 UU Church and Pet 7:00 pm GLSOBourd Mtg 8:30 RainbowBowling 6:00pm Frontmnnors 7:30 Gay/Lesbian AA 9:00 amFrontnmners .
Luck (Pride C cuter) League (Woodland Park) (Arboretum) LeXlngton’ Ky.
1 1 1:30 LMCC 8:00 pm AA Step Study 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS- 7130 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
8:00 pm Bluegrass Support Group 9:00 pm Bluegrass Colts 2 5 3 -OO 1 4
1 Regional Entertainer 7:00 pm MCC Study Group 1
1 of the Year 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
1 featuring the famous
1 __________._.~_ ________a_._n_., _~_n___fl___~__. _____________.__ __‘__n__n_-._ #“Mu______ ___.w_n___~_m
. ‘9 2° : 2‘. . _ 2,2: 23 24 , 25 Alfalfa Weekend Brunch
10:4-5 UU Church 8:00 pm AA Step Study 8:30 Rainbow Bowling 6:00 pm Frontmrtncrs 7:( 10 pm MCC Games 9:00 am 1"rontrumiers _
1 11:30 LMQC. ______________M____ League (Woodland Park) Night (Arboretum) _ SCI‘Vlng blueberry
1 7:00pm Dignitv GLSO NEWS DEADLINE 6:00 pm HIV/AIDS- 7:30 Guy/Lesbian AA 7:30 pm Gay/Lesbian AA
‘ (PridS Center) SUBMIT ADDITIONS Summit GTOUP buckwheat pancakes,
' AND/OR CORRECTIONS 7300 pm MCC Study Group '
FUR NEXFCALBNDAR 8:00 Pm GayMsbumM 1 1 eggs benedict arnold,
273—9649 .
1 *“”“““-“*“ Spanish omelettes
1 _._____.__.~__..__._.___, _________________ __.________________._ ~_.__.____._____~__ -______»_________.___ _________.__.._......__ _‘________._.‘__.__
1 29 27 , 23 , , 29 3° gourmet desserts,
1 10:43 UU Church 8:00pm AA Step Study 8:30 Rainbow Bowling 6:00pm Frontrunncrs
1 “330 UM“ L“USU“ (tgzUUUUEfVP/igitfi PLEASE USE DIRECTORY on and much more
12 1:. pm i ., 1 _ 1 .
£1 5111111011 61111113 LAST PAGE TO CONFIRM
7:00 pm MCC Study Group
1 8:00 pm Gay/Lesbian AA All of our breads and
; _______ ___________ _________._ _______“__ _____”__ desserts are baked daily
; 1n our kltchen
* 1
1 . k-
1 Free Evening Par mg
:1 crso PAGE 9

 very important question when she early to go to the Pride Picnic and
MATURE PEOPLE MAKE called to check on me from work. went to kiss Tam goodbye. She
THE BEST PARTNERS ”Do you not know what to do or seemed sad so i asked her if she
Sixth in a series by Kelly O’Ferre/l do you know what you should do but was all right. Her response wasn‘t
n I think mature people make the your afraid to do it?" _ matching her actions. .
best partners [among] several “That second one," I said. . ‘Tam after five years of waking
mature attitudes they are not That question helped me realize up With you, I can tell when some-
crushed by the .weight of each that i knew exactly what I needed to thing’s different.”
, . ,, do but was afraid to do it. i needed We talked briefly and I left for
others mgods OI: (1.9” 33%)ng t to cancel all my jobs for the rest of the picnic. Because i was already

We stag: d rlxg‘vgiJ/ingwithoart‘raasc— the week and rest. ‘ nervous (scared) about bringing the
tor out at the farm this week and l Ever Since that experience, | events .of the picnic together (food,
love it (Already been called a John have almost welcomed the opportu- entertainment, vendors) I began to
Deere-Dyke) While l was mowing l nity to say or do what I need to and feel insecure about how Tammy was
noticed myself singing the words toya see what happens. I’m tired of Wm feeling about me — l began to thing
Barry Manilow song' “I feel sad afraid of losmg something or not get- that her depresswn that morning was
when you’re sad lfeel glad when ting something i think lneed. I'm about me and something I’d done or

