xt7ngf0mtd60 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt7ngf0mtd60/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1950-07-28  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 28, 1950 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 28, 1950 1950 1950-07-28 2013 true xt7ngf0mtd60 section xt7ngf0mtd60 The Kentucky Kernel
Every Pound Counts!




Kernel Quick-SigInto What's Inside


Summer dieting story

page 3.
Episllc from Mr. Hamilton
in letters column . . . page 2.
Wildcat 1950-5schedule . . . page 4.





Bob Gain meets Stellas


Error in marriage figures
pointed ok' . . . page 2.
High school students at
UK music clinic . . . page 3.
Students to present streamlined version of opera "Carmen" . . . page 3.
Read library science schom
feature . . . page 3.
Downing Open Tennis
Tournament story . . . page 4.
Intermural softball tourney
to begin . . . page 4.
Weather damned . . .
page 2.








"Magazines and Their Readers One Hundred Fifty Years
Ago," was the subject of an address given Monday in the Browsing Room of the library by Dr. William S. Ward, of the UK English Department.
Interest has grown in old periodicals during the past 15 years. Dr.

Ward said, possibly because they are
a relatively unexplored field. These
old magazines are interesting because they tell us what and how the
average man though 150 years ago.
Some of the pressing subjects back
then were democracy, industrialism,
and capitalism, the speaker said.
Several famous old periodicals of
which Dr. Ward gave short histories
were: Gentleman's Magazine, Critical Review, Monthly Review, and
the Edenburg Review.
The review is different from the
magazine in that it prints chiefly
criticisms of books and writings. Dr.
Ward said. One of the characteristics of the reviews of those days
was that they were unsigned. This
made for much freedom and honesty of expression.
The average review was about 15
pages long. Long enough for religion and politics to get mixed up
Approximately 250 Kentucky high with the reviewing, the speaker said.
school bandsmen and 30 band direcy
sumtors are expected to a
mer band clinic beginning on the
campus Monday, July 31.
Serving as guest conductor of the
clinic will be Bernard Fitzgerald,
director of the University of Texas
The College of Agriculture and
concert band. Mr. Fitzgerald
is Home Economics is sponsoring a
president of the College Band Di- short course in poultry-raisin- g
rectors National Association.
It will be open to all
The guest conductor will be as- poultry-keeper- s,
hatchery operators,
sisted by Dr. Edwin E. Stein, head and other persons connected with
of the Music Department, and Profs. the poultry industry.
Frank J. Prindl, William Worrell,
Assisting members of the poultry
and Warren Lutz, all of the UK section at the University will be
music staff.
hatchery operators,
Recreation plans for students and and three authorities from other
directors are as follows: Monday, states.
movies; Tuesday, dancing; WednesAt the close of the course examday, faculty recital; Thursday, stu- inations will be given persons who
recital; and Friday, concert by desire to qualify to approve flocks
the clinic band. All these programs and test for certain diseases in the
will begin at S p.m.
National Poultry Improvement Plan.

Agriculture College
Plans Poultry Course

'- -



Nation's Divorce Rate Will Increase
Says Family Life Institute Speaker


These problems," Dr. Hill went on, "are soluble if most of us
family people are working to keep families well."
CHILDLESS MAHKIAGES, too, may be expected to increase,
Dr. Hill said, since they "are better equipped to meet the hazards
of economic depression than arc those marriages burdened with
With the many new family problems brought by war there
were also appreciable gains, Dr. Hill pointed out. Among those
gains were the new appreciation of fathers on the part of wives

and children, and increased appreciation for the place of youth
in community life, and greater economic freedom for women.IN A SEPARATE speech concerning courtship, Dr. Hill said
that Americans are strangely irrational in their choice of mates
and that too many marriages are "in the Hollywood romantic
All things considered, he declared, a man does not select the
type of woman who will make a good wife.
"He almost always selects the sort of woman with whom he
can fall in love, and women likewise select husbands on the same
gloriously irrelevant basis. It is almost as if we selected doctors
for the color of their hair or railroad engineers for their knowledge
of early Egyptian theology.
"THE PERSON WITH whom one most easily falls in love is
the person whom one can idealize, but this is not a particularly
valuable trait in the marriage situation.
"The norms of courtship desirability are sometimes definitely
opposed to those of marriage. The subtleties of a woman's character, even unreasonable whimsies or great blank spots of mystery
in her, may make her very attractive before marriage but very
hard to live with.
"On the other hand," Dr. Hill said, "anyone can point out innumerable women who have every wifely virtue but lack the ability to get husbands."
MARRIAGE EDUCATION and counseling is perhaps the
chief means of combatting this, the speaker continued.


