xt7ngf0mtd85 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mtd85/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1944-03-03  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March  3, 1944 text The Kentucky Kernel, March  3, 1944 1944 1944-03-03 2013 true xt7ngf0mtd85 section xt7ngf0mtd85 f

The ECentuqcy Kernel

Learn The GI Way
To Lace Your Shoes

Our lighters Want
The Chance To Vote





Nine Seats In SGA Assembly Lew Sarett
Will Address
Will Be Filled At Election Convo Todav
Third Hour
Scheduled For Wednesday
Civilian Classes


To Be

Voting: Booths
To Be Open In
McVey, Union

Kuhlmaii Will Present
Next Sunbay Musieale

Election of nine representatives
to the Assembly of the Student
Oovernnient association will be
held from km. to 4 pm, Wednesday, in the second election under
the new rotation system, according

Sarett, poet, woodsman, unl-- I
versity professor, and lecturer, will
address the student body at 10 a.m.
today in Memorial hall at an all-- i
student convocation.
hour civilian classes will be dis- missed, according to Dr. Leo M.
Chamberlain, dean and registrar.
Dr. George K. Brady, professor of
English, who was a student under
Sarett at the University of Illinois,
will introduce the speaker.
Best Seller
Sarett, one of the best known
literary figures in America, will


Kentucky's Rampaging 'Cats
Favored To Cop Loop Crown
As SEC Ballle Is Under Way

Guignol Tryouts
To Be Sunday
Tryouts will be held from 3
to 5 Sunday for the forthcoming production. Accent on
Youth, said Frank Fowler, director of Guignol productions.
All students or faculty members interested are urged to
come and tryout, he said.

Rupp Predicts
Tech, Big Blue
May Go To Finals

Winter Quarter Exams
Slated For March


Voice Instructor
Will Appear Jn
Program At 4 p. m.

to Ray Garrison, chairman of the



Heads Drive

16-1- 8

Schedule For
Law College
Not Listed

Red Cross Begins
Student Campaign

Kernel Sports Editor

With only one regret, that Tennessee does not have a team to be
defeated in revenge for last year's
two point victory, Kentucky's rampaging Wildcats with fourttfti wins
behind them left yesterday for
Louisville and SEC land. Favorites
at 1 to 4 to cop the loop crown, the
'Cats will face
100 to 1 chance, in the first tilt at
p. m. Thursday in the Jefferson
county armory.

From 1 to 2:50 p.m.. classes meet-- (
ing the fourth hour on any cycle
starting on either Monday or Wed- nesday. From 3 to 4:50 pjn., classes
meetm& tne fourth hour on any
cjcie Munuiif un enuer iue.vuay vr


