xt7ngf0mwb35 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mwb35/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2001-10 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, October 2001 text GLSO News, October 2001 2001 2001-10 2019 true xt7ngf0mwb35 section xt7ngf0mwb35 —__...._.. r
-' . (its. 7 GAY and TW’
g. Leann is?
his? . cram/la; v
' alzanIZATWN 0005; i2 200i
. Lexington, Kentucky ' ‘ i
A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
, Vol. 15 N0. IO '
- MCC FREE CONCERT . . Unitarian qushiii Servrce The Cfimet Ba[[
Marcus Young Rev- Kath on ' . mufDiva of Darkness
Faith Metropolitan Community ln honor of Coming Out Month, The Imperial COUii 0i KY- is
Church presents Christian record- the Unitarian Universalist Church of hosting two much-anticipated .
ing artist, Marcus Young, in concert Lexington is proud to host Rev. events during the month of
on Sunday, October 7_ This is a Keith Kron. Directorofthe-Office for October. On Wed.,‘OCt. 3. the Julie '
free 11/2 ho”r concert beginning at Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, and Vaughn Memorial Closet Ball Will
10:30 am. at the church, 145 Burt Transgender Concerns for the be held at CiUb 141. 9330 Pin This .
Road. Suite 7~ Bun Road is iocai_ Unitarian Universalist Association. event. named in honor and in
~ ed in the Zandale area across from Keith is a native Lexingtonian memory 0f Empress l, Julie, fea-
O'Chariey's on the west side of and is retuming to the UM, Church lures individuals who have not pre-~
Nicolasville Rd. . . to deliver the sermon on Sunday, viously done drag. Contestants
Marcus sings songs about life, October 14, at 10:45. Join present themselves in their born
relationships, and faith. He Interweave for a potluck lurid" fOi‘ gender and are then given one
describes his musiml style as a lowing the service. hour to transform themselves into
blend of light rock. adult contempo- When Keith lived in Lexington the other Persona-
raw and contemporary Christian. he served as president of Dignity This is one ofthe Court's most
Through his music. he is hOping to and worked with GLSO. including popular events and particularly
reach people who may have been six years on the pride week com- appropriate for coming out month.
turned off to organized religion. His mittees. He taught school for nine We encourage new people to pick
concerts are upbeat, positive, and years, mostly at Squires and Up an application from any Board
real. Glendover Elementary Schools. member, from Natalie Gaye, 0' at
This is a man of faith and a In Keith’s sermon. The Van Club 141. Featured entertainers
member of MCC. He has found a Gogh Cafe," he explores how we include Empress Natalie. lCP J.D.
joy in his life thathewants to share might heal a world filled with ““9“". ...continued on page 2
he stated that he has found a peace comes fromba childrens book by .. SpOnSbr (o‘fth'eMonth :
in his life that he can't explain. the Cynthia Rylant Wh'Ch open "“5 ‘- - -. - , -' . ‘ .' "
peaceofknowing Jesus. "i believe way:. _ . _ . '- _. g;_._; -. a
in the cross and everything that it “MaglClsm theVan Gogh Cafe _ g z ‘ ‘- ‘ '- - g“ -, '.
represents; Christ went through a in Flowers, Kansas. and sometimes Debra Henbley 7
. great deal of suffering. lcan't live the magicwakesitselfilp.andpeo- 1. I . ’i ,. if
my life and not express my ple and animals "Ohm it. They .- _nS;Llr‘ nce.
.....Continued onpage2 noticeltand ...oontinuedonpageZ . '~ . - 7- . .L“. " . j '