, ,, ’ tired of not trusting in The Universe not done. So, I decided to ask her.
you fig'fa‘dtth ht h in t and in myself. l’m tired of trusting “Are you leaving me?”
song9y “I; negtugvasv‘tgsno‘tic: tn: that someone else knows what is “Yeah, did you want anything
words and remember how true best for me. . . else to eat while I’m up." .
they’ve been in my life i can recall Meanwhile, Tammy wasgorng “No, i mean are you wanting to
specific times in the past when I to work, exerCISIng and being at be out of this relationship?" .
would change my whole life to take home with me. She held me when l . “No, i want very much to be in
care of someone when they were was tired and sad, cooked and this relationship," and she leaned
sad angry or jealous served me, called and checked on over andkissed me.

‘Hell I was 30 before I had the me from work, went to the doctor's lbelieved' her. Tammy‘s sad-
courage, to decide to investigate With me, and reminded me i would ness had nothing to do With me.
these feelings We had for women _ feel better again. . We are not "crushed by the
and even then I had to be clear . This past weekend found us weight of each other’s moods or
across the country on a dude ranch gomg from one. thing to another. depressmns," but we can still be
away from my family and friends Tam was counting on seeing the affected and react before we knew
Once I did though lknew I was will; WNBA game at 4:00 on Saturday. we‘re even hooked. lknow that feel-
ing to be true to myself and these Unfortunately, we were on the road ings aren’t fact and that they cantkill
feelings no matter how someone at 4:30. me. Not mine, not Tammy’s, not any-
else felt lhad changed my feelings . “i get. really. angry when l’m one’s. _l don't have to change my
and actions for years so other people gomg, gomg, going on a weekend plans JUSI because 'Tammys not
would be happy day and not getting to do anything i happy. . .

I had an experience recently want to do,” she said: Thank goodness maturity is
that kept bringing my attention to . My first reaction is to get defen- about progress, not perfection.
how many of my decisions are still five because what lve {USt heard ls: Please email a newslet-
based on how someone else (might) I feel angry because I m havrng to ny
feel. lwas sick for two weeks in do what you want to today. “I articles or announce-
June and started forgetting how it felt Granted, thats not at all What ments to Mary Crone or
to feel good, got sad, believed l‘d she said, DUt what she says '5,“
never feel good again, wondered necessarily what I hear. 80’ lve Peter Taylor by June 17'
what I was doing or not doing that learned to say, I have afantasy'that E-mail addresses are on
keeping me sick and looming you re mad at me. IS that true?
gigest of all, I was scared to stay “Well, I’d probably “ke to blame the back page. If you use
home from work (was i really sick $an £363,” you, but, "0’ H" not our PO Box, get it there
enough?). .‘ , ‘ '
Sometimes Tams moods affect 1) June 15th. Thanks
Tammy, my partner, asked me a me more than other times. i got up y