Bettye McClanahan, junior from
lection committee.
Dallas, Texas, has been named to
Examinations for the winter
Robert Kuhlman, baritone and '
Voting booths will be placed in
head' the civilian student Red quarter will be given Thursday.
IfeVey hall for arts and sciences, voice instructor at the University,
Cross drive which will begin on the
Saturday. March 18: From 8 to
orglneerlng, and agriculture stu- will be soloist at the regular must- campus next week In cooperation March 16. through Saturday. March
dent. Commerce, graduate, and cale which will be presented at 4
with the Fayette county campaign. 18, the registrar's office has
' 9:50 a.m., classes meeting the fifth
speak on Slow Smoke, a best seller
Uv students will rote in the Union p. m. Sunday in Memorial hall.
hour on any cycle starting on either
Lieut. Arthur A. Erlckson, miliin 1925-2- 6
and winner of the prize
The following schedule will
Monday or Wednesday. From 10
'offered by the Poetry Society of tary department, and Pvt. Bill
Jean Marie McConnell, a graduate
l-to all examinations in all
solto 11:50 a.m., classes meeting the
America for the best volume of Johnson, ASTP, will head the
of the University music department,
of the University except tth fifth hour on any cycle starting on
dier campaign and Bart N. Peak,
Students may rote only for rep- will be
poetry published in 1925.
Since The Kernel, because of
i either Tuesday or Thursday. From
Kuhlman's accompanist.
secretary of the YMCA, and Dr. W. law college:
resentatives of their colleges, and
manpower shortages, most go
"Lew Sarett is one of the most S.. Taylor, dean of the education
Thursday, March 16: From 8 to 1 to 2:50 pjn.. classes meeting the
Since his musieale appearance
voters must present some means
successful lecturers on the Ameri- college, will lead the faculty effort. 8:50 a m.,
to press early Thursday night,
all classes meeting the sixth hour. From 3 to 4:50 p.m..
of Identification at the polls. It was last year, Mr. Kuhlman has studied
can platform today; this modern
results of last night's W ornaMeeting Today
first hour on any cycle starting on classes meeting the seventh and
voice under Louis H. Diercks at
but robust Thoreau has a philoso- -;
ment games eomld not be inMonday or Wednesday. From eighth hours, appointments, con- The drive will start with a meetEarl Ashcraft, Independent, and Ohio State university, and Robert j
phy that will stand examination,' ing at 4 pjn. today in room 204 of either 11:50 a.m., classes meeting the j flicts, etc.
cluded In this bane.
10 to
was the remark made by Clyde the Union building, at which time
ferl Baker, Independent, are un- Lawrence Weer, noted New York
Because of this condition, oar
first hour on any cycle starting on
No final examinations shall be
opposed for the positions of repreBeck, literary editor of the Detroit James Park, alumnus of the Uniadvance story was writtea be
either Tuesday or Thursday. From given before the last three days of
law college and vocal coach. During the past year
Evening News.
sentatives from the
fore any results were kn
versity, commonwealth attorney of I to 2:50 p.m., classes meeting the any quarter except on written
oitiserclass man from engineering, Kuhlman has appeared in concert
Harriet Monroe of the Poetry Fayette county, and chairman of
hour on any cycle staring mission from the registrar, his n
Respectively, and have been de- and recital in Lexington, New York,
magazine stated that, "Lew Sarett the Red Cross campaign for Fayeither Monday or Wednesday. flee has announced.
clared elected by the committee.
Ohio, Virginia, and Indiana. These
Coach Adolph Rupp who hai
has the character equipment to ette county, will be present to ex- From 3 to 4:50 pjn. classes meetIn case of a conflict, the Instrucpar?
concerts included several Oratorio
Candidates listed
write poems expressive of the
plain affairs and the quota for Fay- ing the second hour on any cycle tor involved shall re pert this fact guided six SEC championship team,
predicts that Oeorgia Tech and
ticular kind of heroic spirit which ette county. The goal is $117,500 in starting on either Tuesday or to the registrar at least two
'Official candidates listed by the performances and a concert and
weeks Kentucky will meet in
radio performance of. Lehmann's
is building the future of America the county as compared to $60,000 Thursday.'
the finals
committee include:
before the final exam period. In
Persian Garden, from which he is
while nations are painfully digging last year. Although the University
Saturday night, after Tech defeats
Friday, March 17: From
Arts and sciences, lowerclass
to 9:50 isuch a case the registrar shall