 Concert ..continued fonnpage 1 Rev. Kron ...oont. from page 1
in m and ““9”?“ ‘eflg‘tzfl‘l‘a‘..§ are affected by it and pretty soon‘ ‘
3:. LEbblAN $3125 °° m - “a“ the word spreads that there is a .
5:1: bElZVlCF— Marcus has Just completed his ““6”“ v?" G°gh gem "i‘
— 323;. , _ wonderful. like a dream. like a mys
1"- MANIZATWN "T'rd, recorded release. “'5 first com- tety. like a painting. and you ought ‘
Lefiuimlfienhrb' ptlatton of original songs. He has to go there. they will say, for you
traveled all over the country sharing will never forget it“ ‘
' lents and has received over— .
71.25 L S 0 NEWS 3;: ta _ The sermon ;
g . - elmtng support. 'One of many continues to explore
Vol. 16 N0. 10 "'gh"9hts_'"°'”des “'5 pe'm'mame ' ' howto work to end the ‘
. attth: :zt'orxl P-ELAGSConterence , many forms of
. n e ,a' ors 'p ervrce ,rn oppression in our 4
BUbllSllfld monthly by wasgoflzn' 2:: this concert the lives. and how to create the magic :
‘ ‘ e 5 that will do it.
mmmnfiillwm first Sunday in October. Everyone is Rev. Kron is a graduate of
WWO“ welcomed. Turn Off NIOO'aSVII‘e Rd Starr King SChOOl fOl' the Ministry
' ’ onto Burt Rd' at the Taco -Bell. and was ordained into Unitarian
321mm FMCC '3 .at 145 Burt Rd' Surte 7 Unlversalist ministry in February of
“we parking lot {8 ”St past the 1999. He has written a premarital '
. m cleaners on the nght. For more counseling guide for same gender
Mary Crone John Ridner rnfon'natton, call 859 LEX-FMCC. 0°"pr and is currently working on
..__.__......_...___.—_ a book for the UUA on civil unions.
mum . 9'0"» \\ , Keith revised ' the UU
, _ . ,(t e 1- ‘ Welcoming Congregation manual -
Terry Mullrng, Pr esrdent C(W’ r“ 939 Q as well as writing a curriculum that
Jerry H'd‘s' Vice Presrdent “o a . goes beyond‘the basics of welcom-
Mary Crone. Editor ' ing GLBT people into our congre- ‘
Chaney Slasher, Treasurer Nicole Diamond, Caviar Towers, gafions, Starting later in October,
Gmger MOO'E- Secretary Janelle Claiborne, and Jenna Jive. our Lexington uu Church will be
Thomas Collins Em Vaughn W5" be making a spe- providing workshops for our con-
JerTy'Nefl‘ cial appearance as an emcee for gregation and friends using some
Kefly We're" the evening. of these materials. This is a fasci-
JOhfl thner On October 24. the Court will nafing study and discussion wurse
Cary Sudduth be hosting the Second Annual Diva for all people. Call Davina formore
‘ Missy Wilson of Darkness Contest. This Pre- infon-nafion 271.5174
‘ Halloween contest is sure ‘0 W9 Keith’s interests outside of.
WMMM&MMM 0‘“ some outlandish We" work include tennis. children's
lrdiridutl. $15 and costumes; contestants will be books (he has over 3300 of
mm m judged in Halloween Presentation. them). walking, and traveling. He
Spook-Tackular talent, and Funeral volunteers for the Gay Men's
Opinions expressed in the GLso News are Wear. Applications will beavailable Domestic Violence Project of
mmmggbww from Board members by 0d- 1- Massachusetts. He currently lives
"b. "”5”". Looking ahead forthe month of in Medford Massachusetts. -
areweioomeandstaiireeervesmemhttoedrt '
submissions and'advetttsenmtsasweaasthe November, the Emperor's Join us Sunday, Oct. 14 at
rlghtbrejectsubmbsionsoradvertisernents. Tumabout Night is in the works; 10:45 and stay after the service for
watch out for this one. lunch with Interweave.
GLso Page 2 W