Says Dr. Donovan In Statement For Kernel
By Joe Lee

Students planning to register
for the fall semester in September may obtain registration cards
at a special booth in the basement of the Administration
Building, according to Dr. Lee
Sprowles, registrar.
The booth will be open from
a.m.. and 4 p.m., on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.




UK Accepts


$22,800 In
Gift Funds


has been
accepted by the UK Board of Trus
tees. Most of the money will go for
research or scholarship funds.
The University Agricultural Experiment Station will receive $11,100
of the total. These gifts include
$2000 from the Distillers Feed Research Council. Inc.. Cincinnati, for
research on the value of corn distillers dried grains as livestock feed;
$5,000 from the Keenland Foundation for continuation of a study on
jaundice in new born foals: and
$4100 from the Republic Steel Corporation for research in pasture
management, pasture and tobacco
Other gifts received were $2500
from the Consolidation Coal Company of Kentucky for renewal of
that company's research fellowship
fund in the College of Engineering:

Dr. Ward
Browsing Room Speaker

Subject Is
Atom Usage


A belief that the United States will have an increasing number
of divorces was expressed by Dr. Rculx-- Hill, University of North
Carolina sociologist, at a meeting of the Family Life Institute
which was held on the campus last week.
Dr. Hill said this country was a "rough testing ground" for
families and that problems confronting American faniilieji today
are more numerous and more complex than ever before in the
nation's history.
World War II fostered countless unstable marriages that have
in turn created unstable families, Dr. Hill said. Children produced by these marriages, he continued, are now and will continue for a number of years to le this nation's "problem children."
But despite their seriousness these problems are not hopeless.
striking at the causes of delinquency, diA positive approach
will prove more effective than the
vorce, and parental neglect
negative work of patching vp homes that already are broken, he

Only Joe Stalin Could Answer The Question
Of Probability Of All-OWar At This Time

English Prof Discusses Registration Cards
Are Now Available
Last Century Magazines



Educational Stronghold In The Sotith

University's Policy On Course Credits
If Students Are Drafted Is Announced

High School
Due Here

SALAD OR SUNDAE is the problem photographer Mark Hughes
found Joan Thompson pondering one lunehtime this week. From
where we stand, Joan ran eat either or both and still be the Kernel's
of 1950. The answer to the question of
Domination for Miss Pin-l'- p
salad vs. snndae though can be found on page 3 in a feature on dieting
and balanced meals.



FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1950



Vnitervtif of Kentuchj

"Should the U.N. Authorize the
Use of the Atomic Bomb at This
Stage of the Korean Conflict?" will
be the topic discussed over station
WHAS at 10:30 a.m. Sunday on the
"UK Round Table."
This week's participants include
Dr. Riley B. Montgomery, president
of the College of the Bible; Dr.
Lewis A. Pardue. dean of the Graduate School and a physicist; Dr.
Elvis J. Stahr, dean of the Law
College and a former Army officer
stationed in Asia; and Ivan E. Ball,
education student and former Army
sergeant who will present the enlisted man's viewpoint.

$22,800 in gifts

total of

Jesse H.
Inc., for the 1950-5- 1
Mary Gibbs Jones scholarships;
$1000 from the Ralph E. Mills
Foundation for renewal of two
scholarships, one in the College of
Engineering and one in the College
of Agriculture: $500 from the Kentucky Association of Highway Contractors for renewal of that organization's scholarship; $700 from the
cover the University's share in the
cost of operation gauging stations
on Dix River; and $2000 from the
senior men's leadership
Omicron Delta Kappa, for construction of a lighting system on the UK
intramural athletic field.





r- -




STUDENTS WHO HAVE had to leave for service already will
receive half credit for their courses since they did not complete
the required six weeks. Thus far only one such case is known to
the registrar's office.
In the event any student is called to service during the regular semester beginning in September, he will receive full credit
for all courses in which he is passing if he has completed at
least 12 weeks of the semester.
In all cases when the student is called, in order to receive
credit for his courses, he will have to submit evidence of his immediate induction to the registrar's office.
THIS IS "the idential policy used by the University during
World War II," according to Dr. Leo M. Chamberlain, vice president of the University. "It seemed to work effectively then.
Everybody thought it fair and reasonable," the vice president said.

