xt7ngf0mtf01 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mtf01/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-05-19  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 19, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 19, 1950 1950 1950-05-19 2013 true xt7ngf0mtf01 section xt7ngf0mtf01 The Kentucky Kernel

Pershing Rifles

Cloudy And Warm;

Scattered Showers




New Kentuckian
Schedule Announced

Graduation Ceremony
To Be In Field House


on permanent plaques
which will occupy recessed wall
panels In the Coliseum entry ramps.
The building, costing four million
dollars to build, was over three years
In construction.
Total seating capacity of the
structure Is 12.000 during basketball
games and with the addition of folding chairs 15.000. Approximately
one - third of the seats are of the
theater type and the remainder are
of the bleacher type. More than 80
percent of the permanent seats are
at the side of the court.
Permanent Basketball Court
tv,. basketball court, laid on a
of concrete, is permanent
and cannot be removed.
Because of near acoustical perfla
tion, the auditorium can be used for
lectures and concerts as well as
,n -tc onti nnvntinn mH iii
ADpear-merc- e
UniVersity convocations.
anccs nave aiready been scheduled
bv James Meltorii tne London


Formal Dedication

Scheduled May 30
By Bob Fain
More than 1600 students, 300 over
the previous mark, will be graduated June 2 during ceremonies held
In Memorial Coliseum. Another tea
ture of graduation week events will
be the formal dedication of the new- ly constructed Coliseum May 30.
Principal speaker for the com- mencemcnt program win be John
Sherman Cooper, former U.S. Sena- tor ana now special consultant to
the Secretary of State. Also on the
list of speakers are Dr. Daniel A.
Polini. president and editor of the
Christian Herald. His will be the
baccalaureate message.
Thomas A. Ballontine, president
of the Louisville Chamber of Com- will speak at the alumni ban- ouet June 1. Dr. J. D. Williams.
of the University of Miss- and Dr. Henry H. Hill, pres- Peabody College of Nash- of
will be commencement lunch- eon speakers.
Fourteen C'!xs Reunions
The commencement week will also
see the reunions of 14 separate
classes of the alumni. Most out- standing of the classes will be that
or 1900. Most of these groups are
planning reunion dinners and
luncheons and at least one informal



Memorial Coliseum will be dedl- cated in honor of the 9265 Kentuck- ns who lost their lives during the
last war. Their names have been


Cos-ide- nt

Lecturers Include Elmer Davis,
Charles Launhton, and Mrs. Eleanor
Roosevelt. Part of the permanent
equipment includes a large electric
organ, facilities for radio and tele- vision broadcasts, and ample 6pace
for the working press,
Offices in the building Include
those for all coaches, and athletic
directors, and the sports publicity
offices. Also located in the new
building are locker rooms for foot-l- a
ball, basketball, baseball, and all
minor sports.


This project will be financed largely by the proceeds of the ODK sales.
A total of (2000 Is now in the ODK
project fund for this purpose.
To date, the lowest bid received
has been submitted by the University Department of Maintenance
and Operations. The Department
presented a figure of (3500 for completion of the project, now definitely
planned for the summer months.
To increase its funds, ODK asked
for and received from the Student
Government Association, an appro
priation last week for $500.
The remainder of the estimate,
approximately $1000 will be advanced to the organization by the
University, to be liquidated by ODK
from tag sales this fall.
When all bids on the project are
in the hands of the committee headed by Mr. Prank D. Peterson, comptroller of the University, the contract will be let, and work will commence as soon as possible. Both
ODK and the University expect the
project to be completed well before
the fall, 1950, semester.

1925 Grad
To Address
UK Alumni
Thomas A. Ballatinc, president of
the Louisville Chamber of Commerce
and a member of the class of 1925.
will be principal speaker at the
University's alumni banquet June 1,
Miss Helen King, secretary of the
Alumni Association, has announced.
Ballantine received his law
from UK In 1925 and has prac-



nalism sophomore, was appointed
editor of The Kentuckian. Nell
Blair, journalism senior, was named
summer editor of The Kernel.
Tyroler Is Named