 i .9 ‘ 4. i =5 . .
- '. ~/'."\' - .t
. “v” fl . -s -_’ . “4.
i 'Q:% ‘1‘; “% Z: '1, a" o .\\—‘ .“ . $3
- -- p . - 'l ,- I J’SN‘; . ‘ .
{“1 . ‘ . A
.1 Dr. Sheny Rostosky, a professor in the Department of Educational -
it. and Counseling Psychology at the University of Kentucky, is The GLSO Discussion ,Suppm
3 looking for gay male and lesbian couples to participatein a study of Group New every W'ednesday
. same-sex relationships. Approximately fotmcouples are needed to night fmm 7-330 at the Pride
i. confidentially complete a series of questionnaires that ask about Center. Jane, who facilitates the
El individual perceptions, feelings, attitudes, and experiences within group, is recovering from surgery
. j intimate relationships. Participating couples are given an and Will not be as availabe for the
7L! appointment time that is convenient for them and each couple first PM Of the m with The 810“?
t. member is taken to a private office to complete the surveys. Each Win ”mum meeting and
,1" couple who completes the surveys (which take about an hour to “1mm“ new membe‘s‘ We
E. complete) will receive $50 (3225 each) to compensate them for their "‘s'cuss mm}: ‘ssues ”mung to
if time. Couples who are interested in finding out more are asked to lmng as ULBT pwple' son“:
. ,__ pecple come to the group who are
email [)1 Rostosky at Instnfimmilky edu or call (8 59) 257-7330. ' . . . .
' just coming out, some are still in
. , ,_ 74‘ Stdgafdmdmdml 0/ traditional marriages others have
i '7 ‘_~‘"§='j.”'"-4i'-‘ i..:t£.,..--.»753‘~"*5""":"‘i'i‘"3“:£i:-t_ ' been out for quite is while but have
t 3"? K ’1'an WWW
E». fi “:11 a desire to find a welcoming group
i: . “at M" ' .,. W do- Md ‘4’ W where they can share their thoughts
E.: a T “w“:ww’fxw dad Mm (446 MW (e- and concerns.
it; . ~ - _ -
t; . - - . . Anvone want; _1nfom etton about
2‘ Ipokon We tall Ma»: anew-Sea - “8 ' ,
I ’3 the group should contact Ginger at.
E Come read your work or listen to ' 5 5 do 5 I“ 276-0673. (You can also call Mary
E others reed theirs at the Pride m¢.mww&m at 2665904) A
i7 ' - '. g I" - \-' / -\-
E. Center on October 28, 7 pm. All $791,4st . -_"-3 “do; ,,* i" \\_.,
7‘- fi§-}*~}":€ ,'ait:.’,-"‘ 1**** ’*J .‘I 3‘, \ v
. forms of written word welcomed W‘z‘fggi ,. «fit-n.1,: 3%)?»- -'-
t W 1 an 1 -.:i'e,~;‘»si ' “guy-11t- >0. . “
: e are cm 0 o e. ‘ n " a: writ. '~.-‘, "
t . p pep. WWW 30W +* ': 3;; k »
i gay-straight, teerteohilt, ‘=‘ ‘- l'.’ fl ' i ‘
é. women-men and everything in at 7M W “a 27'4“” y A a --
E". herwm mmaegszgmz .» . . '
Celebrate Coming Out Day October 11. Become yourself, a little more each day.

 I .
Commumty News V W—
, ' it, {1‘ wwmw & l
g) ilmpmal mutt 33th L 3h mmmms .
/ - Members of the Court have been involved in sev— l
11 eral events in the tri-state area. Emperor XX Chris Dr. Jim Sears Wi" be making a multi- .
' g and Empress xx Natalie kicked off their reign with media Presentation 0" 93V and 'esbia" "‘6 in
lnvestitures. They gave out titles to all members who the South in the 1970'3- 't WE" be held at the
’ attended and raised almost $1000 for Moveable W- T- Young Library Gal'e'y- 0" UK mmpusr
Feast Congratulations to Chris and Natalie on a successful Wed.. 0‘1 17 at 7530”" -
and fun event. Hiis new book, Rebels, Rubyfruit; and
Several of our members have attended Barony of Rhinestones. includes quite a b“ 0f history 0"
Louisville events, including Miss Big Bone Lick and shows held 93! and ”We" People in Lexingm" and W"
at the Third Avenue Café in Louisville. The Barony is having be available f“ purchase. This event is host-
shows each Friday through October 12. with their Adomment 9“ by UK Lambda. the UK W0men's Studies
Ball N to be held on the weekend of October 20 at The inn at Pm'am- "‘6 UK Depaflment 0‘ Geography.
the Jewish Hospital. For more info contact Emperor Donnie and Emma” Fairness
EV at 859-269-7756 or email at empemrev19@aol.com. ACLU of KY
Many of our members also attended Coronation XI for the , .
. . Anthony Romero. Executive Director of
lSQCCBE in Cincinnati on the weekend of-Sep. 8. Everyone . .