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 We Want More else for that matter, please be sure to move towards a healthy and nutri-
Best-selling lesbian writer let that busrness know how much you tional way 0f eating. Gina can be
. . . . appreciate their efforts. We need to reached at (605) 289-8305
Marianne K.Martin V'S'ted Joseph Beth - C nthia Brown is a Licensed
. counteract those negative comments _ _ y .
Saturday, June 13 to 8‘9” her books with positive ones So write a letter Clinical SOC'aI Worker whose ad
Love In the Balance and Legacy of can the mana er ”or d;o an anon 1 appears for the iist time this month.
Love. Several people showed up to mou mm rain p t' b y She does individual, couples, and
purchase these steamy romance nov- 5 co 9 a sugges '0" OX‘ family therapy. She can be reached
‘ ' t255—8440.
BIS agigitemsfie‘vteilwcgfnplaints and In Business a
rotest threats from members of the From tlme ‘0 t'me.We hlghllght DO J Pride
p gay or gay friendly busmesses. We _
L x' t 't J h B th . If you are a member of the pub
9 mg 0" commum y‘ 038p e have had a number 0‘ new advems' lic safely field (federal state or local)
did not cancel the signing. In fact, ers in the last few months. ‘ ’
the I d M ri n nd h r rt- , , , we want to help you get the support
y pace .a a ne a (,3 pa_ Dave Morrison '5 a 5'9" lan- you need to make it in this stressful
ner at a desk lnSlde the stores main guage interpreter and has run an ad line of work. We are working togeth—
entrance and announced her Signing With us for several months. if you er to make a network of “family” in
several times. Joseph Beth also were lucky, VOU 53W hlm interpreting the business of helping others. All
refused to take down the Gay Pride the Lexrngton Men 5 Chorus Pride information regarding membership in
book display and bulletin board, ConcGertlnEJune. k B k , DOJ Pride is strictly confidential. it
which also received complaints from . lna ”We“ (a. .a. _ a er) is you are working in law enforcement,
patrons starting a nutrition consulting busr corrections, fire, emergency medical
if ' t t t‘ t ness. She is a registered dietitian services or any other part of the pub-
you wan 0 con inue 0 see and believes that the food we eat has - . _
l sb‘ wr't b k nd d' _ , , llc safety field call Skeet (277 0450),
e lgaytrans ters, 0° 5 a '5 an enormous influence on the quality _ - _
plays at Joseph Beth or anywhere f h Ith Sh h l Scotty (273 6111) or Robin (321
0 our ea ‘ 9 can e p you 8526) for more information.
I. .. 1
, “K 7
,, Proudly Servmg Kentucky 5 Lesbian,
2 s - - Ga Bisexual Trans endered
‘ (,fi..__ I l . .
i * ' ,_ and Stray? Communities.
l p, tiara
, Ill '
l .........................
, 278-7501 OPPORTUNITY
1 m

 . ho e ou will take advanta e of this 0 ortunit to see
Entertainer of the Year p y _ . 9 pp y
. _ some of the finest entertainers that our area has to offer.
The Bluegrass Entertainer of the Year 1998 Will be .
. Advanced tickets are encouraged, last years show
held on Sunday, July 12th in the Grand Ballroom of the .
. . . was a complete sell-out. Tickets may be reserved by
Fiadisson Plaza Hotel, 369 W. Vine Street in downtown . .
. . _ calling Donnie Boyse, Bluegrass E.O,Y. owner and pro-
Lexmgton. Featured artists scheduled to appear Include
, . . moter at (606) 231-5023 or Ms Maya Monroe at (606)
the 1997 'National Entertainer of the Year" - the fabulous . . .
, 233-4262 AT Club 141, 141 W. Vine Street in LeXington.
Maya Douglas, the 1997 "Bluegrass Entertainer of the . . .
. . . . Any tickets left Will be available at the door. Contestant
Year“ - the amaZing Victoria Westin, "Bluegrass E.O.Y. . . . . .
. . applications and further Information available through
Emeritus" the glory that is Maya Monroe, and fabled Mr Royse
Mahogany actinguas emcee. There Will also be guest Doors open at 8:00pm so come out and join the
appearances by R'S'I'C' Empress 15 ' the naughty crowd waiting to see the “Bluegrass Entertainer ot the
Natalie Gay plus the reigning "Miss Club 141" - the out- Year I998!“
rageous Ginger Grant!
Contestants will compete in the categories of pre- Thanks
sentations,'talent, evening wear, and on-stage question- ...to all who helped make this year’s Pride
ing. The Winner and runner-up Will be awarded the rich- C l b t' b' ll th i
est prize package ever offered by the "Bluegrass E.O.Y_", e e ra 10“ a 1g success, a e organ za-
totaling over $800 in cash and gifts tiofls that hosted events. a“ Who served 01]
This promises to be one the most entertaining the Pride Committee. and all of you that
evenings to be presented for the enjoyment of showed up to make the work worthwhile.
Kentucky’s impersonation aficionados this season! We Thanks also to all of you who subscribed to
this newsletter during pride month. Because
every year at this time we get new sub-
' scribers. we also will be loosin the e0 1e
Bave ZTiorrIson , 8 P P
/ who do not renew. We still need 200 sub-
. ° . Sign Language “WWW scribers. 150 within Lexington. We will give
. / Certified: NAD/RID
. those of you who’s subs are running out a
' Voice: 600879-9409 few free months to remember, but then you
Pager: 606-.3§2~_3349