Other Kentuckian appointments

Vrlzes of law books ranging In
value from five to fifty dollars will
be awarded to outstanding students
in the College of Law. The coopera
tion of law book publishers will make
It possible for these to be awarded
annually beginning this year.
Prizes will be given to the winners
In the Law Club
and runners-u- p
competition. Books will be awarded
performance in practice
for the best
court and to the three students who
make the best contributions to the
Law Journal.
I-- M
Books for outstanding scholastic
achievement will go to the students
having the highest standings In
their first, second, and third year
work; to the student making the
greatest improvement between the
first and second years and to the
one making the best scholastic progress in the senior year.
The student having the highest
More than 65O0 high school stu cumulative standing at graduation
dents from various schools all over will receive an award along with
the state attended the twenty-sixt- h
those having the highest grade in
annual State High School Music each of the required courses.
Festival held on the campus last
week. The event was sponsored by
the UK Extension Department.
Of the total, approximately 4000
competed in the vocal section and
the remainder were competitors In
the Instrumental section. The proPositions in Girl Scout and welgram ended Friday night, with the fare work have been accepted by
program presented by the 700 voice four UK girls. The appointments
all state chorus.
will become effective Immediately
Judges in the event were profes- following the student's graduation.
sors Nathaniel Patch, Ford MontThe girls, all of the Department
gomery, and James R. Floyd, all of of Social Work, are Sara Mae Green
the UK Department of Music; who will go to Cleveland as district
Donald Allton, University of Oregon; director of Girl Scouts of Cleveland.
Haskell Boyter, Atlanta City school Mrs. Marjorie Rhorer will join the
system; and Charles F. Bryan, Pea-bo- staff of the Louisville Welfare DeCollege.
partment, and Nancy Ramey and
Betty Gorham have accepted positions In New York with the Henry
Street Play School.

6500 Attend
Music' Festival

Speech Ends
Language Meet

Veterans Changing Colleges
Must Get VA Approval
Any veteran planning to change
colleges within the University must
apply at the Veterans Administra10 for
tion between May
permission to do so. Such changes
must have prior approval by the
VA in order to be effective.
Also any veterans who wish to
transfer from the University of
Kentucky to another institution
may file a Supplemental
Certificate of Eligibility beginning on

Educators from 23 states, Canada,
and England participated in the
third annual Foreign Language Con-

ference which was held on campus
last week. Theme of the conference
and keynote of many of the lectures
and papers presented was "Ways to

International Understanding

Dr. Irwin T. Sanders, "Distinguished Professor of the Year," gave the
opening addressT "His "topic was "A
Study of Social Change: The Peasant in Eastern Europe."
"Thirty million Eastern European
peasants now are faced with the
threat of ultimate class liquidation tion by Dr. Carl T: Schreiber, curaas a result of Communism's postwar tor of the collection for 22 years.
spread through Russian satellite
Schlesinger Praises Goethe
countries," Dr. Sanders said.
Earlier, the conference delegates
Korfmacher Speaks
Dr. William C. Korfmacher, head had heard an address by Dr. Edmond
Schlesinger of the University of
of the Department of Classical Languages at St. Louis University, told Louisville in which he called the
greatthe UK audience "it is time to pro- German author a man "whose
vide our educational ship with sturdy ness illuminates the ways to international understanding."
Dr. A. J. Dickman, head of the
Foreign languages, he said, would
Department of Modern and Classical
naprovide one such anchor for the
Languages at the University of
tion's general education program. Wyoming, warned that the United
Language study is a distinct service States must continue its European
to the student of English, helps to aid program or risk all that has been
gained by the millions of postwar asbanish provincial outlooks, and pro- sistance.
McCann, student in the Col- vides a ready means of understandBill
Dr. Dickman, a native of Belgium
lege of Law and a member of Phi ing other peoples, the speaker con- but now an American citizen, stated
Delta Theta social fraternity, has tinued.
In an address at the conference's
been elected president of the Interclosing session, that Western EuroDelegates heard a description of peans still
fraternity Council for the coming
fear Germany more than
the Yale University Goethe collec- - they do Russia.

UK Coeds Accept
Social Welfare Jobs


Troupers To Give
Final Show Tonight

The UK Troupers, University talent organization, will give the final
performance of their spring show
tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni Gym.
Tickets for tonight's show are on

sale at Williams Drugs. Graves Cox.
Saloshin Drug, and Shackleton's.
Tickets are 60c for adults and 30c
for children. .

