xt7ngf0mw98j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mw98j/data/mets.xml Shelby County, Tennessee Tennessee Historical Records Survey 1941 Prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey, Division of Community Service Programs, Work Projects Administration; Tennessee State Planning Commission, Sponsor; Shelby County Board of Commissioners and Memphis City Commission, Co-sponsor; Other contributors include: United States Work Projects Administration, Division of Community Service Programs; 114 pages, 28 cm; Mimeographed; Includes bibliographical references and index; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:T 256c/2/no.79 books English Nashville, Tennessee: Tennessee Historical Records Survey Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: Number 79 Shelby County (Memphis) text Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Institutions of Tennessee: Number 79 Shelby County (Memphis) 1941 1941 2015 true xt7ngf0mw98j section xt7ngf0mw98j      i§mm§@®@T@‘x@7@¤@mw_    
Us  / 2/    

5 Prepared by
E The Tennessee Historicel Records Survey
; Division of Community Service Programs
_ Q Work Projects Administration
Q Sponsored by
The Tennessee State Planning Commission
i Cosponsored by
2 Shelby County Board of Commissioners
j Memphis City Commission
  Nashville, Tennessee
·   · The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
3 May 1941

 The Historical Records Survey Program
Sargent B. Child, National Director _
Madison Bratton, State Supervisor ` f
Research and Records Programs gi
. pi
Harvey E. Becknell, Director
Milton W. Blanton, Regional Supervisor O_
T. Marshall Jones, State Supervisor W;
Division of Community Service Programs D
Florence Kerr, Assistant Commissioner
Blanche M. Ralston, Chief Regional Supervisor i
Betty Hunt Luck, State Director R
Howard O. Hunter, Acting Commissioner {
R. L. MacDougall, Regional Director C
S. Tate Pease, State Administrator ;
4 (

 - iii - l
‘ The Directory of Churches, Missions, and Religious Instiéutioms
of Tennss§E5?“i€H5IE§ oisnofjiYRi$E%*E?"¥oiEESs—
E€sY§H€E`YSJSsr?E*Es“IEEHEooks—?6?mETnistars, layman, students, and
research specialists in the field of church history and in sociological
and genealogical investigations. The information contained in this
voluuw will be incorporated in a Stats-wide Directory to be published
at a future dats. The preparation of the Directory is a necessary
preliminary stew to insure completeness of—YE€YEs€$h of all churches in
the Inventory of the Church Archives of Tennessee being issued in ds~
nomiEEEYoHET*€$idEEs'E§*€EE`TEHE€s§E6_Hi€Eor1o&i Records Survey. The
number assigned to this Dirscboryg 79, morsly indicates the alphabetical
position of Shelby among the counties of the Stats.
It is the nature of a directory to defy completion. The absence
of any similar listing, however, and the belief that such a directory
would be of value to students as a handbook have been additional factors
resulting in the issuance of this volumsq The churches, missions, and
religious institutions sro listed by denominations and local affiliations
together with their locations, dates of organizations, and the pastors¥
names and addresses. The preparation of this Directory involved sxamina—
tions of printed and manuscript church mjnutesT_§€5F?E$oks, city and
church directories, and institutional catalogues. Those were supplemented
by personal interviews with religious and institutional officials. Tha`
denominational lists were chsokod with members of the respective faiths.
Dsfunct as well as active churches are included; publications, boards,
and institutions of the denominations in Tennessee arc also indicated.
Shelby County is in the extreme southwest corner of tho State, and
is bounded by the State of Mississippi on the south, hhs Mississippi
River on the west. It is the most populous county in the Stabo, and its
ssst, Mémphis, is the State*s largest cityn Organized in lC20, Shelby
County was formod from a portion of the territory ceded to the United
States by the Chickasaw Indians.
This Directory was compiled by Work Projects Administration workers
under tho EE§€Y¥EE?bn of Robert Casssll, Church Archives Editor of the
Tennessee Survey; Msurino Cantrell, Milford R. Wheeler, Lillian K.
Williams and Aptgur E. Lackey rendered much assistance; the field work
in $hGlby County was conducted by Claude Andorson, Wosloy J. Lester, and
Olon Bostick, under the supervision of James E. Davis, District Supervisor.
This volume was prepared in accordance with instructions from the Washing-
ton office of the Historical Records Survey Program; detailed editorial
comment and criticism of tho book have been wade by Donald A. Thompson,
Assistant Archivist in charge of the Church Archives Inventorissa Typing
of the final draft and cutting of stencils were done by Helen P. Allen,
Edna M. Evans, Dosia L. Pearson, and Lois B. Wintcrsq