Staff Changes
Are Released
By Colleges



What are the chances of being called up for service? No one
seems to know.
What will be the University's policy concerning credit for
courses in case a student receives such a call? That we do know.
The tentative decision, subject to approval of the faculty,
according to President H. L. Donovan, is this: The student may
receive full credit for any course in which he is passing if he continues in the University through the sixth week of summer school.
The sixth week ends tomorrow.
When questioned about the probability of a major war. President Donovan said, "I am not anticipating an
war at this
time. However," he added, "only Joe Stalin could answer that


Veterans May File

The following staff changes have
been approved by the executive
committee of the Board of Trustees:
Gordon F.
Lewis, community
of Community Service.
Resignations: Dan K. Hamilton,!
assistant professor of geology: Oscar;
G. Brockett, instructor. Department!
of English; Wiiliam G. King, assist- ant geologist.
pointment: Robert N. Price, assist-- 1
ant chemist. Department of Feed
and Fertilizer Control.
Leaves of absence: Charles M.
Stranger, soils assistant, granted
leave to December 31. 1950. in order
to continue graduate study; William
B. Back, assistant in farm manage
ment, granted leave from Septem
ber 1. 1950. to June 30. 1951. in order


Veteran students who are In
school this summer and who do
not plan to change their objective may file
in the Veterans Office between
August 1 and September 10.

Will Meet


The Filson Club, oldest historical
association in Kentucky, will hold a
special summer
session meeting
Monday at S p.m. in the Fine Arts
Building, according to Dr. Thomas
D. Clark, head of the Department
of History.
Guest speaker will be Dr. Clark,
who will speak on "The American
Frontier in Austria."
Reservations made for the meeting
total 120 although 150 persons are
expectec: to attend.
Among those
Esther L. Parks, officers of the attendingClub. be the
re Judge Davis Edwards, president;
nomics; Marianne Smith, assistant Miss Mary Verheff. vice president;
Mr. Richard Hill, secretary; and Miss
n-- .:
nMli.m. ft Ludie Kenkaid. curator, all of Louisstructor. Department of General
COLLEGE OF EDITATION Ap- - Ridgley Park, critic teacher. Cniver- pointments: Robert Hopper, asso- - SJty school.
ciate professor, Division of AdminisCOLLEGE OF PHARMACY Ap
tration: Opal Lee. critic teacher. pointment: D. H. Robinson,
University School: Harold R. Bink-leinstructor in agricultural edu- Resignation: John L. Fleming,
Leaves of absence: Herbert Soren-soINIVERSITY LIBRARY
distinguished professor, granted pointment: Elizabeth Clotfelter. as- leave of absence from September 1. sistant. Acquisitions Department.
1950, to September 1. 1951. in order
Resignations: Mrs. Austell B. Hul-t- o
accept a Fulbright professorship ett, assistant. Serials Department;
- Ellsworth Gillespie, accountant.
in Norway: Mrs. Louise W. Worthcritic teacher. University quisitions Department.
School, granted leave for one year; DEAN OF MEN
beginning September 1; Charles R. Mrs. Irene Stahl. Mrs. Emma Davis.
Crumpton. associate professor of in- - an(j Mrs. julia Boezs. housemothers,
Appoint-tic- al
dustrial education, granted sabba-- l
leave for the first semester of ment: Lillian Tate, head resident,
1950-5- 1
in order to complete re- - sayre Hall.
quirements for the doctoral degree.
other staff changes included
Resignations: Evelyn K. McElroy. clerical workers and graduate
teacher, University School; sistants.









the gent with the cane may be pleased with
OOPS! Bill Gordon
the smiles he's getting from two winsome members of "The
cast . . . but turn around. Bill . . . Zell Sharff would have a
word with you. The four are currently appearing in the latest Guignol
production, a satire on little theatres of the 19'20's.