, _ . the national ACLU Will be the keynote speaker
had a superhme With our 3m.” court and several awards were at the ACLU of Kentucky's eighth annual Bill of
presented to our members including Empress XVI Chanda Rights Dinner on Nov. 10. This years dinner
U9" Emm’ X'X EV- Empress X'x Tracy TaY'Of- Emperor XX will be at 7 pm at Kentucky lntemational
Chris and Empress XX Natalie. - . , Convention Center in Louisville. Anthony is

If YOU are "0t a member 0f the court we 543$/ the first Latino and openly gay man to be
encourage you to join us and have fun while help- 33 named national Executive Director of the 81-
ing raise much—needed funds for our community V year-old Amerimn Civil Liberties Union. More

. Join us for the Closet Ball and the Diva of ._._“ information about Anthony is available on our
Darkness contest in October. (see page 1) L._'_ website: www.aclu-ky.org
' The Vlfinter Rainbow r353 ..'.“~
For the past year I‘ve struggled to find a Volleyball HIV Prevention & i I J
@féle place t° worship 60“ i" the manner ‘0 “”0“ League will start on Sunday. October 7.
A I've become accustomed. This isn't to say Registration is at 2 pm at the Dunbar Center,
if)” that there aren't Christian worship OPPONUI'Ii- 545 N. Upper St. Practices will be on .Sunday
‘\(sa ties available to the GLBT community. ljust aflemoons. from 24. See complete informa-
5 L5" ‘ haven't found one that suits my needs. tion on page 14. ,
I've decided to start my own bible study
and N like to invite all people, regardless of sexual orientation. Mn mmwy Bear
to join me in this exciting adventure. if you. too. are searching Congratulations t0 Steven Mackin Wh°
for a livelier form of praise and worship combined with mean— won the Mr. Kentucky Bear 2001 contest this
ingful bible study and prayer please contact me at Saturday 8.6;” 8' Steven now goesonto San
FranSlsco in Feb 2002 to compete in the Mr.
CWBM121893@aol.com or call me at 264-7006 for more I ntem atio n al Bear contest!
information. Ask for Beverly.
GLSO Page 4

 . I Call “10me 9 Call mCmIdve Team 3 Call'lhe Creative Team I CallTheCmtive Team B Call‘n'leCrudchum 8
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GLSO Page 5

 V v
V v V v V
V 1“.
389 WALLERAVENUE. suns 100 'v v v v P,“
The Pride Center will be open irregularly in 0ctober. V \ I‘-
Monday through bahirday. 255-5255 901mg 54400155
Call. rattobesuresameone is here
{6; '.“\\'<’ '.\\‘,/'.$ :; -.~. 9., sit, '.\‘ gg'sfif'5§<{;.$<;:z$ 9/35 <55$$2~$.\f«/’>.\_‘19>¥f>§v>¥f>32'é‘bv-‘MkE‘t/v‘b?9>}"/'>§s‘¥'/>¥/‘\\(I; Join us for 'Get Real” on 0d 13 at
1 GLSO Hires Office Manager (2:: 7 PM. Ben Silverstone stars as Steven
’g’?) Q Carter in this charming and compelling
ft) It is with great pleasure that we announce that GLSO if comedy that drew raves at the 1999
4.5)) fez." . . . -
533/ has hired Ginger Moore to be the office manager for the ,1 Sundance Film Festival. A cinematic
\ Pride Center. Ginger has put in endless hours of work on >1 “'9?me tam w°:hm':‘go °f age 2':
‘, a volunteer basis. Several years ago she gave GLSO the " "mm errns “ you are. '
1‘ f ddltlonal fundin wrote :25) Real shouldn‘t be missed. u ming es
1/ push we needed to look. or a g, . >1»? qua?!” laughter and tears and,
215. most of the grants, and is now at the Center greeting 39/3 33:35” like it's hero is determined
kg; _ , gt}. :‘ 3'22? '
7:)“: visitors and working diligently on the many details of (3) i if '-.;._ to make love soars above
’32,) keeping the center operational. Her contribution to the (2‘ a ‘3, ‘3‘ all. A great movie. 31109 a
2“" . ’f-‘s . .
,\‘,'< community in time, energy, and new ideas far outweighs £3 65 snack 1° share “7°“ “"5”
1/ our ablIity to pay her. ’ Thank you. Ginger h (:5 Lesbian Movie Niaht
. ,3? In October Ginger 5 hours will be irregular as s e is $3,: _ Lesbian Movie Night has been
333,: needed at home. Call before you visit. then come by for 1 moved this month to the third Friday
73% 4)... '
\\ some pleasant conversation. peruse our library. or check .‘5’: Oct 19th at 7pm at the Pride Center We
\ out volunteers opportunities. If you have an idea for an (\ are looking for a CODY 0' The Hunger *0
activity, Ginger can help you find a free date and give <.§ :0: Call mgzggde Centerifyo; ":9
94‘s: . . . $34.: is m 253- ‘ . Come join e n
142::- or Ii izrn our vent. aw _ .
.7343; sugssfgetion_ mm C gy ,- [e M F . 1 , , £913 onme and bnngasnackto share
;; 2.31, <\.-;<\._-<< .94 as; 43.; my 4v: Ins; “we; A»? Mi. A214 «we: 4&9. <\~‘_e 4v", NZ 4\ ~34 NZ N17):
3 ’V Relationship Group Classic Movie Matinee presents:
9 _ Relationship Probiems NOSFEDATIJ~A Symphony of Horror
5’ . got you down? Do you want Join us on Sunday. Oct. 21 at 3:00pm to enjoy this
_ , . . ;- . a change but don't know F.W. Mumau masterpiece. Nosferatu remains an effective
M ' ." adaptation of Bram Stoker's DRACULA. It doesn‘t swre
how? Well if you are over 18. we have a support , _ ,