This volume is preliminary and is subject to revision. Corrections
and additional information are solicited and should be addressed to the
State Supervisor, 305 Davidson County Courthouse, Nashville.
A list of the publications of the Tennessee Historical Records -
Survey follows the indexes to this Directory. The publications of the
Historical Records Survey projects in all states are limited in number
and in consequence are placed in designated centrally located depositories.
Inquiries requesting the locations of the nearest depositories should be
addressed to the State Supervisors or to the Division of Community Service
Programs, Work Projects Administration, Washington, D. C., for attention
of the Director of the Historical Records Survey Program.
Madison Bratton, State Supervisor
The Tennessee Historical Records Survey
May l5, 1941

l. All addresses in this Directory are in Memphis or in Shelby
. County unless otherwise indicated. In a few instances, names
of churches, institutions, or individuals whose addresses or
- locations are outside of Shelby County have been included because
of their connection with or relation to organizations in Shelby
" County. All of the churches are listed alphabetically under their
denominational affiliations.
2. The full names and addresses of persons mentioned are given in all
cases where the information was available.
5. The exact location of each church or institution is given according
to the latest available information. Rural routes are in the
vicinity of lbmphis unless otherwise indicated. Spelling of street
names follows the Lknphis City Directory (l940).
‘ 4. The date of organization is that claimed officially by the church.
5. The classification system used in this Directory, is, in general,
that used by the United States Bureau of the Census, Religious
Bodies: 1936. The affiliations and chief officials of the various
"T"**""? "*'T"'*" 1 . _l_ . _ . D .
denominations gave been given to avoid any possible conlusion;
publications, boards, institutions, and services in Tennessee per-
taining to the various denominations have also been included.
S. Although this Directory is preliminary to a State-wide listing to
be issued subsequently} all of the information in this volume has
been checked with the various denominational leaders for accuracy
and conmleteness.
7. Besides an alphabetical index of pastors and executives and a church
and institutional name index, this book includes a community index
indicating the location in Shelby County of all the churches listed.
8. Defunct churches, being those which have lapsed or merged with other
churches, are listed wherever information on them was available.
Where indicated, the date given is the organization date, the pastor
is the last regular one serving the church.

 ..Vi .. .
PREFACE ....................................................... iii
EXPLANATORY NOTES ............................................. V
Advent Christian Church ..................................... 1
Seventh Day Adventist Denomination ......................... 1
.ASSEM LIES OF GOD ....................... ........ ............. 2
Missionary Baptists
H Southern Baptist Convention ...................... .... .... 3
Nhssionary Baptists (Colored) _
’ National Baptist Convention, U. S. A., Inc. .............. 7
National Baptist Convention of America ................... 25
Primitive Baptists ......................................... 26
Primitive Baptists (Colored) ............................... 26
CHRISTIAN AND MISSIOIEARY ALLIANCE ............................ ’26
V CHURCH OF CH IST, SCIENTIST .................................. 26
CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE ............................ .... ....... 27
Church of Christ ................. ..... . ......... . ......... . 28
Church of Christ (Colored) ................................. 29
Church of Christ, Holiness ................. ......... ....... 29
Church of God ................. ............. . .............. . BO
Church of God (Tomlinson) ........... ..... .................. SO

 - vii — L
rl Memphis Church of God ........ .... . ..... . .... .. ......... ..... 51
p Unassociated Churches of God ................................ 51
J Church of God in Christ ..................................... 51
Church of the Living God, Christian Workers for Fellowship .. 54
Righteous Supreme Temple of God ............................• 54
Triumph, the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ, Inc. ...... 55
True Church of God •............. .... . .... .. ....... .......... 55
Sanctified Church of Christ ................................• 56
DISCIPLES OF CHRIST ........................................... 57
EASTERN ORTRODOX CHURCH (HELLENIC) ...........................• 58
EVANGELICAL CHURCH, INCORPORATED .............................. 58
I AM ACTIVITY .................... .... ........................» 59
INDEPENDENT CHURCHES AND MISSIONS ............................• 59
INSTITUTIONAL CHAPEIS .......................................... 40
JEHOVAH¤S WITNESSES ........................................... 44
JEWISH CONGREGATIONS ..................... .... .... ......... .... 45
Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America .. 47
The United Lutheran Church in America ....................... 47
The Methodist Church ........... ..... .......................• 48
African Methodist Episcopal Church .......................... 55