. . '. baritone, will appear in conclaudine Gibson, Constitu- singing two excerpts on the Sunday cert at the musieale at 4 p. m. Sun- their way out of the past. He is does not have a set quota, the goal
classes meeting the third hour cide when the examination is to be Vandy Thursday and Tulane Friday. The Tech naval trainees are
the most intimate friend of the this year is expected to be almost on any cycle starting on either given.
tionalist; upperclass woman, Jane program.
day in Memorial
wolves, deer, coyotes, and other doubled over that of last year's Monday or Wednesday.
to 1 odds on their record
McConnell Accompanies
CKdham, Independent, and Scotty
orien-11:From 10 to
The final examination in
beasts of our wilds, among all the which was $2,161.69, raised by the
HcCulloch, Constitutionalist; lowDanville,
Miss McConnell,
ajn classes meeting the tation shall be given at the last of 13 victories in 16 starts, but Rupp
poets, living or dead who have students and faculty members.
erclass man, Joe E. Mettler, Indemusic supervisor in the Fayette
third hour on any cycle starting regular class period before the final points out that those wins were verwritten about them."
sus little-knoservice quintets.
The Red Cross, which is the link on either Tuesday or Thursday, examination period.
pendent; upperclass man, J. Camp-ba- ll County schools.
between the American people and
Tulane s record is 16 wins and one
Once Newsboy
Cantrdl. Constitutionalist, and
The program will open with Calm
loss, with one game to go.
Charles Gruenberger, Independent. Repose, from Deidamla, by Handel,
Coming out of the forests of the Its Army and Navy, between the
op- woman, followed by an aria from the Magic
Lake Superior country as a boy, soldier and his family, is a vast
. Agriculture,
record, with
Sarett was, in Chicago, a newsboy, welfare work reaching Into every
Lavton, Constitutionalist. Flute by Mozart; Abends timmung,
conferThe annual state YWCA
several losses by tremendous scores.
bundle-carriin a department rural and urban community of the
'.Commerce, lowerclass woman, Do- a seldom performed Delius song; ence will meet March
at the a
LSU has suffered S of its 12 losses
and Come. Let's Be Merry, by an Maxwell Street Presbyterian church. store, and a worker in a sweatshop. United States.
lores Thompson, Independent.
Sending Food
by slight margins.
way to the
program will be Later, he found his
3 Graduate, representative at largo, unknown English composer.
The theme of the
Among the many activities of
North where he beame a
Second Group
World Peace.
Jeanne Lowry, Independent.
Mfiwajwywi Tens of thousands of nrisoners. Though record of the five other
a teahcer of woodcraft In sports- this organization is that of sending
The second group will include an
At 4 pjn. Friday, registration men's camps, a naturalist, and a 10,000 special boxes of food and
possibility that other names
nnofimo nnivoiili. OVUUtliM, iC IV" LPftlTLS.
wauM fcvi
UiUt4MliJ ..,An
ftould be added to the list of can- aria from Leoncavallo's opera Zaza; starts, and at 7:30 p.m. Maynard U. S. Ranger in the Rocky Moun- candy for prisoners of war. Garden
day clamoring for books to keep 40 Kentucky's, Rupp warns that we
Nebbie. by Respighl; and Mattinata, Catchings, national YMCA student tains.
tools are soon to be sent
seed and
didates after Kernel press time was
' their minds active and informed, have --no basis' for Judging their
by Leonavallo.
secretary, will speak on Peace Unto Americans in German prison 9"'
aaentloned by Garrison.
according to information from the relative strengths. But most men
Winning many prizes In poetry, camps.
Field Beloved, Sorrow in Spring, der Construction.
ho know predict a battle in the
These men, fellow studf
Sarett has had his poems Included
Floods of Spring, by Rachmaninoff; ' Miss Fern Bubcock, program .sec- In many of the school readers and tThe international agreement now
behind barbed wire, war prisoners finals at 8 Saturday between Ken-- j
Investigation' 1s"" 'being' made to
permits the Red Cross to send and
by retary of the national
The Statue at Czarskoe-Selcollege textbooks and in the imfor the duration, write. "Please tricky and Georgia Tech. Two of
determine if the following persons Cui; and My Native Land, by
will discuss Peace Construction on portant anthologies of American receive emergency cables regarding
send us difficult books. We have Tech's early season wins were
filed petitions before the deadline:
compose the
the welfare of men in the enemy
our Campuses which will be follow- literature.
time enough to spend a day on a against the Conference
aknily Jones, Constitutionalist, com- Grethaninoff,
third section.
ed by a campus program seminar
j Bulldogs for long counts.
merce, lowerclass woman; B. F.
Rabbi Julian Fleg, Temple Adath
purpose of the Red . . .