Interfraternity Men

Name McCann Leader


if "



""f f0


:i tit?









law In Louisville



versity Athletic Association.
Other speakers at the banquet,
which will honor 14 University
classes from 1900 to 1944. will be J
Stephen Watkins. president of the
Alumni Association; President H- - L.
Donovan, who will greet the alumni
on behalf of the University: and
President Emeritus Prank L. McVey,
who will speak especially to the
all of which
rlases from
craduated under his administration
Returning classes will include the
classes of 1900, 1903 through 1906.
1922-192- 5.

1910. 1922 through 1925, and 1941
through 1944. Members of the class
of 1900 will reecive Golden Jubilee
certificates. Members of the College

crowning ceremony
Follows Parade

First and second attendants In the
May Day Court were Mary Jo Rid- ley. Alpha Delta Pi. and Jane Bar- stu- nett. Alpha Gamma Delta.
Robert Gregory,
dent from Covington, has been attendants were Doll Price, Kapua
elected president of Lances, junior Delta: Barbara Powell, Patterson
Nancy Camp, Delia Delta Del- men's leadrrrjiip honorary society.

President Of Lances












UK Professor
Given Award



Gorden God bey. head of the
Materials of
Bureau of Audio-Visuthe Department of University Ex- -'
tension, has been awarded a fellow- ship for one year of graduate study
at Harvard University.
Godbey was the only Kentuckian
to receive one of the fellowships.
offered for the first time this year
by the Harvard Graduate School of
Education. Only five fellowships
were awarded for a period of two
Godbey. who will leave Sept. 1 and
return July 1. 1951. was chosen In a
competitive examinalion which Included a seven hour exam, a statement of his purpose, and an evaluation of his life history.
Under the terms of the fellowship,
Godbey may study for nine months
in any field he chooses. After
his studv he Dlans to re- Sume his duties at the University.

Carolyn Critchlow Crowned As May Queen;
PiKA And KAT Have Prize Winning Floats

Movie, "Nicholas Nickleby",
Has Three Show ings Today

Dris Walker. Independent: the Rainbow." Honorable mention
Janice feune Alpha Xl Delta. and was given to the Alpha Gamma Rho
fraternity float of Lincoln's BirthDoris Eith, Kappa Kappa Gamma.
day, and the Alpha Delta Pi sororMiss Critchlow, junior art major, ity float, "Stardust."
was is, recently named "Sweet- New members admitted into Suky.
heart of Sigma Chi," and first at- - after a year's training period were
tendant to the Kentuckian beauty announced at the May Day Dance
queen. president of Kappa Alpha Saturday night in the SUB. They
rh.t. nrnritv.Sigma holds member.- are Bob Link. Joe Grimes, John
and the Pan- Godfrey, Marjorie King. Julie
ship in Tau
hellenic Council.
Dan Candiff. Elolse Cook-seJoyce Alman, and Dave Bere.
Suky awarded' trophies for the
winning floats in the May Day Pa- - 'Jo Ann McKenna. Patsy Haynle,
rade to PI Kappa Alpha fraternity, Robert Layman. Bobby Dean Yates,
whose float title was Independence Bill McCluie. Betty Rigglcs, Lou
Day, and to Knppa Alnlia Tlieta Tombs, Marlcnc Miller, Keva
sorority for their lloat tilled "Over can, and Kenneth Fagan.



Nickleby", based


the novel by Charles Dickens and
starring Sir Cedric Hardwick and

Senior Lunch
Will Be June 2

A commencement
luncheon in
honor of the graduating seniors and
their families will be held in the
Bluegrass room of the SUB Friday,
June 2 at 12:30 p.m.
Tickets for the annual event can
be purchased for $1.25 each at any
of the Deans' offices and at the of- ,
Miss Martha Graham Hill, so- flee of the Social Director, room
prano, and instructor in the School 122, SUB. These tickets must beiT
of Music at the University of Louis- purchased before 4 p.m. Wednesday.! IO
ville, will present an hour's program May 31 Miss Margaret Bruce
students attending the
In the Guignol Theatre, Wednesday, Cruise, chairman of the luncheon. University wno complete one or more
at 8 p.m.
semesters, but who do not obtain a
The luncheon is under the dircc- - degree, will be given certificates of
This is an exchange program with
the UK Music Department. The tion and sponsorship of the Com- - attendance. Dr. A. E. Bigge. foreign
public is invited to attend.
nieiicement Committee.
student adviser, has announced.