 — viii — I
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church ....................... 55
Colored Methodist Church ...................... ............... . 56
MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATIONS .................................. .... .. 59
Church of Jesus Christ ........................................ 59
Pentecostal Holiness Church ........................ ..... ...... 60
PLYMOUTH BRETHREN .................... ...... ..................... 6O
The General Synod of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian I .
Church ........................................ .... .......... GO
Cumberland Presbyterian Church ..............................•• 61
Presbyterian Church in the United States ...................... 65
Presbyterian Church in the United States of America .........•• 65
PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH .................. ....... ............ 67
ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH ....... ..... .............................. 69
_ SALVATION ARMY .............................. .... ...... ......... . 74
Christian Redemption Spiritualist Association of America ...... 75
Christian Spiritual Temple ........... .... .... ...... ........... 75
National Spiritualist Association ... .... . .... . ............. ... 75
Redeeming Christian Spiritual Church .. .... .. .......... . .... ... 75
The Divine Temple of Healing and Spiritualism, Inc. •. .... ..... 76
UNITARIAN CHURCH ............ ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... ....... 76
UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY ............. ..... .......... .... .... 76
YOUNG hEh*S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ......... ..... ..... ..... ......• 76
YOUNG WOMEH*S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION ......... ........ ............ 77

 -· ix - A
Church and Ins*bii:utiL0na1EIame Index ........................... 78
Pas*c0rs* and Execut1ves*Name Index .......................... 91
4 Community Index of Churches .................................. 1OO

Name and Location Date Name and Address
of Church or Organized of Pastor or
Institution Executive
General Conference, 15O Warren St., Boston, Massachusetts.
Rev. Horace L. Thompson, President, ll Carmel St., Chelsea, Massachusetts.
Southern Association of Advent Christian Conferences, 154 W. Seventeenth St,
Jacksonville, Florida.
Rev. Winfield F. Jamison, President, Brunswick, Georgia.
Advent Christian Church (Col.) 1875 Rev. Frank Brown
468 Seventh St. 1525 College St.
General Conference, Takoma Park, Washington, District of Columbia.
Elder J. L. McElhaney, President, Takoma Park, Washington, District
of Columbia.
Southern Union Conference, 487 E. Ponce de Leon Ave., Decatur, Georgia.
Elder John K. Jones, President, Decatur, Georgia.
Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Tennessee: Dr. John C. Thompson,
President, Collegedale, Tennessee. '
Southern Publishing Association, 2119 Twenty—fourth Ave., N., Nashville,
Tennessee: Elder Manley V. Tucker, Superintendent, 2119 Twenty-fourth
Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee. ‘
Southern Tidings: Elder Paul E. Quinby, Editor, Collegedale, Tennessee.
SouthlaHd'Scroll: Elder Paul E. Quimby, Editor, Collegedale, Tennessee.
Kentucky-Tennessee Conference, 200l Twcnty—fourth Ave., N., Nashville,
Tennessee. ‘
Elder Clarence V. Anderson, President, 1804 Lischey Ave., Nashville,
The Watchman lhgazine: Elder James E. Shultz, Editor, 2509 Seifried St.,
Nashville, TonnesEee.
The Message Magazine: Elder James E. Shultz, Editor, 2509 Soifried St.,
Nashville, Tennessee.

- g -
Assemblies of God ’
Seventh Day Adventist Denomination
‘ First Church 1896 Elder Leslie A. Butterfield
N. Parkway and N. Dunlap St. 958 Forrest Ave.
in Mississippi Boulevard Church (Col.) 1918 Elder William H. Winston
1051 Mississippi Blvd. 794 Walker Ave.
_ · Memphis Junior Acadeugr 1910 Elder Leslie A. Butterfield,
V 1590 Forrest Ave. Principal
958 Forrest Ave.
‘ Mississippi Boulevard School (Col.) 1918 Ruby Mounts
1051 Mississippi Blvd. 669 Saxon Ave.
C Defunct
Leffler's Tabernacle Church 1959 Elder George E. Leffler
1218 Mississippi Blvd. 1590 Forrest Ave.
General Council, 556 W. Pacific St., Springfield, Nhssouri.
Rev. Ernest S. Williams, General Superintendent, 556 W. Pacific St.,
Springfield, Missouri.
4 Tennessee District Council, 927 Eastland Ave., Nashville, Tennessee. `
Rev. Henry E. Waddle, District Superintendent, 927 Eastland Ave., Nashville,
Assembly of God 1900 Rev. William E. Pickthorn
960 S. Third St. 1592 Latham St. ·
l Missions
Hollywood Mission 1958 Rev. William E. Lindsey
2272 Chelsea Ave. 2272 Chelsea Ave.
Assenblyof God Mission 1957 Rev. Albert E. Pickthcrn
965 Bella Place 285 Alston Ave.
Assembly’of God Mission 1959 Rev. Benjamin M. Bclk
727 Polk St. 704 Breedlove St.