. . us, but it haunts us. it shows not that vampires can Jump
group to help. The group erI be meeting Sunday at of but th 1 “I th , h ed
afternoons. Oct. 7th through Nov. 11th weekly at seam “”“WS' 8 6‘" ca" 9”” “9' "°“"5 °"
the Pride Center from 2:30-4:30 pm. The only Th‘ . THE , , I , f t m A ‘l t
exception on time is October 28th when the time , '5 '5 _ angina vampire ea ure_ m. 5' en
will be 1-3 pm mowe made in 1922, told in black and white. It recounts

Two graduate students from the University of the eternal bzflféafit‘fen 900d and evrl, bvsataghd 2:“:
Kentucky will run the group as part of a class innocencean ‘ youngman mustcom e vr
. . incamate in the form of the sinister Count Orlock, better
requrrementWelook forward to helping you. if you kno N f t The U d d , dert h' l
have any questions or concerns. contact Marilee at dz? as 08 erha “I; n ea ' m or a save ‘3 sou
323-7118 or email wooogaa@hotmait.com. an e woman e WT“
GLSO Page 6

 mm 13 see it in the advertising dollars For some people, coming out
w W spent in promotion ofour celebrities may mean a redefinition of self in
_ ' ‘ “m” ”‘" with. or course, the hope of selling recognition of their bisexual or
Wh by Mary Crone us all kinds of products. We see it transgender nature. Ourcommmfly
at are your plans tor in the growing acceptance and hasn’t always been supportive of
0mm "7 “5 "a“°"a' C°”““9 appreciation ofour contributions to individuals who change there per-
Out Day and we encourage every— our country. ceptions in these ways. We need to
one to take 53”” step 0“} Of the Not everyone has the choice of give everyone the space to reexam-
°'°set' The 3‘23 ‘?f "‘9 s‘ep {3 “P ,‘° going public. There is still the dan- ine their identity.
you, we appreciate the diversity ger of loosing jobs or becoming Queer youth are publishing
Wm" our community Wh'Ch estranged from family. But at times their stories and poems. and
"‘0‘"qu different levels Of “out we overprotect ourselves, a sur~ expressing Opinions that claim
ness. if each Of ”3 can come (“ft vival instinct that we need to check identities that older generations are
‘0 ”St one other person. the writ periodically so that we do not even less familiar with. We need to
change the world. _ become our own jailers it is worth listen and celeberate their self defl-
,“ has been changing. We see the effort to challenge our fears. we nitions also. (see page 15)
that m the number of youth '33!an do not know who we might become The goal is not for everyone to
and celebrating who they are at an ifwe step beyond our comfort zone. be at the same place. The goal for
89" "he" "”59 °f “5 “Fl 4° were This is not to say that the most this day is for each or us to look at
not even aware we were m a closet. public among us don't have ‘com- the areas where fear or ignorance.
we 5,“ “ '" the “We“; °f “5 ing out issues“ to consider. All of us internal or external, may be limiting
593”” publically to reporters and can find ourselves in situations that our lives, and to consider what we
legislators ("09° mention parents) leave us tongue tied or silent. We want to do about that. Then step on
and m the 9W” number of GLBT need each other's support no mat- out. proud and joyful. and we will
people m posrtlons 0‘ authority. We ter what our next step might be. change the world.
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GLSO page T