Derie Bond, will be shown today in
Memorial Hall at 3 p.m., 7 p.m.,
and 9 p.m. Admission is 40 cents.

Louisville Soprano
To Sing At Guignol


ual drill for the American Legion officer and a gentleman.
rw i
Man of War Post No. 8 are Com
Air Force Association Medal, to
a journalism junior, is
pany A. W. E. Fluhr, and C. M. the outstanding distinguished mem- - ' Tyroler. managing
editor of The
B'J' L Ki"?sbury ber of senior division Air ROTC; .j
He is
Zeta Beta Tau fraternity and for
- sociation Medal, to the outstanding mer manager of the track team.
Bralnard and B. G. Baltzell; Company D, T. B. McHugh and D. R. ROTC communications
Lafayette Hotel Dorr, a Commerce manager. is now
Dowden; Company E. F. V. Ramsey (Signal Corps);
and W. S. Magoffin; Company F, Trophy, to the member of first year assistant bubs in ess Delta Tau He is
H. J. Grail and B. C. Gibson; Squad
advanced having the highest aver- social chairman
ron A, L. T. Walters and O. V. Tur- age in military science for the year fraternity, a member of SGA. the
ner; Squadron B, J. I. Gregory and 1949-5Kiwanis Club Trophy, to Student Union Board. Scabbard and
R. M. Short; Squadron C, F. P. Cox the member of second year basic Blade, and the College Chamber of
and L. C. Flowers; Squadron D, having the highest average in mili- Commerce. journalism junior, works
Macke. a
William D. Hamby and William G. tary science for the year 1949-5Rose; Squadron E, M. K. Abbott and Phoenix Hotel Trophy, to the mem- on the Kernel copy desk and is a
C. Baumann; and Squadron F, F. E. ber of first year basic having the member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraGalloway Jr., and L. G. Peleske.
highest average in military science ternity. Also a recent initiate of
and the Lex- Mortar Board. Miss Hilling is asfor the year 1949-5Awards To Be Presented
ington Leader Trophy, to the mem- - sistant news editor of the Kernel.
At the close of the program the ber of the ROTC rifle team having A Journalism junior, she Is a mem-th- e
highest record in team compe- - ber of T"" Sigma Phi. editor and
vice President of the Newman Club.
Cadet Captain Mack J. Morgan ,na nauonai recoraing secretary 01
will command the Pershing Rifles the Newman Club Federation.
Joan Cook, journalism senior, is a
exhibition drill and Cadet Lt. Wil1
liam F." Lawson the Confederate member of The Kernel advertising
staff and has held the positions of
drill squad exhibition drill..
Judges for ail competitive drill are business manager and assistant
Lieutenant Colonel Ralph L. Dal- - managing editor. She is also assistton. Inf., Ft. Knox; Major James R. ant business manager of the
a member of the WBKY
Sykes, Inf.. Ft. Knox: Major Verdier
E. Moore. USAF. Godman Air Force radio staff, and publicity chairman
Base: and Capt. John F. Turnbull, of Alpha Delta PI sorority.
Board Members Listed
USAF. Godman Air Force Base.
In case of inclement weather the Lee. journalism junior, and a
member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraprogram will be held in Alumni
ternity, works on The Kernel copy
desk and was head feature writer.
Fain, also a journalism junior,
'Whphi MUiH,.M
news desk
works on
is a

At the left President Donovan congratulates Carolyn Critchlow UK's 1950 May Queen
while Frank Maturo. incoming president of Sl'KY looks on. President Donovan crowned
Miss Critchlow in formal coronation ceremonies held in the football stadium Saturday
afternoon following the Sl'KY sponsored May Day parade. Above Miss Critchlow is shown
flanked by attendants. Members of Sl'KY served as escorts to the queen candidates. The
queen wore white and attendants were dressed in pastel. Miss Critchlow. who is president
of the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority, was first attendant to the Kentuckian beauty queen
earlier this year.

of Engineering's class of 1920 also
will return to celebrate the thirtieth
year of their graduation.
Carolyn Critchlow Kappa Alpha
The annual meeting of the Alumni
Association at which officers for Theta candidate for May Day
the coming year will be announced Queen. received the royal crown
will be held immediately after the from President Herman L. Donovan
at the May Day coronation cere- banquet.