- 5 -
Missionary Baptists
· Rev. Wi1liam`W. Handlton, Predident, 1220`Washington Ave., New Orleans,
Louisiana. ‘
Rev. Night C. Moore, Senior Recording Secretary, 161 Eighth Ave., N.,
. Nashville, Tennessee.
Baptist Brotherhood of the South: Rev. John`N. RbCal1, Chairman,
816 S. lwin St., hbmphis.
Executive Committee: Rev. Austin Crouch, Executive Secretary, 161 Eighth
I Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee.
Sunday School Board, 161 Eighth Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee: Rev.
William Francis Powell, President, 2906 Oakland Ave., Nashville,
Tennessee. ' '
1 The Baptist Student: Rev. Frank H. Leavell, Editor, 161 Eighth Ave., N.,
“_—NEEhvi1le:—TeHnessee. " "
The Intermediate Counselor: Mary V. Lee, Editor, 161 Eighth Ave., N.,
. Tennessee Baptist Convention, 1%9 Sixth Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee.
Rev. J. G. Hughes, President, Kingsport, Tennessee. '
Rev. John D. Freeman, Executive Secretary and Treasurer, 149 Sixth Ave.,
N., Nashville, Tennessee.
Baptist and Reflector: Rev. O. Wilburn Taylor, Editor, 149 Sixth Ave.,
~_—UYT;*NasHvi11eT~Tenncssee. ` '
Baptist State Mission Board: Rev. John D. Freeman, Secretary-Treasurer,
149 Sixth Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee.
Baptist State Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Department: Rev.
Henry C. Rogers, Director, 149 Sixth Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee.
Carson-Newman College, Jefferson City, Tennessee: Janes T. Warren,
President, Jefferson City, Tennessee. '
Elementary Guide: Andrew Allen, Editor, 149 Sixth Ave., N., Nashville,
Harrison-Chilhowie Baptist Aoadeny, Seymour, Tennessee: Roy Anderson, ` `
President, Seymour, Tennessee. '
Tennessee Baptist Orphans* Home, Brentwood: Rev. William J. Stewart,
Superintendent, Franklin Pike, Franklin, Tennessee. ‘
Tennessee College, Murfreesboro, Tennessee: Merrill D. Moore, President,
Murfreesboro, Tennessee. '
Union University, Jackson, Tennessee: John J. Hurt, President, Jackson,
Shelby County Baptist Association.
Rev. Virtle Edward Boston, lbderator, 698 N. Trezevant St., Memphis.
Ardmore Church 1925 Rcv. Jasper Raymond Burke
Overton Road Rt. 1, Raleigh

- 4 -
Shelby County Baptist Association '
Bartlett Church 1849 Rev. Dwight D. Smothers
Main and Sycamore Sts. Bartlett
_ Bartlett
A Bellevue Church 1905 Rev. Robert G. Lee
Bellevue Blvd. and Court Ave. 1688 Peach St.
Berclair Church 1950 Rev. Janes H. Oakley
Novarese Ave. 566 High Point Terrace
» Big Creek Church 1816 Rev. Jasper P. Neel
v Millington 2451 Hubbard Ave.
Boulevard Church 1907 Rev. Roy O. Arbuckle
S. Parkway and E. Humber St. 1450 S. Wellington St.
on Brunswick Church 1922 Rev. William C. Meacham
p_' Brunswick 1070 S. Cooper St.
Buntyn Street Church 1955 Rev. Luther G. Cannon
Buntyn - 1595 Walker Ave.
Calvary Church 1911 Rev. James Gordon Lott A
‘ Lamar and Euclid Aves. 1556 Euclid Ave.
Capleville Church 1920 Rev. William L. Norris
Capleville Capleville
Central Avenue Church 1875 Rev. Andrew Hardy
5084 Southern Ave. 724 Semmes St.
Central Church 1865 Rev. Ewart A. Autry
Poplar Ave. and Leath St. 710 Semmes St.
Egypt Church 1819 Rev. Jasper P. Neel
Egypt (P. 0. Raleigh) 2451 Hubbard Ave.
Eudora Church 1850 Rev. Barney L. Flowers
Eudora Poplar Pike
First Church 1874 Rev. Henry J. Rushing
Colliervillo Collierville
First Church 1866 Rev. John F. Carter
Cordova Cordova
` First Church 1915 Rev. William C. lbacham
Ends 1070 Cooper St.
First Church 1859 Rev. Robert J. Bateman
Linden and Lauderdale Sts. 252 N. McLean St.