 Halloween at The Bar ..
Wednesday, Oct 31, 11.. 3.. ts Rainbow Watchers
turning 21 and Weraone is ithf€€l to - Pet Sitting/Exercisingrrransportation
, l'lle . P3 '18. Come celebrate llli S - HouselFann Nate-hing - Errand Runni-ng
favorite holi (133 with us «us-fumes are Merger of Pet Sitters International
fun-anti optional a (859) 273-7202
f: iii—X Robyn Stockwell
St_ Michaels Integrity Chapter will have regular http:/Mww.petsit.comlmemberslrainbowwatchers
meeting on the second Sunday of the month. 4 pm
at St Michaels Church. 2025 Bellefonte Dr. In
October. we will meet on Oct 14. Integrity is the SOUD ppfgfifi'tsg
Episcopal group for GLBT people. For information VOICES FROM THE lADlES’ ROOM
3“ 277.7511 8.? d astk 10.5”“ {to R'ev. 30"de ev. Voices From the Ladies' Room will take olace on
one. or ernar ’bm egnty@ao .oom. Thursday October 25. at Natasha’s Cafe. 112 Esplanade.
Cancer Support emu” from 8 pm. until 1 am. Thrs event. hosted by Christina
. . . Abraham. Will include readings by some of the region's
There IS a support group starting for lesbians . .
. . best female authors and poets. along wrth musical per—
and their partners who have survrved cancer. We .
. . . formances by several bands. The featured speaker erI
can prowde information and support to each othr . .
. . be Crystal IMlkrnson. author of Blackberries.
concerning treatment chorces. unexpected (or . .
. . .. Blackberries. Cover charge rs $5.
expected) side effects. and how to handle the . . . .
. . Vows From the Ladies Room rs sponsored by
stress. email Fe. femarl@qx.net. We may also . .
. . . . Society of Underground Poets (SOUP). The Working
have Infonhatron about an upcomrng meeting at the .
Pride Center Office 2533233. .Class Kitchen. Inc. 89.9 FM WRVG. Natasha 5 Cafe. and
-. the University of Kentucky Women's
Studies Program.
r-_-------------------- '1
I If you have been receiving a complementary copy or if your mailing I
— I label is yellow. please cut and mail this form today. Thanks! I
lName . Phone # I
lAddress ' I
|City, Sr, Zip I
I $15 Membership and newsletter Additional contribution I
l $20 Couple membership and newsletter 9‘. I
__ .- u ._
: 825 Two year membership and newsletter ( ._..,...a:5;s? :
‘_'" - F
I I would like the newsletter at this reduced rate 9&3? “’ I
| Mail to GLSONews PO Box 11471 Lex, Ky. 4.0575 " l
GLSO page 9

' ' ' A. EDNESDAY, OCT. 31
' " 2 1 l .
‘ t“ - - LEXINGTON'S
~ - LM \_>
t. .' - 224- east main street
" 'e‘é‘éggtfz"s’s‘f‘i§ts“fky
.     ‘2". . . must be 21 Wlth valid Id to enter
‘ . God Bless Ametica