Bob Gregory Elected

annual. ROTC
The twenty-eight- h
Military Field Day will be held on
Stoll Field, Monday at 2 pm.
The program will include company
and squadron competitive drill. Individual competitive drill, exhibition
drill by Pershing Rifles, and an exhibition drill by the Confederate
drill squad.
Companies A and D, commanded
by Cadet Capt. D. C. Stamer, and
Cadet Capt. D. C. Newberry, representing the army, and squadrons B
and E representing the Air Force
and commanded by Cadet Capt. Eugene Spencer and Cadet Capt. C. A.
McLain, drill for the Col. George D.
Freeman Trophy.



Other appointments to the

mer Kernel staff are Joe Lee. managing editor, and Bob Fain, news
Miss Anderson, a recent initiate
of Mortar Board, has worked on the
Kernel news desk and copy desk
this year, and as a reporter. She is
also an associate editor of the Kentuckian. Her other activities include
Theta Burma Phi. Alpha Lambda
Delta. VWCA cabinet. Pitkin Club,
and the Women's Glee Club. She
was the recipient of the Kentucky
Press Association award last year.
following awards will be presented:
The recipient of the Kentucky
University of Kentucky Cup, to Press Association award at the
company or squadron with the high- Honors Day convocation this year.
est scholastic average: Reserve Of Miss Shinnick is managing editor
ficer Association. Central Kentucky of the Kentuckian. She was asso- Chapter, Awards, to outstanding
first year advanced students and- chi Omega sorority, she is publicity
graduating seniors In Infantry. Ah- chairman or Troupers, a member of
Force, and Signal Corps; Rotary Phi Sigma Iota. Alma Magna Mater.
Club Trophy, to member of advanc- - women's Athletic Association, and
ed ROTC selected by his classmates
e Koffee Klub.
as excelling in requirements
fori Newj
of The Kernel this
good citizenship; Cooperative Club year and
summer. Nell Blair
to advanced was assistant news editor, on the
ROTC student selected by a board news desk staffi ,nd
reporter last
of Army and Air Force Officers as Tear she is also a member of Del- mose
ouisiancung ana as possessing
7.'o mnvirv mnA

28th ROTC Field Day
Will Take Place Monday


'"f--K hi

graduation. He is now president of
the Louisville Taxicab and Transfer
Company and a director of the Uni-

made by the Board of Publications
are Charles Tyroler. managing editor, and Fred Dorr, business manager.
Dick Macke was named managing
editor of the fall Kernel and Rosemary Hilling was appointed news
editor. Joan Cook was elected business, manager for both the summer
and" fall Kernel.
Other fall appointments include Bob Gorham,
sports eldtor; Clara Early, society
BUI Mansfield,
editor, and
Whitmer and Edward M. Coffman,
assistant news editors.
Faia Is News Editor

Newly appointed editors and staff members of the Kernel and Kentuckian are, top row, left to right: Nell Blair, summer Kernel editor;
Janet Anderson, fall Kernel editor; Mary Shinnick, Kentuckian editor; Dick Macke, fall Kernel managing editor; and Charles Tyroler,
Kentuckian managing editor.
Bottom row, left to right: Fred Dorr, Kentuckian business manager; Rosemary Hilling, fall Kernel news editor; Joan Cook, fall Kernel
business manager; Joe Lee, summer Kernel managing editor; and Bob Fain, summer Kernel news editor.

de-g- re


Publications Board
Appoints Seven
Others To Staffs


Three editors-in-chiand seven
other editors and staff members
were appointed to The Kentucky
Kernel and The Kentuckian by the
Board of Student Publications Tuesday afternoon.
Janet Anderson, journalism junior, was named editor of the fall
Kernel, and Mary Shinnick, jour-

Eight Pole Lighting System
Will Illuminate
Arrangements are being completed
this week for the Installation of an
eight-pol- e
lighting system on the
intramural field behind Alumni Oym
by Omicron Delta Kappa, national
senior men's leadership honorary,
and University officials.
Preliminary plans drawn by the
electrical engineering department
call for three large poles on each
side of the field with an additional
pole at each end. The system will
include no overhead wires, all being encased In underground con-


Best Students
In Law Study
To Get Books

harm0nic Orchestra. Arthur Ruben-Issipp- u
steillf jascha Heifetz. the Don
MCk choruSi and the Dallas Sym-vill- e,
phony Orchestra,