 - 5 - -
Shelby County Baptist Association
A (Continued)
· Fisherville Church 1860 Rev. Freeman Gillespie
- Macon Road 871 Louisiana St.
· Forest Hill Church 1910 Rev. James Riley
_ Irene and Forest Hill Roads Jackson (Madison County)
. Galilee Church 1922 Rev. William P. Cowan
1641 Gaither St. 1514 Barbour St.
· Germantown Church 1845 Rev. Janes Basden
Poplar Pike Germantown
- Highland Heights Church 1914 Rev. Ira Cole
Faxon Ave. and National St. 710 Atlantic St.
Hollywood Church 1918 Rev. Lawrence G. Riley
1452 Oakwood St. 1457 Oakwood St.
1 LaBe1le Church 1890 Rev. Erin P. Baker
Wellington and Edith Sts. 462 Edith St.
Levi Church 1959 Rev. James L. Muskelly
levi Road 1254 Neptune St.
Longview Church 1955 Rev. Robert Palmer
621 Mallory Ave. 1158 Tutwiler Ave.
A Louisiana Street Church 1887 Rev. Freeman Gillespie
875 Louisiana St. 871 Louisiana St.
Lucy Church 1901 Rev. Jasper P. Neel
Lucy 2451 Hubbard Ave.
McLean Boulevard Church 1926 Rev. Davis A. Ellis
Crump Ave. and McLean Blvd. 1820 Crump Ave.
Malcolm Avenue Church 1925 Rev. Malcolm A. Younger
547 Malcolm Ave. 554 Mal colm Ave.
Mallory Heights Church 1956 Rev. B. W. Hudson
2174 Florida St. 1190 Cummings St.
Merton Avenue Church 1906 Rev. lwrk Ferges
527 Merton Ave. 557 Merton Ave.
Millington Church 1885 Rev. Charles S. Brown
Millington and Kerrville Roads Millington
Mount Pisgah Church 1850 Rev. Malcolm A.`Younger
Rt. 2, Cuba (P. 0. lucy) 554 Malcolm Ave.

 v 6 — 4
Shelby County Baptist Association
S (Continued)
National Avenue Church 1925 Rev. William E. Lyles
__ National St. and Kalaher Ave. 5468 Buchanan Ave.
New South Memphis Church 1909 Rev. Stanley M. Lutz
A . Florida St. and Frank Ave. 59 E. Norwood Ave.
Oaklawn Church 1959 Rev. Alford J. Franks
ll Mi. on Benjestown Road ' 975 Pennsylvania St.
Prescott Memorial Church 1916 Rev. J. Carl McCoy
Patterson St. and Mynders Ave. 491 Patterson St.
Raleigh Church 1914 Rev. William F. Carlton
Raleigh Raleigh
Seventh Street Church 1894 Rev. Howard Highfill
574 N. Seventh St. 725 Breedlove St.
Speedway Terrace Church 1918 Rev. Mark H. Harris
601 N. Bellevue Blvd. 706 Dickerson St.
` Temple Church 1909 Rev. Virtle Edward Boston
986 S. Cooper St. 698 N. Trezevant St.
‘ Trinity Church 1905 Rev. Charles E. Myrick
1156 E. bhLemore Ave. 1155 E. McLemore Ave.
Union Avenue Church 1902 Rev. Henry P. Hurt
Union Ave. and Summit St. 51 E. Parkway
l Whitehaven Church 1858 Rev. Willis C. Furr
Whitehaven 1647 Kendale Ave.
Yale Church 1917 Rev. Theodore T. James
2541 Boyle St. 2555 Boyle St.
Chelsea Church 1860 Rev. W. G. Lancaster
Mill Ave. and Sycamore St. Mill Ave. and Fifth St.
Florida Street Church
1655 Florida St.
Johnson Avenue Church 1898 Rev. Tillman T. Thompson
Jackson and Dunlap Sts. 714 Looney Ave.
Mississippi Avenue Church 1895
1189 Mississippi Ave.