 Call Numbers In Directory 0 Cto b e r' Deadline: October'16 ‘ ' - ' - GLSO News 2001 Sponsors
To Verify Place of Event _
‘ ~ J. Mark Chambem, CPA-oonooououoo266‘8877
Tue Thu
For all your Financial Needs
5 l 1 2 3 5 6 .
g 7Pm GSA 9P Rainbow Bowling 7P Sistahs 8P Gay/Lesbian AA 94 Pride Center Open Bluegrass Fatrnms..........................296-7812
1 1 SP AA Step Study 7PM Discussion Group . .
1 ; 8P Gay/Lesbian AA 2 Keeping our eyes on the Ky- Legislature
' 9:30 Closet Ball. Club 1
i 141 1 Richardson Vision Center ..............278-4201 .
1 1757 Alexandria Dr., Gardenside
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 i’ _ Scott Ackerman...........(voicc mail) 294-2055
’10:30 Faith MCC 7PM Imperial Court 7P GSA 7P Discussion Group 7P GLSO Board 7P Lesbian Movie Night 9A-4P Pride Center _ _
:Concert 7Pm Fairness Steering 9P Rainbow Bowling 8P Gay/Lesbian AA COMING OUT DAY 8P Gay/Lesbian AA Open (mobile Phone)----338-8483 Paul Semomn Realtors E
110245 UU Church 8P AA Step Study 8P Holly Near Concert 1 . '1
:24 Vol'ewa" ! Slstelsound .IIOCOCOOI0....COIOOCOOIOOOIIOI”OOOOZ43-0243 ;
f2:30 Relationship Group _ 1
16P SisterSound ~ -
:7P Lex. Men's Chorus . ‘ Diverse musrc for all women
‘ 1 l 1 - Imperial Court of Kentucky...........252-30l4
514 15 16 17 .19 20 1t - , . .
-1o:3o Faith MCC 7P GSA 7P Men's Night Out 7PM Discussion Group 8P Gay/Lesbian AA 9-4 Pride Center Open A charity organization 1
:10145 UU Church 8P AA Step Study 9P Rainbow Bowling 7:30 Jim Seals . 1
gComing Out Service Presentation (UK The Bar Complex.............................255-155 l 3
52-4 Volleyball Library)
2:30 Relationship Group 8P Gay/Lesbian AA 224 E, Main
.6P SisterSound '
77p Lex' Men's Chms _ i Turner Counseling ..........................269-6497
I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2216 Young Drive, Lexington
10:30 Faith MCC 7P Imperial Court 7P GSA 7PM Discussion Group 7P C.O.L.T.S 8P Gay/Lesbian AA 9-4 Pride Center Open 1
10:45 uu Church 8P AA Step Study 7P Rainbow Bowling 7P Sistahs i Debra Hensley Insurance...m.......276-3 244
31-3 Relationship Group TBA Diva of Darkness 1 _
24 Volleyball 8P Gay/Lesbian AA i 1513 Nicolasville Rd.
3P Classic Movie Night ‘ 1 l
6P SisterSound . .
7P Lex Menus Chorus ’ WIndy KBOII Farmoceoonmooooooo0.0.0.0000299'7410 ,
is l
28 29 30 31 Riding Lessons, Trail Riding, Boarding
10:30 Faith MCC 7P GSA 9P Rainbow Bowling 7PM Discussion Group Lexington Men’s Chorus................231-0090
I 10:45 UU Church 8P AA Step Study 8P Gay/Lesbian AA ! g
1 (23:304230 Relationship 2 O O 1 1 .. Rehearsals start again in September
. roup
1 BF SisterSound l 1 _
1 7P Lex. Menus Chorus i 1 Pegasus Travel no.oucooooo-uoooo-cocoa-0.0.000253 1644
2 7P Read'n , '
l I g l l Donating 1% of your ticket cost to GLSO -
l i
. . . l ..___ _. .,_--
I (‘I on “A PF 11 .