Blair, Anderson, Shinnick Named
Editors Of Kernel And Kentuckian

Kentuckians will be distributed
to undergraduates who have sub5
from 9
scriptions on May
a.m. to 4 p.m. in Room 55. McVey
Hall. Students should bring their
Distribution to graduating seniors wiU begin on May 26. Subwill not be
scription receipts
needed. Seniors with names beginning with A through H may
get the Kentuckian on May 26, I
through P on May 29,t and Q
through Z on May 31.
On Wednesday, May 31. anyone
who did not get Kentuckians at
the scheduled time may pick them
up. Students who do not have
subscriptions may sign for them.
They will be distributed if there
are any remaining copies.
A distribution date for seniors
graduating in August will be announced later.
Yearbooks MUST be claimed by
Jan. 1, 1951, or the plaim wlU be




Members of the Board of Student
Publications are Dr. Frank D. PeterDr.
son. University Comptroller:
Niel Plummer. head of the Department of Journalism: Charles M.
Patrick, editor of the Kentuckian;
George Reynolds, editor of the Kernel, and Jerry Jones, president of
the Student Government Association.


Of TInmP Vr

fo Hold ODen


The Home Economics staff and
classes will hold open house from
Tuesday afternoon. May 23 at
the Home Economics building.
Fifty guests have been invited Including parents of the stu
heads of the departments on cs.
and other friends.

com-nletin- sr

Certificates Available
r Ordgn


Students May Obtain
Registration Car "3 Early
Students planning to register for
the sammer session and those who
will not attend summer school bat
who expert to register for the fall

in September,



tain registration cards at a special
booth in the bawment of the Administration Building. The booth
will be open from
a.nv, and
2-- S

p.m. on May


� The Kentucky Kernel
vrned articles end columns ee tn be
considered the opinwns ct the writers Kentucky Intercollegiate Press Association
themselves, and do not necessarily reflect
Lexington Board of Commerce
the opinion of The Kernel.
Kentucky Press Association
National Editorial Association
Fnterfd at th Post

O'Hc at lxineton.
ky, as mror.d class matter under

im UHtn


Utc Act of March 3, 1679.



RATES (1.00

George Reynolds
Bob Cox

YO. M. Y.