- 7 - A
National Baptist Convention, U. S. A., Inc.
p Shelby County Baptist Association
_ ` (Continued)
Missions and Institutions
`A Baptist Memorial Hospital l912 Dr. George D. Sheats,
_ 899 Madison Ave. Superintendent
»,° 350 Hawthorne St.
Sanga Mission 1866 Rev. John F. Carter
Cordova School Road Cordova
. Seventh Street Nhssion 1937 Rev. Malcolm Burke
Empire Ave. and Bellevue St. 632 N. Third St.
Missionary Baptists (Colored)
Rev. David V. Jamison, President, Selma, Alabama
Rev. James M. Nabrit, Secretary, Whites Creek Pike, Nashville, Tennessee.
~ American Baptist Theological Seminary, Whites Creek Pike, Nashville,
· Tennessee: Rev. James M. Nabrit, President, Whites Creek Pike,
Nashville, Tennessee. '
Baptist Lhssionary Training School, Whites Creek Pike, Nashville,
Tennessee: Rev. James M. Nabrit, President, Whites Creek Pike,
Nashville, Tennessee.
V Baptist Young People’s Union Board, 409 Gay St., N&ShVillG, Tennessee:
~ Edward W. D. Isaac, Jr., Secretary, 919 Eleventh Ave., N.,
Nashville, Tennessee.
National Baptist Voice: Rev. Russell C. Barbour, Editor, 412 Fourth
Ave., NT, Nashville, Tennessee.
Old Ministers* Home, Whites Creek Pike, Nashville, Tennessee: Rev. James
M. Nabrit, Superintendent, Whites Creek Pike, Nashville, Tennessee.
Sunday School Inforner: Rev. Lhrshall A. Talley, Editor, 412 Fourth
Ave., N., Nashville, Tennessee. '
Sunday School Publishing Board, Fourth Ave., N., and Cedar St.,
Nashville, Tennessee: Rev. Arthur M. Townsend, Secretary, 708 Cedar
St., Nashville, Tennessee,
Tennessee Missionary’and Educational Convention.‘
RSV. Samuel A. Owens, President, 761 Walker Ave., H€mphiS.
Tennessee Baptist Church News: Rev. D. Albert Jackson, Editor, 328 Patton
St., Knoxville, Tennessee.

- 8 - ‘
National Baptist Convention, U. S. A. Inc. _
Aid and Benevolent Association.
Rev. George W. Hays, Moderator, 746 N. Claybrook St., Memphis.
Annesdale Church 1901 Rev. Enoch B. Danner
` 969 Seattle St. 742 Buntyn St.
Calvary Church 1920 Rev. Cullen Crutcher
505 N. Dunlap St. 1540 Bruce St.
Columbus Church 1921 Rev. George W. Hays
524 Decatur St. 746 N. Claybrook St.
‘ First Church 1927 Rev. James C. Canada
2819 Chelsea Ave. 727 Decatur St.
Friendship Church 1956 Rev. Alfred T. Blake
1685 Harrison St. 2612 N. Trezevant St.
Lake Grove Church 1925 Rev. Horace Robinson
1801 Benton St. 816 Jessamine Place
Marble Avenue Church 1924 Rev. Jessie C. Richardson
1745 Marble Ave. 154 Gaston Ave.
New Bethel Church 1925 Rev. James T. Thomas
2215 Stovall St. 2818 N. Trezevant St.
Paradise Church 1899 Rev. Arthur T. Jones
822 Randle St. 749 N. Claybrook St.
Pilgrimls Rest Church 1926 Rev. Edward Googe
1484 Pillow St. 1611 Webb Ave.
Pleasant View Church 1958 Rev. Jessie Woodward
1410 Washington Ave. 1456 Washington Ave.
St. Matthew¥s Church 1950 Rev. James C. Canada
641 Wicks Ave. 727 Decatur St.
Shiloh Church 1909 Rev. Jam s C. Wade
656 Court Ave. 1756 Swift St.
Spring Hill Church 1956 Rev. John Choffin
72 N. Rcmbert St. 117 N. Barksdale St.
Sweet Hope Church 1928 Rev. Frank Johnston
1101 Springdale St. Marion, Arkansas
Union Valley Church 1927 Rev. Willis C.`Thomas
Rozelle St. 789 Alston Ave.