 WHALE WATER Your grandmother has already told and she was 23. They didn't know
By Reinette F. Jones me about you and your friend. I that TaTa was not my first woman
know that times have changed. but but I was her first That's another

"Hi Aunt Martha! It's me. you need to think about the mes— story. let me tell you one story at a
Karen! I am here to interview you sage that comes With that cologne. time. _ '
for the Oral Herstory Archives! How Everything that smells good is not I had not intended to go away
are you feeling today?“ good for you. You hear what I am and stay. I was only going as far as

“i am feeling all right. and I will saying?" Miami. Florida. then I was suppose
be even better when you quit shout- ”Yes. Aunt Martha. I hear you." to come back home and TaTa would
ing at me. I can see you. I can hear ”Good. Now let's get down to take a boat to the \firgin Islands.
you. and I smelled your toilet water business. because that is the whole But one thing led to another and l
before you came through the door- point of your being here today. I am ended up in Christiansted. St Croix.
way. Mars the name of that stuff?“ sure that your grandmother has told And Baby. I was hooked! You hear

~th called Male Water and it you about TaTa. thewoman I met at - what I am saying? It was fike that
is my favorite cologne. Aunt Martha. the Greyhound Bus Station in woman's presence made every-
is this still a good time for us to talk? Detroit. November 1945. She was thing bright in my life.

We seem to be starting off on the barely five feet tall. and she had On the island there were beau-
wrong foot. I can come back anoth- deep dimples and a space between tiful people. beautiful beaches.
er day. I know that you have been her front teeth. And she smelled beautiful weather. and hospitality
underthe weather lately.” GOOD! from one end of the island to the

”Child. this is an old folks home TaTa had finished her time with other. The tourism industry was just
and somebody isalways under the the army and I had been dis- starting. the hurricane scare had
weather. because if we weren't, charged from my factory job. At the passed. and the war was over. all of
then these people would be out of end of the War [W.W.II] the service- which prompted an upswing in the
business. No need for you to be in men were coming back home to economy. I completely forgot about
a huny. Have a seat and tell me their jobs. so the women employ- Paris. Kentucky. because my nose
when they started making Male ees were let go. i was going back was wide open and home was the
Water Cologne for women. In the home to Paris. Kentucky and TaTa furthest thing from my mind.
1940s that was men's cologne. The was destined for Christiansted. St Everyday. TaTa and I would swim in
bottle was glass-blue and it had Croix. the clear blue waters of the
that covert picture on the label; When the bus stopped in front Caribbean Sea. and we would
Mobey Dick with a rush of water of the Paris Public Library. I got off spread a blanket and have dinner
spraying out of his head.“ and TaTa followed me home. Moma on a white sand beach.

“You have a pretty good mem- and Daddy thought that she was Life was carefree and we were
ory Aunt Martha. It's the same one of my Detroit friends who would doing our own thing. we even had
cologne in the same blue bottle. be visiting for a couple of days our own house. Well. it was really
only now there is an image of a before moving on. But your grand— TaTa's uncle's boarding house. but
black whale in the ocean with the mother knewwhatwere about; she he let us have the back room in
tail flipped UP in the air, and a was pretty smart for a 13-year-old. exchange for our taking care of the
splash of water is tossed over the though she coutd never keep a place. So. in a sense. it was our
partially submerged head. It‘s not secret. My sister has always had a house. We cooked together. we
sold in stores anymore. but you can serious case of lose lips. but i love went out together. we were always
order it from a specialty catalog. A herjust the same. together. And to me, that meant
lot of lesbians buy it. Mine was a gift Two days later TaTa and I left mutual love.
from a friend." for Florida. My parents assumed I was in heaven! Those six

“Honey. you don't have to that TaTa had led me astray months on the island made me feel
explain all your business to me. because she was an older and like a full-bloom woman. It wasn't

more experienced woman; lwas 19 anything like the year and a half I

 had spent in Detroit. When I was up North. I had job. go to school. get married, do something. My some-
_ lived with Daddy's sister and her family on Daly thing was to get out of the bed each morning. My days
_ Avenue. It was freezing in the winter. steaming ‘ln were spent on the front porch swing. rain or shine; I was
the summer. and I worked all the time. If I met a waiting on TaTa to come get me. I hadn't unpacked the
woman that I liked. I would have to sneak out of the overnight bag; it was under my bed.
house to meet her somewhere for an hour or two. The Dear Jane letter arrived after about a month.
But in Christiansted, I was in love and I was free. I Your grandmother read it to me. They say that l reacted
told TaTa that l was going to stay on that Island with like a mad woman and threw the overnight bag out the
her forever. backdoor and cried and cussed and kicked it around the
I felt like I was walking on a cloud. until the day yard, and hacked it a few times with the ax before Daddy
I stepped out the door and bumped into my daddy. came out