The main
Kuhlman is singing The Mesa which will be led by Maynard Israel, will pronounce the invocain the WSSF drive beginning
Constitutionalist, arts
TV or km an.
These are the types of books j Smallest tournament roster in
Cross is to solve the problems of Monday will be used in "universiAd sciences lowerclass man; Betty Trail, which was written for liim Catchings, Miss Rose Mae Withers, tion and the benediction.
college or preparatory history, the pairings were made
military men and also all kinds of ties of captivity" such as is pictured needed:
by Joseph Tague of the Eastman and Miss Evelyn van Herrmann,
Tpevls, arts and sciences lowerclass
school textbooks in current use rrcm sa teams. Last year 11 were
personal problems of civilians alsecretaries of student YWCA's in
oman. If they are found eligible School of Music. The song is in
which comply with restrictions be- - represented, but this year's smaHer
though most of the effort Is directgroup makes it easier to
tfeelr names will be included on the manuscript form, and this will be the South.
ed toward war work at this time.
Collecting ' textbooks and other low; standard works in English lit- - size1
the first concert performance of
Dr. Howard Been
fellots, he said.
itriin ratine all nlffht came. TTl Infill
The student drive will be conduct- volumes needed by American sol- '.Eligibility of two other applicants the number. The group will close
Louisville will be
At 1:30 pjn. Saturday, Dr. HowDickens TtM!kluvf
Meredith. 'of UK asfans to plans
ed throughout the sorority houses
with two excerpts from In A Per- ard Beers, professor of rural sodiers in German prison camps, theiHmrdy, Galsworthy.
to send its
Maugham: great,
pss questioned by the committee.
residence halls on the campus
sian Garden, by Lehmann.
ciology, will speak on Peace Under
Doyle, members Just as in the "good old
JLn Beasley, Constitutionalist, who
places will be designated in the World Student Service Fund wltl standard detective stories
$4 and and
A coin purse containing
The last group of songs will in- Construction in our Social Lives.
book Christie,
Sayers, etc.;
language days." Most students plan to leave
applied for graduate school repreUnion bulldihe and in the Campus open its . ,
i .1 . n
grammars, reaaerg, ana
sentative, is being questioned be- clude Silent Strings, by Bantock; Labor, race, and community disor- several loose dollars from a coat Book Store for those Who wish to campaign Muiiuuy.
uinuwu aim siay .1
collection depots in every classics in English. French, Ger- - j Sunday.
believes tMt And Russia Is Her Name, by Je- ganization seminars will be held at pocket were stolen from the Uni- donate, was the statement made by
ak use the committee
rome Kern; Cabaret, an unusual 2:30 p.m. and will be open to all versity Library Tuesday night. Miss
Team There Today
women's residence unit, the Union man. Italian. Russian, etc.; books
she seat should be filled by a
Miss McClanahan.
blues song written for the concert students and leaders. Miss Jean Margaret King, University librarian,
Kentucky's "staggering favorite"
building, and the Campus Book from the Modern library. Every George Warwick. IndepenStore, the campaign will employ man library, Hazen Series in Re- - tam, is in Louisville today with
dent, who applied for arts and sci- stage by Tansman; and Tomorrow, Allen, dean of women of Berea col- reported.
The thief, thought to be imperSchu, Tingle, Moseley,
publicity posters with pictures of ligion. Home University library.
j Brannum,
ences upperclass man, is being did- by Korngold, which was featured lege, Miss Jean Fairfax, dean of
sonating a soldier, entered the Ref- war prisoners.
Types of books which cannot be Parkinson, Vulich. DeMoisey. Yes- dered because he is registered as in the recent film, The Constant women of Kentucky State College, erence room and took the coin
and Mavnard natrtiintrs will l in
n Bui awaiting tonight's
Downtown churches are cooper- - Knt mciU(je: magazines and news- - j
special student. These matters Nymph.
purse which Miss Artie Lee Taylor,
charge, of the discussions.
ating by announcing to congrega- - papers, any book having military game. Rupp is confident, but warns
ljve been turned over to the SGA
on her
Judiciary committee. If the per-atv..c
The World Student Christian assistant librarian, had left
signincance; aavanceu tecnnicai
-- i
of American nrisoners and iiwiia -- j
are found eligible their names
Federation dinner will be held at desk. Miss Virginia Hill, also Per- ea DyPitcaarn Island wiU be review
Butttiiicu i putaiiB, vucuuau y, n.irt rr
' (Continued on funr n,,t- juov
ur. kuius boutnworm 01 by
assistant librarian, left the
fag members to bring books aeronautics, geography, radio, pub- ill! also be listed on the ballots. .