as-cri- tic

University Announces New Director For 'Best Band In Dixie'
By WUfred Lott

Warren Lutz, instructor of woodwinds in the Music Department and assistant director of University bands last season, has
been appointed director of the "Best Band In Dixie's" intricate
marching unit. He replaces Frank J. Prindl, who will devote his
director of the University symphonic band.
time to
Mr. Lutz came to the University last fall after receiving a
Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Illinois. For
four years he was a member of the famous "Marching Illini," one
of the leaders in marching bands. He received his training under
Mark Hindsley, director of the Illinois group and past national
director of American Bands. He also served in the last World
War with the combat engineers for 42 months, holding the rank
of second lieutenant.
edition of the "Best Band In Dixie" will numlxr
TUP: 1950-51(K). Max Smith, of Somerset, Ky., will act as drum major of the
band, and Miss Sitty Uusscll, Kappa Alpha Thcta, is the newly appointed band sponsor.
lx-in- g




WARREN LI T., newly appointed director of the I K band is
of Sloll field ulii.li lie is using in
a niork-u- p
shown working
planning next year's r.i.in liin; iormalinns for I lie "Host Rand in



Any student desiring to join the University Marching
Band this fall should contact Mr. Lutz at the Music Department in the Fine Arts Building. The inarching band is open
to men students only.
Mr. Lutz pointed out that bandsmen will register early this
fall. This will enable the group to have ample preparation for
their initial appearance at the Kentucky-L.S.U- .
questioned about the type of shows on the agenda for
the football season, Mr. Lutz commented that the band will introduce new type field presentations never before seen in Lexington.
Precision individual and mass movement drills will be executed.
Special lighting will lie included in the night drills. The band
will attach flash lights to their hats and outline formations in
the dark.
DON WILSON and his small daughter, Donna, who were applauded on Stoll Field last year, will front the band as twirlers.
daughter have recently been
Mr. Wilson and his five-- ) ear-ol- d
rated superior in the Sluiner's convention at Los Angeles.

The director has devised a new method of planning band formations. He experiments with a small model football field. Small
pins resembling hat pins represent band personnel. The complex formations are plotted on the miniature field. After the desired effects have been achieved, the formations are transferred
to mimiographed material and distributed to each bandsman.
A highlight of the band's forthcoming activities will be a
special homecoming contest open to sororities, fraternities, and
other campus organizations.

Each entrant in the homecoming contest will be asked to submit a proposed show for the band to perform at the homecoming
SUCH FACTOUS as nature of formations, music to be played,
and inarching arrangements will be taken into consideration. The
organization submitting the most unique show will be presented
a trophy.

� oesi uopy Available
Vase 2, THE KERNEL, Friday, July 28, 1950


The Kentucky Kernel
Entered t ttwr Post OMee at Lexington,
Kentucky, as necond class matter under
ie Act of March 3, 1878.

$1.00 per semester





Fellow Journalist Points Out
Errors In Marriage Figures



There are 103.952 married men in the United States who do
not have a spouse.
This startling bit of information was culled from the
of the "World Almanac." The book lists 30.191.0S7
men as married, but only 30,087,135 women. It should be noted
that there was also listed the numlK-- r of widowed ami divorced
so there can lx no confusion lictween these conditions and that of
I ran into these interesting figures because of a filler (one of
those little paragraphs used to fill upspace in a paper that the reporter couldn't use) that appeared in a former issue of The

-- ..Cartoonist
...Editor Gene Phillips.- N11 Blair,
Joe Ijce.
Stanley Portmann, Gene Sears, Dor-- J.
H. ib Fain
News Editor
fred Lett, Eleanor
T. Vauchn.rZlAsstT'News Editor
Mclnturff. Wynn Mosley Paul
Stanley Portmann
S5vrts Editor
and Sue Dossett
Advertising- Manager




Pregnant Possibility

cheerless, playless, lxlievetl ly many to lo
endless, hut at the same time far from studyless weather we've
Ikh-"blessed" with for two weeks has resulted in endless fussing,
cisinc;. and discussing. Rut nobody to our knowledge lias, proposed to do anything about it, or even offered a suggestion. That's
where we come in.
M.uk Twain's contention that nobody ever does anything
n1out the weather has already been cast into the discard by the
modern rainmakers who have had considerable success in New

This particular filler claimed that 50 percent of the married
people in the United States were men. Now I do not want to call
a fellow journalist a fiar, but it is quite obvious he went off half- cocked without investigating the facts. True, he made what
sounded like a logical assumption, but it cannot be denied that
sound research and thoroughness are the basis of good journalism.
However, the purpose here is not to take this writer to task,
but to investigate the reasons for such discrepancy in the marriage

All tliis sunless,

It's a lawn mower

Writ By Hand

Campus Cleanup

York of late.