- g - A`
Aid and Benevolent Association
(Continued) »
. Universal Church 1955 Rev. William Hays
.· 855 L€WiS Si. 749 N. Bellevue Blvd.
· 1 U Defunct
J Fair Deal Church 1950 Rev. George Haynes
.‘ 760 East St. 555 McKinley St.
* Good Samaritan Church 1956 Rev. Jerry B. Dunn
426 Beale Ave. 507 Beale Ave.
Holy Grove Church 1958 Rev. Essex Anderson
1 795 Mississippi Blvd. 504 St. Martin St.
-, Union Grove Church 1924 Rev. James Gates
1210 Brown Ave. 850 Olympic St.
Baptist General Association.
Rev. Albert D. Bell, Moderator, 2654 Carnes Ave., Memphis.
V Bethlehem Church 1890 Rev. Benjamin J. Sykes
279 Ingle Ave. 506 Dison Ave.
·gi Cedar Grove Church 1915 Rev. Noah Jackson
785 Tanglewood St. 781 Tanglewood St.
A Little Rock Church 1915 Rev. John H. Johnson
58 S.`Willett St. 1272 Southern Ave.
l Morning View Church 1905 Rev. John H. Johnson
1624 Carnegie Place 1272 Southern Ave.
l Mount Moriah Church 1885 Rev. Albert D. Bell
2658 Carnes Ave. 2654 Carnos Ave.
Nbunt Nebo Church 1900 Rev. Roy Love
555 Vance Ave. 565 Vance Ave.
Mount Olive Church 1924 Rev. Lieutenant D. Sanders
Auction and Jackson Aves. 298 Dixie Mall
Mount Pleasant Church 1927 Rev. John W. Sinclair
459 Boston St. 2671 Carnes Ave.
new Bethel Church 1895 Rev. Clifton L. Goldsby
1006 Texas St. 610 Weakley Ave.
New Bethel Church 1870 Rev. Arthur Edmondson
Park Road Germantown

- 10 -
Baptist General Association .
_ __; (Continued)
" New Era Church 1922 Rev. Frank Briscoe
797 Laurel St. 797 Boston Ave.
A New Friendship Church 1905 Rev. William M. Brown
__ . 876 Brunswick Place 867 Alston Ave.
it 1 New Hope Church 1951 Rev. Joe NbClelland
2731 Enterprise Ave. 891 Delaware Ave.
C 7 New Hope Church 1875 Rev. Ed L. Moseley
_: President Island 205 Driver St.
V1 C New Mount Zion Church 1908 Rev. Lieutenant D. Sanders
_ _ _ 1425 S. Main St. 298 Dixie Mall
C New Philadelphia Church 1878 Rev. Samuel L. Thompson
White Road 857 Josephine St.
_ White Station
" New Sardis Church 1876 Rev. Charles Campbell
_ Germantown Collierville
Pleasant View Church 1929 Rev; James H. W&1k9f
V 2328 Hunter Ave. 2351 Hunter Ave.
V Rising Sun Church 1921 Rev. Emanuel Johnson
4 1866 Castex St. 685 E. Georgia Ave.
Rising Sun Church 1915 Rev. Darcy C. Patterson
581 Plum St. 492 Wicks Ave.
1 St. Johnls Church 1899 Rev. D. Sylvester Battle
1345 N. Holmes St. 790 Walnut St.
St. Mark's Church 1889 Rev. Janes Dammons
Collierville Collierville
Summerfield Church 1926 Rev. Gabe B. Riley
Britton St. and Nedra Ave. 95 Lucy Ave.
· Tree of Life Church 1918 Rev. Otis C. Reed
58`W. Colorado Ave. 58 W. Colorado Ave.
Defunct l
‘ Evergreen Church 1924 Rev. Silous L. Green
955 Monroe Ave. 47 S. Dudley St.

— 11 -
Brotherhood Union Aid District Association
Rev. Edward Willis, Moderator, 227 S. Third St., Memphis.
Ellis Grove Church 1928 Rev. John E. Goldsby
ll Creamatory Alley 555 N. Second St.
Live Stone Church 1954 Rev. Robert Riggins
498 N. Front St. 544 Mill Ave.
Nbunt Hebron Church 1950 Rev. Edward Willis
578 Linden Ave. 227 S. Third St.
St. Luke*s Church 1911 Rev. Edgar L. Dunigan
575 Pontotoc Ave. 656 McKinley St.
Solonmn's Chapel 1940 Rev. Edward Clark
585 S. Third St. 585 S. Third St.
Zion Hill Church 1951 Rev. Henry Greer
685 S. Fourth St. 692 Hernando St.
Chickasaw Educational District Association.
Rev. Samuel M. Edwards, lhderator, 675 Whittington St., Memphis.
Belmont Church 1906 Rev. Edward B. Toney
Millington Road Rt. 1, Lucy
Golden Leaf Church 1907 Rev. Charles S. Weeden
976 Peach Ave. 974 Peach Ave.
New Salem Church 1925 Rev. John B. Hooker
678 Tillman St. 1265 Dunnavant St.
Old Salem Church 1928 Rev. Lee Crawford
666 Scott St. 572 Lipford St.
St. Markis Church 1918 Rev. Troy J. West
1581 Kney St. 654 Madison Ave.
Trave1er*s Rest Church 1956 Rev. Samuel M. Edwards
609 Polk Ave. 675 Whittington St.
Emanuel Missionary and Baptist Educational District Association.
Rev. Henry Peterson, hbderator, 1286 E. McLemore Ave., Memphis.
Calvary Church 1955 Rev. Lee E. Williams
252 S. Third St. 220 Gayoso Ave.
Centennial Church 1952 Rev. John B. Trent
416 Beale Ave. 416 Beale Ave,