Page Three)
6 p.m. Saturday. ,Dr. J. Huntley
Dupre, professor of history, will iodical room where she was work- Berea, Thursday, in the Invitation to church with them Sunday, lished since 1938; books criticizing j
March 5. These books will later be existing military, political, econom- speak on Peace Under Construction ing for a few minutes and return to Reading series.
Dr. Southworth. who is a retired coUected by the
ed to find the money in her coat
ic and social institutions, or iden- Students wishing to enter li in by International Lives, follow- pocket missing.
spent several months on
consisting of Mary Ann tilled with anti-Naa discussion.
activities: hisbraries in the annual competition ed
empty Pitcairn Island. He will show sUdes Macke
Wednesday morning the
Baskett. Betty tories that discuss European or
Other Leaders
for $30 and $20 prizes offered by
silk coin purse was found on top of which he took there that illustrate Tevis Bruce Kenne!lv. and D. O. world history
sine 1914.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson, Lexing
Other leaders are Dr. Henry N. the fire extinguisher on the third the primitive mode of living of the BuriM.
ton, for the best collection of books Sherwood, professor of political floor of the Library.
are urtred bv the com- students
owned by undergraduates must science; Miss Minnie Maude
According to Miss King, this is
The review will be given at 3 mUtee to search their libraries and
register before April 15, it was an
professor of physical
the first theft in the Library in pjn. hi the Browsing room of the contribute every book conforming j
nounced yesterday.
tsoward Hall's . . .
on Page Three)
University Library,
several years.
to regulations below.
By Shirley Metier
. dancing class will be held at
Registration can be made by see
Wednesday in the Blue-gra- ing Miss Margaret L King, Uni
S15 pjn.
Question: If yon were a college
room of the Union building.
versity librarian: George K. Brady,
professor, what would yoa do to
Lieut. Col. Gerald Oriffin, bat- - make yonr Usms more in teres Unc?
professor of English; or Thomas D.
CM Delta Phi . . .
Univer- talion commander at the
... . initiation will be held at 2 p.m. Clark, acting head of the history
Pvt. Walter Brsocklann, Breckinsity, has been transferred to Male ridge hall:
Tuesday in room 204, Union build department.
I'd put some women in
High School, Louisville, as profeslAg.
our classes.
Students may get their picContestants must have been in
sor of military science and tactics
tures which are to appear in
Sing . . .
attendance at the University for 'at
Adalin Stem. A AS. senior: I'd
in the ROTC unit there.
the Kentuckiun from 1 to 3
... . will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- least two years. In case the conIrff t
rlat than) tl tha esvia?
Colonel Griffin, a member of the
p.m. Tuesday and Thursday of
day in the Bluegrass room of the testant enters the University in his
m whlch we Uve.
By Wanda Lee Spears
University military staff since May.
next week at the Kentuckian
tfiuon 'building,
Junior year, registration in the
of the validity of knowledge."
Faerson hall:
1941. graduated as a reserve officer
John Kuiper teacher of philoso- oiffce in McVey hall, was the
quarter prior to graduation will be
freshman club . . .
One of the few teachers who have
bao m' subjecv
in the Infantry from the University
announcement made by Viryears. phy there are no other words that
a'. . will hold a leap year party at counted as a part of the two
not taught any of the ASTP men,
could better describe him. Even
in 1922. His graduating class was ' Pvt. Irrin Beck. Kinkesa hail:
ginia Long, editor. It will not
CIS pjn. Monday in the Card room
Any library entered in the com
one of the first ROTC classes m I'd bring things for demonstration
his presence stirs us into deeper
says concerning post-wpossible for anyone else to
petition must contain at least 50 thinking,
4 the Union building.
and use stories for examples.
advanced training.
and listening to his soft,
"Nothing radically different
I get the pictures.
volumes, and all the books must be
Upperclass . . .
cultured voice expounding the prinCalled to active duty with the
Sherman, Af.. sophomore:
hope. Of course the result of the
will meet at 6:15 owned by the student entering the ciple of philosophy, one could easily
.':. .
commission of a captain in Janu- Serve refreshments.
war will deepen interest in fundajLa. Monday in the Music room of collection.
1941, he attended the Infantry
feel himself a scholar with Kuiper
Pvt. W. J. Elemes, Kinkead hall:
mental problems in religion and
the Union building. R. B. Atwood.
Ordinary text books for classroom the teacher even as in ancient