I presumed that the grill would
Wants One Cut
start the same time school did.
If rainmakers are possible, why not unrainmakers? I a pregIt didn't.
nant cloud can lie seeded with dry ice, why can't an already Per Credit Hour
The first day I waited patiently
I read with interest the letter of
cloud le unseeded, possibly with old galoshes, a couple of weeks ago concerning supposing the doors would open any
The following days, I also
umbrellas, and term papers? We'd like to know. If this weren't the the cut system. I felt that the solu- minute. presuming the grill was a
tion presented was too extreme for waited
Idiot Era, we believe something would be done about it.
our policy and aflministration, but I little slow in adopting the


still think that something could be
done to clear all the confusion.
Why isn't it possible for us to
have one cut per credit hour? If a
student is absent in excess of this
number, he should be reported to
The movies series sponsored by the Extension Department on the dean of his college. Then as a
be given fewer
Tuesdays at S:45 p.m. in the Memorial Hall Amphitheater has penalty he should semester, or as
cuts for the next
we do for every other breach of
a pleasant break in the otherwise not too eventful
proved to
attendance, have one credit hour
summer school week. Attendance at the Amphitheater has been and or one quality point added to
his graduation requirements.
would entail more bookSeveral short movies centered around such topics as American keeping this the administration, but
universities, wild life, music, from ballad to opera, and others I think it would be worth the work.
In this way the student would still
have been shown each week.
have the responsibility of keeping
Tuesday a 20 minute film on Canoe Country and a 55 minute track of his absences without the
going wild.
burlesque on Carmen with Charlie Chaplin will lie shown. The chance of
Department has planned for the following week five films which


Break During The Week

represent a few of the different classes of
Students who are interested in variety of the
sort shouldn't miss these last two programs of the series.





Remember McVey Hall!
The University, undoubtedly in cooperation with the Army,
Navy, Marines, and the Air Corps, has entered into a program to
trientate the students to the rigors of warfare.
This plan will drastically reduce the period of training needed
for the draftee. The idea consists mainly of creating the loud
noises which come with the business of shooting thy neighljor.
So far the program has been a success.
Here's the way we see it:
Rright and early every morning a bugle sounds, men snap to
attention with their brightly polished monkey wrenches gleaming
in the sun, the command is barked, and the lawn mowers are off!
Round and round they circle as they prepare to belch forth
great volumes of noise and smoke. Deployed for battle they
zigzag from trash can to trash can preparing to charge their
Finally a volcanic noise is heard, a mushroom shaped cloud of
smoke rises in the air, and the lecturers in McVey Hall prepare
to meet their doom. At first they calmly attend to delay actions,
such as lowering windows. As the battle becomes more intense
their voices become a shriek as they seek to give commands to the
students, who were as if in a sleep until this time.
Finally the students are aroused. Their sweating faces shining,
grimy hands gripping armchairs, they expectantly lean forward
to receive their professor's orders. But they fight a losing battle.
The iron-sho- d
instruments of destruction never cease.
As quickly as it began, the temptest is over. With a final rattle
from his heaving chest, the gasping professor summons his last
bit of energy to order a
Their battle won, the machines of war rumble off to their next
objective as another cross rises in the freshly-cu- t
grass by McVey.


One Eye To Go
Know of anylxxly w!k can replace a cornea?
What with all this rainy weather a new menace has spread
oxer the campus, namely ladies with umbrellas.
Please ladies, be careful. That's my eye you just gouged out.
That's my hat there in the mud
my good eye tells me. And
this shred was once my old reliable poncho.
This subject has lxien preached on before. But little good
has leen done.
See w hat I mean?

Tag A

opening hour.
Now I know that the grill has no
intention of opening at 7 o'clock . . .
and I have no place to go from 7 to
8 except to class.
Doesn't the Kernel wage editorial
campaigns occasionally to correct
just such injustices? How about it?
This isn't the only thing I don't like
but that
about summer school
seven o'clock class morning after
morning alter morning is getting me
down. As a service to mankind me
I think the Kernel should take a
stand on this matter.
J. Bruno Halifax

'Flash' Finds Fault

A news item which seniors won't overlook is that their final
grades have to Ik- - in the Office of the Registrar by 4 p.m. Thursday.
We foresee some study followed by exams and then a cut in
the graduation list.