If another method
ing for the teacher, but with less
is con(The following was contributed by a chemistry student, and Is, in all fallacies for the students
probability, of interest to his fellows. But for the life of us, we don't know sidered desirable and necessary. I
surest that next to the possibilities
what it means
of true or false a third choice is per- :'
mitted in the case of doubt due to
I trust, fellow sufferer, that you
unscientific, childish ana contusing
Spent your last hours in the Annex revising?
That noose around your neck.
Arbitrarily I think of the stateWas it hard upon the apple?
ment: "Most deposit accounts in
And the Arsenic he slipped
commercial banks are insured"
Into your Unknown Scrapple;
confusing statement because one
lame you?
Did it
miht thin! that "in any com- Did it pain you?
mercial bank most
Did it blister, burn, or maim you?
are insured," which is false, be
cause it is the commercial bank and
Many times he's made amendments to
not its
that are inYour Iron constitution.
sured and if the commercial bank is
Digesting lead or steel Instead
are ininsured all
Of lobsters at a luncheon.
sured; U it is not, then none are inour bones grew
Every time we lost an ear or caught
It can never be said that "most
Some acid on our suit so dear.
are insured." In
l- -,r
Rest assuredly this course would have been gone
such doubtful cases, the student
Had the shoveling been done by Long.
should be permitted to give "the true
statement in his own wording."
Or could recitation been in better hands
Than under the direction of this Kibler ' man?
Though this may seem not as
Forgive me, if this poem sounds crazy
because besides the T's
means a daisy
or F's. the doubts have to be graded,
For I fear it
including the individual wordings,
On MY vest by Friday s Final.
it will appear that this fear is unBy the ruffians we've enrage-e- d
rounded. Just as the value of the
We've been slightly disengage-e- d
Federal Deposit Insurance CorporaFrom our ribs and hips and
tion is its bank examination before
Other things more spinal.
actual bank insurance, the existence
Saturday's dawn will surely find us.
will be the
of the
bravely, staunchly home.
safeguard against ns own use.
arms, behind us
Wagging our burnt off
The teacher who knows that
Dragging our heads by the hair it's grown.
doubted statements will take a lot
Dear Murderers: Become revertirers!
more cf his grading time, will, think
Dear Murderees: Pray rest at ease!
twire before living an incomplete,
childish, unscientific wording to his
For Chemistry will never, never pay
and clear questions can
Until Scheyrer's passed away.
be ar.swe.ed by "yes" or "no."
legally, no one can kill that man.
Thus, the student is Insured
P. S. But Dear Murderers:
against confusing statements.
I have a plan
Finally, clearness in the true or
Julius Boleyn
false questions will prove profitable
in the education of men who have
to b? willing 8nd capable to ac:pt
veloping men who are willing to use false questions are of unacademic the reKnons:blllty of word ard depd
a scientific approach to problems character and do damage to the
mind of international team spirit,
and seek team spirit and
Marius. H. Lubbers
for a common cause, the system
I suggest that such a method of I
of true and false questions leads to examination be dropped.
men who answer problems with a
short "yes" or "no," thus cutting off
all possibilities of debate, and discussion.
,'..n-- .
When it is generally recognized
snapped this shot just as the last of the May Queen's attendants swept
SO WHAT? Charles Fentress
problems should be solved in conby in the recessional at Stoll Field. He didn't get the girl's names, but it wasn't because they were awed
sultation of the involved authorities,
they're definitely not interested.
by the proceedings
true and false questions harm inter2-1340
national development. These consequences are inacceptable.
intend to give "trick questions." question, a rough
and even to the comparative
Concluding, we find that true and
in re- But a moral defense against a sci- mentality is required. Instead of de
or "less worse-nesentific argument is inadequate.
gard to other laws.
or false
2. To answer a true
Moreover these simplifications
confuse cause and result, because
the statement "the profits of the
company are high" may not be the
originally distinguishing feature of
company as its profits can be
the rightly deserved yield of great
efforts in service and skill under
given circumstances.
These simplified wordings are not
Ccnttmoai lHy From t P. M.
and enjoy tho wondtrful feelclear, and mostly not exhaustive.
Especially for foreign students the
ing of being welcome wherever
simplified true or false statements
you go I
are apt to be confused with the
figures of good old American speech,
June to Sept, ISA also operates
Donald O'Connor
Some instructors might seek deweekly
student flights open
fense against these arguments on
Adels Jergeni-Gle- n
the moral grounds that they do not
traveling for an educational purpose.



Herbert Allen Moore, Gene Phillips

Managing Editor
NpU Elair
News Editor
Tom Diskin
Sports Editor
Harold Fleenor
.Business Manager
Society Editor
Btty Bock ess
Asst. Focit'ty Editor
Clara Early
Holton Mastin....Head Feature Writer
Wilfred Lott
Advertising Manager
Dick Macke, Joe Lee, Janet Ar.df-rsoCopy De. k
Joan Cook, Bruce Dunlap
Advertising Staff
Rosemary Hilling and Eill Mansfield
Assistant News Editors
Earl Conn, Kent Hollingsworth, Bob
Asst. Sports Editors

Friday, May ID, 1930






Tage 2

Bob Fain, Katheryn Whitmer..
News Desk
Ben Williams..Jhotographer
Dorothy Allen....Circulation Mgr.
Irwin Higgs.
Simpson Tomkies, Bob Fain,
Shirley Porter, W. J. Boughey,
Linda ' Patteson, Frances West,
Joe Coyle, Julie Blumenthal, Lewis
Donohew, Janet Anderson, Kath-ery- n
Whitmer, Jacqualine Day,
Wes Bird, Jack Suttles. Shirley
Leathers, and Betty compton, J. T.
Vatlghn, and Don Rogers









The Kernel regrets that somewhere along tlie line of transform- raw copv into last week's BooKemels feature, the name of
the Look reviewed, "The Way West," was omitted, leaving the
impression that Mr. Guthrie wrote it himself. Actually, the review
should have appeared at
was written bv Cob Cox, whose
the end.
Also, in the same vein, the article in the previous week's Kernel
about the concert series to le held at the Coliseum was misleading.
It was inadvertantly retrieved from an old galley of type, and was
outdated. No tickets remain on sale for the series in fact, more
than KXX) people are already on the waiting list. To Mr. Chester
Travelstead we olfer our apoligies for any inconvenience it might
have caused him.


Pity The Poor Senior



time-savin- g,






"bet-ternes- s"

Most of the offended have demanded an editorial attack on the
edict; none has ventured