school at Ft. Benning. Ga., before Tell decent Jokes.
use and books of a highly technical times, when the Greeks sought culof Kentucky Slate
coming to the University.
Esther Freidman, AAS, senior: I
Can't Escape Philosophy
will speak on the American nature will be excluded from congraduating from the Command and
ture in this way.
would stoP
sideration. Emphasis will be placed
"You never get away from
Born in Grand Rapids, Michigan,
A new course. Religion and Cul- - General Staff school at Fort Leav- upon the choice of books and the March, 1898, he attended the Oscal
losophy," he maintains. "Wnatnian
Pvt. Jim Hnmphrey, Breckinridgs
Activities . . .
oflVred next ouarter enworth. Kan., in 1943. Colonel
scope of the collection in the Judg grade and high schools. Although
is is closely tied up with philosophy. from i0 t0 u a m- - Tuesday through Griffin made a tour of duty.
hall: Serve beer.
.14 . committees of the Union board
Now that people are asking these
while at the University, he was
Jack Tingle.
tUl meet at 5 pjn. today in the ing. Individual taste and initiative interested in languages for his first
freshman: I'd
htlxi Dr.
m TOOm 108
questions perhaps they will go in Clayton Bower, retired professor of a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, make it a point to tell jokes every
will be emphasized and no set
years of college, he became interTalon building.
to philosophy deeper."
- social fraternity, editor or me K.er- - j day and dismiss class about fifteen
on Page Three)
iVar Effort . . .
religion at the University of Chiested in philosophy in his Junior
nel for four years. Kentuckian edi- - minutes early.
A limitation of this field is the cago, announced last week.
year. He received his M.A. from
i'i . committee of the Union bdtrd
lack of vocations, he explains. WritMichigan in 1922 and became an
Dr. Bower was teacher of the tor and a Cadet Lieutenant Colonel j
U meet at 6:S0 p.m. Wednesday
cuff rwbt. Kinkead hall: I
ing and teaching are the only vo- Bible for many years at Transyl- - in the ROTC. As a civilian. Colonel wouidn't use & many "hlgh-falu- tInstructor in philosophy there in
ip the Union building
cations open. The majority of Stu- vania college and for the last sev- - urimn neauea tne ixmgton bu- - mg words.
1924. In 1929 he was made associDutch Lmneh . . .
dents tend to believe a satisfactory enteen years has been professor oi reau oi me courier-journa- i.
ate professor and acting head of
. club will meet at noon today at
Virginia Gregory. A AS. freshman:
amount of philosophy can be learn- the school of reugion at tne
Tom Underwood, editor of The the department at the Unive?sity
tt-- e
Colonial Bowling lanes. Miss
I'd go in for abstract and psychoIs acrecognized
ed in a few minutes, when it
lersity of Chicago. He is
tera Latsky, professor of textiles Lexington Herald, addressed Dr. and was promoted to professor and
logical studies.
tually a lifetime work, he says.
aa art amnnritv nn rpliirinns edUCa
nd clothing, will discuss SprUig Henry Noble Sherwood's class in head of the department hi 1931.
Pvt. Roger
- Jg
political science at 10 am. Tuesday.
The hope of the world is probably tion and has served on the commitPast President
john KLirta
hall: Supply cigarettes and leave
His subject was The Work of the
of the Kentucky . . . professor of philosophy, makes based on the words of Kuiper, "I
Ooodyear Aircraft . .
Enrol'jiient in Co. G. ASTP- - material on the board long enough
Kentucky Legislature.
chapter of the AAUP, he belongs to one feel like a student through his can't help but perceive such a world nnni mZv Rrhnnl wrnia, Dr. ROTC,
Ti. . corporation representative will
be copied.
has been Increased to 23
war Bower's latest book Is The State
crisis with all the effects of
At 11 ajn. Dr. T. W. Rainey, edi- the Association of Symbolic Logic mere presence.
lie on the campus Tuesday to in- Pvt. Bncky Kavahinoff, Boyd hail:
the addition of Charles Eblen,
morwill deepen the emotional and
and Church in Education.
rvlew senior women for positions torial writer for The Lexington and the Southern Social Philosophy
by saying "In both we go into the al life of the people to the extent
This course is open to soDhomures John Hutchinson, and Edward Lan- - Whenever I'd notice anyone fall- ill teres ten Leader, spoke to Dr. Sherwood's and Psychology.
wltu MM company.
specialized hi logic and whole problem of how we know the that there will be an increased in- - who have had sociology I and to ders. These men returned from the ing asleep, I'd run la a dozen chor- B, foreign
policy clat un What Is
He has
domett should call Mrs. Sarah
problesi terett ill chilesoplv."
extent if tut'Trldge-Ui- e
He expliitat his stud;'
ep!stem'-'l-g- y
Jar appointment.