Dear Editor:

Please, dear lady, allow me to pronounce a final benediction
those who support me in the cheesecake issue, and a final curse upon
anything that is contrary.
I would not, of course, condemn
the individuals involved but rather.
their attitudes. It is observed that
my opponents dared not even to
sign their own names to their letters. It is possible that they have
not the courage of their own convictions. Or is it truer still that
they have merely fallen prey to their
animal instincts and have no genuine convictions?
In a world literally saturated with conflicting
ideas and ideals, they run about as
little children lost in a great forest being guided by nothing in par
ticular. Each apparently assuming
that the entire universe revolves
around nothing more than his own
sex apparatus.
Let us hope, however, that such
persons may come eventually to the
realization that sensualism is by no
means an Intrinsic part of our daily
Craig Hamilton





Lexington Jewelry & Luggage Co.

S. Lime







Congratulates Staff

I should also like to congratulate
the Kernel for the fine work it is
doing this summer. With a smaller
enrollment and a proportinate decrease in activities, too often there
is little of Interest to report. However this summer what news there
is, is well written and attractively

Freshman Wants
Earlier Grill Hours

thing. Got any more





(I've forgotten my name)

This is my first semester in sum- (No.
mer school and I don't like it. I
realize there's nothing much the
Kernel can do about that, but maybe you could look into the Grill situation for me anyway.
The first week of school I cut my
seven o'clock class three times I
just don't think much of holding
classes that early. So in protest, I
cut and went to the grill. Naturally,





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Audrey Brisbane

Eyes Examined

Some married men could die and not tell their wives about it
so that they still considered themselves married, but this would
department a lot
proliably cause the
could get anMen who do not know when they are well-of- f
slight flirtation with the law in most states
other wife, but this is a
as well as being rather drastic.
The best answer to evening up the figures seems to me to lie
with the old maids. Each one of these poor souls should be allowed to consider herself married without actually taking a husband.
If 103,952 of them would be willing (How many wouldn't?) to
get in the married ranks, the figures would balance.
It is quite obvious that this condition cannot be allowed to
exist. If the sociologists are unable to come up with a solution,
it will be up to the extra married men to go out and get a wife
who does not want to be married officially.



We don't know whether rainy weather isn't conducive to
swimming or what, but the report that only an average of 16 persons per day sw im in the Coliseum pool is alarming.
Maylie students think there is too much red tape
fees, physi-- !
cals, and bathing caps.

Doesn't Like Movies


Big Business
Since arriving on the campus I
have reached the conclusion that
Why must the students go off the
You ran an editorial last week bethe true college spirit is dead. No moaning the bitterness on the cam- campus for recreation and enterlonger do students take pride in pus of the males facing a call to tainment?
looking as students are supposed to military service. You mentioned the
At most colleges of this size, the
attitude of doubt and anxiety that administrative staff has seen fit to
provide the devices needed by stuhat prevails among them.
For example, the
Frankly, I haven't sensed it to any dents to enjoy themselves. But this
of yore is seen no more. In its
place has appeared the Fedora, the marked extent, if it really does ex- is not so at the University. Here we
Homburg, and the bare head
ist. It seems to me, on the contrary, have nothing but the game room,
often bald. The hat is not the only that there is an amazing amount of the swimming pool, the tennis
considering the courts, and a few other trivial
vanishing part of the University.
Gone too are the brightly colored awful prospect of a course of events things. What this school needs is to
socks, trousers, and shirts that once that will surely change our lives to replace the Coke machines in most
graced the male form. In its place a marked extent, so long as each of of the buildings with pinball machines.
has come solids and, if the wearer us may live.
Not only would such a step perBonita Snow
is something of an extrovert and
A form a great morale-buildiegotist, stripes are seen.
to everyone, but it could also, if
must be done to
worked in the right way, be a source
remedy this situation or the future Sour Grapes
of income for the University.
generations are doomed to live a
By taking a few simple steps as to
I often have heard complaints
life of drabness and uncouthfulness.
from students at the University who the ownership and management of
pinball machines, the school could
seem very disgusted with life.
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What could be wrong with school? ness. Maybe after awhile, the UniComplains
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About Lost Time
trifling matter as trying to finish a as this needs looking into thoroughPrinted in the last issue of the term paper or catch up on the whole ly.
story by one of your summer session's reading in the next
Kernel was a
staff which expounded on the advisability of planing a time chart.
The whole purpose of the idea was
to save the student time and worry
in following his daily routine. I am
here to say, barely here, that I heeded the advice of this article. Never
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Instead of saving my precious