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Emanuel Missionary and Baptist Educational District Association
Golden Rule Church 1956 Rev.`Wi1liam Crawford
814 Estival Place 2685 Carnes Ave,
Longview Church 1958 Rev, John L. Guy
769 Marshall Ave, 710 Latham St,
Morning Star Church 1929 Rev, James M, Mabrey
1249 Pioneer St, 1605 Barton St,
Mount Calvary Church 1954 Rev, William D. Cox
464 N. Seventh St, 480_N. Front St,
Mount Olive Church 1940 Rev, John West
7 555 St, Paul Ave, » 555 St. Paul Ave,
New Grove Church 1952 Rev, John A, Curtis
712 Louisa St, 916 Latham St,
how Zion Church 1954 Rev, John L. Kierman
757 East St, 784 Linden Ave,
Palestine Church 1927 Rev, Joseph`W, Green
2521 Devoy Ave, 2856 Harrison St,
Peterson Chapel 1954 Rev, Henry Peterson “
75 Winchester Ave, 1286 E. McLerwre Ave,
Pleasant Valley Church 1940 Rev. Peter Watkins
459 N. raaessas St, 408 Alabama Ave,
Liberty Church 1958 Rev. Edward D. Gilbert
G25 Neptune St, 506 E, Georgia Ave.
Friendship District Association.
Rev, Jessie L, Campbell, Moderator, 1287 S. Parkway E., Memphis.
Antioch Church 1898 Rev, John H. Griffin
H, Bellevue Blvd, 5202 Douglas Ave,
Belmont Church 1869 Rev, Francis R. Nelson
5 hi. South of Arlington 2208 Stonewall St.
Bethlehem Church 1885 Rev. James R. Bibb
Ayers and Looney Aves, 1115 Bamrwl Ave,
Bethlehem Church 1889 Rev, Arthur Williams
Rosemark and Kerrville Roads Kerrville

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Friendship District Association
(Continued) —
Burney Chapel 1932 Rev, Alphonse Crawford _
Shelby Drive 1319 Springdale St,
Bush Grove Church Ho, 1 1879 Rev, John B. Hooker
1 Mi.`West of Brunswick 1263 Dunnavant St.
Bush Grove Church No, 2 1868 Rev, James H. Greer
Arlington and lemphis Roads 235 E, Virginia Ave,
Canaan Church 1903 Rev, Cornelius J. Barton
Old Tipton Road 1317 Barbour St,
Central Church 1884 Rev, Elvin V. McGee
Bartlett Bartlett
Early Grove Church 1902 Rev, Arthur J. Campbell
557 Lester St, 1287 S. Parkway E.
Ebenezer Church 1869 Rev, Mack Peterson
Henry Ave, and H, Main St. 1286 E. McLemore Ave,
First Church 1881 Rev, John W, Warford
Millington 1458 Washington Ave,
First Church 1868 Rev, James F. Collins
Bartlett 2889 Princeton St,
First Church 1890 Rev, Charles 0. Money
Eads Eads
Friendship Church 1904 Rev, Francis H. Nelson
809 Randle St, 2208 Stonewall St,
Fullview Church 1870 Rev, Wilson S. Jackson
Old Brownsville and Jackson Roads 799 Mississippi Blvd.
Gilfield Church 1870 Rev, Henry R. Brown `
2 Mi. North of Bolton 168 W, California Ave,
Gray’s Creek Church 1864 Rev, Early V. Jones
Air Line Road 1655 Oakwood Ave,
Greater Lount Zion Church 1914 Rev, Spencer 0, Chatman
1414 Davis St, 841 Baltimore St,
Hhmmond Grove Church 1895 Rev,`Wi1liar1P, Tate
Arlington { 762 Castle St,

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Friendship District Association
(Continued) .
Hil1’s Chapel 1912 Rev, Isaac H. Jenk