cot-lege- s







per-seco- nd








YWCA Slarls


WSSF BookjDnve Scheduled IpaSoTKS?
TojOpen Here On Monday














Purse Reported
Stolen From
University Library

















Berea Man Will
Speak Thursday
In Reading Series

Competitors For




Library Prizes
To Register Soon











Instructing Of John Kuiper
Is Similar To Qreek Culture



Kyian Pictures
Now Available

Griflin. Goes
To Male Hi:h








University Offers
Religious Course






Newspapermen Talk
To Politics Classes




Increased To

past-preside- nt





� Deal oupy wciiiciuie

The Kernel Editorial Page



Amcf. Watkins


Enters at the Port Oflic at Lexington. Kentucky.
aorona rlaaa waiter under the Art ot March J. irN.
Kentuem-Intereollcmate Prrs. Association



Lerlnirton Board of Commerce
Krnt urkr Press Association
National Editorial Association

mti.. ovt.







patty cliff lane






The Kernel.


Betty Tevi
Betty Lee rfeiiKrwan



Murrell Salutskv's hair has
been cut. so Dick Hunt of the
chemistry department informs
us. Rv Jimmv Saunders.
are the bushv individuals whose
locks can lie shorn bv a Phi
Beta Kappa.


Betty Lee Fleishman.
Mar LllIl" D"!- Mary Jane Oallaher. Catherine Oomcn. Carolyn Hill. Eleanore
Keetl. Mildred Long, Shirley Melster. Dora Merenbloom. Ruth




Whicker. James Lee Wood.


The Fighters Wan I To Vote
After months of wrangling oxer i he soldicr-xoiproblem, ilie two houses of Congress have
fmallv reached a rompromise whith would
hise our sen ire men and women. Should
opjiosiiion to the bill again le raised when Congress meets to vote on the measure, it might lx'
well that the personal views of our fighting men
le considered.
"The Stars and Stripes Weekly." published bv
and for our men overseas, has revealed the Cil's
opinion in an editorial appropriately headed
"Bullets and Ballots." The' Mediterranean edition of the paper took the title from a letter
written by members of a single battalion fighting in Italy and representing every section of the
nation. The letter said: "The soldiers on the
front want to fight, and they want to vote. . . .
We on the front are determined to use bullets

and ballots."
Inciters from other men and women in uniform pointed out that servicemen are under
the same obligation to exercise the franchise
as civilians.
The nearer service men and women' are to
the fighting front, the greater apiears to be
their interest in voting. The Italian edition of
Stars and Stripes received more mail on the
issue than did the editions of the pajier published in North Africa.
Mail sent to the paper indicated that service
men and women are not unaware of the constitutional difficulties and the political complexities of the issue. It was pointed out that it

would not be easv to give men and women oxer-sea- s
the political information they would need
to vote intelligently in this year's elec t ion.
Letters and statements indicate a primary
concern with the right to vote for its own sake
and reflect a Ixlief that the mcmliers of an
American citien arniv, even if outside the continental limits of the United States, retain the
basic rights and privileges of ritiensliip. 1 he
writers do not believe ihey are asking Congress
for" anv special privilege. They feel they are
asking for a simple right.
Stars and Stripes concludes: "The overall
view reflected in opinions expressed to The
Stars and Stripes is that men and women in uniform overseas have proved that they are good
Americans and that good Americans should
have 3 practical voting law.'
that politics, states' rights, and red
We feel
tape should not be allowed to obscure the fundamental issue that the soldiers want to vote
and the soldiers should have the opportunity
to vote.


"We'l. if it isn't fjood old Joe


It's a small world, isn't it.

What Goes On There . . .




Ir.ig vour volumes down.

dren. thev're needed vers miu'i.
So desKiaie is the situation
that prisoners write. "Send vis
difficult books we haxe time
six nd a whole il.tx mi j iuge."


Connnrm.il v on ilnim food.
When queried as to whether
What s this wr hr.ir about a
today's meat was pork or Ixt-f.Marx Louise is not one girl remarked calmly. "I certain private in Company F
don't know, but mine just walk- receiving a imiue Irom his
ed across the floor'ainl barked." draft fxiard that he h.is just
Ixrn placed in
-- u
r. jl.
People we like:
the private significant lv : "Hinm.
Alice Wootton (She's a prof,
"I I now w hx xou're being niavfie I will go to the Army afor nearly so.)
nice to me." an ASTRP tox ter all."
Fleanore keeti (She has "The said the oilier dav. "The
up on her head.) diers are leaving and von want
Marian Yjics and Naiux T.iv-lo- r
Jesse Adams (He's a friend's to Ret on mv Rood side." Watch
out, youngsters the I K coeds
(Inc.) have voted m Olcxa
box of the week-- he
i heir pin-u- p
Herbert Frgcl (How did he are wolfin'.
m le pinned up in the
gel in herer)
Don't walk up to Adele Den-in- . nearest dark dosci.
Claude Bogardns (A genius
with a '"look" in his ey